The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1902, Image 5

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    sr,iihiSl M
-t(f4 iliTMfiffWW WflWBl
j ,.,
j Competition 1 1
I $4,000 in Prizes 1 1
$2,000 in Cash.
$2,000 in Kodaks.
Tho largest and most valuable
list of prizes ever offercd;in n
photographic competition.
Come in and let us tell you about
1 fletahoase, bs., f
Jewolors and Opticians.9 I i
5 Rod Cloud, Nobroska.
Tnc (Jhikk tlper year.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1.50.
Jus. Morrison was up from Superior
last Friday.
Go to Ho by for chop feed. Just re
eived anotbor car.
A. H. Gray of Norton was in tho city
on business fertility.
Sco Henry Bros, ad. clsowhero for
seed corn, oats nnd grain.
Tho snow of lust night was tho best
wo havo had this year.
Have you bought ono of ilioso oak
tanned halters for 09c, 89c $1.04? But
ler keepH them.
Chas. Hobinson nnd family aru visit
ing in Itlnu Hill this week, with old
frionds and relatives.
Wash Hoed, who has been visiting
with his daughter Mrs. Geo. Nowhnuso
returned to his liomu ut Campbell but
1 There is
Reason in
AH Things !
Hut thero is no reason
why you should pay big
prises for
Collars and
Strap Work
when wo have the com
plete lino that we are
showing at the prices we
ate making.
Come in and look over
this line and soo that our
prices are right.
WC guarantee
4 every piece just as
we represent it
the same as in our hard
ware business.
Speaking about
Wo want to call your nt
tontiou to tho fact that
wo are increasing our
stock every day. Now
goods are arriving to bo
sold on the old policy,
"Save Money
and Get the
Wc are selling a
17 inch coal bucket
for 19c.
We mean business.
The Chief and Life ( McKinley $1.50.
Car load Sheridan coal at Caldwell,
Gikl Wantko: Cook nt tho Hon
Coal oil, 15 cents a gallon at W. B.
E. S. Garbor visited in Guide Hock
over Sunday.
Uutler keeps tho Bloomer hog fenco.
Host on earth.
If you want job work of ony kind
call and sea us.
Thk. Ciiikp nnd tho Toledo Blade
one year for 81.25.
Jacob Nustcin was n business visitor
to Guide Rock Monday.
Ernest Jones spent Sunday with his
parents Mr. and Mis. Dwight Jones at
Guido Hock.
Pasteur's "Hlnoklegino" for the pre
volition of black-leg in cattle for sale
by Cotting the Druggist.
Go to Butler's for all kinds of harness
and hardware. All goods in both lines
sold at a small margin.
Georgo McCall of Guide Hock was
looking after business matters in tho
city tho first of tho week.
August Lauterbach of Colby, Kansas
was in tho city this week looking after
his property interests bore.
The Life of Wm. McKinley, by Murat
Halstoad, aid TilR Ciiikp one year for
$1.60, tho price of tho book alene.
Charley Fort of Omaha spent Sun
day in tho city visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. L. H. Fort nnd other friends.
Farm loans at 5 por cent interest on
good improved land. C. F. Cathor,
oHico over Cotting's drug store, Bed
Cloud. Neb.
Attorney J. H. Mercer has runted
rooms upstairs in the new Potter build
ing nnd lias moved his law oflico to tho
tho new location.
Miss Kant of Home, New York, h
niece of tho late Do Jay Jiidsnu, ar
rived in the city Wednesday, for the
purpose of attending to n is affairs.
Grace Episcopal service, Sunday
Febmary 10. Fust Sunday in Lent.
Morning prayer, litany and sermon
10.30 a. in Evening praer and er
moo 7:30 p m. Sunday school 1',' in.
The public is enidially invited.
Foil IU.nt; -tlf see'ion of river
bottom land, nil unproved mid under
fence. Abundance of water. Good
buildings. Two miles west of Guido
Hock. Itiquiio of or address, Harry
MeCoimel, Guide Kuel;, Nebr.
Attkstion Faiimkus: tnvu you
seen those huld wear hand undo liar
ne.s nt Rutin's. He will .cll jou one
for $.'10. no not 10, Inn $20; nor will he
take 820, but $22; no bung your team
ami lie will fit them on jour for
Humor has it that Albright Brothers
will in the near fuiuie occupy tho two
north rooms in (lie Moon block with
their stock of furniture and in
stru.noLts. Tho move, if made, will
be a good one for them, us their pre'
ent location U to sin-ill too display one
third of their largo stock.
Keep in .nind the Juhilee Singers at
the opera house Mmeli 10 Fred Em
erson Brooks, I Im California poet, says
of Arthur Payne, the lirst buss of the.
jubilee singers, "To tiud a better voice
than is posepd by Arthur Pn no it
would be neeesjiiry to scour the United
State.". He lias both volume and sweet
ness, ti ixl the twn qualities nromiely
found together in a lums voice "
"I toll 3011 wimi nitt ,hw nbtt is the
best iivo cent cigar in town. If you
enn't, gfi. it take n B'ue Front Both
nre of the same stock."
Low rntes northwest via Burlington
Route. To Billings, Montana, $15 00;
Cady, Wyoming, $10 75; Helena nnd
Butto, 120 00; Spokane, Washington,
823.50; Portland, Taeoma, Seattle and
Rossland, B. C, $23 00. Above rates
will be in effect eveiy day in March
and April from Missouri river termi
nals nnd from neaiiy all stations on
B & M. R. R, A wonderful opportu
nity to visit the nerthwest. Tho Big
Horn Basin of Wyoming Ls a country
of great resources and now undevelop
ed. It has just been made accessible
by a now line of tho Burlington Route,
nnd pments many attractions to the
homeseeker Folder on Big Horn Ba
sin free on i quest. For tickets, rntes,
or additional luiormatiou apply to
noarest agent, Burlington Route, or
write to J. Francis, Genera! Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebr.
For sale bills call at this oflico.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1 50.
If you want seed corn see W. B.
For hardware of all kinds seo Wright
& Popo Bros.
Mrs. Nellio Mooro of Dentior is visit
ing in tho city.
Albert Knutson is around again nfter
a severe illness.
George W. Lindsey is filling his ico
houses tliis week.
Lafe Herburgor has returned from a
trip to Hastings.
Attorney Overman was in Omaha
tho first of the week.
Edward Plait departed Wednesday
for a sojourn in Ghicngo.
Mrs. Gross who has been teaching nt
Blue Hill has returned homo.
Morris Weiss who formerly rosldcd
hero hns returned to tho city.
The Homo Art Club will meet with
Mrs. Geo. Ilndell on next Wednesday
Wm. Benso has moved to his new
location nnd will soon ba ready for
G. W. Francis is mourning tho loss of
f 10 which was taken from his home ono
night this week.
Frank E. Kiper and Maggio Uolvor
son were united in marriagoon tho 13th
by Judgo Edson.
Tne Homo Art Club was very pleas
antly entertained by Mrs. D. J. Myers
on Wednesday afterneon.
When you want a good buggy see
Wright & Pope Bros. They have jest
received a carload of them.
Mrs. A. Clark of Oxford, a former
old resident of this city was here this
week visiting with old friends.
Ralph Snnuer nnd Anno Hubacek of
this county were married by Ed. Hilton
justice of tho poaco on tho 11th.
Will Kent recently sold four hogs
which averaged 140 pounds apiece.
Not so bad for 11 short corn year.
Tho danco given at tho now restaur
ant building of Wm. Benso last Friday
evening was a pleasant occasion.
Tho Lndies Aid Society will givo tin
entertainment at tho opera house in
the near future for tho benefit of the
Trees and small fruits. L. II. Rust
says if you want anything in the nur
sery lino lot him know whnt yon want
and you buy of a dealer.
A Twenty Yeari
Life Policy
'In an Old Line Company is
the best kind of life
'The cash value of the policy nt the;
end of the period is more than
you have paid.
'Fire, Lightning, Tornado and
Life Insurance)
kin the best Old Lino or Mutual1
O. C. Teel, Agt.,
Rkd Cloud, Nkiihaska.
A very pleasant surprise party wns
given nt tho residence of D. J Myers
last Friday evening, tho occasion bo
ing Mrs. Myers birthday. A very
pleasant time is reported.
Another chango was mado in the
management of tho Nation this week,
whereby J. II. Walsh retires from the
Arm and A.C. Hosmor nssumos his
plncn. The now firm, Halo & Co,, has
our best wishes for success.
I havo buyers for both farm aid pas
ture land. If you have land for sale
please list it with me at once. No
chargo if I do not get you a buyer.
Also farm loans at lowest rate with op
tion. O. F. Catiikb, Red Cloud, Neb.
No. GO, the morning freight east runs
now on Wednesday, Friday and Sun
day, and her departing time is 6:80.
Tho boys who want to go fishing nt
Am boy on Sunday the coming summen
can get an early start.
Tho Rod Cloud Fire Department nil!
celebrate Washington's birthday Sat
urday, February 22d, by giving one of
their enjoyable dances. If you appre
ciate the work done by the boys in sav
ing your propei ty come out and help
Minor Brothers this week purchased
of Aug Lauterbach of Colby, Kansas,
his brick building which joins them on
tho north, payintr therefor $3,800
The building will be made longer and
usod for tho grocery department. An
arch will be cut througu giving more
room to tho banking department.
Ovr people have been having a good
time sleighing tho past few days. It is
soldom they ate given such a good op
portunity. Fredetick C. Brooks nnd Miss Iiurn
N Mitchell, both of Guide Rock were
united in marriage by Rev. Ed. Wolf
on February 10th.
Tho movrment which has been start
ed in this oily to boroandliud out what
underlies this portion of tho state
should bo pushed. An oil well or n
coal mino would bo a big tblagfor Rod
F. W. Cowden and wife roturnod
the foro part of tho week from Chicago
where Mr. Cowden purchased the now
spring and summer stock nt clothing
for thn Cowdon-Knloy Clothing Co
Ho tills year bought an extra large and
extra tine stock which will bo on dis
play at their storo in tho near future.
Tho stato papers of Sunday contained
the announcement that Senntor Diet
rich had sent in to tho president the
name of T. C. Hacker for potmater.
Mr Hacker has been n painstaking and
obliging oillcial nnd wo doubt if the
nnming of nny one other man in tin
community would bo balled by tho pal
ronsof tho oflico with such universal
and gumtino satisfaction.
Tho following from Louis Suderborg,
of Longmnnt, Colorado, endorses the
idea of putting down a test holo for a
try for mineral. ( "I soo in your paper
that T. J. Ward is' trying to organlzo a
company to drill for oil or coal. This
is a stop in tho right direction and tho
business man as well as thetarmeis
should givo this thoir support as it will
help all of thorn. Wo havo tho oil ex
citomont out hero in full blast. Just
think of it. land soiling for WOO to 1500
an acre that is not worth fifty cents,
(that is without wator.) Now if they
do go 1,000 foot and do not strike any
thing keep a going. If you want any
support from mo pleaso let me know."
Mrs. Viola Roselln Myers, wifo of
Isaac Myers, residing near Iuavalo,
a very much respected lady and pioneer
resident of this county pnssed quietly
awny at her Into home 011 last Saturday,
February 8th, after a protracted illness.
Viola Hosselln Palmor was born on
May -till, 1848, in Rochester, Bonne
county, Ohio. Site moved with her
patents to Iowa in 180, and from
there to lnavale in 1870, nnd at tho
time of iior death was frt yeais, 0
months nnd 1 days old. She loaves a
husband and three children, one son,
and two daiiKhters, nnd tin ou biotheis
to mourn her departure. Tho funeral
icrvices wore lield nt the icsidence on
Sunday anil were conducted by Rev.
Hecso of the Christian chinch.
l'lio undesigned will sell nt his resi
dence four mid ouo-lialf miles not lb
and one-half mile oubL of Red Cloud
and one milo sou'.li nod three, miles
west of Cowles, on Friday, Fobruaiy
21st, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m.
tho following to wit:
83 Head ok Cattlk, consisting of
2G head of calves steers and hoifers, 10
aro nbout yearlings and 7 will bo year
lings in May or Juno. Fivo good milk
cows, 2 threo years old will bo fresh in
a few days, 3 two years old, one frith
in a few days and ono with calf, 1 four
years old, fresh in a few days, 1 five
years old fresh now, 1 full blood Dur
ham bull two years old.
8 Hea Hoiisks, consisting of two
bay mares, ono eight years ld and one
ten years old with foal, and ono sorrej
gelding eleven years old.
Also 85 bushels seed oats, 8 bushels
of millet seed, one nenrly new 0-shovel
steel beam Ohio riding cultivator, one
walking cultivator, ono 10-inch walk
ing plow, one Eagle walking lister, ono
nearly now 3 section steel lever drag,
ono good feed grinder, one wagon and
hay rack, one lumber wagon, one good
top buggy, one Buckoye mowing ma
chine, ono liny buck, one grind static
ono harvester, one set of work harness,
ono water tank, about 100 fenco posts,
some slat fencing, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Tkkms ok Sai.k Nino months time
will be given on 11 sums over SO, pur
chaser giving note with approved se
curity bearing ton por cent interest.
All sums under On nil sums
over $" a discount of 5 per cent will bo
given for cash.
Aktiiuk Buausiiaw.
Col. C. L. Winkhky, Auctioneer,
C. B. Ohonk, Clerk.
Lot us speak of man as we Und him,
And censure only what we can see,
Remembering that no one can bo per
feot, Unless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cottiig.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure, E. W. Grovo's signature
is on each box. 25c.
Shake Into Your Sheet,
Allen's Foot Easo. It rests the feet.
Curos corns, bunions, ingrowing nnils,
swoolen and sweating feot. At nl
druggists nnd shoo stores 20c. Ask
dacata Your Ilowol With CMcaret.
Candy Cathnrtto. euro constipation fororer.
Wo. 80- 1(0. 0.O. fall, druggists retuad money,
400 lbs, good coal nt Hoby'd for $1.00,
Tho backbone of winter is very
rnuah m it nenrs the tall.
Tho exodus from Innvnlo is to bo
very largo this spring. Somn aro go
ing to Montana, some to Alberta, Can
ada, soino to eastern Kansas, sainn to
tho Stato of Washington and some to
thn married state.
Henry Simons nnd Wesley Wilson
came out. nn the 2d of Febtuary, saw
their shadows and returned and it will
be six weeks until we can plant corn
Proai.iing Eldor Pearson of thn M, E.
church was in Inavalo visiting on Tuea.
day of this week having come to hold
the quarterly conference which was
put over two weeks ago on account of
stormy weather.
Chns. Smelser sold Ills tino residenco
property hero in town this week to
Wm. Carpenter. Chns. will turn tho
elnvatorovor to strango and uncouth
hands and seek n fortune in Montana
in tho early spring,
"Charley what got thn onions" hns
been making lifo mlserablo for some
of tho grocory clorks in'lown tho past
few days.
Oliver Hedge and his sister Miss
Lnura were Inavalo visitors laBt Sun
day and Mondny. Oliver likes to
mingle with the lnavale "lobsters" ns
he calls 'em. Ho says it makes him
fool like ho bad boon elected sheriff
and bad charge of the jail.
Not nenrly as much sickness is re
ported around Inavalo nnd vicinity an
a few months ago. Speaking of sick
ness howover it is strango but nover
tho less truo that thero has been moro
deaths in the neighborhood in the past
two yeats than in tho 29 years of its ox
istenco previously.
Mrs. Rosolla Myers died last Sat 11 r
day and on Sunday she was laid to rest
in the oomotery nt Rod Cloud followed
by n largo number of old frionds and
neighbors. Mrs. Myers was ono of tho
pioncors of Wobstor county coming in
an early day and working hard to
build it. nice home, only to bnve to
leave it after it was completed and
well furnished. She loaves one child,
a girl, a husband nnd tin en brnthors to
mourn tier departure as well us a great
many (tear friends. Ono by ou the
old settlers are going until in n few
sb rt years 110110 wilt be left who lived
here with tho buffalo in early days.
Tho snow is disappearing fnst und
leaving the wheat in Hue shape.
It is reported that Mr. Jess Garrison
and a Mr. Doty are going to Washing
ton soon to look up 11 locution for time
Tho reporter has it that Mr. F. C.
Brooks was married Inst night,
Mrs. Orn Ogilvio returned Monday
from a visit with her sister Mrs. Dew
Thompson nt Blua Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Proudfit havo returned
from their trip to South Dakotn, nnd
report it ns extremely cold there. Mr.
Proudfit states that every limo ho goes
away from Guido Rock and returns he
thinks more and better of old Webster
Mr. John Ogilvie from Kansas was
in Guido Rock thi week doing laud
business with Colvin & Barcus.
The new dray owned by Ed Hagan
seems to be doing quite a business.
Robert Mann, from noar Bostwick,
bought 200 head of hogs of Harry Mo
Cormal this week and shipped them to
Kansas City.
Isaac Crow, who has boen quito
poorly for some timo is roportod Bomo
1 0 tor.
Protracted meetings nro going on nt
the Baptist church this wet-k, and we
learn that the minister, Mr. Thompson
is quite nn able speaker.
The now millinery storo which ro
cently came from Superior nnd located
in Guide Rock has opened up in lino
shapo, nnd aro well ploascd with their
Mrs. Wm, Guy is on tho sick list.
Ji ronio Vanco of Guide Hock receiv
ed the appointment for commissioner
for tho old soldiers for this district. A
good man for tho place.
Geo Garbor is moving today in the
Alva Minor property
To the Farmers.
Don't gut caught napping with these
wouidbe cattle buyers that aro riding
over the country looking for snaps,
but bring your cattle here to Red Cloud
to the B. & M. stock yards. Then you
can get all the buyers upon them in
cluding the butchers. Meantime we
will make you a bid upon them, and if
anyono buys them higher than we bid,
you are euro t get the strength of the
ruarkor. We are shipping nearly a
load of stock n day and it is impossible
for us to ride tho country. It coats
money to ride the country and we are
willing to givo this oxpenso to you in
tho price of your cattle. Wo buy any.
thing that wears hair in tho shapo of
cattle nnd hogs, nny day and every
day. You cau bring ono head ot 100
head. Tho moro you bring tho highor
price wo can pay; gives us a chance to
sort. Now don't get caught napping
in tho couutry. Mokhart & Guttek,
tho every day high buyors.
B, Loo of Lawrence wns in this town
over Sunday on his wny to Hastings
wl.h a loud of poullty,
Bruce Lnruntz of Cheyonne, Wyom
ing is spending n few days in tho vicin
ity with friends.
J R. Wnrner and family who has
been In tho employ of J. I). Trevnl
piece loaded a car thn ilrst of tho week
and returned to bis old home in Illinois
whoro he will engage iu farming.
Arlio Davis who has boon working
on a fruit farm in California camo
homo the lirst of the wook and declares
ho has found no better country than
Nebraska. '
J. Ji. Grandstaff and W. W. Keith
left last week for n trip through Ten
uosseo with tho view of making some
Investments in tho sunny south.
W. II. Hoffman reports that ho has
sold his stock of grocories to Wash
Dr. Swigart has moved with his fnni
ily to Hastings.
V. S. Hull loft Tuesday morning for
a ttip with the lumberman's excursion
for Now Orleans and other southoin
Rev. Hummel of Blue' Hill llllod the
M. E. pulpit Sunday morning and oven
ing. Several united with tho church
after tho ovoning sormon.
Quito a number of our people at
tended the meetings out at Harmony
school house tho past wook.
Grandma Harding passed away Sat
urdny morning nbout 0 o'clock. Thn
funeral was held Sunday afternoon at
the home of her daughter Mrs. J. A.
Williams, whoro they worn living at
the timo of her death, Rev. Hummel
preaching tho sormon. Sho was laid
to rest in the Plaiaview cometory.
Four sons nnd two daughters woro at
hqr bodslde when she died, two child
ren being unablo to got hero.
Friday was Valentino day with thn
scholars in Miss McOrnckon'rf room.
Whnt is n lobster, some kind of a
tish? Well, if you had boon to the salo
and seen our jag yesterday you would
havo thought Hint it wns a whole school
or fish.
Mrs. Jessie Walter who bus been vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Wolcoti for tho rnst
few days roturned to her lmmo at Wil
sonvilln Wednesday evening.
Our neighbors over the river on Wnl
nut aro having all kinds of fun over a
little scl ool M'rnp ami well perhaps
wo had better not say anything, for ln
avale is not quiet 011 the school ques
tion just at uieseut, hut we will tell you
all about it next week.
Mr. Alhertou's sale Tliuisday was
well attended and good prices on goods
were lealized iiispltoof the had wen
thor. Chns. Smelser has sold his town prop
erly heio to Win. Carpenter and will
move to Montana soon.
Mr. Broouitiuid and Mr. Knight ex
pect to start for Alberta, Canada, in a
couple of weeks. Wo nro very sorry to
loso so many of our good people and
hope that parlies taking their places
wfll be ns well liked as they havo boen.
The party at Mr. Oimstoad's was
largely attonded and all enjoyed them
selves immensely, but that is nothing
new for we always do havo a good time
at Lew's.
lnavale has been greatly stirred up
lately over a reappearance of kissing
bugs. Elmer Simons, Earl Paul acd
Dan Garber all claim to be victims of
thoir attack, and Mr. Lndd verities
their statements by docluring that ho
hns seen two or three in ono evening.
m m
Tho Farmers' Institute of Ccwlos will
hold a session nt the A. O, U. W. hall
Saturday "afternoon, Feb. 22d, 1002, nt
ono o'clock sharp, with the following
Whom A il. Spraclier.
lfnlfu -E. L. Fnwontt.
Poultry Mrs. A. T. Vance und Mis.
A.C. Bon.
Fruits nnd Gardening Win. Good.
Strawberries 11. L. Hopkins.
Cum of Young Cattle C. A. Latlum.
Milk r. A. Good.
Flowers Mr. J. D. Stoiey.
Music furnished by Cowles Orches
tra. C E Putnam, Secy.
H. B Thompson, Pros.
Tho Chikk nnd Chicago Inter Ocoan
no year for 8L25.
mECONnKNomD by
Stxty Years a Household Remedy
For Burnt, Cuti. Sprains and
CAUTIONI Witch Haiel (t
POND'S EXTRACT. IniiituponOx.
im POND'S EXTRACT, aolo: tj ia
m1 J bottles, buff wrapper.
, i
.3TOC -rgr:Mtftriw'i'cuiiwt3Mict