I'f -J7'J JM. h" ,s i Jit I t c i 1 v) i ! "J '1 fa H- irOH 5 TORTURE, Eczema is caused by nn acid humor in the blood coming in contact with the kin and producing great redness and in flarmnation ; little pustular eruptions form and discharge a thin, sticky fluid, which dries and scales off ; sometimes the skin it .hard, dry and fissured. Rczema in any form is a tormenting, stubborn disease, and the itching and burning at times are almost unbearable; the acid burning humor seems to ooxe out and set the skin fire. Salves, rashes nor other exter- ; aal applications do any real good, for as long as the poison remains in the blood k Will keep the skin irritated. -4Mf FORM OF TETTER. "For three years 1 had Tetter on ray 'beads, which caused 'them to swell to twice their BsttnriUUe, Fart at the time the disease ww la the form of run lag sorts, rerjr pain ful, and cainlng ne such discomfort. Pour doctors Mid the Tetter had profrtMed too far to be cured, and they could dj nothing for aae. X took only three totllea of S. 8. A. and was complete ly cured. Tfcts waa flfteca years awo. and I have sever sfireeaeea any aika of my old trouble." Mas. X, . Jackson, 1414 McOee St., Kansas Cttjr, Mo. 8. 8. S. neutralizes this acid poison, eooh the Wood and restores it to a health. statural awe, ana ine rougn, uaaeaitny kin becoaMS soft, smooth and clear. 1 cures Tetter, Bry. 1 sipelas, Psoriasis, San Rheaaa and all skia I diseases dne to a pois oned condition of the Send for our book and write us about your case. Our physicians hars aude these diseases s life study, and caa help you by their ad rice; we make ao ewarftforthls service. Allcorrespoadeaca Is coaducted in strictest confidence. Twt'wwWt afMrnc ei, ATLMTA, a. JjHslsamL meant Hint Ilia pnpiiliat u ngiin carry Wclntcr county. !) 3-1111 wont Mils to linpputi? You eel tainly do not. Make It. 11 point Hint you are not ono'of li'-in ntnl mIm appoint yourself 11 com mitten of ono to sen. Hint your iifigh bor is not ono of thorn. Got out nvrj republican voto in your precinct.' Thai Is what is wnntcd this yenr. Tho ofllco of coroner is usually looked upon as a jnko in a peaconblo and law abiding community such ns wo hare in Webster county; still, should n coro ner's services be needed it will bo for tunnli Indeed if w should have a com petent man to handlo tho case. Juat such a man would bo Dr. T. It. Hall. Ho is a polished gentloman nnd good physician, Just tho kind of n man for coroner. t je akla becoawe soft, 1 sss MBoi. Send for 0 THE CHIEF rrausasD bt W.L. MoMILLAN. eoeeeeeoooee eoeeeeeooetal W SSS ItSS llll'tMMMMI- 9 rOBUSUD 1VHV FHIDA.T aterte at aa -him office at Bad Cloud, Nob. as end el-ui mall uattst. ADVBRT18INO RATBS: Local advertising 6 cents per line per luue. Local AdvcrililuK for eiitcrulumauM, con teru, socials, eic., given by cburchei, charitable societies, etc., where all moneys raised there from are uaed wholly for church or charitable eoclello flritten lines frco and all oyer ten Uaes 3H cent per line per Issue. Local adrcrtlalng of entertainment, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent l Riven to pro notera, 6 cent per lino per luue. cist-lit AnrsnTiaiNo. One column ner month...... ............ .I" 00 One-half column per mouth ........-.-. 3 Mi -Oae-fourth column per month -.. 1 75 General display advertising 1 8! cents per MnchperliBtiu. Republican State Ticket. vJor Supreme Judge, p AMur.r. n. ai'.nowicK, Of York County, For Regents to Stnla University, ' O. J. KRN8T, JOf I.ancniter Count'. II. h. OOOLT), Of Keith County. Republican County Ticket. Tor County Judge O. It. CnANKY, Of Red Cloud, Id Ward. Tar County abet It? O. D. HBDOK, Of Ited Cloud Froclnct 'for County Coroner PK T. K HALL, Of Fleasaat Hilt Freclnct. For Coanty Treasurer CHAS. F. OATBK1, Of Bed Cloud, 1st Ward. tree County Clerk XD. S. OARBER, Of Guide Hock Preotaot Wor County Hurreyer W. E. THOUNK, Of Qlcnwood Precinct. For Cuunly Superlutendout MRS. K. J. CASK, Of Red Cloud, 2d Ward. For Commissioner 1st Wat. ' K. UKITLKR, For CjmmUl loner 3d Wst. s W, V. UKNKRL. For Commissioner Mb. DUt. W. RICHARDS. Tho republicans of this county havo no excuses nnd only ono piuminw in ninko providing tho votorsof tho first, third.and fifth districts elect tho repub lican commissioners. That promiso is thn county' Interrstq will hn looked after from n businf a point of view in stead of a political point of view. Wo believe tho voters of theso districts already realize this fact nnd that busi ness and not politics is what is wanted out of a board of county commission ers Jni tat present. O. D. Hedge you all know Oliver lledgo. And what is mote you don't kaow anything against him nnd yon Cannot help feeling that ho is the right mttnfornliciiff. Hu has lots of bnstle; ha does no unnecessary talking; he paya strict attentloa to business and he has a habit of getting what ha goes aft er, which is oae of the most important .things in the sheriff's office. -Here Is a good chance far you to get a rood of ficer and one who will be a credit to the whole county. o T..e people of Webster county have had a most excellent man for treasurer during the past four years in thu per son of Mr. Okas. D. Robinson, who ia acknowledged by all to be the best treasurer Webster county evet had and thoy can rest assured that they will continue to have such a ana if they chooso Clms. t. Cthor for the place. Ho is known to bo strictly reliable, thoroughly businesslike in his meth ods nnd abundantly responsible. Ho hu no dubls uud Uu-rcforo will have no temptation to uso tho county uiuuuy. The voters of this county will maku no mistako if they chooso Mr. Cather to attend to the affairs of the county treasurers oQlco for tho next twn years. Row An Taar KlSaeyn f Dr. nobba' Bparaiua Pills cure all kidney Ilia, paw pie fro. Add. merlins Ueiuud j Co., Chicago or M. Y. Be a Good Republican. I One year ago a majority of the voters of Webster County cast their ballots for Wm. McKinley and Theodore Roose velt for President and Vice-president of the United States, and by their loyalty and devotion to republican principles and republican candidates succeeded in electing the entire republican state ticket thus wresting the state from the controrof the fusionists placing Nebraska once more in the republican column. If you believed you were right when you voted the re dublican ticket last year, that belief now must amount to a conviction for all of the promises of the republican party have been redeemed, and the credit of our country was never higher. Its grandeur and glory are today the pride of every liberty loving Atperican citizen. You are again called upon to take your choice between the candidates of the republican party who stand for all that is grandest and best in our government, and the candidates of the forces of populism, socialism and anarchy who are now and always have been a menace to the peace and prosperity of ournation. Now is the time to kill Jpopulism. If republicans will vote the republican ticket there will be no populist office holders in Webster County. No one around whom the pops can rally. If a single populist be elected their organization will be maintained, and we will have to fight the same fight over and over again, but if every republican will do his duty on election day there will be no pops to fight in the years to come. Therefore it is the duty of every republican to lay aside any feeling or prejudice whichhe may have against any of the republican candidates, and cast his ballot for the straight republican ticket. Let this be done and populism will have received its death blow. We ask you as a republi can to aid in perpetuating the fame and name of our late lamented leader, President McKinley. You can do this by voting the straight ticket of the grand old republican party. The party for whose principlesPresident McKinley spent the best years of a gloriously patriotic life. In no way can we more emphatically show our devotion to him or Jprove our loyalty to a government of law and order than by voting the straight ticket of the party he so ably and earnestly supported. Make a cross in the circle at the head of the ticket op posite the word "Republican" as shown in the sample ballot, and you have voted the entire republican ticket. Make no other marks. You have proved your republicanism. You have performed your duty. See to it that every republican in your precinct gets to the polls on election day. Let there be no break in the ranks. ' An earnest -and united effort and victory is ours. REPUBLICAN SMlPIiE BflhliOT. To Tote a Straight Ticket aa ko a cror within your party Circle. REPUBLICAN, DEMOCRAT, WHY! 11 )i A Questiot for the Republicans to Answer on Tuesday. r-rff'rr'trffjitsjMf'rrlj Be sure that you vote. - - Don't Vota the above tiokwt straight be a splitter, AnXInthellratrlng on tho ofilolal ballot is all the ring a republican needs to osaka this year. You caa't find a man In tho tlrst dis trict who would make a hotter commis sioner than E. Beltler. a Republican supremacy dopends upon united action and tha is what wo want in Webster county this fall. ' This may be calieU an off yoar but we are wllllngto bst a year's subscrip tion against a bushel of potatoes mat Webster county goes republican Don't get an Idea in your hoad that this Is an off year aad that It don'l tuake any dlffereuco whether you vote ir not. Notblug causes defeat bat such ideas and no ono should entertain them. - Last Friday nnotuor change wne wlolntho mariagomont of tho Red Jioud Nation, W. W. Word, tho former proprietor having sold his Interest to Messrs. J P. Ha'0 l ll- Wftl'' who will bu tho dispensers of populUm aud fusion In Webster county In thl future. m Uomoinber that two republican stay t-aonte votes la every voting preclnot Why should nuv republican desert his party ticket, or any part of it at tho coming election? What possiblo claim hna anv fnalnntat. nn ronnhlIin vntAr Isn't the claim of the republican candi date for each oflloe immeasurably stronger on the republican voter than is the claim of any democratic or pop ulistio candidate. Every candidate on tho fusion ticket is strictly opposed to every principle that republicans hold dear. If one of them is elected, he will whenever opportunity presents, throw his whole influence in the direction of fusion supremacy in the state, the very thing that republicans have been fight ing with all tho vigor that is in them for years. On the other hand, the re publican candidates nro in full sympa thy with all that the republican piuty stunds for and their loyal assistance c:in be counted on at all times. Recall lug tliu.su facts ouglit to mako it very clear to any wavering republican how Ids vote should be cast. To support any part of tho fusion icket is like kissing tho hand that Hinitos yeu. How can a party organization be maintained if there is not cohesion, unity of action, within tho party? Thoso'aro questions which ought to appeal to tho good sense of every republican. No fusion- 1st can b eleoted in this county this fall without republican votes. Tho re publicans are in tho majority and whenever an off-brand politician gets a ouuuty ofllco it simply moans that the party lines havo been trampled dowa ami th r. a certain portion of tho voters hava linen temporarily seduced from their allegience. It is perhaps unnec essary to say that such action is ruin ous to party oraanizuton. it means work, it means effort, it means the con stant expenditure of time and money to keep the party la good workiug or der. The only contribution that many make to the common cause is their voto and to wlth-hold that at a critical time, is, to the thinking mind, an un warranted aot which cannot bo too se verely condomnod. Tho republican ticket now before the people of this county is n splendid ono from start to finish. Every candidate is worthy tho full confidence of the p.irty and ought to receivu the en tiro vote, lirtiuo up, ropublicaiiH. Dju'i bo hoodoed by tho soft 8 5a) nnd tho liiimUlmktiig non sense of tliH opposition, but bt) loyal to your liukot. 1) in't bo n "splitter" or doti't bo a "stiiv-tit-homo." Romomber a straight republican voto this yoar is an indorsement aud faith in the present republican administration, state and cational 3 lull the pirty of fusion ba henceforth blotted from the pages of Webster oounty i 11 question that rosts alore with tho vo'-ers of Webster conn ty? We say voters, not alono republi cans, but also democrats and populists who can see the trend of tho present political situation. A man who is tnnking a winning run for the suffrage of tho pcoplo this fall is E S. Gnrber, whom tho republicans havo nauif d for the very important of lice of county clerk, lie has lived in this county over since ho was a "kid" and no ono has evor heard anything but good of him. Ho is in every way com petent to till tho office in the m at ap proved manner, well educated, lion ost, industrious and obliging, what bet ter officer could the people of Webster county want? SOCIALIST, . 7i J - o I " 1 - - tO PEOPLES INDEPENDENT, PROHIBITION For Judge of tho Supreme Court. TOTK FOR OHlL SAMUEL H. SEDGWICK Republican CONRAD HOLLENBECK i Democrat Peoples Independent WALLACE BURTON CLARK ...Prohibition J. B. RANDOLPH .Socialist CARL J. ERNST n..Hi.it..- ELISHA C. CALKINS.... Republican J.H. BAYSTON, j Democrat ( Peoples Independent For Regents of the University. .' VOTB FOR TWO. FREDERICK G. HAWKSBT. D , , Democrat 1 I ( Peoples Independent I I a A cross wlthla tbla olrelo votes for all o tho SUSANNAH M. WALKER Prohibition JAMES M. DILWORTH Prohibitiea BURLA M.WILKIE '. Socialist WILLIAM SCHRAM ; Social Kepablicaa regents A cross within thla c.iviu tuwi an mo Democrat aad Peo "N plea Inde Vpend ent Itegcnts. A cross wlthla thl circle votes tor all the hlbl o Pro-ttou Regents. Across within thin circle votes for o the Socialist Hegents. Barnum's Monkeys "All well till happy lots if fun". Th:.t is the regular cport from tho nionhey cr.g- t Br.rnr.ra's C:rcit. ever i-ii.ee j p.ocncrs hi.; r.n (.lo.-ir.cf th. 's with c:-, Err. til- COUNTY TICKET. For Oounty Treasurer. VOTM FOR ONK GATHER Republican GEORGE R. McCUARY Peoples Independent CHAS. F. For Oounty Clerk. E. S. GARBER. Vote fob One .Republican GEORGE H. PAYNE Peoples Independent SAMUEL TEMPLE ' Democrat - v. Nothing so easily touches tho heart of a father or mother as tho advance ment and progress tnado by their own offspring. This can bo said and said truthfully. What Is advencemont and progress? Wo answer, in ono word, "Education." Such beiug tho acswor, Is there anything that should bo looked atlor with moro oaro and preoision than our public schools? tor tho past few years this county has been bleast d with a county superintendent of ichools who has attended to the educatlonnl interests with her whole heart ami soul and has done everything in i;r power ana means to briug tho public schools of this oounty to tho highest possible standard. How woll sho bus iticceoded wo all know. We havo no desiro to change. Wo bellovo, as that ild song goes, "Whun you find one that's good and true, chango not iho old ono for tho now." As arulotlie people lutoresled lu thepublio school-, 'and thoso having ohildron attending hem are porfeotiy satisnut wmi me at prudent aud ttrt ploaied with tho ad vancemeut and r gross made. StU how few stop to think that a ehango of suporintoudesti moan? a change of views and methods in tho conducting of this offije which should iatorejt tho whole people abive all othors. Tiik Chief has always contendod, and does still, that thu education of our young should be placod nbovo u higher stand ard than politics, and that tho words republican, democrat, peoples indepen dent, prohibition, socialist, etc., should bo a secondary oousUloritliou, when the advancement and progress of young America is considered. Again we say, "Whun you find ono that's good and true, chaiigo not tho old ono for the now." A voto fur Kn. J. O.tsa is u yotu for further progress tun! inlvaiieo uiunt without 11 unungn of iii'itli ids or lii'is. A viito f.ir Iihi- is .-ils 11 v nn for tho perfect edtioition of the eld dron of Wobsior county. Bdacate Tonr Itowols With Oaaearota. . in in n p . Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, manner in which they are .court iaort no.! waao.faii,drugiattretuftdBoasjr. ;j.;gu cnr.urrr:tion was can v- .. c.-: ..vo ujrtls 0 tj,:... very'; err ana the circus hr.il .j buy t.cw ones. One day a keeper accident ally broke a bottle of Scott's Emulsion near the monkey cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor. This suggested the idea that it might do them good. Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption. Of course it's cheaper to buy Scott's Emul sion than new monkeys and that suits the circus men. Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease. If you have it or are threaten-. ed with it can you take the hint? Thh plcttrn represents the Trade Mark of S'cottV Emulsion nnd h on tliu wrapper of cmy bottle. Scud for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, .109 Pearl St., New York. 50c and $1. all druggUt. For County Sheriff. VOTK KOK ONK OLIVER 1). HEDGE. Republican J.A. McARTHUR ...'..... Peoples Indepeadont For County Judge. Vote for One. GEO. R. OHANE Republican I. W. EDSON , Peoples Independent For County Superintendent. EVA J. CASE Vote for One Republican ELIZABETH MARKER Peoples Indtpendent For County Surveyor. W. E.THORNE. Vote for One Republican 'i2lsSj FRANK A. KUEHN. Democrat Peoples Independent For County Coroner. DR.T. R. HALL Vote koh Onf. Republican UK. H. M. SWIUAR'I M Peoplps independent ' ' Unmocrat M) -o ,tx ' . KAhJ...