W r r. p. C' P v ilgiWjgg.g-J&Vtf,, ajjg-g' W . ? lgg- - " -jjr.gs VOLUME XXIX. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 20. 1001. NUMBER 5 1 Forgetting It's GMstmasf Will be an impossibility, no matter hoV or where you live, for the feeling of good cheer is in the air. We've antici pated the Yule-tide requirements, and for the holiday . giving offer a "splendid assortment of holiday ideals, no matter the price you wish to pay you'll be pleas antly surprised with the character and quality of the items which the outlay returns you. $4.00 Silk Waists at $2.92. $6.00 Silk Waists at $4.60. You may be looking for a silk waist and it may be hard to find something that will just suit you in style and taste. But these exquisite waist will find you a gentle critic and eager buyer. Superior quality, distinctive style and ' beautifully made. Our low prices $2.92 for a $4.00 waist; $4.60 for a $6.00 waist. 25 pe? eent off on all Jackets, Gloaks & Gapes Our garmejits have winning characteristics I which easily distinugish them from "garments of any other make. The general tailoring, work manship, trimming and fittincr Qualities could - - u a - A m' 1 not be improved. They are 'going at a discount YTa"' of 25 per cent on 'the dollar. 14.00 Jackets now $3.00. $1 2.0b coats now $900 CHRISTMAS : HANDKERCHIEFS! Fairy handkerchiefs for children at 3c each. , Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c 20c to 60c each. Men's and Boys' handkerchiefs at 5c, 10c, 15c to 75c each. When YoaiBoy Holiday Farnitare you want comfortable as well as artistic furniture. We can supply you with both at low prices. We uiant youtwder for Ghristmas Gandies! Get our low prices on ten and twenty pound lots. Lowneys, Voegel & Dining and- Somers & Richardson's . fine candies in one-half, one, two, three and five pound ''" packages. Vso; S02S Here's Food for Thoucht. After h tiro Hutu h much food (or thought as to wIii-iImt the hard work and effort i .if Un ilru ilipaiimont to save goods :.tnl pi'iipiMty nte n; pi' el ated In tome ujt.Ms tlyv :iiv! mill in aoinu cases they nm not. Take tliu lit u of Tuesday morning fur instance, and the few who lift, their wnini bulMind repnireit 10 tliu scuno could see the or deal which lh tiro lighicis had to nas through. With Iho wind blowing tit ft lively rate ttiul the mercury down ho that tliu water from the nozzles quickly foimod into ice on everything with which it emtio iii euntact, wailing in icy cold water, and t ho niultiiuilu ot dangers they pass t irugli i 110 plctr- nuipasiiiue. nicy do tills Willi no expectancy of reward 1 ml urn oftiii"8 sneered at by the wi!. drioml liljtli collared individual vh tt,imN mound and tells how dllToiuiitly he would have manipulated the putting out of the blnzu. When our cltizons get a chalice to show their appreciation of the thankless jib which a lire brings up they do not always do 11 Onu case in point can bo cited. As we have spoken of this matter before we are not sanguine that it will do much good 1 he statu provides a law wheruby the city authorities can draft an ordinance compelling all lire insurance compan ies to pay into tliu city treasury, if they do business hero, the sum of live dol lars as a fund for tho maintenance ol the lire department. The ordinance, on request was passed and published ami then practically became a dead letter, it is the place of the city treas urer to collect these sums. If the city council a preciate I ho work of the department they will see that the fund U gathered into the city treasury. Here is w lie re a commercial club could gel in some good work. "A Modern Ananias " Tim people of this city will in tho near future bu given an opportunity to hear a home talent comedy-drama, the title of which is "A Modern Ananias." The exact date of the play has not yet been announced but it will probably be givon in about three weeks. The play is an exceptionally good one for home talent to undertake, but tho partici pants are putting in nil sparo time practicing and rehearsing, and when the date is announced our citizuns can be assured they will see as good a pro duction of the play as though it were a traveling troupe. The participants in the play represent the best talent in the city and those who attend can be assured of a rare treat. m HHDELL'S I Cash Bargain House. Damerell Block, Ked Cloud, Neb. iitf ! ft WiU Wi m MINERBROS, pity Dray and Express Line. B. InZ. ROSS. PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. vnarges as low as tnc uowrsr CITY .AGENTS FOR ADAlS EXPRESS CO, U TELEPHONE NO. 62. It isn't the Cook's Fault, It isn't your Grocer's Fault, that the bulk coffee you just purchased urns out to he differ ent from the "same kind" bought before. Coffee purchased in bulk is sure to vary. The sealed package in which . LION COFFEE is sold insures ; uniform flavor and strength. It also keeps the coffee fresh and insures absolute purity 'M 1 ft i if) 9&i Hi m a A Lucky Escape. Gustav Miller, one of the carpenters who lias been working on the Potter Wright building all summer, last Mon day met with quite a serious and pain ful accident which will necessarily cause him to tako a holiday vacation. While assisting the other workmen in putting thn high ceiling on the lodge lodge room, he stepped on a loodo plank on tho trestle ard fell a distance of sixteen feet, and the heavy plank following landed upon him. Hn was nt once removed to tho Holland Houve an.1 Dr. Cook summoned and Ins injur leg attondod to. It was at first thought he was injured internally, an examin stlon proved, however, Hint with tho exception of a few bruies ho hud es enped serious injury. Din on the Train. Unrtortaker Taylor was called to the depot on Wednesday evening to take charge of the remains of Miss Esther Wade, who died on trnln No 15 near Hostwick. Duccnsed would have linen sixteen year of ntro 011 December 30th, She had been n sufferer from consump tion for snmn time and at the time of hor death won nnrnutn from her home atl'otOHl, Wisconsin, to Denver, with her mother Mr?. Olive Wade, In hopes that a higher iiltitudn would he bene llclnl to her health The remains will ho shipped tomorrow to her former home in Wisconsin for interment. Puts gray tinnier Into your head. Hring 11 roy glow in foiled eheek-i. KeMores rim, ricnr, iih'iiImI mid phys leal happiness. Tnin'a what Kooky Mountain Tit will d . 'HiSe, 0. L. Cotting. m ty m V't'- m i .& ih SPJ m Vii SRJ m m I ii', Kit: w i I I M M.: m & Grand Special .-. Ghristmas Sale, Special Christmas Sale In our Dress Goods department. Come mid sen thn extra men now Dross Fabrics -o nlMoe nu Mule nt 15, 18, 155, 85, 50, 05 and 75c. Extra Fine Black Dress Goods Sale. 91 50 Hlack (tonds atftl.CO. 1 75 Hhck GooiU at 1.25. 1100 Silk Pcroliii, 4iile price 41.00. Special Calico Sale. Choice 7c new Calicoes in blnok and white, bilver may, red and white, rod and black, indigo blues' and fiinoy styles, (nl price 5c. Apron check ginglnitiH n' 5, 0 and 7c. Special Christmas Linen Sale. tl.OO 73-inch line bleached Table Linen, sale prico .75o por yard. 7()o lino blenched Table Linon, sain prico 00c. OftD line bleached ami half bleached Table Llnnn at 50 j por yard. Special Bargains in new Napkins. At 81 00, 1.25, 1.50, 175, 2.00, 2.25 and 2.50 por dozmi, Speoial Sale of Christmas Towels. At 2.10, II3o and 50n. They are very nice. New White Bed Spreads. Special values at $1,00, 81.25 ami $1,50. . New Commode Scarfs at 25c. New Dresser Scarfs at 25c. Jackets and Goats. Ladies $ 5.00 Jackets and Coats at $2.75. 0.00 850 10.00 12 00 15.00 it it it it ii (i -a.25. 4.00. 8.00. 7.08. 8.80. Fur Scarfs placed on sale Ladies' Furs Handsome lino of now at special prices. 83.00 Furs at 82.00. 4.00 Furs at 2.75. 5.00 Furs at 8 50. GOO Furs at 4.50. . 8 00 Furs at' 5 50. Special Christmas Sale In our notion dopartmont. Handkerchiefs, special Christmas showing at lo, 2c, Oc, and 5c. Special Job Lot Ladies 25o Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, sate price 10c. Also special values at 15c, 20c and 25o. Wholesale sample line of Men's Handkerchiefs. Special Christmas Sale in our special toy deoui tmont. Hundreds of toys at 5c; hundreds of toys at 10.. Dolls 5c, 10c, 12o, 20o, 25o, 35o, 60o, 72o aud 81 00. Little Ited Wagons nt 10u. Toy pianos at25o; Diemeis, Shlfhiiiirdrt and Chiffoniers at 25o, - ' On Minis Shirts at 25o, 85, 88, 50 and 75o. Mens New Ties itegiilar 50o kind at 25c. Speoial Glove sale OwIiik to tho mild weather wo have had, we find M wo have more Mens (Jloves on hand than wo want. Sltf , , -t 50 Moves ami Mittens t 33c; 75u Gloves and' J Mittens at 00c. frr at I Lets than i.-u30w", 75n Mufll irs at 50j, and 81.00 Regular m MllllliM'n l'lneed mi S.iln Pikes. 50.1 Mufll hi MiilllniH nt (15.' Special lviil Clvf, S.ile 81 25 and 1 60 Kid Gloves at 1 00. SpeiMnl biiiupli" Llnu of L-ulies nml Childrous MitteiiK Pnpcd on Mi'n at tjiu Regular Price! Come To Us Por Your Xmas Buying. ij ALFRED- HAD ELL. . - '. i l H F Vjii T'vl i"! 1 , S hJatp t..,. a At- I iiii2B2S5S!!!2'T' t fin riiTTjLJ:-r'r ""n ' Mv.ymwwi-Twi'aaoc'. ira