w'wJrtjfcAa.,Mw.trfrtMrtj-j-. , svt fr "-rA5-i5CiA,ifc.ivj - -.--' U --vfcaW"V -r- S.TM.'I v If t Jkrtr.1 I i Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they (IN ter out the waste or impurities In the blood. K they are sick or out of order, they fall to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid In the blood, due to nee lr.ntH kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makc3 one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart Is cver-worklnc In pumping thick, kldney polsoned blood through vctns and arteries. It used to bo considered that only urinary troubles wero to be traced to the kidneys, but now mod6rn science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning tn kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits frffi by all druggists in fifty- slJBftBiji5W.S43i cent and one-dollar c1z-HSb"RKijumm es. You may have a atguBltyiBLg sample bottle by mall Home of Bwamp-rtnot. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer It. Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If J on havan't a regular, htalthy morement of tha Liaali m.pv riav. (iii'rA 111 ar will be. Kn fflur bowel open, and bn well. Force, In the ariapaof vlo- SntphTlour pllll)lon,l dantrrroua, Tho smooth Mt.eulxit. moat porfort way of keeping the bowels Clear ana cioiui iiu hm CANDY CATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE OANDY rieaeant, ralatahlr, Potent, Tatta Oood. tin flood, Barer Hlckm. Weaken, or Orlpo. 10, CI, and CO rente 8er box, Wrlto for tree samiilr, and book-let on alth. Add mm 413 TIRUilO HMKDT COSriNT, rtli.iOO er MIT TORI. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN You pay to oonla for Cigars not ao good 4 LEWIS' SINGLE CIGAR STRAIBHT.S r. ciu'w i s, MAVrlt PBOIHA.IU. Dont Be Fooledi Taka the sen orlglaal HOCrW MOUNTAIN TEA Mad only by Madliaa Mdl claa Co., Madlsoa. WU. It keeps you wall. Our trad mark cut on each aackaaa. Price, as cent. Never eol4 in duik. Accept no aaottr tate. Ask your druggist. J D. FULTON. KlVKUTON, NKBRASKA. AUCTIONEER. r TERMS REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Sftlsfoi The 5 Minute Breakfast rood. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR HAKK.S "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. LouU, Mt. nTTBrTCEEE kUKIdnei Kidneycura. Dlseimcs. liack- aobe.ctc. Atdruir cisva, or uy moii, II. Free book, d vtoe. etc, ot Dr. B. J. Kay, barutog, N. Y. laltaM. BoUbTdniUU. ktl iiaiaiMi iv1wte JwSjURjj' BINDER honwnnil poor look. i5-JV lng liuriit'Mt li tlio ."SA wont kind of a com. ""4 Eureka 3 Harness OilSi not only mnkn tho harness and the I'M honwi (or brtti-r, but luukri tits In leather soft mul tillable, put It It con- llm imii tli dltlnn to last tttlco ni long l mjWmmili M It onllnurlly would. , tHaiwuif'ii, tut,, uit if iMwL. r MylKl,( STANDARD 'uWk siv OIL CO. ijffifflk Your WSMm Horse a xjmlW Chance t p7 m BEES TO KILL MICE. Agricultural Ally in Department Finds the Philippines. Bttaal of the Inaeat lata to Be Polaan- oaa to tho ftma.ll Aalaaala Will Do Introduced Into Thia Conn tr jr. Tho agricultural department rit Washington Is to mnku n determined nttfick upon the American Old mouse. IIIh nxtcriiiinntinn in certain lot'iilitioH linn lir-p.'.i resolved upon antl tho I'liillpplnc ImtnlilulK'f ia to lit! brought into nvrvii'u ns the execu tioner. TIiIb wan tho statement jnntle by Prof. V. II. Riley, of the department, vvlm pimed through Clilcnjro hint weel: en route to Knn FninelHeo nml the Philippines. Prof. Hlle.v, of I ho division of entomology, will devote, a year In the Philippine.? to the. study of lilies anil itiHet'tH of the nrchlpel ago. The "humming bird" humble hce of this Philippines will ho one of the nmln objects of his inquiry. It Is planned to import' the hip kee of tho I'lillippinoa into the United HtiUci that he may make war upon the AmericAii field mouiu, n rodent which haa canned the farmura of tho country n loaa of thouannda of dol lars. "It ia an old aaylng among farm era," aaltl Prof. Klley, reptirta rt Chi cago papur, "that whm there ia plen ty of clover there nru lota of humlilu beea. What the fnriner really meant! ia that when there are lots tif hum hlelieea there ia pltnty of clover. He might carry hin logic further by say ing Mint when field mice are, senrce there nre plenty of bumblebees, and that when there nra plenty of cata there arc few field mice. "In ortler to anve the clover cropa of the country the agricultural tie Itartmunt hna the choice of two things, to increase the number of cats in the country, which will de stroy the field mouse, or to take away from the rodent bis supply of win tor food. Either method if suc cessful would remilt in a gain of thousand-i tif dollars to the farmers. The field mouse Is very fond of bum blelmu honey and never loses an op portunity to deprive the Inaeet of the rewards of his work. The honey taken away from Ihu bumblebee causes him to perish in tho winter tim. Hence n short clover crop for the bumblebee is n carrier of pollen from one cloer plant to another. Thus when there are lota of bumble bees clover comes to perfection. If the field mouse has destroyed the bumbloelKJe there is no insect that can do its work in the summer time and the farmers lose accordingly. This is not only true of clover, but many other plants. "We hold that the bumblebee ia a valuable member of insect society and Hint the field mouse is a worth less scnmi) wht) likes a jrood dinner but floes not want to work for it. "The 1'hllippliie bumblebee is an entirely different insect from his American cousin. He is fully an inch oud a half long and looks like n xiiiall bird. He Is full of business and has no fear of such a small an.'inal as the field mouse. He la a harmless fellow when let alone, but his sting is deadly to smaller forms of nni mal life. He will fight for his own with the tenacity of a pugilist and any unscrupulous field mouse invad ing his domain will have to fight for everything he guts. "A field mouse after receiving the sting of a Philippine-bumblebee would much resemble the wrecked appear ance of some of our college hoy aft er the Thanksgiving football game. He would have to lay up for repairs. "It ia the intention of the agricul tural department to introduce thU bee into the United States if climatic conditions will permit. Ha will be sent to the warmer parts of the country at first, where ha may grad ually become hardened to the more severe climate. It ia then hoped he will grow and apread until he covers the entins country. The department has ita eye upon other insects in the Philippines which may prove of value to agricultural interests." There ure several varieties of honey bees which will be given a trial. A species of tree toad, which has a deadly antip athy for certain kinda of eitriiH in sects, will be introduced into Routh eni California with the hope that it may be useful in the extermination of the black or armored seale, which haa caused so great a loss to fruit growing interests of late years." NBlet of "II ia sad," respondent of see the stnto to-day. Kank Wnlfv'a Mfianniant. writes a Quebec cor the I.ontlnn I'oit, "to of Wolfe's, monument irrn!s grows hitrli in- hide the rtibty mid worn Iron rnlllniH The column Is cracked, and if noth ing be done must soon perish. The monument, a simple column with a helmet and sword on the top, and ita Inscription: 'Wolfe died here, victorious, 13 Sept., 1710,' Is sublime in ita Eimplleity." Tfc Paraon Mrandarfl, A country clergyman whose custom it waa to read his sermons, one Sunday morning forgot his manuscript. He determined to take his congregation into his confidence, and he accordingly announced: "My friends, this morn ing 1 have come without my sermon. So you must take what the Lord gives hm, nut tonight I will com bViUr prepared." r 1st Color. Dver have become so nmroui in Colorado that the ranchmen want tham killed off to aava their prop- There is more Cttnrrh In thin section of the country tliiui all othrA illjanses put together, and until the last few years wns supposed to be liietirnblr. For h grunt ninny jenni doctors pro nounced it n locnl disease, and pre. scribed local remedies, nml by coiv stnrlly failing to cure with local trent incut pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo n constitu tional dlscnse, and thereforo rciiiirps constitutional treatment. Hall's Cat arrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, in the only constitutional cute on thu market. It i tnkent!ntcrniilly in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts il licet ly on the blood anil mucous surfaces of tho system. They offer one hundred dollars for any enso it fails to cine Send for circulars and testimonials Address I'.iJ. Cllf.NKY & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 7oc. Halls Family Pills arn thu best, i i Lot us speak of mnti as wo iintl him, And censure only what wo can see, Ucnicmbcrlng that no onn can bu per fect, Unless he uses Rocky Mountain Tea C. L. Cottitg. It Keeps the Feet Wafm and Dry. Ask to-day for Allen's Foot Kase, a powdor. It cures chilblains, swollen, sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, price 2fc Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nui8n in tho Children's Homo in New York, euro (ovorishness, bnd stomach, teething disorders, movo and reguhto tho bowels nnil destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At nil druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LoKoy, Now York. Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean ekin, bright eyes, perfect health Cascarcts Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days. Morton I.. Hill of Lebanon. Itil. kiuh: "My wife lind liillnmmntory rhcumntliim In every miiKClc nml Joint; her KufTcrliiR whs terrllile anil tier liody and fare wero kwooIcii almost lieyoml rccoKiiltlou; Mail been In lied for tlx weeks himI had clKht iiliynlcliitiH, hut received no hvtipllt until Klie tried tho MyMIt' Cure fur.ItlieiurmlUm, It cave limnrdlato relief and thc was able in walk about In three days, I am Mire It'snved her lire." Sold by II. K. (Irlce. DniKKlst, lied Cloud, Neb, Wantkii Severul if-rhoiis of character and Kuoi reputation in earn Mate Mine in uns eouiii) rt'iitureii) to represent ami advertlxo old entab IMiert wealthy oti-d i cm house ef solid llimiicial Htaiidliii;. bulnry iflSOil weekly Willi cxpcii-es-additional, all tunable In canh eiiuh Wednesday direct from head oIllrCK. Horse and i-iirrlnKo IllllllltHIKl, 1YIIUI1 llftirpm ) l-lll IVIll in. I.ll elose self-ad.lressed stamped envelope. Depl. Manager XO Caxtou llulldlutr. Chicago. ...... .k.l ...I. .. ........... ll..r..rt.....u L-.i Salesman wanted to sell Anti-Kust Hoof Faint, Compounds and Lubri cant. Salary or Commission Vul can ClIKMlCAl. Co., Clevland, O. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative liiomo Quinine '1 ablet-, cures a cold in 25 cents. olio day. No cttie, no pay Repairing Neatly Dene Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you ? Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body Mas to be repaired like other 'lings and Scott's Emulsion is j medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out mi worry, from over-work, m disease. They get thin 1 weak. Some of the new s are not well made and ) the old ones arc racked ;.;i long usage. ' .Scott's Emulsion fixes all rinds. It does the work both nside and out. It makes soft ooncs hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself you and the bottle. This picture represents the Trade Mark of .Scott'a Emulsion antl is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & IIOWNE, 409 Pearl St New Yotk. 50c. and $1. all druggists, si9&i - - stomach, constipation, nlsollvcr and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo cllccts of La-Grlppo and SpiIino lassi tude. It Is nn excellent Nerve Tonic. Send lor free sample and n frco illustrated 110 page book of recclpU otc.. and sond your symptoms and wo will give you frco advice. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's 1'cnovator don't tako any substitute they may sav is "just as good," for it has no equal; bub send direct tons and wo will send lb by return mail prepaid. Prlco 25c.ts., and 81.00 or sb: for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lung Balm iucts., nnu aicts., postage prcpaiu. ryjTryyyy- Homeseekers special excursion. Homescsker's special excursions on first and third Tuesdays of November and December 1001. Tickets will boon sale nt one faro plus two oollars for tho round trip and return limit 21 days from date of salo to several different points in Mnnitoba, Minnesota, Nortli Dakota, Sou '.h I) tKotn, Wisconsin and North Michigan. -A.'Coiiovku, Agent. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MyMlcG'iirc for rhctimatlam and neuralgia readily cures In from ono to three days. Its ac tion upon tho nystum Is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at onco tho eaine and tho disease Immediately disappears. Tho first doso trcatiyocnciits. to cents, soiu uy n. e, uricc, lied Cloud, Neb. Farm for Sale. Half section, live miles from Red Cloud, lino land, lirst-cluss improve ments. A bargain if sold soon. Ad dress J. W. Wallin, Ked Cloud, Nob. r Wambb Several persons of eharaetcr and Rood reputation in each slate (one In this county required) to represent and advertise old estab lished wealthy business; housoot solid financial sldidltiK. Salary 18 weekly with expenses ad dltlonal. all paablo In cash each Wedncsday dlrect from head olllces. Horse nut! carriage furnMied when necessary. Hefcrcnces En close relf-addiesscd stHiniicd etivcloc, llopt. Manager 33J Caxtou Uulldlny Chicago, To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative. Hionm Quiuiiif Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. (Jrove's signaiure is nit each box. Soc THEY CRUSH THE POWERS This Is written in mid-Octobor. Tho long, oppressive summer is quito gono. Fading loaf, withering trco and tho rustling corn in tho fields are signs of tho season. Fog, frost, rain, snow, they nro coming. You remember last winter; of 1900 and 1901. Tho weather was cruel. Ah I tho thous anils it killed, and tho hundreds of thous ands It maimed and crippled. Oh, the rough grasp it laid on men nt work, women at home, aud chihben iu crib nnd cradles. Couglis that began before Thanksgiving Day are racking aud tearing them still; yes, and growing wotve as thoy dig deeper Into the poor, tired throat and lungs. Manj wero cured by using llenson's Porous Pins, ters. For the soothing nnd healing powoi of theso Plasters is wonderful. Thoy con quer tho complaints THAT ARE KILLING THE PEOPLE. No other plaster, no other mcdlcino or ap nlicntlon.can compare with them. Coughs, colds, backocho, rheumatism, lumbngo, kidney and liver troubles, asthma, influ enza, they all go down before Bcnson'i Plasters like a snow imago in the sun. You can't throw monoy away on a Benson'e Plaster. Everybody is going to wte them this season. But make certain you get the cenuino. All drutreists. or we will nrepav Dostace on any number ordered in the United States on receint of 25c. each. Beabury 3c Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y. tfrrt'r LOWNEY'S AND CHASE'S BOX GOODS. iBon-Bons and Nut. Goods from fiOd! to S8.00 per box. H-iome made candy at 15c! per pound. SThe BON TON. W. S. BENSE, Prop. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. Notice Ik hereby Klvrn that thp undtrslRned on the 24lh tiny of Mnreli. IflCO, purchan-d of tho county trenmrer of Wetsler county, Nrbrsika. at private rale the following described lots sold fordrlliiouent taxes fer the yenrs It-hdto It 68 and yUtiatetl In )(d Cloud, to wit: Lots 1.1 and 14 In block H, In Kaley & Jarkton's addition to the city of lied Cloud, Webster county. Nebraska, Uxrd In ths name of Lucy K. llurner. AHo Jots 20 and 21 in block t, in Knlsy & Jsckfoif addtllou to the City of Ked Cloud, Webster caunty, Nebraska, purchased at pr vatc sale on same aite as auove purcoHsa loraenn qiient taxea far the years lKKJ Iu IROSand taxed in ilio Tinma of P. D. Yelser. The above named persona and all others who claim an Interest In any or the land will take uottce that the lime of redemption of said land from said tax sale will expire rn tha SMh day of March, 1902 after which I way apply for a tax deed f" r all of the above land that Is not re deemed. Mna. Sadis Tohliicsok. Dated this ssiti day oi November, iwi. GUARDIAN SALE. In the mailer of the estate otWencelLavara, deceased . Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of an order o' Kd. L. Adams, udao of the district court of Webster County. Nebraska, made on the lh day of January, IMS. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the east door of the court house In lied Cloud. Nebraska, on the 1st day of February, 1601, at one o'clock p.m., at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the following described property, to wit; An undivided 11-21 Interest of the north-east onarUr ot section eleven In township thres In range eleven In Webster county, Nebraska. 8ald sale will re malnopeu one hour. ' Jams Kds, Guardian, By B. T. f aTTsa, Ills Attorney. REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., ii President, of tho Bethany Assombly at Brooklyn, lnd. IIo is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. IIo ha9 dedicated about COO churohes and baptised "000 converts. IIo writes: "It affords mo great pleasure to give my testimony as to tho cfllelencyof Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm ia tho very best cough, colu nod throat roracdy that I ovor used. I havo also received groat benefit from tho tiso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for yearn been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced the uso of Dr. Kay's rotnedics and experienced relief almost from tho first. Wohavono words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo received as tho result of usoing theso remedies. I take great pleasure In commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Carpentku, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy nuunii lur Biuiuuuu iruiiuiun. iuuikusiiuii, uvb leiipiu. I'liuu 111 UL I iu tin. 1J. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures overy kind of cough, la grippe, bronchitis, so ro throat, croup, whooping coush, etc Never deranges tho stomach. AtDrnsklsta, 10425c. """"""" "" New Barber ! Shop. BARKLEY & SCHAFFNIT, Proprietors. J Basement Potter-Wright Building. J QniccfMrtc rttritA ubiMuiD urumiu,' j Razors Honed, AND ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS SHARPENED J All kinds of barber work executed ! promptly nnd satisfaction J guaranteed. 1 GIVE - US - A - CALL. CONSTIPATION tho frequent eauw of Aprnillcltlnd numyothnr Mi lous Ills hould nTor bo n wlu?tl. Tho objirtlon to th usual catliArtlo rcmedtuflliUiclrcontlve reaction which InrrraM conVlpaUon lnsuwd of curing IL TAKKKU'S OINOKIt TONIC li tho proper remedy. It acta on ttc IJrer, and when wed aa directed, Krmanently removes tho conaUpatloa, M eta, d; SL0U at all Drugguu. G. V. AUG Ali RIGHT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Kr.n Cloud. Nkiiimska, I.and-icnpes Flowers, Fruits anil Por traits made to order. STUDIO IK DAMKItKU. BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN. !EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS, Lock Hox il. Guide ltock. Ncli, VI kind-j id propi-ity bought, sold uatl" oxt'liniiRfd. CtM.I.KCTIONb MADE. TEIt.M KEASONAIII.E MONEY Refunded. 3. nntco Dr.Kny's Henovator to curo ayspepsin, cansii- atlou, liver nnd kidneys. Best tonic, laxative UlOOtl purilior KUUWU lur UII VUlUUlBUinciuvn renovntes nnd Invigorates tho whole system and cures very worst cases, Oct trial box at once. It not satisfied with It notify us, we will refund money by return mall. Write your symptoms for Free Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 2S & too at druggists, iir. u. J. Kay, aarawga,- xx.t. mm TIMETABLE. B. tz M. R.Y RED CLOUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E BALI LAKE C'J PORTLAND SAX FMJiCISCO and all point) west. TVAIMS LiaVB AS FOLLOWS: No. 13. Passenger dally for Obcrlln and 6U Francis branches. Ox ford, HcCook, Denver and all points west.. 6:10 a.m. No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, Kansas CItv. Atchison. St. Louis, Lincoln via Wymore and all points east and south 2-32 a.ra 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, ail points in Colorado, Utah and California 8:35 p.m 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, Ht. Louis and all points cast and south . lOiOOa.m 174. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Hastings, Grand Is land, lllack Hills and all Xolutslntho northwest.-.. 1:00 p.m ccnmmodatlon, dally except No No. No. No. sunuay, UDerun, nausoa, w ford and Intermediate sta tions, via Republican - IZilSp.ta No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. J oo and Intermediate junction points 13:43 p.m No. 63. KrclKhl, aai 'relght. allv for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points west 10:40 a.m No. 66. Freight, dally except Sunday for Wymore and all point east 6.30 a.m Sleeping, dluing, and reclining chair cars, (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tickets call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Pasaengei Agent Omaha. Nebraska. m at Dr. Kay's TJtleure cure, ali femalr diseases. At drug lltmUsTA femalr diseases. At drug w"" w gists, It. Illustrated book and ad vice free. Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.V-, gists, It. Illustrated book John g. potter, I'KTTORISeY - KT - LRU, Oftr Mlzr's Grocery Start. R 5r,ttT , NcBKaSKa. Springs, N. Y. Every Woman ia imcieaieu anil anouia hnow about the wonder fill MARVEL Whirling Spray TlionevrVttlMlHjrtt. Jnitc- lion ana ottrtton, neat hai est siot convenient. iiummiiiuiiir, I .It 1 ur Jmnlit for It. Ir lie.nnot supply the MAIIVKI.. aei-etitnn sther. but tend itamn for II. liuiiriiteil book-ralfd.U Blve full Dnrtletiln.nl and rilrertloniiln. nlnatile to ladles. MAItVKI.CO.. Boom Time atda;., New York. J. S. EMIG-H. dkntist. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. JrowD I Bridge Work or Teeih Vithtai PIMei POHCELAIN INLAT nd nil the latest Improvement Id dental mecfi sntim DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and 5MOKB YourLifeawayt You can be cured or any form of tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, mn magnetic, lull 01 new 111c ana visor dv talcing mO-TO-MA' mat makes weak men strong, ten pound In ten days. Over cured. All dniEiriiU. Curo mian let and advice FRKU. Address STURINO &SUHOY CO., Chicago or New York. 43Z . Sic Genuine stamped C.CC, Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something uit as good." PARHCR'S HAIR DALSAM (TI(tnic and Ix-nutU'ici tbs hair, l'romotei a laxumel rrowth. Mover I'alla to Ucrtore Oray ii.ir u nn xuuif.iu, v.o.or. Curcf fca'p ti.ract A hair 1 AlUnff, frV.sndgllOU llruygliu DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR InvlKorntcs and renovntes the Hvstcni; purlllCH and cnrlcbi-H tlio blood; curcR tho worst dyspepsia, conHtlpatlon, hoadacho. liver arid kidneys. lc and $1. at druggists. Free R advice, sample nnd book. aaaaaa Ur. U.J. ICay, Saratoga, N.Y Hsssm ENOVATOK fJS 'CHICHCQTCR'9 ENGLISH Pennyroyal, pills s?fc. . . Orla-lnal and lnlr Uniulne. F-'.'vV.BArE. Ai..T.rmii. I.udle.fei lirafdM la ltl'.l inl Uold lutullio twiti tuit J with blue ribbon. Take no other. Bvftiio i Ilanccmaa HaWlllatloaa ad latlta Uona. B7f jotir nnicut. or wna 4e. la uf ror lartlrnUr. TMllaanlaU and Itrller rr jdlcfc"l tour, 07 re. fnra IIbJI. lll.OIIII U.tlmonlal.. Raldtv all Oraciltt. Chl,hHl..eh.i.lMlnA aoauap(r. Hadtiun 1'ark.I'lllLA.. fa. Wc can surnish 70U brick in t ly at the lowest pos sible rata. Brick on sale at either of the lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, PROPRIETOR.; DBAI.KH IN .Vines, Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEEBeer ALWAYS ON TAP.D W rrtrvx Thla signature ia on every box ot the genuine- Laxative Bromo-Quinine iieu the remedy that csire ,s cM tsi Stay. FREE HflSDICAI. ADVICE. 'Vrlteus rnSilii oil your symptoms. Renovating tho system is the only safe and sura method of cut ing all Chronio Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator Is the only perfeotsystesa renovator. Free aauv les sod book. Dr.B.J.iUy,Bajto, N. Y, jo-TiBg'iidviiiTra -Bnm)ikm W $ VV P mm 'f t I J V cr. "iftT n-; .t.".-r -wMQt(Msn9MgsV): ,T'l-''"" -.. l3fC- wxr. l1?