"i t- n m ii iii i i !!! m hi - rTr-TiiTniniriTiriiTiirrTTTrtriBiTniniliMirrriir-Biiit i7iTiT7wTai-r-T -"-rr-"-- rr t??;t rx iTr? u I I; w L f 3 i R ie if l! s- v. v I" t I It ' S. J EV If r F.W - t.; B .. IB UtK A DEUmMTK MU9HJAL INMTKVMtMT In food condition sho Is sweet and lovable, and sings life's song on a Joyful harmonious t(rlng Out of order or unstrung, there Is discordance and unhapplness. Just as there Is one key note to all music ao there Is one key note to health. A woman might as well try to fly without wings as to feel well and look well while the organs that make her a woman are weak or diseased. She mint be healthy Inside or she can't be healthy outside. There are thousands of women suffering silently all over the country. Mistaken modesty urges their silence, while there Is nothing more admirable than a modest woman, health is of tho first Importance. Every other con tlderatlon should gtvo way before It. Brad field's Female Regulator Is a medicine foi women's Ills. It Is tocurolou corrhea, falling of Hie womb, nervous ness, headache, backacho and gen eralweakness.You will be astonished at tho result, es pecially If you have been experiment ing with other so called remedies. Wa are not asking you to try an uncer tainty. Bradfleld's Regulatorhasmade happy thousands of women. What It has done for others It can do for you. Sold In drug stores for $1 a bottle. . A free Illustrated book will be atnt loall whowrltato lltC MUDrKLD REGULATOR CO. Atlanta, Ca. HEAD ACHE "Both iut wife and Hiyaeir have been IBS CASOAItKTS and they aro tho beat mediclno we have ever hod In tho bouse. Last waek ray wlfo was trantlo with heartache for two (lays, nho tried somoof vourOAUOAKETS, and tboy rcltovod tho -pain In ber bead almost Immediately. Wr both recommend Cascareta." Onaa. STiniroRD, PltUburf Safe & Deposit Co., Pittsburg, Pa. CANDY tnaoimaiin wwianmo Pletitnt, Palatable. Potent. Taito Good, Do flood, Mover Sicken, weaken, or Grlpo.lOc, ttc.HM. ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... I.ril.i Ntau.r (wpur, rklt.il, WMlntl, t.rt. 117 M-TA-Ban Sold and a Ktiarantsed liy nil drug Ull UK Tobacco lUblt. eiw-iw-vnw gists to Rlohor n Quality than most 10 Cigars LEVIS' SINGLE BINDER straight54cigar Compare them with other Cigars and you Had good reasons (or their costing the dealer more than other brands FR4NH P. UWIS, Pf.ORU.ltl. ORIGINATOR TIN FOIL SMOKER PACKACC A aood looklne honm and noor lok .', Ins liuriieBH H tho voni kiuu ui h iuiu - - Mnatloa. A2 Eureka Harness Oil ma. Kaataa Hi.ku ..M linVntlAA anI .hat hois lock better, but makes the Ml leather soft and pllasle.putiltlncon. I union io im-rara iooc na It ordinarily would. ,7. 8.M tTITT-kltt la C.BI ll 111,. !. iiu.nr H Mi 5TANBARB Give Your Horse a Chancel DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the cen . original ROCKV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madlion MedN cine Co., MadUoB. Wli, it keepa yon well. Our trade nark cut on eacli package. Price, ao cent. Never anld In bulk. Accept no ubtt ok lute, aik your drugglit. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR giifT " jjLs M RHOIIIIII. 4aW2aba.iatBmiZik.. taaaJsl- The 5 Mlmite Breakfast food. PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKES "BRAIN - BKEAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo. 2EZTSTE7VCOE: -MCURES alt Kidney WKrdntwcura. inyCUni. I aobe.otcAtdrug rl:"-ir -J-Jfi. Freo book, 4 ? Disease. uocK' vice, etc., of Dr, D, J, Ky, Saratoga, N. V. mULail ELSE otVBHjrup. la Qoud la tlam BoU by druolau. ilk f'Lyl Mil II It U V;)9 $ II III li Mil n 'Jk IIIUJUiliwrA" m II JIiItMy JJylfvTw'tJ iim iiywir II rVJ !lil(ratff""7aaaa(C o HBeatOottgbBjrak TaateaaoudV OscH 1H la tlma. BoU bT drucslau. Wm STATB CREEK. Win. Hurrlngton'd block sold well Inst Friday. Mr. 1)ju:iIiuo of Jewell county, tlio mulo ttnn, bought sovon hrnd of Al Sorlvncr and Hoi Stone Inst woolc nt 1 oamo bnck this wcok and ho and Al bought ono pair of Wm. Iloopur, o pair nf Carl Rudd and one pnlr tl Mr Johnson. Al Bcrlvnor bought 10 hond f Itocru at 820 pur head of John Ik-ni. atoi and others. Last Thursday night Albert Slnby met with qulto a loss by flro. Ho lost his barn ni d contents and ono good horso nnd four sots of work harness, two of them nonrly now. Davo Elliott is building n now barn. Will Scrlvnor ia doing tho work. Mrs. Wm. Mnckof's health is improv ing slowly. Rev. Ingram of Iowa who hold u pro tmctcd meeting at tho union church in Soptombor is coming to Kcd Cloud and will preach there and at Union churcr Wo wort, sorry to hoar of tho d' th of J. W.Sherwood of Bed Clo4 last Saturday. Ho owns a lino farm hero on our orcok. Miss Viola Ward, tho popular toach or of Andorsonvlllo, is getting along nicely with her school. Miss Hedgo, tho popular tonohor of Penny creek is making good success with her school this fall. Alt McCall bought twolro stcors of Al Scrivnor for 1210. Mr. Gilbert of Andersonrillo was down at Hollairo, Kansas last wcok'and captured th lirst monoy with tho samo animal ho took tho first prizo with at lied Cloud. Mr. Wobbor of Amboy was visiting in our neighborhood Sunday. Chas. Arbucklo sold throo loads of good bogs last week at SG.40. Wm. Kosoncrans is buying corn for GOo per bushel. Ho bought ICO bush olsof Dr. Urowcll and 60 of Robert Gillis. Clark Stoveus ts fencing his eighty north of home, known as tho old Perry or Hacker place. Allen Carpenter bought somo cattlo at Harrington's salo. Occasional. WOMER, KANSAS. Womor san boast a Koyal Neighbor lodge with a membership of over fifty. Tho Woodmen lodgo has somothinfc liko 100 members. There will bo wood cutting at Womor from this on. Spook lights aio still seen. Tho par ties that aro stealing whips and other things from pooplos wagons will sco otbor than spook lights if tho stealing is not stoppod at ouco. Ed Mnthcs shippud throe cars of stock last weak and two this wook. Ho still has a largo lot full of hogs yet. Mrs. Muthos is away on u visit and Mathcs looks forlorn. Tho Ormsby photograph gallery is now reiuly for business. Como and seo yourself as others soo you. Wonder what that man had under his coat who was scon running from tho storo at 2 o'clock a.m. Lew Monro took a Hying ttip to Deshlor, Nebraska last week. Ho will soon loavo Winner. Tho creamery peoplo will miss Levy ns ho is an expert butter maker. Ho has mado tho Wo mor creamery a success from tho start. Wo hope tho company will get as good a nun. There is considerable corn coming to Womor and good corn too at CO cents per bushel. Protty rich feed. Wonder why Ans Pounds goos to Red Cloud so often? Suroly thoro is somo hop tea at Smith Center yot. Lot us in on tho deal Ans and you can havo a friond in Uhyan. Campbell University. Twenty professon, 400 students. Good accommodations. Carfare refund ed. Freo use of text books. Board $1.00 per wcok. Courses: Preparatory, normal, classical, commercial, music, shorthand, telegraphy, etc. Library and laboratory facilities, Commercial equipments :omploto. First winter term begins Nov. 12, 1001. Send for catalogue. K. N, Johnson, President, 8 ' lloltou, Kansas. Card of Thanks. Wo dosiro to tlmiiK our neighbors and (tlenda (or tholr kindnoss in tho tiuio of our misfortune. May God's choicest blossinRS rest on them, nnd thoir kindness will be tt lifolonf? io mumbranco to us, and may wo oyer bo roady to givo a helping hand to thoso in distress. Albert and Klmiua Slaby. Tho Hawaiian womon's club at Hon- olulu debated the question: Is It better to tako Rooky Mountain Tea hot or cold?" Eithor way it mngnillcs your pleasure. O.L. Cutting. Farm for Sale. seotion, livo miles from Red lino land, tirst-class improve k bargain if sold soon. Ad- J. W. Wallin, Red Cloud, Neb. Half Cloud, raonts. dress Tint L'niRv llpor year. - - Lion Coffee .is 1 6 ounces of pure 1 coffee to the pound. Coated Coffees arc only about 14 ounces of coffee and two ounces of eggs, glue. etc.. of no value to you, but. 1 money in the pocket of the roaster. LINE. Weather warm, Small grain looking fine. Tais weok was n wook of accidents. Chnrloy Collins' little boy got his leg broken by being thrown from a horsn. Last Sunday Labon Atibushoil's little ilati ,nter Hlanuhe wnq thrown from 0 I' .so and had hnr faco badly bruised. i,owIs Saderllu was kicked by a horse and is not ablo to bs aiound. Horn to Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Keag!o, a fir). Tho salo at Mr. Harrington's near Mt. Hope, Kansas, was largely attend ed. Everything sold high. Cows sold from $25 to $35. Mr, and Mrs. Frank VanDyko wore tho guests of Harris Noblo Sunday and report Grandma Noblo on tho sick list this week. Frank VanDyko U up and around again and is feeding cattlo for Mr. Shuck this week. Grandpa and Grandma Fox will tnaso their homo with J. E. Fox thUwintr. Low is Aubushon wns tho guest of La bon Atibiislioo last Sunday. Miss Mulvina II. VanDyko attemted tho German Baptist Iovo foast at tho church in Garfield lust Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Jonas Campbell of North Brunch will preach at Dist. No. 8, Oct. 27th nt 11 a.m. Rv. C. L. Eddy of Inavalo will preach at Dist. 8, Nov. 3d at 11 a.m , subject, "How Did Evil Como In tno World nnd Why?"0 Leo Parson of Gartield wns doing business in Lino ono day this week. Mr. Ugg of Lino bought 25 acres of shock corn of Clark Stephens for 3 per aero this week. Allen Carpenter bought a team of horses nt Hurringtou's salo last wuek for $80 Prayer meeting at Win VanDyku's Wcdnesduy, Oct. 110th iU7.30p.m A cordial invitation is extended to all who aro interested in the salvation of the unsaved. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Sherman weie the guests of F. D Hutchison. 'J'lio prayer meeting al Jos. llocher's was largely attended last Wednesday evening. All report a good meeting. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely ..destroy the sense of smell and completely di'rnngc the whole system when entering i through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should tuivcr ho used except on preset iptlnns fiom reputable physic ians, as tho damngo tlwy do is ton fold tho good you cm possibly durivn from them, llall'd Catatrh Cure, manufac tured by K. J. (Jhuuoy & O j , Toledo 0 conr-iino no m rctiry, and is a).n internally, actitii: jllrreily upon the blind and nut eons surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hail'.s Catarrh Ctiro bo sure and gut the genuine. It is tak en internally, and mado in Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, price 7fio bottle. Hall's Family l'ills are the bust. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MyttlcCuro for rheumatism and neuralgia readily cures In from ono to threo days. Its ac tion upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the causo and the disease Immediately disappears. Tho llratdoso greatly boncuts. To cents. Sold by II. E. Qrlcc, Eruaiiy pviicuih. ted Cloud, Neb. IlCIl Ull MKCOJVHmWDKO MT PHKriciAjvajSVi POND'S EXTRACT Sixty Years a Household Remedy For Burns, Cuts, Sprains and Iruises, CAUTIONI Witch Haiti la ntl POND'S EXTRACT. Insist upon C"i POND'S EXTRACT. solS "mJ, "a ealed bottles, buff wrappers. nrr medical advice. 'Vrlwua r.ir. .vaU y?ur Bmptpms. Henovatlngtho system la tno only aafo and sure method of cur Ins all Chronlo DUeasea. Dr. Kay's Itcnovator la tbo only perfect system rennvntnr. i. nm. pies and book. Dr. IJ. J ..Kay, Saratoga, N.Y, WANTED Dt7APAVf!ASH!?EXI'v' Bn(l nt ' O or1 1 VlOalMhrneltraveUnKSttlnsmon CT1DK TREKS Ra'a77Y"t,itB,C0IB VlilK' "," aro easy toscil, always tftuf please. OutHt absolotsly ntM. W STARK BRO'S, LhI1m, Mo. ?,imaCT; ;0nBi,patl5u, nlEUvor nSr'nn 1 ? oxcollcnttNervo SiM!&on y?"tr ?r?D.pt?im8 aml wo w,ll f?lvo yu ,rc0 adv,co- If druggists don't havolbr. Kay's Renovator don t tako any substltuto tboy may say ls7'jUBtnsgood,'for It has no equal; but send direct to us and wo in- nt ory,reiurn.inaiiprci'al,u' .lOcts., nnd 25cte., postage prepaid, L "" 4' J J.J f J f " Vr" iTJ'iririryyiririririwnri ryFyTMMMMy-IMff-ff'ff-TtMV5rifT'IT-1T4r'SWmvvvvnnnf Um Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. Your feot feel swoolon, nervous and hot, and got tired easily. If you have smarting feot or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tho feet and makes walkins easy. Cures swoolon, sweating feet, ingrowing nnils, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial package freo. Address, Allen S. Olm sted, Le Roy, N. Y. Don't Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarcts be sure you get the genuine Cascarcts Cantly Cathartic! Don't accept fraudulent substitutes, imitations or counterfeitsl Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton I,. II 1 11 of Lebanon, Ind. nm: "My wlfo linil InlUmmntory rlieiinmtlmn In ovcrr mtuclo nnd joint; liernifTcrliig wh terrible ami her body nnd faro wero swoolcn almost beyond recognition: hnd been In bed for lx weeks nnd had clulit ptiyklclaim, but received no benefit until iic tried the Mystic Cure for.ltlieniiinllfm. it envc Immediate relief and slio was ablo 10 i mio was nuio 10 I am sure It saved walk about In thrco day, lierllfo." Sold by II. Grlce. DniRgUt. Ited Oloud, Neb. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon tho mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon if,'j oisappearvnen t ne Kid neys aro out of order ' or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It 13 notuncommon for a child to be born afflicted vlth weak kid neys. If tho child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, tt is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, tho cause of the difficulty t3 kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well 03 men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Tho mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty- IKft--w. cent and ono dollar r5lWijc5j3teh sizes. YoumayhaveafelKHMrMfSa sample bottle by mail --iS2ijtogEZ5 free, also pamphlet tell- Homo or Bwnmp-uoot. Ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In wrltlnc Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., do sure and j mention tnu paper. ,, .. Dr. Kay's Utlcuro cures all IsTlsffllsrH femalr diseases. At drua tf ii tu uiuatrated book and adrioefree. Dr. U. J.Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.4 J. i. FurroN. KlVKKTON, NKIIUASKA. AUCTIONEER. TERMS KEASONAHLK AND SATISFACTION GUARAN'l KEl). Notice to Non Resident. ToCkarlcy l)o Lotifr, non-roildeut defendant: You are hereby notified that on tho 25th day nrsepl tcniher. 1031. Mill I win I. Do Lone tiled ii nutltlou ncnliiKt n' tit Inn iiksIiiM )on In the district couit nf wi hater routtty. MODrnsita, mo omect nnd nrav or of which uro to obtain a divorce from m on Iho eriuiiKl Unit mi havo willfully nbaudnncd plnlntltr, aluoon thogrniind of cruel tteatmont ana vrniii ot support i otihro reiitnrni io nns irersald retltlon onbrboforo Monday, the 4th day of November, ttr'l. Dated this iMh day or September, lbot. MaUMIlA I. Dkloko. liy J. M. CiurriM, ber attorney. HElP5YDUNGP0Plf WHODE&IRE TO EXKHBUDTfAOIlIS'nNEfaWtND. UKtrOUKtAWNAOlt MLAWNUGOTACAHIALCITY WRITE FOR CATA106UE AND30WWHB liINC01iN;fiU51NE5b iE WwwiAJMtHimM M Pf ricillvTiv !jfrT" REV. L. L, CARPENTER. Wabash, Ind., Is President of tho Bothany Assembly nt Brooklyn, Ind. Ho Is perhaps tho most prominent clergyman In tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO churches and baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It affords mo great pleasure to glvo my testimony as to tho efficiency of Dr. Kay's remedies. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very best cough, cold and throat remedy that I over used, . I havo also rccolvcd groat benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My son had for yoars been greatly afflicted with tho piles; no commenced tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and experienced rollof almost from tho first. Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo received as tho result of usotng theso remedies. I tako groat pleosuro in commending thom to tho sufforlng." L. L. CAnPKNTEn, Missionary onu a. 8. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It Is a perfect renovator of tho whole it IS a DGrfCfit reiMivntnr nf tVin wlinln known for Btomaeh troubles, indlorestlon. dvanciinln. pntnrrh of t.hn SPd jtldny troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of" Lu-Grlppo 'and SwuNd Tonlo Send for freo sample nnd a freo illustrated 110 page book of rci I'co26cts.,nnd$1.00or8ix for $5.00. Du. B. J. KAY Medical Co., Saratoga 'TIVIEIS XXJMBESR: Co. DEALERS IN LUMBER AND COAE. t till dine; material, Xto RED CLOUD. - - NEBRASKA Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of coukIi, In Knppc, bronchltli, sore throat, croup, whooplnu coukI), etc. Never deranges ttio stomach. AtDrusKiBts, 10A,U5c. I Seissors Ground, Razors Honed, ij 4 4 EDGE AND ALL KINDS OF TOOLS SHARPENED 4 4 4 AT THE Bob Barkley Barber Shop. J 4 4 4 4 4 4 First door south of Star bakery and restaurant. All kinds of barber work executed promptly nod satisfaction guaranteed. 4 GIVE - US - A - CALL. 4 4 4 J CONSTIPATION tho I ronurnt cftuw of Apponillcltla ar ) runny uthf lou lilt Khoulrt nrer w nlccUil. 'Ino oljjcctl jn t J U. usual cathartlo remedlri I tUclr cof tire reaction which Incrtiuic coniillimUonliutwutotcurlniflt. l'AKKKIt'S tllNllKIl TONIO ii tho proper remedy. It acton the Urcr, and when ovd a directed, pirmanentljr removes the coniUpaUon. M cta.& 8L00 at aU VmgsUls. G. V. AROAIIRIGUT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Run Ci.oim. Nkiikaska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits anil traits niailn to order. STUDIO IN DAMKHKU, 1SI.OCK. Por- .1. B. COLVIN. EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS Look Iiox 23. Guide Itock, Neb. VII kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TERM ItBASONAIILB . iPUBLIC SALE !j Tho undersigned will sell nt hi farm nine miles uuo soutn oi Red Cloud, on iTaesday, Hoy. 10th l oomraencing nt w a.m. tut louowmgi ttesortbeu property: 45 Head Stocks doscribed as follows: 38 HEAD OF CATTLE ! Loonsisting of 10 mildh cows,.G fresh 1 ii calves nv siao anu rest, iresui ksoon:4 vcarlincr steers: onothoroueh- Lbrcu snort norn uuu, long yeaning;; U hootl of steer anil heller calves. 7 HtLAU UV i-lUK31i J 'consistlnir of one span 8-yaar-oldl (road bri'it horses; one span trotting: tbred colls, ono vcatlinir and onel 'sucking; ono span 2-jenr-old drivingl Jiiorsi's; ono ungllsn suiro niioy one Lyear-old. Other articles too numerous tnl I mention, Tkrh8 ok Sale 10 months tlmei Lwill be given, purchaser giving note , with good socuritv bearing ten perl scant intertst. JOHN DOYLE. ..Join Hkennan, Auotionoer, WWWWi MONEY Rttfundti. antee Dr.Kay's Renovator j - o uro uji to euro ayspepaia, oonsu- patlon, ltver ana Kianeys. west ionic, wwire, Dlood purlQer known for all chronlo diseases: renovate and InvUforaUa the whole system and eurea very worst cases. Get trial box at once. It not satisfied with It notify us, we will refund money by return mall. - Write your symptoms for Free Medical Adviae, sample and prooj. i A lo.t druggists. Dr.H.J.Kay.SaratogaIOf, MJtJjji'M3nt3.VJi"tf.l. Fi?w.Tiri!JJf9.3?irMI.MFlt a Evangelist, Christian Churchy system. It Is tho very best re avufnm. Tt. (a thr. vntr l,nf ..nvnrwlw IQ lasal- Also Dr. Kay's Lnng Balm Snrlmrs. N. Y. Every Woman It Intercttetl nnd ilitrnM Ln. ..... "bout tho wonderful itiAitvtL Whirling Spray Tlier v.c,T -. nnanr. inlte (Ion and Suttion. lie it-Mr. c,lTr'P't Convenient, te Illlftaaeilattuilj. l Jnrdrnlllfgrlt. U!l,1ffMi,i'PItTth (VIA HI HI,, amanf tn other, tmt eend ttamn fnr II. UlBtratB.1 mnlr...u ,. -.: mil nnrllcnl.7. .7, MiJlil" . loom Tim a Rds. ... vTJV.9 wvv ivr J. S. EMIGH. DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK YOU WANT IT. Urown Bridge Work or Teeth Without Platet POItCKI.AIN INLAY vort ll iiivlntPtt Imprnvcrnrnt lu Cental meet) tulam DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and 5MOKB YourLifeawayl Tou can be cured of any form of tobacco usla cauiy, do n new life am stron?. magnetic, fulln? e and vigor by taking HO-TO-BAQ, mat raaices ncaic men strong. Many w tea pounds in aia ten days. Over BOO.OOQ Jists. Cure miarantrnl. nonka cured. All druggists, let and advice FREE. Address STERLING BUMEDY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 He. toe, !! !! Dnavbtj. Genuine lUmpcd C. C C Never told In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to tell ''something fust u good." PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM driuuti aii'l btautino the btlr. litmtitef a luxurUnt ffnmth. Hover Falls to itertore Qray llolr to its Youthful Color. luro 'nip iii.'oih u nan inuicK fric.nJsliit lniUu OR. KAY'S i RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates tho BiBtem; purities and enriches tho Mood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver and kidneys. C5oandl,atdruKglsts. Freo Ruuviue, sample anu cook. b. Dr.U.J.Kay,SaratOKa,N.V Bssssm ENOVATOR Is UHD wl Cald mtunio sum. ttaM wltttlMrlbboa. Take tiler. SUrat Raacaraaia HatxtltaUraa mm lailta. timia. Day r jar Dreuin. or aa 4. la ! a.? PartlaBlara. TaattaiaalaU aait ' Rllr for Laaiaa M liuar, r r. ara Mali. 1 0.OOO TanlaMaub. IUllk . all Draulau (Ihlchaalu (JkaUal nmL .V IUaapf. Ma4lMBl'wk,PMiCiC7tA' Wo can surnish you brick in t ty at tho lowest pos sible rato. Brick on salo nt eithor of tho lumber yards. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., Red Cloud, Neb. ri SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNIOKY, PROPRIETOR. DEALER IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies. iv " 4NDV CATMARTIC aM ,. SJSJ 'CHICHKSTKR'S KNQLIBM PKKJS.SIAI'B. AlwatiraluMa LwlUh ut Urn()M A Dfisi fcr CUlClIKHTElVH NQLIHU 1, P PABST MILWAUKEEiBeer ALWAYS ON TAP.bq . -w ' '" vT"v,r' . ''"tVH . v 7 T 4 JIT' iX y tilt . i n L C , " v . h' ' . ' m'WiMiiXiiiijiaiii'.'"1! "!:--7 -n :- jyi JU'J daagwr