The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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B BHtfff kBESrSBHiflSdblKi B&-iixCIja't'jt-Trr iiT""-tB LLs h I iiiiaaaK LR aaHaaaaH yte Bafl Lim aaB 't&VSSxSKtU.
rfiiiHsBHHsa ssssssssfssssssssssssssrwtssssss-ssssssB
When Thanksgiving
It should find you ready with the right home furnishings. With
the proper ideas for dress. Little prices here for the Thanks
" giving buyers, but always the reliable qualities, the trustworthy
styles. You'll Jike our values, you'll endorse the styles we show
and you'll readily agree that it's the economical buying place.
Fall Dress Goods !
Want something beside attractive colors. When you have your
fall and winter suits made, you are looking for wear and com
fort as well as style and beauty. Our lines combine all these ' .
Suitings 50c to 1.50 per yard.
We've placed on sale 35 pieces of regular 35 and 40c Dress Goods
at 27c yd. for two weeks only.
You'll need some Blankets.
Never was the stock more" inviting, and never have we been
able to offer values so excellent.
10-4, 11-4x12-4 Cotton Fleeced Blankets, fancy border, at 40,
'50, 65 to $1.75; wool blankets at $2.00 to $8.00. They will
never be sold for-less and the price is low enough to warrant
the anticipation for future needs.
WftWTfl PAJIS flEAItTfll
If you wear one of these pretty Jackets or Coats, made in
many different styles, double breasted with plain or fancy
collars, linings mercerized or guaranteed satin. They are
the garments that best suit the needs of the average woman
and we have a complete assortment of sizes.
Jackets $4.00 and up. Coats $13.00 and- up.
Chicago - Lumber - Yard.
Lumber, Lime. Goal and!. Cement.
Flour, Feed, OatsCorn,
Bated Hay and Coal Oil
HARD - A3XJO - SOinr - COAL,
?No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51, '
Burlington Routo thiough cars tc
California. Tho Hiirlinaton'a throne!
car aorvico to California is as follows;
ouiuunru sieopers-ciaily, Omnha, Lin
fioln, Hastings, anil Oxford to San
irnnoiscn, connecting at lattev city
with fast train for, Los Angeles. Tour
ist sleopors-iiursonally conducted
every Wednesday and Thursday Kan
sas City, St. Joseph, Wyrcoro, Superior,
nud Oxford to San Francisco and Los
Angeles. All these cars run via Don
ver and Salt Lake City, passing the
magnilicont mountain scenery of Colo-
rado by daylight. Tho tourist'slnnnnr.
are of the very l-tcstdeslgn. They aro
wide vestibuled and tioi.ta.i i. -..,
he seats have nlch backs, nn.l ti.
slos are cai poted. The linen Is mean
find of good quality. If y oxpect lo
Ipond the winter in California, it will
hay you to wilto for "California Tours.
1001 2," a 40-page folder which will bo
ready foi- distribution early in Novem-
loor. 11 contains just the information
the California travolor needs-maps of
California and tbe various routes to it;
a list of California hotels; estimate of
tho cost of a month1 stay; information
jin regard to excursion trips, climate,
out-of-door sports, suitable clothing,
&"' ftMH'7?J' JtoAMOis, GeDl Pats
Agent, Oniaua. Nb. '
Doings of tho County Board In Tlmlr
Session Last Week.
Ht: Cloud. Nov. 12, 1001.
Tho lourd of county coininissio.idrs
met pursuant to adjournment: all num
bers present, viz., Jerome Vance, Win.
Irons, Geo. A. Wells, J. G. Overmui,
nud Win, May, chairman.
Hoard proceeded to txiunlnc uwcl
overseers' settlements and hear requests
from road overseers, etc.
Now comes L. H. Dhickledge, ntto -toy
for A. C. Sanford, and auks for a un
tiuuancoon petition for opening of road
ncrossSec. H-l-12. Walnut Creek pre
cinct. Continued over until Nov. in,
Dr. T. R. Hall appeared before tho
board and asked that the county buy or
furnish him a bond us coroner of Web
ster county. Request denied. Board
adjourned to meet Nov. l!),,at 0 a. in.
Nov. Ill, 0 11. in., board met with all
members present.
O. C. Tecl was authorized to insure tho
courthouse for $1000, jail for $1400, and
clerk's ofilco for $1100; llvo years' policy
for $184.15. Also the Ixmrd authorized
O. p. Teel to cancel tho policy now in
sured with tho Mutuiil Company.
On motion, the county treasurer was
authorized and iimtiucted to Mill lots 1,
2. ;'!. in blk. 5. Uluo Hill, for $1.74. and
receipt for taxed for tho year 1000 and
prior years. Also lots ." and 14, block 2
and 7, Amboy, for $1.!)0.
On motion to continue tho heaving or
tho rond poMtfon running across Sec, !I-1-12,
Walnut Creek precinct, request
denied. Moved and carried that peti
tion be granted as recommended by com
missioner nppolnted to review the said
road. Also to allow C. W. and Anna
Sanford $10 as recommended by the
appraisers for damages sustained by tho
opening of said road commencing 11
chains and 10 links west of the south
west corner of said section !M-12, thence
running in a northwesterly direction 8
chains and 10 links, thence yest 1)1
chains and 20 links, intersecting old
road; all in Webster county, Neb.
The following official bonds were
I. D. Colvin, justice prince, Guide
Geo. W. Hagau, assessor, Guide
Grant Shidler, Assessor, Garfield.
J. A. MuArthur, sheriff.
Elizabeth Marker, county superin
I. W. Edson, county judge.
Jno. Walz, oversoer highway. No. 17
F. Boon, overseer highway. No. 02
E. S. Garber, county clerk.
The following claims were allowed
and warrant ordered drawn on the
several county funds.
H. H. Holdrrge, road appraiser $ 3.00
IsaaoMyara road appralior 3 00
A, O. Halo road appraiser 3.20
H L. Btoner, road work 13,00
A. Boutberland and ion 1.S0
Ulko Httobla 34.00
frank Htroblo , . 21.C0
Too llavol,.., 7,00
Joe Bldlot. 1000
Joo titrable , 14 00
Kd.lwll' , ' 8.50
Wni. Campbell 0,00
Cbas, Nook a 60
J. U. liver , .',,. 20.(0
Frank Klncald 10.00
Jatnes Klucald,. ...... ,,.,,.., . 18,00
A.O, Dedrlok , 4.00
O, I). Hodge 19.00
Oren Uedgo , 000
H. J. Mauror. 10,00
Thomas FUher ., ... 4.00
Frank Crablll U.OO
A. II. Pierce .' 10.75
Albert Cublck 2.(0
J.W Walllno ...., 400
Mra. Anna Napp, oare of poor, board 3.00
Claims to the amount of $418.00 were
allowed judges and clerks of election for
services on boards and mileage.
Overseer settlements:
No. 48 E. O. Bergman, $ 1)0.00
28 T. J . Chaplin 18.70
62 J. O. Taylor 20.25
10 W. II. Hubbard 20.50
71 Win, McClnre 10.85
17 John Walz..., 3.10
44 John Konzack .- i'0.50
27G.G. King 20.18
20 John Larky.,,. i, 20,00
20 Ivan Boring.. 15.45
14 I. W. McCluro 2,05
850. Qulggle.....' 7.58
61 Charles Zalnian . . , , 1 1.00
19 James Witt..., 1.35
10 .I.E. Unity 21X0
40 Elmer Parson 28.00
12Lun Wlltnot 27.00
10 Chris Nelson 110.75
42 L. D. Mercler 00.00
Board adjourned to meet November
1 tth, at niuo o'clock a. in., 1001.
November 14th, board met, members
ill present,
Tho following claims were allowed:
s..r. Wliltion lumber 101 na
1' II Keiirn. imlmliiK litlilRU 41 2ft
Iloury Clation, inliitlnu brMno '-MM
(IcorKo cUiiidii, (AilntlnK brldgo Mux)
Imiick Kluciilil, brldRK work. 10 ft)
FriMlUoll, brliUo work 3 M
AiiUln llllcy, lumber 13 40
JiHiiph Mcltiltrtli, rond work Hid
I. P. IIhIo, expcimo In olllco H Hi
U 111. Irolin, lumbvr 972 IS
ti. I. Cotllnx. tmliit for cdiintj- brldRPs.... 01 OH
I.CMIrooka, brldKO work 6' 00
Olio .IciiAon. brlilKO work 0 W
It. I). Jlciilur, brlilKO work.,, , IR to
lto.uil uiij 1111 ued 10 meet Nov. 15lh,
-vaniti&f f nim
l)tvnT nuojiltn Mini
paiuosun 'aind s
HUjp oj jij jou
3JU sSutin jaqio pun
ania -saao
3t!)8 qt(A
A. A. lllltdlCk. MIUrillK fl'lK
Wm MclmnUoii, hull nut i-Uellou.
-I. l,ivprin'in.roinnill"iicr . ..
(ICOIRC A. WclU, "
Win Irolif, ' " .1."..
Icruuiu Viiiico, '
Win A. .Mny. "
BuKt'il iihm N iv, lOMi uiili membiMH
p -in, Wills, Oveiiunii, .May mid
V 1 ni
Tlii1 following bills were allowed:
J. ll.Cnrr. labor 8 0
V V. Tn)lor. coffliiMm. Murphy 3 01
J. n. IIIiich, ro.-id work..,., 1..., MU
C'htUycliioii, rnml work .17 10
A. 1. HuUtfil, brlilKowoik, .".... UO
U 11. Marclcr. rond wttrk Mio
Kit niltVril. hull rent cK-clluu 4 10
K W, Aiuliirnoii. countiiblQ .100
Hlntu-loiirilnl iill n 31 lU
M. ",Miin num. t'onttublo election ') 00
,. ii :
, 3:1 0)
I.) II
1). WcIIm, fees Hint cxpciiK'i VJi 'i
Win, 1'. Ileuklc. hull rout election.. a IjO
Oeo W. Buor. repairing bootlii election. 1 7h
A, Aullz. rcpnirliig booths election 100
Joo lUriH, hull rent election U Ctn
W H. Hoby, coal for county , , l'l 1
V h. McMIIIrp. priming 7 to
Jbiiich llurdcn. fees In olllce, oxpqimp, etc. 43 10
Wlllliiin Klzcr, repairing booths 3 3ft
lied Cloud NnllHii, printing 71 I ft
J. O. t.ludloy t Sou, caro and board poor, 3 SO
Ij K. Talt, printing . .. II CO
W. A. Meynnrd, hull rout election ,. . .IMi
I. I. Hale, biilntiroontax list , .1-0 00
J. 1'. Ilnle, cler.t cniiuty board 3d and
IllKliinrtcrs '-"MOO
J, r.;iln'.c, ccrtlllcntes of clocllon 23i)5
Mm S. I.. Anderson, care Mr. Murphy . 17 SO
U. M. Williams, iiurMng poor 3 75
CowiIenKiitej Co., indue for poor farm 0 6ft
h. V. l'egg, cnrlng for sick 4 00
A. Johnson, lusiHiilo fees 3 'JO
A Uurdlck. shcrlfTs fees. 2ft V, allowed. Ut 2ft
Johu Foster, Janitor 10 SO
Eva J Case, expenses In omco..,. 3ft 40
I II Holmes, bouso rent for poor rejected. 21 SO
The following claims wore laid over:
Samuel West, Justices feca ,.,. ., 13 10
O.Ferdman BOO
Hod Cloud Fair Association 39JM
l)r T.U.Hall, smnll pox i'iio, . 10 00
W W Ward, printing delinquent tax list
ami, ballots 438 as
O D Jennings, bridge work , 3 CO
KMcCor, ' 0SO
lleury Gross, ' ' o 60
O lllto, ' ' , ISO
Hoary llllo, ' ' 3d)
rutiliuii Uiopn np toad commenc
iiiij ui, iiii- ti'iitiinni uoi ner of sootion
18, and riiuinnu ilii-uco ast between
suuiiou 8 and i7, all iu town throe,
ranpn 11, Webster county, Nebraska,
utiil running thoncu east one mile.
Upon Investigation thn county board
Unih ill it the within named nmiluu
public necessity and tliliretotu niden-d
iliu .-.nun e.slHblllud and plain d.
The county ttoasursr Is authorized
to lei iin)l to A. 11. Spi'itulior an Illegal
lajcof 1)6 rents, Thin nminiuljwus paid
under protest. And a. warrant bo
drawn to rounty treasurer for that
Why is it that the firstborn chiM is to
often the healthiest of a family of chil
dren? The reason seems to suggest it
self. As child follows child the mother
has less and leas vitality; often Hot
enough for herself and none, therefore,
for her child.
Expectant mothers who use Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Pro
scription find that it
keeps them in vigor
ous health. They eat
well, sleep well and
arc not nervous.
When baby comes its
advent is practically
painless, and the
mother is made hap
py by the birth of a
healthy child. If you
would be a liealtlry
mother of healthy
children use " Favor
ite Prescription."
"I wilt be very olad to
say n few words for Dr.
Pierce's 1'avorlle Prescrip
tion," writes Sirs. V. S.
Douglas, of Mansonville,
Drome Cot, Quebec. Dur
lug the first four months,
when I looked forward to
becoming mother, I suf
fered very much from nau
sea and vomiting, ami t
leu so terriDiy sick i coma
scarcely eat or drink: any
thing, I hated all kinds
of food. At this time 1
wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he told me to
Favorite Prefer! titlon 1 nnd a bottle of
Medical Discovery.' I cot a bottle of each, and
when I IukI takeu them a few davs. I felt much
better, and when I had taken hardly three parti
of each bottle J felt well and could at as well as
any one. and could do ruy work without any
trouble (I could not do anything before), t feel
very thankful to Dr. Pierre for bis medicine,
and I tell all who tell me they are sick, to get
these medicines, or write to Dr, Pierce."
Those who suffer' from chronic dis
eases are invited to consult Dr. Pierce,
by letter, free. AH correspondence
Btrictly private. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, ifugalo, N, Y.
Dr. Pieree'a Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iouBaeis aad sick hsadach. '
. . . . . . - iV- '
Petition t Wni. (Joint in ' 'thors to
open a road commencing in me south
west corner of section thir.y-threo',
running north to tho northwest corner
of tho southwest quarter of section 10
town two rango 10.
Tho chairman appointed Wolls, Over
man and Vanco as n committee to view
and Investigate tho proposed road with
powor to aot.
Hepoitof Jj!va J. Caso, county super
intendent examined and approved.
Iteporl of i jslltuto fund from Jtily.O,
1001 to October 1, 1001. ' "
KuielpH, balance on hand July
0, 1001, Jll 01
Kocoivcd from examinations dur
ing tho quarter , 21 00
t'85 01
Balance on Hand Oct. 1, 1001 85 01
I do hereby certify that tho foregoing
roport Is csrrcct.
Eva J. Cask, Co. Supt.
Dated at Ued Cloud, Neb. Oct. 1, 1001.
Now comes S. Lindsey and requests
tho county board to put in bridge
on section lino between sections live
and eight 2-11.
Referred to Overmaa, Vanco and
Board adjourned to meet Deo. 80,
1 get his
Thursday afternoon, at 4. o'clock co.
c iirred tho wedding of M Irs Alta Smelser
and Mr. John Wolfe at thu homo of the
brides parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Smolsor, iu tho northwest part of tho
city. Itcv. II, F Hamilton officiating.
The wedding was a quiet one, only the'
relatives and immediate friends of the1,
contracting parties being present ,
Miss Smelser Is a young lady of cul
ture and refinement, aud pronounced
ono of tho most baautiful glrls-of Web
ster county. She possesses rare qual
ities of mind and hoart that endear
her to all with' whom she has associated
and will be greatly missed from the
social slrolos alio lm adornod. '
Mr. Wolia is a young man of great
promiso nnd splendid character, a scion
of one of the oideBt and most reputable
families of tho city,
Tbe happy pair will speud the honey- '
moon in Kansoa. Tbe CaiEr extends "
congratulations nnd trusts that their
treublca may bo small ones, , .
1 1 . 1 1
I'd leave my happy home and cross
the deep bltiu sea,
Mather tlmn bo without Charley and
my Kocky Mountain Tea. C.i'L
dotting. ,s
Clerical Porralts 1003. Applications
for clergymen's half faro pernitia for
1002 should bo tiled at the earliest pos
sible date with the local agent of the
B, & M. R, R. It. J. Fbakois, General
I'aMersger Agent.
wawa jft.-.Ytfv! mifit!MfrtWflfftfMifV 2CJI TWT f SW
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J'"" MJJW. ML-aia. mjj Uist"jmw
sVt J 1 A ? fl-
i.ti:y . I ..'
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