The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 15, 1901, Image 1

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    w IVWXt IT
Pmmmj . - . ' 7" B tBb-4?flH 44SssUf3sssushGen'29BK?ssH sk.B l Lssm ssssssssLa .esssHlsK jz 'i . ' L2.v ?4tA-sssssL - ssI3ssssssBe jeasi9 HH H H 1 j H --lH Sk avBk sB'taEf- sLfl sVBssHs ssssssLI smm x A Tift r" M T A iT'"'.wLjil jaBC-
HEfV .KSj vssilssssssl3sw8aaMs-ruissLM j BManwMPBW giwpyy " "" fnpTfrPwl
6 '
With the snappy bright mornings are here and that means that
Autumn needs mnst be selected.
, November is the grand outfitting month, but the kind of prices
that we give you at this outfitting store makes a long stretch to
' ' the purchasing power of the money, makes easy the purchase
of various necessities. Reading qualities and styles,, the latest
known goods from reliable makers.
- Special Cloak Sale on Friday, November 22d and Saturday No-
&."V vember 23d. On these two days we will have a large line from
SJjC.iv. Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago, Illinois, in addition to our
j" large line.
5 These garments will be placed on sale at special prices.
' r Garments delivered at time of sale.
Strong vavues in blankets, 'heavy fieece, bright borders at-40c, 50c
65c. 75c, qoc, $1.00, $1.25 to $8.00. -
BarKnin i Gingham Stock.
I 10,000 yards fancy dark color dress ginghams, regular 10c grade,6b.
ABargain from Dress Goods Stock.
dj. . 35 patterns in regular 35c grade of Dress Goods, during the month
rt of November at 27c yd..
A Few Values from Notion Stock.
5T. x '.spools of guaranteed machine threal, 25C 1 card patent hooks
f 1 . and eyes 5c; 1 card patent safety pins, scfBelts, latest styles at
CTJ- ' " ' 15c to $1.50.
Several bargains from Shoe Stock.
ff"T!7'. 10 dozen pairs ladies Calfskin shoes, regular $1.75 to, duriner
CZJL .. th,s month, $1.25.
',C 5 doz pairs Uongola shoes, regular H.50, during this month 1.25.
Selling Agents for Green-Wheeler & Coo. and American Girl Shoes. Every pair
New Precinct Oillccn.
Tho following hi a tho different pie.
clnct ofllcors elected nt tho laleilcc
Guide Rock Goo. W. Hngan.
Beaver Creole K. J. Cox.
Stillwater Louis Bangoit.
Oak Creek Robert Quigglo.
(Jnvtiehl tirunt Shtdler.
Pleasant llill-J. T. Lacy.
Kim Creek K. II. foe.
Potsdam John Uostook.
Lino J. E Jackson.
Red Clotui-il. C. Scott.
B:tin-B. Stenner.
Glenwood-O. W. Cox.
Walnut Creek V. A. Shoemaki r
Inavnlo U. Doisloy.
Cathui ton Claude Devaul.
Harmony J. G. Lulz.
Rod Cloud City J. W. Warren.
Guide Rook I. B. Colvin, James 1
Watt. v
Reaver Creek A. J Brace. Albeit
Stillwater A. H. Howard, II. C.
Oak Crook Roboit Allon, W. C.
Garlkld-N. U. U. Smith, Levi Do
Hcrt. Pleasant Hill Win. Good, Go. L.iw.
Elm Cieek-C. E. Putnam, Win
Potsdam- F. C. Huschow, Ed. Hilton,
Line Win. VauDykc, R. Turner.
Red Cloud 0, 11. Potter, E. U. Smlt!-.
Uatiu IsaaoThumas, Web Reynold,
(ilonwood Jos. Piihhby, Louis Cm
JnavKlol K E. Haryoy, H. Luco,
rt.i . I.' T D ..mi II II
(J. 10lCIOUII ""
10 K Sltidebakfi',Yan:
SuigioiMtii, tie
.17 MlkuStiolilii.
US-Cluls Nelson.
15 -Win MeCluie.
!12 Flank Room.
!l!) -August Rorkemoyor,
Win Johnson, lie.
:I4-E F. McCord.
1U-G. N Rlankenhaker.
!ft-.). ICiiu-nid.
1-A K. Wolootl.
11 F. L'lmborn.
81 C. J(iineii.on.
(J Aug. Henkol.
18 -K. O Hetgmaii.
18- Wm. Vuiideifceht.
43 -John JohiiHOii.
4UJoh, Genet eiix.
47 A Lnuoult.
Tfy f!rvf
fn t MCSiJ " wvrvv r
wno ncuncr anai
bit sugar nor
waters his mllk-
who believes in
the best, and is particular to
please his patrons.
That's the grocer who recom
mends and sells
lion Coffee
Coffee that it coffee untaxed
Chicagpi- Lumber - Yard.
Lumber, Lime, Coal and. Cement.
Flour, Feed, Oats9fCorn9
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
4e Third Avenue, Ked Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51.
Burlington Roulo thiough cats to
California. The Burlington's through
carseivleo to Califoinia is as follows
Standaid eleepors-daily, Omaha, Liu.:
coin, Hastings, and Oxfoid to San
FrancUco, connecting at latter city
with fast trnin for Los Angeles. Tour
ist sleepers personally conducted
every Wednesday and Thursday Kan
sas uity, bt. Joseph, Wynjore, Superior,
and Oxford to San Francisco ami Los
Angeles. All thjso earn run via Don
ver and Salt Lake City, passing tho
magniucent mountain sconory of Colo
rado by daylight. Tho tourist sleepers
aro of tho voi-y 1- test design. They aro
wide vestibuled and lighted by gas.
The seats havo high backs, and q
aisles aro caipeted. Tho linen is oloan
and of good quality. If you expect to
spend the. winter in California, it will
pay jru to wiite for "California Tours,
1001 2," a 40-page folder which will be
ready for tlisuibiition early In Novem
ber. It contains just tho information
the California traveler needs maps of
California and tho various routes to it;
a list of California hotols; estimate of
the coat of a month'ti stay; iofounatlon
in regard to excursion trips, climate,
out-of-door spoitu, suitablo clothing,
etc, Fieo. J. FltANCIS, Gen. Pasr,
Ann', Omaha. Neb.
Catheiton E
Hat mony John May, R. C. Best.
Red Cloud City Sanil. West, L. A,
Guide Rook Robeit Garrison, W. E.
BeuverCieek F. H. Cad well, Thos.
Stillwater Fred Newman G. A.
Oak Creek Samuel Nelson, Ed. Ed
ward. Gariield-J. C. Taylor, Wm. Latta.
Pleasant Hill-J. U. Fuller, C. John-
Elm Creek-Dick Hoaton, J.T. Mills.
Potsdam L. Wnterbury, M. Dmdin.
Line H. C. Andoison.Cbas. Turner.
Red Cloud M. Finkinbinder, George
Scott, L. C. Smith, (all tie.)
Batin Frank Bean, Jos.' Jolenock.
Glen wood Elmer McCoy, Wm. Stab
ley. Inavale-J. T. Rutledge, 0. P. Har
vey. '
Catherton A. N. Wilson, E M. Let
ntr. Harmony Geo. Rippen, Ed. Rath.
Red Cloud Clty.-J. U. Carr, M. O,
Road Dist. No. 1 Michaol Salzmen.
' 8-Goo. Columbia.
40-J. Batty.
' 03 James Ciow.
' 20 Thos. Farnam.
43-M. Karlo.
44 James Hilkey.
' 45 Harry Reeve.
20 John Laikoy.
13 D. Kishel.
10-B. F. Hudson.
' 21 O.J. Lum.
' 22-J. H. Bangert.
5-W. E Buker, W. l
Lnhd, tie.
' 23 Aug. Lampman.
' 27 G.G.King.
35 Bon J. Koineteher.
o W. B. Johnson.
' 24 A. B. Wiggins.
' 29-A. C. While.
52 Ivans Amaek.
2 Ed. Rasscr Jr.
' 80 J. M. Morgan.
' .17 John Walu.
28-E. H. Foo, A. Hart-
man, tie.
' 14-W.T. McClure.
20-Chas. Goll.
1 40 Rauzo Armstrong.
1 CO Aug. DuLms.
13-Len Vilmot.
1 CI Clias Znlman.
1 S-Ww. Engls.
Gruiidm.1 Siraltun has a hnndsomo
now buggy to lido in.
Ciilvm V llni u i lit- i h.i sitatu men
now h .vii ilnd, i lllco ihice doors nniih
of i he "iiU lllt-e.
Mi. J. E. Juti.s jlaiUd Wednesday
on the 10.20 tiaiii for a vUil In tho Pint.
The liver biidgu bi-lnj palmed.
Tho ui.nditliiUi iliat were eluded mu
excciulnn 'Imir idiluiul bund-. Tnoy
havii lniatd of IiouiIh being hied too
1 tic
O Ivin & HueiH tiiku subviiplioiis
fol aultltl paptu.
A geiiiluiiiuii bj l In) name of Btair
fiuiu uastPin Ncbiaskti was hem on u
d.i.l iu li Cuivi.i ic ll.ucuj iLH i(l;ij
A "T' nf III "Hi i! 10 I'.iM'e-S
al Hie M K. cliiiii'ii
Leave voiii iiuins with ddvin & Bin-
cits If you w.uit tlti'in published In local
pa pets
Mio. lliiuiiah Crow came veiy near
boing caught on the ruiltoad truck wilk
a iinrso mill buggy when the llyer went
west Monday inclining.
Taj lor Urotuois ftoni Stillwater
township hud then uuglnu iu town git
ting it icpaiiod Kday.
Colvin At Baicus sold tho Bradshaw
pioporty last week to W. F. Walt.
W. 11. Sawji r has just finished mov
ing two house for Bob Post ntltr
An inspector is here looking over tho
i oral mail route.
leave my happy homo und cioss
the dosp blue sea,
Rather than be without Charley and
my Rocky Mountain Tea. C. L
Who come of a
consumptive fam
ily when they be
gin to cough and
the lungs are pain
ful. But it is a
fact beyond dis
proof that con
sumption is not
Tho pass has come, will our business
men take up our miggisUuns or will
tboy turn thorn down as they have
many we have mado, and good, for th
welfare of tho town? Wo aro going to
refer in this artlolo to the two whlto
mnn with the npgrn show attachment
which mi iv diffemni occasions bavo
liivmli'l nut Iimii und old morchnn- '
dMiioiiihe tiftu. We do not place
mi bl.iiuu oil tlkdj meu for making
money on a good thing. They kuow
their business and aro adopts In their
linn. Armed with a license, sinctionsd
by ihu city government, the fee In th
hind nf the juiiy lieasurcr ui.d flgnnl
by tin- city elei'K, It fooVwii to buck
ihuiu. Bia there Is n rcmedv urelsa
iheie U no lawful action in taking their
lee of 85 If thiy enn bn keptfrouv
selling metchaudise on the streets by
no inability to pay 15 a day their Ina-
hiliti lo p ty u liconso fei. nt 3100 a day
iiigiii t suiely kiep in ni off out"
ireoi8. We bcliuvc thai, u ider tbe
same conditions they can bu prohibited ,
from making a store, rdom out of our
streets. If tlioy can sell goodi on tba
stieet iu tins fashion what's the matter
with us all choosing n manager und
obtaining a 15 a 'day liconso and sell
merchandise on tho streets, from a pa
per of pins up! While the assessor la
making his rauuds or just betoie we
could sell out slick and cleau and tako
a vacation and lot the buyers of tho
goods pay tho taxes. It is up to tho
business men. Iu organization there U
strength and in dis-organiaatton there
is dissolution. Let the morchnuts or-
gunizo n commercial club whole per-
junal ambition, porsonal prejudice, pol
itics and;; personal gaiu are elimi
nated and you can turn down the out
side fakir In good shape. But there
will bu some say iu regard to this, "O,
I don't care, these men do not carry or
sell auy of the slocic 1 handle." But
they will wake up some time to see
their very own lint of goods being sold
on tho streets at just a triflo less than
they can possibly sell them, Organize
a commercial club, not only to look
after this matter but anything looking
to tho city's welfare. Put out good com-,
mittcea who can go before tho city gov-,
eminent, and ask that an ordinauce bo,
dtafted that will positively keep tran
sient salesmen from operating in our
dry. If these pioplo want to do busi
ness compel them to tent a store rooruA
and do business light. Stand up for
Red Cloud and organize a commercial
disease must abso
lutely be received
by the individual
before consump
tion can be devel
oped. Men and women
who have been af
flicted with obsti
nate coughs, bron
chitis, bleedlnsr of
the lungs, emaciation and weakness, hare
been perfectly and permanently cured
by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. It cures the cough,
heals the lungs, and builds up the body
with solid flesh.
"When I commenced taking your nitdloloei,
eighteen mouthi ago, my health wo completely
broken down," urmei Mr. Cora J 6underlanJ.
! MnHHnt A IN.
heritcd. The ml- club which will work on a line ofself-
crobe which breed9 protection nnii to ouuu up uio cuy.
of Chanewille. Calvert Co.. Md.
could not eten walk ocroM the roost without
nains Iu mv elicit. Tkt doctor uho atttndid mt
taid I had lung IroubU, and that I would ntxtr b$
veil again
At 1at I concluded to trv Doctor
rlercr'ii ucdlcines. I boucht a bottle of Cold.
en Medical Ulacoxrry,' took It. and aoon com
menced to feci a little better, then you directed
ne to take both the Golden Medical Disco
cry' and the 'Favorite Prescription,' which
leal Dlscor
in.' which I
did. Altogether I have taken eighteen bottle
of 'Golden Medical Discovery ,' twelve of the
' I'avonte Prescription.' and five vial or ' Pel
lets.' I am now almost entirely well, and do all
my work without any pain whatever, and can
run with more case than I could formerly walk."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on
receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to cover
expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
TL, V. Pierca, Buffalo, H. Y.
Mildred Paulino Luce wa) born at
South Omaha, Nebraska, August lid,
1890. She camo to In aval 0 tho last of "
August, 1895, where she has since lived. ,
Shu died Nov. 8d, 1001, after an illness
ofono wook. She wasagod jix yeara
and three months.
Tho following resolutions of rqspect
wero adopted by the Inuyale Unloa
Sunday school:
Whereas, God in Ills wisdom has re
moved from our little scholars, Mildred
Luce, therefore bo it resolved that we
extend our heartfelt sympathy to the
bereaved father and mother in this
their sad hour of affliction, and be it
further resolved, that thesn resolutions
bo spread on tho minutes of this Sun
day school and a copy bo dent to the.
parents of the decoated.
Mns. S. E. Holdrrdok, SupU
Mrs. Editu HitooMriicLD, Sec
Mus. Maud Garner,
Stops the Cough and Works off the CoU..
Laxative Uromu QuinlneTabletspure
a cold in one day, No cure, ho pay..
Prloe 33 cents.
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