P i Pretty Children "We bare three children. Before the birth of the last one my wife used four bot. ties of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had the pictures of our children, you could sec al a glance that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and finest-looking' ofthem all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy In the world for expect ant mothers." Written by a Ken tucky Attorncy-at -Law. 19 ITHER'S Wk FBIEHD prevents nine-tenths of the suffering Incident to child birth. The coming mother's disposition and temper remain unrulflcd throughout the ordeal, because this relax ing, penetrating liniment relieves the asual distress. A good-natured mother Is pretty sure to have a good-natured child, the patient Is kept In a strong, healthy condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother's Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and almost painlessly. It assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. Sold by druggist for $ I a bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, M. 8ner.wrfo0rU.r.n" ,Htt,,r"".- book written Mpreuly or "VctBnt mothers. BEST FOR THE BOWELS The month cfpitm tbo tOW0)l .. ..sn & Hmilm haallhv tnnvmTit of IflA bowsla Trx dy. jrour. Ill or wlli L. Krp your bowsls orwn'and be well. Farcr.ln the shape ot Yltv leatphTdo or piiipoiion.ii uanirerou.. at, easle.t. roott perfect way of aeepli ''Clear una ciow , w vw CANDY OATHARTIO ajavc a i :mMHHRMn'iiii UAiiij:i:iAiiiua EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY 1'leasant, TaUtahle. l'oti-nt. Taal" Oood, noOood, Herer Blckrn. Weaken, or Orlpi., 10. .anil M rents Ear bos. Wrlto for free samplr, and booklet ;n ealth. Addreas rntnumi nuuiT commit, nurico n tork. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN You pay to cents. for Cigar not ao good uewis' SINGLE A WORTHY SUCCESSOR "Something New Under The Sun. All )ni'ior 1'iiVf tried to eme Ui m rli li tliu of" powder., in id Kitsun, Inhalcin, and drujM In lato '" Their powders dry tip the motion mem liriitif rniilns thnm to crack npri mid blued. J'ho powerful fields, uied u wo Inhalers Iiixvp entirely oaten nway tliu sumo membranes that their linkers havo aimed to cure, wlillo p,tes wid ointments cannot reach the disease. An old nnd experienced practitioner who has for many years made u close study and specialty of the treatment of Catanh, lias at laRt perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relieves nt once, but permanently cures Catarrh by roinoviiiR the cause, Mopping the (lischnrfies, and curing nil itillammatlon. It Is the only rem edy known to sclonco that actually reaches tho nfllicted parts. This won derful remedy is known ns Snufllcs tho Guaranteed Catarrh Curo" nctl is sold at tho oxtromely low prlco of One I)ol lar, each pnokago containing internal nnd external moclloino sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect usoi "Snufllcs" is tho only perfect Catarrh Ouro over mHilo nnd is now recognized as tliu only afo nnd positive cure for that annoying nnl disgusting diseaso. It cures nil inllamation quickly and permanently nnd is nlso wonderfully quick to relievo Hay Fover or cold In tho head. Cutarr wj1(jn ncei0ctcfl often lends to Consumption "Suufflcs" will save you i( you uso It nt once. It is no ordi nal rpinndv. but n comnlnto treat ment which Is positively guaranteed to curo Catarrh in tiny form or stago if used according to directions which no company each package. Don't delay but send for it at once, and wrlto full particulars as to your condition, nnd you will receive special advice from tho discoverer of this wonderful rem edy regarding your case without cost to you boyond tho regular price o "Snufllcs" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh Curo." Sent propnid to nny address in tho United States or Canada on receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Ed win B. Olios & Compnny, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Report of school district No. 60 for the month of November: Enrollment 37, average daily attend ance 33. Those pre tent every dny wore Anna nnd Alpha Cook, llussel, Addie nnd Ethel Farqubar, Elva l.eetch, Emma Leeteh, Mablo Anderson ami Earl Dnughmau. llhliard Crozier and Cora Andcrs'in missed one hnlf day. Lizzie O. Cakswem., Teacher. VANTEii--Scvcrnl rcrwiin of chnrnoter and THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ards are Being Cured Dally In Spite of Themselves. MEX3!s&Z&3PhX&A& by bJJllaM-JMBtvaljtjrjiJa BINDER Rood reputation In fm.li state (ono In thin county ill in retircroDi in hi nuv MnnilliiK. Sftlnrj- I8.00 wcokly with expeime rnmilrpih In runrpunnt mill ndvcrllatt old cMnb- llithod wcallhy IiumIi.orh Iioiiki of solid (Itmnclnl CIGAR STRAIBHTig r. n icVv i s. manWi PEoniA.iu. mlillllniial. nil imvnlilu In mull encli Wcdlicdnv dlrcrt from head olllcc. Ilori-u nnd cnrrinKo fiirnlnliixl. when ncccsaiirr. llefercuccti. Kn rlosu Kclf-nddrcR.vcd (tmnped envelope. Dept. MHiiBKcr XVI C'axton llnlldliig, CIiIciiko. Bort Lindley nnd daughter took the train Sunday morning for Red Cloud where thoy spent tho day, returning with Mrs. Lindley and Paul, who have been visiting in that city. Rlverton Roviow. No Noxious Doses No Weakening of the Nerves A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known nnd under stood that Drunkenness is a diseae nnd not weakness. A body lllled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by peiiodical or constant uso of intoxi cating liquors, requires an nnlidoio capable of neutralizing and eradicatit g tills poison, and destroying the crav ing for intoxiennts. Suflerers mny now curo themselves nt homo without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "Homo Gold Cure," which has been perfected nfter many jrarsofcloso study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful uso according to directions of tliii wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to curo the most obstinate case, no matter how hard n drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives curo your husbands!! Child ren curo your fathers!! This remedy is in no sonso a nostrum but is a spec ific for this diseaso only, nnd Is so skill fully tloyiscd and prepared that It is thoroughly soluble ami pleasant to ho tnsto, so that It can bo given In n cup of tew or coffee without tho knowledge of llio person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards Imve cured themselves with this piicelcss remedy, and as many more have been cured nnd mado torn poratomon by having tho "Curo" n.'i. ministered by loving fricndl hud rela tives without their kn.bwludgo in coiTco or lont nhtl believe today that thoy dis continued drinking of their own free will. ')o not wait. Do not bo deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment." Drive out tho diseaso at once nnd for all time. "Tho Homo Gold Curo" is sold nt tho extremely low prlco of Ono Dollar, thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effective than others costing $25 to $50 Full directions accompany each pack' age. special nuvico oy bkuiuu ijujoi cians when requested without extra chnrgo. Sent prepaid to any part of tho world ou receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 nnd 2T32 Mnrket Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly conliden- tial. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MvMlcOnre for rheunnitlcm nnd ncurnlRla rendllv ntrra In from ono to llireu dnjm. Its hc Hon upon the nyitent In rcmiirkitltle RiidinyN n.rir.iia iirpmnvi'H Hi niieo the oitufte and tlic dlnenM) Immediately dl-xippeure. Tho firm dose greatly benefits. 75 cent. Sold by II. h. Orlcc. Itcd Cloud, Ncb Farm for Sale sei'tiiiis, live miles from Red tine laud, Urst-ela- iiinuuve V bargain if sold oon. Ad .1. W. Wam.in. Red Cloud, Nub. Wantkb Soveral pprcoim of character and ood reputation Incaeh Miitofone In llilcoiuu reiinlrcd) to repreKcnl and ndvcrtle old ckIhIi' llHhod wealthy btiklncss honte of solid llnancliil nt.ndlliK. Salary 1H weekly with cxpcnPHd dltlotuil. nllpiiMiblc In rash each WedlicSdH direct from head oIIIcck. Ilorco nnd carrlnsi fnrnlohed when nceefkary. Itefurcncea, Kn eliino helf-ndiliciieii Htaiiiji'il envolopo, Hoi I. MiiimKcrS.'UCaxtou llnlldliiK ChlcnRu. iLJsikAAAAiiai REV. L. L. CARPENTER. Wabash. Ind.. li President of tho Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, lnd, Uo h perhajis tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It nfTorda mo great pleasuro to glvo my testimony as to tho omclencyof Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kny'a Xung Balm Is tho very boat cough, cold nnd throat remedy that I over used. I have also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Itenovntor. My son had for years been greatly aflllctcd with tho piles; ho commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's romedios and experienced roliof almost from tho first. Wohavo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo hnvo received as tho result of usoing'theso remedies. I tako great pleasuro iu commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Caiipentek, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It Is n perfect renovator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy known for Rtnmneh trnnhlnq. lnillirncit.liin. ilvRnntmlit. int.iirt-li n( t.im stomach, constipation, ahollvcrand kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of La-Grippo and Si'mxa lassi tude. It Is nn excellent Nervo Tonic. Send for frco sample- and a frco illustrated 110 page book of rcculpU etc.. nnd Bend your symptoms and we will give you frco advice. If druggists don't have Dr. Kay's Renovator don't tako any substitute thoy may say is "just as good," for it has no equal: but send direct to us and wo will send It by return mail nrcnald. Prlco 2Ce.ts.. and $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kav'a Lnnir Balm fl in . ..." . . -.. . ... - .- ' - . ""- "-- --".- . .. a aucib., nnu ocis., jiostngo prepaiu. uu. jj. .1. kay isiEDiCAli CO., Saratoga Springs, JN. v. U Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to bo shaken into the shoes. Your feet .fecl swoolen, nervous and hot, nnd got tired easily. If you hnvo smarting feet or tight- shoes, try Allen's Foot-Easo. It cools tho feet and makes wnlkimr easv. Cures sw'nolon, sweating feet, Ingr.owing nnils, blisiTs and callous spots. Relieves corns ami bunions of all pain nnd gives rest and comfort, Try it today. Sold hy all druggists and shoo Btorcs forSHc. Trial pacKago ireo. Aonrcss, amcii. 5. yint stcd, L,o Roy, N. Vt r. r-aii iinirrs"pki'is pirlnl r x'ursion. Hnniffe-kei's i.pii-inl rxeiirsiona on f!i-4t nod thiul Tiu-mIih ( Nnvi-inbi r mil DeeimiH-rlimi Ti-Vn- will Ihhui lie nt ti" I lit' p'li" 1 wii iK'll'ir" for ilm niniil nip Mini 1 tiii 11 lutni 'Jlil : fnuii ilnni id ta.c to m Vi :al ilsfferti t point-, in Mnuiiohu, Minnu.sotn, North Dakota, Snub Dikoiii, Wisconsin nnd Noith Michigan. A. ConovKU, Agent. DEALERS IK CUMBER and COAL Ibviilcling; mettGvletln Etp, 'RED OLOUU. Nebraska Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cough, ta RrTpnc, bronchltln. every hroat. dcraDRCS tbo stomach soro throat, croup, wbooplDR coURh, etc. AlUrUKglldi "C" With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I.. Illil of Lobiinon. Intl. hits: "My wife hurt liilliitnmMory rbciimntlsni In every mnclu unil John; tier biilTctliiK wni tcrrlblo timl licr boilyniiil fnro weru nwook'11 nlmoM lieyonil rceoKiililon: linil been In bfil for lx weeltK nml I1111I ulKlit pioxU'lniiK. but ri'Ri'Ut'il no bent 111 until Kite tncil tliu Myxtle Cure for ltliiMiuiHllhiii. ItKHVe linmeillntc rclluf mid be wt iiblc 10 wiiln about Iu ttir-L ilnys 1 am pure It iiveil licrilfo." soM by II K. (Irlee. DniRiiM. Ileil (Jloml. Neb. i Scissors Ground,1 J 1 Hazors Honed,! Iftk Ttnr drtirvlit tar ll Othtr. trtltunrt atmtt nlt. tllltrslkl brink -m1A tt ivu full partlcuUniand dire rtions In- 1 r&IlMhlji IntB.tf n'u."i,. Hom Tinea Bdr..Neif York! Every Woman is intereiieti ana mould know about tliA rniMi0rfni MARVEL Whirling Spray TlicneTrT.iU.lRjriitf. Jni. iMvit nnu nyucTwn I1PBI nar- IH-.M9M UonvcnltnU IlllrliiMlailMUj, AMD oft Hamrasm - : 7 : " r ' wr ll toil 1.3 1. I ,l -(ml im lnn,(h 1. Vk I i ly Uiiiii;Cri::iM.r noun lll. iu i'i 1 Mnstbrn In L.-. .'-oi". lut iwlco m -c-s cj 1; oialnarlly would. nmm MiWUBkiaBi Hanssss l mntt-flapoorloottlnfx bnr ncss IIIUo nnw. Wmlo cf rurtilieavy botllnl oil, ro pfcloty prcpantl to vrllu tuiatlio vttlicr. SKI CTPirwhoro Id cans all clzva. Ml4 k; STANDARD OIL CO. I ? l 'il.it I Half Citmil, munis. drees How's This! We oiTcr ono hundred dollars reward (or any cast) of catarrh that cannot he cured by Hnll'ri Catarrh Curo. F. J. 'Jiikney & Co , Props., Toledo, O. We, tho undursigncd, have known F. J. Cheney (or the last 15 years, and be lieve hitu perfectly honorable iu nil business transactions, nnd financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wkst &Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wamuno, Kinnan & Makvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter nally, acting directly upon .the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Prlco 75o per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials frco. Hall's Family Pills iuo tho best. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Miomo Quinine Tiilil'jt All iliuggists refund 1 lie nnmey if i f:iiU to cure. E. XV. Gnive'.s signatur It nn each box. Soi'. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. DON'T riaw p E FOOLEDI Take the ccn original OCKV MOUNTAIN TEA ad only by Mauiton MtJI- Cne Co., Madison, Wli. It R-rpa you wen. uur iraae nkrk cut on each package. Wee, .15 cents. Naver ao!4 In bulk. Accept no aubttt tu. Atk jour drtiKgUt. ASK YOUR GROCER r The 5 Minute Br v eakfast fotL FLOUR - HEAliTH MAKE! "BRAIN - BHEAD" PURIAN MILLS, &t.Loub,Mo. QEmnTCES Kldneycura. vtoo, eta., ot 23 Ml Kldne Jiscascs, iiacn cbe.oto. Aturue ista. or uy man. 1. iree uook, aa Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y, TMSlfHlRt AIL ILit FAILS. t OoimU Brrup. TastraUoud. noiu In tlrna. .1.1 hritrmnUu. Om g W The North Platto Valley in north west Nebraska, olTcrs some wonder fully good opportunities to the man or woman witli n little money to invest in irrigated laniU. .Excellent irrigated land can bo had now for $12 to 915 an aero, but it is plain to those watchiug the development of the North Platte Valley that this lov price is just about to fade away. Tho farmers of this valloy are now reaping nn abundant harvest. Alfalfa, corn, wliea't antl gar den vegetables yield good prollts. Tlioro aro also good openings in tho live stock business. If you tiro inter. estcd in tho North Platto Valley, write for our booklet describing it. It is free. J. Fhancis, G. P. A. Hnrliugton Route, Omaha, Nebr. Clerical Permits 1002. Application for clergymen's half faro permits for 1003 should be tiled at the earliest pos sible date with the local agent of the 11. & M. It. H. H. J. Fhancis, General P.tssnnger Agent. W. Iroland went tolled Cloud Thurs day to witness tho marriage of his cousin,Miss Alta Smelser, and Mr John Wolfe, both of that city. Hiverton He view. ' B4acat Your Howe! With Oaicarata. Oaad Cathartic, oura constipation forerer. .. It0.ao,nU,druOTUuretuadwfMf. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of the difficulty 13 kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a dlsca.-id condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the samo great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold K,. Jr.mnUl. In (lfl,. Tjk''m cent ana one dollar fi&StraKmSix:, ..It.. vnil ., 1,0 o IITLTIXUfi UH.1U-H Maw a wu ihh; ivm rry a IJ""' H''I,,il sample bottle by mall UtJaiOiaiHj tree, also pamphlet tell- iiomo ot araip-noot. ing all about It, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In wrltlnc Dr. Kilmer 2c Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and MAYDOLE'S HAMMER. (Benson's Piaster Is Pain's Master.) When Mnydolu was told that ho mado "a prottygood linnuner," ho said, "No, Idon't mukun 'pretty good hammer,' I makotho beet hammer that ever wait mndo." Every carpenter who saw n Mnydolo ham mer wanted ono. It was of tho best ma terial, perfectly balanced, and tho head never fluw off. Ilninmers woro divided into two classes 1st, Mnydolo's; 2d, all tho rest. Plasters nro separated by tho samo lino ofclcavngo; lHt, Benson's Porous Plnstor; 2d, oil tho rest. When, for rheumatic pain, u com, u cougu, Kiunoy trouble or any other diseaso or nilmont thnt may bo treated externally, you nsk for a plaster, any hon est, ropulabla druggist will give you a Bon sou's. Ho know it is incomparably tho best, and ho assumes that you know ft too. As tho nnnio of Maydolo stood for hammers tho namo of Benson stands for plasters tho "real thing." All tho medicinal poten cies that aro valuablo in a plaster aro in Bonsou's. Capsicum, Strengthening and Belladonna plasters aro out of date An army of physirtnns and druggists, and millions of tho people, havo written of Bensnu's Plasters as nrcmrdyto botrusted. Benson's Plasters havo fifty-flve highctt award. Accept no substitute. For sale by all drugRlits, or wo will pre pay postogo on any nnailxir ordered in tho United Rt.ttf", en ifc I of 2."o. crith. Htubui y .V. .I1...11M111, .Mfg. CbumisU, K.Y. ALL KINDS OF EDGE! TOOLS SHARPENED AT the . I GIVE - US - A Bob Barklev Barber Shop. J First door south of Star bakery and restaurant. J. S. EMIGH DENTIST, PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. owd I Bridge Work or Teelb Without Plates: POHCEI.AIN INLAT vnd nil UielmcKl Improvement Iu dental mecb anlstn All kinds of barber work executed promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeaway! you can tc cured 01 any form or tobacco usiae c 1 cuiijr. uo iuuuu tcii, siruag, magiiruc, iuii 01 . new me ana vigor by takliiR Jvp, ' in&f mnfrao tDab- oma nlm - CALL. ; ten pounds in ten uayg. Over ROO.OOO :&. All druKgUt. Cure cuarantred. Uook- CONSTIPATION the f reauent cuo ot Appenillclu nnd ninny othur iht. lous Ills nhoulil nTor tw nitlwttil. Tlie oJiJivtlon to tn umal cntburtlo remedies In tholr cotlvc tiiictlon lilcti Incrvmu-s eon Vlpntlon liutrod ot curtiiK it. l'AUkHllri (11NOKU TONIO la Oio proper remwly. It acts on Ifci Urer. and when uwd as directed, 'nnanentlr removes tho coiuUpatlon. W eta. i (LOO at all DrugfUU. G. V. AROAbRIGIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Hkd Ci.ouu. Nkiikaska, Lnndscapo.-i, Flowers, Fruits and Por traits made to order. 8TODIO IN DAJIKItKLI. II LOCK. 1. B. COLVIN. EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock llox . Guide Kock, Neb. cured. All druccLtta. let and advico 1'KKi:. Address STI'.RtlNO cibbu lu,, unicago or new Yorr. 4J7 " CANDY CATHARTIC " UH. ' ' litlllH 1'HII ' UiauUH. 15. Genuine stumped C. C C. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something uit as good." PAUiCCR'S HAIR BALSAM Oaiutt anil trtutinti tfae hair. I'ruinutei a luiurlanl ffTowth. Maver Falls to llri-tore Oray imr 10 ,in luuiniui voiur. Cure trtlp di.raaes ft hair lalllnr. aic.m.lliJM DnnpliU rDCC MEDICAL ADVICE. Vrltous rniala all your symptoms, licnovatlngtbo system ts tho only safe and sure method ot cur Ins all Chronlo Dlsoases. Or. Kay's Renovator Is the only perfect system renovator. Frse sam ples and book. Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. Ml kind of properly bought, sold 11 u (I exclinned. COLLECTIONS MADE. TEHM HEASONA1ILK MONEY Rtfundtdj m m m Dr. Kay's Utlcuro cures oM llff'llll'Pi (emalr diseases. At druic W lilOUl W p,. fl, illustrated book and advloefree. Dr.B. J.Kay, Saratoga.N. V., wo auar- an tee Dr. Kay's Renovator mr "" IU UUrU UIDliCVDiwi wmo.- patlon, liver and kldnoys. Best tonle, laxative, Stood purinor known for all chronio dlsoaseRj renovates and invigorates tho whole system and cures very worst cases. Oct trial box at once. If not Batlsued with It notify us, wo will refund money by return mall. - Write your symptoms for Frco Medical Advloe, sample and proo'. 25 & Wo at druggists. Dr. 11. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. DR. KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates tbo system; purifies and enriches tho blood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, hondacho, liver and kldnoys. !cnnd$l,atdruKglsts. Frco R advice, samplo und book. msaa. Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y ENOVATOR E CHICHESTER'S ENOLIOH r vmviu.iiHii unuuau .la ItEB aad UoM atctaUis Mm saalM iuaisnMa. -lateaaautr. KcTasa I Baaccraaa HakaUlatlMS laalla. . tjasa. Sajr ! year Droaftil, ar ara4 4a. la naapa a, Partlfalara, Taatlaaaalala aad "Rcllaf IWr Ladlca," da fauiar, a; ra ta rai afl all. ln.OOOTMtlmaalali. siaa all DraaatMa. UklckHt. UhaMl! CI.. Moatblapapar. Sfa4lMBil'arfc,lUlLAaa- Notice to Noa Resident. To Charley l)i l,-,n 11 li-'" t'lom ilefeir'ni-i: You hio luruby n j.ilk-i h.i' tm the U'lii day offceiitcinljsr. lllil. .Mnlindn I. lo l.nim tiled b petition agAltikt joii In llm dlt-trlct eotiit of WVIwter rouiitv. 'clinkn. tlm nlijcrinml nrnv. i-r ut lili"i are loiibtulnmllvoreo from )iu on the kmiiikI Unit nii liui-o wllltnlly nbniidoncil pluiniia.uUuuiiiliewriMiuiluf cruel ttentiiicul mi 1 wnnt of supiinrt You nro reiiulr. d lo hh ii-ranlil ii'tltlnnoniirbctoro Jlonilny, the 4th day of Nnvi'tnhiT lt 1 imted thla iftth dny of sei'tcmtior. lUni, MtLlNIIA I. IIKI.OMI, lly J. M, Ciurns, her Hltoiney. WANTED nr.nivf bcjuweekly and want moro irvurii vnoii m l lKimpatravcllnc salesmen K TRIES Havea77VR. ateCORO aTfcasiar uropftaytn sell, always Tilprutn. Outfit AIIHOLUTELY rnEE. STARK BRO'S.Loulslono, Mo. W P Urn mention this paper. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS Notice Ih hereby kIvcii that the uuderalKlicil on the Ullh day of .Murcli. HOT, piirrhnacd of the romity trcamirur ot WchMcr county, NehniKku. nt prlvnto tle the folluulng iltscrlbeil loUniliI for dcllniitent taxes for tho cnrHit8 to UrtW nnd llnuleil In lied Cloud, to wit:. Lots IS mid H In block 8, Iu Knluy & JHi-kaon'ii nddltlou tithe city of Itcd L'loud. Webster county. Ncbriuka, tnxpii in tne name or Lucy K. liurncr. Aim iota 20 nml 21 in block H, In Unlay .fc .Tackknu'n iiiMIiIpm to tho. City of llnl cloud, Webster county, Nebranku. iutt')inncd nt pr vnte iinlo nn ean;e datu n above iiurrhnno for ttellii inienl tinea for the yenra 1HW to lSMHaud tuxed In Iho name ! V. 1), Yeli-er. The above named persona nnd nil others who claim nn lnlorc.it iu nuy of the bind will take notlCH thnt the time or rednmtitlnu ofanldlauil from kald tax sale will expire on Iho SMh day of March, W1. afier which I may apply for a tax ilet-d (or all of tho above laud that Is not re dei-int'd, Mhh, Sahib Tomunsok Dntcd ihlNilh day of November, 1W)1. HElrMDIlNGKOni WHODE&IRETO This signature Is on every box ot tho genuln Laxative Bromo-Quimne Tablet tho remedy that car cold la obis daty E.WRMtDlFACMRi'nriE QUinKtm. tXHNSfSRIASONAolE ALL aWVNTAGES Of A CAPTTAL CITY WRITt FOR (AUIOOJE AND 30UVtNIR-ll LINCOLNUNEbb iF kUN0DWif6.rtxNBWll(A WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS Wanted overvwhero. Stories, news nil-UK, poems, illustrated articles, ad v;iiu'ii news, drawings, photographs, unique article, etc, etc., purchased. Artiolts revised aud prepared for pub llcalion. Books published. Send (or tmitieulars and. full information before snudinc nrticles. The RulIcliD Press isciation, New York. Wo can surnlsh 70U brick in ly at tho lowest pos- aiblo rate, llrick on sale at either of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want tiiRetsi'irted "irninp money at once, m'ihI us So -i for uur Imok nt ' "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It is worth i wi'iuh'- in Kild to anyone who i uiii'iiiil"Vi"l. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKYa PROPRIETOR.; DBALBK IM 'ines, Liquors, alifornia brandies. iv I V MI HH IV ALWAY8 ON TAP.oD PABSTMILWAUKEGiBeer (t v Wi, 1 ' , 1 J . t,.rY.l0 ij ..