isixsssBsssssi saMWa&ix. .t-.ia.gar. tiFt.! MWWftP ttHtMtnt iwami . uunnA1 " -fti-' JW'f&'W""1'' '""''' "'"Ojj"m;w ( !"? '4.,Hryv t;i x. .t . irraiytafiWi :gxKaa&iB& i!gygsj'''-','a-- Y' BgaP?wrftJ.XWBl8aaaaMCiOTigictaigtr-a aagaaesg-iWiww'niwnwB'Bcng j?iatvacsaatawwicgsrtv-. .-. , " The Eminent' and BlatW V rw .- .In ftjti'jf' i.iWT.i 'rr ir igw I H ) V, I : i i V Mi J, J i it w H The Oldest and Best, S S. S is a combination of roots and herbs of great CJrntivc powers, and when taken into the circulation searches out and removes all manner of poisons from the blood, without the least chock or harm to the system. On the contrary, the genual health begins to improve from the first dose, for S. S. S. is not only a blood purifier, but an excellent tonic, and strength ens and builds up the constitution while purging the blood of irupuri ties. S. S. S, cures all diseases of a blood poison origin, Cancer, Scrofula, Khcumatitnn, Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Kc.cma, 1'soriasis, Salt Klieum. Herpes and similar troubles, and is an infallible cure and the only antidote for that most horrible disease, Contagious Blood Poison. A record of nearly fifty years of successful cures is a record to be proud of. S. S. S. is more popular today than ever. It numbers its friends by the thousands Our medical corres pondence is larger than ever in the history of the medicine. Many write to thank us for the great good S. S. S. has done them, while others arc seek Jng advice about their cases. All letters receive prompt and careful attention. Our physicians have made a life-long study of Blood and Skin Dis eases, and better understand such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a specialty of no one disease. we are aoing great good to su tiering humanity through our consulting ue- oartment. and invite you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble, we make no charge whatever for this service. TNI SWIFT Sf CCIFIO CO., ATLANTA, A. sss BUSY AJUZONA BEES. Large Store of Swoets Laid Up in .Hidden Places. THE CHIEF rniutsm t w. l. McMillan. Qui rstr lUHanini SO I A. PUBLISHED KVKIIT FIUDAT loured at toe poit office at Ilsd Cloud. toondclMimall matter. ADVKIITISINO ItATKS: t.octl advcrtllnB 5 ceuts er line er Issue. Local AdrcrtltliiK 'or cnterulnmtiits, con term, socials, f 5c.. Klven jy churches, charliablo societies, etc.. where all moneys ralfcd there from arc ued wholly lor church or clmrliiiule tocleile flrst ten line free ami all over ten lines SIS cenli per line per tone. Loral ailvcrtlHlinr of entcruliimenK conrerts. rentals, etc.. where per cent 1 glvcu to pro moten.'n cent ior line per lesue. IllnrLAT AUVKItTISINtl. One roluran per month ............... I. i One half column per month -.....- ... S hi One-fourth column per month .- 1 Oeueral display KilvcrtWliiK 9 centi per Inch per Issue. Bachelors' Banquet. Thn HarlielorN Olul of this city mourns thu loss of smother number. K.J.Ovtiiing Jr., who hn over been iicintcd to with iitl by tlu uuuihi-i of tltti ulub if tin Ideal Imehcor, whoo voice hns ever been hennl In tliuir councllo in tiivorof Urn principles they bolleve, hlttled hi- tlfinrinination n heiciiftrr lend the iifn ti innri'leil mitti linn sevttring Ills cunnoi'tlou with the club, This nunouucuiucnt sprenil To mm of th Trrnaur Takan from ( riurrara of the stinthtTsti' Oaaart Urant Sort for lloarr Heaters. The greatest crop of honey ever known In Arizona is that of the pres ent year. The average product of the territory la somewhat In excess of 2,000,000 poumlH. This year it will be far In excess of that amount prob ably doublt. The greater parf of this honey will find a market In Chi cago, reports the Chronicle. Strange as It may seem, the mes quite and csct. , whleh flourish with out wnter, provide the bees with n honey fur superior to thai from eul tlvnted pin nt, and the blossom and fruit of the cactus are even better than the tncsqultp blossom. The most handsome of desert flowers grow on the hundreds of varieties of cactus. One of the most beautiful is that of the Co re us (tlganteus, the or gan cactus, generally known by tits Spanish appellation of the "Sagunra," Arizona's most typical plant, that towers in great, green, fluted shafts, the most conspicuous and oddest sub ject on all the plains. In the late springtime each snguara is crowne'd by a mass of brilliant, silken white flowers, sometimes over 100 in a bunch. Each blossom is about four inches across. Nearly all develop to fruit, the "petahaya," the most palatable of the wild products, and in the blossom and the fruit the wild bees and the tamed ones find the es sence of honey. The prickly pear, the night-blooming careus, the eholla, ta'i doubly barbed terror of the deadt, the ocatilla and many others give honey to the beet, while the wild rosea of the rocks and the thousands of smaller flowers aid in furnishing the most delicately flavored honey known to the nplaries. In the Salt Itiver valley bees work for a longer period than in any other locality, a. crop of 200 pounds of honey to ench hive being not unusual, while tin nverage of 100 pounds for the season is tuiiiutnlued. From A- hen-mini v M t asifni filfi Tit i-nwivdal-f tile iinMeti-Uiv i.vel t.i (.'aiHnrnin, Ibb, lltiriingtot, K-tiile h mlritd In lt wii'i- nimiliH. tn-M X"nrlun, in t'jurJnt rwi , pt .. iim'ij i-i.Mil.iite(. rhi"jluriinguirV lirotiuli nr eivieoto ('njWoreia is :i i lii.- Star.dtrd sleespei.", dailj, O tiahn, Lincoln, Hasting 'rud Oxhnd 'ttSitn KiiiiicUcu, connecting at latter city with fit tit train for L1) AiiKtdo. rniiital sleepers, persounllv tonduoletl, Vfiy Thursdiiy and S.ttuitlay, Oninlia, Linenlii, Pail moot, Hatings and Hold rt-ije to San Francli, every Vetlne lt mill Thiirsiixy, K:iiim Citv, M Jiiti ph. Wyinore, Supmlor null Oxfnitl to Kianci(;omnl LoAnele All 'In e ens run via Denver and Salt l.-tkeCiiy, pas.king the gland paiioi'iiiiiti uf ilm Hockief) liy daylluht. Ifjou'ie filing tt California, you will ho liiit-r-HMieil in our new 40-png folder, " ifmnia Tout!', 1001-02." It Is.frei'. .). hitANClS, (Jeneral Passenger Agent. OmiiliM, Nebraska. Kxciiriou to Florid.t. Tlui Burling ton H'ltitu is organizing a personally conduct! d excursion to Florida ami Cuba, to leave. Nebraska points, Wed- tift-day, January 29. The routo will b via St. Louis, thence to Jackson ville, Florida, through scenes which have been forever made historic by the dramatic events of the civil war. An exceedingly low rate liac betn made, and members of the excursion have choice of several attractive trips after they arrive at Jacksonville. This op portunity of escaping the mast unpleas ant portion of a Nebraska winter and enjoying in its stead, the delights of a semi tropical country will appeal to everyone who bat the manay and caa snare the time to make an extended pleasure trip. A handsome booklet, giving details of the excursion will be le.uly for distribution abou. January If. Writo for a copy. J. Fkancis, (juueral Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children. Successfully used by Mother (iray, nuiso in tho (Jhildieii'-t Hoii.u in New Yoik, euro foveriiltnes., hail stomach, Ceiinsss Cannot Be Cured by local appli atimts uveaife tltej can not tlio diseased portions if the ear. Tbeie is only one way to cute tlea(uei, ami that i- by clitituMunt iTlllediK l)"afni'K Is i!ttifd b ' iull in d eoriditioti of the mucous ilnmi! of tint eiHtacliian tube. When the. tttbi aoti lull. imed 3011 bare a ruitibllu Hound or imperfect lieariiig, ami when it is entirely closed deafuos is the te suit, and unlets the Inflammation can bn taken out anil this lube restored to ils normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ton aro caused by catarrh, which is nolh n but an inflamed condition of the mucous suifatvs. We will givit one hundred dollars for any cae of deafness (catiied by ontniih) that cannot be cured by Hall' Jalairh Cure. Send for circulars, ficc. F. J. Chenkv & Co., Toledo, O. Soul by druggists, 7.rc. Hall's Family Pills aru the best. Holiday Rates Greatly reduced nttes for holidays, between Butiinfclon stations within 200 mils. Tickets on salo December 24, 25, 31 and January I. Good to return till January 2. Ask nearest agent Burlington Route for details and and information or write to J. Francia, General Passenger gent Burlington Route, Omaha. Nubr. It Keeps the Feet arm and Dry. Ask today for Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures chllblaius, swollen. sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At all druggists and shoe stares, price 26o Cast1 Bargain House. ., rf ! iti -f. ii iff , Of 0i X Commencing Saturday Morn $ ing, December 28tn. Viz ai Pre-Inventory Clearing Sale. Before invoicing we place on sale fc Special Bargain Values J- in Every Department, fa It will pay you to take advantage of this sale. 5 W OS m m Or m dismay among the members as they looked upon Ed. as a pcimaiient thing the nectar of the wild tuetliini! disorders, niovo and ict'iiUte i-noenix nntt teinpe nione are snippeti 1 1,, UltHl. nM ,,.,iiov m Over ..,,. ..,.,.,,,.,,,... nuiu-j .-... .1000n toatInnnlit-. Tl.ev ni-vcr fail. .I'lir iii.n riv iiniiiir k 11 i ii yn i or si rained. The wild becH of the desert and mouutaint provide nn Interesting st inly nnd honey-hunting Is 11 inosl unique Kpurt. whiuii Is not without Its dangi r-, but with reenmpcnsu sulll clently delightful to repay one for ''1 dilllcultles. In thw caitleH of the hlglirM rocks the bees gather In great hwnrmti and store their supply of food. With remarkable sagacity they choose the most inaccessible bpots and frequently find places which bailie all lniicnuitv of even the ' t ... .... Illllillll. till! llll. Hi 111 1-stxtOIlt M'CklT Of M'llim. Mlltll'V Of lyOUIIIIISI(lll - honey. Frequent. great hoards of CAN ClliCMlCAt. Co.. Clevlantl, 0; honey are found In rates nnd down --- the sides of steep cliffs, where thou- Slops the Cough and Work off the Cold sands of bees have stored their Lnvitive Brnino-Quiiinm Tablnt- cures products for perhaps scoret. of years, ' LM( , J,, ,, ,y, x and hoiuetiiucb ah much as a thou- Q- mi ml pounds of honey arc taken from such places. 1 he Indian bee hunter many times risks his life to obtain bees, and At nil tlruirNl1, S.Ik. S.implc free. Aildres, Allen S Olinsicd, L"Roy, New York. Wantkd -Severnl vera-iiiH uf eharaeter nail KOinl reiMiintluu In v.x Imtnte Cone In tliU county reiiiilri-ill to reirecnt ami mlvertlne old utat lllii'il wcaltliy nail est liouu ( xollil tlitiinuliil MiiiiilliiK. Siilitry IS(H weekly with cxpeiiKei aililltluiuil, nil piyiilil" In civli enuh w'eilneMlny direct from lien 1 utllct."i Horse nml c.irrlniru (urnlnlicil, when necewiry. Ilefereticea. Kn-clo'-c Kell-ml.trt'ttieil tsl.imtm.1 envelope. Dcpt. MiiiiiikltICH t'nxton lliillillnir. Chicago. Salesman wanted o sell Ami Itust Hoof Paim, Couipouiiils mid Lubri- VUL- cute, no pay RU'lnge himself at the end of a frail rope, far down the sides of a steep j precipice. Neither is his danger end ed there, for If not well protected ' from the onslntight of the bees, some times in dense s warms of thousands, he is likely to become a victim of the angry defenders. Indeed, not long since a I'npngo young man was stung so badly while robbing n wild hive that he died soon after his comrades had pulled him up to the top of the cliff. I On the desert, too, the bees make their homes, sometimes swnrming in I the shell of the decayed cactus and often in caves along nrroyos nnd the beds of the large streams. Very often they swarm close to the ngiiculturnl districts and it Is a frequent and very easy thing for the ranchers to gather thctn into hives and hold tlnin. One rancher a few miles southeast of I'hoeuK has on his property a small iiolntrtl hutte, near the top of which Is a small cave. From this piece of rock the owner has gathered honey enough to pay for his ranch. Several years ago n great swarm of bees set tled in the cave 'and the owner hns However llin rules of thn club had bo carried out, nnd accordingly ar rangements were made to suitably cole brate the ovent. On Saturday evening al half past nine tlio members met at te Royal hotol where everything was ' in readiness for them. For a sottplo of hours whist and other pastimes claimed their attontion. The president then called tho club to order for a business meeting. Since it has become known that when one member leaves the club another is elected in his place, the club has had many applications for mem burship. Thu choice S-iturday ovenirg fell upon ) W. At Id, the. geutlemaulv assistant of the Statu bank. Thu .state iucnl by thn secielnry that the clnli litid 11 buhl" cu in the treasury eicale.l some niiiiisnincut as this is uoiolitii thu case. The following iiiliivis weic choson for tho ensuing term: Krnet Jones picsiden',. .1. W. Tullus, vloii-presideut. (iuo, ll.Ovoiing, secretaiy ai d tiea urer. Thu business disposed of, ihu y;J',1 ai intuit) for supper and the club ltd jur ed to tho dining room which was tastefully and beautifully decorated The bill of ftru set before the ho,s sut paisud any previous banquet mid all wem loud in their praise of the enter lainmeut provided them by .Mic. On man and her corps of able aUinuis Of cotirso tlio customary toasts were ni-pouilod to and added uiu h to tl c miiuseiiidiit. Thu following is the list as given: Prof II L. Sams, toasiiu:tter. ('Pledges Hid their Fulfillment," J. V. Tullcys. "Tenipus Ftigit," R (J. Cathei. "Temptation," N. H. MotriHon. Woiiii'ii," Ernest Joucs. 'Signs of tho Times," H A. Lelsoti. "I Don't Know why I Loavu you but I do," K.J Overlng Jr. By this time, 2;1C, it was time fot t lie ri. 011 to bu limrriud man 10 stmt for ihu depot and thu club constituted itself a guard of honor and accompanied hiiuj for th(ijm'i'"f of prnciiiinirihehioi.ii I'llijtliel. Tills duty itccoiuplislied thu . iiotnuls for iliH coiimr. 'PSiJhojN retttiiieil to their homes fully ' . j i,,ii't sonic one Will t j-m 01 yflRiSlIrd with limb" oveiiing'-f enjoyment ' triku uinan down in imu-u i i. JiaPi Miitement in tliH tiMvn li city W11 iivnintii by a hand or Jimmik ani Toot it's impure Blood. "What is it?" asks the mother as she notices the smooth skin of her child marred by a red or pimply eruption. It is impure blood, and the child needs at once to begin the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, the best and surest remedy for impurity of the blood. It entirely eradi cates the poisons which corrupt the blood and cause disease. It cures scrofula, boils, pimples, eczema, salt rlieum and other eruptive diseases which are the di rect result of im pure blood. It enriches in well as purifies the DKXXl. "Dr. I'ierce'5 medicine ban not only bene fited mc K'cnlly, but il lian done wonders lor my two Koiw," write Mrs. M. trick, of Demsicr. utwego w, r.. v. "Horn nail scroltila, I have lost two dauchtcri In levi than live years with consumption and scrofula. My eldest non 5Sl f S-'a. t 11 mm Barnum's Monkeys "All well all happy lots of fun". That is the regular report from the monkey cage "f Barnum's Circus ever since i keepers be.qan doling the .. nkcys with Scott's Emul- ' n. Consumption was earn "- off two' thirds of them 'cry year and the circus had t ) buy new ones. One clay a keeper accident r.lly broke a bottle of ScottV Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul sion than new monkeys and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten ed with it can you take the hint? This picture represent" the Trade Mark of Scott'h Kmnlsioil nnd is on thu wrapper of every buttle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & UOWNE, .1.00 Pearl St.. New Yotk. 50c and $1. all druggists. t Special Bargains ib In Dress Goods, Silks, Calicoes, 4 j Ginghams, Table Linens, Jj Isp nnirKTC! "iioliTie KlViiiie! -I? ft vuwiBo, luuouug, wimt.iuBo, fm ft Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes jji i and Notiuns. ft ft $ Extra Special in Our m Cloak Department. tf $ t i ii i il i Hi vi l li W ) ill it) About 500 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Jackets and Coats placed on sale at big discount prices. Ladies $ 5.00 Garments at $ 3.00. Ladies 6.00 Garments at 4.0O. Ladies 7.00 Garments at 4.50. Ladies 10.00 Garments at 6.0O. Ladies 1.50 Garments at 10.OO. Children s. Coats at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.0, many of them at less than half price. m m m m m it) ( m m m inn 1 tpti iiiggs - itiiten - in - jcixenange. (( ALFRED HADBLL. CLOSING OUT SALE ! lS m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m I will close out til the balance af my goods at a very low price. I haven number of thinns that will make nico Christinas pteiunts, sue as Handkerchiefs, Fascikators, Hoods, Nica Black Dress Goids, White Goods, Embroideries, Black Ind White Veilings, Silk and other Laces.Combs, Yarns, Umbrellas, Shawls, Poket Books, Etc. Cnll and see my liowfor going eNowheru. Mrs. RWewhouse. gradually tamed them, and each year w e" l.wo ?r three years ago wlUt heraor ..!......, -.w.. 1 i oium 1. i rliuRe from the lungs. It troubled him for ovet gathers from 1.000 to 2,000 pounds of year. He took fir. l'terce's Golden Medical honey from them. Srrliiturnlly So, Palette I tell you, times are pret-, ty hurd when a good artist has to get a job as a waiter. Smiley-Yet.; he's like the foolit-h servant In the parableburying hU taletit in a napkin. Town and Coun try. ROSEMONT Our I'll" Uiinif. fillet iMiiiiiit'ii' wen t it' ttttit tn,i,e Afifi veil yi'iti mIxiiiich (tilui'irtt Hu bn- te tit mil tu miike a hlu ii I vi.-it to III llii'iul" null Itdnlives. We nlf .tivti4 l'IhiI to weloiillle littek Mich old Mi'i nn itii ti int" T II. (J dugl" left hem litsl I'ui'sdiiJ to visit III nL'i'd luulher in I In (iistern purl t'f Ihe kIiiU . Jilllll ll'ie Mild llitl'lll lliip)eu ivel'e ill Bam Hill .Mmidnv i'li n peihiut Discovery, and has not had n hemorrhage in over a year. My younger iou had scrolulous sores on his neck; had two tunccd, but has not had any since he commenced to take your raed ictne," Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just ns good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. A icoS page book, free for the asking. You can get the People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, the test medical book ever published, free by sending stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for tiaper covers or 21 stamps for cloth-lxmnd volume, to Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. tirfr.HrfrfrffrfrlV Clearing New Year's Sale! S Sl 75 Parlor LaiifpS 1.20 Ffcttt-tirirfi-tKtrtttS-ttf-ttfrl ARE Yflll DEAF? ? zmmh& Psjt 1 jNA l .. T, ffftffttfttftftHtftft6 tilJ -, Hill ' HEAD NOISES? 7. Vtil ;''.' LOWNEY'S AND CHASE'S, BOX GOODS. tit u. Hull' niiii Nin i" d- 1 1 .'in ,'iUcl l.S:i.OO m i box. iliome made cunuv at kc' t per pound. mf V! ' I'J "in in"""" "J EfiWv this wi'el', They tint the com . t i,&i. . t iiisttf am Tuur JsviaaeTt t fi'l.m 1 boj-s ill l.eluni Cur Uinir tlllffl Dr.not)bs'Bpraliusl'lllscur0?lU!!l.ncyllI..&t. Jefree Add.bterlluirUenieurwJ.;nicowiiird.i of BbjiHVfiK'k for till' flltlllf. plef The BON W.S IJENSfi V'Vv'WArt VWVvAfWWWW CO and OPc Sliina Plates m ai , . n at oHo. Uo China Cream Pitch. or 10c. Ml Uf til u. 5uo China Sugar w tij Ml Mi Ml Ml Ml lit Ml U m 1 tb Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Ml Mi m and. 2 T A' Croam 3"e; IB1.BQ Glass Berry Se $i 00. A few dolls and tin toys said chwip. , SMsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiHsHsMMMsMsastsssssssWsss A- m m m m e 1l mm ALL. CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CtRABLE by our new invention. Only those bj deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE MEDIATELY. F. A. WERNIAN, OF EAL7StRE, SAYS: , , , itimoi'.i:. Mil Mnrcli 30, loot, GtnHtmrm - IIcIiir entirely cured cf de.iiiieB. t innl.s t"-ur treatment, I will now give you afull lilitorrof tny cae. tolieuiednt o:iriticrftivit Alwut five years av.a my riuht car tiegati to t-ln:', nnd lliyent on setting worse, until I lost my hearliiK In tills ear entirely . , I UllUCwrill U lll'iUllltrill lUI nit'lllll. iui hiivvhiwhui .iiih nilV MICCChS, Ulllbuiicil II llillll' her of iliyictaii. ntnotiK othcru, tliemo.t ciiiiiicnt ear ltct of this city, who told mc that ntny nit oiwnilton then cease, inn the lienrlti); only nn iiiwr.-ition could licit tne nnd tveu Hint only leiiirxtrlly, mat the head noihcs would uenriut; in mc uiicviru cm uum ic ,u-k iwscr. 1 thru uu' vnur nHcrlli.iiicnt neciden allv ill a New Yotlmxr. nml ordered our treat- metit After I had nteil It only a few days according to your 'Vctlotis, the iioli.cceneil. and to day. after five weeks my hearinu In the diseavrd car lias beetutirely restored. I thank you heartily nud lies to reuialu Very truly yours. t ' 1. A. VIJllMAN,7Jolroadwny, llaltimorc, Md. Our treatment docs not tntorfera with iouliiitiiul occupation, S8SS,tnd YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF ATWME "SSS1""1 INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE CHICAGO, ILL. PLATT & FREES THE 1 Qhicaga - LubaVarcL 1 T0N- !FAT"R $s UIKIJ OLOUL), NEUAiKA. iiriber, Lime, Goal any Cement. l"J V i. ' , ( i"1 'I && WOlfii, v.