1 -?Jirr T ( i j j 9 9 9 '1 9 9 9 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 & fJ ib Ui dt th vii U lb Vl( tli lb fc b lb lb lb lb lb b Uf it l b b via lb J KODAK Gompetition I I $4,000 in Prizes 1 f -9 9 -9 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 $2,ooo in Cash. $2tooo in Kodaks. Tho largest nntt most valunblo list of prizes ever offered iu n photographic competition. Coino Id and let us toll vou about it. 9 9 9 1 Neiuhoase.l- Bros., s " Jowolers and Opticians.1 s Bed Cloud, Nebroska. )mmmmmmmmm1t WEEK'S HAPPENINGS Tn CniKF llper year. Stove repairs nt W. W. Wright's. The Chief an Life of McKtnley $1.50. For anything in the hardware line go to Wright's. Dr. C. Wcggman of liluo Hill wns hero Wednesday. ) L. Galbraith tho Superior cigar mmi was here Tuesday. The linct line of stoves in the valley can liu found at Wiighl's. T. L. l'aiigh, Cha Ilogntc and M. F. l'aughof Hluo Hill weic here this wet k. The Home Art Club meets with Mrs. C. 1) Robinson on Wednesday, Junu ary liiih. U. M. Caster, Al Holdredgo, Willis Morgan and F. Peters of Hiverton wero iioro this week Now is the timo to get Holies and Il'.ankets. You can find all styles and prices at Butlers. iW iaV iaW im iaW assi im iaW b isV isx isbi iaV lab bsb 1AV1 ssV s4V k Issi ijV isVi isV baai sferL Our Holiday l Trade vvas .good but ,w have to many stoves to carry un til next year. We want to move them and if price wiil do any good here goes. IWe are 1 Selling 9 9 9 9 A $5.50 stove for $4.50. 7 00 stove for 5.S5. 8 50 stove for 6.75. 1 1 .00 stove for 9.00. 13.50 stove for 10.50. 16.50 stovi for 14.50. 9 1 The Quality I Always Remains th'e Same with us it is the best the market affords, f But we must move these heaters if pos sible. Also a few other seasonable goods that we are making interesting " prices on for a few days. We want you to bear in mind we are always on the t bottom in the way of prices and the quality is never sacrificed. s 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 "WE SAVE OU ! MONEY." MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. iMf iWii Tf Hi MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. lti-itei s fur filk' at The Fair. The Chitl and Life ( McKinley $1.50. Two cars of dandy coal at Caldwell's. Coal oil, 15 cents a gallen at W. B. ltoby's Put Fuller of Hiverton wns iu the city Thursday. Andrew Hock of Hiverton was iu tho 'ity till week. Tiik CiliRr and the Toledo lllado one year for $1 25. Charley Husheo. of Ouido Hock was in the city this week. Walter Scott of Hluo Hill wns a vis itor to the city Tuesday. It II. Telford of Hastings was in tho city the Hist of the week. J. U. DeHriinner and wife of Hiver ton wero visitors to trie city this week. Have you seen tho up to dato Blnnk ets and Robes. Hutlurs is the plaru to find them. Jesso liakor has started a tonsorial shop in tho cornor building north of the Moon block. Pasteur's "Blacklegine" for the re vention of black-leg in cattle for sale by Cotting tin Druggist. A. II. Vandorburg, formerly of this county, but bow of the eastern part of tho state, was here this weok. When you want sails, screws, bolts, barb wire or rnything else in tht hard ware line call on W. W. Wright. The Life of Wm. Moliniey.by Murat Halstead, and Tint CBixr one year far 1.60, the price of the book alene. Mn. Prather and daughter of Bloom ington hare moved to this city and are occupying the Cochrane property. Farm loans at 5 per cent interest an good improved land. C. F. Cather, office over Cotting's drug store, Hed Cloud. Neb. llobcs! Hibes!! Hobes!!! For tho next sixty days you can buy Blankets ind Hobes at a snotiliec price at .1. O. Hntlers linrne.sshop. It looks as if hntdwarc anil bailies prices iu the city would take a decided tumble in the next week or mi. The man who advertises will win oitj. Shelving is being put into the now Wright building nnd it is otherwise being elebned out and lixod up for an early removal of tho stock of goods to that place. What you doin' neighbor? Helping Bill. What's Bill doin? Helping Man dy. What's Mandy dein'? Helpbg mother. What's mother doin'? Tak ing Hooky Mountain Tea. Socsiblo family. O. L. Cotting. J. O. Butler,- the harness man, who has decided to put in a line of shelf hardware, has this week put in shelv ing and boxes on the north sido of kis building and will be in readiness to opea up this line on the 16th. Ca'xd or Thanks. Wo desiro to. ex press'our thanks to tho many friends who so kindly assisted us through the sickness and death of our old friend and neighbor, Allen T. Ayors. Mr. and Mrs. L. O Olmsteadand Family. Tho Modern Woodmen lodge of tbis city will havo a public installation at the Masonic hall next Wedcesday night to which tho Woodmen, and their fam ilies aie invited. The young men who have no wives and families aro in vited to bring their "steady." Miss Maud Fentress, agcil fourteen years, daughter of Ceo. Fentress, died at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Anna Hadley, iu this city last Saturday after a long peiiod of illness wilh diopsy. The funeral sei vices wero held from the place of her den'h on Sunday at 4 p m. and the remains were laid at rest in tho Hed Cloud cemetery The Odd Fellows of this city tender ed their newly married brother Ed. Ovoring and wife a reception at their lodge room on last Friday night, As a token of their friendship and best wishes they were presented with a four piece tea set by the members of the lodge. Refreshments were served and music rendered and a generalgood time participated in. Upwards of a hundred were present. Tho Congregational church held its annual business meeting last week, Friday. Afttr the necessary business was transacted members and friends adjourned to the Masinio Hall where over two hundred onj tyed a feast to gother. After dinner a program of toasts and response, Intersporced with musical numbers was carried out, the whole going to make up ono of tho ploasantest occasions ever observed in church circles. California Ukuiiakijs to Tkadk. Two 20 acre orchards beginning to bnr, one mile from H H.towu, in Sac ramento Vulley with !28 inches of rain, near center of large fruit colony, cost W.O00, is clear, title peifmit These or eluii (Is were planted for my futuro home, but change in family prevents moving Will exchange for land prop city. If you want to go to California for health, eiiuiaie or tiuii. ibis is your chance l)ciibe I11111I and title when n ivfltu Ami 111 1 tn ti t tktiitu !) 'P M. Tmi'i.KTT, Crete, Nebraska. mjWWfcMt)!!1'""11 'Unit Olil mm-m i naio LOCALLY GRNF.RAI CITY NEWS. va'v''-'- Who isJosiali For sale hill call at thisnlllee. The Chief and Life ol McKinley $1 50. If you want seed corn see W. B. Hoby. G. W. Crow of (itiido Hock wns here this wcuk.B Kentucky Lump coal at Hoby's at tO CO per ton. J. Slutnck of Hluo Hill wns in the city this weok. L. P. Albright made a trip to Lin coln this weok. I. B. C'olvin of (Juido Hock was in the city flits week. James DulTy of (Juido Hock was at tending court this week. Miss Lillian Smith returned tho tlrst of tlie week from a visit west. 1 J. S. Largont of Guide Hock was hero attending court this week. Dscard that light summor robe and gat one ( Butlers Fall and Winter Hubcs. John McGuiro hns purchased tho City Livery barn building of James Bowrou. Otto Pope who has boon visiting at homo hns returned to his duties on tho road again. Alec Bentley of Lincoln who has botn visiting with friends bore returned homo Thursday morning. L. C. Olmstead and soa wero in the cltv tho first of the week and were 'pleaant41nanclal callers at'this'office. John Saucerman of Hastings who was the carpenter contractor for tho Potter-Wright building was hero this week. Komembcr tho Farmers Institute at Cowlcs on January 17th nnd 18th. A goad time is expected and nil fin 11101 s should be pr'sent. Geo. MeCnll and wiff who have been vUiting willi James Peterson and'fain ily icttniii'il to their boine't't Guide Hock Monday morning. Sherwood Alnright who has been spemliiga couple of weeks with his patents and friends lieru has returned to his school duties a. Lincoln. Miss Dora Ward who is holding a position as stenographer at Umalia re turned last evening for a visit bete witli her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Ward, i Farm Insurance ! kv','V'VVMW',VVMVwV,'Vj German - Insurance - Co. OF FREEPORT, ILL. The largest old line company inHhe west. farmers Mutual Ins Co.; Of Nebraska, of Lincoln. k Largest mutual in tho state with. over 300 policies in Webster County. Laxhi I JO. C. Teel, AgtJ Hkii Cloud, Nf.iikaska. Mrs K.J. Case will leavo next week for Schuyler, this slate, liavinc accent ed a position hi tho publin schools nt that, place. She will not return to tier home in Hod Cloud until the last of May I haro buyers for both farm aad pas ture land. If you have land for sale please list it with me at once. No charge if I do not get you a buyer. Also farm loans al lowest rata with op Hon. C. F. Gather, Red Cloud, Neb. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the- poetoQlcoat Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho ,weok ending January 0, 1001. Vernon Aokley, Minnio Burroughs, W. F. McDowell 2 Perry MoVoy, Ben Nickels, Alta Tracy, Hose Vandyke. Theso letttrs will bo sent to the dead letter ollice January 23d, if not call ed for before. When calling for abovo please say "advertised," T. O. Hack Kit, Postmaster. "Tho World Against Him," a drama in four acts will bo given by home tal ent at tho opera house week at er next. Tho exact date will be announced next week This play lias, sinco its first production, pinved one of tho tnot-t successful draiuiis ever written, and it is safe to say that iu the whole range of the dtama there is no character to be found with such power to compel alternate laughter nnd' tears as is shown uy Weary Willie. The dramatic interest is intense, the appeal to tho sympathy of the human heart powurlul, and the comedy is as refined as it is successful in moving the audience to laughter. lown at" -J. jWfcwBm mmHltr.M.- C.ttdwell will luiv v'tur fur s 1 S A. Hideti of Guide Hn;k was li thi week. Isaac SI11 plieidfoti ol Htvorton n hero this week Mrs. Hobntt Melltlge of Kearney i visiting iu thuclty. Alfred llndell was transacting busi iieos in Omaha this weok Paul Pope who has been visiting hen nas returned to Lincoln. Wm. Witter of Superior was in tin city lite first of the week. II. II Taggart of Hastings wa a vl itor here first of the week. Mr. Hubert Cochrane of Inn vale wa visiting in the city Moudiiy. Go to Hoby for baled hay, alfalfa and millet. Prices always right. J. B France nnd J. E. Wallor of Cowlcs wero in tho city this week. Chns. Heckman of LflhannnKnnsas, wns a business visitor hero this week. Judge Ed L. Adams and Court He porter W. J Km so wero hero this weok. J. K. Chnney and wife returned homo Tuesday evening from a trip to Burr Oak, Kansas. Everybody should hoar Fuller Swift. His lectures are full of wit and wisdom. An intellectual feast. Mrs. Charloy Milligan who has beon vlsitiag with friends west returned home Sunday morning. From latest reports there Is 'ono man in town who still has one Now Year's resolution which ho has not brokon. Just at. this season of tho year it is a question of how to keep your feet and back watm both at tho same lime. C.J. Pope is taking in tlio annual meeting of the State Implement Deal ers association at Omaha this week. A rumor is to tho effect that a new bittchet shop will be started. Let Vt come tliete is loom for cheaper meat. Frank Hamilton who has been here visiting with his parents Mr and Mis C L Hamilton has returned to Lincoln. 0 An adjourned tenn of tho district court was held this week. A list of the cases tried will appear in our next issuu Mrs. L. II. Fort who has been visiting with J. O Wiles nnd wifo at Peru, this state, returnod homo again Tuesday night. The work on the Potter-Wright build ing was completed this weok. The bu ilding is now about rsady for occu pancy. Miss Mablo Wells who has been spending a couple of weeks with her parents here has returned to her school duties at Lincoln. James Peterson was in Omaha this week attending the annual meeting of the Nebraska Stato Agricultaral Imple ment Dealers association. Miss Josie Igou who has bsen spend ing several months with relatives and friends in Illinois and other,points east has returned home again. Charley Fort who has gone t3 Omaha is manager of a branch wholesale and retail cigar and tobacco stoio for Pire g ly & Moore at that place. Miss Ellen Stonebi.iker was eluded as a member of tho educational coun cil fiotn tho kindeigarteu section o! the State Teacliei-' Association. Fuller Swill will give the niilv -iraighl lecture on the course of enter lainmeiits. 1 hut a laige iiuinhei mav have an opparuiuity '.o hear liini tin) getteial adinivloii mi this one will Ijm :i5e The girl who runs nfn r evety travel ing man aud the bo) lio insists on go ing with each visiting girl ought to ho made logo with uiiti auclhei' so as to oven up affairs. A large numbT of O.ld Fellows of this city accompauiid by thHr wives attended the installation and banquet OTflMl Powdered Blood. Red Albumen. i Ground Oyster Shells. Cayenne Pepper. lass' Poultry Panacea. 'International Poultry Pood. i Chas. L. Cotting ( THE DRUGGIST. y'WWWW ' ..?..-. . IWM IS3B 9l i ,,. '',!. '-WVM'-'.-' .u..tfH- -'&. THE HEW YEAR 1 Old 1901 has been a great one for this store. Prosperity has thrived on merit. Hundreds of new patrons have been added to our list. Our business has made a big increase and a grand start made to begin the'new year. Thanks and best wishes to you our patrons. Hut we are not Jcon tent with the battle already won, we have other worlds to conquer, and renewed efforts and greater energy will be put forth to merit your in creased patronage. Wishing our friends one and all A Happy with a full measure of health and happiness. Profit Hot For a few weeks we are going to sell clothing without a thought of the cost. We want to clean up for our spring business and the balance of our win ter suits, pants and overcoats must go, - - - - - - - - Gomden-Kaley THE STORE THAT of tho Guide Rock lodge on Wednes day night. The visiting members from hero report a splendid time. Jesse Baker has resigned his position in Ward Hiatl's barber shop. Ward lias socured tho services of a first class barber from St. Jou to assist him in tho futuro. Those who wore fortunato enough to got their ice put up during too recent cold snap are now laughing up their sleeves at the follows who thoaght there was still plenty of time. What would you think of your gro cery man if ho sold you sand for sugar. What do you think of a druggist who offers you a substitute for the Madison Medicine Go's. Hocky Mountain Tea. C L. Getting. The next of tlio course of enter tainments of tho high school will be given by Fuller Swift January 17th, 0 p.m. at the Congregational chinch Seats may bu reserved at Oiicu'a alter Jan. Mtb all p.m. Fiank Kucha on Tuesday closed -ir-rangements by which ho becomes the nossessoi of the Col. Wiggins fatm across tho river -otitlicnM of this eliy Fiank has dctet mined to .Mill ii'iuatn in Webster county. The junior aid onior classes of tic Iteil Cloud High School rvpalred on Tuesday evening to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oveiing to pav their re spects to the newly man it d cduple. A very enjoyable time was had. The store rooms in tho Bentley build ing occupied by tho Turnure Bros, are undergoing repairs nnd will be mater ially fixed up for tho convenience of tho firm. Tho arch botweon the rooms will be niado higher and wider so that a cash system can bo put in to connect witli both tho grooory and dry goods department. The coilings will also bo' covered with iron. Tho high sen ml library contains now about threo hundred volumes of gov ernment reports. These are congres sional records, war records, consular i "ports, memorial addresses, oto. About one hundred and fifty volumes wero received last week on tho recoin iiixndatiou of Cong. Shallonbargor. The public is entitled to tlio use of these book- and thoy enn ho secured at any lime at the high school building. On Thursday morning the new conn I) ollleers assumed chargu of thoir to vectivc olllces, ami oil ones stepped (to. vn and out Tim old ollleers have attended to tl.uir duties in a manner that reilects credit upon uach of them, Especially is tins so in tlio enso of tho out-going treavirer, O. I). Robinson. Heal Year Considered I - - - w w- r- s w V" ' vv - Glothing - Go. NEVER DISAPPOINTS.1 Wo doubt if thero can bo found in tho state of Nebraska a cleatior, neaUr, mnro accurato sot of books, or a set ot books that will show u M-KU ,IU amount collected on the ainouni levied. Good words can also be said of tho oth er various out-going officers. The new ofllcor.4 are nssumiug their dutira' like oiu hands and overruling is running as smooth as though (hero had been no change. We wish tho old officers sue cess in thoir future undertakings and, tho now success in thoir now duties. The following was rocoived last woek too late for publication: "On Friday, Doeomber 20, 1901, a goodly number of the old friends of H. Hotdredge and wifo of Inn vale gathered at their homo witli well filled baskets tn help them celebrate, their gulden wedding aunt veisiry. A very pleasant time w s enjoyed by all. As it wai impossible for tlio clnldiun all to bo mweni nt that time iIm-ik wa a family gatheiing on ChiKlmn-i it.iv .-it which nil the childieu aud giaml-childicn ('nit two) were present. Many iiieiucnioeN and valuable gifts i-it. ma-ived b 1 1 1 . aged biidn and giomn in liouor of tlie occasion among which was a beautiful golden clock and i w. uty-llvo dollni in gold. Ann. I plea-ant aiirmtuidiuBS and mem iries the day was nasscd in joy ii' d tliarikfnliifhH and when tho time lor parting eamo tho desiro of each wts ihat tht. dear old counle might live in eelubratti their diamond. wHuainir. While me morjr't mirror mill reflect - The flowery path you've irntl. With humble truM lift up your heart In gratitude to (iod. May every cieud be silver lined tillll fortune on you amlle. And every tear a rainbow makit. As friend life' hour beguile. May cnmliiK yenr be calm and sweet Aittlite by olde ou elide Tot-ether toward die higher life I'ijoii the other side. AFTERWOKKORk PONDS EXTRACT Soothes Tired Muscles Removes Soreness and Stiffness Don't toko tho weak, watery Witch Hazel preparation, represented to ba "the sumo as" POND'S EXTRACT, which easily sour and generally con tain " wood alcohol," a deadly poison. tm mm itfi-T-.- --n -.- i . . . -. mmmiri- rf k ii WMM'rgAW 'tyVf y''7TFnTttTr??,mXQtV7Tfr',- - in-n -1 it i m-fc -i . r-1 ..- ...... .. . I