ijc1 Wu6-iM7i.ST?3AIMfc.AJJL- MWiiiii i a .1 ' 1 mm ittewaacisieaiaw a t y A I M ! ) n Rn DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? , Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news. papers Is sure to know of the wonderful cures mado by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the nreat kidney, liver and bladder remedy, c ii 13 mc great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century: dis covered after years of ai U P& L 'm ii P 'fa scientific research by ' tulna as tli host of n number of for Dr. Kilmer, tho eml- .,t.i ...iiltnrv tiltlncra. hnvlnjf bt'tm ffS,r.Kl wonderfully successful In promptly curing ''T' ,,c T , .. fort vl.l lame back, kidney, bladder; uric acid trou- t"B,r 'urJ' taste and con fort wiille bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst in cn'P l"'! " tl,lH sl(1V t)f tho,rt',lt form of kidney trouble. pond, relntea the Uutrolt I-ree Press. Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root Is not rcc- IIU order wore to spare no e-ommendedforeverylhlngbutlfyouhaVekld- nemo, nnd nnwiitf the "luxuries" ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found taken ulonir wns a French chef x 1 tit Just the remedy you need. It has been tested i .n, ,, ,,rce. He was secured insomanyways, In hospital work, In private f , , ,,nInuu ,IJte, , ,.. practice, amonp the helpletoo poor to pur- i " i. iw.. cin-t-lruu was I.Ih chase relief and has proved jo successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In this paper and fAIT-i send your address to tfJaWKEfCiHiEEEk; Dr. fllmrr Tr Pn niiif CyBsIlT MTmftTa hamton, N. Y. The 'SSBamgjgjgg regular fifty cent and ttomeo' rtmi-noot. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggist. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you haven't rurular, healthy nioTemfnt of th bowels ery day, you're III or will be. Keep your jmwc sopsn'aftilWwa 1. Fojce.ln the ehapaof lo- HiitpoTaia by orplll polioiitti tUnjccraui. Tho 111100111' ...!.. ...r.i imv nf ke nlfiir thu bowlJ ftt. eaalett clearance len u 10 UUi CANDY tt CATHARTIC EAT EM LIKE CANDY rieaeant, raiatanie, rowni, iiboou, i'ouuuu, Haver Sicken, Weaken, or Clrlp, 10, U. and M cents tlile. Potent, Tai take n. or Urlp. trr bos. write ..Itli. AlliIre.B for free sample. and booklet on BTSBU8U KKMDT I0rit, CIIIIIVO or W TORK. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN tlohor n Quality than mosl 10 Cigars LEVIS' SINGLE BINDER straight5cicar CMpare tkem with other Clatrs ami yM flac) good rMtont for their cotttag Um dealer wore than other brands rRANK R LEWIS, PIORU.IU. OHIOINATOR TIN FOIL SMOKER PACKAGE n Vrnrmr r Ik I i . I (. .1 Ii I ' I. -l lioir t, K"i-- 11' 1 M lu, . I oruir r v :!r t T Hi Han 1 m mnVcipoorlookln,- l.nr- m-aj Hie msv. Mmla if pure, lifyy bodlrtl oil, n- prclallv prepared to Willi- umd tho Mi'attirr. Sold evfrywhero In cam all ilzcu. Mali l) STANDARD OIL CO. Don't Be Fooledi Take th cn orlgtaal ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Mad only by Madlton M dl cln Co.. Madlton, Wli, It Kcepa you well. Our trad mark cut on each packag. Price, .is cents. Never eold In bulk. Accept no eabttl tute. Atk your druggUt. J U. FULTON, ' UlVKUTUN, NK1IRASKA. .AUCTIONEEll. TERMS REASONABLE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR The 5 Minute Breakfast food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKKS , "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St.U-lt, M. ' L-Uqrag" . KkiiMycura. j &$& i Diseases, uaca he, etc At or sta. or by mi X TT TT ,i ' " " VI. r TOO uuvatw vtm,.,ot r..J.:-yiSaraKa,lSf.T. I. PreebooK1aa yji& C.ssIaW- 'V. jO-afa,'asr 4uAiMJullUi 1 TojsjojjP J.TK I hstSs-. tM tf -ragalata. t -Ik- IV..T- X 1m lllinaaisM aisaiM .r -. .. -,.-.-...J 1 USELESS ACQUISITION French Chtf Who Was Out of Place with Buffalo BUI. 1. Man of Manr Meads loo Cun 1o B Regarded n Hspeaalv Ls.rr In the Weatera Wltdji. Some years ago, when Col. Cody started on n tour of the Rocky moun- "!v.:r.'r J "'::! niltlie; UUl lor me unifr irnn, nun hik frcnerntia price pnltl to him, "00 plunks ft week," cowboy ald the chef contented to be called "Oaa" for short. He had the selection of the entitled frooda to be carried aloiifr, nnd turtle oup, of the very beat, M. Oaa or dered, and It look an tra wagon to nold them. The chef wns radlnnt In a Miow-whltr Milt ami cap, and pre sented the nppearnnee the flrHt nijjht In camp of n K'h't. nnd wan regarded with nuperutitioiiB HiiNpiulon by the cowboys and others of that Ilk. "On" aet In to show the wild weat ernera a thing or two In the cullnnrj art by his first camp dinner. He had A patent cooking stove, the wide world for a kitchen with heafen for roof, while china, fne linen nnd wines were right nt hand. Six o'clock wat the dinner hour that first nlgfit at the base of the San Francisco mountain, nnd Oaa was lit raptures over his dinner. HuiTnlo Hill, the host, looked serious, the, guests more ko. Such a dinner they could get In any club in n city, but they did not any so, If thy did keep up a devil of a thinking. It was not what Col. Cody liked, but it waa what he thought ha ought to have for his dis tinguished guesU. The latter stood it for two days and then went on a strike. "I any, Cody." ventured Sir St. John Ml hi may, major of the Qruundier Guards, "do you call this wild west ern camp fare anil cooking? Von hoc, we are all liulf dend with dyxpepain . ... .-!, i i... now, and thought we would get some good, wholesome food on this thousand-mile trip in the saddle with you." The others Joined in the chorus to the Mime elTrct, while monsieur, the chef, looked lib solemn iih n country p:ir.son' home. Ah for Col. Cody, he lienmeil with delight, sn'd that Itoeky mountain trails ami table dliote din ners didn't mix well, and (las wns at once glcn lenc to go along, ns lie couldn't be sent hitch, ns an orna ment, a libelees acquisition, and two! scouts were installed ns cooks. And with the chef, the en lined goods, ehinn, fine linen nnd the stove were M'lileil up in the wagon, and tin plates mill cups were brought forth. And Mich cooking a. these scouts did could not be improved upon, while Col. Cody showed that he was a first class cook himself. Me could throw n llapjack from u frying pan Into the air lft feet, turn it ner nnd hne It conic down on the other side, never once making a miss and falling into the lire. The guests tried to learn this trick, but It wax found too ex peiisivu, us thi never missed the fire, but always the frying pan. M. l.ouU Pierre Oasoirgue could not lip pret vnileil upon to taste any of the fron tier cooking, but stuck to his soups and plum puddings, while he loolced an though he hnd buried hia best friend. He sought excitement in' rid ing a broncho, nnd wns thrown daily. He took to a wagon and was upset, after which he walked, dropped he hind, nnd wns scared nearly to death by the Indians. One day he stood looking up disconsolately at the sun and said in a funereal tone: "I)t sn do shine for nil pernio, but it do not just seem to shine for me." ' When the long trail ended at Salt Lake City the Trench chef wna the only one of the purtj who had Indi gestion, and he drowned his sorrows by getting gloriously drunk, hence was happy for the time being. Hut Col, Cody braced him up and returni'd him to Denver, having paid well for "luxury," not to be taken on a ltocky mountain trail, Invention to liar Intruders, Nervous trneleri who dread sleep ing in unknown Iuiiipi-m will welcome the so-called "vigilant dragon," which is not unlike n amull bran's shelled tortoise. It la, in fnet, a lonie-irnnir tnblr bell, with milked leg" and with u i-plked dragon's head, When a bedroom door U elo.sed the spikes nre placed in the lloor and against the door, and then the drngon'a tall just touches the floor. Tills tall is connected with the bell clapper, so that if anyone endeavors to open the door from the outside nn obstacle is met with, and the alarm is given. When the anxious watche of the night are over the "vigilant dragon" becomes a reposeful ball for the writing table. London Kaprasa. Blaat-Farnarr Caia-Motora. In western Europe, and particular. ly in Germany, the employment of a ..iin,!.... ... ., i.i.. . : r: .u v:,;;::.r;:" .: ::i v z: the use of these gases, which ia not ao common in England or tke United Statca, effect a considerable saving ,n tne cost or luunuiiit;. - thua driven are employed principally in the cost of founding .. . for actuating air compraaaor. and lectrlc generators. iSclene. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. The New Zealand government Us trnlsing the wnges of Its railway em ployes to the extent of $100,000. I What Is said to be th- flrt factory or the mnuiifactiire of oxalic acid la being built near Cheboygan, Mlclr". In the year 020 the mulberry ttee vv--s first cultivated in Greece and the Levant for thu benefit of the silk worms. The nest of the wasp sliowa a d irrce of eiitrlneerltig skill nnd ndapt tlon of means to end which rlvnl th nme tnlents of the bee. I'xports of steel rails for the first eight months of 11)01, though less by 0,01ft tons than in 1000, wns 00,211 tons greater than for the period in 1H0J). Irrigation has converted thu Sciuth American desert valleys nenr the city of Mcndozn into some of tin; most productive vineyards in the world. The broom must gol A French hygienic Journal states that In Tunis, aPfr the mortality from tuberculosis In ll.n per 1,000 among the Arabs, and only 0.7,". pur 1,000 among the Jews, who lead pretty much the anme life as the Arabs, except that they dally clean all their furniture with moist cloths, and never stir up the germlnfected dtiat with brooms. The skunk first appears In history in the yenr lf3G, when he was de scribed hi Thendat's History of Can ada, He had been a long time on the earth before that time, however, for there are species of fossil skunks. The skunks of the genus Chlnen range over the greater part of North Amer ica and ns far south a Mexico. Oth er skunks are found In Central and South America. PRAYERS FOR A STIPEND. rranak Abb Wbn Has Mad a Tewa ..' FtosperoM by Rot! Tr. There la a small village in the de partment of the Sarthe, in France, that has arisen from poverty to af fluence by means of prayer furnished on demand for a consideration. The cure of the village, a eerlnln Abbe ISuguct, wns ns poor ns his llovk. Hut he wns not content to stny that waj and, being a man of Imagination, he tnnknil nriiuiiit for oiiih iiiimiiik IiV which he could better the condition ,.r l.l.. ,...,, .,!.. .,,) t.,l.l..,,iH,- i.r .,,, , II, a lirVI'll 1,1111 1.1 till , 1' 1,1 ... IIIS W1..I.I He finally hit upon an Itlnn, mi.vs a l.on don exeh.inije. He letirut'd to mm type, bought a seeouilliaud ha.ul pre." nnd set up. printed and pubitslied a leutlet in which lie discoursed upon the efll cae, of prayer. Then he made u bii-1-iicmi proposition to li is Hock. lie would pray for them, for their children ai.d for their dead for nil annual sub.scrip tion of one sou. In other word, he would take charge of nllMheir prayers for one sou a year. The idea appealed to hN parishioners and all of them subscribed. Willi the little sums thus acquired he printed more lenflets and retributed them throughout the ue ghboring country nnd every lenflet n'cimd to bring In n new subscriber. To-day he ha many thousands of MiliM'rlbera who llvf in nil parts of the world, and Moiitligeiin. which wa once i'ttle more tiiaii a tollection of hovels. K a prosperous town. It hns a church I lint is a ea heilrnl. It has wtde streets I'ghtid b e'eetrie lights, a post of liet', waterworks and cab service. And in the center of the town Is a large white building where Abbe Ituguet, with eight almoners. I.' interpreter!,, 20 secretaries and a croud of clerks, jiroceeds with hi work of supplying prayers. More than 1,500 letter conic each day, each (if them containing at leaBt the re(iilrud sou. and most of them having a much larger sum. A part of these letters nsU for prayers and these are divided among vnrioiis needy priests in the neighborhood, who thus are able to add considerable to their meager Income. All the vol untary offerings go Into the general treasury unit are used for the benefit of the town and the valley in which it is situated. The mayor of t he town is the cashier and the principal coun cilors are the secretaries or chief ac countants and Abbe Iluguet is man ager of all. It is the moat profitable prayer factory In the world. Hit by the Heooll. Lawyer (examining accused pick pocket, testifying' lu hit, own behalf) You deny this speeinl charge, and yet admit that you have committed similar offenses. Perhaps you'll be good enough to tell the court just how long you've been in this busi ness? Pickpocket (nonchalantly) Oh, not more than two or three months. Lawyer Only two or three months, eh? How do you expeet the court to believe that stuteinent In view of the fact that it has had police testimony to the effect ihat you nre an expert? Pickpocket (smilingly) Oh, well, you must remember that I had the benefit of a, tliree years' previous practice in your profession. Rich- monu uispatcn B-lldlBST 1st Stockholm, Svraslaa. Only two-thirds of the area of the lot can be covered in Stockholm, Sweden, except on street corners, where three-fourths la allowed. The remainder of the lot must be reserved for courts, for light and ventilation. All chimney tines m nt, t be 13 or 15 inches and must b swept one a month from October to April by of- , flclal chimney sweepers. Chlaago In ter Ocean. I TTT I Teshe aTvaThe cati't i -- one says tne can t nnder- . pp' m . Jess She dnea, eh? "Yea; I guess it'a beuause ke never -aid anything flattering to her." ; " I "More iiKeiy ie did say something flattering and she'a trying to make ,,,. eeve he WMB rnMt( Philadelphia Press. wL2 EH stomach, constipation, nholivcr and kidney troubles, nnd to ovorcomo effects of La-Grippo and St'liiNO lassi tude, it is an,cxcollcnt Iservo Tonic. Send for free sample and a frco illustrated 110 page book of receipts etc.. and send your symptoms and wo will give you frco advice. If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Renovator dont tako any substitute they may say Is "Just as good," for it has no equal: but send direct to us nnd wo wll send It by return mail prepaid. Prico Mcts., nnd 81.00 or six for $5.00. lAlso Dr. Kay's Lnng Balm mi "vu,,i ","4 "v., i'udiuku ih-uijuiu. WgE Use Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to bo shaken Into tho shoes. Your feet fuel swonleu, nervous and hot, and get tired onsily. If you havo smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tho feet nnd makes walking nnsy. Cures swoolon, sweating feet, ingrowing nntls, blisters nnd cnllotM spots. Relieves corns and bunions of nil pain nnd gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by nil druggists and shoe stores forSGc. Trial package frco. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Lo Hoy, N. Y. I i Homcseekeis special excursion. Ilomesoskcr's special excursions on tirst nnd third Tuesdays of November nnd December 1001 Tickets will bo on sale nt one fare plus two dollars for the round trip nnd return limit SI days f i oin dale of sale to several different points in Manitoba, Mlnnesotn, North Dakota, Sou u D.iKotn, Wisconsin nnd Nmth Michigan, A. Coi.OVElt, Agent. . m - Chronic Constipation Cured. . The most imnortnnt discovery of 1 1 recent years is the positive remedy fnr rnnQtinntinn PncMrols CnnAv . i 0 .... n ' - r constipation. tascarets candy I .nthnrtir. I.iirn mi!iMntoi(l fipnn. a inc tablets stamped C. C. C. Never - w -- .w. vw.w kuMlull.hMUl w..m sold in bulk. Druggists, ioc. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I,. Hill of Lebanon. Incl. says: 'My wife liiul liilliuiuiiHlory rlienniftllnii In every unifcle nail Joint; tiursiuioiliiif whs terrible hiuI tier body nail face were hwuuIcii iilniost beyond recognition; had been In beil for lx weeks and hml eight physicians, tint received no benefit until she tried the Mystic cure fur Itheumntlsni. It gave lianiedlalu relief nnd she was able in waU about In three d. Iain Mire it saved her life." sold bv II. K. Orlee. Druggist, lied t;loiid, Nub. i Rheumatism Cured in a Day MvMlcCnrc for rheumatism anl neuralgia readily cures In f iom,one to Ihrve days. Its m lion upon the system Is rcmamihlu nnd mys terious. It removes nt once the caue anil the disease Immediately illa)i'enrs. Tho HrM dose, urcatlvtieiiellts. 5cenls. hold by II, I'., (irlee. lied Cloud Nub. Farm for Sale Half section, live miles from K"d Clnuil, I'uiM land, iii-t.clius improve, mi-tils. V lialgaili if sold soon. Ad- tiefS .1 W. WAI.I.IN. Kl Cloud. Net) Wantku hi'vuml pi-rmiiH of rlmrarler mull Inn In 1'iich Ktnto (niif III this cninilV rooi! rcptitiitloii I rciitilrcd) n rctirchfiit nun nnvcrtisp oin cnn; . Ilhlit'il wealthy Inihtncasliniiscut ollil llnnncliil ki mlliiK. I'nlnrvflH tvickly with cxiiciii-cskiI IIiIuiiiiI. nil inHlile In cnhti "-nrli V eilnrxlny I illrcct from lii'nd utllt'eK. Iloro mill rarrlHKe furiiMiril wlii-n necevmrr. Kclfrenri'H r.n clone self-iidil'OMMl Htninp il onvulopo. Dct, .Miningvr XXI Ciixtiiu Hull illn ig C'hlcauu To Cure a Cold In One Day Take hnxativt Hronio Qtiininti Tiildi All druggist- refund tho money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grnvo'8 signature 18 on each box. 25c. t BdacataToor Bowels With Case-rats. l.Jal lUilaa - A aiAMfltllilirlAli AtMiS tOclBo. If o. o.O. tail, drugglsu refund moaay. HE FEARED HE HAD LOST "When Wu Ting Fang, the famous Chin, eee Minister to Washington, irritable and somewhat forgetful from a severe cold, missed one day from tbe front or. ms cap ma immense diamond he always wears there, ha was dreadfully frightened. A friend pointed out that tho statesman had inad vertcntly donned his turban wrong side beforo, ami that the diamond was safe in the rear. Hud Wu Ting Fang been wear, ing a Benson's Porous Planter on hia chest or back to euro hia cold, he never would have doubted its location. He would have felt it doing ita work, wanning and inak. ing flexible the torpid muscles, extracting the pain and soreness, promoting the free circulation of the blood, stimulation the akin and lungs to proper action, and so ditsohing and banishing tho malady. Thus wo perceive,, beloved friends, that THE BIQ DIAMOND ON HIS HAT while a pretty thing to look upon, was of no practical use. But Benson's Plasters are supremoly useful. They relieve and enre gout, rheumatism, nourolgla, colds on tho chest, lame back, etc, so quickly and completely as to roako you wonder how it can be. Better now, well to-morrow $ that's the way thoy work. Oet tin genu ine. All druggists, or we will prepay post age on any number ordered in the United States on receipt of 25c. each. Seabury As Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS If otlce Is hereby given that the undersigned on theUlth day of March. 190f purchased of the county treasurer of Webster county. Nebraska, at private sale the following- described lots sold fordollnquenitaxes for the year; 1888 to 1898 and situated In Ited Cloud, lo wit: Lots 13 end 14 In blocks, in Kaley & Jackson's addition tithe city of Ited Cloud. Webster county, Nebraska, taxed In ths name pf I.ucy IS. burner. ii.n ima Mi unit t lii black . lu Kalrv A Tinbuin'i aildltlon to the City Of II nl Cloud. Webster county, Nebraska, purchased at pr vato sale on sasse uste as buotb imrtuaia iuiuchu ouent taxes for the years 1803 to 1890 and taxed ft. HianiMflll l II. YalMf. The above named persons and all others who flatrn an Interest In .any of the land will lake notice that (he time of redemption of said land from said tax sale will expire on theiuth day of March, ltuz.atierwnicn t may appiy mramx deed for all of the above land that It not re deemed. Mn. Sadie Tomlinion. Dated Ibis 83th day of November, 1W1 REV. L. L. CARPENTER, Wabash, Ind., U President Of tho Bethany Assembly nt Brooklyn, Ind. Ho Is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about C00 churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great plcasuro to glvo my testimony as to tho efllclency of Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm Is tho very best cough, cold nnd throat remedy that I over used. I have also rccolvcd great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for years been greatly aflllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced relief almost from tho first. "Wohnvono words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo rccolvcd as tho result of usclng theso remedies. I tako groat plcasuro in commending them to tho Buffering." L. L. CAHi'KNTnn, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is n perfect renovator of tho whole system. It to tho very bc9t remedy If tin 11 n trv to rrt m r Ii 4 11 11 si a frwilrvrtaflrvti tlltritrMnln um1 -. Attn jju. is. ,i. iiAY AiEDiUAli Co., Saratoga ggWpWFWIrlrlr Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cough, la grippe, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never deranges tho stomach. AtDruajrlats, io&s&c. f vwrw www w w wv www New Barber 1 Shop. BARKLEY & SCHAFFN1T. Proprietors. Bnsement Potter-Wright Building I Seissors Ground,1 Razors Jloned, ASD ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS SHARPENED J All kinds of barber work executed J promptly and satisfaction J guaranteed. GIVE US - A - CALL. CONSTIPATION tho frequent cauee of Arpenilloltla nnd ninny othnr ner. loua Ills iibould narcr lx n wlul. 1 ho objection to thi unual cathartlo remedies la their cokIIto nartton which Inrrriuoa ronVIUon lnKouioicunnirit. 1'AllKKllB (UMn.lt TONIC la the dtoixt remuUr. It acta on the I.lrcr, and when uml aa Qlrvctcd, ix'nnancntljr reinoTia U conaUpaUon. M cts.4: VM at nil Urumrlsta. G. V. AUGAimiGHT, ARTISTRORTRAIT PAINTER. Hkd Cloud. Nkdiiaska, I.ttntUi-npc", Flowers, Fruits and Por traits Hindi) to order. STUDIO IN DAMKIIKM. BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN, 'EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Luck Hnx 1. C.ulile Hook. Neb. vli kinds of property houghi, sold h.iiI xi'hnnet'ii. i-UI.I.KfTIONS MADE. TEHM ItKAhOXAHLE MONEY Rfundcd.cuarc antee Dr.Kay's Renovator to euro ayspcpsia, consti Eatlon, liver ana Kianoys. iicai ionic, imuuvu, i.a nlflAi hnnwri no nil iVimtltn lHRffUSf!4 .. .. -. r.-i I ;st tonic, rnnn-ntp.s nnd lnvlcorates tho wholosystcm and U1JUU JUUiiua nuunu a - .. -.- , UlDCIUra. cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once. If not satlBilcd with it notify us, wo will refund money by return mall. Write your symptoms for Free Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 126 & 60o at drugglsta. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. TIMETABLE. B. e. M. B.Y RED (Jl.GUD NEBR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 8'1. JOE KANSAS CITY S7. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BUT1E SAL1LAREC) PORTLAND SAX FRAXCISCL and all point west. THAINS LEAVS AS FOLLOW: No IS. Passenger dally for Oberlln and St. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Deuverand all points west.........-.........- 1:10 .m No. 14. TasBeiiRer dally for St. Joe, Kansas City, Atchison. St. Louis, Lincoln via Wymore niul ail points cast and south Z'3l a rs No 1R. l'acnKer. aa.iy. uenver, ... POIIUB U 1UIUI.UU, UWU RUU California 8:.Tp.m No. 18. Passenger, dally tor Hi. joe, Kansas uuy, aivuibuu, oi. Louis nud all points east and south 10:00a.m No. 174. Accommodation, dally except Sunday. HasUnas, Grand Is. land. Ulack 11111b and all Xolnts in the northwest 1 :00 p.m ccnmmodatlnn, dally except . So. 178. Sunday, uuernu, Kansas, ui fircl anu intermcainio sia- tlons. via Itepubllcan liilftp.m No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe and Intermediate junction poluts ..... ..iS:4S p.m No. 3. Freight, dally for Republican Orleaus, Oxford and all points west 10 :40 a.m No. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday for wymore and all point east 0 80 a.m Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair cars. (scats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baEgsge checked to any point In the United 8tates or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or tlcketi call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Ked Clond, Nebr. or J. Francis, General Passenger Agent Omaha. Nebraska. si a Dr. Kay's TJtleure cures aa llTimif A female diseases. At drug ' Kista, II. Illustratea cook and advice free. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. , Kista, II. Illustrated book John o. poitek, KTTORNeY-RT- L.RW, Over Mixer'a Grocery Store. ; Kkd Cloud, Nkbraska. ,19 inns springs, jn. y. kKKkEKEEl Every Woman Is Interested and should know boJt His wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tha new Yula.l Rtriu.. !... i)vn ana auction, lien Mr. it-Mn.t Conrenlenu lummiiiiulif. 1.1 1urdrnUlfap ll IilAlll'KI.. mtrtittn Otfirr. tint ftanrl Itnmn fAt1. luit rat -1 took-wtifd.u etrei fUll lArtlriiIran1 rllMoiiAt.. t. Eilimlel.l,"",MH'K'CO.t Mwra TlnwiM..xv..k' mm S-VvSs&Wtt?-!. JLI,N3wi 5a "W7 XW. WirC Vk m utssA- m,. "w SllMw J. S. EMIGH, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. A) Jrow Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plates POKOBLAIN INLAT And all the latcat Improvement la dental meet anlsm rNIVlJTT TOBACCO SPIT LLJIN I and SMOKE Ton can be cured of an- form of tobacco using easily , be mado well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor by taking MO-TO-BAQ. that makes weak men strong. Many gun ten pound in ten dsrs. Over BOO.OOO cared. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice l'RBR. Address STERLING. K8M8DY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 Genuine itampcd C. C C Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something fast as good." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clesnira and brautirici the hair, l'rotnotea a luxuriant nowlh. Mover Falls to ltrptore Oraj! Curtt Kalp diinura a hair laUlsa, tOc.andllnjal Druyglrta DR. KAY'S BENOVATOB Invigorates and renovates tho svstem; purines and enriches tho blood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, lieudacho, liver and kidneys. -Soandil.utdrugglsts. t'rec- Dr. D.J. Kay, Saratoga, N.V Bs ENOVATOK 'CHICHESTErVS CNQLIRH Pennyroyal pills yV-v'ArE. AJ.,.rliM. Ladles limrirtrt nr viiiwILraTKll'M ENOLJSU In 11KI ani Uotd mttallla bom. m.im lib tin. ribbon. Take ao other. lUruia naaserpoa HatwtltaUona and Imlt. Uana. Bj ;f y.or llraulit. or ,.oJ 4r. in tf'tti'.'. J ''''".TeatlaaeBlaU jad .Heller r.r Ladle," t bifr, tj r. oaUlapaiwr. Madlaoa 1'ai-k, lllliuKsV all Druriiu (Thi.k..,.. iik.-.u, ..' BRICK We can surnish 70U brick in 1 j at the lowest pos sible ratu, Brick on sale at either of the lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Btjy Brick. LUDLOWBROS., Red Cloud, Neb. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY. PROPRIETOR.; s YW DKALBK IN V'ines, Liquors, California brandies. PABST MILWAUKEEiBeer ALWAYS ON TAP.oq 4w This algnatnre la on every box of the gannlaa Laxative Bromo-Quinane Tabuu the raaaady that caure. awM ta sm -kaar FREE WKDIOAL ADVICE. rll-s-a all your symptoms, ltenovi system is the ohVJfcfe and sure metho TTilteus ttenovatlnethe system is the ohVe and sure method of cut Ing all Chronto Diseases. Dr. Kay'a Renovator Is tho only perfect system renovator. Free earn plea and book. Dr. a J. Kay , Saratoga, N.Y. CANDY CATHARTIC " MM am a: ,