V t .1 I V ' A - ' l l ! M . 1 ft "1 y liJ Ih . In SJ K ,i fi u I'M M Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. ITow To Find Otit. Fill a bottle or common class with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an I unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; If It stains your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain In the back la also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. What to I)o. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills cVery wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized, it stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. V1I mrttt It.u. . ami1a TkaIIIa i lltl .wM,jr im,g m aaiupjo vuitio ui una wonderful discovery lv and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mall, address ur. Kilmer st rtnmo of Bwamp-rtoot Co., Blnghamton, N, Y. Vhen writing men tlon reading this generous offer In this paper. CONSTIPATION "I bato ono 14 day at a tluio without m aaavaaaent of thn tinwela, nut being nblo to move them oicopt by ulug bot water Injection. Cbronlocoiutlpullon foraoToii junra iilacoil mo In this terrible condition) iIuiIuk tlmt tlmo 1 dirt or Milling I board of but noTor found anjr relief I mich Was ray coo until I tieunn using CASCAHBTB. I now bato fromono to tbrco passage a iluf, and If 1 Was rlcb I would giro I1UU00 for onoli movementi It Isauoba rollof." AVI.HEUL.HUNT. MM HutioU St.. Detroit, Mlob. CANDY W LW CATHARTIC ttvdoocto CATHARTIC TNADI MAAK MOItTIMO Plcaiant. I'alalabla. Futotit. Taste (lood. no Uooo, Norer Hlcken, Weaken, or Urlpo. lOciic.Wc. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... twUaf Bat4; Cwpu;, CklMt. alml, IMS. 33 INK M tick togtttj. fn nr Ik. Mr Oxtn MmM Uftruf SINGLE BINDER STWUttTSTMI6nT CIGAR Don't Be Fooledi Take the gen rlgtaal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madlcoa Medi cine Co.. Madlaon, WU. It keeps you well. Our trade nark cut on each package. Price, .13 cents. Never aoU In bulk. Accept no aabetr tute. Aek your druggist. liimiit ZZj t! - ff)Jex vnOhnd Qi ' ?-m IKtma,u.irra.fM...u. QM. M ,. MM. ...-M ' A good lnoUtng; vfrsirSM horsMnndpoorlnok- '?,28JW Ins liur li vim H thn .&"--!A worst kind of a com- r1""A blnatlon. 42si52k Eureka v not only makM t ho Imrnws and the liljk homo link Ix'llvr, but makm the In leather aoft nml pllalilp.putltlnrnn- llm mill Ali Union l' Imt twlco m long IVm IhHHKot ' It ontlimrlly would. IVVi mfiOiilhl. Sll rfrrT.hrr la CftAI ftUlMn M'UMii'iIi "" uu b' IML v mUiif standard Km Hv OIL CO. IMWim Your mXKim Horse a Bmmf Chance! $' 0 H J.u' FULTON, HlVKUTON, NKBRASKA. AUCTIONEER. TKUMS UKASONAHLK AND SATISFACTION GUAUANTKK1). ASK YOUR GROCER The 5 Minute Breakfast food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MASKS "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St.Lool,Mo. TlCtrrtKS all Kidney Kidneycura. FOR UiBeases, iiock ache.otc. AtdrUK etsw. or by mafjU x i i. rirQuwuiax Tloe, etc, ot Dr. B. J. Kay, Bsxntoga, N. V. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. An expert tlcw is that 60 cases of Mimlltfn In liontlnn win be trncr-il to (Hit' lllUllI Hill.. Tin- liljr jjrny kntifjaroo of Australia mcasurea about seven feet from the tip of its nose to the i' lid' of Its tail. It can run faster than a horhe und clear .'10 fri-t nt a Jump. A single brewery in Munich uses 118 railway freight cars of its own, be sides 28 belonging to the Mate. Other brewerlus hnve 143, 00, 52, 80, 100, 80, etc. A writer In the Cologne Gazette de clares thnt servants In the United States do only half as much work, de mand twice a niiicli fret time mid four times as. much wages ns survnnts in (iermany. A traveler writes: "A lady to whom I was kitting next at dinner the other day told me she had n remedy for Ken sickness. She had been a very bad sailor, and' even now If she does not prnetlee her remedy she Is sick; where-1 as when ."he does, the can ntgollate comfortnlily a storm of four or lle hours on the. high seas. It Is simple enough. As the vessel dips she draws in her breath; ns It rises she expels it. The remedy seems to me worth knowing." A cold-blooded scientist has just ad ministered a death blow to the tradi tional belief in "the blue Danube." He wntched tlto big river for n whole year, giving to his studies an hour every morning. The result of the? e observa tions was that ho found the water to lit! brown II times; yellow, 40; dark greep, 59; light green, 45; grnss green, 25; greeniish-gTny. 09; other shades of green, 110, audi that it never had anything like the hue with which It Is credited by the bnrds, The wild duck, the hawk nnd the sea gull, while In Itlghl over long dis tances, usually remain at an altitude of from 000 to 1,400 feet. If they pass below the level of the highest Hying kite of n tnudeiu line the fnet is easily discerned by allowing for perspective. The kite measurements are relatlxely accurate, because during the pro longed flight of thousnnds of wild ducks the kite string can be hauled in and paid out until the altitude of the ducks is exactly meamred by the alti tude of the kites. AN EARL'S DAUGHTER. rnt Off Without a .NlillllriK ! Ilrr rather She .HIiiiwn Her Si-U- ktuatalnlutt Ability. Th daughter of an English arl, after a neglected childhood passed among servnnts, was brought out in soolvty. She was shy and sensitive, and took no Interest in fnshionnble life. Her conduct excited so much dl? pleasure that she became most uuhnp py and despondent. Neglected and despised at home, she ran away to Lon don, and refunvd to return to her fa ther's houae, relates Youth's Com panion. As her fatheT cut her off without a shilling, she had to support herself, and live on starvation wages. She began with lnco-niaking and sewing, and hnd a room in n tenement house. She was a fearless rider, and at one time mnde a living by breaking unrurj horses in Scotland, A friend, after selling soint of the daughter's lace to the mother, con trived to Keeurc the payment of a small allowance from the father. With this tiioniy -lu was able to perfect her education in music, and to carry off prize nt a college on the coriti- nent. About this time she was impressed with ntories which she heard of the sufferlncs of native women in India and the far cant. She dropped her mu sic, and for six years devoted heraelf to the study of medicine nnd surgery. She won a medical degree in England, mastered the French langunge in or der to obtain a higher degree Jn Hrus gels, took a hoapltal and uiirsingcourse in London, and had special practice in the slums of Dublla, Meanwhile ahe was reeiving- a pit tance from her father barely large enough to enable her to keep soul and body together. She wan wholly es tranged from her family, who were ashnmed of the poor relation. Finally she received the reward for her many years of solitary study and persistent effort. An appointment as court physician In Corea was offered to her, and she accepted it as an open ing for what she considered her mis sion In the world work among native women In the far csat. Her father then agreed to give her a thousand dol lars a year. Thin Is not the ordinary romance of the peernge. It is a true story, and shows what a woman of real grit enn do, when she has courage, patience nnd a noble ambition. The shy girl with a plain face has mnde her wny In the world, although she was a failure In the drawing-room as the earl's daugh ter. Aa AmblKaon lavltatloa, "I vvns trnvellnx throiiRh Texas in compAiiy with ivn Mufjllsliinon," snld the colonel, "and one dny nt a small town we heard a tough-looking fellow telling a mighty tough yarn. It vwis full of blood and murder, und be mude it out that he had to kill two men. 1 let it go for what it was worth, of course, but the Kngllhhmuu was Indig imnt and determined to put in Hit. oar, Hefore I could Htop him he started for ward und said: " 'Sir, I have listened to your story, and 1 have no hesitation whatever In denouncing you as a reprehensible pre varicator.' . "The language was too high-flown for the tough. He looked up, hitched around and almost blushed in embar ranhuient, but flnnlly rose up and touched his hat und said: " 'Why, y, major! Uclng it'i mjr time of day to Hcker up, I don't care it I dol' " Boutou Globe; TROUBLED BY RAIN OF STEEL. ImKtilar Anoynre to Which Inme Feaneylvnnln I'eople Are Subjected, The farmers up In Koekhill town ship. In the vicinity of Perkasle, are wishing they could wear nnnor-proof clothing, nnd all because of the stej-1 rain that has been causing them to seek shelter at nil hours of the day. It has been exceedingly dangerous for'a penecful, quiet-loving agriculturist up in this region to go out Into his lleldw, fnys a Doyleston correspondent df the Philadelphia North American. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania, nt the Inntmici! of John P. Klkliis.nl tomey general, has filed a bill of equity here to restrain the llocklilll Industrial compnny. of which Henry Freed is superintendent, from filling the nlr with flying mlhsllen of steel, weighing anywhere from bnlf u pound up to 25 pounds. A preliminary in junction has been granted. The defendant compnny was organ ized to crush and break up ntwl and Iron castings, so thnl they may be handled by the various steel com panies. These "scraps" weigh some times 20 or 30 tons, and are shipped to llocklilll by the Rending railway. There they arc unloaded nnd taken to the Industrial works. Of course, the breaking up of the "scrnjit" could not be allowed In a populous community, because of the very great danger from flying missiles. The blasting out of the steel requires lietivy clutrgcB of dynamite, and the pieces nre throVn for distances of nearly n mile over the Biirroundlng country. Thcpleceaof steel to be acpnrated are placed In a pit, and a charge fixed in a hole drilled in the metal. The custom used to be to blow n whistle when a blast was to be mnde. so thnt the farm ers who were out plowing or reaping could hunt a tree to hide behind. The horses had to take their chances. Hut this whistle blowing was given up, nnd the first notice the unwnry farmer had was when he heard a peculiarly weird, whlzlns nolu thnt accompanies the flight of the projectile., through the air. The things caine so fas' thnt it was utterly useless to try to get out of (be way, and there have been a good many farmers up there who hnve hud ten-pound steel weights dropping within a couple of feet of them and be ing buried four or live feet in the ground. And the storekeepers, too, hnve troubles of their own. Every once in awhile there Is a tremendous rnttlc of crockery, and n lot of dishes piled up on the shelves are hurled to the floor and all because of the conclusion caused by the explosion. The fact is that some of the storekeepers are so much wrought up over the losses they sustain from these crockery break ages that they arc thinking of going into borne other business. The llvd HantliiK font. The origin of the red coat Is n mys tery. There is a story told "thit one of the early Henrys was m enamored with the sport of fox hunting as to ordain It to be a royal sport, and the led coat was worn in coiiM'(iienec." This, however, hn.s been pointed ut as absurd, nu in thobc days scarlet was not a royal livery at all. One thing there can be no doubt about, and that is that the scarlet coat "i icry pop ular for those who bunt regularly. And it must be confessed that It adds picturcMiticucss to the scene. The ipiestion of color seems to be very much a muttvr of taste; it is looked upon ns an indication of social. posi tion. In the abstract novum can don the pink, if so desired, but It is con sidered out of taste for anyone to adopt that color if he does not liberal ly subscribe to the hunt fund. The black coat is considered to come next in social position, and the ordinary mufti garment for those whose sub scription is very small indeed, Tailor and Cutter. Twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as the electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. What you tfolr7 neighbor! Helping Hill. Whnl's Hill doin? Helping .Mat tly. What's Mainly tUin'? HHphg mother. What's mother doin'? Tak ing Kocky Moitaiiiin Ten. Ser.-iblu family. C. L. Cutting. m Haw Are Your Kidney I Dr. tlobbs' Bparocus Pills euro all kidney tUs. Bast, pi free. Ada. Sterling Itemed? Co., Chicago or N.Y. WORTH $300,000,000. The President of a certain big Oil Com pany la wild to be worth f 300,000,000. A tidy bit of mouoy nnd no mistake. And yet ho Isn't happy. In un address to a Bible closa ho spolio of trials and troubles of the rich and the loads thoy have to carry. A young lady whimpered to a friend that he might woar a lien-ton's Torous l'laster on his back or, better still, divide themonoy among the uiombers of tlio class.- I don't kuow why her idea about tho plaster makes me want to laugh, but it doea. All the same I have seen plenty of people laugtt alter putting licnson'u Plasters on their backs or chests, or on any other spot where there waa welaht. heaviness, weakness or pain. It may be the sharp stabs of neuralgia, the aches and -wrenches of rheumatism ; it may be colds in muscles or bones; it may bo those kidney or lumbago thrusts that make you yen as at a aog bite ; or it may ne a strain or cramp, anything that wants quiet ing and comforting. Dont bother with, salves, liniments, lotions, eta., or with any of tho stupid and useless old style plasters. Clap on a Benson's. It relieves at ones and euros quickly. It stops the pain and makes you laugh for the very ease and good feeling otit But watch out against im. 1 tat ions and substitutes. All druggists, or we wiU prepay postage on any number ordered in the United States on receipt of 86c. each. . buVJobj1oa,-Ug.Ohtmiat,ll.I. CITING A PRECEDENT. The Effective nntiukp of m 8oo1-Na tnred Southern Colonel Admlnla tared to MleehleToue Stndeata. If there Is one thing a mischief- maker dreads more than another, it ia n laugh at his expense, but the hrar.tler the laugh the more the world in gen eral enjoys Itself. A capital opportu nity recently fell In the. way of a southern gentleman, and It is pleasant to 'know that he mnde the most of Jt, says Youth's Companion. He is n southern "colonel" of the old type lixlng In n college town, nnd It Is the privilege of a number of students to board at his house. Now by dome inw of nature, the student appetite for fond Is keenest about n'ldnight. and In eor.M-'cnii nee the colftid's larder suffered i.l'litly. Hanic hrunk and jams decli'ned. while FrVny's linking tin longer 'in,,ctl opo1 frr the week. The hniiM'l.erprr wi In dtspalr, nnd the colon"! grow thoughtful. Finally, one Sunday morning, as the colonel, his family and boarders gath ered around the breakfast-table, the ravages of the night before showed forth past hiding. The ham was a bone, and there was no golden arirup for the cakes. The colonel's face wore Its most genial smile. "Hoys," said he, "I can't help think, ing sometimes of a story of John Hnn doPph. He had a dog he loved as much an the dog loved mischief, nnd watch Fido as he would, he couldn't stop the little creature's rnVageS. "One morning Fido entered the li brary about two minutes before his master, leaped Into a chair, dragged down it book that lay open In it, and had just time to munch a chapter or two and lenve his marks on tjie cover when his master appeared. Randolph stood in the doorway, surveying the (nit llbp n nlttlflui.lilmr mlillit It .1 .ttr 1 " r....-- .. J ..i.t mi tiu Tdunk off to wait for his whipping un der the sofa, lint Kai.dolph onh looked at him: then picking up the book, he took a pen and wrote on the tly-Vaf: 'I)i)ni' by Fido when lie wnun pup.' " The colonel gave a little guffaw, while his family shouted with laughter. The students grew very red and then laughed, too. After that the pantry wasr quite safe. t'linrooiiiitnhlr I'linlihmeM, Mrs. Wa.vback Such n man us you don't desert e to haw :i wife. Mr. Wayback Eaetly, M'rla. I've wondered for years what I have evci done to deserve this. Judge. Mother Gray's Swet Powders for Children ttiicccstuliy Used b Moiiier (irii), II II m in tin Cli'ldrell' lloil.t In New Voi I:, cine fi'iiTi-liues., bail stomach, t eel hi i. ,4 '.l-"nti I , lli vi a '! i U'll i e ill" limvcls mill ilf-.trot i hi nw tlvi'i :iO,dUO l, siiiiiiiiiiiiU. 'I lic in Vei fir. ,i 'i'l il-,ii'iri's, 'J."n', S-tiiipl, Adili.is-, Al .- () ii. si. ii, . Now Y- i !:. I It'.), Rheumatism Cured in a Day .M-. in i nre io l hem. iHtl-ni mil iiiurnlvila rertdlli i'iir" in f'Oin oni to three 1 i s Hm no- . lti.it iii.u.1 tin- yMein i ieinarMllo mid iiih-, ermui. I. n Wi,ve u! unci Ihe cnu-i' nml the dlseiiM Imumillnlc vill-nii'enr I'l.e llr-t Oo-i iiemli I'i'lii'll'K Wri'tn- Ndd bv II K. Hue. ! lii-d l i lilt .st'll. ! V ami n rvernl i r-ur rr i lm,'fter nnd uiiinl ii'imiuiiuii Ineiifii i-ti.i- ....t !.. ihl-nioiiui rfciiilii'ill l" repreyciil nnd ndii'ttlw old iImi llsfiei! eiilt) i liiil:u-iii''ii'eiit koIIiI II' imcliil vt ii.Ihik -idnryitlh wn'kl) with exiieiiMxnd . illilolinl. nil MiVMhle '! eli a-m-li Wedni'Mlny ' dlri'i i fimii ln'iid olllei ll'ir'c if d earrlnue rnriil-bnl when inei'Mii lluuieiii ex Kn elo-i sl' mid ex-ed l i'l d u"vebi Pi), t MnlniiL-r i ant nxlou llullili K itiluiU' r H Ht m HI Thai Cough Hangs On X I You have used alii sorts of cough reme dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. ! You need something I that will give you strength and build j up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and: makes the body strong ana healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, dui to fortify the system against further attacks, u you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. ndlt.oo,IldrufIiU. wi "i -..-Ba:. . j inrl SCOTT ft BOWNE, ChttnUU, mw Tors. IW wfa. -cMicHr.sTr.nMi English Pennyroyal pills SJ.-rrv .-, Mnnl unit Unlr Ornalno. - - C&ftU for CHlrfllKSTr'lt'.s KNI1I.ISII Id UKO nl (I0I1I tn.tllllo bom mum lib Llo. ribbon. Take no other. HtTuf Ifiuigf rnaa Nuli.tllnUoni and Imltn ttoa. huy of j.ar Drnffgitl er .od tp. to uni. f, 1'artlfuUr TMOmnnlali M ItHlcf tar Laitlra," in llr, t; rr- Hrnn.iii hm,"" iciimooiAll. scllfi W-. .1. -'"H'-- i'.irnr,Krt.M aiui lift. Mats UK ur. Madlaon l-ara, I'll 11. A.. eyvw JLOWNEY'S AND CHASE'S, BOX GOODS. Hii-IImiis anil Nut (!i'(U ftoiti r.o 10 SsU.OO pel box. 'liomc made candy at kc1 per pound. t The BON TON. V. S. BENSE, Prop. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every Ulnit of couch. laRrippe, bronchitis, noro throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never deraDKCSttkOBtomoch. AtSrug-glata, lO&SSc. pa New - Barber ! Shop. BARKLEY & SCHAFFNIT, Proprietors. Uiiscuiunt I'ottur-Wright Hullding, ; Seissops Ground,1 Hazors Honed, AND .ALL KINDS OF EDGE? TOOLS SHARPENED 3 All kinds of barber work executed J promptly and satisfaction ininrnntueU. GIVE - US - A - CALL. ; CONSTIPATION the rniiuentcauMOf ArP-'nilcltl'nlI1n3ro'r",r Ions Ills nhoulil narcr bo n'Htli-cti'J. Tlio objection to th unual cathartlo rmllcii 11 their cuntlvo rtwtloii which InrrrAMa conVlpntlnn lnrUl of curing It. I'AUKKH'B OIMIKII TO.NIO Is tho proiicr rcmwljr. It acta on tin l.lTi-r. and when used a UlnTlcd, (KTmanentljr remoTca Uie cuiuUpuUon. W eta. & gLW at all Uruggljla. G. V. AKGA1.1UGIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Ri;i Ci.oun. Nkhimska, ' Laiidsi'itpe-i, Flowers, Fruits ami I'or- traits iiiani to oroer. STUDIO IN DAMKICKLL UI.OCK. I. 13. OLV lis. -UAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. (.nek lloz sis. Guide Hock, Neb. vi kinil.x of property bought, sold odd Xt'll'MlRI'lt. tll.l.KlTIOSS MADE. TKK.M ItEASONAHI.K MONEY n.r...J.J wo nCIUIIUCU. guar- an tee Dr.Kay's Itenovator to euro ayspcpsiu, cuusu- nniinn II v nnit trlftnnvR. Heat 1 est tonic, laxative. blood tiurltlor known for all chronlo diseases: renovates and Invigorates tho whole system and cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once. It not satlstled with it notify us, wo will refund money by return mail. Write your symptoms for Frco Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 26 A 60o at drufc-glsts. Dr. u. J, nay, Brutorj,- . . TIMETABLE. B St M. B.T JIED CLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAUA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1 LAKE C' PORTLAND SAA FRANCISCO and all fioints west. TUAlNR LXATB AS FOLLOWS! No. IS. Paunenger dally for Oborlln ' .n.i utVranr a branches. Ox ford. McCook, Denver and all points west.. 6:10 a.m. No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Uuna.y (MtV. AtClllHOIl. St. Loul", Lincoln via Wymorc and ail points east and south 2-32 a.m 16. PafcBenger. dally. Denver, all points In Colorado, Utah and California ....... .,--- :' P- No No. 10. Passenger, dally for bt. Joe. Kaunas City. Atchison, HI.. Louis and all points cast and south -; ...10:00 a.m No 174. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. Hastings, Grand ft land. Block UI1U and all points In tho northwest - 1:00 p.m So. 173. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln. Kansas, Ox ftrd and Intormedlato sta lions, via Republican 1:30 p.m No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymoro and St. Joe and intermediate junction points .- . i;iop.m No. 63. Freight, dally for Hepublican Orleans,Oxford and all points west -. :0Op.m No 66. Freight, Wed. Frl. aunaay NO. 00. rri-iK. . oreBlldBipojnteM, 8.80 a.ra Sleenlng. dining, and reclining chair cars, (mtSD on through trains Tlcaets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United Btates or Canada. ., ..-w. For information. Ume tables, msps or UckeU call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis. General Passengei Agent Omaha. Nebraska. n Dr, Kay's Utlouro cures ok lltlfalirf! femalf diseases. At drug U WIUUI C Lgt(li , juustrated book awj'adtloofreo. Dr.B. J.Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. , John g. pottru, .rttorn6y - 3ct - lhw, Ovr Mittar'a Grocery Stwe. Kk 0i.90, Nk bass a. 1?) r TW( ' 1 n NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS- Notice. Islicrctiy Riven that tlio nricH rflptic) on the Still ilny of .Murrli. ltun, imrclmvert of Hip county trcsmirvr ol Webstrr eoimtr, Nchrsska. Bt prttiitcpnle the following demrlhed loin sotil foripii(iueiitlnxi' forltie yearn IM8 to tVSand kltimleil In lied ( louil. to lt: l.otn in nnd 14 In block rl. In Krtley A .TnolKon'N Htlilltlon tri the rlly of Itpii lloud. Welihtereouiity, Ncbrnskn, (Hxeil in the iinme of l.ti K llnruor. Alto lot in nnd 21 In block 8, in i:Hlyil' .tnek-tm'w nilillllnn lo thn t'lly of Iteil t'loinl, wi'luter county, Nehrnks. mrlinc1 nt tr vnte Mifdti unr.c ilntp hh ul'ow nirchHe fordcllii MUi'tit taxes for the en'IS6a to IWSand tnxed In the iinme of !. 1). Vclfer. The shot ennineil pprKin nml nil othcts who eliilm nil iiitrrent In nny of the lnnil wllllnlc notlro tlmt the time (f rc'lenibtloit of snlil land from wild tnx nle lll esiitrnnn llietli tin) of Mnrrh. I1M2 nfier which 1 mnv niily for tin deedf r all of the iibmc hind that Is not re leeiiicil. Slr.n. Sadik TotiMNfOS. Dntcd ililfi.'Mli dny of Notcuit cr. IM1. GUARDIAN SALE. In the iniitiir of the cflnte of Wonel Lnvnrn, tifeon'ed otlietlieiilir nlvcii Itint ItiiitirHiniiceof nil order ' Id I Vilmiis Jnduu of the ilNtrirt toiiri of wetm'ur ninny. Ncl.in.ku, mmleon the lull dny or .fmitinri. Iun2 for the onlo of the renlcrlHtelieruliiiirter dLKrllinl, there will be KJldnttheniHilooror the court lionm In lied loud. Nclirnikn. on ihe lot dnv or Kelirunry. If 2. nt one ( elocx p.m.. nt piiblle vpimIiil to the tilKlieM bidder for cnsli in hiind, the follonlnc ilCM-rllicil tirmierty. lovvlli An uiullilded 1121 Iiitercrt of the northenst niinrtcr of section eleven ta lownslijp three In rnngc eleven In WebMer eonnly, Nebrntka. Snld unlo will re mnlaoiien one hour. ti m ,., '""Ktis.Gtinrillsn. lly It. T. rTTii, Ills Attorney. J. S. EMIG-H DENTIST. AINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Mfowu I Bridge Work or Teelb Without Plain POHCKLAIN 1NLAV vrid nil tnolatcbt liniroTcmcu. lu duuiUi uech anUrn DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeawavt Ton can be cured of any form of tobacco uslna easily, be made well, strong, maguetic, full of new life and vigor by taking HO-TO-BAO, that makes weak men strong. Many gala ten pounds in ten days, over BOO.OOO cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed, nook let and advice l'RUG. Address .ST1JKI.INO REMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Every Woman r S5S. , S.vJM la lnlertsliMl nwl almnM krinw niiuittlliouoiiilerfnl vJsfvM MARVEL Whirling Spray The I nonew 'fin.injnnrf. Jwre lion unit .Vw'un. licit MI. est Mot convenient 'lyfMk ".'". iiI7. .k luur Jtuttl.tfur II. I r t.- I'tnnol Riipiily the MA 111 Kf.. ftpriitim Jldi I. bniitnditnimifnrl1. in.i-ilwl Nx.k f.lfd.H mo lull iniitli'iilarnaiiildliei'iloniiln. -iiluhlpinlnill. MAItt a:i,-n. Hwim Time lldg.,,eTf lurk. 'mk CATHARTIO, Genuine stamped C. C C. Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleui.ii and lnutil'.c the hair, i'rotiiot.i a tniurlint srowth. Novcr Falls to Itmtoro army iinir io xib lumumi i.uiur. Curt. iralp d'eiiM j Ai hair liUinf. tooinHliiu.: )my?lu DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates the system; purities and enriches tho Mood; emeu the worst dyspepsia, constipation, heuaache, llvcrnod kidneys. Scnnd$l.atdrugglsts. I-'rcu R advice, samplo and booU. aaaaakw Dr. U.J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y " ENOVATOK BRICK Wo can sutnisb 7011 brick in i ty at tho lowest pos sible rato. Brick on sale at either of the lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buv Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PKUI'RlE'l'UK.: DKALEK IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABSTMILWAUKEE'Beer ALWAYS ON TAP.D $& This signature is on everybox o the genuine Laxative uromo-'yuininc Diew lie remedy that esure a eoW Ita atar the remedy that CDET MKDICAL ADVICE. 'Vrtteus frtbt all your symptoms, ltenovatlngtbo system la the only sat 0 and suro method of cur Ing all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay 'a Renovator ta the only perfectsystem renovator. Free aam plesasdaoek. Dr. B. J. ICaj, Saratoga, N. V. m CANDY CATMABTIC " aaBBafaBBBBV BBBVaBBaaaaBBBBa al bbbbbbK bbV &! :k- V ( ' &bj&&&tBWluWt'''kJU'iM'a':!,'a'v' ' -?'lJlZLZL2I2-.