milUJiilljIUimW mmw? (iti ww(Wiipmmw i"wi'iiiitw wiwtrirrTirr-niirT"MT nirn niTTTwrniTTiwiTr-imnirif in fwvuri n iiwwwn 8 W In IV. Bf U I IJ'i v try I. ! I 54 1 8--B.F II K IlTf-I ?I:ii t IT & ,irs-. wu :w 3S en JP J KM &ff : r "j . i . Mi & Im'um. 'ffSs THE OFFSPPmT OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TASMT. Scrofula is but n modified form of Blood Poison nttd Consumption. The parent who is United by either will sec in the child the same disease manifesting itself in the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive sores and nbscessc.4 and of tentimes white swell wg sure signs ot yf'rkXi , Scrof ul There may (r-Jr'S I be no external signs tot )?,- long time, forthedlseascdevclopsslowly In some cases, but the j-olaon is in the blood and will break out at the first favor ble opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building up the blood and stimulating nd invigorating the whole Byitcm. J. M. Eet, I is rabllc Square. Nah vllle.Tenn., aaya t "Ten years a jo my daughter fell and cut her forehead. From thti wound the cltndi on tbealdeof her face became awollen and bunted. Some or the bcl doctor Ucte cad elsewhere attended her without any benefit. We decided to try 8, S. 8., and a few bottles cured her entirely."' 0 makes new and pure L fftw !t blood to nourish and Odd ( Br - -.. f ,J x T' -1 mrnnvs h r rhtnr hiinf.i if'pi iii 'i busiri'i'i . ii ttrM n .it, ili l w ninti potiltl not sleep. It whs ! I lit (i iiki it,-, nil. i ( vns fimw. ! hv ll-knn'viii-f nl tttPl t r it i;ii. old family phyaieinu wn ronMinieil with uiixiL'ty mill JtiumttMl tiulfss uiin hfng could bo done for the widow olio vniilil ftimti follow Iiim' Iiiibitnd ilm grave. Fitinlb ft n last resort lio in ilmctcil thu hired ghl to got tho o 0 v. grlnUur and it toy i at chut wheel. I inn it tho hour forretirluu lies urt-l iliu girl t- grind! ig tolTeu whim ho wut'Kiil i ho ratchut wheel to is fu 1 cupucity iind ul tho sauio timo lot tut-' vntur nut of tho bath tub with u pun;. lint, choking sound, in los8 lluui h minimi tho uyei of tho widow closed in I peaceful slimibt'i ttnd her life . .-nivi'ii, "That uoinlniiiitiiiii w.ibu'i. ipiilv tqunl o whitt tin) old man iij.'d it put up wIh-ii ho whs In gooillotoi" villi tho phjbluiiii) with u nigh of mitis fnoilon, "but It si-eini-il to mmwr foi an imitation." STOLEN BUZZSAWLETS - strengthen the body, and is n positive and safe cure tor Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child has inherited some bloo-1 taint, tnl-e S S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge whale, r for advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. QA. TH& One yor.. Ilxmnnth CKI runtt'iun nr W.Ij. MoMII.I.AN. n,tr MIX V PUUUSIIKU KVltifY KIUDAT Buiercd at tne pott office at Ucd Uloud, ecoudcUnmnll mutter. DVrTtTIStNr. UATKS' advcttlkl'ig 5 ri'i.u )cr lino per Intiic. Locnl AilvcrlhltiR for eiitortnliimvnui, con etli'ocl"ii. rv,. clron ly rliiirchp. rharlthlt JOCICtlen. tic. nlii'iu ill! Ill(Hie)i) IHl.xid iliuiu- fkom aieiiwd wholly (or church or charlmbli' loclotla first ten Unci free nud nil over ten Hues ait cent, per Hue per Umiu. LodHl ndvcriltltii! of fiiltTtilninuiu. concerts, rccltnlr, uln whri nir rent l plvi-n to pro ntotcru, h niilii per ilnu pui iuu. iimru.r ivenTii'iKa. One,colnmn icr monih...... 17 u Ouuhnlf column per month ...-.... 3 Ni OiiC'fourth column per inoiith 1 Tt, aouerai 1!mI.i) ii'lvorv iiiik i 8 conls per inch perlimie. RELIEVE TNE EYES, POND'S EXTRACT Reduced one-half with pure soft water, applied frequently with dropper or eye cup, will remove congestion and Instantly relieve pala and Inflam mation. CAUTION I Avoid dangtroui, Irrl. tatlng Witch Haiti preparations, rep resented to b "the tame as "POND'S EXTRACT, which easily soar and centrally contain "wood alcohol," a deadly polion. "A stratum l u layer of anything," explained the teacher. Thou little lly roii Hcrittohcti his hunt! mid replied: "Well thou our old htm is n strntnm " , (tis is not Kuhlin thn pug world n ho had cxpt'ctt'd to do. Hut then lio is um-tl tn dtffiit, for that is thu wity lie l'lt WllOII ilU l''ll'illlllllOIIB. People who hnvo burning thot'ghls hould bo out ;fiil '.ibout ruslilng into downpour ollieos with tlioui. Hut fow ollloes curry tiro Insurance. Helen Hreizo was itrri'stod in t. Jo-iopli tho other day I'linrgad with dii tut lIi.u tho puncii, nud tho Miuey polion reporter suld f.h w.-ih trying to riilio both ends o( her nitiuo. Anolhtr onion trust is bflng finmtd in tho oust. Wo atipposu this U lon to .Hiiuitlier tho beef trust. n A WORTHY SUCCESSOR "-'omething New Under The Sun. All Doctors hiivii tried to cine C.i arrh hy tho no of powdera, acid gnes, Itill'ili'ix, nml drui!-t in panto form Their powdera dry up tho timc'iis mom. hmtii s c:tiiHii: them to eritek open nml b'.enl. l'lii' poweiful nelilf. used In thn iiilnt r luive eiuiiely eaten iiwuy the. ime mombraiu't thai their makers have aimed to euro, while pastea nml olitti entH uimiiot reach th disease. An and exieneiioed practitioner u no has for iiwniy jeius tinttlu ulo-i .study mid Hpcemm of the treatment of Cntarih, has at Inn -perfected a trett int-nt whie.h win n f litlifnHy used, not only i.'lieve- at onee. but permanently unit's (latni'li by removing the cause, stopping tho iii-ehartjes, and curing all itilVtmmatloii It is ilm only rem edy I'tiown-to seieuee that actually rendu s tho iilllicled parts. This won. del fill remedy is known ns Smtfil1 s the (iimranteeil Oatarth t'tin" n d is s li ut tho extremely low pnee of One l)n iar, each paoktgo coutamiiig inieriiiii and i Nteriiiil meiliei'io -iillli-i-nt for a lull ii itlth's Ireniliient n-iil e er tl.fug ni-ei'-irv to Hh pet feet ue. 1'at Crowe takes his typo'wi.ter in I "Si- .ffl"l. the only p,i feet CViirili t.ttrf vol mane ami in now reiMiiin.-u as the only .safe mid u'iitlv eure tor .FABLES From thu Kim as Mall unit Itrtczc. A hungry mouse got into n pantry where tbeio was u rhultow pun of milk and ti tnl' jtr of eiesm, ' Tlui wn no troublo ttuo.r. Lt:.(i -u the wan of milk, but tho mouse turned uwny-iro.u thn milk and looked ui'h longiu; ejes on tho J of cream It managid to got up on tho rim of tho jir, but found that tho mimm was still out of feaoh. .That luudo tho lool mouso mere nuxi- ous thau over to got tho ci'cuiu tiud tiurtlly it, lost its balauco and foil in. Oaco in Ihtil jar it was good-bye John, an tar as that mue wn eon""r"ed It swam about in the narrow jir until it exnustod and then drowned. After a time a rat crept itito tlit- pantry and seeing the drowned mouse in tho jar Duid: "Another case of a fool that wasn't content with a reasonably good thing. A stomach full of just oulinary, milk bents uolug uiowneu in mo rich ps cream that was ever skimmed." V At a 'certain cortlcr sloro ft gang of Honiara wero wont to congregate mid sit for hours n . day spending the time whittling nud in idle g. slip. Tho lo.iferx made the pioprittlor of tho cor nor store mighty woavi, but he l.mln't the iietva to ordor ilium to vuu.uv, Ho tlnalli bit on u plan that lio thought may bo would wink, of at loasl wa north it j lug. A.iont hvo mlnutis Uo furu thn usual timo for tlu u'scmbliug of ihu loafers ho quietly coveted tho top of each nuil kug tin which they wero ncnustoiiH'tl to sit with shoo maker's wax nud waited. The loafers camo in and ench one sat dnwu an his accustomed keg nnd :oiumonccd to cover the flour iu hi? Immediate vicin ity with shaviugs and tobacco spit. It was about tea minutes before any one of the lot bad occasion to mora nnd whou ho tried it he found that he was fastened down in good shape, for tho wax by that time had got a good sot ou It, Then every loafer In the btirteh tried to tiriso and when they found that thoy wero fasteutul down as light as if they had been milled they suddenly buuame the most uuxious set of men to go somewhere than wero ever seen iu that unluhborhood, Jmt thou the atorekeepor'd'boy touched n match to a fiuiall pan of gasoline nnd yelled lire. Each loafer tore himself loose from the place ho was silting nnd made n dash for the outside And when it was scon thut there really .vasn't a tire after nil every loafer made a sneak for homo. Afterward tho stotokoepor's boy gnth ored cuuugli cloth from the heads of those nail kegs to mnko u eru'.y quilt. And lor.moro than two mouths there wasn't a loafer about the store. "It I cuiionp," mused tho store keeper jis ho dusted the shelves, "how blamed njtxioii even n loafer will gel to move wli ii ho Ijnds that he is fnl." V- A woman whoso husband ronlil suon to bunt iho bind wn suddenly deprjvoo hand to inform tho Omaha police Unit they couldn't catch the smallpox in a pesrhouhc. To which it might bo ad ded (lint ern l'at. in n po.slhouae he would doubtless break out. t Tho colder the weather, tho holier it makes tho iiinn who lia to put up n stove-pipe. A coriospoiidi-nt wants to know what mop handles aru ninile of. Scrub oak of COlliSO. A !. nynooii U one of .hose thing it i -it inilili!! a man to Mow in all hi.i icuil eu.ili tut iwo iniliottil tickets mid then walk tliureLof his natural life. A great many men hnvu smelt pow dor who never saw a gnu. It was on iho fucti ot thou Oest girl. A Topeka widower kissed a widow aud the reighbors bad him arrested for tiisiuiuiug luo ponce, iuy, wual a smack he mast bnve given her. The lowu man who killed him-solf be cnuso he didn't have money with which to buy conl, porhnps thought he would go to a couutry where coal is not need ed ft Tho milk of human kindness somo tlmos sours. that H'liio'intr !n I ilii.Misiingilt"tt It eiue.s all inllamation quickly and permiinuutly mid is .ilno wonderfiiliv quick to relieve- Huv Fever or eolit in till) lo-iul. Cut 'rh when iii'L'lcclfd often leads to Coimiimptiou 'Siinlll-" will -,ive you if vou ue it at once. It U no onii nry finedy, but n complete tn--it uiuiil .hich is positively guuritnieiei to eii'o I'atarili in any fonn or stage . I used iii-uoidiug to diieeiions which a ''imiiany each pnek-ige. I i't di'l.nv hut send for It. at once, anil write full particulars iih to your condition, ami stoi u-ill ieo-lvi speei-il :nl vice from tlm di 'overer of this wonderful now. eily ii ., -tiding jour ouhH without cos to jtjo beyond the regulnr piico ol "Mn.HI &" iho "Ciiiar.uiieetl Catarrh Core." Sent prepaid tn any address iu the Uiiitd1 Slates or Canada on receipt of Ono Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Ed win H (Jilos & Company. 2330 and 2333 Market Street, Philadelphia. tf v) ) 0 0 0i 0 0 0 0 (1 b h li ) vy 0, w b U U iv ii il't b vi li i) v ill k) i (1 Hi vi iXi ti vi iti ii 4; i& iti tit ib ii) iJ itf V Hadeirs i r -r Gash amain House I Damerell Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska. aMBBWaaB-aVaa-aMWa-a-aaaaaaaaWaVawawaMaHMaBaaaWa Special Bargain Sale ! COMMENCING- Saurday Morning, November 16th, Extra Special - Waist - Sale! Wholesale sample line of Ladies wool waists and Ladies silk waists placed on sale at wholesale cost. This is a splendid bargain event in waists as it is a very nice line and was sold to me so that I can place them on sale at manufacturers cost price. Come and see them. Sl'hCIAI, bEI.LING IN OUK Cloak Department. A new lot of Ladies Tailor Made Suits placed on "iile at special prices. We me nl.o (.bowing special values in iho new J.iokolH and Coats. Wo Invito jou to see them. Ladles Eiderdown Dress Saeques at Site, 81 00, 81.2.',, 81.50 and $2 00. Ladies Kino Mereeri.'id Underskirts at $1.00, SI 2.-t, 81.60 and $2.00 Special so. Hug of the nmv Ladles Winter Wrappers S1.00, 81.25, 41 t'O and 82 00. Special Hosiery Sale. L-ulirs lleeeo Illicit fust black hose 10u per pair and If,.' per pair. We show an extra barghin fllllv equal to iii't 25i; lime Also special values at 25c and 3.V. Mi-it's wool so k 2 pairs for 25c. Men's 25c Mi-pcnilois -!tln l"'iee Ji. Special Carpet Sale. Special -.oIliltK in ''iiiwets. 50c IngiiOii Carpets H5e. 00c Iiiuroin Ca pits 40c 70c lngrniii Cm i"i- at o5.. 7.rie Hi issl fai pets at Ml '. , Special Shoe Selling. (looil telliilile new shoes tit money .saving prices iloi-s tin- bii-iiiie-s. Our shoe business is gei i n,j tjetter. 'Our sIock is better. Cnme to us for your shoe tinting, it will pay you. Lilies shoes at Sl.00. $1 25, 31 75, 12 01), $2.25. mitt 32.00. Specal values iu Children's School Shoes. SPECIAL SELLING IN OUil JWillinery - Department. Wo wish to ntuKu a clean sweep in our milli nery department by Thanksgiving and in order to do some offering extra bat gain values in the New Stref t Hits, New Reed Trim med Hal ;. .W.v Pattern Hats, Etc. Many of them (la- -d on sale ul . , half tho tegular pi ice. New Dress Goods. Our tft.-r.x iiuti -. s ,. nf iii,..g --onils over iii-e --ti vioii s -i-i.n in.-- ic.i-uii tint a'o hnvo th f le-si lino at the light piici-s. For . -is s-ili. we have soni" vim vilues n, ilm now bh.'k guod.i ot 38c, Sdi,. W), 75c ami 5(1,00 per yatd Al) mecl-tl va'os in to-.v urorcd fairies at 35, 35, 40, 75'. NEW OUTINGS. New Outings at Hurg.-iiii Prices 7c light and itark outing., at 5c per yard. 10c itatk outings at 7c. C.12'S extra fine Outings at 10c. Special Cotton Batt Values Our Jet White 10c cotton halts are the best vaiuis ever shown. It is fine. aMaBtBMaBMa-aaaBaav-BBiia-ataaM--aBM For the LITTLE FOLKS. For school dresses wo have nico patterns in l'laids at 10, 12J and 15o Also many choice remnants and short length" at bargain prices. fl (0 to to to to ito to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to $ i, i. i. . o Getting Thin TIMETABLE. . B & M. R.Y JlliD ULOUD NEUli. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS OITT S7. LOUIS and all points east and ion (A. DENVEll HELENA BUT1E SAL1LAKEO' PORTLAND SAX FRANCISCO and all point west. GUIDE ROCK. Tho horse mid inulo buyer, Scott, of Mankato, Kinsr.s was In town Friday. Albert Horn Oc wife wont to Hlun Hill Friday to visit their daughter, Mrs Artlinr Harcus, returning Moi. lay Mrs Win. Guyroturned homo Friday from hur visit nt Hluo Hill and reports a pleasant visit. Androw (tiiy and family sturlQd Sttn day for a visit in Missouri, (own and Illinois, This will bo their lirst trip east in twenty 3 ears. A good lot of h"s are coming to market hot'e. A Mr. Lornod from western Nebras ka nnd Mr. Grannls from eastern Kan sas wero here on business with our real e.stoto men Colvln & Hnrcus. E.J. Mooro is getting his now build in nearly tinished. W. T. Flsiior from near Mt. Claro was In town today. A Mr. Whiting, a stockman from Hardy was hero Monday on his way to Franklin O A, Edgertou of Hamburg, Iowr, nnd Mr. Million of Missouri wero hero the lirst ol the week. Jess Dunbar and wife nro visiting tho folks nt home iu (inulo Hook this wook. L H -Iselt nnd family have returned from their Kansas visit. List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postotlico at Hod Cloud, Nob, lasUa. forthoweuk ending Novombor 21, 1001 Hughes, Ernert McKoy, David Miksun, 11. C, Hayiuoud, Hoasnor 'l'heso letters will hp sent to tho dead litur olllcu NovMinber 23, if not call l fur Heroic. When calling for above pleitbu ay "advertised." T, O. Hack Kit, I'uiiimtsler. lkavb a. rou-owt: No. M. TaBicnger dally for Oberlln and8t.KranclHbranchei.Ox ford, Mccook, Denver aud all, notnlswest Ntv. 14. Pasnengcr dally for St. Joe, Katma City. AicbHon. St. ..i. t i.ionin t! Wvmore and ah potou east and Boulb 2;3A a.a ANY HEAD NOISES? :ll.vm. No b. Passenger, dally. cner, all DOlntitn coloraao, UUh and California is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your hahit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over work and under-digestion. Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott s Emulsion of Ccd Liver Oil, to bajance yourself with vour work. You can't live on it true but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "can't eat," unless it comes or your doinc no work--you can't long be well and strong, without jomc sort or activity. The genuine has this picture on It, take no other. If you havo not tried It, sond for froo sample, Its a ctrooable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, 400 Pearl Street, Now York. No. 16. rMA points eaataiol Ss3p.Bt. Ksnuai City. Louis and nil I oulh .l( No. 174. AccommwJatloii. dally except Und. Ulck HIH" - lOitusmtlie narthwcM l:(Op.m So. IT). ArmmmodHilciii dally eacepi SiiiiilRy.OlM)'"". Knn..-x I rd ml IntormcdlBio fcU tloti.. vli llepnlilU-nn 14 l" -.. -. v.i..T.t iinOv. wviunru nnu .u. ., Vh-ho ;;,' nuormedlHte runctlonjiolnts. - ... :45p.m No. K. r' .billy 'nr -l,1VM1,c1' OrlmllB.iiIJiiruniiunii i-......- Ko WCKt .. . 10:4liR.m AL.L CASES OF" DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING, ARE SIOW CURABLE by our new inventam. Onlytliosc lrrn deaf, are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. f. A. WtlJRWAN, OF BALTtMORB SAYS: ,, , ., , .... . . Dam-mori. Md.. Mnrc'o. loot. !;'"'""" ' Cfmj cuthx-ly nin ' ' ilafnes, thanks to yoi- trcattwnt, 1 u ill ttow uive vou a full liistop-of,mycaf, to he nwlr. jur discretion., Alwiit five Years oro inv MeiiLcMclwgantOklnnd tlliii )spton.crtlitiKvor(i.Mmtil I lost my hcnriiiR in U)i enr ciitirehr I underwent a irrstmciit fvi-catnnlufor three tuntliK wltboulniTncccs, cruxilltiln nuui lxrof pliykirii'j-i. uuionu otlirrs Hit-most ciiilncii enr upecialist of M city, wjto told me that only mi operation could help me, nnd. even that onlv teniiMrnrily, that IhctlKwl noiMS would thru ceae lir.t the hcariiiK In the nITccvwl enr lot forever. . I then i Murxotir ndvi-rtivemrtit nc.Uef.mlly Ifta New Yrk piper, and ordered vourtrent nirnt After limit nwd It only n few laj,-HaccorJiiiK to your directions the nois censed", and todn pll(.-v. v'.k. iin heurina In the ilieanlenr ha Been entirely rc'tored. I thank you, henitily duu beet.ireninlu Vew tm'y your-, I- ft l.RM X ro S Droadway, Iialtlmore. aid. Oitf ti'vtttmeiit does nal interfere iritlt ittur iisiml nvenputlon. "r-' Yell CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME -.-t1"1 INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, IU. j,- L-...i..h rinllt excent !-iliular n ' ....ii-.-nr..mlKlliiohteatl e.UlA.u. lccnlHK. iIIiiIiik. pud rrrllnln chair Mr. (BeatHreo m ihrViiiub waJiu. Ticket aold and baggage rh." I" I l aiO !'H l " 8Fnrform.tlon.tlm. tabka,map. ?r tlcMot call on or address A. Couover. Agent. Hod Cloud, Nebr. or .1. FrancU. General PaRiengw Agent Omaha. Nebraika. City Dray and bxpress Line. w E. iftZ. ROSS. PROP,, LEGAL NOTICE. In the Dlittlcl Court of Webster Conuly, JJb- rati a. J. T. Uoblnion. rlainllrT, UimhW-i Gtilllford, i tin- niillforu. Adeorgel.. QnlH-1 Dc-tcndanla. 1 NOTICK TO SOV-llB'IlltNT DEfE-UlANT. ocorue I.. Culllford non resident iicfendant will take nitlce tlml,on tio Hot day of Sovem her 1001. i la ntlir bfialn Hied hU I'ettiloi; In bu iniUlcl t'oiirt ot Wobuer County. Nsbrn.ka. bmIii" iiiild defendant, tho object and prayer ot ?.WmT r . . fnroeloko .1 certain jnortgaKO e: ci cd by tho defendant. Hugh W. tlul irord i.iiiievOulllfordtlhe I.umbatd Invei-tinent Co iiiny. "d duly aligned to the plalnilfr nerviii.uwu .---- - -,,, , .. re" ?,n.r er 'I d tho mu frarier of th r.... ,o:.Mrii.raiidtheBOUthwet miarter of tho aoiitheat quarter of atctlon teiuy-lx anil thSIS thcaJtquarwr of Ihe itorlhca-i nuartor ,f pc SS tweiltvwvoi; l in . town-hit. one. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADA.mS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONE NO. 62. The Chief . rW alio, 4.1 trill al ft It arert. I i.fomHory noli- dated J unary 10th. 1 V. rilio sum of IU1 2.'..liie unit pnpiblu ou yr .- ---- m ., .-,,.. tu' ,b'r at ihVro I ST1 w m- "i.oa m.I note and nor Jii oil S m "or kh 4T lor ". hilt mViiujo p-r not tmm i Ul, ilmi- idiM-Uir iraia lorn du-uu limt ihUliili.uU l u,J...d to t ay the nme, or that a rtt of "aid preinlH-a, iopn lua"""", ,.,! nf the uort hea.t 50c. and $J.OO;aU druggists. aRffiMy uu-itVrof bcclloti twenty -jeven maybe old to li.fy theaint.unt foiinil diie. . ila'ied .hit, MtorfttfMff. lly , u lurit II .Vnoruey- llaiv Are Tur Kldneyi I Dr.nobbi'SparaguiPlltioiiroalUJdneiMUBam. uVrin Add sierllnii ltouiedyCo.CUlcaKOOrN.Y ik'i to b Oi to to to 0 tfi C C tf? C Cj tf? tf? 4fi ? S -T C d a aT k f O fc 'S yfS and to to to to to to Inter-Ocean One Year $1.25. m m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 4V V A V ) Si J,