The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1902, Image 5

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I Competition I i
i $4,000 in Prizes 1 1
$2,000 in Cash.
$2tooo in Kodaks.
The largest and most Tnlunblo f
ij list of over oiloroil,iu a J
9 photographic competition.
Como in and lot us toll you about
I it. fr
1 flemhouse - Bros.,
9 f
Jewelers and Opticians.1! ' "
Uod Cloud, Nobroska.
Tub CniKr tlpor year.
Store repairs at W. W. WriRht's.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1.50.
For anything in the hardware line go
to Wright's.
c Joo Warren Jr. was visiting in Supe
rior Sunday.
Lot's form a commercial club. That's
what we want.
See Henry Hros. ad. elsewhere for
seed corn, oats and grain.
Horb Conovcr of McCook was down
visiting with the folks this week.
The finest line of stoves in the valley
can bo found at Wright's.
Now is the time to get Uobes and
Blankets. You can lind all stylos and
prices at Butlers.
L. It. llaskins, who has been quite
seriously ill for some time past is able
to be arouud agaic.
9 f-
In a few days
our Harness
Stock will
! be here.
This stock is going
to be complete in
every detail.
1 Spring Wagon
and Farm
We have built up a
good business in
hardware. Our
Applies to every
thing we sell and
our Harness will
be no exception.
Remember we are
in this to win. We
do your business.
You saqe money.
We want your
trade and will
X save you money
to get it.
7 pounds Nails 24c.
The Ckief and Life ef McKinley $1.50.
Coal cil, 15 cents a gallon at VY. H.
rjMyra GiifToth is clerking for Turn
uro Hros.
Tiik Chirp and tho Toledo Blade
one Year for SI 25.
J.S. Djrer is quite seriously ill at his
residonco in this city.
George Ovcring mado a trip to Lin
coln and Omaha this week.
J. A. McArthm has moved luto tho
jailor's residonco at tho jail.
J. S. White was in Lincoln, Omaha
and Council liluflfs this week.
Carl Kuohn loft Monday morning
for a tup to Iowa and Illinois.
Miss Hollo Sp,inoglo arrived home
from Ueatrico the first of the week.
O. 1). Dickenson returned home
Monday night from a trip to Omaha.
Tho Homo Art Club moots next Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. J.A.Tul
leys. Joo Young of McCook was hero this
week attending tho Smith Doling wed
ding. A very ploasant dauco was given on
last Friday night at tho H. Sc. M. eating
Have you seen the up to data Blaik
ets and Robes. Butlers is the place to
ilud thorn.
George 11. Chanoy was in Lincoln
this weak looking after matters in the
supremo court.
A series of revival meetings aro be
ing conducted at tho Advontist church
on north Webster street.
Pasteur's "Blacklegine" for the pre
vention of black-leg in cattle for salo
by Cotting the Druggist.
Attorney Ulackledgo wont to Lincoln
tho first of tho weok to look ufter mat
tcis in the supreme court.
Carload of corn chop and corn and
oats chop which will be Bold at the
lowest pi ices. W. H. Uouv.
Max Fischer who has boon making a
visit with friends here has returned to
his home nt Norman, Oklahoma.
The Life of ffm, McKinley, by Murat
llalstend, and The Chief one year for
91.60, tho price of the book alene.
Samuel Dyer has purchnsed tho
poultry business of Davis & Waid and
will conduct tho business in tho future.
Farm loans at 5 per cent interest en
good improved land. C. F. Cather,
ortlce over Cotting's drug store, Hed
Cloud, Nob.
Win. Burnett and wife and daughter
Lillio of McCook camo down Tuesday
morning to be preseut at the Smith
Doling wedding.
Miss Blanche Doling of Holdrcgo
was in tho city this wook to witness
tho marriage of bor brother Omar to
Miss Lillian Smith.
Robes! Robes 1 1 Robeslll For the
next sixty days you can buy Blankets
and Robes at a sactiiice price at J. O.
Butlers harness shop.
Conductor Frank Quigloy of Oxford
has taken a lay off of fifteen days and
will take unto himself a wife before his
return. McCook Tribune.
Dell Wells left Saturday with a car
of household goods and stock for Cald
well, Idaho, where ho will make a now
home. His family will follow him
Samuel J. Boomer of Blue hill and
Ruby A. Conrad of Elm Crook, wore
united in marriage on Tuesday, Janu
ary 21st, Rev. J. K. Rippotoo of Cowles
Mrs. Caroline Nowhouso died at her
homo in this city after a several weeks
illness on Tlimdar at 0 p.m. Funeral
services will bo hold from her late res
idence Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m.
C H. Crone received tho sad intolli
gouco the las; of the week that a sister
residing in Iowa was dangerously ill
and not expected to live. Ho departed
at onco for her budsido arriving a short
timo before her death.
What you doln' neighbor? Helping
Hill. What's Bill doln? Helping Man
dy. What's Mandy dein'? Helpiog
mother. What's mother doin'T Tak
ing Rooky MouataiR Tea. Sensible
family. C. L. Cotting.
A Bargain in Land Eighty acre
farm for sale, one-fourth of a mile
from town, nearly all alfalfa land; all
level; eight per cent annual interest
guaranteed on purchase price in rent.
Call and see it or write, U. G. Knioiit,
Inavalo, Neb.
Mrs. Irone 1'ardo, wife of Joseph
I'ardo and only sister of Mrs. Ella
Dickerson of Red Cloud, died at bor
homo in Council Bluffs, Iowa, January
Oth, 1002, at 5:10 p in. of pneumonia,
uftor an illness of ono weok. Tho fu
neral set vices were hold at tho Meth
odist church there, of which shu was n
liiombor, at 2:30 p m. January Oth.
She leaves a husband and one daughter
ngad ten years. Mrs. 1'urdo formeily
resided here and was quite well known
us Miss Irene Cashaian.
Jos. Gather was in Lincoln this week.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1 50
If you want seed coin see W. B.
C. 11. Coulson of Riverton wns here
E. E. Burr of Guide Rock was in the
city Monday.
Kentucky Lump coal at Roby's at
fO GO per ton.
T. L. Faugh of Uluo Hill was in the
city Wednesday.
Go to Roby for baled hay, alfalfa and
millet. Prices always right.
J. M. Carnahan of Riverton was nt
tending to business here Tuosday.
Carload of genuine Mnitland coal.
7.00 at yard or $7.50 delivered. V. B.
Discard that light summer rebe and
got ene ef Butlers Fall and Winter
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Al White,
residing south of the river, on Monday,
January 20, a son.
Charley Dickerson left Thursday
morning for a visit with relatives and
friends nt Lincoln.
Invitations nre outjfor n reception to
bo given by the class of 1003 in honor
of the class of 190.')
Mrs. F, M. Potter who has been vis
iting relatives and friends hero has re
turned to her homo at Lincoln.
Attorney Mcrcor nnd Bernard Mc
Neny were in Lincoln this week argu
ing motions in the supreme court.
GMrs. J. D. Fulton and daughter Lola
of Riverton woro hero this week at
tending tho Smith-Doling wedding.
Tho Homo Art Club met with Mrs.
W. N. Richardson on Wednesday af
ternoon and were royally entertained.
J. O. Butler this weok received his
new shipment of hardware and now
has it placed on his shelves ready for
Miss Ada Skjelver, prinripal of tho
south ward schools, Ims been absent
from her duties tho past week on ac
count of an attack of the mumps.
A Twenty YearJ
Life Policy
'In an Old Line Company is
the best kind of life
'The cash value of tho policy at the;
end of the period is mmo than
you have paid.
'Fire, Lightning, Tornado and
Life Insurance,
kin tho best Old Lino or Mutual
O. C. Teel, Agt.,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Tho Ladies Guild of Graco Episcopal
church will givo an oyster supper nt
tho homo of Mrs. W. B. Roby on Sat
urday night froru 5 to 9 o'clock. Sup
per 2!)C
Wm. Cloramons, who was formerly
proprietor of tho B. & M. eating house
hero arrivcil from his homo at Santa
Anna, California, Thursday to look
after interests here.
What would you think of your gre
eery man if ho sold you sand for sugar.
What do you think ef a druggist who
offers you a substitute for the Madison
Medicine Co's. Rocky Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cotting.
I have buyers for both farm aad pas
ture land. If you have land for sale
please list it witk me at once. No
charge if I do not get you a buyer.
Also farm loans at lowest rate with op
tion. O. F. Cather, Red Clond, Nob.
Rov. J. E. Covert of Guide Rock has
boon assisting tho pastor nt tho Bap
tist church this weok. vEvangelist J.
W. Thompson of Shellebury, Iowa,
will bo hero Monday of next week and
will preach ovory eveninft during tho
week. All aro invited.
Thothoatto goors of our city were
last Tuosday treated to the production
of tho drama, "Tho" World Against
Him," presoted by home talent. A
good audience greeted them, and it is
neodless to say that they woro treated
to a first class production, in fact as
good as ono generally sees from a trav
eling troupo. Tho participants of tho
play had put hi all their spare mnmonts
for 801110 timo past in practicing and
rehearsing, and wero well rewarded
for thoir work. Tho audience "all and
ono" express themselves as highly
pleased witli tho show and hope they
will bo given an opportunity of attend
ing another of tho company's produc
tions in the future.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoflico at Red Cloud, Neb
raska, for the .week ending January
2:1, 1001.
Gertrude Boan, Earl Bowvn.
Jas. Brown, Geo. Mnllonce,
Arthur Sherer.
Thrso letters will bo sent to tho dead
letter office February 0th, if not call
cd for before When calling for above
pleaao say "advertised." T. O. Hack
Kit, Postmaster.
Last Friday ovening tho third of tli
course of high school entertainments
wns given at tho Christian church,
when Fuller Swift gave one of IiIh
unique nnd very interesting lectures to
a large audionco. Mr. Swift is a vory
able and lluent talker and entertained
his audience in a manner which was
highly appreciated by them. Tho next
number on tho program will bo the
Orpheus Jubileo Siugeis. Owing to
tho continued iticrcaso in attendance at
these entertainments it has boon found
necessary to secure the opera houso for
the remaining numbers of the course.
Tho "short mnn" of eastern hold-up
fame, is supposed to have been in our
city last Saturday. From hero ho wont
to Lebanon, whore ho took a bath and
afterwards went out in a park near
that place and took an ovcrdoso of
laudanum with suicidal intont, but was
found beforo his earthly career was
ended, and with a doctors aid resusci
tated. A letter on his porson ex
plained that the cauao for hi rash act
would bo found in tho dnily papers.
Later developments proved that he
was wanted nt St. Joseph, Missouri,
for a murder which was committed on
January 11th, and that thero wns $500
offered for his capture.
Tho celebrated Mason & Downs Or
pheus Jubilee Singers will givu tho
next program on the high school
courso of entertainments nt tho opera
houso March 10th. Tho last numbo. of
the courso will bo given by Professor
Dinsmoro at, the opera houso March
21st. Holders of season tickets will bo
given an opportunity to rcsorvo seats
which will bo good for both entertain
ments. Tho company of singers is
said to bo the bust on tho road and tho
opera houso has beon secured that ev
erybody may bavo an opportunity to
hear them. Professor Diusmnre is one
of the highest priced men the bureau
ruts out. Ono of his dates having
been cancelled he wns secured for this
plnce. Watch for further announce-nicnti-',
On Tuesday afternoon last occurred
a very pretty church wedding in wuich
Mr. Omar Doling of Holdrcgo and Miss
Lillian Smith of this city wero the
principals. Tho nuptials wero solemn
nlzod nt Graco Episcopal church by
Rev. W. II. Xatiders and tho sot vice was
pretty and impresseivo the church be
ing dnrkonod nnd tastefully decorated.
A. P. Ely of McCook, brother-in-law of
the brido gave tho brido away Mr.
Joo Young anl Mr. Bon McFnrland
acted as groomsmen and Miss Blanch
.Moling, of Holdrege, sister of tho
groom and Miss Helen McFnrland as
bridesmaids. Tho church was taxed to
tho utmost to accomtuodato tho invited
guests. The brido is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs E. B. Smith of this city
and is admired by a host of friends.
Mr. Doling holds a position with tho
B. & M. nt Holdrcgo whore they will
make thoir home. An elegant wedding
supper was served to immediate friends
at the rosidenco after tno service at tho
church. Mr. and Mrs. Doling will take
a wedding trip to Lincoln and other
points oast.
Wo have had numerous inquiiies of
Into by our citizens in tho following
words: "Why don't tho Chikk advo
caio tho lighting of our city? It is a
shamo and disgrace to n town tho
size pf Red Cloud to have dark streets
after 7 p.m." And with them wo nre
willing to heartily ngroo. Thero ought
to bo lights on our streots nftor 7 p.m.
when tho stores closo. Wo aro all
ready and willing to ndmit tfiat. But,
what is the proper method of lighting
our streets? Thnt is tho question.
Some say electric lights, and others,
(wo might say tho majority of our pop
ulation) Bay no moro electric lights
for us, we have had a plenty, nnd again
wo heartily agree. At this ago and
stago of tho wcrld oleotrio lights aro a
back number and too exponslvo to even
be thought of. And again numerous
towns throughout tho state aro being
lighted with tho now gas lamps. This
is what we would advocate for Rod
Cloud. Eloctrio lights at $100 to $125
per month aro too expensive. We be
lieve that our citv could bo lighted
with gaff lamps at one-fourth this price
after tbo lamps had onco boon put in,
aud tho cost of putting thorn In would
not bo over $500 at the most. The now
gasolino lamps of tho present timo are
almost tho equal of tho aro oloctrio
light in lighting power, and can bo op-
orated at one-tenth the cost. Why not
light our city with thorn? Whou a
move is mado to light our city with
gas lamps wo aro willing to do nil in
our power to bolp the good cause along
but wo will not advocato electric lights
as wo believe they aro too expensive a
luxury to burden our city with.
For salo bills call nt tills ollice,
4 4 4 4 . 4
fladell's Gash
Grand Special Ctearingl
I And Advance Opening
incMiis um tycw spring uooas.
Special Clearing Sale Bargain prices in every department on nil wintet 5
J Koods, Special Bat gain piiei's on the advance shipment of New Spring 5
JJJ Goods Ncor befoie have values like these been (quitted. If txlraordi-
uary values mean exttaoidiuary business we will surely surpass by far this J
t Hi-uuuii an previous nines. e viii
JJJ over beforo to show you tho best and
m Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies'
Ladies Tailor Made Suits, Skirts and Waists,
Carpets and Men's Famishing Goods. J
5 Wc are highly enthusiastic
tj ucnur mis scaaoii in;m ever
Special Clearing
I Sale in our
J Cloak Department.
In our cloak department wo
placed on salo each and overy
Cloak, Jacket and Capo in our
Cloak Department at exactly
GOc on tho dollar. This means
all our new, choice, stylish gar
ments will go at a very litllo
2 GO Cloaks and Jackets al tl 25.
5 00
7 50
10 00
12 AO
IS 00
20 00
25 00
30 00
1 50
9 50
3 75
5 00
7 60
1$ 00
12 50
15 00
JJI All tho balanco of our stock of
m furs placed on sale tho same way,
this is certainly a
grand bargain
il Special prices on Ladies Tailor
m mado Suits at $0.00, $7 50, $9 00,
$10 00 and $12.00.
2J Wc have received a complete stock of the newMcCall JjJ
$ Bazaar Patterns. They are classed as the St
Jj best. Fashion sheets free. $
T - "
Damerell Block,
The Red Cloud CM j
and Chicago
Weekly Inter-Ocean
One Year for $1.25.
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part
Bargain House.
4. j 7
Sale of Advance Ship-1
do Hotter Drooarod 1 1 Is Mnnncn than
most complete spring stock of
and Children's Shoes,
on being able to serve you J
uciorc. tome anu sec.
Spocinl advaiico showing of
the new embroideries at monoy
laving pr.uos. S
000 yards in 5 yard longths placod 5
...1 ..In .... l. ..!.. A . k.. 1 -
nmu, y.iui iTiiuivMi iu ior jnru y
rrguiai a ami iiw values.
COO yards in 5 yard lengths, retrular
10c and 12 Jo insertions placed
on salo your choice 4o yd.
500 ynrds new 15o, 18o and 80c em-
broiderins nlaoml nn anln tnr m
those twoditva at lie nnr varil. $?
g ,,....,
40o and 45o por yard. This is 5
tho finest lot of nmhroiderien
ever shown in tho town.
800 yards 10c, 12Jo and 15o Val. and 2
Torchon Laces placod on sale X
your cr.aico 5c per yatd.
Special Clearing
Sale on Blankets. X
10 4 Groy Cotton blankots, sale T
price 38o per pair. X
$2 50 extra 11-4 tan blonkots, salo
price 08c per pair. it
$2 00 extra HI tan blankots, salo $
pi ice, $1 18.
Special prices on woolen blankets
"...... .
Red Cloud, Neb.
Express Line.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
iSmi':. .flfffHttS