The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 03, 1902, Image 1

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The old year is gone, the new year is here. We wish
you well as the years change. We greet all our
friends with good wishes and great bargains. We
are ready to add quality of goods to our pleasant
words and make you happy through substantial sav
ings and increased beneots in buying.
Ours is an Interesting
Store These
Mid-Winter Days !
Yet it's hardly to be wondered at when one considers ,
the low prices, the splendid January values. It's our
way to send the January sales along to make it a .;
busy month, and then ''It's house cleaning' time," as
well; just before we take our invoice the season
when we right the stocks when surplus lines are
quickly cleared. All these combine to make the
month's selling one of unusual interest to fill each
day full of plumpest values.
Ladies Gapes, Jackets & Goats
... ,
at 50c on the Dollar.
Buy a Cape, acket or Coat at one-half the regular price.
Wejare not going to invoice these waists. We'll sell
them at a price.
$6.oo'waists at $3.00.
$4.00 waists at $2.00.
Our - January - Prices !
On Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Shoes, Notions,
Carpets, Rugs, Furniture--in fact the price on every
article in our large store will bean agreeable surprise
to you during this month.
ill City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any, part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
.. PPUONP NO. 62.
Lion Coffee
is 16 ounces of pure
coffee to the pound.
Coated Coffees are
only about 14 ounces
of coffee and two
ounces of eggs,
IUi;, LIU, Ul lllf g f
value to you, butJVjf,
money in the pocke
' of the roaster.
From the Kaiitna Mall niul llriezc.
On u certain coniim'iifeiiiontoucusiuu
nt a college.) lie i.f the gi.. dilates of
tlio siilii'Hi wa a youth whoo theme
was thu "Nobility of Lab.11." Tim
young fellow, null the asMstaneu of
several books ami published volumes
of essays, hud gotten up uspuech which
wus coneeeded by ni'tirly every body to
bu 11 cracker jack. The boy's father,
whoowncd n 400 tu-iu farm and who
hiul pin in about 1? hours a day whiter
and summer for tint lata 40 years in tlio
humpingest kind ol soil, had takun u
couplu of days off and g mu to t..o com-
inonccmont to hum his boy unite. Thu
old man was niighli.y pleaded with tlio
general stylu ;aud niriment of that
oration, because ho win not inncli up
on oollegu orations and l.ibur.d undur
tho impression that the j-uing fil u.vs
who spoke mean l whut limy said.
"Aha," bu said to himself as liu rubbed
his palms together with a feeling of in
ward satisfaction. "So this education
business hasn't spoilt thu boy, after all.
He is jist red hut to get back to work
on thu farm. I kin see that from that
The next day the boy went home with
his parent, hut instead of getting up at
4 o'clock in thu morning u ml bringing
in thu plow horses, as liiu old mm ex
peeled, thu boy lay a bud until 8 o'clock
and then loafud around in his store
clothes all day. The next morning In;
struck thu old man for enough money
to pay his expenses to a ball game that
was to come oil' in a town about lily
miles n'.vuy.
When a week had passed away and
thu boy showed no signs ;of gulling
down to business, his ancestor called
him into a private council and remark
ed, "My sop, you may have meant that
oration of yours about thu nobility of
labor and thu neessity for toil as a joke,
but your ancestor is not that kind of a
humorist and unless you gel on a pair
of overalls nud get a move ou your
self tomorrow morning early, yen will
find that the appropriation for grub,
so far as you arc concerned, is exhaust
Moral Generally spunking, the man
who talks most about thu nobility of
labor is most willing to let somebody
else do the work.
pa"' of the crowd. A Iran, dyspeptic
man got up from his seat and started
for tho door. As ho glanced back at a
bahlhcaded firmer who sat next to him
he said that it seemed to him if his feet
smnlled that way hu would either take
a bath or call in it physician. This re
mark was heardby the haldhradcdman
who immediately started to organln a
rough houHU. Avomnn in plain clothes
who was setting next to n well dress
ed female, remarked in a whisper that
nnuld be herd for three scats awny Unit
if soiiio peoplo slio knew spend more
time taking a hath and loss time putting
on expensive togs thov might not look
so 1 loh, hut they would smell a lot bet
ter. In 10 minutes that cheese had done
its perfect work, four lights wore
started in different parts of tlio house
and all of the audience who weren't
.nixed up in the scrap or jowcring at
oaeh other, left tlio hall.
Then the small mild mannered man
mulled softly as he rubbed his chin:
"A little of the right thing will go a
long way."
is a day of lest forsomu
During the heat of a political cam
paign u great "rally" was to bu held at
a certain town. Tho opposition feared
that unloss something could bo done to
break up that meeting it good
bye John with them at election. Pit na
wero discusssd and rejected. Due large
and husky man with a neck on him like
a Texas bull who was noted as a scrap
per,,wauted to organize a gang who
would raid thu meeting and kunk
dowu and drag out until it was broktft
up. Another proposed to turn loose a
few steam engines near the hall in
which the meeting was to be held, so
that there would be so much noiso that
the speakers could not bu heard. When
ererybody else hud hud their say a
small mail arose and said: "All iheiu
uluns are futile. Tnuy will do fur moru
harm ihuu good. They will create it
prejudice against us ami injuru our
cause. Turn this thing over to 1110 and
if that meeting does nut prove to bu a
failure I will agree to dine on my sum
liter hat." The crowd pressed thu mini
tov bis plan but hu refused to give it a
way. Finally, as they could not agree
on anything else it wad proposed to let
thu small, mild mannered mau try his
When tho meeting of tho opposition
was called to order the bull was crowd
ed to thu limit und enthusiasm was im
mense. Then the small man slid quiet
ly into the very center of that assembly
aud unnoticed slipped small portions of
limburger cheese into the pockets of
several men. TUen he slipped out uutl
waited. It tooK that cheesu a little
whilu to gut fully into thu spit it of thu
occasion and then trouble commenced.
I Thu room wus crowded and warm,
Two largo fat inon wera standing close
together. When thu cheesu got down
to bii'iuess one of them looked at the
'other with suspicion plainly marked 011
1 his counteuuucu and thu other, who
. was in a linos.veut, returned the gimme
ami tlm'i tried to get away into another
N. 11. (Joplain cum1 down from Lin
coln for a (Jhi''mn visit.
It. S. Pruinili f Douvi r is visiting in
thu city.
Tho dance at AlooreV hotel Christ
mas eve was well attended.
Jess Garrison Jwcnt to Alma the front
end of the week on a visit.
Win. Km lin vifilcd with his old
friend, 1. 1) Colvlu, Christmas.
(iraiid-pnpa Munson was up from
Hardy Christmas.
Charles Htishee's father and mother
arrived from Kearney Thursday.
K. B. Christie and family left Monday
for n few days visit with friends in the
eastern part of tin tate.
(J. U. Atighinb.iugh wiiu-uutfefi-on
the sick list is now improving.
Andy Guy left Saturday for Furnas
county, this stale, ou business.
Miss 1'eatl ll.iguu returned to bur
school in the luith pari of the county
Mouday. "
Kuss llubbaid visited with his aunt,
Mn. Barcus, during thu holidays.
Quite a little wheat is being market
od in is week.
Mils Florence Guy returned from a
visit to Blue Hill this week.
Mrs. W. Ii. Barcus who had quilo a
severe attack of sickdess Suiuiday, is
better at present.
Tlieie seems to Bee quite a stir in tie
Utilising m school district at present
Thu logcubiu in tbd Methodist church
wus quite a curiosity to thu children
It. S. Proud 111 says that Guide Hock
is good enough for him.
The Montgomery Milling company
can't keep icon enough to supply the
James Steuley of Burr Oak is still as
sisting I. W. Crary with his holiday
Frank Cobbs hud charge of the dray
liuu duiiug It vin Christie's nbsoueo.
Henry Hubbard aud family were in
the oily Tuesday visiting with V. 11.
liarcus aud family.
11. Hunter made a business trip to
lied Cloud Monday.
Sulk Kill of Washington county, Kan
sas, was transacting business in the
etiy thu frout end ot the week.
Uncle Billy Sabiu siys LMivetis too
fur from Guidu Rock to suit him.
Mr. Storer, a brick contractor of Net
noil, was looking after business mat
ters here thu first of tho week.
Andrew Guy ami family returned
Monday night from a two months visit
in Illinois,
No man is so distinguished that litnti
Will wait for him.
A pretty wo-n-m Is conscious thai
every man in U10 1 until is looking nt
Thu chi.ese manufacturers of the east
have Mguid an agreement to form a
trust. It ought 10 no binding.
When a wife guir mi jealous of her
hush nil thai he d'n-n't. dare pick up
1 hairpin 011 thu sidewalk, something
is wrong with her.
If you must liav- f iinily broils kt p
them in the kitchen where they belong.
Whon you see a girl's picture adorn
Ing n iiow'citlnndar you may rest as
sured she is up to date.
You don't have to belong to a secict
society lu order to gel the grip.
Nine love casus out of ten are traced
to a disordered liver.
We naturally suppose that when two
deaf mutes are married they are un
speakably happy.
You make a mistake when you try to
d xlge 11 bicycle. Stand still and siu
tie wlieol go round.
What you duin' neighbor! Helping
bill, vviiat's inn (loin? Helping Man.
dy. What's Mainly doln'? Ilelpijg
mother. Whin's mother doin'r Tak
ing Hocky .Mountain JVa. Sensible
family. C, h, Colt lug.
'Farmer' Institute.
A farmers institute will be hold at
Cowles on January 17th und 18th. Fol
lowing is tho program:
Fiuday, January 17.
1:30 p.m. Purpose of institute. K. T.
Butter Making on tho Farm. U. P,
Ashburn. -
Qui st ion Box.
7:30 Local Paper.
Beatilifyiug Farm Houses. L. D.
Stereopticon Lecture -on tho Neb
raska School of Agriculture. K. V.
Satuuday, Januakt 18.
10:00 a.m. The Wheat Crop as a
AConoy Maker. Local.
1:110 p.m. Growing Pork in Nebras-
kn.-O. Hull.
2:45 p.m. Conserving Moisture is
our Soils. L. D. Stilson.
General Discussion.
C. E. Putnam, Secretary.
In addition to tho above as published
last week Mr. Edward MuBrido will
nreseut 00 Saturday n paper on "The
Dairy Interests of Webster Countv."
The subject "Whcatnsh Money Maker"
will be presenteit by Ij. u. lloren. A. 11.
Sprachur, H. B. Thompson and others.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of tho country than all other diseases
put together, and until tho Inst few
years was supposed to bo incurable.
For a grout many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by con
stantly tailing to euro with local treat
ment pronounced it incurable. Science
has proven catarrh to bo a constitu
tional disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hull's Cat
arrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho
only constitutional euro on tho market.
It is taken internally in doses from to
drops to a toaspoonful. It acts direct
ly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces ot
the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to euro.
Send for circulars nnd testimonials.
Address F. J. Cur.NKY & Co., Toledo,
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hulls Family Pills urn tho best,
Driving Out the Enemy.
These am thu days of colds, sharp,
aud suddon, attacking throat and lungs
ami lending to consequences one does
not like to think about. Avoid further
exposure and tight thu enemy of boaltb
and comfort with Perry Davis Pain
killer and family stand-by for sixiy
years, li conquer, a uol.t in a day.
Sou that you gut thu right article
There Is but one Painkiller. Perry
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