WW I IS m A i The Promotion (Morlcy Roberts, (Continued from last week.) When the admiral woke, which ho did after hnlf an hour's slinking, nd mtnlstcred In turns by three of the California's crow, who wero nnxlous to know where ho had stowed his bot tlo of rum, ho was still confused by tho "dopo" given him ashore. And thon ho rose and rested on his elbow. "Where am 17" "On board tho California, to bo Biiro." "I'm dreaming," said the admiral, "that's what It Is. To be sure, I'm drenmlng." Tho admiral sat tin suddenly, and by so doing brought his head Into vio lent contact with the deck above him. This woko him thoroughly Just In time to receive Mr. Simpson, mate of tho California, who came in llko a cyclono to Inquire after his health. "Did you ship as u dead man?" asked Mr. Simpson, "for If you did I'll undeceive you." And with that he yanked the ndmlral from his bunk and dragged him by tho collar out upon the deck ut a run. Ho rose at the end of his undlgullled progress and stared at the mate. "Who who are you?" ho said. Mr. Simpson gasped. "Who am I oh, who am I. Well, I'll obllgo you by statin' once for all that I'm mate of this ship, and you're my dog. Now, you lunatic, take this hero ball of twine and go overhaul tho gear on the main. And If you open your mouth to say another word I'll murder you." And though he could not believe ho was doing it, Sir Richard Dunn crawled aloft and did what he was told. He was stunned. "I I must bo mad," thought tho admiral. "Now, then, look alive there, you dead crawling cat," said Mr. Simpson, "or I'll come up and boot you off the yai. Do you hear mo?" "Yos, sir," said the admiral, meek ly, and ho murmured, "I suppose I nevor'was an admiral after nil; I dcn'l seom to know what I am." And the hardest nut among the ad mirala of tho nctlve list wiped a tear with tho sleeve of his coat and came down as ho was bid. When the crew were at breakfast next morning trouble began. "Say, nre you an admiral?" aBked Knight, the biggest tough on board ex cept Simpson and Wiggins. "Mind your own business," ho said. And Knight hove a full pannikin of tea at him. This compliment was re ceived very quietly, and tho admiral rose and went on deck. "Takes water at once," said Knight; "he ain't got tho pluck of a mouse." But the admiral went aft and Inter viewed Mr. Simpson. "I wish to havo your permission to knock tho head oft a man called Knight, for'ard. Ho hovo a pannikin of tea ovor me just now, nnd I think a thrashing would do him good nnd con duco to tho pence and order of tho fo'c's'le" "Oh, you think so?" said Simpson. "Very well, you have my permission to introduce peaco there." "I thank you, sir," said tho Admiral. He touched his lint and went forward. Ha put his head inside the fo'c's'le and addressed Knight: "Como outside, you bully, and let mo knock your head off. Mr. Simpson has been kind enough to overlook tho breach of discipline Involved." And Knight, nothing lqth, came out on dock, whilo Simpson and Wiggins stood a little way off to enjoy tho bat tle. And in five minutes his mates car ried Knight into tho fo'c's'le. "I don't know when I enjoyed my self more," said Simpson, with a sigh. After that the Admiral had peaco and loarnt something ovory day, und not least from Knight, who proved by no means a bad sort of man when ho bad once met his match. The Admiral and Simpson never had a cross word till they wero south of tho Horn. Then by chanco tho mate and tho captain had a few words which onded In Simpson getting much tho worst of It. As luck would havo it tho Admiral was the handiest to vent his spite on, and Simpson caught him a smack on tho side of his head that made him see stars. And when the Admiral picked himself off tho deck Simpson made a rush for him. The 'Admiral dodged him and shot up the poop-ladder. At any other time Bla ker, the captain, would havo gone for tho seaman who dared to escape a thrashing for tho moment by desecra ting tho poop, but now ho was willing to annoy Simpson. "Well, what do you want?" he roared. "Well, sir, I wanted to know whether Western Ocean custom goes here.' I'vo been told that If I thrash your mato I shall havo his Job. Thoy say for ward that that's your rule, and If ho, sir, I should like your permission to send Mr. Simpson forward and take his place." Capt. Dlaker laughed. Ho went to the break of tho poop and addressed the mate. "Do you hear, Mr. Simpson?" he in quired, genially, "Send him down, air," snld Simpson. "Are you suro you can pound him?" Simpson gritted his teeth and foamed at tho mouth. "Kick him off the poop, sir." "Are you willing to stako everything on your flghtln' abilities, Mr. Simp eon?" And when Simpson said "Aye" of the Admiral In The 3trnnd.) through his teeth, tho Admiral Jumped down on tho mnin deck. Now, according to nil precedents, tho flg'tt should have been long and nrduous, with varying fortunes. Hut tho admiral never regarded precedents, nnd Inside of ten seconds Mr. Simpson was lying totally Insensible under the spare topmast. To encounter the ad miral's right Hat was to escape death by n hair's breadth, and It took Charles Simpson, able seaman (vice Mr. Simpson, chief olllcer), two hours and a quarter lo come to. "And I tho't ho could fight," said the disgusted shipper; "come right up, Mr. Wbni's-yoiir-namo. vou're the man for me. Thito ain't no reason for you to trouble about my second mate, for Simpson could l.iy him out easy. All 1 aak of you Is to work the whole crowd ip good. And I don't caro If you are an admiral, you arc the right sort all the kmiij. I jjuess that Simpson must havo reckoned he struck a cy clone." And Hlaker rubbed his hands. Like .Simpson at the light between the ad miral and Knight, Jie did not know when he bad enjoyed himself more. Ho Improved the occasion by going be low and getting fur too much to drink, ns was his custom, and the promoted admiral took charge of the deck. "Ability tells everywhere," said Sir Richard Dunn. ' 1 didn't rise In the service for nothing. Ship me where you like, nnd I'll come to tho top. If I didn't take this hooker Into New York as captain and muster I'll die in the attempt." Ho had quite come to himself, and was beginning to enjoy himself. His natural and acquired authority blos somed wonderfully when he took on the new Job, and, ns Hlaker never swore, tho admiral's L'lft of langunge was a great vicarious satisfaction to him. Wiggins accepted the situation without a murmur. Even Simpson himself boro no malice when his sup plnutcr not only showed none, but after knocking the bo'sun's head ngnlnst a bollard gav.i his placo to tho former mate. Though he kept tho men work ing, and got tho last ounce out of them, none of them wero down on him. "I tell you he's an admiral, sure," they said. "Ho's got all tho ways of one. I own," said Hill, an old man-o'-war's man. "I Hpokc to an admiral myself, once; or, rather, he spoke to me." "What did he say?" asked the rest of his watch. "He said," replied Bill, proudly, "he tipped and nald, 'You cross-eyed son of a dog, if you don't Jump, I'll bash the ugly head of you!' And you bet I jumped. Oh, he's all the ways of some admirals, ho has!" "Well, admiral or none," said tho rest of tho crowd, "things goes on pleasanter than they done when you was mnto, Simpson." And Simpson grunted. "And he gets more work out of us than you done, cither, Simpson, for till yer haniinorln' of us." "I'll likely be hammcrln' some of you again shortly," said Simpson. And as ho was cock of tho walk In tho fo'c's'le, whatever ho was In the ship, the others dried up. Nothing of great Interest happened till thoy wero well east of tho Horn and hnuled up for the northward run. And thon Blaker took to religion (or what ho called religion) and rum In equally undiluted doses. "I'm u mlserablo sinner, I am," he said to tho Admiral; "but, all the same, I'll do my duty to the crowd." He called them aft and preached to them for two hours. And when one man yawned ho laid him out with a woll-dlrected belaylng-pln. The next day, when It breezed up heavily nnd they wero shortening sail, ho enllel all hands down from aloft, on tho ground that their souls wero of more impor tance than the work In hnnd. "Como down on deck, you miserable sinners," said Hlaker, through a speak-Ing-trumpct. His volco rose triumph antly nbovo the roar of tho gale. "Como down on dock and listen to me. For though I'm a mlserablo sinner, too, there'B some hopes for mo, nnd for you there's none unless you mends your ways In accordance with what I'm tell- in' you." Even with tno speaking trumpet ho could hardly make himself heard over the roar of the Increasing galo and tho thunderous slatting of tho tnree top sails in tho spllling-linos. "Don't you think, sir, that they'd hotter mako tho topsall.i fast before you speak to them?" said tho Admiral. "No, I don't," replied Blaker, "not much, I don't not by a jugful. For if one of 'em went overboard I'd bo re sponsible before tho Throne. And don't you forgot It." "He's mad," said Sir Richard, "mad as a March hare. She'll be shaking tho sticks out of her soon." Ho leant ovor tho break of tho poop nnd called up Wiggins. "Mr. Wiggins, one word with you." Wiggins came up, as Blaker roared his, text through the trnmpet. "Will you stand by me, Mr. Wiggins, If I knock him down and take com mand?" "I will, but mind his gun," said Wig gins. "When he's very bad he'll shoot." It was not any fear of Blaker's six shooter that mado the Admiral hesi tate. To take tho command oven from a madman at sea Is a ticklish task, and mny land a man In gaol for nil his bo Ing a Shanghaied admiral, "I toll you, Mr. Wiggins, that Simp- WSUJiM11 WW"1 wmi mm mi fwrfw,i son Is a good man. I'll bring him nft ngaln." And Wiggins made no objection when Simpson was railed up by the Admiral. "Mr. Simpson," said the mate, "this Is getting past a Joke. Have you any objection to taking on your old Job II I Fcciiro this preaching madman and tnko command?" Simpson was "full up" of die fo'c's'le, and ns he had a very wholesome ad miration for the ndmlral ho was by no menus loth to return to his old quar ters. "I'm with you, sir. In another quar ter of an hour we shall havo tho stlcki out of her." And still Hlaker bellowed Scrlptura down the wind. Ho was still bellow ing, though what ho believed was not Scripture, when Simpson anil Wiggins took him down below after live min utes of a row, lit which the deposed captain showed something of his un dent form as the terror of the Western Ocean. As they went the admiral, now promoted to being captain of a Capo Horner, plckrd up the battered speak ing trumpet and wiped sumo blood from his face which had been In col lision. , "Up aloft with you, and make those topsails fast," he roared. "Look alive, men. look alive!" And they did look alive. For ' Dick ey Dunn" never needed n speaking trumpet in any wind that ever blew. When tblnus wore snucced down and' the California wus walking uoith ntl an easy mil tromcnuoiis gnu no ten like a man again. Ho turned to Simp son and Wiggins with a happy smile. "Now we're comfortable, and things aro as they should be, Mr. Simpson, let tho men have a tot of grog. And how's Mr. Hlaker?" "Wnal." salt! Simpson, cheerfully, "when we left him ho wnsn't exactly what you would call religious nor re signed." Hut if Hlaker wan not happy the Ad miral was thoroughly delighted. "Now you see what I said was true," ho declared at dinner that night. "If I hadn't been an admiral and a man born to iImj. how could I have been shipped on board thin ship as a fore mast hand and come to be captain In six weeks? I'll be bound you never heard of a similar ease, Mr. Simpson." ' And Simpson never had. "Was It Shanghai Smith, do you think, as put you here?" ho asked. Tho admiral had never heard ol Shnughal Smith. "When I get back I'll ilnd out," ha said. "And if it was I'll not trouble the law, Mr. Simpson. I never allow any man to handle mo without getting more than even." "You don't," said Simpson. If his manner wns dry It was sincere. "Rut I don't bear malice afterwards. Your health, Mr. Simpson. This kind of trade breeds good seamen after all. Hut you are all u trifle rough." Simpson explained that thoy had to be. "When the owner's scheme Is to havo one man do throe men's work, thoy have to get men who will mako 'em do It. And when the owners get a bad name, and their ships n worse, then men llko Shanghai Smith havo to find us crows. If you could get back to San Francisco and hammer an owner somo of us would bo obliged lo you, sir." "Ah! when I get back," said tho Ad miral. "This will be a remarkable yarn for mo to tell, Mr. Simpson. I still feel In a kind of dream. Would you obllgo mo by going to Mr. Hlaker nnd telling, him that if lie continues to hammer at that door I'll have the hose turned on him." And when Simpson went to carry this messago tho Admiral put his feet on the table and indulged In n reverie. "I'll make a noto nbout Shanghnl Smith and settle with him In full. But 1 shall rlso higher yet. 1 know It's In me, Stewurd!" "Yes, sir," cald tho stoward. "1 think I'll have somo grog." Ho drank to tho future of Admiral Sir Richard Dunn, master of tho Cali fornia. Ancient London Church. With a history reaching back to the days of Alfred tho Great, a special In terest attaches to tho Church of St. Thomas, quaintly" situated In a back water of Regent street, and which Is now celebrating Its bicentenary. A site granted by Alfred's nleco to St. Peter's church, Ghent, was In tho reign of Honry V., In nccordanco with an net for tho suppression of alien priories, settled upon tho Carthusian Priory at Shone. Iu 1530 Henry VIII. appro priated It to tho Crown. The next stage was reached In 1G87, when Thorn ub Tenlson, afterward Archbishop ot Canterbury, secured tho old property and built, first a wooden "oratory," and then In 1702, the present building, At length tho Charity Commissioners thought lit to upset the original tchomo and with tho funds of the trust built tho Tenlson Schools in Lelceator Square. Thanks to tho present vicar, a freehold slto has been purchased and par(sh buildings havo been erected ut a cost of about 8,000, where the pa rochial work Involved In caring for truj throo thousand people of the parish most of them poor can be carried on, The vestry has an Interesting collec tion of portraits nnd prints of the vari ous Interesting people connocted with the church. Sir Isaac Newton, for In stance, was a trustee. Here Canon Knox Little served his curacy. Tho amount of money In circulation in tho United States to-day Is 2,250,'. 256,230, or thereabouts. Share and share .alike, this la 128.78 per capita. Tho problem with tho entorprlslng man Is to get as many per capltas as ho can. MM.wW-w ., .,. ' - --- - 4 NEW CARIBOU TYPE. The American Museum of Natural History has Just placed on exhibition tho magnificent head and antlers of iv new type of caribou, hitherto un known to science. The specimen obtained Is consid ered an Important contribution to our knowledge of tho distribution of cari bou In northern North America. It was found In the Kenal Peninsula, Alaska. The technical nainu of this new specimen Is Renglfcr Stonel. Un fortunately, tho entire body of tho caribou could not be preserved. The measurement of tho animals In Mesh were as follows; Full length, 7 feet I Inch; height to withers, 4 feet . The two distinctive features which mark this new member of tho caribou group aro Its colorations and large and un usual form of antlers. Tho color des cription is as follows: "Fiont of nose black lo middle ot nostrils, chin and edges of lower Up grayish or silvery white; top of nose, from the whlto muzzle back to a point opposite the eyes, black, passing into lark (blackish) brown posteriorly and on tho sides of the head to below the eyes; checks and throat still light er brown; a narrow apace surrounding the eye and tear duct grayish; top iiwl sides of neck dark grayish brown, becoming lighter and grayer at the base of the neck, and then abruptly darker In front of shoulders (skin ot body not preserved); front ot neck white, forming a longitudinal Bharply defined bund four to llvo Inches wide, of greatly lengthened white )ialr, In strong contrast with the Bides of tho neck." This heavy fringe of white hair on tho front of the neck, with Its rtrik Ing contrast In color with tho adjoin ing portions of the neck, forms an easily distinguishing mark from nil other existing types. Tho antlers aro much heavier, with better developed species, whllo a special point of dif ference Is found In tho largo size and peculiar form of tho front branch of tho antlers. NOVEL BOAT DESIGNED Tho queer looking craft Illustrated below" has been designed by James I. Pool of Brooklyn. N. Y with tho In tention ot Improving the fncllltle.i for handling tho sails and steering tho boat. Iu spite of the single sail pro jecting from one sldo of tho mast on a long boom, the Inventor provides a pair of sails equally balanced on either side of tho mast, and capablo of adjustment In tacking or Balling with tho wind to obtain tho maximum speed with minimum strain on tho must. Tho sails aro set in swinging frames secured to horizontal booms on tho mast, with tho free edge of each sail turned toward tho mast and under easy control of tho boatman In the stern of tho vessel. Instead ot easing oft or drawing In tho long main boom of a slnglo sail in tncktng or changing the course, the sailor swings tho shortest boom of tho new craft around on tho mast until thoy reach tho nnmo nnglo that the old nnll would havo occupied, when tho anils are adjusted In parallel planes, und each receives an equal amount ot wind, nnd consequently divides tho strain and pulls evenly on tho mast. I.ott tho Lord's Nickel, A little boy who goes to Sunday school every Sunday always recolves a nickel from his father to place in tho collection plate. Last Sundny his father gave him two nickels, saying: "One la for the Lord and tho other is for yourself." As It was too early to start for Sunday school, the llttlo boy Bat on the porch steps In tho warm sunshine piaylng with tho two nlckols. After a whilo ho dropped one of them and It disappeared down a crack. Without a moment's hesitation and still clutching the remaining coin in his clenched fist, ho looked up at his father, exclaiming; "Oh, pop I There goes tho Lord's nickel!" --- - . IPmmmimmammmnaymmmaamiwmMKm 1T.- !. H'MMMWHV ?-?. TlJffMt J'yWil r'Tft -iiTV.ICM.Ji.'''"-' POLING FOR TROVT Poachers In the Adlrondackn and other wild sections ot New York aro taking trout by moans of a hook tied to tho end of a stick. The poarhet lira down upon a log or stump above somo deep pool In u trout stream and brings the stick close alongside tho fish, working It ever and ever no care fully lest no llsh should be frightened away. When tho pole Is only a hair's breadth from the side of the trout tho 'tlsher gives a Jerk, and, nine times out of ton, hooks the tlsh. Tho method Is specially destructive to good sport, fot the reason that It enables the po.'chei to take the wary old trout that sue shy of the hook. Closely allied Is the method of stur geon catching which Is practiced In tho Detroit rler and some of the streams running Into Lake Superior says the New York Times. The stur geon has a way when It runs up a stream Iu spawning season of rubbing against every bit of wood that may bi tlxed In the water. Tho tlsheiiiian goes' out In a bout or takes his placo at a bridge with a pole, on the end of which aro tied three hooks pointing In three different directions from a common center. This end of the pole ho plantf on the bottom of the stream, whlk tho other he holds In his hand. When be feels the movement of the sturgeon ho Jerks. The sturgeon la hooked and a grand tight begins. MINIATURE STOREHOUSE. Most people appreciate tho value ot wheat iu the world's food supply, but how many ever, examined rltwely to soe what the interior of a grain looks llko? If you were to cut a grain ol wheat open, and placo It under a pow erful magnifying glass, you would sea something llko what Is shown In the picture. Hero you would Ilnd a llttlo store house, In which nature has carefully laid away a quantity of nutriment. The grain ot wheat has four distinct pnrts: an envelope or sheath, a digestive lay- er, nn embryo and tho albumen. Enct layer has u certain valuo, or lack ol value, as food. Scientists now assort that tho envolopo Is of no uso as food. Tho dlgestlvo layer Is composed ol lnrgc, transparent cells containing a large quantity ot fatty material, useful to a certain extent. It Is the albumon, however, so scientists say, that Is most nutritious. The embryo lacks substan tial qualities. A FAMOUS HUNTRESS. Among tho women ho havo become famous as travelers tho Russian Prin cess DumldolT Is conspicuous. Hot husband was educated In England, am there ncqulrod a tasto for athletic sports and hunting and has shot "big game" In Europe nnd Asia. In hit travels he has been accompanied by his wife, who has stalked the chamois In the Caucasus, caught 150 trout In n single day In the Hlg Laba, 'Journeyed across Asia to Japan and thence tc Kamchatka r.nd shared iu perilous ad ventures of every kind. The princess la n daughter of Coiinl Warnskoff Daschkoff, who once was at the head of tho czar's household, nnd If said to be extremely pretty nnd charm ing. QUEEN OLQA. Queen dlga of Greece, who, It is said, will soon pay a visit to her Im perial cousin, the czar, is one of tho stateliest und most serene of tho royul women of Europe. Sho is tho eldest daughter of tho Grand Dnko Con stantino ot Russia, brother of tho lato Czar Alexander II., and wus married to King Georgo on Oct. 27, 1807, two years after his election to the throno ot Greece. She la lust CO years old. . . , .'M fitly ttlttJL07. O? G'MltS Q7 WHEAT JtiUV-W HI II. I ML! ,. i " MESSIAH" ORGAN Handel, the great composer, had sev eral chamber organs, which .t was nln custom to make of use when compos ing, and tho whereabouts of most ot tho!e organs are known to tho people. Hut It Is forgotten by some of Han del's most ardent admirers, that tho one which ho had at Gopsall Hall, and which he used while cornicing the "Messlnh," was taken to Iroland, where that woik was llrst brought out. Tho Marquis of Ely, one of Handel's patrons, entertained the noted com poser for some tlmo near Dublin, nnd tho latter presented his host with tho organ when ho left tils hospitable roof. At Lord Ely's death, the organ wn.i bought by Francis Johnston, tho cele brated architect. Tho organ Is now In tho possession of his nephew, Mr. Johnston of Kllmorc Hoiibo, County Armagh, who had n largo room built especially for Its reception. Many mu sical celebrities havo gone there for tho special honor of playltu, on Han dera own keyboard. Young People's Weekly. FLOWER CULTURE. Many florists aro becoming flower fanners for tho purposo of raising largo qunntltlcs for making perfumes. The Department of Agriculture calls attention to tho fact that the southern states aro found exceptionally favor ablo for the success of such nn in dustry. California, too, it is thought, could produco thu essential oil, or at tar, of roses on nn extensive scale to great ndvantngo. According to official authority nn ncro of ground will pro duce 1.C00 pounds of rose petals, from which live ounces ot the attar may ho distilled, and this quantity Is worth on the market from $15 to $S5. Tho roso water which remains amounts to 300 gallons to tho ncre, which Is worth from 75 centu to ft a gallon. Lavender gives a net profit of flOO to tho ncro. Pure lard, saturated with tho (.cent of flowers pomade Is worth C to 7.C0 a pound. Cologno of tho finest quality, obtained by soaking the po mado or saturated lard in alcohol, ia worth all tho way up to $17 a pint. Othor perfumes aro equally profitable. GRAND DUKE MICHAEL Tho Grand Duko Michael, upon whom Emperor William haB Just con ferred tho ordor of tho Blnck Eaglo, Is tho heir presumptive to tho throno of Russia nnd brothor of tho czar. Ho Is tho third child of tho lato Cznr Alexander, nnd wns 23 years old Doc. 4 last. Michael Is Bald to rosemblo his fnthcr In slzo, strength and dls- position. Ho has been engaged, by report, to half a dozen princesses of Europe. At present tho grnnd duko Is hunting with tho kaiser In tho for ests ot Germany. It waB tho invitation of tho German emperor to tho young Russian prince to Join hlra In tho hunt thnt drew Michael to Germany. Tho young man Is said to be consumed with patriotism and to modltato great reforms for tho benefit of the peoplo should ho ovor be cnllcd to tho throno of tho Russlus. Ono bit of gossip about him is that ho is In lovo with his cousin, Princess Helon, but that tho czar will not consent to their mar riage. TeloplionM i" HurRlar Alarm. Tho Electrical Review BtateB that tho Hon. E. F. Jones, formerly dloutonant govornor of New York state, has dis covered that a telephone can be turned Into a burglar alarm nt small oxponse. Ho tlea u string to his telophono ro celver, which is down Btalrs In his house, and brings tho end ot It up to his bedroom in such a way that ho can jogglo tho receiver at night should ho bo visited by burglars. The flushing ot signal lights at tho exchango switch board at unseemly hours will bo under stood by the operator to Indicate burg lars, and prompt information is sent to tho police. Mr. Jones claims that hla Invention works to his ontlro satisfaction, i-.. i r . .j.)i. w.-nrii--.-" '' sat j i m k WKK- (wiw sa.'jx. '' -fin pwwt ywrw' "'.r.1irrr.;