The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 21, 1902, Image 5

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    t w
1 "wuHm CA1
I Competition 1 1
1 $4,000 in Prizes !
$2,000 in Cash.
$2,000 in Kodaks.
-j 'l'hn Inigest and most rnlunble s
list of prizes over ouored,iii ii
photographic competition, fr
9 fr
9 fr
Coaio lu and let us tall you about
3 it. f-
9 fr
9 fr
1 flemhoose. Bros.,
2 Jewelers and Opticians.1) C21J f
ul "ijlUml """'"', Nwhrnalm. f
9 fr
Tiik (Jn ikk $iper year.
The Chief and Life ( McKialey $1.50.
John P.-lulcky was in Hubboll Thins
day. Ue to Reby for chop feed. Just re
ceived aiother car.
J. A. Uautn made a business trip to
Dctviduro this wcok.
See Ilonry Bros. ad. elsjwhcrc for
seed corn, oats and grait.
Hud McCuno who is now lucnted in
Hlno Hill was hero tho first of tlu
Hugh Miner has gone to Chicago to
purchase a lai go invoice of now goods
f ji- Miner Bros.
H.tve you bought one- of those oak
tanned halters for 09i, 80c 81.01? Hut
ler keep? them.
Conrad Fitz has lately purchased the
Kd I'urkcs place west of the city, piy
ing therefor $3,250 Henry Kesler
will f.irm :ho placo.
U,vlvfcvinkU(UiiilUdilUiiiUnli Oolite.
There is
Reason in
All Things !
But there is no reason fr
why you should pay big .
prtees for
Collars and
I Strap Work
when we have the cam-
plate line that we ara s
showing at tho prices we fr
ara making. J
Coma in and look over s
this line and see that our fr
prices are right.
We guarantee
every piece just as
we represent it
the same as in
ware business.
our hard- j
fr fr
Speaking about
9 naruffaic
2 We want to call your
2 tention to the
fact that t
a wa ara increasing aur a
Btock every day. New f
2 goods are arriving to bo
sold oa the old pol
"Save Money
and Get the
We are selling
17 inch coal
for 19c.
bucket i
Wf mpan hiisinpst;. fr
' Co.
,5 f 1nf Ta mirn,MlfrTfT,i'ril'
The Ckief and Life of McKialey $1.50.
Car load Sheridan coal at Caldwells.
Coal oil, 15 cents a gallon at W. H.
Mrs. Bon Ludlow is visiting in South
Butler keeps tho Bloomer hog fence.
Best on earth.
If you want job work of ony kind
call and sea us.
S. C. Smith of Boatrico was here the
first of the weok.
The CliiKK and tho Toledo Blade
one your for 31,25.
Ben Southwell left tho first of tho
week for Oklahoma.
Remcmbor mo when you want a har
ness. ,Tok Fouki.
Tho Ciiikk and Chicago Inter Ocean
tie year for $1.25.
Miss Kiln VanWoort of Guide Hock
was hero tho first of tho wcok.
Miss Blanch Gross returned tho first
of tho week to Franklin academy.
.). V. W11IH11 was in Lincoln this
week looking after property Interests.
T. W. Bnrbor of Franklin was look
ing after business matters hero Satur
day. Tho Homo Art Olub was entortainod
by Mrs. Georgo Iladell on Wednesday
F. V.Taylor will move into tho build
ing lately occupiod by Mrs. S. F.
A now awning has boen placed in
front of Galusha, Wescott & Storey's
clothing store.
Kov. P. A. Meredith of Bolvidero has
accepted the-pas torn tt of tho Christian
church of this city.
John .')unham of Chirks, this state,
a cousin of Mrs. II. B Fulton, was vis
iting hero this week.
Pasteur's "Blacklcgino" for tho pre
vention of black-leg in cattle for salo
by Coiling the Druggist.
Go to Bullet's for all kinds of harness
and hardware. All goods in both lines
sold at a small margin.
Mrs. S F Spoki-slield has moved lit r
millinery goods into tho room directly
south of her foimer location.
Tho Lifo of Wm. McKinloy, by Mttrat
Halstead, and Tuk Ciiikk one year for
91.60, the price of tho book alane.
Win. Woithiuau of Suwatd was hero
this week figuring with Miner Bros, on
the new extension of thuir building.
Win. Bouse this week moved into his
building and has now one of tho finest
places of business of that kind in tho
Farm loans at 5 per cent interest 011
good improved land. C. F. Cather,
ollico over Cutting's drug store, Red
Cloud. Neb.
Fu Rknt: Half section of river
bottom land, all improved and under
fence. Abundance nf water. Good
buildings. Two miles west of Guide
Rock. Inquire of or address, Harry
McCorme), Guido Rock, Nebr.
The Franklin academy glee club gave
one of their very pleasant and inter
esting musical programs at the Con
gregational church lat Friday even
ing. A good crowd was present and all
report the entertainment first elaw.
Attention Kakmkks: bvu you
seen those hard wnar hand-mndo har
ness at Bntlrr' Ho will spII you one
for J.'J0 no not 8.10, but $20; nor will he
take 82G, hut $22; no brinjr vour team
and ho will fit tli"i mi 1 hnrsps for
J -II I' mill 1 ' HI. I lMl n .... ' fu
nc-.-.i. ..I "..,'! , .,1.., ,. 1 it,. ,., ,, j00t
He 'my " th" 'Ii" f iii.. wag
on I -i '-ofr.,,! tho In ' 'md in
crossing MM-ot oar I"-' h' footing
and foil Mil i'1"' wl".. iih..i nvtr
both lees below I he k ui-m "on im 'nly
no bones were broken "' foli'i t I he
laid up for sever"' l;iv.
Keep in ilnil t luiiluic i..iw .,
tho opf'M 1 iii-i- Miiwli 10 K''"'t K.Mi
erson Hnoi . Uiu I'Miifn-.m i...i)i. -m
of Arthur P.ynu, the fiisi bass of the
jubilee sing'r, "To find a hitor voice
than is possessed by Arthur Pnvne it
would be neoes'ary toseour the United
States. Ha has both volume and sweet
nes, and these two qualities are rarely
found together in a hnss voice."
"I toll you what tho New Cuba is the
best live cent cigar in town. If you
nuii'r in. It I.. I.. .. III.... lentil 11... 1.
ate of the sumo slock "
For sale bills call at this ollico.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1 50.
If you wnut seed corn see W. B.
For hnrdwaroof all kinds see Wright
& Popo Bros.
W.S. Ashbyof tho Bluo Hill Leader
was here this weok.
Mrs. M. W. Dickorson left this Fri
day morning for Lincoln.
L. C. Olmsted and O. L. Olmsted of
Inarala wete hero Tuesday.
Since Morhart who has been away
on a visit has returned homo.
Roy Hutchison of Lebanon, KaiiSHS,
was here tho llm of the week.
T. G. Lewis, J. G. Lewis and Sam
Birch of Rivet ton was hero Tuesday.
Mrs Robert Barkley left the first of
tho week for a visit at lvmsas City.
.John Winters of Lincoln was here
tho last of tho week greeting old Ii lends.
J. K Chancy has purchased tho liv
ory barn at Cowles and has moved to
that city.
Win. Crabill returned Thursday
morning from 11 buiiness trip to Long
Island, Kausas.
Sheriff McArthur and J. W. Kinsol
took I S. Real to the insane hospital at
Lincoln Wednesday.
Tho only oxcluslvo harness shop is in
the north end of the Moon block. Good
wark and tho right price.
Mrs. A. Garbtr of Guido Rock re
turned homo Monday aftor a visit note
with her son K. S. Garbor.
When you want a good buggy soo
Wright & Popo Bros. They Jhave jnst
received a carload of them.
John Tulleys who has been looking
after the matters of Grand Custodian
if tho Masonic lodge wns hero this
Mr. Ida M. Walters of Boatrico was
hero the last of tho week looking after
land wilh a view of buying land for
Trees and small fruits. L. 11. Rust
says if you want anything in tho nur
sery lino lot him know what you want
and you buy of a dealer.
Commissioner Fred Gerlnch was in
the city on business Saturday. Ho is
tliu best commissioner ever on tho
bonid and looks aftor tho county's in
terests. 1
A Twenty Year
Life Policy
'In an Old Line Company is
the best kind of life
'Tho cn9h value of the pelicy at the;
end of tho period is more than
you have paid.
'Fire, Lightning, Tornado and
Life Insurance,
Lin tho best Old Line or Mutual ,
O. C. Teel, Agt.j
Rkd Cloud, Neijhaska.
I have buyers for both farm and pas
ture land. If you hnvo Innd for salo
please list it with mo at once. No
chargo if I do not get you n buyer.
Also farm loans at lowest rate with ep
Hon. C. F. Cathkr, Red Cloud, Neb.
Tho Red Cloud Firo Department will
celebrate Washington's birthday Sat
urday, February 22d, by giving ono of
their onjoyablo danced. If you appre
ciate the work done by the boys in sav
ing your property come out and holp
Senator Dietrich has sent in tho namo
nf T. C. Hacker for reappointment as
postmaster of the Red, Cloud office,
Mr. Haoker has made a satisfaotory
postmaster for that town, and we un
derstand that his reappointment moots
with general satisfaction. Superior
The Kansas City Commercial club
who have boeu makiug a general tour
nf inspeotion of the cities and town
throughout Kansas and Nebraska
stopped here in thuir special train on
Tuesday eveuing. The citizens met
thorn at tho depot and brought them
up town, and they thou scattered and
looked after tho diflerout business in
terests which thoy represented.
Last Tuesday at the rosidenco of F.
A. Kuehn occurred a very pleasant
surprlso whon about thirty of their
fiionds and neighbors came in on them
with baskets well tilled, and proceed-
d to taKo possession of his homo anil
iiiakt tho nselves comfortable. A very
pleasant timo wns Had and the guests
repaired to their homes wishing Mr.
mid Mis. Kuehn many happy and ptos
purous years in their future homo.
An Interesting event occurred Tues
day evening. Tho W. R C liaving
ascertained that one of their mombers
was going to movo nway, thoy determ
ined to give her a surprise reception,
Theteforo they colli cted their foreos
and went in a b,idy to her residenco
and marched in singing "Wo ate all
bote, Wo aro all here, and still there's
mote to follow." They wore well aim
ed with boxes, baskets, and buckets,
hlch wero deposited in tho kitchen.
Mrs. Knight was sufllciently surprised
to satisfy tho most exacting. Somo
time was spent in conversation nml old
fashioned games, then committees
wero sent to the kitchen and dining
room, the table lllled to Its utmost and
a six course dinner was served. Never
was banquet more enjoyed Toasts
wero made over the eolTee, the Relief
Coips and nil its interests wero topsti'd
brown. Ri'in.uks wete uindo by every
one present. It was "a feast of reason
and it flow of soul " After adjourning
to tho pallor riddles and conundrums
wero propounded. A very appropriate
answer wax given to one, "what makes
more noiso than a pig under a fence?"
"A room full of W. R. C. wetnon."
Low rates northwest via Burlington
Route. To Billings, Montana, $15 00;
Cady, Wyoming, $10 75; llolena and
Butte, 120 00; Spokane, Washington,
$22.50; Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and
Rossland, B. C, $25 00. Above rates
will bo in effect every day in March
and April from Missouri rivor termi
nals and from neaiiy all stations on
B. & M. R. R. A wonderful opportu
nity to visit tho nerthwest. Tho Big
Horn Basin of Wyoming is a conn try
of grant rt sources and now utulovelop
od. It has just bcon mndo accessible
by a now line of the Burlington Route,
and presents many attractions to tho
homeseoker. Folder on Big Horn Ba
sin free on r quest. For tickets, rates,
or additional information apply to
neat est agent, Burlington Route, or
write to J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nobr.
The Funnel m' Institute of Cowles wil
hold a session nt tho A, O. U. W. hall
Sat in day afternoon, Fnh. 22il, 1002, at
one o'clock sharp, with ihu following
Wheat A. 11. Spracher.
Ifalfn K. L. Fawcett.
Poultry Mrs. A. T. Vance and Mrs.
A. C. Bon.
Fruits and Gardening Win. Good.
Strawberries 11. L. Hopkins.
Cntc of Young Cntllo C. A. Latham.
Milk K A. Good.
Flowers Mr. J. 1) Storey.
Music furnished by Cowles Orches
tra. C K. Putnam, Secy.
R. B Thompson, Pros.
The Jubilee singers, the next number
on tho high school course of entertain
ments, will appear at tho opora house
on tho evening of March 10th. On
March 21, Dr. Thomas Dinsmoro of
Syracuse, Now York, will give tho last
entertainment of tho courso. Holders
of season tickets may roservo scats for
both entortainmonts at Grico's drug
storo after 4 p. m. Tuesday, March 4th.
rickets will be on salo at same time
and placo. Singlo tickets 50c, for both
entertainments 85c, general admission
35c. Watch far distribution of adver
tising matter next week.
Services at the church of Christ each
ovening this weok and nt 10 30 a.m.
and 7:80 p.m. Sunday. Biblo school
12 m. Prayer mooting 7:30 p.m. Wed
nesday. We invito everyone to these
meetings and will guarantee you a
hearty welcome. T. A. Mkukditii,
Tho members of tho company of
Mason & Downs' Singers are graduates
of schools of music. Their programs
aro in ado up of tho host music of the
day and tho old negro molodies of
slavery times.
G. W. Broadwell, a former resident
of this county a number of years ago,
now residing at Grand Islaid was here
the first of the weok visiting with old
Ta the Farmen.
Don't get caught napping wilh thoso
wouldbe cattle buyers that ara riding
over the country leoklng far snaps,
but bring your cattle hare to Red Cloud
ta the B. 4 M. stock yards. Then you
can get all the buyers upan them in
cluding the butchers. Meantime we
will make yeu a bid upon them, and if
anyono buys them hlgker than we bia",
you are sure ta get the strength ef the
market. We are shipping nearly a
load ( stock a day and it is impossible
far us to ride the ceuatry. It coats
meney te ride the country and we are
willing U give this expense to yon in
the price of your cattle. Wo buy any
thing that wears hair in tho shape of
cattle and bogs, any day and every
day. You can bring one head et 100
head. Tho more you bring tho higher
prico wo can pay; gives us a chance to
sort. Now don't get caught napping
in tho country. Mouhaht & Currun,
tho ovory day high buyers.
Shake Into Your Shoes,
Allon's Fool Kline, li rests tho feet.
Cures corns, bunions, ingtowing nails,
swooleu and sweating feet. At al
druggists and shoo mores 20u. Ask
Nico roads since tho snow as there is
no blockndes and sleighs and sleds run
well but they aro scarce. Win. Rosen.
crans has a pair of hob sleds that was
shipped hero from Illinois several years
Chas. Arbucklo marketed two loads
of hogs at Red Cloud last Monday for
W.ou por owl.
Whilo hogs havo gono down so hns
grain and tho supposition of tho farm
ers is that it will go lowor as tho homo
demand has kopt it up, but now that
tho hogs aio about fed out they will
not give the present prices for any
Miss Viola Scrlvner is visiting this
week wllli her sister Mrs. Uhas. Bar
Mr. Arbucklo and several of the boys
was out on quite a hunting expedition
last Monday. If they had sold all tho
g.imu it would not have glutted tho Red
Cloud market.
Mis. C. Barrett was on tho sick list
last week though is hotter at this writ,
Somo of tho chronio grumblers said
hefoi'o the snow fell Unit wheat was
douo up. I looked at several pieces
and found that it had not been hurl.
Tho roots wero alright and cow it is nil
covered with snow.
Andy Cityron sold ton hoad of cattle
for $215.
Al. Scnvnor sold llvo hoad of two-year-old
Jlioifors for $125 to L. Smith. D
Clark Slovens sold two fat cows to a
butchor in town.
A. Q. Scrlvner sold six nico mules to
tho Jowoll county mule buyer, Mr.
Arthur Fruit sold his work mules for
Al. Sciivnor sold a horso for $75.
Tho birthday dinner at Was. Barretts
last Friday was well attended from
this part.
The peoplo of our creek expect to
keep cool this summer. There has al
ready been three ice houses well lilted
with river Ice 8 to 10 inches thick.
John Corbott has gono to Illinois in
response to 11 telegram announcing the
serious illness of his father.
Mrs. J. L. Davis has gono to Missouri
to see her father who is seriotirly ill.
Tho weather has moderated a little
after our short winter. If the weather
for the past four weeks is duo to thn
ground hog, somo ono ought to hunt
tho pesky bruto up and tlnow him
away. t
Geo llouchin is now 011 a fair road to
recover his tiMial health.
Mrs.Josio Smith is getting well as
fast as can be expected.
Myrtle Smith is stujing with her sis
tor, Mrs. Ailes.
George Simpson hit) taken to him
self a wife and is now settled down on
his farm to onjoy lifo in tho good old
fashioned way.
Mrs. Kato Fishor is con valoscont after
a serious illness. (jrc
Wo hoar that Ivan Amaek has routed
a farm near Bostwick. Wu aro sorry
to lose him from our midst as ho is a
good neighbor.
The sale at H. O. Wolf's on last
Thursday was woll attended and stock
brought fair prices.
Vet Widdorobieu, who has boon out
in Washington, camo in Tuesday morn
ing to live in Nebraska, which ho says
is good enough for him. Has had
enough of tho wost.
James Burdon and Charley Robinson
of Rod Cloud wore transacting business
in this village the first of this woek.
J. L Graudstaff and W. W. Keith re
turned from their trip to tho south and
bring vory favorable reports from that
H. Parks and James Hubuka loft on
tho excursion Tuosday morning for tho
Oklahoma country.
Mrs. S. J. Whoetor was visiting
friends at Blue Hill Monday.
Wash Reed look possession of the
Hoffman stock Monday. Tho buildincr
is now undergoing repairs and a now
stock ordered and in a shorttimo Bla
den will havo a first class shoo and
grocery store.
Charloy McCoy who now lives in
Smith county, Kansas is visiting friends
in this vicinity.
W. L. Bennett has been appointed
postmaster at this place, A. P. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Snyder was call
ed to Rosoland, Saturday, to the bed
side of her sister, who has been sick for
a long time with consumption. She
passed quieJy away Sunday evening.
Rev. Green filled the pulpit at the
Baptist church Monday ovening,
Some of the large boysjin the school
havo been bohavingso badly that livo
or six had to be expelled tho first of tho
Finnk Watiflo and wife spent Sunday
with his parents near Campbell.
The train carrying tho Kansas City
Commercial Club pulled into this vil
lago Tuesday morning nni stopped
long enough fur tho party to make the
acquaintance of the Bladen merchants.
Hie Uiidei(.ignud Will seil at hU lefei
denco four nnd 0:10 half mllm north
and one Imlf mile of Red Cloud
nud uiiu milti soti'.h and thtee milos
wost of Cow Im, on tiidio, Kohruary
21st, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.
tho following fo wit:
33 Hkah ok Catti.k, consisting of
20 head of calves steers and heifers, 19
ate about yearlings nud 7 will ho year
lings In May or Juno. Five good milk
cows, 3 tin to years old will bo fiosh in
a few days, 3 two years old, one fresh
In n fow days and ono with calf, 1 four
years old, fresh in a fow days, 1 live
years old fresh now, 1 full blood Dur
ham bull twoyeais old.
3 Hka Houskm, consisting 0f two
hay mares, ono eight years old and ono
ten yonn old with foal, and one son el
gelding nlovon yonrs old.
Also 35 bushels seed oats, 8 bushels
of millet seed, one nearly new 0-shovel
steel beam Ohio riding cultivator, ono
walking cultivator, ono lO-ineh walk
ing plow, ono Kaglo walking lister, one
nearly now 3 section steel lover drag,
one good feed gilnder, ono wagon nnd
hay rack, one lumber A'ngon, ono good
top buggy, one Buckeye ni'iwlng inn
clilue, 0110 hay buck, one grind stono
one harvester, one set of work harness,
one water tank, about 100 fence posts,
somo slat fencing, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Tkums ok Sai.k Nino months timo
will bo given on nil sums over $5, pur
chaser giving note with approved se
curity bearing ton por cont Interest.
All sums under $.fi2eash. On all sums
over $5 a discount of 5 per cent will bo
givon for cash.
Col. C. L. Winkukv, Auctioneer.
O. B. Ckonk, Clerk.
M ctcerGray'cSweetPowdert for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in tho Children's Homo in Now
York, euro fovorlshness, bad stomach,
teething disorders, move and regultto
the bowels and destroy worms. Over
30,000 testimonials. They never tail.
At all druggists, 25c, Sample free.
Addri'ss, A 1 1).' 11 S. Olmsted, LcKoy,
New York.
. .
L'M us speak of tint ti as wo hud him,
And censuie only what we can see,
Ronirinbfiing that no nun eau be per
fect, Unless I10 uses Rocky Mnuutaiu Tea.
C. L. Cottieg.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Lax'ttivo llmum Quinine Tablet''.
All (IiiiIms ntmid 'in- iinuiey if it
fails to cure. K. W. ( J 1 - signature
is un each box. 25c.
Six Million Boxes a Year.
In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000
boxes; that's Cascarets Candy Ca
thartic's jump into popularity. The
people have cast their verdict. Rest
medicine for the bowels in the world.
All druggists, 10c.
What you doin' nrfghlHU? llelpii g
Bill. What's Bill doin? IIrliinir Man
dy. Whin's Mainly lUiu'? llelpbg
mother. WhatV mother ilolu'r Tak
ing Rocky Mouiiiaiii Tea. Snr.siblo
family. C. L. Cutting.
EdacateYoar n.wols With Caicarete.
OkBdy Cathartic, curs constipation forever.
NeulBc, It & 0.0, fall, druggist! refund mooef.
' m .
w Ara Y.ur Kldaejr. t
Br. nobb'8parau Pills cure .11 kidney lUj.Rtaw
pUfTM. Add. Sterling HemfdyCo..eiilcWortl.f .
400 lbs. good coat at RoIij'.h for $1.00.
Soothes Tired Muscles; Removee
Soreness ind Stiffness
Don't take tbo weak, watery Witch
Hazel preparation!, represented to bo
"the same as" POND'S EXTRACT,
which easily sour and generally con
tain "wood alcohol," a deadly pouon.
Gustavo Dora's portrait of Dante la worth
aeeing once. But onoo ia enough. Soma
auch look you notice on tho faces of those
who have suffered, and still suffer, muok
physical pain; people subject torheumatiass,
gout, neuralgia, periodlo headache, lamb.,
So, or pain from some old lesion. This pain
abit put! ita marks on them, as the oustoa
of handling ropes crooks a sailor's iagara
or aa too much riding of a bicycle stomps a
worried expression on cortain faces. Ne
wonder people said of the Italian poet M
Bopafsed along, "There goes
The complaints abore named all yield to
the action of Benson's Porous Plasters, and
quickly too. Not only thoso, but colds and
coughs, kidney and liver affections, all
congettione and muscular strains, disposed
of tho chest, asthma and all ailments which
ore open to external treatment. It Is. fre
quently said that Benton'1 1 PlatUr U PaWt
Matter. It ourea when others are not even
able to relieve. For thirty years the lead
ing external reuiody. The old-etyle plas
ters, a well os ualves, liuimonts, oils, etc.,
have little or no eflicncy as compared with
it. Use it. Trust it. Keep it in tho
house. Ask for Bonsou'a Floater : take no
other. All druggists, or we will prepay
postage on any number ordered In the
United States ou receipt of 2Go. eaoh.
Beabury A Johnson, Mfg. Chomista, N.Yr
t 1
t itTf lyjwMrt.4 ejsi 'ans-iawa mmm