The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1901, Image 5

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jMiijijgacatOTraBtftcgatTTiTitiiry-tniiii. iu,n.'ixmia..i.m'.uj.-'
ni"f m eg gBr.T'cmfc!jjvnwi'.n';)m;nr,'iai'. .iKirnmiim vsvtnvfjtummtfjjana.vurvtrmtawatiu vmv iw atcvmntrr
ivk(iiaivJ)vSi'i"Pim(kViii nOiiiiuKMii'annn,Avvlfcii)Ajm;(i(vvi(iiiiiij(Aliivk
, ;3f
I 1 n
' Lvly.s Gold Fillcil Wntch ; Jnlm W. lttinchey.
Gent's (Sold Filled Wntch , Win. W. Wnid.
Gent's Silverlno Winch Ivan Dickinson.
Ivuly's Silver Wntch George A. HawBon.
Hoys Wtch Kthol Unsimr.
Ming No. 1 .....E. T. Smith.
King No. 2 Mr... L M. llnldeii.
King No. 3 Clojd dimming s.
King No. 1 Alex Duckies.
Ring No 5 ... ...Kdgnr Cow don.
Camera Don Mjiis.
Hair Brush ..Miss Kiiiinn Graves.
.Water Bottlu Miss Mm iu A J onsen-
Indies Gold Fillcil Wntch Chnl Miss Bci in Docker.
Lull' Silver Wntch Chain T..G.C. dwdeii.
Guilts' Filled Chain Georgu Benson.
Guilts' Filled Clmiii M. A. D.ivls.
The above named persons were successful in selec
ting the packages containing tickets for the articles.
We hold a signed receipt from each that the articles
were received by them.
Newhouse Bros.
Tine Cuibk $i pur year.
Stove repairs at W. W. Wight's.
Good ciil wanted ut. tlm Hon
restaurant. -W- S. IJknm:.
For anything iu tlio hardware line Ro
to Wright's.
Tliu llnest line of stoves in the valley
can bo found at Wright's.
Now i tho tinio to Ret Hobes and
Blankets. You can llnd all stylus and
prices at Butlers.
Dwight Jones ami wifu of Guide
Hock vMtud in tliu eity iirstof th.
week. Cloak sale! Cloak .vile! Fiidny.,
Nov. 22, Saturday, Nov. 2.1.-.MtM'.it
F. W. Cowdeu and wife visited with
friends mid took in the font lull Ramo
al Superior on Tue.-day.
Miss Sadio Ayer left Saturday morn
ing for hur home near llauilnm, i.nti
has, culled there, by
tin) .sickness of a
We want to talk to you
about saws. Hand Saws.
Cross Cut Saws, Buck
Saws, Nfeat Saws, Ice
Saws, Etc.
We have a line that
will please the most ex-
2 ..Minn rind rim comnlete- e-
s ness of our line is a Dig
item. We have almost
every kind that cad be
desired by anyone. Cjual-
1 itv is our hobby. The
... 1 .
best is none too good for
i ... i E
our, customers aim wc ai-
ways have it. Prices are
bottom, in fact lower than
I ever before. In this class
of goods we can save you
money. Our axes are
here and a finer line has
never appeared in town
bafore. Come in. Look
them over. It is to your
interest as well as ours.
fr (
fr f
fr (-
Uoaslera for fiOi! nt'I'lie Fair
The Chief and Life of McKlnley $J.50.
Mim. KieiRiiuiiu of Mine Hill is visit
iiiR lelatives in Iho city this .veek.
Tin: ClliKK and lint Toledo Wade
one year lm'$l S."i. '
J. W. I'rather ;f lilooiuitiRt'iu was in
Iho eitv ilie litHl of the week: ,
Will nt went id Alina Siliirdny
niRlii unit speni Sunday willi frietide
J. W. Wallin leturned Saturday
from a trip to Lincoln wliu'n; be was
lookitiR after property interests.
Have you aeuii llio up to.dato lihuil;.
ots and Holies. Huiieis ii the place to
Ihul them.
Mrs. Geo Ilollister leturned the last
of the week hum u visit wuh fiinmls
at Ijiiwruncu.
Car o( corn end
100 Ilia 1 ',;; in 000
oats chop feed
pound lous 8l.'J0.
W. H. Kunr.
Al it. llentley and uifu, who have
been visiting i i Ij'neoln, havo 10 u.ntil
Pasteur's "HlaokleRluu" for thu pic
veiilion of blackleR iu cattle for sale
by CotiiiiR tliu UriiRRist.
Hurt Lmdloy and litt o dauRhter vis
ited with friends hero Sunday return
ing to Hlverton that ovodiiir.
Geosge McCall and wifu of Guide
Ilock viiited with James Peters in and
family this week.
Mrs. L. M. Vance of Hastings is beta
visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F Newhousu and other relatives.
When you waut nails, screws, bolt?,
barb wiru or puything else in tlio hard
ware line call on W. W. Wright.
Elmer Hoss is in cowles this week
with an outtit doing some grading for
side-track fur the 15. & M.
Farm loans at 5 per cunt interest on
good improved laud. U. F. Gather,
oilluo ovur Cottiiig's drug store, lteil
Cloud, Neb.
Don't, wail until Cluislmasr is upon
you'io advertise yuur Roods, ltcmum
bur uu havo but four weeks more and
you s o ild use thu time to advantage
Robes! Ujbcs!! Itobesll! . For thu
next sixty days you can buy lilaukuts
and Itobes ata saciilico pricu at J. O.
lluilers harness shop.
Lunqucst, of the Wymore foot ball
team, was knocked out in thu gamo at
Supeiior Tuesday but was able to at
tend the dance iu the evening, so the
papers say,
Do you want a new cloak or pair of
Fursr A special display at our store
Friday, Nov. 2'2d and Suturday, Nov.
21). Garments delivered day of sale.
Makes assimilation perfect, healthy
blood, muscles linn, strong nutves.
Quickens thu brain, makes and keut s
you well, Great medicine, xtucky
Mountain Tea. 33c.
The brick ico house of M. M. Stern in
the rear of his saloon is in the last
stages of completion and will bu ready
to bu packed full of the cold artlclo as
sooti as the weather will drop low
enough to make it,
Notick to Faiiueus: Hereafter our
buyiiiR days for hogs will bu on Fridays
ami Sattiiduys. Pleaso govern your
selves accordingly and niuku arrange
meats to briiiR them in on these days.
Dveu & Koontz
Intel national Live Stock Exposition,
nduiiRO, Ills , Nov. 80, to Dec. 7. For
tills occasion nekots will bu sold Dec.
1st, 2d, ami ad, limited for return Doc.
8th, atone fai u plus i'i for the round
tilp. A. CoNOVEit, Agent.
Foi" sale hills call at this'olllce.
The Chief and Life of' McKlnley $J 50.
Winter" mittens ean lie had at The
A new heater has lately been placed
in thu ton ml house heio. ,
If you want seed corn sec V. II.
L. B. KellnRgand wifo luft Wednes
day evunitiR for Boulder, Colorado.
Oimi hundred hnml lamps at 25u each
at The Fair
Alfred iliulell was In Omaha thu Hist
of tlm week buying Roods.
M, O Fulton of Itiverton was in the
city this week.
Thu Giiikk tind ChiniRo Inter Ocoan
o 10 year for $1.35.
Patiick Gilroy of Intivalo was tloing
business in the city thu litstof theweek,
Discard that liRht summer tohu and
KPiimu of llntlers Fall and Winter
C. E ShfflioY of Oxford has taken a
position iu tne drup stotu of C. li. Cot-
W. T; Cion and family who have
been living south of tliu liver left this
week for Logan, Utah.
Airs Win. Du-'ker and, daughtor re
turn, d Monday eveniiiR from a visit
Foil ItKNT A good new sevi'ti room
house, aciu and one-thiid of giound,
stable, Rood cellar and water and other
conveniences. Ino'di'int this olllce.
TheCiiiEi" is uniivoldably Into this
wei'h (hi aceount of thu fact that thu
fcreman hroku a bono in bis wrist ami
was therefore incapaeiled from work.
Ahs Clara .Jackson and children luft
In ih st of 1 1 u week for Tucson An
z ma, where die will again be married
i. bei fm uier hnsb'iiidfW ill .laoksoti.
Don't ihiow away jour old sewing
machine. A tew dulhus will make ii
all right at thu sowing mueliinn bos
uilal. Org-ois repalied also Caui, M.
Insurance !'
German - Insurance - Co.
Of 1-TlBKl'Onr, ILL.
l'hu largest nil line compiny in ih
'ai'incrs Mutual Ins Co.
Of Nobra&ka, of Lincoln.
Largest mutual in the state with.
over 300 policies in Webster
SO. C. Teel, Agt.,i
Rkd Cloud, Neiujaska.
There will b'e n special display of
cloaks and furs at our store Friday,
Nov. 22 and Saturday, Nov. 23. Gar
ments delivered at timo of sale.
Miner BitOTiiKits.
T. C. Hacker, Ed. Ovoring, Kobmt
IVitternnd C W. Kaley weru In supe
rior on Tuesday to witness tlm foi.t
bull gamu between thu team of that
placo and Wymoie. (
Thu Congregational Ladies Aid So
ciety will hold an apron salo ami also
servo chicken pie dinnor and supper on
Saturday, Novomber 23d at the Potter
building formerly occupied by O. b,
Evans' second hand store,
A very pleasant social dance was
given at the residenco of .J. W. Wallin
on Saturday evening, November 10th.
Those present left with a wish that Mr.
Wallin would givothtm another chance
to spend an evening in thu same man
ner. .
Fou Sale Hcsidonconnd house-hold
goods, I oiler for salo my residenco on
Seward street, opposite Baptist church,
and all heavy furniture, 150 books In
eluding an Inter Nutlc nal enoyclnpcdio,
a that-class live hole kitchen rnuge, etc.
Cheap for cash if taken within noxt 10
days. M. Finch.
One of those ever pleasant occasions
such as tho members of the G- A. 11, ou
casionally gel up, occurud at their hall
on last Saturday evening whon they
gave one of their old time camp fires.
Addresses wore made by 11. 8. Willcox,
department commander, C F, Steele of
Falrbury, T. L, Hull of Omaha and
dipt. Adams of Superior. Short ad
d i esses weru liiiulu by a number of the
young mun of our city nud wuro Inter.
sporced with a uumberof musical selec
tions. Tliu supper of eoiirso was of tlm
usual splendid quality rnd ample quan
tity generally served by tho Indies wh.
have for years seen thai thu thinning
ranks of thu old Boldiurstdo not go unfed.
The Chief and Life of McKlnley $1.50
Tl.e Life of Win AIiKmlev, by Alniai
tlii1M-nd, and 'J iik CiiiKf one jear lot
Jl.f.0, the prleu of tho book nlonu,
A thousand things by it are douo far
botttt than most things do one. We
refer to ltocky Mountain Tea made by
Madison Aledlelim Co. IWc C. L. Cot
ting. Thu 11. & M. depot is putting on ulrs
lately with three In and new Garland
lioateis. Whctu this oxtravagaiico will
end is Imrd to tell. A little inoiu light
on Iho subjoin for thu platform would be
a good tiling.
Thu Hotel ltoynl will open up Jto
mot tow, S.ituiday,, evuniiiR and 'thu
untile poilion of thu lower house, will
be lighted up. Ice cream and cake
will be sei veil, tin Sunday a tegular
diuner will bu served and thnhotul wi.l
begin solving thu public.
Wo tiro glad loKcecurcontemporarys
up thu street advocating tnipioveimmt.s
In the wiit of elect lie lights and other
thing. We talked those samu things
or years without a icsponsivc little bit
of hwlp from thu other papers until we
grew tired. Aftera Rtenl deal of talk
for a now In ick hotel we have got It and
perhaps our willings on the need uf an
opein house will somu day not havo
beuh in vain.
The old building formeily occupied
for saloon purposof by John I'olnlcky
is no inoiu It having been completely
torn down this week. What will noor
old money b;ig. Moyntn do now to
get money to pay uxxtn on thu hit?
Guess ho will ii-ivu to put up thu taxes
himself hereafter. If sonioof the otlur
old .shacks weiu left uiilenautcd so that
tliu owners bad to g ,mVn in their
pocket and put up tho taxes, tlmy
perhaps also would he torn down. '
Talking about N'cw house's grab sale,
wasn't it a eorkei ? Such crowdsl
Whi.t eausl'd nil this demonstration of
thu peoploallciowding to thn.Moioof
this popular llrm on last Saturday!
Simply iho fur. that thu punplu have
learned that when these young mun
who reptcsent till., linn advuitUo, they
mean just what they say and l ml them
will absolutely be no swindle in thu
transaction. It tlmy to givu
a gold watch "It will bu a gold watch.
Tliej sold out all thu packages in thcit
grab salt and thu luuky winners of the
larger prizes received goods worth con
sideiablu money. Tl.o rest got ihtii
money 's wot th. and it was a cood ad ver-
tixcmenl for Newhousu Hrothuis juid
that .vas what they wero after and
ready to spend money to get.
R i
A IproglSiaS . l-M
,WiKj-NOVEMBER- 5'f'ffj
tgj 1 DdDKim 4
A kind provitlonce and a generous public have
showered upon us during the past year blessings
for wtoch we are truly thankful. It is meet and ,
right that the day should be devoted to thoughts
which are in harmony with ihe occasion, and in '
accordance with this spirit our store will be closed
ton Thanksgiving Day. May our patrons , find
much happiness in the pursuits of their pleasures
on this our National Day. So here's to you for
a good 1 hanksgiving Dinner and a-jolly reunion
around the family table.
Our stock of 11)01 .lackuts is is somewhat broken Iu sizes nud colors,
but wo still have a very large lino to select from. In 27-inch
and 42-ineh coats we havo biowns, blues, blacks and castors at
prices that defy competition.
27-inch Jacket, castor, tailor stltchsd, largo collar, 0 largo ponrl
buttons, latest style, half fitting back, prict $9, SO,
Ladies black or castor, 42 inches in length, tailor stitched, storm
collar, half fitting back, $12.00-
We Imvo a few Jackets that wt arn selling at half price, fifty coots
nn tho do'.lar. If you need anything for school jnckets now is
the time to savo money.
IiAoit Coats. if
Men's duck coats, extra heavy covert cloth, blanket linod, wind and
rain proof, S1.25, 81 50 and 12 00.
Men's long covert cloth coats, wind and rain proof, 13.50.,
Hoys' covert cloth coats, same as men's, 11,23.
Large 10-4 grey blankets, oxtraiheavy , B0
Large 10 4 tan blankets, extra heavy ,, ... 05
Lai go 11 4 aroy blankets, extra I envy . 1 00
L-iago 11-4 grey blankets, extra heavy $1.2.1. 81 50 and $2 05
Wool blankets, 10-4 full si.", 35.00, $!J.C0, $1 00; $J .10to MJ 00
The winter Reason Is fast approaching 'whon a set of furs will ho
most comfortable.
W havo Fur Collarltos at $3.00, $1 00. $1 75, 85 00, $5 50, $0.00 and
up to 815 00.
Fur Boas $!i.25 to $0.25.
. KuHlurs OOi;, $1.50. $1.75, $2.00,'l2.50, $3.00, $8 50 to 85 00,
Flannel Valssts.
Flannel Waist9. plain colors. $1.00 to $1 CO.
Flannel waists, rtd, blue, black, ereen and old rose, Jrimmpd in
black soutach braid. $4 75 to $3 00
Latest cfTects in Polka Dot Velvet waists $5.00..
O tit In ccs Flannels.
Just racelved a new supply of light and dnrk outings, extra quality
at 5, 7, 8, 9 and lOo pur yaid. Just tho thing for night dresie
and children's dresses.
Kxtra hoavy doublo faced flannels for mdcrwcnr and skirts 8, 10
12 nnd 15u yor yard.
An artmln we all want and tho best to bo had for tho least moneV
MonN exit a havy lhjeen 45o per garment.
Men's bun vi llnucu p.liits or shirts !)5c pi r garment.
(Mlhinin'rf hoary llnecn 15u per garment, up accordlng'tn jdv... "
Children's extra heavy lleecud ribbed union suits 50 to 75o per suit
Light weight rit)bd imitH Jlilo each.
Ladles ribbed union suits 50n to $2.00 per suit.
Ladies Separate uirments 35o to $1.23 per garment.
Fascinators and Shawls at extra low prices, 25c to $1.00,'
We have a full iine of Shetland Floss, pure white, cream
white and colors, 3 skeins for 25c.
A 'special II"" of ladios $2.50 nnd $3.00 shops at75iv per pair. Only
a limited number.
Hamilton Drown shoes for men women and children,
IfiiVH you seen our lien uf bnby's llrst shoos,
Good Thing's to Eat
- Glothing
On Thanksgiving.
. 'i
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