The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 27, 1901, Image 5

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twirsiut e im vhm mfirraf,vtMOmn4nMcv cmvf MiwrwvjM ucc;vr
I " uMwi.mmr.i- miviCSsn jrit wwmin iMgMawiawuMM.Mitiiiirmti
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Va- ..
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I y
j Competition I j
I $4,000 in Prizes 1 1
$2,000 in Cash.
$2,000 in Kodaks.
Tho largest and most valuablo
list of prizes ever offered iu a
photographic competition.
Come in and let us toll you about
i Jleuihoase Bros.,
2 Jewelers and Opticians.
5 Rod Cloud, Nobroska.
The Cmxr llper year.
Stove repairs nt W. .W. WriRht'a.
The Chkf ani Life of McKinley $1.50.
Will Mitcbell visited in McCook this
For anything in tho hardwaro lino go
to Wright's-
F. V. Tnvlor attended tho poultry
show at Superior this week.
Tho Homo Art club moots January
2d with Mrs. (J. J. Wairen.
Tho lincst lino of stoves in the vnllcr
can bo found at Wtifjht's.
Charley Lewis is spending tho holi
days with relatives and friends In Kir
win, Kansas
Now is tho time to get Robes and
Blankets. You can find all stylos and
prices at Butlers.
Mrs. L. tl Rust left Christmas day
for Heaver City where sho will visit
Tith lelatives and friends
I Snap
is a. fore-runner of
what we may ex
pect after while.
Don't get caught
without one of our
I Round
I Stoves. I
You can't afford to freeze
for the price we are
selling them. They are
4 beautiss and the quality
15 me DCSl.
"The quality is remem
bered long after the
price is forgotten," but
vuality and low prices
make a great
combination hard to
beat. We are in it
and can interest you.
The line is still complete
but don't delay long.
Get the first selection.
We save you money.
3iipiir t pif f it.'ffi'Mi'Kf Tf "f IB ."wrt
K mIoi i fui 50c ut The Full .
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1.50.
(.V.iii, haul ami aoft coal at Oald wells
Coal oil, in cont a iriillon ut V. II.
Ralph Foo
returned Sunday from
U. T. Potter was
this week.
Tiik Ciiikk and
n visitor to Umaha
tho Toledo lilade
ono year for $1 25.
Charley White is risking with ft iends
In Hastings this veck.
George V. Ball of Akron, Colorado,
was ho ro this week.
F. 11. Strotit of Kearney was doing
business hero this week.
Mrs. Spaulding nnd daughter of Rlv
crton wero hero this week.
Car of corn and oats chop feed.
100 lbs. $1.80. at W. B. Roby's.
Mrs. Gross has returned from Blue
Hill to spend tho holiday vacation.
Dr. L. H. Beck nnd son woro in Su
perior Thursday attending tho poultry
A. A. Conner of Concordia, Kansas,
was doing business in tho city this
Mrs. Samuel Kizor bald No. 446
which secured tho largo doll at Tho
Thomas Burden and wife of Bladen
are visiting with their son James and
family. '
Have you seon the up to dato Blank
ets and Robes. Butlers is tho'placo' to
find thom.
Sherwood Albright who is nltending
school nt Lincoln is homo sponding tho
Tho small and largo school children
are at present enjoying a two weoks'
Miss Nollio West who is teaching
at MrCook bus returned home to spend
tho ho'idnys.
Homy nnd Hany Gilliam wore in at
tendance at tho poultry show at Supe
rior this week.
Win. HelTelhowcr who is attending
tho state university cntno homo to visit
during tho holidays.
.lames Bowron, fonneily of this city,
now in business at Denver, is here this
week visiting fi iends.
Pasteur's "Blaekloglno" for tho pie
vention of black-leg in eattlo for sale
by Cotting tho Druggist.
When you wnnt nail, .scrows, bolts,
barb wire or jmij thine elho in tho haid
waro lino call on W. W. Wiight.
Tho Life of Wni. McKinley, by Murat
Halstead, and Tiik Ciiikk ono year for
$1.60, tho price of tho book alone.
IoIid Kellogg camo in the day after
Christmas and extended his paper to
January, 1003, and also ono to Ohio.
Frank Hamilton who is attonding tho
stato university is here visiting with
his parents Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Hamil
ton. Mrs. David Stroup of Max, Colorado,
a former resideut of this city is
visiting here with her son Harry and
Farm loans at 5 per cent interest on
good improved land. C. F. Cathor,
ofllco ovor Cotting's drug store, Red
Cloud. Neb.
Rubes! RibosI! Robesll! For the
next sixty days you can buy Blanket
ind Robes ntn SMCiillcc price at J. O
Butleis hat noss shop.
Will Parker was called to Pnelps
City, Missouri, tho llrst of tho week by
the announcement that his brother was
sorioiuly ill ami not expected to re
cover. Bernard MeNony left this weok for
Kninmu'.io where bo will look nfter
his largo celerv Interests. Ho will
bring a largo invr.ico of celery homo
with him.
T. C. Hacker wns the recipient of a
Christmas present of ii cano made of
holly wood and brought from the Phil
ippiues, Tho donois woro Frnnk Par
ker nnd wife of San Francisco.
draco Episcopal. Sei vice Sunday,
Deeembor 20th. Sunday nfler CbrUt.
mas. Morning pinyer and service
10.30 a.m. Evoning prayer 7:30 p.m.
Sunday school )2 u. Tho public Is cor
dially invited.
Tm case of Emina Holvorson who
preferred charges of rape ngainst Ed
ward McMaban came up before Judge
Wosl on Monday afternoon nnd wns
dismissed, tho charge of bastardy he
ing substituted. Trial was waived anil
Mo.Mabon "vas bound ovor in tho sum
of 81,000.
The ol'urihos of our city gave t tie
osii'il and nmtoinai y Cliiistmiis oxer,
chox, ihu Methodist and Congregation
al holding. thidis on Tuesday cvoninc
mil the In I- I in nnd lliptisi chinches
on Wednesday event
i tho Episcopal
orvices weie iilsu in;
church. I in ieivn
quilo uiKtit'SliiiL'
at each wero
amusing to tho child
For Mile bills call at this olllce.
The Chief and Life of McKinley $1 50.
If yon want seed coin see W. 11
Kentucky Lump coal at Rob' at
f () GO per ton.
K. .). Overing is sponding tho holi
days in tho city.
Guy Lindsay left Tuesday for n vls't
at Haddam, Kansas.
Will Kuohii mnd 0 a business trlp'o
Superior Wednesday.
A. 1. Kly and wife of McCook visited
in tho city this week.
Miss Blanch Gross who Is nttondlnp
school at Franklin is homo.
Geo. Hutchinson nnd G. G. Holt woro
down from Cowles this week.
F. C. Williams and wife left the llrst
of tho week for a trip to Lincoln.
Walter Warren and wife of Superior
woro visiting with tho folks horo this
Discard that light stimuicr robo nnd
got ono of Butlors Fall nnd Winter
S. Day and wife loft Tuesday morn
ing fer Lincoln where they will visit
Laux Xandors who is attonding
school nt Kearnoy is here spending tho
Myra Cook who is studying phar
macy at Omaha is here to spend the
.Miss Mable Wells who Is attending
tbe-'s(at university is here spending
the holidays.
Samuol Lindsey was in Haddam,
Kansas, this wook attonding tho funeral
of his mother.
Robert Mitcbsll who is nttonding
medical collego at Chicago is horo this
weeK visiting fi iends.
Ed. Kmigh who is attending tho
Omaha Dental College arrived homo
Satuidoy evening on a visit.
E. L. Stohons of the Cieto Mirseiies
was looking after business ninttris
wilh his agents heio this week.
Hat vey Cox returned tho llrst of the
week from Lincoln where Ho has been
attending tho stato university.
Boyd Munsell and wife ariivcd here
Wednesday morning from McCook to
visit with i datives and friends.
Miss Sniah Knowies of Lincoln ar
rived in tho city Tuesday night for a
"visit wilh Win. Parkos and wife.
hd. Smtth nnd wife and tho hitter's
mother caino up-fioui Norton, Kansas
Wednosday to visit with J. H. Smith
and family.
Mrs. W. A. McKigluin nnd daughter
Edith leturned homo Tuesday morn
ing from Duuver where tho Inttor has
been undergoing me'dical treatment.
Insurance t
German - Insurance - Co.
Tho largest old line company in thes,
Farmers Mutual Ids Co.
Of Nebraska, of Lincoln.
Largest mutual in tho stato wltbj
ovi-r J!00 polieiei in Webster
Cou ity.
O. C. Teel, Agt.i
Red Clouij, Nkhiiaska.
You havo wished all a merry Christ
mas, glvon your friends n useful pros
ent and now tho next proper duty is to
extend your subscription to Jnnunry,
Tho dnnco given by the city lire de
partment on Chiiftinns eve was a
pleasant iifTiir and thoso present had
an enjoyable time. Another dance
will bo given on New Year's ovo,
Puts gray mailer into ynuo head,
Brings a ioy glow to faded cheek'.
Restores vim, vigor, mental and phys
ical happinoss. That's what Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. 35o. O. L.
I havo buyers for both farm nnd pas.
t in o land If you bnvu land for sale
nlease list it with mo at once. No
charge if 1 do not get you a buyer.
.Mho farm loans nt lowest rate with op
tion. C. F, Catiikr, Iteit Cloud, Neb.
The football game, or ihi- fiee-for
all. roiiuh and tumble, between Bladen
nml Red Cloud, but Wednesday after
noon lesulted Q to 0 In favor of Red
Cloud. The gaino wns an interesting
one nun a largo iinnvu wan pri-wmi.,
There is some tal
meotinz iu anotb
Year's day. ca
Reduced one-half with
pure soft water, applied
frequently with dropper
or eye cup, will remove
congestion and Instantly
relievo pain and inflam
mation. CAUTION I Avoid dtngtroui, Irrl.
tatlng Witch Hull preparation!, rep
resented to bo "the tame "POND'S
EXTRACT, which eatlly tour and
generally contain "wood alcohol," a
deadly polion.
Charles Ogleshy was down this wool.
to purchase u faun from Colvin & Bin
Thomas Biiekliu was at (iuido Rock
on u land deal wilh Colvlu & Barcus.
Samuel Hagnn camo in from Noilon
county, Kansas, to spend thoholldn
with his parents. Sammy is looking
Frank Edgorton arrived from Mon
tana this weok. Mr. Edgorton has boon
Id Montana for several months.
Charles Hagan has just returned
from Kansap City where he has had an
other operation on his leg.
Tho cold snap is letting up.
The ice crop is good and the ice men
are very busy.
E. Wilcott was over f mm Kansas on
a land deal with Colvin A Barcus.
Guide Rock morchants all hare extra
clerks for tho holiday trado as tho
trade is Immense
Mrs. Dow Thompson from Bluo Hill
is down this weak visiting his mother
nnd Mrs Win. Guy nnd family.
Look out for the big datico at Moore
hall Christmas ovo.
Flunk Kent has looted the line farm
of Charles Hagan.-
There to ono young lady in Guide
Rock who has been three continuous
weeks milking it new diess, Yen can
guess what will happen soon.
Charles Ogleshy is going to Western
Kansas .soon to look up a location
Better stay in Webstei or Jewell count),
Asa ftlllner nnd James Jewell wen
in Guide Rock bujiug presents for
M. Massinger started for Gnjvcston,
Texas, Monday last.
Flunk Guy ii muting mound in his
host rig. Theie might bo a match.
Eva Bennett is. hi ill in Guide Rojk
spending the holidays,
LB. Colvin spent Thursday in Red
Cloud on legal busines.
Miss Pearl ll-igan is down from the
north part of tho county where sho
is teaching, visiting her aunt Mis. Bar
cus. wcmerTkansas.
Weather line, everybody happy and
ovoryono wishos tho renders of this
paper n merry Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hooper are
visiting parents and friends thii week.
Mr. and Mrs. Zion loft Monday mom-
ing for their home in Iowa. They
were well pleased with Kansas but like
their old home best.
Miss Ketta Womer, Miss Grace Zion
nnd Miss Anna Williams are nt homo
during vacation of the Franklin schools.
Undo Dan is once more nt his post
nnd Womer what is Womer without
Undo Dan anil his moustache.
Mr. Zion is drawing stuiw eight
miles for over oi:o bundled head of
cattle. Bill is a hustler.
Everybody and everyone else is
drawing wood to W-miht. U. d K
piled 'up hero like .vium of wnem
Tho Christmas tree nt Wonwr wps
crand succcs. Such a we nnd Mich n
load of Christmas pren'tiis was a Mght
to see. Tho mush', r ndi-g mid reci
tations were a gi.iiid I ten I. Sinta
CI ins came in for a share of applause
and ovoryono wont away fooling well
Mrs. Albert Perry is on the sick list.
I'ho Womer school is closed for a
wicks vncation. Miss Belle Null is
It will be a treat to tho lucky ones
who get an invitation to tho Woodman
enteriaininetii to be given nt tho instill
Intiofi of nflico's on the evening of ll.e
Gtli. The Royal Neighbors havo
charge of tint program of the evening,
Allen T. A) it.-, one of Webster coun
ty's old nnd highly respected olliznn
tiled nt the homo of L. C, Olmstead
near Innvaloon Thursday nftnrnoou at
about 0 o'clock. The fuuotnl services
.vlll ho conduced from. the place of his
death Satuidny in 10 it m, and tint re
mains will tin hi ought this city and in
lot i oil hy the MiIm of his w if : The de
censed was n member of tho (J. A. R. in
Mils place and that order will conduei fctrvtcos. Mr Aiers wa
kj of tho two loams,"1" f Wnoster county's earliest set
or ujolco on NowJw" ll,u' lii- itmny fi binds will be sorry
to bear M hi- iloiniM ,
ZV'V VV,V t ava vz-V -"V
Old 1901 has been a great one fortius
store. Prosperity has thrived on
merit. Hundreds of new patrons
have been added to our list. Our
business has made a big increase and
a grand start made to begin the new
ye.r. Thanks and best wishes to you
- 1 ur patrons. But we are not con
tei t with the battle already won, we
have other worlds to conquer, and
renewed efforts and greater energy
will be put forth to merit your in
creased patronage. Wishing our
friends one and all
ft Happy
with a full measure of health and
Profit flot
For a few weeks we are sell
clothing without a thought of the cost.
We want to clean up for our spring
business and the balance of our win
ter suits, pants and overcoats must go,
I would like to sny to my many friojds and
customers that I am better prepared to
servo yyu this year than ovor before. I
buy my goods for spot cash nnd qnuo no
rents to pay. 1 carry tho largest assort
Uient of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Hooks
and Wall Paper in tho county. I ban make
it to your intejest to trado with mo duting
the coming yevr.
On a New Footing.
What still remains of our Summer Shoes (and there
are not many) you may have at your own price. We
are now in the field with nearly complete lines of
nf'W fnll QlOKC Thtc io rrs:.-. L u,. .r
a ,,.;, '"' ,J
r beason if shoe wearers
.uuii. luv. ucsi aiiuu values ior tne least money.
is and always has been our hobby. We put more
genuine service (or the money into our school shoes
than into any class of shoes we sell that's why we
shoe about half of Red Cloud's juvenile population.
tuiiiairLe: material, JBto.
rrfVk - Vy '
Neai Year
Considered I
- Glothing - Go.
Red Cloud, Nkiir.
b"'b i- jc our uanner
will buy where they can
:r,j:ivxBJifc Oo,
and COAJL.