MtMMnhw I ft. II f J r .u hv 'li TWOARCCAPTURED Seven of the Escaped Convicts Known to Be at Large. ONE WAS A LEADER IN THE REVOLT Alulrtmit Neuron Will Klhl llUrniti hlfcnirut MltiUIrr Shut A (Inntwt Spcrt t'Hplurr.l I'lroM (iranc! Itlatul-- (IIIiit "Nrtrt. Two tuoro of nil convicts wlio ci :uv(t fnm the Fort Leavenworth mllHnry prison Nov. 7 have Im-oii rup tured at I.tuvton, Oklahoma, according to n telegram received hy tlm warden from tlio sheriff of Mutt ' place. They uru Turner Darnes, sent up from this territory for tun yenrs for assault, and Hub Clark, who was serving n llvo year sentence for bn'aklng into n Tex us postoflleis. Clnrlr wns oms of the leader. In tlio revolt imil it was lie who held up .Superintendent. Htnils. Tho men are well-known to the ollieers of the territory, anil Warden Me Clnughry stated over tins long-dlstunee telephone. tiNlny that he felt sure that they are two of hif missing prisoners. f Of the convicts who eseapeil in tho out break, hut seven nits now at law. i 1 JleHiofllM MiuUtcr Khot. Ucv. 4. lirndfonl, a Methodist min ister at Hrookstdc, Aln., was shot and killed hy R. D. Coffinim, a justice, of I lie peace, Rev. Mr. Hradford had bwjn lettir'ied i'b the MidljodUt tiifil inler foV'uUiilliet'.yvnt'. Vbiio ut Sun day school thu Rev. Mr. Hradfovd Itradford called ntteiitiou to Mils fact and reinarhed that hu hoped all the relations between hlmclf and his con gregation would Ihs pleasant, adding, it Is alleged, that their lvlutions would Iks pleasant if they eauhl stop such men as CoiTmau from lying about him and the ehureli. CoiTinnn was once a member of Mr. Itradford'.s ehuruh, but. hit had lieen expelled on' homo charge, and for this re.-iMu there had been Msttcr feeling hclwts'ii him anil Itradford. Ilurrtir Ht. L'ttw-utluii. liltd Wilson, the eonvlet who killed It. II. Naylor, a guard of tins Yell coun ty convict tsnnip -last September, was hanged at Danville, Ark., Decomlier 0. Iteforo this lid was placed upon thecof li n this body licgnu moving about. Wil ' sou opined his eyes and his whole (mints shook with tremors. Ho wits taken nut of thu eotlln by thu deputies and carried up the steps to the. scaffold for thu purpose of haug'ing him ugnln. When tins platform was reached thu body liecamis rigid, remained so for a moment and then became limp. The physinns dually pronounced Wilson dead, death being eauseil by strangu lation. f.ltlKatlon Kmls. F. M. Hull, attorney for thu finance committee of the A. (. (I. W. temple at Drnud Island, as the permanent head quarters of the grand lodge for Ne braska, has written to this olurli of the district court, to tho etVvct that he still not want this transcript of the proceedings as order ed by him, since lie had consulted the members or tho finance committee anil this grand master workulau and had Ux'ii ordered by them not to curry the litigation any further. The entire liti gation is thus disposed of and It is ex lccUd that in a few days the commit tees will meet and complete the pur chase of this building. ttttfMftm l ltrjical l.lqimr Ortllnaiire. A committee of 10(1 cltir.en'a of Well ington, appointed at thu revival moot ing waitcil this city rounclt with a pe tition asking for the repeal of what is known as thu ''malt ordinance," tinder which joints ha ve been licensed by the payment of an ocupatlou tax of 8004) u year, Ry a, vote of il to a this council which contains a majority of memliers eleotcd last spring on n "wet" ticket, turned down Ihu petition and refused to repeal the ordinance. The temper ance people arc considering this advisa bility of bringing quo warranto pro ceedings to prevent thu city accept In g this license money. - . - I'll I llur lUlty lu An Oven. Mm. J. J''rcd Meyers, living tl vis miles from Corrrctiotivlllo, in., wrapped hur llve-months-old baby In n blanket, put her in this oven of this kitchen stovu to keep warm and went out lit this yard to gather fuel. Wheu half an hour later sho returned this fire in, thu store had I1 a ml up and this room was filled with smoke. Kushliig to thoovciishofound tho blanket, and clothes in Humps. The halsy was dead and its arms and legs burned to a crisp. .Shunt nimir. lhivld It. White, a ICnusus pioneer, oommltlcd suicide ut. Manhattan by shooting himself in the temple with an old shotgun. It la thought ill health and lliiitnelul worry canted the deed. I is hud Just made a will thu previous day, lie wus 71 years old. Ho came to Knuits in 18.18 ami bad tired in Manhattan since. lHOrt. KcorMllirn f a KatortiMta Criminal. Thomas .1. Ifamptott, colored, who couituitttsd a don Me. murder ut Fort White, Flu., iilim years ago, was hauged at Lake City for thu oritne. The dootned man -smoked a iiigar to thu very moment tins blaelc cap was ad justed. In his statement, just before tlte execution, he rniiftsohcd to live murders, one of u condiustor on a train in Lexington county, .South Carolina, In 187, n homicide that for the past fifteen years lima Ixsca mystery. Other murders were eoinralttiHl in tiro ntsrtfsof Georgia. ALL WENT INTO THE DITCH Konthrrn ln-l'lc ttnlln-tty lint it Wirrk In tirrsoti. The California express on Mm S)iith cm I'aclflo, which left Han Francisco Dec. 0 for Portland, wns NTcekisil at Salem. Fireman Silas l. l'lsli of l'orU land was killed and Kugineer W. II. WhiUs Rerlously injured No one else on this train was injured, notwithstanding Mie fact that thu en gine, mall, express and baggage, ears all went into the ditch, At the scene of the wreck there Is a trestle llftis'ti feet high over Mill creek. The engine plungisl into the ditch teruing over on 1 ts side, and the mall ear piled on to of it. Tlic express nud baggage ears left this track on opposite sides from thu engine and mail ears. Tlic day coach was derailed but remalne'il up right. The Pullman sleeper ami pri vate car of Superintendent Fields re mained on the track. The train was running about ten miles an hour. It is not known vthutcaused the accident Slircpnii'ii Combli.c. A gigantic combine is Isslug formed at ltuwliugs, Wyo., by I he sheepmen of what Is known as the Sweetwater country for this purpose of excluding Utah llocknuiMters and local cattlemen from encroaching upon what Is known as tins red desert winter ranges In Sweet water valley. It is proposed to lease and buy from thu Union Pacific every alternate sec tion which is owned by tlio company nnd thcruby control approximately V 5tH,iK)0 nci'.is of the finest winter feed ing ground in tlie west. Ily leasing" till tho land, which will give them con trol of alternate government sections, which have been frequent, will come, U pnend. ' I'lic sheepmen who piirihiM: to leasts tho land have offered the railroad company a rate of 1 par cant per acre, or $1,800 par year, for thu land. The proposition lias been tvirod to the Un ion Pa el tin general land olllee ut Oma ha, nnd it is cxpectu.1 that the deed will be closed in a few days. Another llilrl Hiiirct Arr4tiul. A Frankfort, Ky., Decemlser S Dis patch says: SheritV Hroiiglitou of Hull county, accompanied by three depu ties, arrived here, having in charge. Dcrry Howard of Dull rounty, who wi;.", indicted for complicity In this mur der of William iIocIk'1, and who has been a fugitive more than a year, lie turned his prisoner over to Jailor Law rence' of this county and Howard wns assigned quarters in the Jail with Ca leb Powers and James Howard, a rela tive, charged with the same crime. Howard protests his innorcusc, and says he became a fugitive in thu mouii tain section only because lie did not want to His in jail here. He will lusk fur au Immediate, hearing, and if tills is denied, that, he be released on bond Now- it l'aupor. A Carson, Nevada, December 7 dis patch says: James Henry, who has' served a suven-j'car sentence for the theft of 8(W,000 from the United States mint in this city and who ivfuscd to take a pauper's oath, came before this commissioner and look the oath, whereupon he was released. Thu United States district attorney asked Henry a number of questions re garding the disposition of his proper ty. Henry stated that the property had passed out of his possession at the time of his imprisonment, most of it going in settlement of attorneys1 fees. Thu property that was left was placed lu tho hands of his wife, who secured a dlvorco ayear ago. t'irtt ut lirniiil Inland. During a high wind storm last Fri day evening thu fire whistle sounded an alarm, qu'.ckly followed by it gen eral alarm. A barn lu it well settled portion of Orand Island, Neb., was burning, thu fins having 'a big start and looking threatening, owing to thu high Wind. However, the department checked this fire with lint one barn to tally ituil another partially destroyed. Tho property destroyed was that of K K. Ilrowu, it stock food agent. Will VlKlit IHnfraiioliUrmciit A large, number of representative ne groes headed by Kev. W. MetJtll, of itirminghnm, Ala., have, begun :t move ment to test, thu constitutionality of thu Alabama constitution which prac tically dlsfriuehlses that race in that statu. A meeting will be. held for this purposu of raising funds to employ legal talent to test tho question before tins supreme court of thu United States. l'nlnoiiml at Wlllnc Omtt. Slxty-flvo persons tveru poisoned at a wedding feast at tins home of John Mulky, at West Point, Wis., Dec 0. It is hclluvcd there was poison in the coffee. Physicians wero from Lodi, nud, after several hours' work, hope was given, that all would recover. Some of tho coffee, was sent to a chemist to Iks examined. Vlalit With lluhlinr. Night Marshal J. It. Smith at Cliel sea, Iotva, was shot in the head by three robbers Itud died two hours lat er. Tho robbers were discovered ,, by the officer whild uttuinptlng to break into the bunk, and lu an exchange of shot the latter was killed. The rnh brrs escaped on a hand car. MaM .luau lllll Oa Cantaa, "KooscTelt at San .luau Hill" in to be the subject of a painting by Vasaitl Verestchagln, the painter of battle scenes. Thu fatuous UtOMlun artist lirn arrived at Chicago to conduct an ex hibition of his painting at. thu art in stitute. He announced his intention to devote two years or mom to the work of portraying on etnvasn the battle which, he thinks, because of BooMsveU'B elevation to the presidency, lathe most Interesting war scene of modern times ts Ainerloans, CASHIER ABSCONDS Was Connoctod With tho Institu tion Twenty-Nine Years. THE BANK IS AMPLY PROTECTED Solillfr Hun .Itiilii'k rronir'liir Mur ilrrnl SMfn tf Vnllry I'mliinli'O It Itpiiintlitlieil Nfjfrii Hlllltic lu l.lnrnlit -Ollirr nn. II. J. Fleishman, cashier of tins Farmers nnd .Merchants' hank of l.os Angeles, ('al., has disappeared with a sum of the bank's money which Vice President II. W. Hellman estimates at ;loo,onii. Fleishman has not been seen since Saturday morning, December 7, atjj o'clock. At that time lie was at his club. He notified thu bank people that lie was 111 Saturday morning and would not he at his desk, Nothing wns thought of tho matter at tins time. When Fleishman failed to report his accounts svero gone over and this short ago discovered, The cxnet amount lins not yet been ascertained. Fleishman lins been cashier and as sistant cashier of this Farmers- nnd Merchants' bank for many years. He began work for the bank' when n lioy hi 1873. Ho was under bond with n surety company for 830,000. lu addi tion Us Mils he had veal estate and per sonal property in this eltysufllctent, in the opinion of Mr. IMlm.ui, to protect tins bank from loss of n dollar. Fleis'imnii married this 'laughter of A. J. Harr.'ll, n wealthy cattleman of Visalla, but wns divorced souiu time ago. He is forty-iwo j'eai's of age. .Slrlckim With Heart Viilliiro. Within the short, space' of half an hour's time, and almost without warn ing of any kind, Isaac 11. Drown, uged seventy-nine years, and his wife, Sarah Drown, aged seventy-live, of Fremont, were stricken with heart ,ailuro and each succumbed to this attack on De cember 7. Mr. Ilrowu ate supper with Ills family, consisting of his wife and daughter, and appeared to ho lu Ills usual good health and spirits. About half, past seven he began enmplnlning of it pain in his arms and chest. He re tired a short tlmo beforu 10, nnd in it little while his daughter heard him breathing heavily. Shu went to sec him and found him almost breathing his last. Death came beforu a physi cian could be summoned. Mrs. Drown, soon ufter he.rhusbnnd's death, said slits felt tired and would like to go to bed. Thu physician who wns called to attend Mr. Drown, but who nrrlved too late to be of service, hail barely reached his home when u second call reached him that Mrs. Drown was in it dangerous condition. lie hurried back and found her uncon scious. Kite died about ten minutes afterward. The dual fatality Is un precedented lu Doitgc county Mr. and .Mrs. Drown were the parents of twelve children, uluveu of whom aru still liyiug DIiiiiiiiikI Itulilipr t.'out Ictcil. The jury in the case of John K. Darr, formerly a prominent merchant and manufacturer of Denver, on the chnrge of robbing Mrs. Mary lletts of 87,000 worth of diamonds, returned a verdict uf guilty, after being out twenty-six hours. The penalty for this crime is from one to fourteen yenrs in the pen itentiary. Something over a year ngo Mrs. Detts was robbed of her diamonds while returning to tlio city from it drive with it man iiumed Hnemalt. Tlic latter was also robbed of a sum of money, but was later arrested charged witlt having entered into a conspiracy to rob Mrs. Detts, tho drive, it was charged, being part of an alleged con spiracy. Haemnlt was confined in prison for some mouths, and during this time im plicated Darr in the ease. The charges against him wero dropped upon his agreement to turn state's evidence. This he did not do, however. Onu of tho sensational features of the casu was tho testimony of Mr. Detts, that she was of thu opinion that the person who took her jewels from her was a woman disguised in man's ulothlng. I'lrn In Nnnlt.-trliini. A dangerous and exciting Uru eamo near resulting In a serious loss of life, at St. Mary's private sanitarium at Milwaukee. For a tlmu there was a panic among the patients. Although no lives were lost, great diniculty wuh experienced' in getting the twenty seven inmates of the sanitarium out in time. Twenty-four of tins patient were carried from the building by tho firemen. This tire started In a barn in tins rear, from an overturned Inmp. Xnlgiihor Demand Invrctlaation. The ucigbors of George ltliigham, a farmer, filtueu miles south of Fort Scott, Kits., who died recently, hnvo demanded a coroner's inquest to deter mine whether or uot he was poisoned, lllngham was apparently well a few days ago, but was taken suddenly HI and is reported to hare died in fifteen minutes. He. l'.rl with hlsfc.'i,(r nnd a honarkeeper. MlaUtar Shutlu tl I'alall, Her. A. A. Johnson, colored, astor of the African Methodist Kplsuopal church of Oskaloosa, la., was shot and aerioualy wounded in his pulpit by a oolored girl, Auna Nelson. The girl elaimato have been wronjred by the inlalster. Thomw, D. Ferguson of Watuugu us mined the (office of governor of Okla homa Decamher 0. Governor Fergunon, made no apeach or promises. It iaaaid the ofliclals of th Jenkins administra tion will be reaxived at onw. vn WANT TO TRADE PLACES Hajr III (In I Kngliuitl hiiiI Chortle Ifl lie .Socrelary of Mtnto. Many republicans lu New York statu have not been ablo to understand why Ambassador Joseph II. C'hnatu lias pro longed his vacation in this country. It lias liern said lu Washington that if Mr. f,ow hail been defeated ou election day President llooscvclt. was to havo "PIMiintcd Mr. l.ow ambassador to Crcat llritaiu. Another story eamo out from repub licans who wens at the Flflh nvenuis hotel, and who have talked with Presi dent llooscvclt within tins last few days. They say they believed that President llooscvclt, now that the iiistv Drltlsh trealy has been satisfactorily adjusted, is to appoint Mr. Choate to be secretary of state in place of Secre tary Hay, who may 'possibly tnko Mr. riioate's place as ambassador. Thu re port that Ambassador Choate was to succeed Secretary Hay and Secretary Hay to succeed Ambassador Choato was accepted as true by republicans wlio have discussed the matter with the president and others in Washing ton. They wero uot exactly clear, though, that Mr. Hay is to have Mr. Choatc's place, and for Mint reason cer tain eminent republicans intend to go in for thu ambassadorship themselves A WONDERFUL CAVE. Hltt'iit vry of l.urRutl Knmrit Near Itulle, .Mont. A new and wonderful natural cave, believed to buoneof thulargestknowu, lins just been discovered in this canyon of the JelT'Tsoii, about llfty miles cast uf Hullo, Mond An explonithli parly from Hullo spout several days in the cave, going over ait area of ten miles and to a depth of nearly 1,000 feet. A large river with a cataract about 100 feet was explored for a distance of several miles without discovering its sourecor nutlet. A few artielei of stono and copper utensils ami some Iksiics believed to bu human Ixmc.s, wens also found In onu of thu large apartments, of thu eavu. There were other evidences that at some tlmu in it prehistoric period thu envo was in habited. It is believed that an 'earth quake ilosed the entrnnce to tlio cave and killed Its inhabitants. The forma tion of stalactite and other natural decorations throughout tlio cave are most beautiful. Itobbcr Killed. Three men entered tlio general store of Kdwnrd Wood at Malena, S. D., and robbed it to the amount of 810. Sher iff Dotcn of Deadwood and Patsy Pat terson, deputy sheriff, started in dif ferems directions to meet tlio robbers. Patterson met them In Strawberry gulch and nrderod them to glvu up. Thu robbers fired at Patterson and uuc shot was sent Into the wngon by thu deputy. One of this robbers full over dead. Tho driver gave hlmsulf up, but the third escaped, No no of tins three robbers is known. Fred Cavert of i'lunia lias been Iden tified as this driver of tho team which brought away thu robbers from Oaleiut His is under arrest. The dead man is believed to bo named Kelly. A man while Intoxicated asserted that tho dead man was his brother. A Drmllj- Hurl. Will McCowan was fatally shot at Lincoln, Nub., Dec. 0 by Willis Duok nur. Doth men are colored. Duckner is now in jail, and Thornton Murpfiy, another colored man implicated lu tlio crime, is also behind thu bars. Doth men gave thumsulvos up. Duckner ac cuses Murphy of shooting at hi in first, and says Murphy started to run after tiring thu first shot. McOowan unit him, grabbed his gnu away and fired twice at Duckner. Then Duckner drew his revolver and fired two shots, both taking effect. Tlio Ittwt shot proved fatal. McCowan died. This can so of thu trouble is sommvhnt in doubt, but seems to huvo n fond that had been g.owing in intensity for souiu. time. Murphy admit shooting first, but bays it was done accidentally. One Killed ami Many Injured. The Central of Georgia railroad pas Buuger train from Savannah, aftur crossing the river entering Macon with itlidiit 100 passengers, December 8, Jumped a switch ou a high embank ment. Tins engine and tender parted from tins train. An appalling week ensued. The baggage and express ears wera thrown over into a culvert and burned. Thu second class coach was thrown ou its sidu and burned. This first ulnss passenger coach fell over tho embankment. Thu Atlanta sleeper, filled with passengers, caught tiro and was destroyed. Two sleepers wero saved. Tho memburs of the Walter .Main's cirens were aboard. This only person killed was Julia Doyntou, col ored, of Columbus, Oa. Third Attempt. An attempt was made to blow open the postofllco safe at Valley, Neb. Two charges wore fired, which aroused thu puoplo near by. This robbrrs fled to' thu south part of town and escaped. Dloodhounds were placed on thu trail uud tracked thu men to a point near town, where they evidently had horses awaiting them. The safe was ruined. Th'. i ti third attempt made by bue jfur.s to rob the eafs this year. Heine' fay Car. A special from Novates, A. T., says that customs officials there seined a pay car of thu Southern Pacific Rail road coiupauy and placed Paymaster Kobinsou and three others under ar rest oa this charge, of having several thousand contraband cigars in their poatKssston. AU have been releaard ou ball. Mail Over While Aeleep. Charles Archer, aged forty-five, was killed at Rock Island, III., hy a motor uar on a aaburban Han. Archer was sleeping on te alret ear feraek, JfcjLrt4jh -... . ...... "ir" frai,irfiiiii rvYiTifT; i i iiKlfli I riiHr-irffl--. m id MBMMMMMMMMiri mi i"""" tzssss ZMtj03tiSLmmm immBnumwms&miMr m A SHOCKING (RIME Woman Brutally Beaten at Wash ington. SKULL (RUSHED AND JAWBONE BROKEN Ot.tpoiHlriil .SImii !illt lilt Own 'I'll runt mid Thtiart of III I'hiiiIIj -Culling- .tfTrH.r hI IVIeriliiira;--Nliiit I'll) llntrl .M.?trr,v IIIIht Nrnt. A Washington. I) '.. Dec. Id, ills palcli ntys: Mrs. Ada Ollbert Dennis, it fashionable dressmaker, was found In au almost dying eoudlllou In her room under elrcumslanccs that prom ise to rival the lloi.lnc murder case. Her skull svns fractured, Jawbone broken and left ear almost severed from this head. Her left arm bore bruises luteal! vr of a struggle and her clothing and the bedding were satur ated with blood. She was removed to the (iartield hospital and a large force of ileteetlves put on the ease. This name of lu-r assailant is unknown. The general belief is that Mrs. Den nis was altaelced while asleep in her back room on the first Hour and that the llrst blow wns In all probabllly administered with the piano stooi, which was .smeared with blood, and rendered her unconsi'lous. The pre liminary investigation by the police failed to indicate-Hint there svns any struggle. QUARTER OF A MILLION Will lie Atkril In 11 il I til nit lilillllun In t.lnroln I'ontollli't-. Congressman Ilurlcett Is preparing a bill for the appropriation of .?2l),Mm for an addition to the Lincoln post office. Thu mishit eis t Is assisting In thu preparation of nil estimate and rough plans for thu new building. Thu proposition to dlvidu Neliraska into two judicial districts will, if sue rmsful, make ueep.ssnry a larger build ing to accommodate Mm machinery of ii new court, to say nothing of tins In ndequncy of the Lincoln bulldjng" for the needs of today. Within a short time a bill will lm introduced for the new judicial district, which will provide that, the Platte liver is the divid ing line mid eoutemplnles new officials from lop to bottom, SEWED UP A NEGRO'S HEART I'M IImiiIkK Win i Wax Slulilinl nu u Itlver limit, Will ICeenter. I'll Daniels, a patient at the city hos pital, St. Louis, Is convalescing from nu operation ou the. heart. D.iti lets Is a negro roustabout on thu steam er City of Chester. He was stabbi'd In tho heart at Chester, HI., and twenty four hours later was taken to the city hospital. Dr. II. L. Nletert, superin tendent, sewed up the wound, taking several stitches, and the putlrnt Is now well on thu road to recovery. Oime I.I ml In l.lni-iiln. .Mrs. Ceorge II. Phliluck died at Sioux City, la., from Hie cu"Vels, pre sumably of poison. She was found lu her room at the Hotel Davenport ly ing on the floor ami apparently dead. She was revived by doctors and most of the physicians nayshe wus poisoned. Her husband, who Is a boiler-maker, was with her Saturday night, lint left unnoticed. She had told a chamber maid that her husband had quarreled with Iter and that, his mother wanted him to leave her. Little Is known of her except that site married l'iddu,k , also it stranrer. about two months ago, nnd that she. was before her marriage a resident of Lincoln, Neb. Piihluck has not been .found. Heath MH.k ut McKlnlry. Mr. K. L. A. PaiiMdi. the llulVnhi sculptor, brought to the while house tins death mask of the late IVesldt'iit McKlnlry which was taken almost Immediately after his ilentlse. The mask has not yet been shown to the public. It in expected It will lie do nated to the government, ami deposited lu thu Smithsonian institute. It Is said that it Is u remarkably faithful likeness of this late president. ' A Xtiintntr l'ntll.r Injnrnl. A box ear loaded with workmen, at I lie ahcad'of an engine of a construction train ou the Cincinnati, Richmond & Munelu railroad, jumped the track two miles cast of Peru, hid., nud roiled dowu a fifteen foot embankment, re sulting lu tlic fatal injury of one muii, serious Injury to two ami minor injur ies to twenty other occupants of the car. MmrnitUH Canal llnutn AMiirail. Dr. Feruaudo Sanchez, Nicaragua mir-'-.lcr of foreign affairs, and Will lam L. Mtirry, United States minister to Nicaragua, Salvador aril Costa Rlcu signed a treaty by which Nicaragua agrees to lease a section of Nicaragua territory six miles wide, which, Includrii the route of thu Nicaragua canal, to the United States purMstually. Hl nrotruiNl. The Urillsh bark Plnmore, Muster Jameson, owned by HIiuk tiros, of Urecnock, Scotland, bound from Santa Rosa, Mexico, to Portland, in ballast, went into the surf at the mouth of the Raft river, north of Hray's harhor near Aberdiseu, Wash, 'flits crew of thirty abandoned the ship and took to the boats, one of which was canslined shortly after leaving the vmsel aud six men drowned. The othe;- boat reached shore safely after Wlufj out thirty-six hours. One man died 'from eznomire. EMPTY THEIR REVOLVERS llfflrrrt I'rnlnl Thmntrltr Atfaltmt th Attack nf Hcniuliiii Mob. A Scranlon. Pa., dispatch or Dceci lu-r ti, says: The most serious of flu many riots which have occurred hen during the street ear strike happened today, SH-clal onicerl'rankSchoflisId, nccompnnieil by Detective Cosgrove, whose head was cut lu Sunday night's riot, went to (he scene of Sunday night's disturbance to apprehend any one the detective might lc able to Iden tify as having been among his n.ssall ants. Thoy attempted to arrest a man lu a isatnou, hut no sooner was the war rant shown than it crowd of ml tiers at tacked them with drills, clubs and hol lies. They retreated backwards, pro tecting themselves with drawn rcvol lets, when some oius ill Mm mob fired two shots. The officers and a non union niotormnu who accompanied them, emptied their ivvolvers, thereby scattering the mob, and then run. The moli kept up a steady tire front placea of concealment. Three of the inoH were shot, but their wound" are not serious. Sehotlcld ts a striking eonduefor. Ho is serving as a special officer In Mitgls Irate Miller's court to fill in time until tins strike shall bu settled. Magistrate Miller says Ihat he will liiive the warrants served If lie has ti send Iho whole police force to back up his officer. Neiv Aurli-iillitnil llureaii Tho secretary of agriculture has an nounced the establishment of a nstv division of soil mnuxgemeut in thu bu reau of soils with Prof. F. II. Kliiff. fiirincvlv ni'iifessor of soil iihvnlcs in thu unlver'.illy of Wisconsin, in charge. I The work of this illusion will consist, of following up the soil surveys and Investigating problems connected with the proper distribution of crops and the best methods of cultivation. The eastern and western divisions of thulsoil survey haMi been cmndineil and put under the supervision of Mr. Thomas il. .Means. A new division of insural soli survey has also been established and assigned to .Mr. Chirr nets W. Dorsey, formerly li charge of thu eastern division of tint worl. Mr. Dorsay leaves WashlngUm on January I to organise it party lu Porto lllco, and later will go to tit" Philippines nnd Huwall for the sam purpose. I " it Knife nit Amnllunt. .1. A. Wclguud, it stoekbuyisr oud farmer, and .1. W. MePlierson, a f aim er, living four miles from Feternburgv Neb., whllu Inn saloon became involve! lu it dispute over business matter, Welgatiil struck Mul'lierson, who drowr a kulfe and iullleteil Minis wounds oit Welgnnd. tins most serious being u gasli in the groin. Peter Ready, it rel ative of Wigand, cnine, to Mm rescue and received a cut in the abdomen, which severed hji clothing,- but did not enter the firsh. A blow front Ready finally felled Mul'lierson ami Iws wus dually carried away and locked up. Wclgnntl is seriously wounded, but will rrcoyer. AflcrTttriity Yuant. .lolin llomriglious, it prominent itcu- list of Msitoou, HI,, nted from tho ef fects of a suicidal nttc mp'v made recent ly. Ilomrlghous corresponded with cousin, Mis-i llomriglious, in Ohio for I weuly years but feared that l was unlit led by lumpermcnt to ww her and that eight thousand dollut lu had saved was not enough money wltl which to face malriuiouy. Recent!; he lvcelved a letter from his sweet heart asking if I here tvas any hope a an early mari'lngc. The same nigh ho chloroformed Himself anil turiul o this gus. His left a will bequeathing t the womnii 53,iMI(). .llhnirabln IJikIIiik. Maurice Fitzgerald and his broliictl Inward Mtgerald, of Dostou, Mass wero found dead in bed in a room filth. A diligent search by tho polii failed to show whether it was cat of murder uud suicide or Hiiicidu h each. Maurice was a priest tl f tee, years ago in Huston and wan uxcot. munieatcd by Archbishop Wllliaai' having been condemned for vlolatk of bis priestly vows. He brought tv suits against thu urchbhihop- and brother l-Mwnrd ttsslsted him. Ill they lost. ImiMi ei,ses. They had led miserable existence, since, that time- Trim In Wlim Out Family?. While lu a fit of despondency ov Ills inability to llnd work, John Kit uen or lanimci, ,ci., cut his win throat, and the. throat of a Kon f,Wti 4.!iihi .if tKrit ultiuli.i.l It Wlt1Vl.t. l , ...... ... .ftt , ... .'..... JUMMgl,, n less seriously and then, committed o't cidu by cutting his own throat. Ml Kiuonen and her sous were nsle when this attack was snude. Kinoin-ii is dead, hut. the other me bera of this family,, while lu a aeri" condition, are not fatally wounded. I'iMinil In a dying Condition. , William Sheets, a well known hor.j man oi i rawronisvuie.. liul,, t found at Hie fair grounds there ill dvliur Cthulitloii. Ho was rcmnvMl thu city and expired la a few minnt I It is thought lm hail betn drugged ' robbed, as lm was Icuown to- have e sIHerable money on his person. . KtlUu by 1'ramatar fij.l.nln Herbert wallaii,"whos;rv.'jl'as tri? peter iii Torrey'a Rough Riders dnrij the Spanish American war, was e stantly killed by the- premature plosion of a shot la the Copper Kf mine at 'Xle Mining, wyo. jnoiteau wan a native of Wyoming. ... . niiuiiB ISmJ At it session of a privy council KH Kdward definitely Mxed Juae 0. IWrJ i the date for hi 8 coronation. I decided that yarUauttal will meet I narv 11 ij IV fi