The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 13, 1901, Image 1

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Huijniilr lkl'lu'U!iH'''!;THi,'i tiz9M S3IIKIr?i9ftP?lL B3E5sfcBJ 1 1 LH.Bfe,IVIk"H I o '',sHi
"The (Derfy
Christmas Time"
is near and but a few days remaining in which
to make th.e purchases. They'll be busy, happy
days to the holiday shoppers, but there's a sober
side that the shrewd buyers will keep in view,
and that's the value feature. Along such lines
we encourage such buying here, but in addition
we tempt you with liberal assortments with the
kind of holiday goods that give greatest satis
faction, that return you the greatest pleasure as
Useful Holiday Items but
Full of Good Values !
. Just the kind that tempt the lovers of appropri
ate gifts, and that interests, the shrewd buyer.
A nice dress, a cape, jacket or coat, pretty hand
kerchiefs, rockers, easels, pictures, shoes, an odd
piece of furniture, a new carpet, napkins, table
linens, candies, grapes, fruits, etc.
Dress Goods at Low Prices !
wrmlfi hf trnml vhIiipii nt HXn nml 40o ril An li'o uilninn n ...
......... . p . ...... ... WWW ...... .WW ,,- .W . w Wtljllll,; wll IU
Christnins Mint) thev go nt 37c yard. "
This sale, means low pi lens (in nil Flannel?, Honilettas, "Hriliniitinci
Serges, Fancy Dress Goods, and Suitings.
Prices 15c to $2.50 per yard.
Dress Goods Extra Christmas
Prices on all Dress Goods marked
$1.25 and upwards a special
discount of 25 per cent will be given.
0 0
o o
Thoso Jnokt't unit
capos are mnde In
except illliallj ROOM
t. etc, mistly in
block nml Oxford
Semi-titling backs
seem toni.j iy ilin
greatest populaihp.
They are very
From the plain well
t allot eil garment to
thu more clabmntc
trimmed gnrnicnts
Tho lino Includes
very many deirnblo
Extra Christmas prices 25 per cent discount.
27 inch $4 to $10, tess 25 per cent $3 to $7.50.
42 inch Coats $12 to $20 less 25 per cent $9 to $15
Table Linens and Napkins.
Our stock of napkins nnd liuetis is sullluiciitlv large
to insure your gettijg Just what oti want at
nt low prices.
Napkins nt 75u dozen to $0 00.
Table Linens 20o jd to 81 75 ynnl.
Calicoes and Flanneletes.
Fleered lined icgular10c Calicoes nt 8c yd.
04x04 thread calicoes 10 yaid for 32c
Flannelettes, regular 20o values nt 15c.
Underwear. -f - w;
Men's nie.tiuni weight licoced underwear former price
40c, special 80o.
Mon's heavy ivcight. wool llccced underwear, former
pi ice 50c, special 40c.
Children', enmel hnir underwear 10c per garmcut,
any size.
Children's fleeced underwear, size 10, 10c garment,
5o rise per size
Ladies heavy wool ilueccd underwear 15 garment.
Beauty, Ease and Service.
Are tho dhtinguMiiiig features in our Gieon Wluelcr
shnes. They oniMnu thohoigtit of fiiHhion with ab
solute enso nnd comfoit, price $2.00 to $100.
l'hn Wolf Bros, niediiini pi iced shoes for Inaies, misses
Children nuil boys. The manufacturers motto, "If
not good woar another pair" Pi ice. childieu's
shoes 50o to 75c; missis shoes 75n to $1.50, Indies
shoes 91.40 to 83 00; hovs shoes $1 80 to 82.00.
100 pairs of calfskin shoes, former prico 81.75 to $2 00,
' special price 81.45.
100 pr.irs of Indies dongola shoes, former price 81 60.
special at 81.25.
100 pairs of children's shoes former price 81 25 to
81 75, special price 75c to 81 25
100 pairs of dots and youths calfskin shops, foimor
price i,7 to Wi w, special price 81.40 to $1.75, pair.
Tempting Handkerchiefs.
You cannot resist them. We've done our best to keep tho
prices down and the bounty up. Fairy handkerchiefs nt 8c
eacn. Ladies handkerchiefs Go to OOo each. Men's hand
kerchiefs 5c to 75o each.
Miner - Brothers,
Holiday Furniture Prices.
A uandsomo pioco of fin nituro
lalwnrs is ncccDtablo ns n olft. It not
Ionly ien tho recipient but stands
as a lading remembrance.
Ladle Scttll!" I tick LI'S. VV unit sent at
81.00 onch.'
Lndles suwiiil' i ticket d. n aunt .
1 81'25 each.
Large roomy comfo reckon. $1.50.
uirge comiort oim rnckei to
Fancy Hookers 83.n0 to I8.C0
Iron beds 83.50 to 831.
2goldon oak side boaids, French
mirrors, h bargain price $8 and $9.
Folding book cases, formo prico 85,
this sale $3 00.
lied room Suites 813.60 to $45.00.
Dining tables $2 00 to 831.00.
Indian stools nt $1.50 to $4.n0.
Pictures, wall pockets, easels, etc.
Music racks at half price.
Special prices in
Agents f-ir elastic"
Lfbiary and officii
Hook cases,
(iooil values in this department. Aiisttinn China
din r sins, neat dainty patterns, as tine as Uaviland, specinl
oiler for 100 pieoo set $18.
English semi porcelnln decornted, $10 fiO to $1800.
(iluH kiiu "flu in ti an
Berry sets, Cnko dlshos,-odd p'ocos at bargain prices,
Leaders in iiigu quality and low prices. We guarnn
tee prici-s lower than anyone,
5,000 pounds of candy for Christmas trade,
fiet our prices on ten or twenty pound dots.
LOWNEtf'S Fancy Candies !
in one half, one, two, threo, and five pound boxes.
Voegel dining chocolates and hard mixed.
Somers Richardsonchocolates and hard mixed
Crauberries, Grapes and Nuts.
Get our special prices on Syrups, Soaps,
Sugar, Coffee, Dried Fruits, Potatoes, Etc.
District Court Proceedings.
State of Nebruska vs Theodore Mos
toiler. State permitted to endorse name
of L. D. Wells on Information. Defend
ant sentenced to fourteen months in
penitentiary at hard labor. J. M.
Ohaffln allowed ?25.00 for defending
State of Nebraska vs Hoy Thornton.
Defendant sentenced to fourteen mouths
at hard labor In the state penitentiary.
J. M.Chaflln allowed $.5.00 for defend
ing prisoner.
State of Nebraska vs M. Wilson
Motion to dismiss overruled. State
ordered to file new and amended petition.
First National Bank of Omaha vs
Slate Bank of Blue Hill. Case con
tinued on showing of defendant.
Muscatine Mortgage Company vs
O. W. McDonald, I. A. Reneau, etal.
Demurrer to answer of C. W. McDouald
overruled. Plaintiff given leave to file
reply instanter.
J. S. White vs Webster County.
Plaintiff given GO days to file ameuded
Douglas J. Myers vs, Geo, L, Gulli
ford, et al. Dismissed as to R. T. Pot.
ter and Bernard McNeuy,
Robert MoMurray va W. F. Reukle,,
admr,, et al. Ordor to show cause why
vale should not be confirmed.
John C, Rose va Ferd Meentz. Jury
gavo verdict in favor or defendant.
State of Nebraska, Ex Rel. A. D.
Rauney, Co. Att'y and Louis S. Wilson,
deputy County Att'y vb James P. Hale
as county clerk, respondent, Dismissed
for want of prosecution,
Farmers Loan & Trust Co. va Thom
as Emigh, et al. Passed for tho term at
request of plaintiff.
O. L. Jones & Co. vh Western Union
Telegraph Co. Continued as per stipu
lation on file.
Cedar Rapids Supply Co. vs H. Gnnd
& Co. Jury gave verdict in favor of de
fendant. Lorenzo Burrows vb A. H, Vander
berg, et al. Order to show canse why
said sale should not be confirmed.
James B. McMnrray vs Clark Phelps.
Appeal dismissed as per stipulation on
Miner Bros, vs Wade Koontz. Jury
found plaint IfT owner of one black steer
described, and sustained damages in the
sum of one cent and that defendant was
owner of two white-faced steers valued
at $35.51 and sustained damages at 1
cent. Each party to pay his own wit
ness fees and each to pay one-half of
court and officera' fees.
Luulsa Al. Ridley vb Cutheiiuii Ricle
ey. Piayer or petitiuu granted. J. M,
Chaftiu appointed commissioner to traiib
fer laud iib i er uuler herein made.
New England Loan & Trust Co. vs
al. Settled and
Thomas Emigh,
American Investment Co. vs Huah W.
Gullifonl, et al. Receiver allowed 10
days to file amended repoit.
Herman Relners vsB.&M. R. R. in
Nebraska. Dismissed on motion or
plaintiff at his costs.
Albert T. Bnrdick vs Louisa A. Haw
ley et al. Motion to nnasli denositionof
Fulkerson and Albert T. Bnrdick sus
In the matter of the estate of Benjamin
Crow, deceased. Sale confirmed and
deed ordered.
Anglo Harris vs Peonies Bank of Red
Cloud. Jury gave verdict in favor of
Farmers and Merchants Bank Co., in
corporated vs Jane E. Garrison, et al.
Derault of all defendants. Jury waived
and trial to court. Conrt fluds due
plaintiff, Jane E. Garrison and J. L.
Garrison as makers and the Lincoln
Importing Horse Co. an indorsers, the
sumof $1100.25, Interest at 7 per cent.
Judgment ou finding.
Geo. O. Yelser and John Yelser vs
John S. Marsh and M. S. Miller. Mo
tlun for additional security sustained,
Plniuliir given U0 days to file ameuded
bond in appeal.
K. it MeLnui U vs J. (5. Brooks, et al
Minimi in qiituh nimiiiion overruled.
Defendant Brooks iWp,- Defend
ants J, D. Brooks and Sarah A. Brooks
enter their general appearance by their
nttorney E, I). Jones, and enmo con
tinued until the next regular term of
Emetine B. Kuiglit vs City of Red
Cloud. Upon motion of defendant Dr.
Rnbt. Dameroll was appointed to make
examination of tho injuries complained
of hy plaintiff in this case. Motion to
make petition more specitic as to charge
of negligence on part of ciiy sustained
Robert H. Qulggle vs Ruth A Quig
glo. Second and thiid paragraph- of
motion to make pntltbn morn dett lite
and certain, sustained. First, fourth
and 5th overruled.
Arnold Mosteller vs C B. & Q. R. R.
Co. On motion of plaintiff cause is
dismissed at plaintiffs cost,
State of Nebraska vs Samuel llenton,
et al Defendant with Mary Heaton as
surety in opon couit entered into rec
ognizance in sum of $100, conditioned
that defendant he and appear before
tho Hint day of the next term of court
to answer the charges preferred against
him and abide hy the decisiou of the
court, which recogn'moe was duly ap
proved. Matilda Dt L mg vs Charley DeLnng.
Prayer of petit inn granted on pay
ment of ccsts,
William N. RichaiUon vs City of
Red Cloud. Default of defendant Uk
on. Prayer of petition grantod.
Rnsetta Bngott vs Martin Bngott.
Default of defendant taken. Divorco
granted and plaintiff given custody of
infant child. Plaintiff to pay costs.
AithurR Davis vs Adolph Jecsen.
Settled and diAiiiUsci'.
Carrie Ilalh.iwa. vs Mark M. Million
etal. Default of all defendnrts taken.
Jury waived and Dial to num. Court
tinds dun plaintiff fiom defendant Felix
A. Killough on (ho bond sued upon tho
sum of 850, Inter U 7 per cent. Judg
ment on tlnding.
August Bruuko vs Philip Fiiestlne.
Settled and iliiinisi d ns per stipula
tion on Die al defendant's rust.
Elmer U Oveiiuati vs John W, Hun
dley etal. DcluiiiTer withdrawn. Do
fault of all defendant taken.
Peter A, Hansen vs Mutual Reserve
Fund Life AtsocUliou, a -oiporutiju.
Settled and dismissed.
Andrew Keck, et al vs Fiietz Peters
t al Moti n to make moio specitio
sustained. Defendant given lenv to
Ninend petition hy Interlineation with
In four days.
William Soripps v .lame Livei ty,
Default of defendant tahiin. Pinjur of
petition granted,
Mattio I'auh vs Hamilton Loan &
TruBt Co. Default of i.l' defendants
taken. Prayer of petition ejrnntei'.
A. A. Swearlugen va tlamiltou Loan
& Trust Co. Default of all defendant,
takon. Prayer of petition granted.
Mary E. Simpson vs W. C. Fulkerson
Plaintiff given thirty days to tile pe
tition. Defendant twenty days there
after to answer.
J. T. Robinson vs Hugh. W Gulliford
ct al. Plaintiff given leave to amend
hy inserting Mi true, full, flrst name
of JnhnT, lobiiisoii for J. T. Robinson.
Defendant given ten days to plead.
William Busking vs J. I, Bitner and
First National Bank of Blue Hill
Settled nnd dismissed at plaintiff's cost.
In tho matter of tho road petition pf
Thus. Jones et nl Motion for security
for costs confessed and bond gives...
Freeman Eriokson vs L D. Wii
sheriff Motion to dismiss as tn ,i..
tiff overruled. Plaintiff gives thirty
davs in tilo petition and defendant tea,
dnjs thorealtet-to answer.
State of Nebraska vs D. S. Phelps.
Couit sentenced defondant to pay a
tine, of $100 and costs of prosecution.
Astra Erlckson vaL. D. Wells.sherie
Motion to dismiss as to plalntlffrover,
i uleil. Plaintiff given ten dnvs to tilt
Piition and defondant ten rtsyiri there
after to answer. 'Vr'
Mann v Henry ('. Cutter ,etv al ,
Judgment on mandate. Pie.eut sber- '
iff ordered to execute and deliver deed.
Maw Art Yar Kl-an
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