SORE AMD ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic unless the blood is in poor condition is slugglah, weak and unable to throw off the isons that accumulate in it. The systOi must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger to life would follow should it heal before the blcod has been made pure and kealthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S.heginsthecurcbyfirstcleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from ill'ffl CONSTANT DRAIN Jftetenutter. UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, nd eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the seat of the trouble, b. S. S. docs, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken dowa, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the rich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. n. Talbert, I,ock Dor lii.wlnons, Mlu., Myi : on years igo my leg I torn me knee to the foot wai one solid lore. Several physician! treated me and I made two trips to Hot Hprinjs, but found no relief. I wss Induced to try 8. 8.8 , and It made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well man eer alnce." Af aflfe AW ' the only purely veg L etable blood purifier sk W W known contains no Bm-Bb-B poisonous minerals to AW P ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood la in bad condition, and any ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge for this service. TNI SWIFT WECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. SA. THE CHIEF rniLiaatn ar w. l. momillan. ne rr Itoo Hi month 50 PUBLISHED KVBRY FUIDAT Kutored at tlio past offlro at Hod Cloud. Neb. at oaiid class mall matter. ADVKKT1SINO UATUS: Lural Nilvurllat'iK t renin per line per Ihme Loral AdvcrtMiiK for I'litcrtiiltiinviiti. eon tcrlK, ocIkId, p'x'., kIvi-ii by rlmrrlicH, rlinrlnthle jincli'llus, clt'., wlicro nil nioiic ritln-d there from nre hhmI wholly for rliurrli ur clinrltHhlu sorletlo Hrst ten llurx fret- mnl nil over ten lliiCK'J'i cents per tl no pel Ismim. Local iidvertlNlin: of ontc rtnlumcut. concerts rccllnls, etc., where per cent Is given m pro motors, f cent" per line per Issue. 1IINIM.AV MIVKIITINIVI. One column per month t" Oo Onu half coin niit per inutilh :i fill uue-foiirtli coliiinii per immlh 1 Tr tJouTitl display tulvcrlUliig i By cents per Incli perliiue. STATE CREEK. All is (ui( t on our creek nnil tvn :uu enjoying tilt' lint' winter weather. llc.ilth in ihi'Si' pints N gi'iiiMiilly good. .Mr. (iiuwull lius it siiil; child Imt ir is littler. (toll Sloiio lost u ii ft'tv tints aso. C Dtvis bought it line p.iii' of mules of Al Smivner. Tim Christinas tree tit Andcrsonvilltt wits a suct'eM. Tlio piogtitm was good nnd woll carried out. Tho ordor wn hotter than over boforo nnd tho bojo ac ctHtid of buiug noisy ou similar occa sions dosorvt) credit this limo. Tlio aniiitnt Christmas truo wits held atChitrlt)) Aibiickles this year and was a grand success It wits a lino tree and was woll loaded with valuable progenia. Hitustilf and wifo hud worked hard to niitkti it what n was and tho cost was ' considontblo to ittraugo tho trco nnd ' got up the supper for thiriy-ninn poo-1 nlu Tim siippnr was an olgonnt nfl.tir, ,1 vnni ueicviioiiilciiL must eonteiiil ' that it w is one of in! bust lin has par- . , , , , , . t-tken of ... a long tuna. I L. Kuzii'i'ild of tilt) It & M. hridgu IT'tllliWlS ll'illlll last Wet resting up ilut'iug the holiday. () d U.ii'le V in, VitnDyki! has ice i ni teal , i"r Ih-iImi.iIioiiuIi is suniii iialter at this wiuinu. Mis Win, llitskins' hoalth is improv ing slowly. Wirt Stuveus met with a sovious ac- cidout last week. A hurso ran off with him and ho foil and sprained his ankle. ' M.. If ...... ,..-... .a f.,,,.ial,.l ,l. ,' ... ..... ..-... -- end Mr. Stevens tho wild aniuril and they siai'ieil out with him to exhibit huu Sorivnor and Arbucklo aro really in hopos they will not lot uim got away. Claienco r'itr.gerald from oror nortk was visiting on our crock last woek. (eo. Malodii of York, this state, and founorly of this part, was visiting with jelativcH and friends hero Inst weok. Miss Graco Kellogg of lied Cloud vis it, it Miss Gertrude, Davis last weok. I'he. social of surprisn party given to C'osi s M. Jserivnei' in bis liomu last week wns woll attended and all woat Tt'vay wishing ho would roinombw t hum next Christmas. Win. II. Uosoncraus do'.tl eight ln ait $0.15 avuragn .Til pounds wliiu'i ' in ought him luVJ 00 I OCOASIONAI. ' .1 I llotintsoekurs excursion January mid l-'ebruary VML .1 in 7 and 81, Fob. 4, 1 and 1H, tickets 'vill bo !! iiln to points in Ariz, ma, Arkunsis, Indian Torritnry 1. uiisiiiri, New Mexico, Oklahoma Tor-' ritnry and Texas for mi" fun plus 12. for tint loiiml trip Tickets .imited to Ul ilnys from da.n of mile, ( A, CONtlTKK r or.:iK, IIANSAC. Don't forgot to writ It 11KW. A btiimv now yir to nil. Itt-V. Al llllll"Mlt U ((IVlllg n culll'su til 1 uturosoii obtuiiviitig) ami io suhjnt i" very instructive Vp ir'1 ll'irlllij thn finest of tvon r I r which :i rent help to this pnrt of tin vlnoynitl on account of so tunny ctttln here. It l n wontlnr wlitio so nmnv hoirs OIIMIIi mil. iiogrt Hit) I'Olllillg 1101(4 light it, Ionic l'oople like lo In- u-cil right mill thoy nro ucil t lint, wity In-rc. Oiu'L' iiioro Wotnor hits been treatiil to u fnl.ii dhow ur its billed u til n ?!:;. I eiitfiliiinnifiil itnd it ledum on iIhi-iinlm-y hikI tlid pthonx itnil iih.vIuiii-j l our country. Tlio lecturer go) the door receipts nnil Ilia ptiuplo got sold. Thu Sunday school is well iittoiuli'il lint Ifiiuhtii's inn nil bible stilioliir.i nnd try to miiktt Hid biblti study inlcn-'llnjr A nuw huttt'i' uinktir nt Lew Mourn' Wii hnven't hmird his nit nut yet. You wilt havn to n'k Low its he hits not bent nioiind town much yet, hut will lie hi'itid from Inter on. Tlio croamorT company hold its nn mini meeting on tho first. All now officers wcro elected. Tho creamery Is it grnnd success and overythirg is run ning lino. Ell Williams ns manager bus proved hi instil fa thorough business num. Hryan Giving Away Lodge Secrets. A story is told of a Swedo in Kansas who slayud out lute one night nnd nt breakfast tho noxt morning his good wife Huldah demaadod an explanation. "Whore woro you last nightT" she asked in a before breakfast tone of voice. "Vo httf a special mooting of te lodge, lluldhb, an' Ayo var dar, you bat yur boils " "What did you do at tlio lodge?" "Yust ovuryting for to gootl of to order." , "Lust night you tveie tulkitig in yutir sleep,- ud Von Hiiiil domuihipg ulioitt two cent liuiii. Wliiit did you int'iinV" ' (J ilu vnr uoildor fttltoiN fuiiit. Hut vuf tiilkin' 'limit iiuin' to :isismuuti an' ilit iniik mo hot." "Aiitl j on Mini you wits In. Wliiit did lliul 111(1:111?" "Villi, ii moitiil lift Ajh nit'iiiliL'f an' Imf joii?t m niiifli to day as itny. hotly " "Whim ion rtitiil 'I'll open it,' what did Mm nii'iin?" "Somu ti'llei c.iiilil not Diilr tho door, Ayu tituk. You m'I', dciir vifu, ct is loci till tein " "UiiL-f or iwh'f I lii-itl .od May, 'h'.s it siiow down' Wliat does tliuiiue.tiiY" "lluldiili, Ayo hat no light to ml . ti-ngs luitsiiln ot to ludgu hut Ayu will tul yo dis: I). is ninaiis in lodu litugii MH", '(J nl bli'.ss unit! h init'.' " Discard that liulit siiiuiucr robe and get one nt Htuleis Fall and Winter Rubes. How Are Yonr Kidney f Dr. Itobh' Sptinwus IMllscure nil kldnor Ilia- Bam ptofreo Add. Btorllng Henipd; Co, Chicago or M.Y Stop the Blight T. Jo c-A it,! . Gn t in umu iiiiutj iu av., nuu fruit tl'CCSSPoilcd by the blight". ' ' " You Can always tell them from rcst Th n(Jvcr Aq w(. j, icy iflcrwards but stay small and 1 ickly. It is wnrsn tn sor- n llic-lt , Irikc children. Good health ! t.i the natural right of children. ! But some of them don't get a " . . . . their rights. While the rest ....UL: ,! r.4. !-..,. 'b10" "li hu 3uuuB uuc aiay cm-ill nA wont- Scott's Emulsion can stop '.hat blight. There is no -,.,., ...U.. -..-I, u:u i,l,l reason why such a child should lay small. Scott's Emulsion s a medicine with lots of .Irength in it the kind of trength that makes things row. G ..' r?.- . 1 i Scott s Emulsion makes llildrengrOW, makes them Cat, i . 1 i ., UkCS them Sleep, makes them lay. Give the Weak Child a , fs ,it t- t it 'lanCC. ScOtt S Emulsion Will make it catch with the rest. up This picture represents the Trade Mail; of, Scott's Kinulslon and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free timple. scott & now ni-:, 409 realist., New Voik. 50c and ft. all dmggiMs. Me MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The value of the coffee consumed in the Dulled States lout year waa $I25,7'J8,000. Senator Stewart snys the hardest work he ever did wiih carrying bricks on the farm of a deacon in Ohio. A vigorous war Is being waged in wevernl (Icrninn cities against the trailing dresses of women in the utreets. A Strasburg newspaper reports the discovery at Ncustodt of the bones of n reindeer while digging a cellar four yardu deep. Forty-four years ago the Kansas Kaw river was navigated from Its mouth up ns far as Lawrence. Now railroads do the business. The empriiH of .Inpan, who hns been married HO years nnil has live children, still spends n chilly hour in her gymnasium. She is a skillful horsewdinnn. The emblem of the New York flty History club Is the industrious little beaver, t.vplenl of the stunV' nn cestors, Hiirroiinded by n clrele. This beaver was pnrt. of the ancient nenl of New Amsterdam. James .1. Hill, the rnilrond mag nate, hns o L' n lillinlier nf let tcr- to r pil mil i) V(M' r In-t II" ' Ml t' r ;tl)' to "ill" "ft ' '1 II "IKI ! !l ". I' id r l'nlts ea.'eli 'I ' t I bit I r. mires a replv. Prlnee Kui Wha, the Keeoiul son of the king of Coren, who is a titudent of Koanokc college, Salem, Va., is about 20 years old, and falls in nnt urally with American manners and customs, with which he has expressed himself an very much pleased. lie is a young man of pleasant and agree- nine manners, and has made friends. many BIGGEST GORILLA EVER SEEM. Gcraaaa Mtaacaaa fat Hnii Geta a Pais tram Africa elatr of Carafrona, A great prize has Just been ob tained by the Umlauff museum, in Hamburg. It. is the carcass of tho largest gorilla which has ever been seen, says a London paper. Herr H.I'nsehen.n native of Schwer in, in Ocrnuiny, killed the monster recently In the German colony of Cnineroiin. Some nntives enme to him in grent excitement one day and told him that an immense irorilla vns lurking in the forest near Tsiuiu town, which is n settlement in the Yaunde district. Thereupon the (ter mini, who is n skMlt'd hunter, took his gun mid wen! out to look for the irrcnt ape. He soon caught n glimpse of him between two breaches of a tree, nnd, as the animal peered out from thin lofty li!.ilinr plnee, he fired twice, and struck him inch time in the lower iaw, 't'lli the result that he lost Ids liolil on the tree and eainc ernshlntr down tlii-mit-h the lirnnehcs. He died almost immediately, nnd only then did l!rr I'nsehen realise thnt no mnii before him had ever killed such n lnr 'e gorilla. lis or dered the nci-roc- who accompanied him to skin the iini-nnl. but to take t 'o injure the skeleton. This they did. mid then the gorilla's lleth was eaten by the older neirroes, but not bv the yoiui"er ones, since thev bef it hii"i. !'- tliev is minii'Mi'' t in a irnrllln. "' conic to th ! ' of n c,nt vo ' ' ' . 1 ' - 'e ti'"' -r I:M li ' '" ' ' "!i i '-ok of 1 ' !l siltlll" nos' he wn.s flaccd ni'd hi' strong nerroes. This Id i '-... liho'oar-'iih shows clearly the si.e of the gorilla. On his return to Oennany Herr I'nsehen presented the gorilla to the Utnliiuff miisoum. and there immedi ftt,, 8teps were taken to present' it. Vr"' T'''n' nf r",,1'' nntlirot)olo,'lst, nlso a well-known made exact measurements of it. and ncm-n'lnjr to him both its skull and its bodv are f)f ,.,, s,(i ,,,,,,,;,., ,, says, is 4'. hand is 27. 31. and th" ton is t "" The l'i t e ntleictcrs in Ieii"tli, its is tlil"h is I'.S, Us font is entire height of the skcle eeni (meters. n'V eiini has been of- fercd SO.Oiio narks fur the skeleton, but has i-.-fi -ti t nart with it. r tf . -It-.. d i ' !n i U'lii. if-i lit 1," i I With h i'V r. I" tr ' i w ' St t I I "'e The f.;:ici tatTctn waists a i i balls. thl. nillM p,,plnr garments nuule from this fabric. These nre shown In an ex- tensive variety of designs ranging1 In price from the chenpest to most ex pensive crcntions. Taffeta skirts are worn with these separate waists. Thev are tucked or flounced and uiaih oulte lon proilHC,nf. n .,....iiiMii. ht ,Uh appearonee. One model has three nar row elreuhir llounees trlnimnl with blnek velvet ribbon, which is very rich. Then there arc the fanc, bol eros made to match the skirt anil worn over a blouse of contrasting color. Washington Star. Nnture lit Summer. The rfm(, , lia1lln,hh ,,;, pnntPnt summer leads In nnture. for the closer we get to the bosom of nature the closer we get to real happiness, wherp everything is (loil-made.wlure bings are frehh and owed at I pure. and where we live mid coin, iii ,li,i:v contact with things that nppi al to our finest and truest and highest impulses. Edward Holt, in Ladies' Home Jour nal. , A Tnrily Achmm IcitKinrnt. Wife I iieter knew anyone that was so indisposed to action as you nre. I don't believe you were ever in a hur ry In your life. Husband- You are wrong, madam. Ton seem to forget the time when 1 frojiobed t you. Itlchinoiul Dispatch. Another toinist exclusion to L'tilifor niit. To necniiimiidnte the increasing travel to California, the liutilngtoii Houto tins added to Its seivlce another weekly excursion, in tout 1st ears, per sonally conducted. Tho HuriingionV throuttli cm' service to California Is as f-Hows: Standard sleepers, dnll, OmiiliH, Lincoln, Hastings nnd Uxfoid to San Francisco, connecting nt latter city witb fast train for Los Angolos. Tourist sleopors, personally conducted, every Thursday nnd Satuidny, Oinaba, Lincoln, Fairmont, Hustings und Hold lego lo Sun Fi'iincUco, every Wediies day nnd Thiirailnv, K-insna Cltv, St Joseph. Wymore, Superior nnd Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Denver and Stilt Lake City, passing the grand panorama of thi! itockies by daylight. Ifyou'ic going to California, you will lit) inter ested in our new 40-pnge folder, "Cal ifornia Tours, HlOl-U.." It Is free. J. l'liANCis, General Passenger Agunt. Oimtlin, Nebraska. ' Kxeiirsiou to Floriihi. Tne Hurling ton Uouti is (iigaiilzing a personally conducted excursion to Florida and Cuba, to leiiv Nebraska points, Wed nesday, January 21). The roulo will he via Si. Louis, thence to Jackson ville, Florida, through scenes which have been forever made historic by the dramatic events of the civil war An exceedingly low rale ha bet n made, and members of the excursion have clinic of several attractive, nips after they arrive at Jacksonville. This op portunity of escaping the most unpleas ant portion of a Nebraska winter and enjoying in its stead, the delights of a asnii tropical country will appeal to everyone who has tbt tneney and can spare the time to make an extended pleasure trip. A handsome booklet, giving tletails of the excumion will be ready for distribution about Januaiv Is. Write for a copy J Fkancis, Genernl Passenger Agent, Omaha, NhI. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children Successfully Used lit Motliei (Jrnv. iiuihc in the CU Idten's Hiiii.h in New I Y.ii I;, cure fevei t-hties., leul Mom-icli, i tOii'liiiia disorders, nimv and legiiltu tin bowels mid desirov vtmnis Ovci .lo.'.UO ti'stiiiniiiiais, 1 hi- ni'tii i.tii. At nil druguisis, ',W. Simple fiec Aildl'es-i, Alien s (IiiiMiiI, l.ellt, Net V..)k. Wantkd -Seturiil I'ers ns of elmmeler mnl Kiiml rfni'Hlloii In e.i Ii siutc ni) In till- eniiuir roinilreli tn renri'seut mnl ailveillse ii'il e-tuli IIkiivii wealthy niisl esi li'iuse I villd tin inelul stniHliliK. Nilnrv tlsui wctisly tvltli eXiensos iilililliiiiiil. nil piyiilile In ensli eneli eineilii direct ft Dm lieiiil oIIIivm II(ite mnl eurluu'e liirnlshril, tvliuu iieeesMi'). Ildferein e. I)n elou Keif itil.lresseil stumi'jd enruli)ie I) pi .Maaui;eraii CiiMoa lliillilin. CUIeni,'ii. Sale-iiian wtinti'O sell a ti Kust Honi l'nat, Cniiipnuiiilo mnl halm mils Salart m (Joiumtiiiit --Vim.-VAS ClIKMH'AI. Co., Clevlmnl, O. Stops the Cough and Works ofi the Cold l.iiMitivo Hiiiiiiii'QuiniiiH Tiihiets euro it cold in niii iltty. Nn cute, tin piy iMt. The 5 Hour Dag Which the working man has fought for and succeeded in obtaining is something the wife has no share in. Her day be gins before his and cads long after it, as a rule, and many a night her rest is broken by the baby's fretfulnesB. The healthiest woman must wear out under such a strain. What can be expected then of those women who are weaken ed by woman ly diseases? Women SJL - Wliu ... i. urc z - w e a k , w o r u -out and run-down will find new life nnd new btrcngth in the use ol J)r. Tierce's l-avonte Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, nnd cures J female weakness. It makes dm 11 iflill m'ak women strong nnd Cjf 7 sick women well. if I Sick people nre invited to j J consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, 0 free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "I mi Acred with female weakness about eight year. tried several doctor but derived no bene it until 1 began using Dr. Plerce'a Favorite Pre scrtptlon," wrilea Mrs. John Green, of Danville, Doyle Co., Ky. "This medicine was recom mended to me by other patients. I have takea six bottles and I feel like another person.' The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription," is only seeking to make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. His profit is your loss. Refuse all sttb ititutes. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should lie used witb " Fnvorite Prescription " when ever a laxative is required. LOWNEY'S AND CHASE'S, BOX GOODS. ,H n-lli.ti-mnl Nn1 " P fnuii fiOc ti. M.OO n 1 bi' illoinc made candy at 15c i per pound. The BON TON. V. S BENSI?, Pn p. M r ?-5J u'WI i(f Hi WB HAVE ih (1 ft ft ft TO ft t Come and an Going to tb Everything at Cost t Until we move. & . & Now is your chance t to load up on 1 Clothing, ft ft I Shoes, Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Shirts, Ll$Stiltfrmf:imfrifrmt.fimf.t.llf.e. Hi I Galusha, Weseott & Storey rlkY v-.i CLOSING OUT SALE! I will eliisc out, all the balance of my goods at a very low price. I Imvo h number of tilings that will mnku nice Christum pn-sents, sue as Handkerchiefs, Fascinators, Hoods, Nica Black Dress Goods, White Goods, Embroideries, Black and White Veilings, Silk and other Laces, Combs, Yarns, Umbrellas, Shawls, Pocket Books, Etc. Call nnd see my lino before going sNewhcre. Mrs. F. Newhouse. T tttttttfrtt1.t.t.t.t.fr1.f.(f.f.ltt& ARE YOU DEAF? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AYS: Daltimohk, Mil., March 30, laoi, Ctnlltmni Being entirely cured of dendie... thanks to your treatment, I wilt now (rive you a full history of my case, lo be used at jour ilicretiou. About five years ago mv rif;ht car began to sing, and this kept on netting worse, until I tost my hearing In tills ear entirely I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without nnyMiccess, consulted a num ber of iliyirians, among others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that only nn oeriition could help me, and even that only temporarily, that t!it head noises would then ceae, but the hearing In the affected ear would he tot fnrecr. I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in n New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had ued it only a few day according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to da v. after five wceki, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored, I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. V A. WURMAN, 730 S, nroadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment docs not interfere with iour imual occupation. ,v,icae,fc,a YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME atnoH,?.,Bal INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. PLATT & Chicago - Lumber - Vard. REU OLOUD, NEBKA8KA. Lumber, Lime, HV m MOVE ! 1 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m (? m m (t (t m m ( m Help Us. Sell Etc. m ?f ANY HEAD NOISES? FREES CO., Coal and Cement. tit tit tit til tit a ti tat tb tit tit tii tit tii ti a tii tit tit tit tit It tat 3 .w