i$jliHwiwawiwrwm Liii.tiirrrrir--' ' '''- ' M I It I '" t f i. m w BAD BLOOD, BAD COMPLEXION. The akin (a the neat of an almost end less variety of diseases. They are known by various names, but are all due to the Mmc cause, acid and other poisons in the blood that irritate and interfere with the proper action of the skin. To have a smooth, soft skin, free from all eruptions, the blood must be kept pure and healthy. The ninny preparations of arsenic and potash and the large number of face powders and lotions generally used in this class of ilNcnscs cover up for a short time, hut cannot remove per inanently the ugly blotches and the rid, disfiguring pimples. Etornal vlgtlanoo Is tho pHoa of a hoautlful oomploxlon when such remedies arc relied on. Mr. II T. fitiobe, 9701 I.ucns Avennr, fit Louis, Mo , M i " My daughter vm nfillcted for ear with n ilinfigitrliifT eruption uti her face, which resisted nil treatment Whe vn taken to two celebrated Jienltli Kptlnpi, btittecelveii no bene fit. Miiiy medicine were prevcrlhcd, but with out result, until wc decided iottyb B S, nnd by the time the first bottle unslitilshrd the eruption began todlsiptitar A tloten lioll'cs cured her completely nml left Iter nkln perfectly amoolh, fihe In now seventeen ) cars old, mid nut a rig it of the cmbarrnlttj dlicatc lias ever returned." S. S. S. is a positive, unfailing cute for the worst forms of skin troubles. It is the greatest of all blood purifiers, and the only one guaranteed purely cgctnuie. liaa uioou makes una complexions. purines ana invigo rates the old and makes new, rich blood that nourishes the bodv and keens the Ida active and healthy and in proper condition to perform its part towards carrying on me impurities irotn tne Doay. rfyott have Eczema, Tetter. Acne, Salt Rheum, Fsorlasis, or your skin is rough and pimply, tend for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases and write our physi cians about your case. No charge what ever for this service. WW memo aanpawr. atumt. , THE CHIEF Bad blood makes sss sa tsw. MtaofiUu ruBuaaw ar w. l. McMillan. .1100 so rrBLXBHID XVKRT FRIDAY aurad at las post oo at Rsd Cloud, Ntb.as asad chut mall taattsr. ADVBUTI8INCJ KATKH: 'Lscsl Klrettlilnf 6 cecti per line per Issue. Local AdTorllttng for enlerUlnmatiU, con rH,ocll, tc given by churches, charlttblo MCleUcs, etc., wbcro all moneys raited there- ftom are used w holly for church or charltablo -oclollo flrstten linos frco and all over ten lines SSi couts per lino per Inane. Local advcrtlslnis ot eniurtalnmciiU. concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent Is glU'ii to pro moters, 6 ceuts per Hue per Issue, nisruY sovanTisiNo. Odo column por month.. ..... ....... 17 00 One half column per month ......-........... :i Hi One fourth column per month ...........-..... 1 75 General display advortlslug , 6X cents tor Inch perlstue. FABLES. from the Kansas Mall and Breete. Tbero was onco a young woman, wh after her graduation f i oin u little col lego in Indiana, engaged In tho business ot toachlug schtiol. As a school leach er tho young wumnit wits what might he termed a light win in numeinl. Her stiong point whs discipline nml tho way sliu mado Hut jotitliB who wora ooutiited to her cure too tho nrirk wns iuduod a caution. For some fifteen j eat s after litr gradua ion she followed the busiuess of tonching until nn im pression war. getting qtrne general u at mho was growing n trill') stale. About ! that time sho attracted tha altontinn of a bashful bachelor of sonio forty-live i. limmna uflin iintl imtrui Itarl lia naxifit to sidlo up to a tender fenialu in his Ufa. Ho was tho owner of a good Ne braska farm and had some as good stock as there was in tho noighboi hood. Xhe sohojl teacher, who knew a good -thing when she saw one, concluded rthat she would just hitch onto tint itlmld bachelor and sho did. ijhe evou .left tho impression on bis mind that ha self ns sho stntted to call tho school lo onion "It seems to make n good hit of (lifTurefini about whoso children aio fitting puddled," V A phllnutliinplst was vhillng n pi ls on nml asked tho warden for the piivi lege of con vol sing with tho convicts In older to find out from thorn what hrtil led them into crime. The wurdon who was mi accommodating sort of man, granted the lequcst. Tho philanthro pist commenced on a man who was in for minder tint! followed with a mnn who had been sentenced for Jour glury, and after him caino n man who wan in for horse stealing, and soon down Hid list, lie found fiom the mm del ei'n conversation that it was till u mistake about his having committed t it- iiiiinlei, UihjU ylnid tiiailt n groit tnistul.c hi convicting him The bur glar nlno astiied him Unit lie humis Innocent of the ciiimt in u new horn bide, but was tho victim of piejuilicc and cliciiiiHtunce". 'I'lic mini who mmh In fur homo stealing told him with tmtis In his ojes thai hi was (he victim of mis aken identity, another man hail stole tho hoi so nutl.hu was mado to siiiTui' while the ical ctilptlt was at libei ty' The philanthropist was much wrought up by tho stories of tt.eso wen nnd wo.pt for sympathy. After ho bad spent several hotiis In listoning to tho convicts and hadn't found one who wasn't unjustly convicted h'o turned lo tht wardon and said: "Our courts are full of injustice and rank tyranny. I haven't found a man here yet who isn't innocent." Then the philanthroipst went away full of indignation and determined that he would, do wht. hewcouJd to right the wrongs that had bean done these men. An boar after he had left the prison walls he began to feel through his clothes and found that he was short 935. One of the innocent and wronged men had lifted the cash from an inside pocket of the philan thropist while they were mingling their tears together. Moral Tbero may bo innocont men sont to tho penitentiary, but they aio not noar ns plenty as bugs in some hotels we hnvo known. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local appli'ntlons because they can not reach tho diseased poitlous of the ear. Thuro is only one way to cute deafness, and that is by constitutiona lemodics. Deafness is caused by an infl mod condition of the mucous lining ot tho eustacnian tube. When tho tube gels infl tmed you bavo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is diitiicly closed deaf ness is the ic suli, and unless tho inflammation can bo taken nut and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be desl toyed forever, nine cases out of ten nio caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but an infltmod condition of tho mucous suifaae. YV will give onu hundred dollars for any case of deafness (cnused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. Bond for circulars, free. F. J. Oiienet & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. ( Hall's Family Pills arc the best. KMslvVSifalMsMsMMhlatt .&66&6.&c&ti it 'Oi it) itV ft il i tt) it) it) it it) it) il) it) tti it) it) it) it) il) it) il) il) isV ii) il) il) Or il) il) il) iaV ir il) il) il) il) il) il) il) il) il) 0) 0) iti 0) il) il) il) it) il) it) 0) il) il) 0) it) vw CHRISTMAS GREETING ! We extendito all a Christinas greeting and hope you will have many 'such, and extend to every man, woman and child an invitation to ourstore which we have filled to overflowing with Christmas articles too numerous to mention. As a special christmas offerinS we are giv ing a great reduction in all our cloak and cape prices. It will pay you to come and inspect our stock in all depart ments. Below you will find some of the numerous articles we have on display to help you make a selection for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife or Husband. For Father. Smoking i'' Fut Mii and (Jiiims NeiktieU)t Coliiu mill ( nil mix Slimline SeN C'lgu II ld- SI 00lo8l 00 1 00 in 1 75 7o to !J 00 M to 1 (10 llo t i II f 0 r.o'ii i ou For Mother. Work Box , 85 to 4 00 Toilet CasH ... 75 to 6 06 Fur Collarrttes J.;... 8 00 to 15 00 Fur Muffs A.. W to 5 00 Fascinators , 25 to 160 Handketohief Box 50 to 8 00 Olovo Boxes 50 to 8 50 For Brother. Shaving Set Collar and cull buxitx . ., Cigar Holder . . ' Smoking Set , ,, Muftr Handkeiclilel- . Ink Stand & P-u Hidden 75 to 50 tn 60 to 1 00 to 25 lo '05 tu 3 CO 3 00 1 00 4 00 1 50 1 00 50 25 per cent off on all J tickets! j j& -UMN-. .&$ r i.-xv" ' W? P V i "a . r - VC-' . gj j, You can'l afford to miss this opportunity of securing one of our Winter Jackets. From now until January ist our entire stock of Jackets and Capes will be SOLD at a DISCOUNT of 25 per cent. Men's Duck Coats 1.50 to $3.;o. Men's Overshoes 1.00, 1.25, 1.35 and 1.40. Ladies' Overshoes 90c, 1.25, 1.75. Misses Overshoes 75c to 90c. Children's Overshoes 75c to 90c, Men's extra heavy fleeced underwear per garment 50c. Men's extra heavy fleeced underwear per garment 45c. Men's good heavy fleeced underwear 35c per garment. Ladies' union suits 50c to ' 2 per suit. Children's union suits 35c to $1.25 per suit dtrioc ' sl'" liaT' H 'uw liiis of LaditM OllUCd 82 CO and S3 00 Sham to close out, 75c. A full line nf hnes of nil kinds ni prices that are in reti'ih if nil. Men'? ami children's shoes that aio iMiaiuiitecd to glvo siiti-fiii'lion. n-acc riririHc A ni'' 'lu!,,8 P"l,''n J'y- LFrCao JUUUruly accepted as n Cluist iiiai piiwunt by mi v lady. Wo am In u position to Hhovv jini tin Int. ft and inns', fasliionnhlti goodh. To all wbn piuHitiM! a ill ess piiltein over 50c per Mud wh will givi-the fnllowlrigs free. G yatiU cam hi ic;,li yd- silisia; 1 d duck; 1 caul hook- and eves. CftC PsfifC " ",,r r,,C(,ri' department you VjrUC'CI IC3 will Hud a olinice assoi tinent of Christmas caiitlii'- We will pav special attention to parlies bovintr ivindi-s and Christmns trim nttpplitts. Gil' OUR PIUCES BKFORK BUYINfi. Highest Prices paid for Butter and Eggs. For Sister. Toilet ciisi) M.inicnti' ('! Triplicate .Miinu Wotk B ies , , Iniat'k 1'icliile- Aibllui1' Music Hoilu Ilainlkeicliief Itoxcs (Jloi'c IS IM' 75 to 1 00 to 25 to f.O to 20 ti 1 00 lo .'15 to 50 to 50 to 5 00 8 00 i :n 1 00 75 1 50 8 00 1 50 A 00 3 00 )' C S). ?'i -.v.: : rdll xJ 'fif '-dR, For Small Girls. Wooden Washing Machine 80 Handkerchiefs 05 to 25 Work Boxes 25 to 1 00' Dolls Dressed 80 to 1 50 Kid Body Dolls 25 to 1 05 China Head Dolls 05 to 75 Savings B inks 20 to 100 Dishes, set 15 to GO Fancy opal iliihes, each, 03 to 25 Toys of numerous kinds. For Boys. Magic Lanterns. Toy KntritiPF, To 1 ChestH, Bagatelle (in tne. Small Ti links, Combination Binks, Tin Banks. For Baby. Toilet Set consisting of comb,- camels hair brush, teething ring and powder box, all In satin lined box, $1 25. Tin tojs, Wooden toys, Woolen mitts, Jackets, Fur Sets, Collaictlennd Muff. fc ' TURNURB BROTHERS. tfy m m m m m 9 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to .to to to to to to to to to to to to . k-. . k. . . . . h. . mb. k. . - . sb. . . . . b sSk. . o . sk. Bk Sk . Bk fc Bk s& stV ik Sfc Bk ttt fc sV SJk fc ssX Bhv Sk a atk . iik . . Ssm. . tsuk . . . . - m . v . 'i vBSJ 9 S Bb VSj "A TH "B B bbH TbVbsV siibh bB bSibK aVH biibH tfBBlSK SsSBIJ SSBM jsBBBH sSBBf sHBJi 'SBBBBi sBIBBJBBBaM dSBlHa riSsH 4BHSW dSSBBK aiVl siiBK BiiBt suSMKt sc ssV bb ft VB .ft sn fA sBsT PW - - ' ' ' " a- ' - ' - ' - ' - r . w- - , v , r -aw-'sw'dsjw-ftfvs jJtsrSrf-trOtrtrtr WrtMtt HIOiADOC Kick a dog and he bites you. He bites you and you kick him. The more you kick the more vhad done the courting, but as a matttrj h(J bites anj the morehe bUes ot fact ho teally didn't hold enough the more you kick. Each GBHISTPS GOODS I nards in the gatno to take a iugle trick. The man who had been a bachblor f ir forty-fivo years was right proud of what he supposed be bud done, and felt sure that his wife would tun tit makes the other worse. A thin body makes thin least sixty-one pounds to the bushel ' i.ij ti.:. ii i i which would entitle her to n No. 1 , blood- Thin blood makes a grade. And his estimate was right, too thjn bod Each mak(JS thc f.kii Ihn tiiilll IAI IU1 1IUI II1M Klllll 1 I 11 helpmeet that the man noeded. After a while tbero was horn to tho couplo a baby hoy who was the idol of his moth er's heart. As the boy grew up it was noticed by si.'iuo ot the neighbors that ho ran the ' ration and that his mother let him do just as he pleased. After awhile the boy got big enough to go to school nnd tho teacher discov eieil that ho was tho worst kid that had ever come under her jtuisdiution. She Ithoied with hint nnd coaxed him nml gave him a lot cl good talk, but it was no use the boy got meanor nil tho while. As a Inst tesott I ho hoy's teach er turned him across her knee and ap plied a paddle whom it would do the most good. The rost of that day the hoy was the best thing thoro was in the whole school, hut that night he went home nnd told his story to his mother ami the next morning his mother tic voinpanled hm to sjhobl and gavo his teacher such a hot talk that it singed tlin maps on the wall. She said Ihai any teacher who would 'whip .1 good child like her poor little Willie ought to hit ptosucuied mid put in jiil After the woman hail liiiii-hed her " toiisl inill il:n Willie hoiim with tho Tenia) k Unit MieMifd not propose to stnl li(i t'q, school to bo ahuetl, t io teacher who used to he out of tho wo- munVpUpils herself, mo arsud in lui- other worse. If there is going to be a change the help must come from outside. Scott's Emulsion is the right neip. it ureaks up sucn a combination. First it sets thc stomach right. Then it en riches thc blood. That Strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh. A strong body makes rich v.od and rich blocd makes a ' :ong body. Each makes thc hr better. This is the way 'cott's Emulsion puts thc thin ocly on its feet. Now it can ut along by itself. No need of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Matk of Scott's l'.muMon and Is on tliu 3? wrapper of every bottle. Mna lor Irte sample SCOTT & IIOWNH, .poo, Peail St,. New York. 50c. and $1. all druggists. Aw I04fc wn uuri 7sWiltsB22s OUR LINE Consists of Dolls of all kinds kid body, patent, cmna, dressed and undressed large and small. Doll heads. Mechanical Toys. Games of all Kinds. For the Children. Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Doll Go-carts, Rocking Horses, Laundry Sets, N Tool Chests, Pastry Sets, Doll Beds, Toy Stoves, Furniture Sets, Guns, Drums, and all kinds of interesting toys for the children. ji ji ji PERFUMES, JEWELRY. S j j j l Silver and Nickle Goods. 1 K Children's Cups, Knife, Fork and Spoon Sets, Sugar $ Spoons, Butter Knives, Napkin Rings, and many other articles. f ijm 1 Chikawake. Glassware. Lamps. Picture Frames. o Jt J A special price made on an assortment of fine Celluloid Allbums. For the want of space we can name only a very few of the articles suitable for Christmas presents. j j j Don't Forget that with everv 25c purchase you get a chance on our fine $10 Doll given away December 24th. O' THE FAIR STORE Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Neb. 4444444444i4t444444,4.444.4j CLOSING OUT SALE ! I w ( will close out all tho balance of my goods at n very 6w 3 price. I have a number of things that will make nice 1 Chiistmas piesents, sue as 5 Handkerchiefs, Fascinators, Hoods, $ Nica Black Dress Goods, White Goods, $ Embroideries, Black and White Veilings, Jj Silk and other Laces, Combs, Yarn's, . Umbrellas, Shawls, Pocket Books, Etc. J Call and see my line before going elsewhere. , Mrs. F. Newhouse. mHm(KllltltHIK((C(H((it(((c ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: ., ,, , ... , ,, , , Hxltimokh, MiJ, March 30, 1901. Grntlemtn 1 Belli r entirely ciircil of tlcnf nem tlmuU to our treatment, I v. Ill now cUc ill hlstop'of mycaoe, to tic iimm! nt our dlscritloti. n full you About five years ni;o tnv richt inr Ugau to kinK. nnd tills Vent on cettlncr worse until I lost uiy lienrtnj; in tliWcnr entirely " 1 or t iiuucrwciii n trcHiniim ior canirrn, lor mice montlis, witliout nny success, consulted a num. lirrof iiliynlcuiin, ninotiff ottitrs, the most eminent car upeciallkt of this city. ho told me that only nn iiernt!on could help me, nnd ien Hint only temiiorarlly. that the bead noises would tnn car, but the lienrinir In the ndectcd car would lie- lost iorcer. mcnl to itty. (ifirr fi e cckt. mv lienrinir u the lUeaed ear ha been entirely icKored, ll irt ill mill III If III mill llll 1 . (lira .. IV...l HUM MV(, lli tVl VIIIIV tUIIIR I. A. V1 1 men nil jour niiiertihrincnt ncctnen ally 111 a New York pal'", aud ordered ourtreat t After I Imcl iin-d it only n few tln nceprdliiKti)our directions the noises ceased, und I tliauk you lKt AN, 7jo S. Broadway, nattlraore. Md. On v treatment tlocs not Interfere with your unmtl occupation. rte"1 YOU G AH CURE YOURSELF AT HOME n,no0H?.,,,a ITr'-'y Mr,.( n !iir. Rgfi LA SALLE AVE., CHICAQ0.1LL. Miiiiiii-imimim- PLATT & FREES CO., . Chicago - Lumber - Vard. RBll CI.OUU, NEBRASKA. Lumber, Lime. Goal and Cement. . ; V