fa l Table with a History l, '! i 1 t ! V i' ' i lt !' !' ! !' !!' liiiilij!i!iilili What nppcars to bo only an old- fashioned tabic, marblo-toppod and with sprawling legs of Iron, occupies f "' i conspicuous place In the club house ff of the Mcnokcn club, of Chicago. But Jin addition to Its venerable appcarunce v the tablo lias a history. Off this table, which was presented wJ to the Mcnokcn club by Senator Mason 'w; 'ccently, mo3t of the great statesmen i dents, during Its existence, were wont to go there and "talk shop," and Inci dentally, no doubt, somo of them con tracted gout with the viands set be fore thorn, perhaps, on the very tablo which now stands In the rooms of the Mcnokcn club. However this may be, the cafo Is now a thing of the past. Recently the powers that bo In Washington do- Si)2'&E'ZuD(5(E0 fGXjX&EGe2SiGJ The Women's Comer w0S2i25XiXiT2 ' I " Mil lill I ill II Tl i A charming creation, whoso clean ing value cannot be over-estimated, Is mado of white point d'esprlt nnd laco, colored n faint niFSct. The skirt Is In nanow gores, between which the yel low whlto of the Insertions shows In horizontal lines. Under a wider outre deux, used as n bending, two deep flounces finish tho Jupo, which, cut to tialn slightly, Is worn over point d'esprlt petticoats. Tho round bodlco la mado of straight strips of Insertion and net, gathered at the waist and girdled by a folded bolt of velvet In tho same yellow as tho laco. This velvet nlso appears In a band and knot on tho elbow sleeves, nnd In a loose bow holding down at tho left bust the ends of the graceful llchu draped about tho Dbouldcrs. loopi. Fine ruffles of laco fill up the opening and fall over tho hand. NtlM'liliiR nit Drrorntlim. Stitching Is still n most fashionable mode of decoration. A novelty Intro duced this fall consists of rows ot of America, from Franklin Pierce's tlmo down, are said to have eaten, and, presumably, over its unpretentious marble top many a national Issuo has been discussed which has slnco bo come a part of the nation's history, for the old table with this quaint leg end attached to It occupied a placo In a cafo In Washington which was fre quented by tho nation's legislators and executives for nearly half a century. Tho cafe was operated In connection with the houso of representatives and congressmen and senators and presl- cldcd to relcgato tho eating placo nnd It wns accordingly dismantled of Its furhlturo nnd tho tables nnd other old fashioned fixtures wore consigned to tho Junk heap. Senator Mason, how over, when ho learned tho history con nected with tho particular table, to which tho head waiter Invariably as signed tho presidents of the United States when the executives and their guests sought refreshments, determin ed to rescuo It. Accordingly ho se cured It nnd had It shipped to Chicago, to tho Monokcn club. Convenient Writing Desk Ilrcmdclolh unit I.nce I'ontumo. Ono of the very latest models Is dtnwii in this biscuit-colored broad cloth und Russian laco costume. The skirt ot this beautiful gown Is laid In tiny box-pleats from tho belt to the circular llounco in tho direct front, gradually growing shorter at tho sides, and sloping up to the shirring at the bnck of iho skirt. Whero tho tucks end, the fullness forms tho fluro of the skirt. Each tuck Is edged with flvo rows of stitching, done with Cortlcelll stitching silk. At tho head of tho cir cular flounce there Is a broad appltquo of Russian lace, tho material being cut away underneath. On this laco aro tbrco rows of palo grcon velvet np pllqued In a Greek design. Tho flounce Is confined half Us depth by tho box pleats, t'no fullness spreading below. The bodice Is also lucked and fastened with little loops and buttons. Over this there Is a bolero of Russlnn laco trimmed with tho bands of green vel vet. A broad turn-down collar of vel vet Is edged with sable. Tho alecves 7 BHnHHHHHHK"' I r'l Beecher and His Salary An old member of Plymouth church, alio know Henry Ward Uccchor aud his family, ban this to say about t'.J0 groat preachor: "No ono ever knew what he did with tho vnst sum ot money ho earned ns n lecturer," ho said. "He Ubod to give money nwny with both hands, nnd ho was na like ly to give a Btroet beggar a twenty dollar bill as a dollar. Hut hla salary fiom Plymouth church went direct to Mis. llcecher, Intact. Ho never drew any money from tho church un til the end of tho jcar. Then ho re ceived a check for fUO.OOO. his full year's salary, and handed It to his wife. When ho died bo did tiot leavo much of an estate, although ho hnd earned millions ot dollars In his life, but Mrs. Reedier had always received her 120,000 u year and she lived In comfort, and even luxury, In Brook lyn, till she died. He wns n great man was Homy Ward needier, and r am Kind there Is a good statue of him In Prospect park, us well as tho mon strosity In fiont of the borough hall, In tho city that he served so long and 30 well." Telephone for Use on Moving Trains i A dovlco known ns a "tolcphano for trains" has been patented by Prof. M. Russo d'Asnr of Oormany and Is said to havo stood a practical test with satisfactory results. Tho Invention conslatB of a system of telephones by which tho Inventor says tho engineer nnd conductor ot u moving train can commtinlcato with another moving train on tho snmo track or with a station agent or guard along the lino. A successful experiment In said to Hero is a desirable green writing desk, plain and inexpensive. Tho tablo Itself Is broad and affords a generous amount of room for tho nrrangmnt of one's belongings. In tho left sldo nro two rather deep drawers and a shal lower ono is In the center, whllo two book shelves take up tho space on the SlBl pfiagi right side. On top of tho tablo on the right-hand side Is a nest of pigeon holes, and on the left a set of six small drawers. Above theso is a case containing a drawer for telegraph forms and compartments for roforenco books. fiood Miinafleld Story. When Masnfleld was traveling through tho country with "Beaucalro" he carried three horses with him from, place to place. In tho course of the pluy, however, only two of them ap pear. A man who was Interested In stage affairs asked one of tho stago hands at tho Baltimore theater why tho third liorso was carried about from nlaco to nlace. when ho never hnd a chance to shine In tho limelight. "Ah!" said the imported, Mansfleld ian auxiliary, "that just goes to show what a 'ell of a line hartlst our Mr. Richard Is. 'E don't really need tho third 'orso at all, you know, but thoro's ono place In tho play where ho announces that 'c Is going out to mount his 'orse. And o's such a fine realist, our Richard Is, thnt 'o cm ploys this 'orse to bo waiting outside In tho wings so that ho can come off and mount him. Why, oven in hnr tistlc matters our Richard wouldn't Ho to one of his audiences for worlds." Konr York's Aeed Valuation. The Increase In assessed valuation In New York City Is 180,000,000, which will give tho city an lncroased borrow ing margin of J8.000.000 July 1 next Tho Increase is normal. It Is caused by enlarged building operations. Nolle of Electric Can, The electric cars at Ramsgato in tho south of England nro said to mako an unduo nolso, which is attributed to the resonant naturo of tho chalk soil. ff - rfi' 111 'Sfl fill KAMI J; h'A. Wmmm BUM heel In 1'arilati Color, machine stitching In contrasting nnd sometimes variegated shades of silk. A now model Is this street gow.i of bluo camel's hair. Tho skirt has a curious arrangement of graduated tucks, curv ing over tho hips and forming the full ness below. Sti night down tho middle of tho sklit Is n strip ot red broad cloth covered with Mexican open work embroidery, dono with bluo Cortlcelll crochet and knitting Bilk. On tho cen ter ot this strip is a fancy brnld of black nnd gold, edged with black- silk crochet acorns. A similar strip ex tends tho full length of tho bnck of tho skirt and continues up under the trimming of the bodice, thus forming n princess back. ThlB same trimming appears on tho bodice, bIcovcb and col lar. Tho belt Is ot red tnffeta stitched in rows of Persian colors with Cortl celll stitching silk. The wldo sleeves extend Just below tho elbow. Beneath nro undersleovcs of batisto embroidery nnnllnuo on red taffeta. Tho front of tho bodice, displayed by tho bolero, Is also of tho batiste. Some Excuse for the Old Gentleman Tho elevated train enmo to n stop at Scollny Square with audi suddenness thnt an old man with a silk lint and three big bundles was hurled down the nlslo as If fiom a catapult. Tho bun dles und tho hat took viuIoiih direc tions, nnd tho old man brought up against a stout young woman, who promptly mcasuied her length on tne tloor. Tho young womnn picked herself up and gasped: "This Is outrngeoual" The old man said, aa ho groped about for his bundles: "I confound It know It confound It couldn't help myself confound It." Then aa ho left tho car ho glared at the guard and Indulged In this final outburst: "Confound It all, I say!" A mun seated In tho car said to iub neighbor: "The old fellow Is a church member." "Perhaps," was tho reply, "but he put n good deal of expression Into his words." Boston Herald. nil pp M 'Willi 1 1 Portrait of Dandy of Bygone Age Dandles havo flourished In England nlmost slnco tho conquest, nnd the pic ture shows ono of tho tlmo of good Queen ness. HIb tltlo was Lord Rus sell of Thornhaugh. Ho was tho son of tho second Earl of Bedford, and hnvo been mndo with tho Invention at Mltterssllng-Orossloke, Oormnny. Un der tho system It Is declared that nn engineer of a trnln running at n high rato of speed can keep In perfect com munication with every ono connected with the runulng of IiIb or other tralna on tho Biuue track. Ilrondclotli nnd I.no. arc covered to tho elbow with tho laco, which is then allowed to hang in a flowing effect. Turn-bnck cuffs of vel vet at tho elbow aro edged with sable. Tho lower or underaleevo Is tucked all over and slashed up its outer edge, whero tho onds of the tucks form Now Veil. Altogether unique Is the now faco veil with tho edgo embroidered In cherries in natural colors, or with a row of tiny violets or forget-me-nots with green leaves. Another novelty Is a veiling with reversible dots, black on ono sldo and whlto on the other. Tho storm veil hns been Issued by nn enterprising manufacturer to tako the placo of tho two veils which havo been worn for tho past two winters. Tho storm veil consists of a chiffon veil and ono of net Joined at ono edge. Tho net veil Is worn over tho face nnd tho chiffon ono around tho hnt crown, unless a storm break unexpectedly, when tho veil may bo spread aa a pro tection over tho entire hat. EVFNINC DRESSES OF PINK AND WHITE SATIN. uuiiiiUiiiJyiitiAiimuuuuuiiuuiuiuuiiuaauimuuiAUUiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuui HOME of CHARLOTTE YONGE nnHHimiMiiniHiTiinHniTnrmnmmnmTmnmfmmTmTTmnTimTTmTmnmTTiK No doubt there aro many of our readers who will readily recognize tho charming houso which forms the illus tration ot this llttlo article. It Is tho dwelling whero Miss Charlotto Yongo was born and died. It Is easy to seo how very suitable tho house must havo been to tho genius of tho owner. Miss Yongo, ns Is well known, waB oxtrcmoly fond of tho house, which sho herself wroto in a style that was almost childishly simple and her themes vere ot tho commonest and most cvery-day type, sho nevcrthelsd exercised an Influence second tc nono over tho very greatest minds of her tlmo. Probably this was what mado Canon Dixon say that "Tho Heir of Redclyffe," ho consldored to bo, after half a century's reflection and experl- , , I I 1 I I IMIM1M ,wa8 endeared to her by all tho asso ciations ot Infancy and young girl hood. Hor father never having sent "her to school, she remained at homo even during tho time at which othor 'girls are receiving their education at echool. Many of tho younger writers of yesterday will recollect well tho 'occasions on which, they visited tho jhouso; for tho very singular charac teristic of tho owner was that whllo enco, "unquestionably ono of the finest books In the world." It seems rather lato in the day to say anything about her now, says a writor In Country Life, slnco nearly evory important Journal in the country has pronounc ed Its opinion and generally a favor ablo one upon hor work. But we lmaglno thero are many who will bo glad to look upon tho house so cloeoly associated with her name. i3i aP j I ! Ill (vfy learned tho art of foppery ns a cour of Flushing. Sidney, in token of his tier in Venlco, C-ermany, Italy and Hungary. Ho fought In Ireland and in the Netherlands, and succeeded his friend, Sir Phillip Sidney, na Governor friendship, left Russell his best gilt armor. In September, 1C02, ho had the honor of entertaining Queen Elizabeth. Reply Neat and Effective In the smoking room ot a SwIsb ho tol n discussion recently took placo between u Oorman nnd nn Amorlcan aa to the merits of tholr respoctlvo armies. Tho former bollovcd In dla clpllno nnd trained troopa na ho be lieved In tho hereafter. Tho Amcrlcnn bollcved in training, too, but hold thnt a lot depended upon tho material trained. "Given," quoth ho, "thnt brnlna nro lacking, no amount of physical training will mnko up for them. Tako tho Amorlcan troops, comparatively untrained, and see hw well they light, lt'a because ot their brains." "Nonsense," rejoined tho aroubcd Gorranu. "Untrained troops can novcr stnnd against well-drilled ones. Take your own country, for ex ample, with practically no drilled army. What would you do?" H&' paused impressively, and then said; "What would you do if Germany land ed an army of 200,000 perfectly drilled and perfectly equipped men on your shores?" "Bury thorn," was tho quiet but complete rejoinder. Made Profit on Christmas Gifts A recently married couplo who re ceived on ChristmaB day n great many pieces of silver, ench In tho regula tion satln-llned box, profited by tholr gifts in a way that tho donors may not havo suspected. They collected all tholr boxes on tho following day, and roturned thom to tho silversmiths from whom they had been purchased. Somo of theso casea cost almost as much as tho silver that they con tained. Tho dealers wero willing to tako them back at their own prices and give silverware in return for thom. It is tho custom of most or tno big Jewelers and silversmiths to change tho stylo of their boxes each year. Now York Sun. llrltlili Train da Luxe. For some tlmo past tho Liverpool Atlantic passenger companlos havo been negotiating with tho London and Northwestern Railway with a view of getting a moro luxurious train be tween London nnd Liverpool for the steamor service They wero backed up by the Amorlcan consul. Tho result Is that tho first train do luxo left Rlverdnlo station, Liverpool, on Satur day with tho Campania's passengers. It consisted ot a complete corridor train ot twclvo carriages, including drawing nnd dining-room cars, magni ficently fitted. Western Mall. Gen. Andre's Speech Has Roused France General Andre, whoso sensational speech at tho Gambctta celebration causing talk in Paris, Is tho minister of war of tho French Republic and a flno typo of tho soldlor-acholar. An orator of high powor, ho lo also ono of tho best strategists In Europe, a fact brought out when ho was com- Starh too T.Hcrnl. When asked what ho thought of a certain captain who frequented tho Es sex links, a Scotch caddlo Bald: "Weel, sir, he's a verra nico gentleman an' a good gaufor, but he's awfu' nerra aw fu' nerra." "Narrow! What do you mean, Donald?" "Weel, 'r, It was this way. Efter the gamo was ower, and I had carried tho clubs up tao the house, he says, 'Donald, will yo hao a draw?' and I said: 'I do bo vorra pleased,' so ho gets the bottlo, an' ho pourln awa Intae n glass, an' I wantln' tao bo genteel, says, 'Stop! stop!' an' ho stopped." Japaneto Smoker. The Japaneso smoko in a very pecu liar manner. Tho pipes havo very Bmall motal mouthpieces, and only hold jnough tobacco for three or four whiffs. Thoy use a tobacco which is cut ex tremoly fine, and looks mora liko light blond hair than anything olse. It is of a very good quality, however. Tho Japs tako a whiff of tho smoko and Inhalo It, letting it pass out through tho nostrils. They rarely smoke moro than ono pipeful at a tlmo. mandor of tho Polytechnic School from 1893 to 189C. Vutlag Mads CompuUory. A bill to mako voting at elections compulsory, which is to bo introduced Into the French chamber by M. Georges Borry, provides that any per son abstaining from voting at elec tions shall havo his name displayed on tho door of tho town hall, pay a fine ot from flvo francs to ten francs, and bo disfranchised and rondered Inellglblo tor any public office. r ViWJxamS"3""" KSWSSSS'K: