The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 14, 1902, Image 1

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    i s
Money Saving'
Suggestions !
And the rtght kind of qualities linked with the
rigt sort of prices, but that is what constitutes
a value.
These are reliable offerings, the items you've
in mind that groove in with the present needs,
and prices you'lll ffnd exceptionally interesting.
A Shipment of New Skirts !
The Ladies Mercerized Underskirts we've
just received are manufactured by the Peerless
people of Vermont. This is our second ship
" ment of skirts within the past sixty days, and we
arc safe in saying there's no skirt made to retail
at $1.50 to $3.00 that has given such universal
A Bargain to last from ,.
Saturday to Saturday.
Saturday, February 15th, we place on .sale
1,000 yrrds fancy yc calicoes to retail at 4c per
yard for one week only.
Remnants of Every
at wholesale prices. Calicoes, Percales Ging
hams, Dress Goods, Suitings, etc.
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., is President of the
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent
clergyman in the Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO
churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great
pleasure to give my testimony as to tho culclcncy of Dr. Kay's remedies. ,
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold and throat remedy
that I over used. .
I havo also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator.
My eon had for years been greatly aQllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced
the uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from tho
Wohavono words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo
received as tho result of useing these remedies. I tako great ploasuro In
commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Cakpenteh,
Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It is a norfect renovator of tho whole Bvatom. Ittathovcrvbcstrcmcdv
B"r HW V ' ' known for stomach troubles. indigestion. (IvhiipiihIil. imtnrrli nf
stomach, constipation, aholiver and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo clfccts of La-Grlppo and Spuing lassi
tude. It is an excellent Nervo Tonic. Send for free sample and a freo illustrated 116 page book of receipts
etc.. and send your symptoms and wo will give you freo advico. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's Renovator
don't tako any substitute they may say is "just as good," for it has no equal: but send direct to us and wo
will send it by return mail prepaid. Price 25cts., and $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay'a Lnng Balm
wots., ann socw., posiago prepam, jjr. u. j. kay medical CO., Saratoga Springs, w. r.
The Chier one year and the Life of
h t
Wm. McKinley for $1.50.
From tho Kama Mull and llrccic.
A man whoWas naturally monn and
closo listed ittul hated the worst way to
cough up tho wages of a hiiod girl be
gan to get playful with tho conk until
he excited pin jealousy of his wife,
who determined to lay a nap for her
spouse and gel some, tangible, evidence
against liim, Sliu therefore sunt the
girl home onvly and took liar place in
tl u kitchen, ,It was dark in tho cull
nnry department when tho mean man
relumed frdfn his placo of business,
but his wife who was doing the detec
tive net did not strike a light, for slio
had a plan. And the mean man who
was onto tho situation laughed Inward
ly as he slipped out into the dark
kitchen and catching his wife planted
a kiss on her cheek. Thon ho laughed
out loud as his wife struck n light and
told her that it was one on her. But
tho woman wasn't entirely satisfied
that it was all right, and the next daj
she discharged the cook and from Hint
time on prcpnred tho meals herself.
Then the mean man chuckled again
and congratulated himself because he
wns three dollars and four hits ahead
every week.
Moral You never can tell what a
man will do to save a few dollars.
Un one occasion some enterprising
animals concluded it. would bo a good
thing to organi.u a sort of medical so-
clety among the beasts and birds for
the purpose of discussing matters per
taining to the public and private health
of the community. Vaiious animals
and fowls, were invited to prepare pa
pers to bo read on such subjects as
they might choose. At the first meet
ing of the society the hen, who hud se
cured a plane on tho program, went
clucking to tho front nnd commenced
to read a papor on tho subject, "The
Proper Care of the Teeth." When the
hen announced her subject the j.iy bird
(ell off a limb nnd tht mastiff, who was
acting as chairman of the mewling, at
onco announced the meeting adjourned.
Moral It is frequently tho caso that
an individual is most anxious to tnlk
on some subject of wnicli he knows
A provident dog who had boon pre
sented with h good juicy bono look it
away and buried it for future use. A
few days after this ho was giving a
bevy of improvident canines a lecture
on the necessity of caving. Aa the
provident dog warmed up to the sub
ject and became eloqueut in advocacy
of economy and the necessity for pro
viding for the future, he made the dec
laration that if a dog was hard up and
out of grub it was his own fault. While
he was giving this talk one of the im
provident curs who had found out
whom tho bone was buried, clipped
away from tho crowd and that evening
whon the provident dog went out to
look over tho winter supply there was
not a thing to bo seen except ab irregu
lar shapod hole in tho ground.
Moral Sometimes the best laid cal
culations get knocked out
A lady who had labored under the
impression that she was a groat vocal
ist, was invited to sing at an evening
entertainment. After sho had sung
tier song ami was hungering for com
pliments, she met a sad faced man by
the name of lirown nnd said, "I didn't
think 1 sang At all well tonight; did
you think so, Mr. lirown V"
"No, I thought it was a little tho
worst I ever heard," replied tho sad
faced Mr. lirown.
And from that timo 011 tho vocalist
marked Brown off her list of speaking
Moral J ust from tho standpoint of
expediency, when a female singer asks
for voui opinion, it is prudent to hand
hor out a gilt-edged prevarication.
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse
in the Child's Homo, New i"ork, breaks
up colds in 24 hours, cures feverishness
headache, stomach troubles, teething
disorders and destroy worms. At all
druggists, 25a. Sample mailed free.
Address, Allen S. OlmsUad, LeRoy.
1 iiasjn
1 f v" m u
W iW
T fl II
IMDnSSIRI F. !? y ? eJy.
111! me UnpplllCKSOI
motherhood," says the doctor. Some
times he qualifies the statement, nnd
says: Impossible without an opera
tion." Yet both these "impossibles"
have been made possibles by the use
of IJr. Pierce's Pnvoruc rre-
ecnptlon. Many times the
Hindrances to tuoiner-
hood arc to l)c found ii
woman iv diseases or
weaknesses, which
are perfectly and
.. 1 1... if rt
cured uy "rw
vorite Pre
medi- tMW c.ine
cures irregularity
and dries
drains. It heals
Inflammation and
lcerution, and
cures female weak
ness, it makes weak
women strong and sick
women well.
"I with to ailil my testimony
to hundreds of others a. to the
vnlue of Dr. ricrce'i medicines,!'
writes Mrs. Ma M. Dc I'ord, oftatona, Hubbard
Co., Minn. "I lave doctored with a great many
physicians mwic specialists-, have twice been
in ii litniiitnl for treatment. My case has tweii
regarded ns n hopeless one. nnd they knew not
what the trouble wan. Heart was bad : stomach
nil out or orders tlreil out; severe pains in all
part of the Ixxly ; sinking spells, and uearly
every ailment n woman could have. 1 took
many u tioltle of 'patent medicines' without
effect. 1 twgan takliiK Dr. Tierce's I'avorlte Pre
scription, uml ten mmiins nuerwarn i gave
hlrtli to a ten-pound boy. All Mysiciant had
ttated as a act that I nextr tould btar a child.
lloth the baby and myself were strong, and I
got nlonc ltOcnilldly thanks to your medicine.
Tim Common Sense Medical Adviser,
1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to
pay expense of mulling only. Aduxeat
Dr. R. V. Piec,c, Buffalo, N. Y.
People never think nf running away
from trouble until they have first stir
red the old fellow to ibii liKhliog point
When a woman n'ts a now dress sho
repays a great many old calls at once.
Whenever nuws becomes scarce
ssmeoue pulls a loaded shotgun out of
tho wagon by the muzzle.
A man's coat always hangs well
when he is executed on the gallows.
Some men forget their wedding dny
and some, wish thev could.
An exchange- says: "About the hard
est thing to boat is a boiled egg." Have
you tried a carpet, my brother?
Every timo a man changes his pants
he leaves his ofllco keys in his other
pocket, but he novcr forgets his tobac
co. Whon vou receive a letter from John
Smitn, unless you know the handwrit
ing you don't know who it is from.
The most patient friend on eartli is
the one who will stand and listen to
you loll tho same old story over for the
twentieth time.
A Chicago profcMr bathed some bad
boys in oil and mustard. The boys are
very hot about it.
If patent medicines accomplished all
that is claimed for them graveyards
would soon go out of stylo.
It is all tight to give advice to your
iriomis, nut do cureiui mat you do not
tread too near tho quick.
If you say complimentary things
nhout a girl she may pretend she is
mad, but she is not.
If you seo u man Jei k'ug or mistreat
ing his horso you may put it down that
when he gets home ho boats hU wife
and slaps the children.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
children euro Feverishness, Bad Stom
ach, teething disorders, break up colds
move and regulate tho bowels nnd do
stroy worms. They never fail. Over
30,000 testimonials. At all druggist,
25o. Sample mailed free. Addres.o,
Allen S. OlMUoad, UOst N. T. ,
A lodge of Kngles has been formed at
A company has been foimed to pros
pect for co il at Dnnlmr.
A Trntiton man owns a two-jear-oUl
colt that weighs 1,100 pounds.
Over fiO por cent of the cultivated
acreage in York county is In wheat
One telephone line operates over
forty miles of telephone lines in l)odc.e
Hunters at Tekamah have been sue-ce-sful
lately in killing a number of
A bank of clay, highly adapted to the
manufacture of jugs, has been discov
ered near Falls City.
. Five golden weddings were celebra
ted on the same day recently indiffer
ent parts of Nebraska.
A new slock company has been
formed to build a rural telephone line
from Dawson to Middloburg.
Tho residence of W. 11. Orenburg,
a banker at Malmo, has boon quaran
tined on account ol smallpox.
Nebraska has $nr0per capita of its
wealth invested in public school houses,
which is tho highest on record.
Four hundred bushels of alfalfa hoed
has been furnished the laud reultrs in
tho vicinity of Superior for planting.
Great preparations aiu under way
for the next meeting of the slate real
estate dealers to be hold at Fremont in
tho near future.
Tho Nye & Schneider elevator at
Bruno, Butler couuty was burned re
con ly. Several thousand bushels. of ...
griin were burned.
J. D. Hayes of Lincoln will succeed
J. U. Sizer as state oil inspector. Mr.
Si.ur has resigned to accept the Lin
coln postmaslership.
The pooplo of Sprlngtiold nro agitat
ing the question of constructing an
electric line from Keya Palm to some
point on the Elkhcrn railroad.
Ono Nebraska ranchman recently
marketed 2,425 sheep bud has 10,000
more on a Sheridan couuty ranch feed
ing for market about April 1st.
Tho farmers of Adams couuty antici
pate the largest ciop of wheat, both as
to the number of bushels and tho num
ber of biiBhels to tho acre, in the his
tory of the county.
The largest mortgage of real estate
ever recorded in Cuming county was
recently placed on file. It was for
1110,000 and covers oumoroui pieees of
property in that county,
The county boards of several coun
ties of Nebraska have asked the county
judges for an accounting of the fees re
ceived by them from marrying couples
wbo obtained their license from them.
A company is boing formed at Table
Hock to test tho mlnertt) formations
in that vicinity and will sink a bole
1,500 to 2,000 feet deep into the eartli
to rench the wealth they seem to think
is there.
A Nebraska woman recently sold her
farm, receiving for it nhout 12,700,
which she placed in a tin can beneath
the floor of her chicken house, thinking
its safety moro secure than the bank
Sho is, howover, now regretting the
disappearance of the money.
The mean toinpiiraturo for January
at Lincoln was 'JO degrees, which was 5
degrees warmer on tho average than
the mean tomporature for tho last nine
teen years. Tho precipitation was 1 02
inches, tho highest record made since
1801, and iias been exceeded only four
times in twenty. ono years.
nro likely to bo used for (latin
coffee t If you know, you would bo
sure to demand
Lion Coffee
which Is, never contaminated with
auy flail n of any sort, either egt
r (iue joss pore,
fresh, strong-,
wn asftUtYrad (rssfiwa.
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