B ) It l 1 I V J3K7"" VERY SAD ACCIDENT Dr. Donn of North Bend, Neb., Accidentally Shot. REVOLVER WAS IN OVERCOAT POCKET Arlioim Citttlnniiii Mnrilrrril Shot by n i:iiililii)"SiipiM'l Clip I n rod I ten ter Clly Hun it fU'-MIOn Tim Other Xcir Item. With liis nriu nroiiii 1 his young wife nnil while in the nut of 'hissing hor good bye ufU'r the breakfast hour tit Ills homo in North Bond, Nub., Dr. .1. M. Donn, late republican candidate for coroii or, was fatally wounded by the accidental discharge of a revolver which hi- hiul placed in liis overcoat pocket but u iiiomcnt before. The ball entered hit. abdomen on I ho right side, plowed Its way through tlio intestines nml emerged fioin his luck ubovo the left hip. He foil to the (loor from tlio shock, but at onco picked him self up again ami was able to remove both liis overeoatanil his orilinary coat, lie then walked to a hofti uml throw liimself upon it, while his wife tele phoned for modieal assistance Mrs. Ira Doan, mother of the iiijmeil man. was the only other person present ut the time of tlio shooting. Dr. Dolan died from the injuries re reived in thu shooting aceident. The iiiedieal eiiininalion disclosed that the bullet passed through the bowels twice and the membranes surrounding the intestines half a doon times. lie was eonseious most of the time up to bis death. SHOWS SLIGHT INCREASE Clll J'roilartinti for 1U01 About tlm Hume u 11100. The preliininary estimate of Mr. Jtoborts, the director of the mint, on the production of gold and silver In the United States during the er.londar year Hioi indicates only a slight gain over the production of the preceding year. The yield of Alaska fell off by about one million dollurs. Colorado made a slight gain in gold and the other producers were nearly stationary. The yield of silver exceeded that of the previous year by about two million line ounces. The total number of ounces of tine gold produced is shown to lime Won 3,830,r.7S of the value of 8M.218,M)0. The number of flneoiincis of silver produced was !i),ii.'i:j,7t', hav ing a commercial value of 8l.'i,7,.,().',,M). Tlic coinage value of the silver is ap proximately S77,000,ooo. Colorado leads the states in the pro duction of both gold and silver, the total value of her output of gold .mounting to 59,000,000. Colorado's production of silver totals 2(),s:i:i,33.1 fine ounces. California was second in the production of gold, the state's out put havirig n value of 815,730,700. Mnn tana holds second place In the produc tion of silver with 14,500,000 fine ounces. Utah produced lO.'J.IO.OOO tine ounces of silver. The Ilritish Klondike produced S17, 50ft, 100 gold and Alaska Stl,n04,40(). Shot by Unknown Mint. A special from Hot Springs .Junction Ariz., says that (Jeorge . Bryan, a well known cattleman, was murdered just outside his cabin at the San Do mingo cattle ranch near Castle Cieok, Hot Springs, and that the body was found by lien Swinlnflger, a neighbor ing cattleman. Tins Indications are that the old man had been attacked by several enemies and was shot by rilfo balls while ho made an effort to 'defend liimself with a Hhotgun. It is not thought that he was killed by outlaws or desperate characters, but when the slayers are captuted their idontics will produce a seusation. Officers from 1'rcscott and Phoenix have gone to the scene and nre now hot on the trail of the murderers, which leads in to the Castle Creek mountains. Bryan was a wealthy cattleman who has lived in Arizona many years. He was peaceable and not known to have had enemies, although It is said he re cently had quarrels with cattlemen in in the same region over the breeding of calves on open ranges. The dead man was in some way ie latcd to William .leiinliigs Bryan, llrnter City AkuIii Ncordii'rt. For the second time in four months the business portion of Heaver City, Neb., has suffered severely by lire. Seven buildings of the south side were burned, making a total of two business houses in the two fires. The lire had made great headway w hen discovered, and very little of the stocks of f;oods was saved. The heaviest losers were: Axer&Co., general nieiehandlse, loss, 8H.O00, insurance 85,000; Moore A Ki lls, hardwnrc and groceries, loss 8.l,r00, insurance 8J,r.00; Ness A Oreutt, meat market, loss 8000, insurance 8400. .1. 1. Lindsay, Anna Slight, William Fer guson and N. M. Aye-s wore owners of buildings, all of which wore Insured. There hud Ih'oii no fire or lights in the buildings where It started since closing time. Letter From Oum I'mil, As the result of conferences lictween a clergyman, ltov. Mr. ilrookhuyscn, the lloer loaders. It has been decided to send C. M. Wesselsto the United States in .lauuary bearing a letter from Mr. Kruger to President ltoosovolt. C. M. Wossolls Is thu former chair man of tlio of the Orange Free State Hand, or legislative assomby. He vis ited the United Slates in May, 1000, with Abiahnm Fischer, leader of thu party, nml A. D. W. Wolmarens and returned to Europe in June of the same year. BEGINS ACTIVE CAMPAIGN An Ann of Two Tlintitiinil OrRitnlcil to Intuitu Colonic In. A cable dispatch from (lenoral Var gas Santos, chief of the Colombian to bclllon, to Dr. A. .1. Ilcstrcpo, diplo matic agent of the icbels in this coun try, announces that (lenoral Itnfaol Urlbe-Urlbe had effected an entrance into Columbia from Venezuela. For some time (lenoral Urlbe-Urlbe has boon at Iasheria, Venezuela, with an army of 'j,ooo men He has tried time and again to got past the Colomll an government forces, but always with out success. In those attempts lie was assisted by troops of the Vone.uolati army. Ho has now accomplished Ills end with a force composed only Colom bian llbi'rals. Entrance was gained Into the ilepaitmont Stantaudor and It is expected that thcte will be some se vere lighting soon. Other advices received by Dr. Hes trepo are that the insurgents under (Jencral Ardllla had captiuod the olty of llucaramanga, which Is one of the most important towns in the country and the capital of S.intandcr. Another attempt to take Panama is now being planned by the Insurrectionists. The news iseonfliincd that the fleet con sisting of the gunboat Darlon, Padllla and (ialtnn ami a few sailing esscls carrying cargoes of war material are in the vlncinlty of the isthmus. REIGN OF TERROR (HllrviK of Ilrntrr Ailopt I'luni to Sup pru Crime uml l.:m lixtm'n. Denver will present a decidedly ma trial aspect if plans adopted at. a mass meeting of citizens are carried out, and the temper of the meeting indicated that they will bo. Because of the many crimes that have been committed there, within the past year or two, which have brought terror to Denver resident, the latter have organized a committee of safety for the purpose of protecting the people against criminals The streets are to be patrolled dur ing the night by armed clticns who will be expected to keep the town free of the criminal class. Everybody on the street at night will be expected to give an account of themselves and fall lug to satisfy the challenger of the suflicleiicy of their reasons for being abroad, will be arrested. Police mag istrates will be urged to make punish ment for crime heavy, so as to deter oven the most desperate. For months past thugs and thieves have overruled the city Women have boon criminally assaulted in their own houses and on the streets, holdups and robberies have been almost daily oceourrence and ev en murder has boon committed at times, when the oscaslon from the standpoint of thu vicious demanded it. The murder of 14-year-old Harold Fiidiiorn and the assault of his sister on New Year's night aroused the poo pie to a fury that augurs poorly for the thug who falls into their hands ii the future. llnlf-llrred mi it Ituiupagt,. ' .loseph lluzenaw, a half-breed In dian, went on a ruin page at (lardun Ulvor, a Canadian village, and as a re sult his wife will die. Hiienaw became crazy drunk and after terrorizing the inhabitants of the village, went to his homo, where ho gave his wife a brutal pounding, and burned one side of hor face with a rod hot iron. Tlio woman crawled out of the house on her hands and knees, ami lluzenaw followed her to the yard, where he attempted to chop her head off with an axe. The woman's sister-in-law and others in terfered, but the era. man struck his wife a glancing blow with the axe, stunning hor. He was taken to the jail and looked up, but broke down the doors. Then ho returned to his home and made an attempt to cut his wife's throat with a knife. Itiienaw finally escaped across the river to Sugar Island, In United States torri lory. An armed party Is after him. Find lloily oMJIrUu Hirer. A body, said to be thatof Carrie Lar son, and which had 'a weight around its neck, was taken from the river at Chicago, .fames Thomas, cook of the steamer Oscar, and itobhurt Kiesseck, who also worked on the boat, were placed under arrest following the dis covery. The body was Identified as that of Carrie Larson, a girl of twenty-two years of age, whom Thomas is alleged to have secured from an employ men t agency on New Year's day to assist him in the cook's gallery. According to Kiesseck, Thomas and the woman quarreled and the latter was knocked unconscious. Iticssock said the cook compelled him to assist in fastening the weight to the woman ami In throw ing her overboard. Thomas, the police say, denies tin: accusation, Arnold) on Murder Cliurge. A special from North Ynklura.Wash,, says: Stewart Flte was arrested here by Constable A. N. Short, charged with beluga fugitive from justice. He Is wanted at Savannah, Mo,, on the charge of murdering Frank V. Itlch ardsou on December 25, 1900. Mrs. Addle li. ICichardsou, wife of tlio vic tim, is under arrest, charged with com plicity in the crime. Fite was a bus!' nesb associate of IttchariUon. Ainbuati tlie llnemy, The lloers ambushed n party of the Scots grays recently near Broukhorst sprult, ubout forty miles east ot Pre toria, ou thu railroad. The British casualties weru six men killed and ten wounded. The total reduction of Orent Brit ain's military forces in South Africa ruin thobcglnnlugof thn war, to De cember, including death from disease, men reported missing, etc., amounts to 34,!Miii men. Of this number 10,130 weie actually killed or died. A total of 04,330 men were invalided home. 1 .Till Dim I ,, 'f, ' fjf iijjv' t . J jk -Jiyy J I Tlio war cloud which now hovers over the two South American republics, Chile and Argentlnn, has nilsen out of tlio dispute ovci the boumlnry line be tween thene countries, rhown on the nccompanyltiK map, In the range of niountalnn running north and south. Should wnr eventuate the two iepub llcs will find themselves very evenly matched. Neither hna the advantage of tlio othor In tlio matter of roast e.x poMiio nnd roatt dofense. Argentina, of course, Is a much larger country in aren and has a population approxi mately of 4,000,000, whllo Chile baa n population ot about 3,000.000. The nren of Chile Is 200.S20 munrc mlloH, whllo thnt of Argcntlnn, including its terri tories, Is 1,113,840 square miles. Tlio army of Argentina, cm a peace footing, numbers 21,515 oillcers and men; that of Chllo 19.7C0 officers nnd men. Tho Argentine navy consists of four roast defense armor-clads.flvc armored cruis ers, thrco second-class cruisers of high speed and Mven smaller cruisers of modern construction, together with four destroyers and twenty-two tor pedo boats. The Chilean fleet consists of live nrmor-cluds, two second-class and two third-clans cruisers, cloven gun vessels and gunboats, four destroy ers or new muko and thirty-knot speod, nnd nineteen torpedo boats. Of the two navies by far tho best boat Is tho cruiser O'Hlgglns. built at Klswlck for Chllo In 1S9C, and n fine vessel In all respects. Sho has a dlbplnconieut of 8,500 tons and carries four eight-Inch giins. With these forces, based ou peace, the two republics have good nu clei for development of powerful ar mies and nnvles In case of war. JACK RABBITS IN NEBRASKA. Tlioy Hutu lli-rninii mi Inliilornbln MiiUniiro Dentroy Crop. Experts connected with tho entomo logical department of the Nebraska univorslty are giving much thought to tlio discovery of meaiiB of exterminat ing tho Jack rabbit, which has become an Intolerable nuisance. He is an In teresting specimen of the useless among anlmuls, nnd can be explained only on tho ground advanced by the Oermnn fnther in reply to the In quiry of his son as to what tho kan garoo was good for: "Well, my boy, tho Auatialluns must have something to laugh nt." Nebraska has two varieties, the black lull and the silver tall, but while dis tinct varieties there is no appreclnblo difference In their size, habits or food preferences. Tho fomniea of the spe cies aro surprisingly piollflc. Nature doubtless has somo use for Jack rabbits, but did not want too many of them. So their natural oneiny was provided In tho coyote, who kept them within bounds. But tho coyote Is a disagreeable neighbor and the Ne braska authorities offerod a bounty for coyote scalps which resulted in their practical extermination. This was tho Jack rabbit's opportun ity, says the New York Times. Ho put his Iioubo In order and proceeded to devoto his best energies to tho rais ing of children, In which he has been remarkably 'successful, nut tho Ne braska farmers aro not much better satisfied with them than with tho coy otes. They orguo thnt while farming may be a healthful and agreeable occupa tion, it is not wholly satisfactory from the oconomlc point of view if the farm er's principal business In life is to raiso food for the Jack rabbits, who appro priate it without compensation. The result of his dissatisfaction will un doubtedly be that tho Jack rabbit will sooner or later be decimated and, per haps, exterminated. FUTURE OF MOROCCO. Koblwry ftt Plll.g. Common Country In Decaying Condition. It is JmpoEslble to wrlto on the sub ject ot Morocco without somo mention of Its future. There Is no need to en ter Into speculation and it is all spec ulation as to what that future may be. It need only bo pointed out that, In tho interests of all the powers of Eu rope, it Is necessary to maintain tho status quo. Tho Internal condition of the eoun- LATE9T FRENCH IDEA. HTrnpU of Beauty" to n KtUblUlied In the Clly of Pari. Who says tho French are not Just bubbling over with bright Ideas? Tho latest happy thought of this versatile and Ingenious people is to establish in Paris a pnrr-anent "Temple of iVnuty." It will bo a building whom tho handsomest women applicants fiotn all countries will have salaries paid to them to remain on constant exhibition, dressed in appropriate cos tumes, under tho direction of the most ii ii i rr 'ii r . . aU (.K. J SStS nil H0H I V try is not satisfactory. The recent long sorlts of arrests, imprisonments and confiscations has disturbed tho tran quillity of tho government classes, who do not know whose turn may come next, whllo It mutt bo confessed that tho young sultan's European tastes have not lnnea?cd his popularity. That a general upheaval may take place Is oxtromely unlikely, but thero Is cer tainly a sttong exlhtlng fooling of un rest, which tends to let loose the wild er spirit of the people, who see an op portunity of paying off old scores and making new oncb, mid who are not slow to turn their hands to robbery and pillage. So long ns they keep these national amusements to them selves there Is little or no dangrr, but directly tho Interests of European trad ers are nffeeted and their cattle feed ing In the interior aro often looted then the question hcconies ono in which the powers are Interested. Claims aro made against tho Moorish government In nccordance with treaty rights. Theso claims aro always dis puted and often refused, bays tho Nn tlonnl Rovlaw. and difficulties In variably arise, sometimes ending in na val demonstrations rtnd shaking the very foundations of tho rotten fabric of tho decaying country. IN A WESTERN STORM. Fearful Hatoc Wrought l,y the Klrment In n Few Minute. Thero was a fearful storm hi tho lowlands yesterday forenoon nt 1 o'clock, and a gieat many trees, somo two feet in diameter, were picked up out of tho ground and hurlod Into tho air to bo dashed to the enrth again with terrific force. As far as can bo learned thero was no loss of life. Tho storm spent Its fury In a path about 100 yards wide and two miles long, it Is approximated. Levi 8. Wild, manager of tho West ern Union Telegraph company, of this city, and Dryan Irvine wont to Bornlco Saturday night, nnd yester day morning engaged a team nnd drove out to Hondley's place, about four miles and a half up the lowlands from Bcrnlcc. They wore chatting In Hoadloy's cabin, when Mr. Irvine look ed out ot the window to tho west, and remarked that he saw the blackest cloud he had ever beheld. The other gentlemen noticed tho ominous ap pearanco ot tho black bank of cloud In tho sky, but paid no moro attention to it until it began to sprinkle, when a great gust of strong wind reminded tho party within of th black cloud. Tho rain resolved itsolf Into a hall storm, and soon the largest hailstones that any one of tho men ever saw poured down In a threatening man ner. The root of tho cabin was Inade quate and the boards were rent asund er and great Btones ralnod and pelted down upon tho floor, bounding back toward the celling violently. Still the cabin was not in tho teeth of tho storm, tor Mr. Wild said he could see the terrible execution It was doing across tho creek, 100 yards distant. Trees wore torn up and dashed to tho ground, and tho wind lifted ,them high in the air and carried them great dis tances. It was feared at tho timo that famous "artists." Whether thoso "ar tists" aro to bo painters or dressmak ers Is not stated in tho prospectus. It Is expected that tho ranks of tho "ex hibits" will Iiavo to be recruited con stantly, for tho dazzling beauty of tho women, when arrayed In their finery, will bo such that no man can resist thorn, and gooa marriages undoubt edly will tempt them to leave tho ex hibition for homes of tholr own. In fact, tho "Temple of Beauty" will bo a sort of marriage mart as well as an exhibition of female loveliness. A small entrance fee will be chargod to "pi--""w -Rjf-anr r"irwu the men in the rnbln would bo dashed Into eternity by tho savngo twister. Hut nothing moro than a hard hailstorm struck tho cabin. Thn sight was awe-lnsplrlug. Theie wan but llt tlo lightning nnd thundor. Tho roar ing In tho trees, whose majostlc beauty was bolug mnrrod nnd rent, was dole fully grand and Inspiring. Two men drovo up to the cabin fif teen minutes later nnd said tho road was llternlly strewn with ttees. They had secured shelter in a ctevasse, and were unhurt. They saw a whole hill side denuded of ItH follago and donso growth of trees. Somo of tho trees were nearly throe feet In dlamctor, and they were piled Indiscriminately upon ono another. There were at least 100 grand stnlwart pines dashed Into a heap in about two minutes. The havoc was terrible to behold. Anaconda Standard. The Intrnilitrlns Ilnhlt. It Is extremely difficult for n good natured man to escape promiscuous introductions. Ho might not hesitate to offend the Introducer, t cortnluly could not do so befnio that unfortunate gentleman's friends, out of regard for them. Ciipslc enters n public resort alono, and would like to remain alone, but Trnpsic, n distant acquaintance, indeed, standing with throo friends, calls out to Capalc, "How do, Cap? Conio here; I want to Introduce you to somo friends of mlno." Could Capslo turn tall and floo? While resenting Trapslc's familiarity, ho feclB that the gentlemanlike thing to do Is to meet tho strangers. "Cap, shnko hands with my friend Shay, my friend Squay, and my friend Slcay." That Is now the usual and approval formula. All good fellows, right down to the ground, but Trapslc is presuming. Why should he not first havo excused himself to his friends and gone quietly to Capslo to learn, sub rosn. If the latter cared at thnt tlmo to make tho acquaintance of Shay, Squay and Skny? Never! Trap sic Is possessed of an Insane deslro to introduco folk, and nothing short of a kick in the neck or a poko In tho solar plexus will roitoro him to sanity. Now York Piobs. Oxygen I'elletii for the I'ocket. A method of procuring oxygen has been patented In Croat Britain by M. O. F. Jaubert ot Paris. A 'substance Is prepared by mixing chloride of llmo with sodium dioxide or other alkullno peroxide. Compressed pellets, which can be used for obtaining a supply of oxygon In tho snmo way that calcium carbine is used for making acetylene namely, by Immersion in water aro prepared In tho following manner. Two hundred kilogrammes of chlorlda of llmo, which titrates 35.5 per cent of nctlvo chlorine, well dried (for oxaraplo, by standing over concentrated sulphuric acid) is mixed with soventy-olght kilo grammes of sodium dioxide in pow der, and tho yellowish white powder thus obtained is made Into cakes by strong pressure. Tho compressed ma terial thus obtained Is, It Ib stated, as hard and shiny ns crockery, and when placed In wnter decomposes with regularity, oxygen gas being evolved. MaaiBK 'or Infant. The new theory for massage as an aid to development rather than a res toration of damaged beauty Is gaining converts everywhere. It Is now some time since a well-known physlclnn bo gan experimenting with massage upon his infant son. Tho treatment con- kA'N'SAVS'S'SSSSNA'SSsyW tho "templo." and tho antecedents of Intending purchasers will bo carefully looked into by tho managoment. Ap plicants for admission as exhibits Into the "Templo of Beauty" will havo to como up to a high standard, which will bo fixed by the most competent judges of beautiful women In the French capital. Tlio beauty shows and "megatherium congress of female lorollness," which mod to bo so popu lar In tho Bowery dlmo museums, will bo only ns pale and twinkling stars compared with this great French scheme, when It onco nets in working slsts'of a dally massngn lasting fof thirty minutes and consisting of m thorough kneading of tho, --little fel low's muscles, thn child being shipped, and laid upon a blanket during thu op eration. Cold baths and as few clothes as possible aro p.irt of thu treatment, but the massage Is tlio fundamental principle. Tho child's condition Is proof positive of tho system's merit. Though only a year old ho la phe nomenally strong and hlc muscular development Is unusual. Similar le sultH are reported wherever inassagu upon the glowing little human lias, boon tiled. Tho chief glory ot the system Is that It develops no ono part nor portion of tho body, but tontrlb utos to the orollonro of nil. Not any ono sot of muscles, but the general health is benefited thereby. Tho theory Is that no child so messaged will ever become bald or lose a tooth. New York Evening Sun. Arm Tiljrili Operator. In the British army tho telegrnph op erators belong to tho engineers, who for tho purposes ot administration nnd promotion form a slnglo corp3, consist ing of forty companies, tlneo troops nnd a largo establishment ot oillcers not attached to any companies, but em ployed in superintending works nnd buildings nnd In othor professional nnd scientific duties. Tho throo engineer troops am tho field equipment troop, tho telegraph troop and the pontoon troop. A tolegrnph troop consists ot six officers, 245 non-commissioned offi cers and men, with 21 carriages, 42 rid ing and 114 draught horses. Twelve of thn wagons arc fitted as wlro wagons, and carry oarh throo miles of Insulated who, etc. Four wagons aio fitted aa offices with rocordlng instruments. Tho troop Is so arranged that it can bo broken into three sections, each com pleto hi Itself. A certain proportion of tho men aro trained to act ns signalers nnd all tho material for visual signal ing Is lurried with the troop. This material consists of lings for uso by day, rockets and limc-llghts for flash signals by night, etc. The pay ot a prlvato In tho onglnccrs Is Is ld per day; of a corporal, 2s Gd; of a sergeant, .In .Id; of a lieutenant, 10s lOd; of a captain, 17s 7d. Montreal Herald and Star. '1 Amhnlanro In Lump 1'ott. An ambulance In n lamp post is the latCRt street novelty which has been introduced In Paris. Thoy cnjl'lt over thero a "flrst-ald lighthouse." It con sists of nn ornamental bronze pillar, nbout fifteen feet high, with a Tound, overhunglng top resembling tho lan tern of a llghthouso, In which aro a clock and a placo for transparent pic torial advertisements, revolved by clockwork and lighted from within by gas. In the baso of tho pillar Is n let ter box, and in tho shaft is a folding stretcher with printed directions for affording first nld to tho Injured. In caso of a street accident, says tho Now York Press, tho stretcher can bo im mediately obtained by breaking a small glass window Just above tho pot ter box, taking out a key which hangs there and unlocking the receptacle. Shark Are Alway Coward. Although sharks are esteemed the greatest terrors of tho ocean they are in reality the greatest cowards of tho finny tribe. The fiercest shark will get out of tho way of a swimmer if thn latter sets up a noisy splashing. A shark fears anything that splashes in tho water. Among tho South Sea Is lands the natives never go bathing alone, but always In parties of half a dozen or so In order that they may make a great hubbub in the water, and thus frighten away the sharks. Onco In a whllo a too venturesome swim mer nmong these natives foolishly de taches himself from his party and for gets to kcop up his splashing. Then thero Is n swish, tho mnn-eator comes up from under him like a flash and ho Is gone. YaclitniHn llwrr' Rnrly Life, Captain C'harlo3 H.ur, tho yachts man, began life as a grocer's clerk, but ho soon dlscovficd that navigation was hla calling and bopim to study to fit himself for a teaman's life. SAAAW condition. It will be a truly cosmo politan Institution, no applicant being barred on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. New York Press. Hwlii Law on Hat. Thero Is in exlstenco an unrepealed law In Switzerland which forbids tho wearing of hats of moro than 18 inches in diameter, artificial flowers nnd for eign feathors, under a heavy penalty. Holiness Is never under tho neces sity ot advertising itself. n x . f . - .HiMMS-TJVSJr TllflW" 1 LLLLLntf" . ..nun ,,. ti-iiniiii aim r-wawartTi'iauM m im nnnmniii rUBaMBar -liKir -MMhKawaiaunrM. bit i - - uaauh. Till BTrdllW il -- iiimh ii ii iMifciJTiTWBiilpKnBalPl TTif i"l 1 " IftHtfi" T "T "r"T'latlTT " LI ij'SUuJiMlMtiiMtXj rc-3 ?XM!V9JGg&? lmi!H3&WMZZZ.--,. . .,.- .ariy..Tir.irwiTcg;r