The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 07, 1902, Image 1

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niniMiliiiaBiiiiiai4sBbi.iaiu,n'tnf'ijAwih.'-jxni.Ai -'jirTjMjn.iT-rvfvM-rt'iijT?T ..- .flTnvTygrfWwWKiiiiMiTjim-uMJUirttwviwi r mi mi iniiiniiiim m in m imia i iiaiM wiwi ju mimi.-
v S N..i Mr s
- "B f f f yf n h I ff iTifi B Ml MM M iT JB iMnJlif' MiMiMiI
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., Is President of the
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent
clergyman in tho Christian Church lo-day. Ho has dedicated ubout COO
churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great
ploasuro to glvo my testimony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's remedies.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold and throat remedy
that I over used.
I have also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator.
My son hod for years been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced
tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from tho
"Wohavono words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo have
received as tho result of usolng theso remedies. I tako grout ploasuro in
commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Caiipenteh,
Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It is a TKsrfcct renovator of tho whole svstcm. It is tho vorv best remed v
ty'JI iivi i - known for stomach troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho
stomach, constipation, alsollvcr and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of La-Grlppo and Spuino lassi
tude. It is an excellent Ncrvo Tonic. Send for frco sample and a frco illustrated 110 page book of recclpU
etc., ana Bona your symptoms anu wo win give you ireo aavicc. iiaruggistsuon'tnavo uv. nays renovator
don't tako any substitute tbeymay Bay is "just as good," for it has' no equal; but send direct to us and wo
will send It by return mall prepaid
flOcts., and 25cts., ostage prepaid.
Price 25cts., and $1.00 or b!x for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's I.nnc Balm
un. u. J. kay medical CO., Saratoga uprtngs, im. i.
' af
i i jw.W.
Wm. McKinley for $1.30.
From the Knurnn Mall ami llrecic.
Two dogs cdtiimuntiLMl growling nt
0110 niiotliir on the street. As they
wnlkrd round and round other
growling 11ml showing their truth, they
intruded tho nttentlon of four other
dogs, who liiiipuned nlong the road,
two going in one direction and two in
tho othur. Thn two dogs first mention
ed grew inoioiiuiipiigeous ns tho crowd
gathered. In circling round ono .'in
othur 0110 of tlioiu luippuned to brush
against 11 dog who hud couio over to
sue whiil was tho inattur. II" con
cluded th nt lie had beur. insulted mid
coniiniMieed to growl and show his
teeth. Another dog thought tho third
dog meant It for him Mid proceeded to
take n hand. Seven more dogs, who had
boon going nlong about their business
humd tho racket nnd cuine running to
investigate. In n minute ilmy hnd all
taken .sides in tho matter. Five dog
tights were alruitdy in opuratiou mid
more dogs were coining in from all
sides. In 10 minutes from the lime
the two tirst dogs commenced quiti'iel
ing there were SO red hot tights on
hand in full swing As the dogs were
blouking the street mid creating a good
dual of disturbance, a policeman mixed
in with his club mid pounded the
dogn until the light was ended, mid
the canines scattered. Afterward :i
eouplu of iliu dogs who had heen con
siderably chewed up in thu fray and
whose wounds were still tore, met mid
commenced to compare notes. "Hy
tho way," said one, "How did that
trouble communce, anyway!"
I'IVIimihI if I know," answered the
other. "I was going to ask you about
Tiii'ii the twa cauiuts started nut to
gether 011 mi investigating tour, but
they were not able to iind a single dog
who was able to tell why the iigh com
menced or how ho happened to get
mixed up in it.
Moral: Most quarrels commence
without any real reason mid most men
me ready to take sides in a scrap with
out investigation.
At a county fair there was erected a
20-faot polo that had been thoroughly
greased from bottom to top. On top of
the polo was a silver dollar that was
promised to tho tirst boy who would
climb tho polo without tha aid of any
spikes. And all that day a gang of
boys trie! to get that dollar, but not
one of them vns able to get over half
way up the pole before bo would slide
back to the bottom. Then a farmer
man, who had tried in vain to get same
of theso same lads to help him with bis
harvest, said as he watchad them try
the impossible: "An' there ain't one
of tbani young fools who couldn't have
earned a dollar an' had it in his list
while he has been wastin' his lime
try in' to climb that pole."
Moral: The chump passes over tbe
sure things and wastes his time on experiments.
OvJ AswlEtoX
IN All) lifaf" the question of heallh
111 VLV ttLbtcoieB mainly a
question of nutrition. If the stomach
nnd other organs of digestion nnd nutri
tion arc kept in a healthful condition
there will be n well-nourished body, and
little liability to disorders of the liver,
tiowcls or such other disorders as may
result from In
nutrition nnd
lnck of exer
cise. Dr. Pierce's
Golden Med
ical Discovery
cures disens8
of the stomach
nnd other or
gans of diges
tion and nutri
tion, and also
diseases of oth
crorgnnswhich are caused by
the diseased
condition of the
stonmch. Ily
enabling the
perfect nutri
tion nf the
body it increases the vital power and
promotes a vigorous old age.
" I was u miflerer from cliremlc tUnrrhen for five
yenm," write Mrs. Mary A. Aaron, of Kolla,
l'helpa Co., Mo. "I trlnl llnrent rtnrnllea,
which would (rive tnr relief for a ahort lime
only. My trouble would return at bad aa ever.
J consulted you in July. lyoo. and by your advice
commenced using l)r. l'leice'a remedies. I took
two bottles ol tlie -uoiuen mcuichi uiiKuvcrT,
three vials of the ' I'ellets.' aud some of the
' Hxtract of Smart-Weed,' ns you advised. I
have not had any return of my trouble alnce
uslnir your medicines. Am now seventy-one
years old and I never had anything to relieve
me so quick. 1 think Dr. l'lerce's medicines the
greatest on earth. Should I ever have any re
turn of my trouble shall use your medicine.
My thanks to you for your advice and thanks
to Almighty God for restorlug me to health
through your hands."
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases or the stomacu,
blood nnd lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the best
laxative for old people. They cure con
stipation aud biliousness.
an annual salary of $."0,000 a year, but
thu man with the b ondu moiisiacho
and tho piuK cheeks, who used to he
called toi sweet for anything, whs
keeping door for tne little weitzuiied
man and lying to visitors at a stipend
of 8(10 pur month mid hU wife, who
used to think that she was in great
luck and pitied the girls, added
to tho family income by taking in
b inrdors.
Moral. Yon nover can tell by the
color of a cat's hair how many mice it
will fciithcr in timing the course of a
The Chier one year and the Life of
There were two young Indies who
were waited on by a couple of young
men who appeared to have serious in
tentions. One of these young men was
pronounced just too sweot for anything
by nil thu girls in tho neighborhood.
He was equal to a wax ligure for show
ing oil a suit of clothes and he could
kick a goal or buck the center butter
than any other man in thu eleven hu
bolongcd to. Hu had a darling of u
blonde moustache mid ins cheeks looked
like tho pictures of apples that nursery
Hgcnts carry around with them to fool
tho trusting farmers with. The girl hu
waited on was awfully proud of him
and pitied thu other girls because there
weren't any more such fellows, as hers
in thu country. Tho other young lady's
fellow was n beaut. He had a sort of
shriveled look like a cow hide
that had been liuug over tho fence to
dry. As compared with the first girl's
steady this ono wits generally conceded
to resemble three battured 10-cuut
aiecos but the girl wasn't sure that she
could bait another fellow if she would
let this ano go so she hold oa to him,
Twenty years after the two young la- j
dies wero married and thu little, wea
zened, dried-up man was at tho head
of an insurance company and drew
A new bank is to bo established
David City has n commercial club of
100 members.
An alfalfa ranch company in to be
organized at Kearney.
A creamery is to be stnrted at Mem
phis in thu near future.
Moro than 10,000 touH of ice have
been stored at Wymore this year.
A new cavalry troop has been formed
at Omaha and has been giving nightly
Pluus are being discussed for the
erection of a new court house in Saun
ders county.
Tho acreage of winter wheut planted
in Nebraska this year is the largest in
the history of thu it ate.
A Nebraska man lias a collection of
3,034 suociub of native plants of Neb
r tsku, 1,071 ol which are lloweriug.
The citizens of Gruud Island are rais
ing funds for thn Fireman's tourna
ment to be held there hoxt summer.
Thiny carlouds of sugar beet seed
have been received at Omaha fur dis'
tiilniiioii throughout tho western states
Thu city council of Lincoln has been
asked to grant u franchise f r the
erection of a fountain at a cost of
A now .stock company Iiiih been
formed at Ilinnbolt to build a rural
telephone lino from Dawson to Mid
dle,burg. Thu slate board of agriculture has
decided that the statu fair will be held
at Lincoln August -0 to September 5 of
this year.
One hundred and eighty additions
wero made to the FuIIh City U. E.
church during tho first four weokw of
revival meetings held there.
Tho TecuHseu Farmer Institute is
to have a corn exhibit, in which the
farmer's are requested to bring in six
ears of what they consider their best
About thirty of the roprosontntive
biiHiticHN men of Humbolt have organ
lzod u btiHinoss mon'u association and
hnvomndo nrrangomentH for weekly
A largo ranch comprising 1,000 acres
of grazing land nnd 13,000 head of cat
tle was sold for M70,000by nn Omahn
man whose grazing lands now embrace
1,. 100,000 acres.
The board of supervisors of Knox
county will an aid the contracts in the
near future for tho erection ef tho new
court house to bo built nt the now
county seat of Center.
I'lnns are being made for tho organ
ization of n negro colony near Hastings.
The proposition is to colonize a num
ber of Alabama families who will con
line their work to gardening.
Tim elevation of Nebraska at Omaha
is 1,000 feet above tho luvel of thu sen,
while the western border is B,000 feet,
making the general elevation from east
to west range from 1,000 to 0,000.
Forty acres of laud is to be leased by
I he hoard of trustees of thu state deaf
mid dumb institution at Omaha to lie
used as an experimental farm in teach
ing thu inmates of thu home now to
The farmers of Neniaha county havt
been stiffurinp considerably of lulu
from depredations of petty thieves mid
about fifty men have formed actmipauy
for mutual protection from the nuis
According to tho census bureau Ne
braska packing houso Industries rouk
first in point of importance, thp flour
ing mills second aud printing third,
tho value of tho printing productH bo
ing above $3,000,000.
Two Harvard ladies in ntto opting to
keep warm on a long drive through the
snow, plncud a lighted lantern at their
feet which caused same confusion by
igniting tho Inprobo, resulting, how
over, in no serious damage.
Chicago and Northwestern survoy-
ors aro running' preliminary lines for
tho improvements planned for Omaha.
It is probablo that a now passenger
depot will bo built there thin spring.
Additional sidetracks nlso will bo put
Some Nebraska prospectors are con
sidering the constiuction of a large
waterpower plant with a dam three
miles from Valentine over tbe Nio
brara river. The dam is tocost75,
000, tbe machinery I50.M0, and the
buildings 110,000. The plant will be
8,000 borso power.
A PlatUmouth citizen has an old
relic iu tho form of a copy of the first
paper published In that city. The
Plaltsmouth Jeffersonian, which was.
established in 1857 and which contains,
tho advertisement of the first Fourth,
of July celebration in that part of the
Many School Children Are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
children, used by Mother (liny, a nurse
in tho Child's Homo, New York, breaks
up colds in 24 hours, cuics feverishncss
headache, stomach troubles, teething
disorders anil destroy worms. At alb
druggists, 25s. Sample mailed free.
Address, Allen S. Olmsteatl, LeUoy,
Bdaeate Yoar Bowels With Oaaeareta.
. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forerer.
Wo. sec Itaao.fallidruggisurenwdBMaejii
In a
Glass of Water.
Put a handful olglaxed
coffee in a glass of water,
wash off the coating,
look at it; smell itl Is
it fit to drink? Give
the same test. It leaves the water
bright and clear, because il's jus
pure coiice.
TlieMal pacific Iniuraaualfarm
quality and frMUBM.
'atutMpitM tMMB.-'Wafjmu'.t' mwmnmtm9rjitm mMttlftmmaH
rtyitBwMHw'tfrwtfr mawn"