T SI M !i I I V i I; K ft Gonteijious Blopd Poison There la Jo poison so highly contagious, o deceptive ami so destructive. Don't b too sure you lire cured because all external tigtis of the di&atte have disappeared, and the doctor says you are well. Many per. sons have been dosed with Mercury and PoUaIi for months or yearn, and pro nounced cured to realize when too late that the disease was only covered up Um iMMfi I Item (Jrivc frol Ule ukb mmgot uk. gurfnccto break out again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them have been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from parent to child m this. Oftcti a bad ense of Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, an old sore or ulcer developing in middle we, can c iraccu to oicou poison con In'ouVy Th9 stn of tho Parent. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, unless properly treated and driven out in the beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, the only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and it docs this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. px cures Contagious Hlood ,1 Poison in any and all k stages; contains no B B A mineral to break down 1 your constitution; it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses the blood and at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete and instruc tive ever Issued; it not only tells all about this disease, but atso how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be iu the hands of everyone seeking a cure. Send for it Xm tWIFT IPECIf IC CO.. ATLANTA. A. THE CHIEF raaLi-mn bt W. L. MoMlLLAN. 0m -,r It 00 ItamonUM W PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY In tared t tno put oOlco t IUd Uond. Nob.u coad cltif matt matter. ADVKUTISINH KATBS: Ixm"I tdrcrlUI'iR 6 cent per lino per ItMio. Local AitvortlnliiK 'or ciitertxlununt-, con tcrtK.bodslii, e5c., rIt-ii liy churches, charltsbto iOnlvtlcN, etc., whero nit ruoncjH ruined there frm ro used wholly far church or ulurltiblo octette flrat ten linen free ami all orer ten Hum 8V4 renin tier lluo per Immio. I.omI l-enlMne of eiiUTtHlnnient", concerts, redulx, etc., where per rent Ih kItoii to pro maler. & cents pur line per Imbiiu. DKI'I.AT AUVKIlTIHINa. On column per month V on One half column per month M Hi One fourth column h.t month 1 75 OenerAl dlnptitv HdvertMiiR i 8 eouti per Inch ixrlKaue. STOLEN BUZZSAWLETS. Duo loose screw may wreck ti whole train. A hob-tailed dog has a hard time showing his appreciation. A policeman and i. country editor roccivu less do&erved pralso for their services than any other professionals on enrtli. A St. Joseph paper remarks that after seeing Carrie Nation tltoy don't blamo her half so much for smashing so many mirrors. The- new woman is an eyosora to the old mail. A great many people kill time just as though they had a right to live. "Ha that winknth tho eye causeth sorrow," especially if tho girl's other fellow catches him at it. Sauor kraut is defined as eabbago thai has scon better days. Tho defi nition is very rank. Booze and conceit am twin brothers. They both canto ti tniin to imagine his h:it is too small. It is n rather poor policy to sit around waiting for luck. If good luck comes along and liniN you asleep it is liable to puss on. Men are great kici;cr.. So are mules. Somehow wo expect more of men than wo do of mulct). Wo shouldn't. Some women laugh like they were afraid of cracking their lips, whilu oth ers crack a smilo so loud tttny can ho heal d four blocks. Tho jay birds am supposed to go south in tho winter time, but a few of tuoui cau always bo fouud atountt Red Cloud. Tho "naked truth" gonendly chases around with tho "baro facts," but ueithor ono of them are often seen in public. Tho tnau who praises his wife's good home qualities in company generally goes around with ono susponder and a suinglo nail to hold his pants up with. When a hon lays her plans for rais ing a family sho doesn't know what minute tho hired girl is going to swipe thum and scramblu them into an omelet. When you want nails, screws, bolts, hath vvite or anything else iu tint litud waie lino call on W. W. Wright. BLADEN. Sotnowhnt dusty Monilnv. L. Livingston nmlh of town Will hnvo n public sttlti next Tuesday. Mr. nml Mrs. Uootlull ate nt Western at tho bedside of hU fntlier who is serl otnly ill, Dr. Towusend of Uiimpbell was call ed to tho homo of J. K, Denton Satur day evening. Joseph Pashby has purchased the farm ono mile south and two west of town. Tho Chevalier implomant building in going up rapidly and when completed will luhl nitiuh to our town. Clarence llito returned homo Wed nesday after nn extended visit with relative!- at Western. W. L. Monnott has moved into the property vacated by Al Kurd. C. K. Hicks is spending a few days with his family at Lincoln and looking alter business matters. Chits. Moore of Guide ltock is spend ing u few days with old acquaintances iu this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wuullo Sundaycd with her parents wost of town. The meetings nttho Mothodistchuruh are being well attended und much good should result therefrom. The illustrated sermon givon by Rov. Priostly Sunday ovoning at the M. K. Church was vory iuterustinir and tho church was crowded to its utmost capacity. Mr. Loisrold of Hickman who has boon v-istting with his father returnod to bis homo Monday, Wm. Harding loft Monday for Dor chostor to visit with his son. Everybody rejoices over tho recont fall of snow. Small favors thankfully received. STATE CREEK. One and all are enjoying the nicu weather and are glad to soo feed hold ing out so well. Stock is all luokiuc won. Hugh Graham has been sick tho past few days with something like tho grip. Mr. Stanley, a prominent young farmer ami stockman froinlnenr Salem. paid ono of his semi-monthly visits to some of his acquaintances and friend here lust Saturday mid Sunday. While wo have considornblo sickness iu our neighborhood nt present, thero is no serious cases and till aro reported butler. Mis Collins and Irving's children were on the sick list last week, but all tiro lienor at this writing. Frank Wolf had quite a sovero attack of pneumonia but is better. Mrs. W 11. Uosoncrnns had au attack of pneumonia last week but is ablo to ho mound again. Mr. Dillon, the North Branch nursery man was tiausaciinc business on our creek last Saturday and Monday. Oscar Serivner and wifo of Spring Creek were visiting on this creok last Sunday with relativos. Will Kosoncrans bought 100 bushols of corn iu town last Saturday. Corn is golting scarce as so many are feeding hogs. It is now sixty to seventy cents per bushel. Will Scrivnor is heard from in Okla homa where ho is at work carpenter-iB- Al Serivner is going to Oklahoma on a prospecting tour. Max Fischer of Indian Territory, formorly of this part, is visiting rela tives hero. He and his uncle, Joseph Fogel wore on our creek Sunday. Tho series of nicotines held at Pennv creek by Rov. Campboll and tho lady assistant, aro well at tended every evening. They hold u prayer mooting in tho neighborhood ovory day. I'lio Chits. Stcllliis fai in is about to be sold to an Iowa man, n brother-in-law of Ed. Cooper. r . Bond will soon luavo for tho west era mining country, and Jus. Beau I'liatiip will occupy his farm. A. A. Davis, tho North Branch insur ittico agent, was doing business on our creek recently. Mr. Roohor was recently hoard from at his old homo in Franco. Ho will sail for home in tho near future. Occasional. Another tourist excursion to Califor nia. To accommodate tho increasing travel to California, tho Burlington Routo has added to its service another weekly excursion, in tourist cars, per sonally conducted. Tho Burlington's through car service to California is as follows: Standard sleepers, daily, Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings and Oxford to San Francisco, connecting at latter city with fast train for Los Angolcs. Tourist sleepers, personally conducted, every Thursday and Saturday, Omaha, Lincolu, Fairmont, Hastings and Hold ivgo to San FraticWco, every Wednes day and Thursday, Kansas City, St, Joseph, Wymoro, Superior and Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Douver and Salt Lake City, passing tho grand panorama of tho Rockies by daylight. Ifyou'ie going to California, you will ho inter-e-tod iu our now 40-pago folder, "Cal ifornia Tours, lUOl-Wi." It is free. J. 1'iiANcis, General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Nebraska. . ' .v . WOMER, KANSAS. Womor has had an epidemic of cheap John show, two or three every week. Como ahead hois, any old thing goes at Wo m or, Tb wind storm Monday was one of the old sort. For a time it looked as if an old time bllzzird was on top. Miss Lulu Ken worthy has taken in an asslstai't. Miss Keuwurthy has built up quite a trade in dressmaking. Low Moore is at Lincoln, Nebraska, this week attending the butter makers convention. Mr. Hunter of Rivcrton was nt Wi.m or ono day this week. Mrs. Pouadsis vory poorly. Tho cicitmery is laid tip for repairs this week. Ivir. Armitfllead got hurt '(lining the lire and is laid-up for repairs. Tho telephone is quite a treat to tho Woincrite. People who have never used tho phono mako lots of sport by trying to mako tho other fellow lienr. Tho hotel came neatly going up in smoko TuoMlny morning. Fire as discovered in the roof and tho alarm was givon and such a gotting out of bod you never did see. Fred Stelling can toll just how to climb upon a roof that is covered with Ico and put out a lire. You must jump out of a warm bed, don't stop to put your clothes on as it is hard to climb a roof if you have on too many clothss, slash water over tho roof, put out tho lire, then bavo your clothes thrown up on tho roof and gat into them as soon us you can for a follow gots cold on a roof with the wonther nt zero. Dr. Morrison says ho was so absent ruindod that ho thought ho had on his clothes until he got across tho street, and than to his mind camo tho idea that some ono was out too early or perhaps he had what is sometimes called a nighthorso. It is all right doctor. When n man has to bo up into nights he is liable to havo most any old thing. Bur an. - A vory pleasant patty was given at the homo of Mlut Garner northwest of Red Cloud lust Friduy evening. Tho young folks rehearsed till tho old party pastimes and kept up a merry lot of fun until about Y2 o'c ouk when a do liciotts oyster stow was ready and they all quieted down for supper. Thoso present were Mr. and Mis Oat Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Julie Knight, Misses, Daisy Hunter, Hattio Olmstend, Huttio Cloud, Jonnio Wallin, Emma Hale, Horenco Sawyer, Nnuniu Cloud, Fanny Reigle, May Renkel, Annie Ronkel, Emma Graves, and her nieco Elsio ; Messrs, Don Cloud, Alvio Garner, Clay Orchard, Glenn Olm stead, Ernest Aiherton, Alex. Renkel, Cecil McCnll, Cltaiiny Renkel, Hugh Reed, Porter Hale, Mill Michuels, Leigh Copelund, Flojd Pitnoy and a few othots that tho writer is not ablo to think of just now. Public Sale. Thc'tindersigued will sell at his farm eight miles south and three-fourths of a mile west of Red Cloud, and six miles not th and three miles wost of Salem, Kansas, on Tuesday, Jantiar" 28th, 1902, commencing at 10 a.m. tho following described property. Twenty-five hqad of stock, consisting of live head of horses and mules, descsibed as follows: Two mules threo and four years old, ono bay mate live years old, one gray horse weight 1,100, ono gray pony weight 700. Twenty head of cattle described as follows: Six year ling calves, threo fall calves, threo long yearling steers, ono two year old cow, 2 four year old cows fresh soon, ono heifer two years old, three cows fresh in soring, ono red polled bull two jeers old. , AUo about four tons of prnirio hay, one walking cultivator, onu riding cultivator, ono set of hnrneso, and oth er things too numerous to mention. Tkums of Salk Ten mouths time will bo given on all sums over $.1.00 purchaser giving note with approved secuilty drawing ton ver cent interest from date. All sums of $5 00 and un der cash. Two per cent off for cash. No stock to ho removed until settled for. Ciiah. Bkaiidsi.kk. Col. C. L, Winftoy, Auctioneer. Just as the eight hour day is becom ing prevalent it scientist tells us that in it more (50,000,000 years tho day will ho forty-eight hours long. It is dis couraging to be thus rebuffed after working out a roform as wo holioved for posterity. FIRST A1P TO THEiJVtlMEiKk POND'S EXTRACT For Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Brui ses or Any 8ort of Pain. Used Internally and Externally. CAUTION I Avoid tho weak, waterr witch Hazel preparations, represented to be "the same na" POND'S BX TRACT, which eaillv sour and otten contain ' wood alcohol," an irritant ex ternally and, taken internally, a poison " TffJJ' "J".."!"" i-fo- It is understood tho American ne gotiating for tho reloaso of Miss Ellvn Stone and her companion Mine. Tsilkit, to whom the money subset ibed for the ransom of tho captive missionaries wn sent, may have to entrust tho fund to tho brigands tonic days before tho hit tr rolt use tho captives, in ncuoi dance with the precedents ndopled in cases of previous brigandages. Tho bandits are said to insist on this point in order to onablo thorn to dispose of the cash before retaliatory measures cau be or ganized. Attornoy General Prout has decided that all statu banks must file articles of incorporation with tho secretary of stato. The law has beon construed to mean that the articles must be filed with tho stato banking board, but un der the now ruling all institutions must lllo their articles in tho other of fice. About 200 state banks will bo af fected, Tho house cammitteo has reuortcd favorably on a bill providing for tho election of senators by direct voto of the people. Tho report follows literal ly that of last yeat and presents tho ad vantages of popular election of sena tor . Tho crazo for bicycles has trono slim- morlng. If it has dotto nothing elso this fad, if such it was, has started a movement in favor of good roads which has done and is doing much of perma nent value to tho country. t A Certain Cure for Chilblains Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains. frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen feet. At all druggists and shoo 'storcB, 25 conts. Homesoekors excursion January and February, 1902. January 7 and 21, February 4 and 18, tickets will bo on sale to points in Arizona, Arkansas, Indian territory, Lousiana, Now Mex ico, Oklahoma nml Tcxhr for ono faro plus $3.00 for tho round trip. Tickets limited to twenty-one days from date of sale. A. Conovkk. Many School Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for children, used by Mother Gray, a nurse in the Child's Home, Now York, breaks up colds iu 24 hours, cities feveiishness headache, stomach troubles, teething disoiders and destroy worms. At all druggists, 25o Samplu mailed free Address, Alien S. Olmstend, LeRoy. N.Y. Dr. Hess' Stock Food is tho cheapest iu the; market and we guarantee; satisfaction or your mon ey refunded. pounds, 50c. 75C 12 pounds 25 pounds $1.45. 40 pounds $2.85. ,100 pounds $5.00. Dr. Hess' Poultry Panacea guaranteed in tho same way. Chas. L. Cotting THE DRUGGIST. The McElroy SBBO FARM. Situated in tho Southwestern part of Iowa and Northwest ern part of Missouri, in thn best i.oru bell in tho United States. SEED CORX ;t specinlty. Write for free samples and prices. Agents wanted (reliablo ) Address, O. B. McEtroy, BLANCHARD, IOWA. For Job Work of any kind call on The Chief. ifez. -, il ONLY DHYS iiV ft vi its ft a it MORE To buy Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing1, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods at Cost. Going to move Febru ary 1st. Until then every article in our store will go at cost. Opportunity of your life to clothe yourself and boys. vi ft ft 4 vi vi iii vi & i vi ft itv ft vi i vi i vi M ii ft i ettctcfctocttttettttttsttcttttttctt lt I Galusha, Weseott Storey VMaa- aa- J? j Henry Bros., Jairfiielcl, la. J AMKOUNCK TO THK TltADK THAT THEY AltE OKFEHINO TI1KIK 4 Black Diamond Seed Oats, 100 lbs. $3, or 500 lbs. fia.00. J Iowa's Premium White Oats, 100 lbs. S3 70. or 500 lbs. $12.00. I Yellow Dent Seed Corn, $1 50 per tin. or 0 bu. for $7 50. Choice White Corn, $1,50 per bu. or fl bu. for $7 50. , Sack! frit, ttoth utti order. Write for prlctt ARE YOU DEAF? DEAFNESS ARE mQW C-JACiLlg by our ur-w invention, tjiw iHim rvni- d" 1 i. :".e-"ujlis. HEAO HQI8E8 Cte M S-ift'fELY. T. A. WuSJlJArJ, 3!" '.'ALMnW.'', C'.Yf.j: r , ,. "I'lV'Jl VlJ M, t'i "n. inoi. lf..tlh.'w"f,,.T.!..,,,.,'.r,1:,,.','r ,' '"' ,," ''-""J-" '-i.i.i.i !VwwRfveyou ... ";;",? ,'p.,-. ,;.;, 1, " :-,M' "tn ,1-,t cn "'"'" ",r" jmln! 1 11 mlr. ( t t tic.inu-ii 1. 1 i-i- , 1 ,1 i, 1, ,i,-, :ii nt rf.. u-i-i.s mt'iiin-riniimii. ?ZsA ."' !" " '"' r'.,v.1 ' ' ''-' V1' '' 'l' "' ' i.to-t wliu lulil me tli.it ? - ? i. '"i '."f" T ''. ' .' " '' "' !"'"' '' -"-nil"- head iioUcs would ti.on i-i-n- tint ilii' lutilii' in tie T 1. r would 1 !w ion- - , ,.lht",V.',Vf',1!r ni'XL'":iin.iii mu'.t-'ii uliv Inn ., orl. jMj-cr nud ordered vour treat !i.l. . iV. .- " ";"" il '.ml "K"Y '' -Ji''iK i ''" .'unction-. tlieniiM",ciscd. and Ucl.i nfirr livi- ei:. im hcarnm t-i tli- di-e.-i'rd enr linn Ih.hi entirdv u-i-lored. I thank you lic.ittit) und 1jc(5 to remain Very trulv vours. ' l'. A. WKK.MAN, 730 S. Jlroiidwny. Ilattimorc, Md. nt r treatment aoes not iiitci'ferc with iour usual occupation. "x.nninatloii nud YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME atn, nilvicc free INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Yard. RKD CLOUD, Lumber, Lime, "TRiVOORS ILTMBJEDIfc Co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL l3tiilcliixtt material, Etc. Red cloud, , .. .. .M.tjKiB-Zvmvmm. mm m m m m m m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to on Motet Clottr, Timothy and MUM Sad. .1 ANY HEAD NDISES? ALL CASE3 OF $ C4ARD S-9EARIRI3 oBilaal coat. 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Nebraska w,ii.iiu'i ,L JLUJUHlii -ilL-iU.; S. t ft ft ft