y M Yl RheiMiisi Khcutiinllc paiii9 lire Ihe erica of protest fttul cHalrew from tortured muscles, aching Ioinls mid exciteil nerves. The blood hat cen poisoned by the accumulation of waste matter In the system, and can no longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison : and hot until the blood 1ms been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease, Mr. Jme Kell, of 707 Ninth street, N. It., Wariilngton, I. C, mile m follow 1 "A few ruontht ago I had an attack of Bclalic Rheutna Um In ImwomI form The D.1I11 mi ) Interne Hint I became completely pro. Irated. The attack wan an unusually leveie one, nud tny condition was regard tdaa being very danger Dill, t vra attended by bne of the mot alile doc tor in Washington, who la alto a member of the fac ulty of a leadlnc medical college here. He told me lo continue hi prescrip- tlon and I would K set well. After havlnz It filled" twelve lime without receiving tlie allghlett oeiteiu, 1 necuneu 10 continue nn treatment nn longer. Having heard of H.S. (..(Swift's Specific) nnv recommended for KlieumnlUm, I decided, almost In despair however, to Rive the medicine a trial, and alter I had taken n few tattle I wa able to hobble around on crulchc", and very soon there after had no me for them at alt, S. S. S. having cured me sound and well. All the distressing bain have left me, my appetite lias returned, and I am happy to be agalu restored to perfect bealtfa. dtffm 4W ft the great vegetable "1 L purifier and tonic, is k k k the ideal remedy in all ft B B rheumatic troubles. WW W r There arc no opiates or minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have crenared a snecial book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It ia the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. We make no charge for medical advice. TNI SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. THE CHIEF rOBMSBfD ar w. l. McMillan. 3ae raar 1100 Hi months SO PUULISUKI) EVENT PKIDAT Bnlored at tna post otneo at Itcd Cloud, Nob. as cond class mall matte:. ADVKUTlSINll IIATKS: t-ocnl Hilvvrtlil'ig fi ccr.lt per line per Ismio. Local AdvcrtMiiK for iMitertiilmiiviiK con trrt. socials cc. plU'ii by cliitrclic. clinrltitlito societies, etc.. whore nil iiiom-js rul'i'd theie from lire UM'd uhollv for I'lilirrli or clnullnMo ncletln Hrid ten linen frcu nud nil over ten :l o" tlliei'J'i cunts M'r llnp tier Ismic. I.oc-hI KilrurtlMiic of ciitcrtniuiiiviitK. cimrcrt fec.ltalK, vie., where per ci'iil Ik kMcii to pi aiotuth.h cciilv 'cr Hut' per Ititie. Ulal'LAr sliVKIITIhlNO. One column per month (7 on Ono luilf column per month :i M One fourth column per month 1 "ft (iencral display Hdvcrtlnlug 1 Hli cents per inch pcrlsstic. STOLEN BUZZSAWLETS. Some men git up wrong end to and thou quarrel with their wives about it. " " " homo people know enough but they oau't think of it 1HHM9 An Ohio woman wh hud both feet;Vcono....V mt olT, sued nor husband for 100 por.f .. ., ... . . jiioiuu aiimnuv, wuion was granieu her. Shu can't kick. Don't dig into the past unless you knoiv how to avoid tho old lttta. The undertaker has a doad cinch on living. Therivor is all broken up over this warm woather. m A t Many a girl lishes for a husband and . . 1 u . . i'atche4 a lobster. If it wasn't (or tho fact that the Lord is slow to anger, a groat many of us would have boon called onto tho carpui . loK (?" I Manv people lute fnitli in a docti r . , . . Imciuistt iheie is notliing the matter with them lo mart .vitli. The wiltl oalf 11 young man sms gtmtiially enme up jitst itb nit the time III) lll'IK'i In suit In illMVII. Wliuu the tlevil wants some one to do a real clever job for h 111 he picks otti a congressman or a deacon in a church. 'I hero is no raason why lted Cloud -hould not bavo a llrst class zoolocical garden. Thero is plenty of material ti ....,. inn liuili, The sparting editor says one of our would bo candidates for pomuaster W "lull of confidence.' "Conlidene.." mutt be a new name for prunes or ,'H.iuethlni; olsr. Loli of men 'Uot into the swim" who don't know how to keep tuoir heads abi vo wator. Dei.v.'f lias b'como so wicked Unit 11 1 ad to return to thu old viailancn coiumitteo luetics of handling U.iirs and thiovos. And Colorado is n woumn' sutTisuu htate. Tlueo tinsonors in tho Wilbur jail men pul by digging through the jail walls. Tlmv had probably heard from ltarlloy and also wanted lo breathe I lie summer laden air of Nebraska. lUmosoekers ex'tirsia Janutiry and Kobruary l'JO'J. Jaii.7 nud 21, Feb. 4, an I 14, tickets w in li'i "i 1. Win-, s, Iadian Territory Lituismn, New Mnxico, Oklahoma Ter mot valid li-xi- fer ne fare plus f2 for the round trip. Tickets limited to j I Jit) irom itir.it ot s.iii , A. LONOVMt COr.r.'IG'.O.JSRK' PROCEEDINGS Mould ii'i'l piir-untit to iuiv"rnt''iit. lllt.liL, m jiitnrnl, liimn, V,, ..et , Ovurimin, . A. :.li, t;..t'mnn, and I. I'. Ilitlo, clerk. Now cntiioR K. E, Harvey mid nay he Wim lliiliMillt.lv HHocnseil III (Jnlll.-lt.ili precinct tor the ycitr lb.tU for f-'.bU. TI10 board onlTi'd the clerk to draw a county warrant to E. E. Harvey for 2.80, Mint nniount paid ntiilor protect. The followlno; roiul ovorcwtV IioikIh were approved: Junius Hilkey, Dint. No. 44; John Liu key, 20; M. Kurle, W; A. D. VM. KliiH, 24; I). Fiehel, III; A. C. White, 2; A. L.i Uevolt, 40; M. Haltzinau, I; T. W. Mcl'liirc, II; M. Vanderfecht, 18; Auk nut DaliiifH, 50; Itanzo AmiHtioiif,', 41): John F, .IoIiiihoii, 12; W. IJ, Johnson, U; J. II. liimgurt, : 1). P. lluilrfoii, 10; U. O. KImk, 27; Mike Stroblo. 7j O. J. Linn, 21; Win. .lohiiNoti, 2!l; Hen J; KsiliiiicHuhun. 35; Chris .lownion, 111; Frank Laiiiborn, 11; Len Wilinot, 12; X. DeMnrs, 40; Geo. Columbia, 8; G. N. Hlankcnbakur, 10; Jmiir'h Kincaid, 2r; A. E. Wolcott, 4; Clms. Zitltnnn, 51. Tho following nssessorH' bonds wero approved: E. II. Foo, Elm Creek; Louis Bnngnrt, Garfield; It. H. Qulggle, Oak Creek; W. H. Bhoeiiuiker, Walnut Creek; A. W. Cox, Glen wood; J. W. Warren, Red Cloud city; J. T.Lacy, Pleasant Hill; J. E. Jackson, Line; C. Duval, Cntherton; J. G. Lutz, Harmony; John Uostock, Potsdnm; E. J.Coz, Denver Creek; H. O. Scott, Red Cloud precinct; R. Stun ner, Butiu; Howard Dolsley, Inavale. Tho following justice of peace boml.i woro approved: R. O. Best, Hartriony; H. L. Luce, InnvalejE. E. Harvey, Inavale; F. C. Bunchow, Potsdam; N. L. D. Smith, Garfield; Ed Hilton, Potsdam; Samuel West and L, A. Haakins, Red Cloud city. Tho constable bonds of M. C Sherman and Joseph Carr, Red Cloud city; Robt. Garrison, Guide Rock; and J. T. Ritt ledgu, Inavale; also bonds of Geo. R. McCtary, county treasurer, and It. T. Hall, coionor, wereappioveil. I Red Cloud, Neb. Dee. HI. UIOl 1 ' 's-s0-foities now Siiiutiel LiinNey inn) com-1 Thffiilbtwlng olliiia) buiinn wuf laid plains to Hit-lioilfil tliat tht'li- i I ' "v in.1011 unit iil'lf - (III ijlf JHtrtictioii ill thuNhapiMif 11 wiifiiiid pot j fenc built in-nw the public ruad run-! Illl Oil ' ning east and vyrst.on or near the m-c-tion line. betwt'Cii hectioiiH live and eight in towutiliip two, mirth rangtieleveii, in Welwterconnty, Nebraska, in road dis trict No. HI. It in therefore ordered by the board that YanoBorgeimon 11a roud overseer of Hiiid road district be instructed, and he is hereby instructed to remove said obstruction from said highwny without delay, if he finds such to exist. The following claims were allowed: JUHY FEES I ... n ,. it ..$ 14 20 ... 13 !A) ... 4 00 .. 4 70 Jesse Dakar. .. 10 lo ,w J l'lppencoct 18 00 HK Orchard.... is 90 Henry Harris. . is ou John Wolfe.... 10 in P J HpracUor.... 10 3u WPKuehu.... i8 60 U M Pierce .... 14 10 WmOuy 10 .jo Chat llrubaker. 19 10 - .v. v"t''9n' W M MOId JasO'Nell 4 All II It Iloldreae . i 80 Wm.McOalluui. 13 2J A W Cox 14 00 KJ Overing Jr.. 14 lu WKItlfe 4 10 E II Keener.... II 00 W H Patterson. IS on PI, Itrd 1100 J WMarkor..!,. 1 SO J. S White 4 10 F ankHtroble... 13 60 u vv ntraiHiQ J U Millar .. OrrinTatMr . J K Chauoy,, 8 Watson.... M tt Hhorman Jas Overman 20 24 17 80 S 00 4 10 a 30 4 10 4 SS0 Hobt Mitchell. 13 00 t Walker 4 10 HOAD WOIIK Frank Jitkra,.,. 7 Or ",k? Btrobie.... is 00 Paul Uoody 4 5u m pinkonbiudor n 00 K Gobln 'J Oil fl .TnrrfMMbriti uHmith ;;; l0o niWYSU!,R 70 Chris Nelsou ... fo pn J K IIIiunH 7 40 10 00 ' A riohafler 1 50 aroOritiath" A Phllllns 7 10 J hu Phillips O Novak Wm Kmlrim O I) lloduti ., John Martin Albert McCoy I'm! Holm, 4 IKJ 4 00 n .',0 4 HI 3:i 0J 1) CO 4 (HI II On 0 00 o Hor"s"on7 Jo Hovel ...'. John Unhook Hied PU .. KuiicU llros... 'V"I,,I" ,1!r()H A llotiehin ... Wm iiuhkIuh. 7 no 5 00 H U) IS Ml 2 .11 f0 1 2r 2 til 2 III 1 1 I'll 2 HI 7 '.HI 2 nil :i si 21 t" 4 00 ,"W 75 m m 2 OH II 23 0 2r. 4 6H 2 25 JohnlloMl . u 00 (,!r;"":?!f!" !)!",! II m 0(0 Wtn IrmiH imiii 1 . u iu m. Itaty S !.! ; Xco;,,l4.,:v,,',n3Sri,' KM I'' (Jriibb . 7 fJlf ' O (Inriier .. V A KuuIiii ;S:,V r (Hiiliirvoy I'Oilrnv jus rnviicitk lor (i outMfi . n 00 Trunk strubln 11) on Wolf ,t Dickinsons l.'i CIlllH (1 U . I W McClnr- . II W Onlllfonl II H XppleK'tts las UrnomlUihl llowird Deltluy John llcnnett .. it no J M Klm-iild II lh. A V. Ihniniis A II UhuiiH . .Vilnius county 3 Illl n nil 1)3 3 1 HKTTI.EUENT8 Jas llroomrteld 30 00 Auk. Konkle ... 30 01 A llrady ; 7.1 Hon O'llertl ... 10 2.) YanoeHorsoiisou '29 03 ? Y'."uJwr J k mine SiliO III on 29 30 m no lUW.Hibuon A II WUiliUt O Hchrner 27 10 J O I.lem ia 40 Joa Oennreaax,, 30 ii . 29 40 31 on 24 M :io 'xi , si; , H'l IS) ilR'i 14 40 3 O U'J 00 i- 1 uuiiy II K ppieto KAKIiik , Mike ritroblH . OOHediie .... W M Johns'iu A Campboll ., C InrKonsoii ,, It M (.arunnt . , I'K miilngton.. 3 33 Prank Boon 1 no A " .?!;hPtZ'ek , .. muv UIUUVT sj 4M Chat Ooll .... 27 00 Jos Hubvcek . 2.1 u) M K Hheiiley A Rons, coirtu for poor. . 11 V Ml tar. indue for poor farm Dr. 11 Datnrrull, medical aid for poor t a 00 .12 CO 10 so J S Marsh, uidsii for poor , 2 03 Miner llros.indso for poor fiirm . 42 77 Dr llock, inndldtt aid for poor 30 7fl II II Wilson, labor nn poor farm 3 73 Turnnro Hron, nnho for poor 15 no oor 8 w WA Mitchell, uidsofnrcoiiu Alfrod Huiloll, mdso for poor A J Hay a, iikIho for poor fur nor farm '.'.' .'.', Hi "ii 21 mi nr. wt'k'iuan, moilloal aid (or poor.. . 2123 Traders I, nmbor Co, lumber tts no Chun .ilmiiu. bridge work 4 no r..mwiimot, ais) I'lHtt l'iM. Co. lumber SJOIrJ vKiimi, imiibir mom (loo Cliiiihou. palntlug lirlilgn :H M iienry ui.iiib.hi. hi t ;c,!!",':!"m,,t,rv s':iJ Kllim tooklmrt, lirMiw work in to l)tuiiitUtoi)olntslu"u,"''",""r"IK" Nv,,t" 7, 1 l?.l ill... ...If l.ll.l.... .. ...I. a. nn i ..... i . ,. . .-.ii .Hiiiiui. uiiimu H1III .... ,.,,.. ;j uu AV'm t-iuiliilei. pululliig brdUo H V 11 !S I'liiitilllt.luinlier '. 185 iW 't It Keurn. piilnilug IhMko i;i N) A'ni Irons, haulier f & I I'. 11 ii. btldti work . 4 oq ii ii k iiuiubi'ri a, luniber 1:1 aa i.. , ,nii.,i puiiijr nt i-uinily 'J isii ! 1 .10 o. hardware for county 8 10 1 f -lime. lionf MMit for election . MO 1. Mr.Mlllnii, pr 11 1 Iti vT .. fti ll cur e'tnllnn. relit fort lectlun no (li'O Amtii'k, srlionl work . . . BOO K t'npluii, niliiry nnilcxt'CiKo . . ...,1021 Nntloii, iirliilliiK a :ki PO I. II Wells fccnii'lnxpeiiu IUI To tnle Joiirnnl t.' , oiippllf , si 67 .1 Jl ('hallln, attorney's fee 95 00 W,J I'orry, InjIiiR brick walk m 30 .Morlmrl llro. supplies fur county 27 'if .) ( Hose, phone r nt .... . in 35 l. ICTalt. printing yj ,'fl las Ilurdcii, muklriK Index, rxpenso. etc 233 71 .1 1 Hale, expense In office 13 m W II Itoby, coal for county .. 18 30 Win liccves, hoiio for election. ft no School district No. 81, election u 01 .1 A McArtliur, balllir. 16 rjo f'hna Kranklln, witness foca 18 00 I) () lleni ell. O A It hall for election fi 02 John Poster, Janitor 13 ,,o Henry Arndts clcfttilni,' school house .1 00 (len llollz. wittier fee no A A lliirdlck, " " po I. I) Wells " " A () Win Wolfe " " 4 10 Win Mitchell " " . . tin (leu A WfllH, eommhsloiior .1 si (JO J 0 overman ' gn so wniAjmy sa ss Jerome Vance " ...,,..., j (o Win IroiiB " ifloi Nation, printing 218 , 'VI K V Overman, office rent and expense in ( School district No8, election 6 09 A A llurdlck, bailiff 10 00 J M Chamti, attorney's foes sTiOO D J Myers, ofTlce rent for county Judge.... BO 00 I. W Waterbiiry, constable fees 200 Samuel West. Justice of peace is 10 I W Kdson.cxpcnsaln office... It K Orlcc, supplies It I. Tcls hall rent election..,. I) WTiirntire, witness fees .... Geo Pierce " " .... A Conover " " .... Geo Stewart " " .... Jas Overman ' " .... OrenTaber " " .... fi I) Wells. ' " .... 34 l-i '1 V) .100 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 231 300 910 WW Ward, printing. .303 HO D J Myots, secretary connty fair 30& 'J, The f'lll.nving claiins with h jch'il: ParmollK Mustellcr, wltncs fees 0 20 Peter Lutcliee, " " c fO Oliver Shirtoy " " ti 2i) Geo HuUtr " " neo A Mosteller " ' 6 30 Samuel West " " 210 Thos Pciimnii " " s 10 Dr T Hllnll, minll pox erne 10 P0 Moved and carried that the claim of W. W. Ward be reducedjou ImllotH from iJIIHi.OO lo iir)IOO. Also on printing delinquent lax Het from .".'S.'JO to ' ul iii'i" luniii r flllllll'ts ,.... 1...1.1.... . . ----- - - Oveieer; Autfii-it Lainpiiiaii, At Hunklf. J. K. I limes, !:. O. Ileig ; IIKII.lt mini. Wm. Englt-M. ConMal.le; E. W. An- dersoti, I'M. Itotli, Hanniel NelMin .llH- tice; Louis Cutter Hoad petition of H. V. Lockhait and others to open road commencing at the northwest corner of section 17, running thence west between section 7 and 18, town 3, range 11, west one half mile. Petition granted. The board ndjonrned bine die. J. P. Ham:, Wm. A. May, County Clerk. Chairman. m Hnmesoekpis excursion January and rebruary, 1902. J ami my 7 and 21. February 4 and 18, tickets will be on silo t' noints in Atizona, Arknn;a, Indian Territory, Lnusiana, New Mex ico, Oklahoma ami Texts for one fare plus $2.00 for the round Dip. Tickets limited to twenty-one days from date f sale. A.L'ovfrvr.R, Nature It , . . , . .. 1 1 1 I I Babies and children need I a j proper food, rarely ever medi- J ? cine. If they do not thrive f j ... t J , ,1 .... I nn 1 cr moo somcimnti : r wrong. They need a little I help to get their digestive j ? machinery working properly. SO!?" COD LIVER OIL WITHHYPOPHOSPHITESQtLMEiSQDA 1 will generally correct trm difficulty. j If you will put from one ? fourth to half a teaspoonful I in baby's bottle three or four j I times a day you will soon see I la marked improvement. For I I larger children, from half to 1 r..i n..,i:..w 4. X ct ICdbJIUUItlUI, OCV-UIUIIIIJ IV age, dissolved in their milk, j ,f you 0 desire, will very i J , .. , .. i soon show its great nourish w . . it jl. ,, !,.... ,!ng power. It the mother S t m'.ik does noi nourish the i brbv. ?IJ llCCds the emui- I ' - j Jon. It will show an effect ! : at once bo'h upon mother and child. ( k. un.l Jl on, alt driiggiitl, I SCOT! it 110 WM., Chcmlit, New York. I , !si,)Mt; 1 ii i.fniifJ Help... ignorance Blows out the pas and furnishes 1i the newspapers with a jest and t an obituary notice. "Didn't li know it was loaded" may be 'k an iionest pica, but it never brought a victim back to life. TllOSC who let a rmicrli rim nn in ignorance of the danger, nun no escape irom the con sequences when the cough de velont fntn lumr rrl.1 The Iwst time to kill a'snakc is in the egg. The best time tO CUrc tl cotlnll ia iu1,o ,'t starts. Ordinarily, a few doses 01 ut. i-terces uoidcn Med- ion wiscovery will cure a cough at the beginning. But CVCtl When tlll rnmrli 10 .Innn. seated, the lungs bleed and the bodv 1.4 Wnitpll liv itinrinlln.. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical ( jyiscovery win in iiinety-eight I casesout of every hundred effect I a perfect and permanent cure. " My biisband had tieen couKlilns' for years and people 'frnnkly told tne that he would eo Into con sumpt On," writes Mrs. lohn Shlreman. of No. 16$ ljth Place, Chicago. 111. "He had such terrl. ble cotiKhlng- apellt we not only grew much alarmed but looked for the burstfnt of a blood, vessel or a hemorrha(e at most anytime. After three days' cmig-hltiK he was too weak to cross the room. The doctor did him no good. I stated the case to a druerist, who handed me a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. My husbands recovery was remarkable. In Golden Medical Discovery he was up and around, aad In two more days he went to work. Two bottles cured hlm.' The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 pages, in paper covers, is sentrw on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Another tourist -x'.nrsiiri to Califor nia. To accommodate thu increasing travel to California, the Hiiiliiigion Kouti! has addetl to its sci vice another weekly excursion, in tourNt nnrt, per sonally conducted. Thu liiiriiugiou's through car "erviee to California is as follows: Standard .sleepci", daily, Omaha, Lincoln, Hustings' :i 11 1 Oxfoid to San Kntnci.'.t'o, I'onneoting ut Inner city with f:it ii' tin fni Lo Anai-li'-'. Tnlllll lei'pi'l', )) I iilill ronilllcli'il, nvfiy 'I'll 11 1 ii i .hi1 S 1 mii ilii . Oin -ill i, Li In, !' iii in. in 1, 11 im. v,-" : fd 11 'nt - n-m- to vii. Kr U ci.r . 1 1 v Wmlnes dny ami Tuui il.i , K Cn. m Jo( ph. W3 iiit.i-i. Supi'iiiT iiihI Oxfoid to Stiu Kraiiei'co nud l.o Anai'le- All thi'M' cars 11111 via Denvi r tind Stilt Luke City, pui.-iiii;tliegiiitiil ptiiioriiiiiti of the Rockies by ilayligln. If jou'ie going to California, you will be inter ested in our new 40-pnge folder, "Cal ifornia Tours, MOME." It iifrec .). titANCis. (Jeneral I'nssenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Kxeursion 10 Florida. Tim lluiiing ton Itoiita U orgiiniziiig it peiMiiiully conducted excursion to Florida and Cuba, to leave Nebraska points, Wed nesday, January 21). Tho route will b vii St.. Louis, thence to Jackson ville, Florida, through scenes which have been forever made historic by the dramatic events of the civil war. An exceedingly low rate- ha hern made, and Biembrs of,"tj exctuioi have choie of several aitrnciiva tiips aftvr they arrive at Jacksonville. This p porliinitj of escaping thu niasl tinpUas ant portion of a Nebraska winter nud enjoying in its stead, the delights of n semi tropical country will appeal to everyone who has the mxnay and can snatelliu time to make an ex'ended pleasure Hip. A. Iiaudomn booklet, giving lUtaiN of the exeuoion will bo leidy for distribution ubou Jaiiuaiv li . Write for a copy J Fuanois, (ioueriil lnsenger Agent, Omaha, N"l Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Su, ei-. tully used by Mnttiei (ini.S, tllli'-e HI the Oil. Iil'll' lion. e in New Y l. eilte li'Vefl-llllew, lltill -liltll. it'll, ton Imur oi-orilnr., niov"' timl regul-nu the bowel nud destroy woiiiim Over 30,'K)0 ie.inioinai. Tlie in ver f.ii1. At all diuggislf, a."n'. Sanple tree Addre, Allen S. Olmsud, Leitoy, Now Y-1 k. v'ANTKp--Sevcral enmiis of cliaranior and Rood reputation In ea h state (one In this county reoulreJ) to represent and advertlsu old'eitab llshi'O weallliy oust ess house ef solid flnanelal standliiK. Halary tlS.On weekly wllti expenses additional, all payable In cash each H ednesday direct from head ofllces. liorst and carriaKo furnlslird, when necessary, llefercnees. En close self-ad dressed stamped envelope. Dept. ManaKerat) Uaztou IlulldliiK, Chicago. Salesman wanted lo sell A' ti Uust Roof Paint, Compounds and Lubri cant. Salary ori Commi-iioii Vul can Chkmioai. Co,, Clevlainl, O. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold lT.".rS.l,,S"irir,w! 2d LOWNEY'S ; AND CHASE'S, ; BOX GOODS. HJon. Huns, mill Nui'tJo' tl- f f.O.'l In iJD.OO pt-i box iHoinc made candy at 15c per pound. The BON TON.) W. S. BENS!:, Prop. : , yA - - - s c. ii viv v VvV ikt 0 iaV Hi i l) Hi iti Hi WB HAVE Come and Help Us. 1 Going to Sell Everything at Cost Until we move. Now is your chance Hi Hi Hi b Hi Hi Hi Hi 0 U 0 4 to load, up Hj Clothing, Shoes, Shirts, Etc. tff Hi H Hi Hi 'Hi Hi iHi Hi Hi Hi ftfrffttftfffrfftfffftfrfftfff.fftftsiffe.fff.ffte. Hi I Galusha, Weseott & Storey k Jn 99999399999999999999 ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: , , . IlALTiMOKn. Md March 30, 1901, , ''""' " Being entirely cured of denfuevs. thanks to your treatment, I will now cive you n full history of my caie, to bo usid nt jour discretion. About five years nso my right car began to Mug, and this Lept on getting worse, until I lost my heariiiK In Oils car entirely I iiuileiwcut n treatment for catarrh, for three mouths, without nnv success consulted n num ber or physicians, among others, the most eminent enr ftecinlist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even tlmt onlv teuiporarily, that the bend noises would tlien cease, but the hearing in the affected enr would be lost forever. I then saw our advertisement nrcideiiuilly iu n New- York pilier, nnd ordered your treat ii"tit After I and used it only n few dnvs according to our directions, the mux -.censed, and to dnv, nftcr five weeks, my lic.tring ia the diseased em h.is been entirely renored I thnak you heartily mid beg to remain Vcty truly 011rs. V A. WURMAN, 7J0S llroadwny, Il.iltiniorc, Mil. Our treat invHt tlovs not interfere with ionr usual orrajxttion. Jxa:;x,if1.,e,, YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOWE ,,,n,,,ttl INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Vard. RED OLOUD, Lumber, Lime. TRADERS JXJMBE&Rl Co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL. titilclitTLt' material, lto. 5 -.tED 0LO7L, m TO MOVE 1 1 (f m m m m m m m m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to on to ANY HEAD NOISES? NEBRASKA. Coal and Cement. Nebraska 'ttjrrHrww'''- - x- w nesr-littKfcaifc ; - t'vski-rn: