' -I 4 lr ' V se I Hi1 ! . l Ifl H'l Every womnn In the country ought to know about Mother's Friend Those who do know nbotit it wonder how they ever got along without it. It has robbed child birth of its terrors for many n young wife. It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering. It is mi external lini ment nud cartics with it therefore, absolutely no danger of upsetting tho system as drugs taken intern ally ate apt to do. It i.t to bo rubbed into the abdomen to soften and strengthen tho muscles which are to bear tho strain. This nienns much less pain. It also prevents morning sickness and all of tho other discomforts of pregnancy. A druggist of Macon, Ga., says: 11 1 have sold a largo quantity of Mother's Friend and have never known an instance where it has failed to produce the good results claimed for it." A prominent lady of Lam berton, Ark., writes: "With my first six children 1 was in labor from 34 to 30 hours. After using Mother's Friend, my seventh was born in 4 hours." OttMollieHa Friend t the drujr tor, S1.00 er buttle, THE MUDTKLD REGUUTOR CO. ATIANTA, GA. WrIM for air tn llia.lr.t.4 book, "BX70BI BABT Is BOtUl." BAD BLOOD "OlIVABETS d all elajaaed far (bean indara atrulf wonderful medlclno. Ibavooften flthed tor amedlolno ploasantlo toko and at laat lava fouDd It In Cancareu. ttlnco taking tboin. my ilood has been porlflod and ray compleiTon ba.lm- KiTed wonderfully and I feel much better In ovary T." MRS. HAlXlt K. HELLARS, Luttrall.TaniL. CANOV TwAOtMAHK wtONTtftta Pleansnt. Palatable. Potent. Taite flood, Do flood, Nover Hlckon. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 600. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... It.rilag tlturif far, CaUasa, trf al, B.w tort. Sit M.Tfl.HlP Bold and irnarnntoed bj all drug IIMMv Kltuio OUKK Tobacco Habit. Sold tnrywtier in cant all tlm. Made hy Standard Oil Company Don't Be Fooledi Take the cn original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madlten AUdl cine Co., Madlion, WU. It fceepa you well. Our trado mark cut on each Dackaire. Price, .is cents. Never eol in ouik. Accept no anDitf tute. Alk your drug-flat. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR ajifc-'" "ia KKilllllllJ The 5 Minute Breakfast fool. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKES "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis. Me. -T,-if.iiT'ua3c; aCOnES alt Kidney Kidneycura kit,. y.g.yi.w tV JLHSOObCi, DOCK" aohe, etc. Atdruir gists, or by malt 1. or Dy mail, ' vi. r fix mjii vice, eto., ot Dr, D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. Free book, a P.BJU.Idll;lffl;l la cpBrwHDirw.rusd:Futs. q HuetcWbjrup. 'J'MteaOood. 0"K Q la time. Bold by drupKlrtt. ml TMYTAITEVERY vJBSBa --1 JHfalSifn bj Ualo ami sweat 4m - Wii m harness trcaltd W M I Jf M fl ft. W j with Eureka liar- M MWJLiMrW ft, nt Oil. 1 1 re- " . P, tlt the (Ump, WW K ,- fcr IcertMtlielealh. J D&fCrr F J cv ft and li- .f MfTfl I VEsiJjJi K. able. btltilus JIMr? w Lri Jo not brrak. Vl., til fare to chafe w f afAX K aiij cut. lhWfc. "" WB J harnctf not JfA tL v Jt only keen mim A ' r, ' looslorlik )jL v , btirV new, but LJx x5c I 'I, weara twice , M . f Irt'V"." aatoosbyibe Ull'K5'-VJ J I H UMofEureka JM 5v Vf"" I HaraetaOU. 7OrB I 'r-.Trrvi ( w li W LINE. Wrnthcr warm ff thin i ' l,m thu j.ti. I.xIm'H AiiImiIioii i Iniiiainu' mi ad dition m IiIh lnuisn 14x22, im -ufv and alialf high. John Bi'imlsM f Hlp' liuiii, Knnsii-1, U tho coiitiactor. has llirbo iiii'ii lielplng hlin nnd-N t"" ling along nicely. Soon will bo ready for tho plutiiuior. Tho prayfir mooting at R. W Andor son's was Intgi'lv Hitnndod lout Wed nesday evening. All lupoil it gooi. uieotlng. Mrs. W. J. HaskliiB is on tho siok list and nndor medical treatment of I)r. Crolghton of Hod Cloud. Mr. Ogg's llttlo ilaughtor is on tin sick list this week. Kov. Campbell of North Hrnnrli will proaoh at Dlst. 8, at 11 a.m. and Uuv. Dobbins will preach at, 7.30 p in. Nov. 27th. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. The llrst quarterly mooting of tho Wcsloyan Mothodist church will bo at Disf, No. 8, Docombor 7th and 8th Kov. John Williams of Concordia, Kan sas, will conduct tho services. He is a very ablu spoakor. All aro Invited Hi attend. Tho next prayer meeting will boat F. D. Hutchisons Nov. 27th at 7 80. Miss Malvina H. VanDjko Whs the guest of Mrs. J. O. oul7. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDyko spent Sunday with frlands on Walnut creek. .HIGHLAND, KANSAS Corn husking is about over for this year. Mr. Koata has lost iivo head of oaltle with blackleg. Vacination is tho order of tho day. O. A. Francis is putting up it now barn. S. 11. Hoyco is down nt Mankato courting this weak. Asoricsof meetings began Wedrei- day night tho 20th nt tho stone chapel by Uev. Bramen the-.M. E. pastor. Mao Howard has moved to his now farm nnd is repairing things nicely. Mr. and Mrs. UeoMey from Uurchard, Nebraska, aro here visiting tholr chil dren, Mr. S. Huusloy and Mrs. A. Salt ley. J. W. Uogi'iiroif and family are vis iting in Phillips vouiny. 9 i Obituary, (ionvral Himlsoii Sanderson was bom in HufTaJo, Nuw York, July lOlb, 18 IS. Ho romoved with his parents to the state of Illinois when quite young. At tin) cotninoticomunt of tho war of tho rebellion he enlisted in Company U. 188th Illinois Vol. Infantry, at tho ago of 17 years, remaining In tho sor vice thrco yours. After being .mistered out ho inntlo his komo nt Kuoxvillo, Illinois. He was married two years later to Mary A. Gossett, of which union ton children wcro born to them, of which six children nnd tho mother survive him. In the year 1880 he enmo to Nebraska locating on a (arm near lied Cloud, anil has siuco boon a resi dent of Webster county. 'General Har rison Sanderson died November 18th, 11)01, aged fiO venrs nnd four months. Funeral services wore held at 11 a.m TucbdiiT, Nov. 19lh at Ash creek M. K. church conducted by Uev. G. W. Hum mel of liluo Hill. A largo concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors wore iu attendance. The body wns laid to rest In the JWngoncr cemetery. Thus wo see tho ranks of tho old soldiers growing thin. Ono by one tbey nro going down the valley with their facts turned toward tho sotting of the sun. How'i ThU? Wo offer ono hundred dollars reward for any enso of cittiirrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. Cheney & Co , Props., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 1G years, anil be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, nnd, financially ablo to carry out any obligation 111 ado by their linn. Wkbt & Triax, VVholcsalo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldiko, Kinkan & Maiivin, Whole, sale Druggists, Tolodo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken inter, nnlly, acting directly upon tho blood anil nuicoiiB surfaces of tho system. Prlco 75o per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. Testimonials fieo. Hall's Family Pills sro tho best. 4T110 North Platte Valloy in north west Nebraska, offers some wonder fully good opportnnlties to tho man or woman with a llttlo money to Invest in irrigated lands. Excellent''lri'igntod lnnd can ho had now for 112 to 815 nn aero, hut it is plain to thnso watching tho development of tho North Platto Valley that this lov prico is just about to fndo nway. Tho farmers of this valley aro now leaping an abundant harvest. Al.'alfa, corn, wheat and gar ilen vegetables yield good prollts. There aro also good opoulrgs in tho live stock business, If you re inter .tcd in the North Platte Valley, write for our booklet describing it. It is freo. J. Fuancis, G. P. A. Hurlington lloute, Omaha, Nebr. . EdetYomr Bowels With Oaeemrota. Cundy Cathartic, oura conatlpatloa forerer. Ma.. UttftO, MU drunuts rety a aieaer. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk arda are Being Cured Dally in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses No Weakening of the Nerves A Pleatant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It Is now generally known nnd under stood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant uso of intoxi eating liquors, requires nn nnlldoif CHpflbloot neutralizing audicradluntin;; this poison, nnd destroying tho crnv ing for intoxlcnnts. Suflcrers may now euro thomsolvcs nt homo without publicity or loss of tlmo from business bv this wonderful 'Homo Gold Cure which has been perfected after ninny years of closo study and ticntmmitof inebriates. Tho faithful uso according to directions of thh wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to euro the most obstinate onRo, no matter how hard a drinker. Owr records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, Industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren cure your fathers-It This remedy is in no sense a nostrum bnt is a spec ific for this disoaso only, nnd is so skill fully devlsod and prepared that il is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to tho taste, so thnt it can bogivon in a. cup of tea or coffeo without tho knowledge of tho porson taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this piicolcss remedy, and as many more have boon cured and made torn peratomon by having the "Cure" ad ministered by loving frionds nnd rela tives without thoir knowledge in coffeo or tea,. nnd believe today that they dis continued drialcing of their own freo will. Do not wnit. Do not bo doludcd by apparent and misleading "improve mont." Drivo out tho disease at onco nnd for all timo. "The Homo Gold Cure" is sold at tho extremely low prioo of One Dollar, thus placing with in reach of overybody a treatment more effectivo than others costing 825 to ICO. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advico by skilled physi cians when requested without oxtrn charge. Sent prepnid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402,- Edwin 11. Giles & Compauy, 2330 and 2133 Mnrket Street, l'hiludelphin. All correspondonco strictly confiden tial. Rheumatiam Cured in a Day. MyctloC'iiro for rltetimatl'm nnd ncuralBln readily eurci In from ono to thrco lny. II no tion upon tho Kjtlcm Ih rcinnrinblo nndmyi trinn itrmnvi!M At iincQ the catiso and the dlnoHso Immediately dlxnpprttr. Tho fimtdpso Rreatl bencfll. 75 ceul. Sold by II. K. Grlrc. ltcd Cloud, Neb. HomcseokeiH special extriul'n. Hoiuebesker's cpt'cinl i-xt'tirsions on llrst and third TueiMlitys of Nnvemhi r and December 1901 Tickets will be mi sale at ono faro plus two miliars for ih round trip nnd return limit 21 day fiomdntu of sale to several difforom points In Manitoba, Minnesota, North 'Dakota, Sou h DiKoln, Wiiponsln itml Noith Michigan. A. Conovnu, Agent Farm for Sale. Half M'Ctimi, live miles from Red Cloud, line land, lir.t-clas' impiovf monts. . baigain If ""Id mhmi. Atl, drew J. W. Walmn. Ited Cloutl, Nfb e Wanted Several porsons of clmrcier and good reputation Ineuch state (one In till enmity required) to represent nnd ndverllw! old vftni). llKbed wealthy biiflnessliousc ot solid ntmiiclnl BtmdhiK. SnlnryllS wiekly with exieiiea ad dlllonal. all payhble lit cash each WcdncMliiy dlrcrt from heHd olllce. Home nnd carrlnue furnished when neccMnry. Hoferenre hit close Kelf-addteuied utaiuprd antelope. Ucpl. Munaner!CCaxlon UulldltiK. Chicago. - i To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative iirorao Quinlno Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to curo. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Aj,TD"Scvcrai persntia or cnaracter aim ptood ronuiatlou lit Cft'li slate (one In this county required) to reprcrent ana advertise oiu estab lished wealthy bnsl ens ho uso of solid flnanctal NtandltiR. Salary tlK.Ui weekly With eziietiHcs additional, all payable In tushtacU Wedncsdny direct from head offlres. Morto and carrlaue furnlshetl. when necchimrr. Ileferences. Ku- closo self-nddreascd stamed envelope. Dept. Manager xi:i uazton iiuiminir, unicRgo, RIGHT UP TO DATE. (Denssn's Plaster Is Pain's Master.) Theso aro days of records and of the boat. Ing o rocortls. IIah&ou'h Porous Plastei, for quickness of action nnd thoroughness ot cure, has no records to beat except its own. Benson's Plant or, always tho best,, always the leader, is to-day better than ever. It sticks to tho skin but never sticks in its tracks. It marches on. Tho peoplo not only want to be cured but cured quickly and Benson's Plaster does it. Couglts, colds, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis, livr and kidney complaints, and other ills approachable by an external remedy , yield to ltunsou's as ioo does to host. Neither Belladonna, Strengthening or Capsicum plasters nro to bo compared with Benson's. Pooplo who havo onco tested tho merits of Benson's Plastor havo no uso for any other external romedy. Moro than 5,000 physicians and drug, gists (and a thousand times us many non- iirofemional porsons) hae called Benson's .'lusters oue of tho tow (I) home romedlo that can bo trusted. Fifty.fi vo highest awards hare been mads to it in competition with tho best known plasters of Enropo and America. Better proof of its merits i inconceivable. Bo suro to gut the gouuluo. For solo by all druggists, or wo will pre pay postago on auy number ordorod in the United States, on rtvseipt of S5o. raeh. Soabury & Johnson, Mfg. OhomisU, N.Y. FREE y.stDIOAl. ADVICE, rrrltous r .. all your symptoms, ltcno valine the system la tho only safe and suro method of eur ln(j all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay 's Innovator Is the only psrfeetsyateas renovator. Free sam pies sad book, Dr, a J. Kay , Saratoga, N.Y stomach, constipation, nhollver and muu. it m uu uxcuiicni. ivx-va -j.onic. sena-ior ireo sample ana a treo mustratea llo page oook ot rcccipu etc.. and send your symptoms nnd wo will glvo you f rco ad vice. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's Renovator don't take- any substitute they may say is "just as good," for it has no equal: but send direct to us nnd wo will scud it by return mail prepaid. Prlco 26cts., nnd $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lung Balm lOcts., and 26cta., postago prepaid. Dit. B. J. Kay Medical Co., Sarn.oga Springs, N. Y. Use Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to be shnken into tho shoes. 'Your feet feel swoolon, nervous and hot, nnd got tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Alton's Font-Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walking ensy. Cures swoolen, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and cnllouj spots. Keliovos corns and bunions of nil pain and gives rest and comfort. Try1 it todny. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial pack ago free. Address, Alien S. Olm sted, Lo Roy, N. Y. Six Million Boxes a Year. In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 boxes; that's Cascarets Candy Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in the world. All druggists, 10c. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. unjii: "My wlfo hud Inflammatory rhoumatlam in every muaclo and Joint; tier auffcrltiR wan terrible and herbodrand faco wcro awoolen almost berond recognition; bad been In bed fornix wcckn nnd had debt phyalclmiH, but received no benefit until alic tried tho Myatlr Cure for ltbcummim. It envo Immediate relief and elio wan hIjIo to walk about in three day, I nm sure it saved bcr life." Sold by II. K. Orlcc. OrugRlKt. Ited Cloud, Nob. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is suro to know of the wonderful . cures mane by ur. I Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I the rjreat kidney, liver It and bladder remedy. It lr. (hft crrat mrll. ?5 cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after year3 of e?Irttf ir reOrVi Iter -$Sa'N.B Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent Kianey ana Diaa der specialist, and Is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr.-Kllmers Swamp-Root Is not rec ommendedforeverythlngbut If you have kid ney, liver br bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried lr, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and (v send your address to Dr. Kilmer it Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. The regular .fifty cent apd Homec uwamp-noot. dollar sizes aro sold by all good druggist. ... Dr. Kay's Utlcure cure aM UriClirfi femalr diseases. At drus; , WHWm W n, illustrated book and adtlce free. Dr.B. J.JTay.SaratogaiN. Y., J. I). FUI.TON. ItlVKUTtIN, NKHRASKA AUCTIONEBK TERMS RKASONAHI.H AND y SArlSKAUUU iUAUA4 ir-r.u, Notice to Non Resident. To Charley I)e Loiik. non ro.ldcnt ilefcndaut: You nro hrreuy notified ihat on the anti; nay of tfoplrmber, IDil. Mtiluidii I. Do Lone filed a tiotllloa bkhIhh ou la tin- district roiut of Vbtorroulit. NcIimkWb. the object and piav er of wltlcii are loobtiilii a dlyorci) from )ou on tho Kroiuid Unit jolt have willfully abandoned plaintiff, alkotm thournnml of cmol ircalmont tind want of support You aro renal r.d lo atis wcrsald volition on or beforo Momlny, ihc 4th day of Nnveinbrr. 10 1 Dated this Mill day of September. lOJil. MiLINUA I, DKLONfl. Uy J. M. Ciurrix, her atto'iiey. HEUDDRGHOHE WHODIMRE TO EXPtflBKHTfA0tnSfiNE MlrfMBflJ. tXrtrCtSRtAWWat AUAWMbOrACAFnALaTY IvTifOftauiMutAX'DaafiTrwrwi LlNCOlNiZU51NG)b JE .UMumZ(WiNfrjw ! iffe? - 'JCV SttVU F -"" m " SK' REV. L. L. CARPENTER. Wabash. Ind.. la 'Presidont of tho Bethany Assembly nt Brooklyn, lnd. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great pleasure to glvo my testimony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's romedicsr Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold nnd throat remedy thnt I over used. I havo also rccolvcd great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for years been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's romedies nnd experienced relief almost from tho first. "Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo received as tho result of usolng theso remedies. I take great pleasure in commending them to tho suffering. ' L. L. Cjviipentek, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. , Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect rofujvator of tho whole system. It is tho vory best remedy kldnoy troubles, and to ovorcomo otlccts 2er-vuHmwiwn&su&in( TreDERS IUMBEDR Co, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAI tou.ildLin.fg material. Bto. RED CLOUD. - - NEBRASKA Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cough, la grippe, bronchltU, Rora throat, croup, whooplnff cough, otc. Never deranges tho stomach. AtDruvfflsta, 10&S5c. S Scissors Ground, I Razors Honed,! AXD ALL KINDS OF EDGE? TOOLS SHARPENED 4 4 4 AT THE Bob Barkley Barber Shop. First door -south of Star bakery and restaurant. All kinds of barber wink executed promptly anil xntihfnclinu guaranteed.. LilVH - Ub - A - LALL. J CONSTIPATION tho f rwiucnt cauio of Appenillcltl mA ii any Uw lOUHllia .Dnuia nirvr wi n wiir.Mf iiiiiuuunnwt. uiual catlianio rctnraiea n ui clr costive rractlun which tncrnuoa eom rtlnatlon lnttoad ot curing It. l'AUKKKH Gl NO Kit TON 1 10 Is tho proper rrmrdr. II acta on tu ii,H. an1 vhn nftml aa dlrocicil. tforniancntlr reuiovoa the constlpaUoa. M UU.&U.W at all DruKSljU. G. V. ARGAIJIIIGIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Rki Cloud. Nkiikaska, Lan(lsunpf)4, Flwfrs, Fruits and Por traits Hindu to tinier. STUDIO IN DAMKllKI.L 11 LOCK. I. B. COLVIN. EAL ESTATE g FARM LOANS. Look Box S3. Guide Hock. Neb. Ill kinds of property bought, sold sad exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TEUM HKASONABLB MONEY mm.t..AmA We m saajaaai a euar. an tee Dr.Kay'a Renovator patlen, liver aad kldnoys. Best tonle, laxative, blood purifier known for all chronlo diseases; renovates and Invigorates tho wholo system and cures very worst cases. Get trial box at onoe. It not satisfied with It notify us, we will rotund money by return mall. Write your symptoms for Freo Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 25 6t 10c at druggists. Dr, B. J. Kay, Saratoga? N.Y. " ' CO OUrO UVBDC'DStU. UUUBV1- WANTED QrADlVTKill711' and want saare WBrAI vrtOHhomcltravollim&nlwimcn KXPTsTC Hsvea77.YR. RECORD rsriw are easy to sell, always TllMLr. Otltfit ABSOLUTELY VREE. STARK BRO'S, LouIsIaaa.Mo. &&. This signature Is oa every boa of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu the remedy that car m eoM 1 stay WRITERS . CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS Wanted everywhere Stories, news. Ideas, poems, illustrated articles, nil Vtfnce news, drawiu:s, photographs, nnlqno nrtlcleu, etc., etc., purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lit'ntinn. Books published. Send for imrticulurs and full information before fx-ndinir nrticlen.t The Bolleiii Press issociatioo, New York. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want tortniietl naming money at linen, atuul iih 25 ft for our book of "o New Money-Making Ideas." It Is worilt iix wi'lult'. in gold to nnyono who is iiiii'iiipliiyoil. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Mlnn.j of La-Grippa and Si'MNG IiibsI- Every Woman ll Intereatcd and iliould know MARVEL Whlrnng Spray ThenewTMllSjri.jf. Jnjte- , una auction, llptt Snf. . eii-.Moit ConvrnlrnL IKIfUMiU.Uall, fjl jour dranlit for U. ll,yAffi?'l"'l,,' ,n rnAHwEI,. aMnt tin Other, tint unit itami.fAn lustra., book-ttll.U ritci full rmrtiruljm,rl ,UrJiir,ZZt 'ftllHt.hln la I rile) wmm eutviTi".. om THmS !!,; V.Mu J. S. EMXG-H, DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. ;mwd Bridge Work or Teeth Without Plata POKCELAIN INLAV Mid all tlie lMtt ImproTcment la dental tnech anlsm DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLifeaway! ou can te cured or any rortn ot tobacco using easily, be made well, strong, magnetic, full lot in. that makes weak men strong. Many cala cw me ana vigor vy laKtUK mt'lU-BM ten pounds in ten days. Over BOO.OOO cure: a. All dniccrliita. Cure cruarnnteifl. rtnok. let and advico l'RUIt. Address STKRLINO RSMatDV CO., CANDY CATHARTIC, Ok Gtnulne itamptd C. C C. Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealtr who tries to sell "something Just as good." PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM Cleanwt and brautlllci tb hair, l'rotnoici a luxuriant nowth. Il.ivcr Valla to Hector Omy Cure, fcalp ilwwi u hair Ulllir. av.aidSii'Mt lni;riti DR. KAVS RENOVATOR Invigorates and rcnovntes tho system; purines and enriches tho blood; cures the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver and kidneys. SSonndll.ntdruKglsts. Froo R advice, sample nnd book. a.. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y BssB ENOVATOR 'CMIOHKSTKR'S KNSLIBH ." ta;!cnag-i i'L"nrw nc utiiuujQtTaut'S EHQU1IH la ItEB aa4 M autallla taaw. imim IU Iim iibU. Take aUarw BaraM Z-i flr 'a. ar ;J yoar ltvtln. STtni 4. la V fr aa4"Rllar(WrLa4lM,,'llwr,bTra a. M .. taialfall. 10.0UOTmU.hu. Bm VaattoatkUpapar. Saa4bM aariu taaLA!Ttj!v We can surnish 7011 brick in , ly at tho lowest pos' siblo rnto, Brick on salo at elthor nf the lunibor yards. Get Our Pricks Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN FOLNICKY, , PUOPR1ETOB.J DXALEIt IK ' Wines, Liquors, alifornia brandies. fikatw3 PABST MILWAUKEErBee AlAVAYa ON TAf.eo (4V 4 & iev X !V r mmmmtlmmmmmmm$mmmmm , Kzsziza j ,