The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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We Give a Swing
To January Buying 1
We're offering values that are out of the
less than you'd think possible.
usual prices a little
It's a good store to patronize each and every month in the
year, but especially good in your January buying.
A Jacket and Cloak Sale!
Some of the neatest, most stylish and most comfortable Cloaks
and Jackets we bought for this season are still on our counters.
We want to dispose of them quickly. Here's a chance to secure
a splended serviceable garment at a radical reduction of
$16.50 Coats at $8.25.
$10.00 Jackets at $5.00.
$6.00 Capes at $3.00.
This has been an unusually interesting month in our Dress
Goods Department. Wc credit this to our big reduction of 25
per cent on all goods at $1.25 per yard and up. While this
discount still holds good on all higher priced goods, we'll go
one lower and give the same liberal reductions on 40 pieces of
the more medium priced cloths. This sale includes some
choice Novelties, Plaids, Serges and Suitings at 25 per cent off.
One Hundred pairs of Ladies', Misses and Children's Shoes at
a very low price.
Shoes for every day wear and Sunday too.
Shoes for the school children.
This is another chance to economize.
These shoes are worth up to $2.50.
Special price now 50c to $15.0.
There aro about 200 rural free deliv
ery routes in Nebraska.
The state board of agriculture was in
session at Lincoln this week.
The 165,000 Thayer county couri
house is n faring completion.
The new city library at Nebraska
city is now open to the publis.
A now society, known as the Order
of Protection has been organized nt
Nebraska city.
The state Volunteer Fireman's Asso.
ciation held its annual meeting at No.
braska City this week.
Fton throo to eight inches of snow
fell in the eastern and northern pint of
the staio the foie part of tho week.
Tho horsecar street roilway system
of Nebraska City will bo replaced by
an electrio system in the near future
At a recent sale hold at Seward,
twenty-four horses wero sold for I3,
309.20, an aveinge of over 1139 per
Tho deposits in state and private
banks of Nebraska increased over 15,.
421,000 in the year ending December
Big prepararions are being in ado at
Fremont by tho local camp of Modern
Woodmen for the mid-winter carnival
to be held at that plaoo January 28.
Judge J. H. Barnes of Norfolk has
been chosen by the supreme court a9
the successor to Judge Sedgwick on the
supieme court commission.
Over fifty representative farmers re
siding around Auburn held a meeting
this week and took preliminary steps
for organizing a farmers' piotective
A man in Fulls City has been a resi
dent of that city for twenty-one years
and has a record of never having owtd
nnyone a cent, tie probably owed
them in tlollais.
A meeting of tho real estate men of
Nebraska will bo held nt Fremont, Feb
ruary 12, for tho purpose of oigaiiizhig
a stato association to establish uni
formity of prices.
There has been nn bad weather ovet
the state since Christmas. It is te
gunlcd as the most open winter for
yeard and cattlemen feel confhlontthat
stock will go thiough thn winter on the
range with little loss if 'any.
Sixty dollars of tho appropriation
made by the Inst legislatute to leim
burse those who made donations to the
fund for the return of the Nebiaska
regimont (torn San Francisco, remains
in the stato treasury, because no laim
ants have called for that portion. The
total appropriation was 180,370 75,
A committee working for the volun
teer fire department of Grand Island is
completing the work of soliciting suf
ficient fundi for the holding of .the
fireman's tournament thero this sum
mer. I he delegation to. the Nebraska
City convention will try to secure the
tournament for that city.
Another nltempt was made by the
prisoners in the jail at Wilbur to es.
cape Sunday night. The two men
recaptured recently at Fairbury who
wero shackled together, sawed through
their lions and out of the cell and had n
hole through the wall 1 eady to go, but
had no traveling clothes, as they have
been allowed only under clothes since
their pievious escape. Their outside
confederate failed to keep his appoint
ment. Had he done so he would have
teceived a warm reception as armed
guards were on the watch a shott dis
tance away.
Within tho past few days Charier
Johnston, a piosuorous farmer tcsid
ing near Callaway, has lost nine head of
two and three year old colts out of his
bunch of twenty bond. The hoises had
been running in tho stalk fields, but
about a week ago Mr. Johnston bo
came alarmed at the numerous losses
around him and took the horses out of
the stalks. His en the bunch later took
sick and although everything was done
to save them nine of them have died.
They appear to become crazy and will
run through wite fences or anything
ll atcome8 in their road.
From tlic Kiumm Mull and Hrcrte.
A pot hound conceived a great ml
miration for n fox teiiior 'ind nn in
tense ilesiio to losemblo it in appear
nneo. On stud j ing tho mutter over
tho hound concluded that what ho
ticcdi'd was to luivo his ears trimmed
and his tail amputated in otdcr to gel
into tho fox ten lor class. Tho trim
ming nod amputation business was
pretty tough on thn hound, but ho
stood It and when his ears hnd honied
up and the scab was oil the stub of his
tail, he hunted up a fox tcitler and
ptesohlcd an application to be admit
tod to the fox terrier society. Hut
when the tenter looked the hound over
it burst into a laugh.
"What seems to be tho matter with
you," said the hound in an irritated
voico. "Doesn't my nppoaranco strike
you as the con cut thing?"
"Friendly chump," said the fox ter
rier, ns soon as he could control him
self, ''Instead of making you look moio
like a fox terrier, this tiimming of tho
ears and whacKingnlTof that tail
your lean, slab like body look a lot
woiso and 11101 e noticeable than it was
Then tho hound, discouraged by
the turn down of tho fox tvnier, wont
back to his own ynrd and ran into n
bunch of not hounds, who weie work
ing on n bunch of scraps that had been
left over ftoin a eountiy biitelieiing,
but heie again the hound who tried to
chatigu was left, for tho oilier pot
hounds would have nothing to do with
lit 111 and even inn him out of too yaid.
When tho penitent and sad hearted
c'tnine sought out an old time acquaint
ance and asked him to got him back
into standing nmong the hounds the
hitler nnswcied: "It Is no go my
fiiend, wij nto willing to tnko hounds
into our hoc! ty, but we diaw the lino
on the blamed fool nho thinks ho cm
change his nature by tiimming his
eat s and shot toning his tail."
Moral It takes more than outside
trimming to change the natutoof an
A well dressed woman went into a
physician's ofiice and said that she hnd
come to osnsult him about her blood,
saying that she featcd she might have
been affected by a poison ivy while she
was strolling through tho park admir
ing the works of nature. "Tell mo
doctnh," said she in an attested man
ner, "what is the mattah with me, and
must I cease to gratify my poetic tem
peraments by strolling among the
flowa's and trees?"
"No madam," said the physiuian,
who was a plain spoken man, "you
can stioll among the fl wers and the
trees all you like if you will feed upon
sulphur and annoint yourself with this
ointment. All that is the matter with
you U that you have the itch."
Then, with a look of indignation, tho
woman flounced out of the office and
went to see another doctor, who told
hor in scientific terms that she was
slightly troubled with an exznma. And
she paid that physician a good tound
fee and went away satisfied that ho un
derstood his business, but from that
time on she never lost an opportunity
to put a few blocks In tho way of the
first physician's progtess.
Moial Tact is a mighty valuable
thing in business.
Quite often results in bad health, because
what is termed "good living" is usually
the gratification of the palate without
reference to the nutrition of the body.
When the good liver io a business man
ami rises ironi a
full meal to plunge
nt once into work
requiring mental
effort the result is
almost sure to be
disastrous, because
digestion draws
upon the same
nervous forces
which arc cm
ployed in thought.
In time the stom
ach becomes dis
eased, the pro
cesses of digestion
mid nutrition arc
imperfectly per
formed and there
is a physical
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
diseases of the
stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition. It
eliminates the effete poisonous matter
which originates in the system as n con
sequence of imperfect digestion. It gives
sound health to the whole body.
I wish to sav to tlic world that Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical I)inery 1m proed a great
btcsslnc to mc," writes Mrs. Kllen It. Paeon, of
Shutesbiiry, l'ranUtn Co, Jl. " Prior to
September, 1897. t had doctored for my stomach for prrnl vrnrs. roltiL' throuirli n cotirie
ot treatment without nuy real benefit. In
September, isoo, 1 mil ery sick spens ami grew
worse; could cat but little. I commenced in
September, 1897, to tnke Dr. Pierce's medicine,
and In n short time I could cat and work. I
have ;raitrif tueity founiit tn tuo mcnthi."
Funic. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser is sent fice on receipt
of stamps to pay expense of mailing on fv.
Send a 1 one-cent stamps for the book in
Eaper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth
ound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y.
eleeted to olllce,- Mill when it ennui
mound to tho time when ho wanted to
be te elected thesii eiti. mis didn't do a
thing to him
Moral It is nut a good idea for the
man who bus been elected to olllco to
got the notion that ho is the whole
it la ilui iiinnliliitiif thn United States
Iiiuu luu duiiiisii mm mr"
can steel and iron stocks
is not gioat fuss made nowadays
amongst women over an "impoilcd"
article. Instead, they tell each other
1 hat in Pails one enn scarcely got a ha
lit to wear excepting by giving special
onlers. This is talked of at eluh
meetings, anil over tho afternoon tea,
and it makes flrst-eliiNS advertising.
The other day when our business
moil wero received by tho King and the
lovely deaf Queen of England, it was a
gi eat advertisement for thn men and
their merchandise. Such a meeting
was unique in the happenings of
tho woild. Tho success of our bust
110 s men has compelled the milium
tion of the old nntious. It is only a
trlllo over a bundled ycats slnru a
small nix-for a quarter vniiety of Eng
lish itohlnmon refencd to this people
as a "nation of shopkeepers." Perhaps.
We were English then. It really seems
to the innocent spoetntnr that the
words of the prophet are fulfilled:
"Unto him that hath shall bo givoni
etc."; nnd some of tho small miracles of
the catty timo arc being duplicated.
When wo know that about six htiu
died millions of dollats ato expended
annually in the United Stutes for plain,
otdinniy advertising, and while we aro
ti3iuglo fully tualizii that "oiioiinous
fact, wo Hnd groat full grown puffs and
reading notices hanging on the hedges
tows, wo ato reminded of the Imvo
and lishcs at tl.o camp meeting, ami
tho ci use of oil and the jirnf meal in
tho widow's pautty. Tho initio we pay
out the more wo limo left. That is llio
title mission- ot .advttUini. lt baa
been said that Now York Angioma
niucH turn up their ttoiiseis when it
rains in IJondon. It might bo quite as
ciiithfully rnmarked that when there
U drouth in. Kansas all the outside
kingdoms of tho earth fool thirsty; and
iftheie are symptoms of failure of
crops iu the American corn bolt, people
over tho seas begin to mix their por
ridge thinner. When a few black
smiths and horse-shoers "knock off"
woik to toliuvu the monotony of drnw
ing their salaries every Saturday, cap
italists in tho old cities on the other
side aro scared and light shy of Ameri-
w Art Tar XMup I
A man who had political ambitions
tried for a good, many years to get an
ofllco of some kind aid after button
holing and giving the politician's hug
and making all sorts of piomises about
what he would do if he was nominated
and elected, he finally made it But
after the man was elected his head bo
gan to swell and bo gathered the im
pression into his' mind that he was
nearly the wholo works and that ho
could dictate the politics of tho entire
slate. He also glow lordly and when
ho spoke to a constituent ho did it in a
condescending mauner ns if be wero
coufoiting a great boon on the constit
uent. This sort of business went with
tho fellows who wero wanting the man
who had been elected to get jobs for
them, but with tho other citizens it
didn't go worth a cent ami they laid
for his nibs, the man who had bees
large installments two j ears ago last
Maj, after tho event iu Mnnila Buy,
when Admiral Dewey moved tho pegs
and hung the star spangled banner
higher than it had evor been before-, at
least in the estimation of foreign folks.
This is what 0110 returned American
Consul has ntatod publicly: "Since
the Mav morning over there nmong
the Philippine Island American rep
resentatives at foreign courts do not
stand away down at the small end of
tho line at the receptions and pink teas
of kings and emperors.
The burning of a few pounds of now
der did it. But it should always be ie
membered that the powder was burned
at the right time, in tho right place,
and did what the man who managed
the fireworks meant it to do. He had
his business well in hand; he knew all
about the materials he had to work
with; he knew what he was expected
to do. Ho squandered nn time think
ing up fancy names for anything ho
w s related to. He had received a
plain business order, 11 nil tho order
was filled in a plain business manuer; a
manner thnt should bo 1111 everlasting
example to those in tho mail order
bii8inojs. The results, though expect
ed, wore gratifying beyond expecta
tion; and if all tho ruin and dovasta
tation over dreamed of by the most
rabid politician should come over the
country in one fell swoop, it could
never quite put nut the glory gained
by that triumph over Spain.
Weill "It never rains but it pours."
Sinco this accession of military glory,
it has become gencially understood,
that in commeico the United States
leada the world: unit a nuzzling Ques
tion is facing nxpm ters: .Shall It profit
a steamship company to carry over tn
Europe, Asia, Aft lea and tho islands of
the sea, corn, wheat, pork, boef, cot
ton, wool, iron, coal, tar, tallow, tumer
ic, turpentine and tin, and come homo
empty because there is nothing nn the
other side that we want, nothing that
wo cannot produce cheaper, and of
better quality? TbisataU- of affairs is
beeomisg generally ttirtmtood, There
In spite of theso indisputable facta,
tho average fotcign-born resident of
this republic spends bis leisure in learn
ing new languages in which to censure
American egotism. They donot under
stand that it is egotism, simply faith in
one's self and one's undertakings, that
keeps the world moving, that makes
all the great and little successes. The
man in business who has no confidence
that ho is going to make it pay will
never do the right thing in the right
place, and in its proper sequence of
events. He will fail to say the right
things about himself and his foods.
He will nover inspire coutidence in
those with whom he comes in contact.
Every man in business ought to be, in
a legitimate way, a confidence man.
To cultivate confidence for business
purposes, it might be well to remem- '
ber that of the six hundred million dol
lars paid for advertising, each man
who pays for spaco contributes some
thing, and is connected with those mil
lions. Fame tl
Tho Montana atmosphere seems to
have boon playing some queer pranks
upon tho eyesight of the people of that
region recontly, ns some of them claim
that thoy have seen numerous labbits
with horns like a goat and a tail like a
cat. This reminds us that people all
over the wprld are Jiublo to see auakes
uiuer certain circumstances.
Maeato Year Boweta With Cmmt.
Oudy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
we.SK. Jtuc.U,tll,arogBi3i3reiu"a
who neither sands I
bis sugar nor
waters his milk 1
woo oeueves w
the best, and is particular to
please his patrons.
That's the grocer who recom
mends and sells
lion Coffee
Coffee that is coffee unglaxed
vjUf iM-" " rf..
h tt. n. a
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