u& I I THE CHIEF ruaMMiRD sr CU1KF l'UUMS.l.Nfi COMPANY. One your Hi month t. II OU V) fUHM-llBI) BVKIIY PHIDAY ntoroa t tne pott offlco.-t Hed Cloud. Neb. ooad olsn mII mutter. AUVRKTIHINU R.ATKS: Local ndvcrtlshR 6 cnu per Hue per luue. Local Advertising for enlerUlnmsnUt, coil terM,Mclalii. fx., given by churches, charitable ocletlc, etc., whero all moncyii relied there from are used wholly for church or charitable locletlo Ont ten line frco and atl overtoil itneaSU rent tor line per Inane. LocaradvcrtlnltiK of entertainments, concert, recltala, etc.. whero por cent la Riven to pro moters, U cent per lino per Issue. DlnPLlT ADVBItTIHIMrt. one column per month ... ....( w Ono half column per month - .- J" One fourth rolumn per month i Oenoral display advertising 8X cents r luch perlssuc. THE NEW MANAGEMENT. No tloubl ninny of our romlora will b fturpi IrucI to It'ttru of n uliaiigt) in iiininiKoiiianl in the ofllcc of TllK Ciiikk. Ncgniinliniui him bnen po-"-itiB (or some tlnto, nnti liiti ilcnl Is now closed, wheiuby tin) uusIiusb is now owned nn it will horunttor In i-oiulurtatl by Tbo Chief I'ubllsliinK Co. Tlio nuw lirm is composed of L'lmrts Broi. nn:l Nowhouso Bros. Tim lalter RatIoint'n mod no inttodtu'tinn to the oitizona of Hod Cloud nnd vicinity, hiivinR rt-gidod bore since 1870, who red-top boots with copper toes wore the pruvnilinR stylo, and for tho lust six years have conducted a successful jswelry busi norts in this city. I'atil C Pharee, tbo senior brotbor, Is well and favor ably known in this community, having boon an employ in Tub Ciiikk ofllce about 10 year ago unilor the reglmo of A. C Hosmer. He has the experience of a life time behind him. Will M. Pharos conies from Clinteti, Illinois, whero ho has a record of elevon yoars e( faithful service in ono olllce. Ho is a practical printer, and expects to make n success of the business in Rol Cloud. Incidentally, it happens that tbo l'lmies brotbeis and Mr. Ilostncr emi grated from the sunie locality in Illi nois and served lime in the sumo printing olllce the good old Clinton Public. Wu tttiwl tbu city is lingo uiiuiikIi to hold im. Wo will do our utmost to publish n newspnper that will contain all the news. Wo put our trust in the people, who arc the real news giitheteis of a community and on whom wo will de pend for full accounts ( local and goneral happenings. Wheti you have news, bring or send it to the otlico. Come in often and pay n personal call; lot on gel belter mitmiiiU'(l. We respectfully solicit of tin- bin! ui'ii nion a bhatu of their p.itromige, loth in advcttislug and jib wink, ami gu.uautou satisfactory hoi vice. I'lio actual iiiatitmemeul of the naiier will Im iu tho liamlit of'p.uil C. Pliiues and Will M. Pnates, and its political itainl U Republican. To our subscribers, wo thank you for past favors and trust that TllK CiiiKr will merit a continuance of your iuppoit. If those in arrears have any thing iu the way of money to bestow upon us, we will seo that proper credit is given on our books. All communi cations should be addressed to Tho Chief rublisbiug Co. Gurdon W. Wattles, chairman of tho Nebraska commission, has a novel ptau for tho exhibit of this state at the Louisiana' Purchase exposition. He proposes to transplant tho enliro state onto the exposition gtounds at St. Louis, if a fcuflioiuntly largo tract of land can be secured, and reproduce it iu miniaturo and paintings. His idea, if properly carried out, will require about ton acres. Tne must iiu-nivo and keenly ana lytical sketchon of public men which uavo been prepared during the past two yent.s have been tho-,0 of William Allen White. Tho humorous little episode be tween Mr. Win to and Mr. Thomas C Plrttt is still fresh in tho public memorj Mr. Woite'.s sketch for March appoars in the The Cosmopolitan and is on the lato President Harrison. It will bo rend with wide interest by both tho oppou. outs and frionds of that statesman. Secictarv Root has at ranged for a gradual reductioti of tho milituty force iu tho Philippines. The move ment will bo made very slowly, one regiment at a time, Id order to not cause ombarrassment to the situation. In a recent interview, Princo Henry .stated that his mission to this country is to promote friendlier relations be tween Germany and the United States. His aim is apparently being accom plished. The Homo Art jslub will give a fare well banquot at the Hotel Royal next Saturday evening iu honor of Mrs. C. 1) Robinson, wifo of ex County Trcas titer Robinson. H you want a cheap harness remem ber I can furnish it as cheap as any ono Jos. Foukl. Ptiioy MoBiido was bete last week visiting bis mother and other old f i lends, llu lotion Saturday for Slier iilnii, Wyoming, where ho has ccurcil ,i position in a Jewelry sloro. llutler keops the Hlonmor hog foucc. Rest on curtli, Some ComplimenU. Will M. PluireA, for tho past 11 years an employe of Tho Public, left jester day for Bed Cloud, Neb , ho with hU brother, Paul C. Pharep, of Topeka, Kan., having purchased an Interest in tho Bed Cloud Ciiikk of tbofoinior place. T.'iey take possession March 3d. The paper was formerly owned bj t'rod Hosmer, who wont West from this city. Mr. Phares leaves Clinton with tho best wishes of Tbo Public nnd a host of friends. Ho is a practical workman and nn experienced news paper man and will undoubtedly infuse now life into tbo newspaper business in Bed Cloud.-Clinton (III.) Public. Will M. Phnrcs, who had been no Tho Public force about 11 years, left yesterday for Bed Cloud, Neb,, whcio bo expects to etigngo in the newspaper btisiiK-ss with his brother, Paul Phares, who has been In tbo Wist for several ycais. They had in ranged for tbo put chase of the Bki Cloud CniKi formerly owned by Fred Hosmer, who was foreman of The Public a number of joins, and for whom Paul Pharos worked in Bud Cloud. Mr. Plinres is a good printer ard an honorablo young man, and his many ft lends feel that ho will bo able to do his part In publish ing a paper that will merit tbo patron ago of tbo people of Bed Cloud and vicinity. Tho Register wishes him success. Clinton (III,) Register. Will M. Phares, for 11 ycais con ncctfad with Tho Public oflico at Clin ton, loft this weok for Bed Cloud, Nob,, whero ho goes into tho news paper business as proprietor, in con nection with a brother. Will is a sterling, Christian young man, a good printor and nn honor to the fraternity. lie is a relative to tho M. Moore family of this city. Fanner City (III.) Jour nal. GUIDE ROCK. John Mason, living about eight miles southwest of Guide Rock, lost his barn and all his feed and seed, and 3150 wortli of carpenter tools by lire last Sunday evening. It is a serious loss its he iiatl no insurance. Wo are informed tlmt-Mr. Taylor of Rivet ton, who bad charge of tho ci earn ery at this place for a short lime is (it-. id. His funeral occurred til River- tou last Sunday. Fred Bayles, youngest son of 11. W. Ilnylcss of Ibis place, on Monday after noon ignited a buttle of powder, and had tils face quito severely burned by the explosion. It is thought it did not itfTect his eyes, but ns yet it is uticci tain. Colvin & Barcus have buyers for fnims with liule improvements aud mostly grass laud. If you have that kind of land you want to sell, you had better see them. Miss Kvu Betiuetl left Gttido Bock for her homo east of Cowles. She made many frionds during her stay in Guide Rock. Miss Lena Collins from Jowoll coun ty, Kansas, was in Guide Rock today ou business. She was looking for her father who will soon move to Guide Rock from Wyoming. Mr. Hestet from Kansas was over Saturday exchanging dollars with the merchant's for dry goods and groceries. Mr. Malonoy seems to bo like a fish out of water since he sold bis lino res taurant here. His wife says ho neilhor eats or sleeps. Doc Wells and Mr. Hoffman wero on tho streets of Guide Rook today giving their oxperionco in Webster county for the past twenty years. Of course it was good. Colvin & Barcus sold Archie Camp- boll's farm of 138 acres to John Jones for $3,000. A. Campbell is still very low. They intond moving to Guide Bock as soon as Mr. Campbell is able to be moved. Mr. Beaver, who used to livo north of Guide Bock, and several yoars ngo moved back to Iowa, father of Mrs Hatiden nnd Mrs. Andersnd, died last Saturday after a lingering illness. It seems now that what was supposed to bo the Boarletine has turned out to be tho measles. Chris Columbia seems to bavo all the dolivoring of late that ho can do. March scorns to bo lather blustery to start in on. Frank Bvrd, who has boon vory poor ly for somo timo, died at his homo in Guide Rock on Tuesday evening. The funeral occurred Wednesday at the U. B. church south of town. County Clork Garber and wife were down from the county seat. Tuesday. Sheriff McArthur was in the city last Tuesday. v The sale of S. Edgorton last Tuesday was largely attended. J. M, Dean has a public sale billed for tho 10th, Wo just Ijarned that Sim Beaver, who several years ago purchased a farm seven miles northwest of Guide Rock from W. H . Barcus, and lator sold out to Imhoff, ttiod Monday from hoart diseaso and his father died tho Sntttrday previous. Their many old frionds horo sympathize with tho two families. - m i Choice Karly Ohio seed potatoes at Minor Bios. INAVALE. Mrs. Broomlield and children and Mrs, U. G. K Iglit and sou Htnited ot Wednesday for their new homo in vi stern Canada. There wero iitnnj friends nnd relatives at the depot to bid t hum faro well and godspeed Mrs. K. B. Knight has removed onto her own place. Mrs. Maud Ward will livo with her. She has runted tbo farm land to Geoigo Garner, who lives close by. Tho county superin tendon t of schools, Miss Marker, was hero this week vis iting tho schools. STILLWATER. Flno wenther. Soring is iipptoaching. Kid. lleadley of Guide Bock preiiehed at Prairie Ot titer school house Sunday. It Is reported that J. 1). Anderson has sold 1 1 is farm to Win, Cling. Win. Isoin Sr., a former resident of Stillwater, Is visiting friends hero nt present. It is understood Hint M. M. Miller has sold his farm to a German Mr. Miller expects to move to western Kan sas in the near future. Mrs. Henry Britton, who has been vory ill for tho past throe wooka is ie- ported a littlo bettor at present She Is under tho care of Dr. Thomas of Net son. T. Hodgos, uifo nnd dnughter Elsie. from enst of Mt. Claro, attended church nt Prairio Center last Sunday. A. Howard, Davo Fishol, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Isom, Mrs, Sadie Carswell and D. W. Cnrswoll went to Bed Cloud Tues day to attend to business connected with tho sottling of tho Cars veil estate. UNO s - STATE CREEK. All is quiet on our creek nnd uowa rather scarce Tho weather is extra tine. Thorn seems to bo sovornl sales in our neighborhood. Why do thoy sell out ;ind leave Kansas nnd Nebraskn? They cannot bolter their condition hut littlo if any, 'tiul those who have -lived horo all como back sooner or Inter, A man who left I hi part for Missouii a few years ngo anil declared ho never would como buck, mnde tho round trip in ono year nnd snid Im was back to stay. Mr. Biley Lewis's salo will bo Thurs day, MnrMi 13tb. Ben VunDyke, formerly of Bod ('loud and now of Dnwoy, Oklahoma, is in eontly appointed postmaster at Foun tain. Al Serivnor has' returned to Norton county, Kansas, after n brief visit here Wo loam thnt Clias. Davis has sold his farm to Low Brown nnd bitight the Riley Lnwis plnco. Wo learn that Strnun Rot brook has sold his farm nenr Innvnln nnd will movo to his farm on Penny oreek. Success to you S'.roup, w welcome you. Wo hoar thorn is another fine build ing to bo erected in Andorsnnvillo in tho near future Dan Growell has bought nn oighty acres near tho littlo town of; Andorsnn villo, known as tho Jack Wilmot. farm. Preaching at Penny creek school houso semi-monthly. Tl o noxt will bo tho quarterly meeting on tho 15th. Occasional. BLADEN. Somewhat colder and'a storm on our bands. Tho postoflico is now across tho street in tho Monrno Beed-Moore-Ber-nett building. You can now take oil your lint and say good morning, Mr. Btnnott, post master. Tho revival meetings held by tho U. B. people in the Baptist church still continue with much intorost nnd good results. Bev. Gross Inst Sunday filled the ap pointment of Bev. Chas. Fuller who has chargo of tho revival meotinga nt this pla?e. Kliot Pashby of Michigan, a nophow of Joseph Pnshby, is spending n few days with his unolo. Miss Bossio Strlcklor left Saturday for Wilbur, whero she goos to teach n school which coramoncod Monday. Miss Jessie Arnold has been ongaeed to teach tho school at Harmony and begun the duties on Monday. Mr. Rogers and familv, brotbor-in-law of tho Denton boys, arrived Satur day from Iowa with three carloads of stock and implements and has moved onto the old (Jib Keith farm north of town. Mr. and Mr. P.trcy Grandstaff left Tuesday morning for Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where Mrs. G. goes in senrch of henltb, nnd Perov -vlll lour through Mi'souri nnd other southern points. 11. Parks letumed from his trip to Oklahoma. Just what he found down thorn wo did pot learn, but think Ie must have been ptetty Imdly frlehtoned as be is stajlng piottv elosi. nt home, Mrs J. A. Williams and father, Mr. Harding, aro spending several weeks in tho eastern part of ihn .tnt vit-iilng' rolativos and friend. ' Mrs. Harding of Hebron, grand chief of (ho 1). of II , vlfltcii tho lodge al this plain last Wednesday and assisted in taking in n now member, Mrs. George Rybiu. Wlll-L. Thornn litis located for n few days in Chevnliei's uow'building wheie ho is prepared to do all kinds ot photo graphic work. Miss Stratum of Lincoln, who wns the guest of W. K. Thorn nnd wifo, was cnllctl homo last Tuesday to take charge of a school nt Fi Intnl. Druggist Phelps spout Sunday with his family at Rosetand. Wash Reed has received Ills stock ot shoes and is ready to do business. W. T. Bailey and family left tbo lirst of tho week for Salem, Oiegon, where they expect to iiuiko their filturo home. Wo hope success will bo with them. LINE. Weather changeable, high wlhtls and John Wittwer made a well and put up i windmill for Will Aiibusbon on the Charles Besso ranch. Mr. Roclier i on ills way home fiotn Franco wheio ho has been visiting old ft lends. Ho will ariive h uuo nboiu April 1st. ALth. Wittwer of Dutch Ftnt, Kansas, was the guest of Mis. Labon Aubushon tliis week. Nellie Bond of Cowles was a guest at F. D. Hutchison's Sunday. Mtf. 'Wickwim is tnlkiug f moving to Bed Cloud in the near future. Liura Hedge closed her third teim school in l)ls. 8 this weok. First quarterly meeting of UK)3.of tho Wosloynns of Penny cieek, Dist. 8, to bo hold by Buv. Brndloy of Ames, Kan 8ns, on March 15th and lGth. An in vitation is extended to all. Prayor mooting at J. C. Parkinson's on March 15th nt 2 p.m. A cordial in vitation is given to all. Al. Serivnor went to Norton County, Kansas this weok on n land deal. Graudmn Leigh is on the sick list this week. V. If. Sciivnor wns doing biiiimss in Lino this week. Try that poultry meat at Caldwell's, Tho Life of Win. McKinley, by Murat Halslead, and Tiik Ciiikk ono 3 ear for Sl.r.0, tho pi ice of the book alone. The diver dies without air to 'breathe. The consumptive dies without lungs to breathe the air, or of lungs rendered incapable of breathing by disease. The blood a9 it flow9 in and out of the lungs indicates the consumptive's pro gress. As the lungs grow weaker less oxygen is inhaled nnd the blood changes from 6carlct to pur- ,4 pic. Oxygen is the life of the 'n blood as the blood is the life of the body. The effect of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery upon weak lungs is to strengthen them, to en able the full oxygenation of the blood, arrest the progress of dis ease, and heal the inflamed tis sues. Lung diseases nave oeen and are being cured by "Golden . Medical Discovery," in cases where deep-seated .cough, frequent Hemor rhage, emaciation, weak ness, ana nigni-sweais have all pointed to a fatal termination uy con- tmption. "Some yeara ago I was almost a Help less victim of that dread disease con sumption," writes Sir. wnas. rrosa, P. M... of Sitka. White Co.. Intl. " I was confined to ray room for several months j my friends and nelKhtxirs had given up alt hope of my recovery, until one day a friend advised me to take Dr. l'ierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, and after I had taken the contents of the hccund liollle I began to improve. After takiue six bottles I was. I honestly believe, delivered rrom the grave and entirely cured. I am now a strong aud hearty man." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated Impurities. LEGAL NOTICE. In tho District Court of Webster esuiity. Nth mskft. ' In He the otitis of ) JoMph Vedak. An Incompetent. ) onnxit to suow CkVftt This cause camo en f er b arltiK upon the pt tltlon of .Ioneph Sldlo. guardian of the estate ef Joseph Vodak. aa Incompetent praylns for license to sell the north half ef the southweit nii.riprnf prllnn ui. In town 3. ralise 11. Web surceunty, Nebraska, for the payment of debts of the sal a waru, iuu in unicr iu i'iutiuh .. the care and support ol the ward, Joseph Vodak, there being no personal property. It is ihnrcfnrn nrrirri that all nersons Interested In said estate appear before me atcouit bouse In Hastlnfrs. Adams county, Nebraska, en the 13lh day of March, I80J, at one o'clock p.m. to show cause why a license should not be S.ranled to said guaidlan to sell the ab ive described real estate. Dated this 87th day of January, mi. Ed. L, Adams, Judge. R. T. Pqttib. Attorney. UTemr BoweU With OueBMW a4 Rathsrtie. eure constlDattoa foNV-ft Mhtftc It a O. O. fall, drugguu return! ao-f t Lion Coffee is t6 ounces of pure coffee to the pound. Coated Coffees are only about 14 ounces of coffee and two ounces ot eggs,. clue, etc.. of no value to you, but. 1 money in the pocket of the roaster. if IICN1 r 0 m ILl'-L- fflks THROUGH WK T".Hyi m AHMM WO--" tai 'Him "Ur.yiii 1 sr- rM Boy's Shoes, sizes toto 12, We are offering this spring some new things in 3MCEKCS PLOW &HOE, Easiest you ever saw. In IfcXeri.'s Fine Xxess;s Shoes, wo lead tho band and sell the: pin erf. Would llko to show you our line of SHOES Como iu and seo tho shoe that Sl.fiO buys. Galusha, Uleseott & Sterey. Henry ISiross., laLlrfielcl, la. ANNOUNCE TO THE TltADE THAT THEY AKK OFKEKINM THKIR Black Diamond Seed Oats, 100 ll. 9.1, or 500 lbs. 312.00 Iowa's Premium White Oats, 100 llu. 82 70, or 500 lbs. $12 00. Yellow Dent Seed Corn, $1 50 per bit. or 0 bu. for $7 50. Choice White Corn, $1,50 per bu. or 5 bu. for $7 50. Sarktfrte, Cath with ordr. Write for prtctt on Choice Cloctr, Timothy and Mllltt Sad. TRUSS FREE To Introduce it quickly the limentorwlll give want money-It's free. II, C. Co., m.Maln St., AKt m you m DEAF? ALL CA DEAFNESS ost Atf? F. i by our liei 1 tell.!.-)'.. ( ul- t E 1 tz ' r. r .r?' iSJiHEW IP vi r.r vrt ' F. A. V" 1' " mm - Ilriuc en: - .'I h lo ofiiiycast.ii i- AiK.ut lite 'riis aci i" i1 nij ' i' i.i "it t car pii i y 1 lllld VV'-llt 1 ttcntl'illn ill' her of iihv-u un. ntiionu i-aIki .1'.- l! it'll fc ti 1 I.I l only nil iqicr-itit'ii could lul i ii ' ;u d 1 .in thencinoc hut the lic;uiui: iu tin' iifitail -ar ttmitit lie lost loretcr' I then Kitv jour ndt-i.rllscim.ui. iitciden all) tnaMw Voik paper, nnd orderc.il our treat ment. After I had nil it only a few dits nccordliij; to tour dirictlmis. the noises ceased, and toduf, aftt-i fitt- necks. 111 1 licMiinu- in thi-diseased ear lias been entirely restored. I thank you heartily ami uck to remain Vety truly yours V A. WUKMAK, 730 S. nroadway, Ilaltlmore, Md. Oil)' treatment does not Interfere with your usual occupation. suaUR,ftS,:nd YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME " INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. JliUliVMJVMJ4LJJCMiiJCMVlJi. 4 w,wrw',wxMWT',rwwTr',wrr"W,ierssr'Wisrrw' PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Vard. REL) CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime, Goal and Cement. TRADERS IyXJ2M-BBR Co, DEALERS IM LUMBER, and COAL f3U.ildia.iE I material, Etc. RED CLOUD. City Dray and E. . ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS'FOR ADATS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. :62. ALL ABOARD! Modern enterprise has no limit, nor have wo, in tho mnttor of offering tho best men's nnd boy's shoes on earth for tho money. Beiiieniber wo skw free of t'hnroo every shoo thnt rips. Wo sell The U S. Government on January 30th. granted n patent for a tmn that docs away Willi 11 old fashioned ldcnn an ahxolnto ncr- tert trilflR llmt hnlfln rillitlirn Willi entnfnt away K0 In each tat. He don't nk. expect or W'cethrook, Malno, ANY t. i r :v? . .r,!r?rA' ! iMtvi-lyllKVit-S :.?. j j.v. i1.-: : arc :..; ,1. e-5 p r ( fi-n-w ?.;-. a HJ.Sr-5U .'k H .'.' Ut u : i-. i ' ' . .. .K . 1. Rite you ill"! I let t ..: 1.4 , t.l 1. ?. M it 1' tlll.lU'l.l ,t I'lttit r-i'-meetss tcniillciln num. li'.f.l Hi. i out ttliotiildiiieth.it that onlt 1 :riior;mlv. tii.it tlic head noises ttould "THE HIAWATHA" U the only Incubator on the market that beau the corners flrtt. It U elf-regulating, self-ventlUt- lag aud requires no supplied moisture. Ills so simple any one can tun lu Has been pronounced by experts to be the greatest invention of theatre a a poultry hatcher The receipts of the poultry Industry alone In this country amounts to morrervry -ear than all the wheat aud corn. We pay freight to any K. K. Station in the U. S. Send for our catalogue, It Is free. The Hiawntlm Incubator Co. Iliawutlm, Knnsas. NEBRASKA Express Line. of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest 1 v.