M it i Red Cloud Chief. PUDLISHED WEEKLY. KD CLOED, NEBRASKA The ndvanco In wireless telegrnphy was the chief sclcntlflc event of last year. An essay on happiness In tho Daltl more Sun resolves ILsclf Into one rule: Pay nil bills promptly. Plethoric wedding fees nro In sight for tho St. LoiiIb minister who Is urg ing women to do tho proposing. Tho army and nnvy experts seem to think that tho Gathmnn gun is just tho thing for sonic other nation. Don't cat anything. Everything you ent causes cancer. The scientific sharps say so. They never cat nnythlng. With luwn controlling tho currency and tho garden seed, the politicians of that state ought to bo reasonably hnppy. Joaquin Miller says It Is wrong to exclude tho Chinese. Joaquin, how ever, will have to do most of tho blush ing himself. If tho American schools aro not teaching English there may be comfort in tho suspicion that they aro creating a new language. American tailors are cosplrlng to got hold of tho London trade, but how do they expect to lntroduco into Great Urltaln clothes that fit? Somebody has figured that King Ed ward's coronation will cost 110,025,000. And Andrew Carnegie could foot tho bill nnd hardly know It. Multimillionaire Rockefeller frankly confesses that ho would glvo tho bulk of his fortune to possess tho nppctlto of his landscapo gardener. It has been determined by tho agri cultural department that tho San Joso scalo camo from China. Let It bo in cluded In tho exclusion net. Tho name of tho now Siamese min ister at Washington is Phyn Akhara Oradhara. The dentists ought to bo In tho front rnnk of tho reception com mittee. Thrco hundred cooks hnvo deserted tho Chlncso emperor. Now, If his chambermaids will glvo notlco wo may put Kwnng Su right In tho modern column. Chinese taxpayers havo another groan coming. The dowager empress announces that she will endeavor to re-establish tho popularity of tho court function. Sergeant Kipling has butted Into tho Ilrltish war controversy with a prop osition to draft soldiers from tho golf links nnd transfer them to tho sccno of actual conlllct. Young Corbett has decided to aban don pugilism and become u surgeon. Ho will bo able to take up his new du ties with n thorough knowledgo of fractures nnd uppercuts. It Is claimed that wireless telegraphy was first suggested by tho flight of a pigeon, but why this Bhould prompt tho Inventor any moro thnn'tho throw ing of a brickbat Is hurd to imagine. Buffalo BUI has undergono nn oper ation for tho removnl of his hair. If the scalp had gone with It tho smnll boy might In time have forgiven tho Indian. Ho will never forgivo tho bar ber. This man up in Vermont who has a now tlieory regarding tho causo of tho movemont of tho enrth nnd other planets about tho sun may bo tho sub ject of long articles In all tho encyclo pedias somo day. Tho Chicago man who emptied n pint measure of whisky at a single drink nnd died In consequenco was recklessly imprudent. Every Missouri colonel knows that there aro two good drinks lu every pint of whisky. Thero was novor an Innocent nnd improving pastime, suitable nllko to itho learned and tho laity, to compare in gonulne fun and literary profit with tho spelling "bee." So genoral has becomo tho vlco of bad orthography thnt signs multiply in favor of n re vival of tho "bee." Thoro will bo a llttlo moro dlfllcnlty than of old in agreeing upon a standard, but tho words spelled moro ways than ono aro comparatively few nnd not Important. Teachers of spelling, tho fow that re main In tho schools, should bo tho first to encourage tho Jolly "beo" and aro llablo not to bo the last to bo Bpcllcd down. Becnuso a Pennsylvania Justice of tho peace, who Is also president of a bank, sentenced threo girl strikers to Jail, tho people of his town raedo a brisk run on his bank. Tho moral of this is that n Justice of tho peaco shouldn't bo anything else. Reports from Cuba say tho people took try llttlo interest In tho election of their first president, only a small percentage of them going to tho trou bio to vote Evidently the now presi dent of Cuba will not have much pat- WANT MIR MONEY Indians Threaten to Break Opon . a Bank at Dowagiac, Mich. MAM OF THfM ARE WELL ARMED tlattte With Ore Thieves nt Victor Colo. Headjeftt lloiljr Found Near lUllrond Track Nebraska City Strike Nettled Other Now. Three hundred Pottawattamie In dians aro on u rampage at Dowagiac, Mich., nnd arq besieging Leo Bros'. rbank, which they threaten to break open if they are not paid the money they expected to receive for signing over their claims to lake front laud in Chicago. Many of the Indians are armed. Tho town marshal has sworn In n number of deputies, All other citizens tiro keeping Indoors, fearing to leave their homes. The Indians camo to town to get $38,000 which was to bo paid them by an agent of the Chicago syndicate to which they havo signed over their power of attorney to act in the laleo front land case. The Indluus were to have received 8100 each. Just as tho agent was about to issuo tho money nn order wob received from tho pro bate judge of tho county instructing him to mnko payment only to the guardians of tho Indians. The judge feared the Indians would spend the money In saloons, and after becoming intoxicated cause trouble. Every one is hoping that tho Indians will grow quieter as tho night wears on. If any attempt should be made to wreck tho bank a serious conlllct is sure to follow. BATTLE UNDER GROUND Ore TbloTe Make Deiiporate Fight In Independence Mine. A desperate battle four hundred feet under ground between ore thieves and officers and trusted employes occurred in tho Independence mine on Battle mountain, near Victor, Col. Between fifty and seventy-five shots were exchanged between the opposing parlies. Leo Ulockncr, a member of tho company's force, was shot twice, but not beriously injured. Tho light was most determined, but the pirates finally gained the upper hand nnd forced the company's men to retreat toward tho big shaft, giving tho thieves nn opportunity to escape. The management of Stratum's I tide-j-endence company of London, Eng land, which owns the Independence mine, has been aware for ft long time that rich deposits of sylvanitu in the mine wcro being systematically robbed, the stealings amounting to thousands of dollars u mouth. Detectives were employed nnd It is said the thieves were detected In tho act of looting a rich beam of ore. They escaped through the underground workings connected with an adjoining building. Shoplifter Arrntrd. Mrs. George UatclilT was arrested at Emporia, Kan., for shoplifting. Em poria merchants have been bothered greatl r during tho holiday rush by shoplifters. A number of special de tectives havo been on duty. Ofllccr John ltingcr caught eight of these thieves In four days. Nearly store wns worked moro or less, women and girls were captured, thought the stcallag will cease every Boys It is now. as the stores are not so crowded, but while it lasted it was tho worst seige of its kind Emporia ever experienced, Robbed the Night Agent. Frank Hay, who claims to be n sol dier returning to his home lit Ken tucky, was convicted in tho circuit court of holding up with a revolver nnd robbing tho night agent at OlTer lec, Kas., December 31. Liveryman Robinson, of Holly, Colo., in search of a missing hossc, dropped into court and recognized Ray as tho party who had hired it several weeks ago and for gotten to return it. William Beezley prosecuted the case. Fined for Vnuiliilltin. W. W. Waterman of Chappie, Neb., swore out a warrant before County Judge O'Ncil, charging Harry Palsly Frank Camp, Albert Taylor and Chas. McAvoy with destroying property be longing to school district No. U7, to the value of 880. Sheriff MoEldowney went out after the boys and returned to town with them, where they ilxed tho matter up by paying the costs and damages, amounting In all to 8100, Four Ilrlde Were Slater. Miss Bertha Chapman, Miss Lucy Chapman, Miss Anna Chapman, and wish unie uimpmnn of Wnkelleld.Kas., were married to Fred Montell, William Montell, Samuel Windsor and Matthew H. Spooner. The brides wcro all sis ters and the wedding took place at tho home of their, parents. The clergy man was tho Rev. John Chapman, jr., a brother of tho brides. Mntlnjr Cne About February I, Tho fcdernl convicts who are charged with complicity in tho murder of Guard John B. Wnldrupo, in tho recent mutiny at the federal prison, will not havo their preliminary until after the January term of the United States dis trict court. It is thought that tho cases will bo called about Fobruary 1. Murderer llunced. ' John Itlukard, convicted of the murder of his wife at Marlon, Ind,, in Juno, 1000. was hanped at tho north- T ' i .i ,r DYING IN SQUALOR 1 A Wichita (llrl'a Pitiful State of D.itl tutlnn. Gasping for breath on a miserable cot In n tenement house at Wichita, Kas., eighteen-year-old Laurft Robl ncttc Is slowly dying of consumption, while her mother nnd threo sisters arc ftlmost destitute of food and clothing. Such was the condition ln which Po lice Matron Ella Glenn Shields found the family while on her rounds of mercy, and she has asked tho oharlta bio citizens to give aid. The dying girl, surrounded by these miserable conditions, makes tho case an exceedingly pitiful one. There are live members in the. family, a widow and four daughters. They occupy two small, squalid rooms In tho upper story of n large house, which is also inhab ited by several other families. Until last week tho family occupied but one room, but the condition of tlto dying girl demanded that she have better qunrters, and although penniless and not able to furnish her with the luxury of a better room, tho other room was finally secured. Tho family owns but ono small bed and a cot. and the dying girl of courso occupies the bed. The appearance of tho rooms clearly indicates tho desti tute condition of the family. There is practically no furniture in tho rooms, and what there Is is broken and almost useless. Since they enme to Wichita Mrs. Kobinotto nnd her daughters have re ceived aid from tho county, but it was rather quantity than quality, and food furnished the sick girl was not such aa she bhould havo had. Tho King's Daughters have furnished aid in the past. Mrs. itoblncttc receives ft little money every month from ft married daughter who lives in Indiana, but this is not even sufficient to pay tho rent of tho poor rooms they live In. The case Is a peculiar ono for prosperous Wichita. Ho Quit the Church. The Rev. J. Whlstou, pastor of tho Christian church of Hiawatha, Kas., lias tendered his resignation on ac count of criticism because ho said in n sermon that doubtless .when "wo reached tho other shore we probably would Hint there many who never be longed to any church." This belief was too far advanced for a half dozen members and rather than have even ono against him tho pastor resigned. lu his ministry he has added seventy five members to tho church and raised S!!,!i00 for improvements to buildings. The church has had thirteen pastors In the eleven years and the ret.rlng pastor's record is the best of any. Be, fore coming to Hiawatha Mr. Whiston was a successful merchant. He will return to mercantile work. May llujr nil Island. Negoitatlons havo been practically completed for tho sale of Stalger'a Island to the board of directors of the Kansas state penitentiary. The board is iu session at tho penitentiary at Lansing. There are about one thou sand acres Involved in tho transaction, It is understood that tho owners of the Island agree to sell It for S15 per acre, including coai rigius, nnu to iooic for the next legislature for their mon ey, a provisional contract to be drawn now nnd the transfer of tho property to the state to take plnce at once. The owners of the property are Vin ton StUlings, John 11. Atwood and Jacob Kodenburg. The members of tho board spent a day investigating the property. Took Carbolic Acid. Miss Mnttie Anderson, the 10-year-old daughter of N. M. Auderson of Cof feyvllle, Kas., took carbolic acid with suicidal intent and died. Miss Ander son's death Is the result of an unhappy love affair. Her parents objected to her going with tho young man of her choice because they did not think him suitable. Miss Anderson left a noto saying: "I will bid you nil adieu this evening. I have stood It as long as I possibly can, and will tako this and put a stop to tills foolishness. I hope this will be a warning for girls from this on. Tell everybody I did this for tho one I love." Ileud llody on the Track. Tho body of L. II. Harrietts, an In digent carpenter of Rogers, Nob., was found near the railroad depot shortly after train No. SJ5 hail left tho station. The body had been literally beheaded ami only fragments of the head and cap could bo found. Tho coroner's jury found Harrietts was accidentally run over by the train, exonerating tho railroad company. There were no witnesses to tho occurrence and tho public opinion rather defines It as pre meditated self-destruction. Shoot Two llrother. Policeman Cruse shot and probably fatally woundce Lon and Alex Nelson, of Knoxvillc, Tenn. Cruso was going homo when ho claimed ho was fired on and on investigation ho found the Nel bous with some other men-on a nearby corner. A difficulty ensued in which Cruse shot tho two Nelsons. It Is al leged that an attempt was made sever al months ago to assassinate the police mau. NEWS IN BRIEF. Henry C. Pay no has been sworn in as postmaster general. Senator Foraker was formerly re elected by tho Ohio legislature. Spinners at Mayuard, Mass., have struck and fifteen hundred may be como Involved. ' Tho London foreign ofllco issued tho correspondence on tho isthmian canal treaty in tho form of a parliumentray rtaper. This eorresnondnnrn ndds SCORES ARE KILLED Mexico is Badly Shaken By An Earthquake. THE DETAILS ARE VERY MEAGRE Oklahoma Bandit Are Surrounded Wreck on the Southern radllc Suit Agalnitnattunnuth Ilund- man Other New. One of the most terrible catastrophe iu the history of the state of Oucrrcro, Mexico, is reported to havo occurred when nn extremely violent earthquake Shock Was felt Ut CllUll.inplnrrn. Pima. ing a great loss of life and injuring many persons. Details from the stricken district nro meagre, but scattering reports received hero indicato that probably three .hun dred persons were killed and as many injured. The state capltol, the parish church and many business houses and residences aro in ruins, and there Is much suffering as a result of the awful seismic disturbance. The telegraph lines and apparatus at Chilpancingo were badly damaged but tho employes, all of whom wcro injured, quickly proceeded to erect an improvised telegraph office on the out skirts of tho city. Tho number of deaths was greater in tho parish church than in any sing le place, as a crowd of worshipers were gathered there for the uftcrnoon service. Tho solid masonry, walled roof camo toppling clown on tho wor shipers and several people were killed. Earthquake shocks were felt in many cities and towns. In Mexico City, the earthquake was of such violence as to shake tho most substantial buildings. Tho pan-American congress was in session at tho time and many of the delegates wcro greatly alarmed. The first movement was one of trepidation and was very sharp. The earthquake was also intense at Inguala, in the state of Guerrero, des troying the parish church and many buildings In tho city nnd neighbor hood. Among the latter was the sugar, mill of General Frlsbie, nn American.) The mill had just been completed and' fitted up with American machinery ut' ft cost of 8200,008. The property loss' is intense throughout tho state of Guerrero. Brine Suit Acalnut nondman. County Attorney Root of Platts nouth, Neb., filed suit in the district court against Joseph Sebstft and his' bondsman, Frank Cnfourek, to recover judgment on a 83.00 bond. Sebesta wns arrested several months ago for making a malicious assault upon a young man named William Wnrge, in! which the latter was bruised and pounded in such a brutal manner that' for several days it was feared ho would not recover from tils Injuries. Cnfourek' went security for Sebesta in tho sum" of 53.00, but when tho time for trial! arrived the defendant had disappeared and tho county attorney now seeks to. collect the bond. Sebesta is thought to bo out in tho western part of the blUlU. Dandlt Surreunded. A company of soldiers has left Fort Sill to aid the nosse In nnrult. rf dm highwaymen who murdered Sheriffs Diuiui and llcclc of Guthrie, Okl. It is announced that they are surrounded in the bmsll nt tlin lipnilivud.,-.! nf Beaver creek, near Rush Springs. Tho oioounounds tracked tho robbers to that point from Anachn nnd ivi Mi. called off, not being allowed to enter me urusii. Tho posso then surrouded tho brush and beran n. nlorro ninriltln -- inforcemonts. It was for this purpose mui uie troops started. Exploilon Cuin Two Death. Thomas Mills and Henry Grcnfeldt, employed in tho Wabash mino near Custer, S. D., loaded thirteen holes for blastlug at tho bottom of a shaft. Af ter lighting the fuses they gave the slgnul to hoist. Almost at the same tlmo one of tho shots exploded. Gren foldtwas brought almost to tho top, when ho fell back down tho shaft and wns instnntly killed. Mills lived a few hours. Grenfeldt left a family in Corn wall, England, and Mills' family ar rived today from tho old country. Killed Her Baby Slitcr. Nellie Corneilson, an eleven-year-old girl, of Wichita, Kas., who killed tier baby sister with ft razor and charged her five-year-old brother with the crime, has confessed that sho commit ted tho crime, but was unablo to as sign any reason for tho act. She said tho notion to kill her sister ciine into her head and that she could not resist ber sudden passion for blood. Kxprei I Wrecked. Tho fast Southern Pacific passenger train which left Now Orleans was wrecked at Code station, twelue miles cast of Lafayette, La. Fivo passenger cars wcro thrown from the track, all well filled with passengers, but only three persons wcro seriously hurt. Blow On the Ilead. William Ferrel, an employe in one of the factories at Metropolis, 111., is dy ing as the result of a blow on the head inflicted by Ike Brannon, another employe. Tho men had quarreled about their work. Chicago Mitn a Suicide, Samuel S. Ilnwlcy, a prominent Chi cago attorney, aged thirty-nine, com mitted suicide at St Louis by shooting Despondency because of ill health is thought to hnvn been th enup, INCULCATING THRIFT OHIOAQO INSTITUTION THAT HA9 HAD SPLENDID RESULTS. School Children Tnught the Vnlue of Their Spare Venule Money Bavod Altvny with n View to a Uellnlta Furpoie. The recent report of a ponny savings society, which hns existed in Chicago for four years, shows how nuccessful llttlo side issues in tho educational way often nro. During four years tho boys and girls of that city have pur chased 2,574,050 stamps, ranging in denomination from one cent to fifty cents and agregating $157,588. Tho Chicago Penny Savings Society is tho outgrowth of n suggestion made in 1896 by tho Itov. It. A. White, thon a member of a Civic Federation com mittee. Its friends started it with contributions amounting to $525, to which $150 wns added later, all to provide equipment and money for run ning expenses. In 1898 tho board of cducntlon decided that teachers In tho public schools might net ns agents for tho society nnd its mission since then has been largely among school child ren. Other stations havo been opened, however, In social settlements, charity bureau offices, stores, missions, nurs eries, county schools nnd even in pri vate houses. Thoro are about 150 such stations in Chicago nt present, whoro ono mny mako deposits of ono cent and upwnrd. Tho purposo of tho society is to teach habits of thrift and self-denial. It alms to show children how thoy may help thomsolves by saving their money Instead of wasting it on use less things. It distinctly disavows any intention of Inculcating miserly hab its, for it advises its depositors to savo their money with a view to using it for a specific purpose. It teaches the children that by saving pennies wasted on sweets nnd popcorn and pea nuts they may buy themselves books, clothing and other useful things. Ono vacation twelvo children who had nover been outsldo of Chicago were able to spend two weeks in the country on their savings. In ono school in a poor quarter tho children saved $600 in six months, and the boys nlono were ablo to equip a school band with in struments. AOTIVE PRINCIPLE OF TEAS. Thelno nnd the Smnll Amount Found In Average Drink. Thelno is known to most people as tho uctlvo prluclplo of tea, or that substance which confers upon tho cup its cheering and stimulating proper ties. Cnffeino is tho analogous prin ciple of coffee, although this latter substance also occurs iu tea. Somo In vestigations into tho development of thelno show that It Is in the skin or covering of the leaves of tho plant in their young stnto that tho active prin ciple is best developed. I havo always been given to under stand that tho young shootn thus am ply provided with thelne, and repre senting the finest of tho crop, arc scut to Russia, whero they fetch a high prlco. What wo get in this country is presumably tho older leaf, with, I should say, less thelne and a good deal moro tannin. It would bo interesting to know what proportions of thelno and tnnnln exist in some of tho cheap teas that aro so largely consumed by tho British public. Thelno itself Is n norvo stimulant of undoubted power, but tho quantity wo get in our cups is, of courso, infinitesimal. Some times, I should say, it 1b so microscopic in amount ns to render it doubtful whether wo can bo cheered at all by tho tea tray fesUvltles. Paislnc of Sailing Hark. Not many years ago tho East River water front was a "forest of masts." To-day a dozen smokestacks tako their placo. Poetry has given place to tho dullest and driest of prose. An illus tration of the sorrowful pass to which sailing vessels in tho merchant mnrlno havo come was related last week by tho son of n onco wealthy shipowner, now dead. "I was present In my youth," said he, "at tho chrlstenlug of ono of my father's barks, a quarter of ft century ago. Tho vessel cost about $32,000. In its maiden voyago to Australia it cleared a net profit of moro than $35,000 moro than paid for itself, in fact Not long since, while settling up my fathor's estato, $50 was offered to mo for an eighth interest in anothor bark which ho had owned. It cost him $4,000. I took tho offer. It was a question of taking $50 or pay ing an assessment of $200, and, as I was not empowered to spend monoy of tho estate, and saw no probablo profit if I did, I took the cash." New York Times. China' Blur of Sorrow. Tho Yellow River is Btyled tho "Sor row of China." During tho lost cen tury it has changed its sources twenty-two times, and now flows into the sea through a mouth 600 miles distant from that of 100 years ago. It is es timated that its floods in the present contury havo cost China 11,000,000 lives. nouiebont on the Adriatic A company is about to open a house boat hotel at Abbnzla, on tho Adriatic This floating hotel will havo accommo dations for 100 guests. It Is also to bo seaworthy, bo that tho visitor can bo treated to a trip on tho Adriatic from ttmo to time. Golf Flayer in Concrei. Tho golf players In Congress- nro quite numerous. Corlcss of Michigan Is tho founder of a golf club, and was' among tho pioneer followers of tho "imii In hip tlltn. UNOROWNED ENGLISH QUEENS No I.eu Than Soven Hnve Misted the Honor of n Coronation. As n rulo, most English queens have been solemnly crowned, whether they reigned in their own right or as wives of royal husbands. To this rule, how over, thero nro seven exceptions. Tho first was Margaret of France, tho young, plain, amlnblo second wife of Edward I. Ho had spent so much money in conquering Wales and in trying to conquer Scotland that ho could not afford tho expenses of ft coronation for his girl bride, nnd sho had to do without tho splendors of tho pageant. King Henry VIII took enro that Anno Boleyn should bo crowned with cxtromo magnificence Ho desired to Bhow tho world how much ho loved her nnd how very much ho defied tho bishop of Rome. Tho four wives who succeeded her wero never crowned at all. For ono thing, monoy ran short, and, for an other, thero may havo lurked, even in his masterful mind, a senso of tho "fitness of things," which may hnvo caused him to shrink from publicly crowning so mnny ladles In such very rapid succession. At any rate tho beloved Jano Sey mour, tho despised Anno of Cloves, tho girlish Cathcrino Howard and tho wary Catherine Parr wcro nevor con Bccratcd in public as queen-consorts of England. Henrietta Maria, wlfo of Charles I, refused to bo" crowned. Sho was young, sho was pretty, sho wns a French princess, and she declined to take part in a state function, which would compel her to partake of tho sacrament according to church of England rites. Sophia Dorothea of Zoll cannot bo reckoned among tho seven, becauso Bho was never called queen of Eng land at all. Whllo Gcorgo I was be ing crowned, nnd nnnolntcd, nnd bored, the lady of Ahlden was pining In her long, monotonous captivity. Caroline of Brunswick is tho last, and most remarkable Instance of tho uncrowned English queens. Though George IV had been forced from popu lar indignation to glvo up tho bill of pains and penalties against hor, noth ing would induce htm to let her share his coronation. Sho was not permitted to bo present in Westminster Abbey at all. Repulsed from nil the ontrnncea, she returned to her house, to dlo within thrco weeks of a violent fever, brought on by months of fearful ex :ltement Lady's Pictorial. INDEX OF A MAN'SMIND. Walt Till He Croe III Legs Ueforo You DUtnrb Him. There aro many Indexes to tho mind, but I learned a now ono the othor day when I called to see a busy man at his ofllco down on Broad street. When I entered tho outer ofllco It was quite evident that ho was in, for I could see him through an open door, leaning over his desk, qulto intent on papers that lay in front of him. I spoke to the clork in attendance, whom I know well, and asked that ho announco me. Ho glanced into tho othor room before speaking. "Walt a minute or two," he sold, "It will bo better, for ho will havo you como in tho moment I say you uro here." I didn't qulto understand what ho meant, but I took n scat to wait a mlnuto or two. I waited five of them and then spoko again. "Walt until he crosses his legs," an swered tho clerk. "What has that to do with it?" I asked. "Everything," ho replied. "Ho doesn't llko to bo disturbed when ho is busy, and I know ho i3 very busy becauso ho has his legs out straight. A man nevor thinks hard with his legs crossed. As soon as his mind lets up a llttlo, thon he straightens, crosses his legs and is ready for vis itors and a chat. When his legs go down again it is tlmo for tho visitor to tako his leave. Just bear that In mind and see it I am not right." As ho finished speaking up went tho legs, and I was announced and re ceived at once. Now York Herald. ner Intention Were Good. Sho really intended paying hor fare when sho boarded the street car, for Bho had ten cents saved from the bar gain day scrimmage, but the conductor happened to be a gentleman, and, by paying tho faro himself, saved her a weary walk to tho family residence. She had tho ten cents with her when sho boarded the car, and she still had tho money when tho conductor camo through on his trip for fares, but she did not pay tho conductor. It was all the motorman's fault With her arms full of bundles sho was compelled to hold the ten-cent pleco between her teoth. Tho motorman turned on tho current, tho car gave a jerk and Bho gave a start "Faro, ploaso," said the conductor and she turned pale. "I can't pay you," she stammered, going from white to red and from red back to white. "But I can't carry you for nothing," remonstrated the conductor. "I know it, but I can't help It. I bad the money when I got on the car, but but I swallowed it." A grouch on tho other side of the car snorted a rudo laugh, but tho conductor was a gentleman, and without another word he pulled tho register rope for an other fare and passed on. St. Paul Globe. Import Into Old Greece. Greece now imports about 8,000 tons of sulphate of copper each year for use in killing the phylloxera. Cbeitnut on Foor Land. A profitable experiment has been made in growing chestnuts on land which la too thin for agricultural use. i. A 4t xi J t oat-- . ZVZ&KWUUiJNms&!litt?VV!ZZZtST' -pvswiw- ----" fclUMtltfTOHkW-T "