Jv- 0" VI - i jffl When ihe Hair Fails Accompanied by mucous patches in the mouth, enin. tlotn on the skin, sore throat, copper colored splotches, Allt 9WHcn gl.inds, aching muscles villi nnd bones, the disease is making rapid headway, and far worse symptoms will follow unless the blood it promptly and effectually cleansed of this violent destructive poison. S. S. S. is the only safe and infallible cure for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst cises thoroughly nnd permanently. In the fall of 1877 (1 IUootl M CM4MM CHll I con tract c Ik. tnM . T ( live BcciN worse. He.iM illd me no if1! ; t was ccttlnK woric all the lime j my hair came out, ulcer npjearel In mv throat ami mouth, my txxly wait almost covtrca with copper colored siriotclici nnd olTcmlve ore 1 Runerelneercly from rheumatic pilui In my rhouliler ami nrnn. My condition could have !ren no worse only lhnerrtlllctcdni I was can tmtlerMniul my stilTcritiK. I hid ntmut loit nil hope of ever bcliiR well aRnln when 1 tieciiici to iry a. u ., hut mint confess 1 had little faith left in nny medicine. After tnUntl thcthlrd dottle t noticed n change In my cnrutl tlon Till wa truly cn couraclitj;, nnd I ifctcr mined to kInc S, 8, S lliorotigh trial, l'rom that time on the improve, ment was rapid ; b. S. 8. fccmeil to line the dlv eae comnletelv under control, the fines nnd (r-ttl ulcer healed nnd I wa74' soon free from all Ikh"'V of the tlUnrder! I have been Strom? and healthy ever since. I.. W. Smith, I.oclc llot fill, Noblesvllle, lud. .... If "sSSf rm SSSi ii the only nurcly vccc' table blood purifier known. $1,000 3 (offered for proof that it contains n particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Hlood l'oison ; it contains valuable information about litis disease, with full directions for self treatment. ' Wc rharc nothing for medi cal advice ; cure yourclf nt home. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. OA. THE CHIEF runU'iiiu r W.I,. Mo.MILLAX. One jour II (W ilxmontht . 50 PUM.ISHKD KVKltV FKIDAY Kutered at ttie pout ottieo at lied Cloud, Nob.as eoaud clan mall matte:. ADVK11TISIN0 HATES: Local advertlHl'ig 6 cer.ts per Hue per Issue. I.ocat Advertising for ciiteriainmsnts, coil tcru, aoelali, eV:., given by churches, charltablo locletlea, etc., where all moneys raised there from are used wholly for church or charltablo orletlo Qrat ten lines free aud all over ten lines SVi cents per line per Issue. Local advertising of entertainments, concerts, rerluls, etc., where per cent la given to pro asters, & cents per line per Issue. UlaFLiT AUrSRTISINO, One column per momh.................-..l7 00 One half column per month ........ ... 3 M) fiue fourth column per mouth. ................ I 75 General display advertising 1 8J cents per luch perlssue. FABLES. Prom the Kansas Mall and Urcczc. An agout who wm Ht'Iling goods through tho country on coiumiHsion stuppoil Into Untyiuii of n certuic fiinn house ttnit found '.hut tlit0(log wits loose. Tliongunt nindii ns tiuioK a get nway it ho could, but ho could not get out of the guto boforo tho dog lunl ex tracted ti plecu of cloth nbotil 3x4 out of tho basoment of his pants. As soon as ho roncliml thu next town bo wrotu tho f armor nnd addressed him as fol lows: "Dear Sir: During your ubsnnce I calk'U and left a sample of tho Roods I am sell'ng with your dog. You cau got pants of thu same material ns tho sample foV ',1 not." .And three days after the agent re ceived an order from that farmer for flva pairs of pants, one pair for him ol( and one pair each for his four sons. "It is a pretty tough circumstance," remarked tbo agent as ho sont the or der in to the houso nnd figured up his couiiubsion, "that I can't got any comfort out of." A preatihi't vh nddressing n crowd on tho subject of their sou I'd salvation when he win interrupted by sonic row dies. The pionohor gently reproved tho iiitciriipti'i'fi nnd wont on with his d eouriu. Thl only mtitlu tho row-dit-s m no hold 1tr.1l llxy hegitu to whistle tt ml mnko tut ciiIIh to the mi 1103 :nri- oj tlu) people who wanted to henr tho word pitiichut. it mi hap-p.-iitd 1 hut the preiieher h.m been the "center itnh" in the football team ntj th coIIl'o ho nttondud aud for two yoirs ho p.tld his way by noting ns p'tvlcnl instructor. Then u-t tho noiso w n tuuowod tho prencli'.'f marked tho! chapter wliero his text was nud laying hi coat anil vest ovor tho pulpit ho pre ceeded to mnko miuIi a cleaning out' of thtHo ttiwdios u Ihey had nuvur ox-1 priiicured. In about a inliiuto he had! bones youis 'If t" asked several of tho dogs. Cortnlnly not. It will kcepnie buoy siipcriutondlng the division of what you bring In." And tho wise Inventoi of tho plan made such a persunsivo talk that the dogs agreed to tho plan, but ns they were starting out on the bono gathering expedition one dog said to his fellow: "This plan seems to bo all right so far ss this head dog Is con cerned, but I havo been wondering why It wouldn't bo just ns well to keep tho bones wo gather instead of carrying then: to him and then carrying back what is left after he gets his take oil?" V There was onco a man who thought it was a part of his duly to interfere in quarrels between hi neighbors. On ono occasion burning a couple of men jawering at each other down tho nil cut he told hi vile that he would go down and give those men some good whole oinu advice about the folly and wick 1 dues of Ihiir conduct. His wife, who was wiser in her day nnd generation than her husband, advised against it, but h was one of tho kind of men who knew it all. lie said that the moment he looked those men in the eye they would culm down, it was about thtcu iUarters of an hour before that woman Htw.hor htittband again. He had tho nppenranco of a man wl o had been up ngniust a Mienunus life since ho hud p.trled from her. One front tooth was gone, an elevation ooinewhat resembl ing a goose egg uppeured over ono optic, and his nose appeared to have been run ovee with u disc harrow. "I would bo inclined to think," ro 111111 ked tho vifi- at Mr bathed tiie solo place on hor husbands countenance and put s mething on to leduce Hie swelling, "iliat a a peacemaker you are a heap stronger In theory than you are in practice." It it (jtiltes a in 11 n of leinarkably good judgment to check a light after it is well started and not havo occasion to regret that ho was there. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications because thoy can not reach tho diseased portions of tho oar. There is only one way to cure dcafnoss, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inll med condition of the mucous lining of the eustacnian tube. When tho tube gets intlutued you havo a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is tho re sult, and unless tho inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, henring will bo destioycd forever; nine. cases out of ton ate caused by catarrh, which is noth ing but un inflamed condition of tho mucous sin faces. Wo will give ono hundred dollars for any rao of deafness (cntised by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall' .'atari h Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, ?5u. Hall's Family Fills aie the best. STOLEN BUZZSAWLETS' A great many wnywntd sons come hack and ask fotglveuoss becausu. they want a Mm-tiomcnl. r Mules have been driven but you will II nd children moro susceptible to obed ience if you try to lf-nd them. Some congregations wont stand (o havo their mlniter tell tho truth. A Chicago doctor has discovered thnt disenso lurks in every garment we wear, ovon to tho hat on our heads. In tho name of mother Eve, wliaiuie wo to 1I0, with a coin wave howling about us? Thoro i an KuglMi coiudoetni in St Joseph wiiotidreitiM 3 that hn ha removed com funn nil tho crow mil hi'uds t f Europe. An exchange says if tho tun had nothing els.- in tin Inn Miho on the lighteous it would not hav in ri?c near so early. If you w.ttit to give the cause of tern pinr.iiipu :t black fjejifl have a tall) and have miiii- old girl of advanced years iuuI rantankeioii temper recited "Lips 'that tm. ch wine .shall never touch mine." The piiucipal kick against the rag latis Ilea in tho fiict that from tho tear all women, robed in the new gown., look alike A man never knows who it is I e is ovei taking until he gets in front and rubbeis back. Then he 111 1 dicovi r he lia rubbeied at his wife The chief bandit who kidnapped Miss Sumo was educated on money sent to Uhristinui.' the heathens It is indeed wonilei fill how apt tliosu heathens are in catching onto Amerisan ways. "Curiied eggs" at 0 getting to boa very popular dish. Now if some one will just givo us curticd butter no ono will kick. Thoro is ono voting gentleman hi this city who is so extremely polito and bashful that ho lips his hat and blushes when be talks to a lady through tho telephone. Whonever wo hoar of an American gill marrying n foroign dtiKo or lord, we aro constrained to forgive herj for perhaps she could do no better. A sneak thief stole a lot of small baby clothes off a lino iu the south part of town ono night this weok. Ho is requested to bring back tho clolln ( er call ttgaiu and get a baby. Now tbat'scveral prodigal sons hnvi returned Lome It U proper to kill tin fatted turkey. It would also bo pin dent for the city council to provide a curfow law to tak i-ffect at dusk. An election expense statement of a womnn candidate for membership in tho school board in Nowburgh, N. Y,, is: "No talk, 110 monoy, no promise', no solicitation, no intimidation, no bribery, no cigars, no scnooners." Per haps she ndded "no election." A number of papers favor an island for tho aiiaiehists, but are not agreed on the island lluv would it do to dump them out in tho middle of the cean and let them build thoir own l.-laiid? Kx. How .ro Yotir KIcIiipj-i f .Dr.ttotibVSparaitusrillsciirc all Nld ncy Ills, plofrco AM htcrllnn llumrdrCo.Clilcanoor ,, V, I GHRISTWftS GOODS I i o 'v... .? MFm When a woman is nervous her jnmgina- , tion gtvc9 fantastic aud threat ening shapes to the mpst fa miliar ob jects. Hy day she starts in fear j nt every sudden I or unfamiliar 1 sound, Uy ' night the ftirni- ' turc of her room takes on af frighting forms , of ghost or gob- , 1111. ott can't reason with the I nerves. Neither 1 logic nor love ! enn quiet them. TllPV IMItQt 1m nourished and then the outcry of the nerves will cease ns naturally ns n hun gry child ceases to cry when fed. For nervous women there is no better tonic and, nervine than Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. It cures the dis eases which produce nervousness in women, irregularity, debilitating drains,' inflammation, ulceration and female weakness. It tranquilizes the nerves, encourages the appetite, and induces re freshing sleep. "When I began taking your medicine I was not able to stand on my feet ten minutes at a time," write Mrs. Haltle Borradalle. of tit Spring Street. Nashville. Tenn. "Had fanins of uterus, and kidney and liver disease, and was !?. w.e."k ,nd nervu I could not keep stilt. Would take nervous spells and almost die at times. 1 had several different doctors attend ing, but they could not do me any good. The last one I had said I would never get up again. Told him that I was taking your ' Favorite Pre scription and ' Golden Medical Discovery,' and he said. 'Might just as well lake that much water each day.1 Uut I thought I would give the medicine a fair trial. Before I had finished the first two bottles I was able to get outside the house and walk around Ihe yard. I kept on taking the medicines and they cured me.' Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. If Susan Tho pimples, sores nnd blauk heads aro danger signals. Take Ilocky Mountain Tea, you'll givo a farowcll reception to your troubles. 35u. C. I. Cotting. 1 3 pit three of ihour to sleep and the fun ith carried the frame with him as be went through tluAvindo.v. J Then the preacher went back to his 1 p.ilpit and road his text from the K.mtle of St Paul, "I hao fought a good light." Thoro aio times whon inusclo beats moral suasion all hollow. A dog who was always exercising his think work to devise some scheme to lighten his labors, deciiod ta orgauizu an association of bono gnthorors. Ho called n convention of dogs aud laid his plan boforo them which was to this effect : "You dies gather up all tho bones you can and briit thorn to mo .and I will superintend the division of these bones, giving enoh dog his proper proportion of the bones ho brings in niter taking 11 reasonable share to pay for my trouble, " "Uut don't you iuti'i' gather any HOME AMD CHILD Docs your horse "fed his Cits"? What a difference be 'veen the grain-fed and the ".-.'iss-fed horse! The first 'rongand full of ginger, the , ond flabby, weak and tired t before he begins. The !ing makes the difference. Jhildrcn are not alike cither. :e is rosy, bright-eyed, full - life and laughter, another is 'i, weak and dull. The fecd- again is responsible. Sickly children need special ding. They don't "feel their 'ts". Scott's Emulsion adds t the right richness to their '-t. It is like grain to the .'se. The child gets new pctite and strong digestion. Scott's Emulsion is mon '.an food. It is a stroiv .odicine. It rouses up du "lildren, puts new flesh on thi nes and red blood into pal ics. It makes children grov rott's Emulsion makes ore nary food do h duty. This picture represent the Trade Mnikof .Scot' Emulsion and is on th wrapper of every bottle. Send for free (ample. SCOTT & IIOWNE, ,09 Tearl St., New Y01U 50c and $1. all druggists, 0 tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt i, tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt HHDELL'S GASH : BARGAIJI : HOUSE! We are getting ready as fast as we can to show our new line of HOLIDAY GOODS. Come to us for your Holiday Goods buying'. It will pay you. We have made bigger efferts to please you than ever in price quantity and quality -to select from. Will have tiiem all ready on display MONDAY, DEC. 9th. Special showing of New Furs, Cloaks and Coats, also Children's Garments. Every Department will have interesting bargain values. New premium dishes for coupons. '. m (0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m (0 (?) m m (iy m m m m m OUR LINE Consists of Dolls of all kinds kid body, patent, china, dressed and undressed, large and small. Doll heads. Mechanical Toys. Games of all Kinds. ii i3 For the Children. Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Doll Go-carts, Rocking Horses, Laundry Sets, Tool Chests, Pastry Sets, $ Doll Beds, Toy Stoves, Furniture Sets, Guns, Drums, U! and all kinds of interesting toys for the children. jt & H PERFUMES, JEWELRY. w c Silver and Nickle Goods. Children's Cups, Knife, Fork and Spoon Sets, Sugar 2J i Spoons, Butter Knives, Napkin Rings, and manv other articles. a iaj fc Ci unaware. Glassware. A special price made on an assortment of fine Celluloid JS1 jj; Allbums. For the want of space we can name only a u very few of-the articles suitable for Christmas presents. JJ fcS ( Don't Forget that with every 25c purchase you get a chance on our fine $10 Doll given away December 24th. THE FKIR STORE Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Neb. m 4444444444444444444444444)44444 Lamps. Picture Frames. ?! .' . Jt ft m m m m m m m r r n m T t m awW3Ji atfnwr, mJtMw-mm tt ALFRED HADBLL. ::3:5ar3aarsaaaaaaaaa::, m m in . On a New Footing. What still remains of our Summer Shoes (and there are not many) you may have at your own price. We are now in the field with nearly complete lines of new fall shoes. This is gofng to be our "Banner Season" if shoe wearers will buy where they can secure the best shoe values for the least monev. SCHOOL SHOES is and always has been our hobby. We put more genuine service for the money into our school shoes than into any class of shoes we sell that's why we shoe about half of Red Cloud's juvenile population. HENRY DEIDERICH, The Shoe Man. PLATT & FREES CO.. Chicago - Lumber - Vard. KKU CLOUD. NEHUASKa: Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. City Dray and bxpress Line. E. ML. ROSS, PROP, Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADvmS.EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 52. rm rRADBRS rvXJMKESJifc Co. DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL liiAilcliiajLi material, EJto. BED CLOU J. Nebraska i Tho fhipf o vsr 11IU vuiva, Tor &I.OO.M 1 .i-L -L-1 vyitWt p- H"SMJ ,WriifittV.t2i.,yB iff toJiawa ' . jgagj JMtj