miMVm0immmLmmwlMmMmui9m ).liipuujlmiB No Eximgm Symptoms The blood may be in bad condition, ft with no external signs, no skin truption or sores to indicate it. Tiie symptoms in such cases being a variable appetite, poor digestion, an indescribable weakness and nervousness, loss of flesh and a general run-down condition of the System dearly showing the blood has lost its nutritive qualities, has become thin and watery. It is in just such cases that S. S. S. has done sonic of its quickest nnd most effective work by building up the blood and supplying the elements lacking to make it strong nnd vigorous. "My wife used sev eral bottles of S. S. 3. as a blood purifier nnd to tone up n weak nnd emaciated system, with very marked effect by way of improvement. "We regard it n great tonic nnd blood furifier." J.P.Dui'i', rinccton, Mo. 0 0 0 is the greatest of all tonics, and you will jfind the appetite Ira WlJJ proves at once,strcngth returns and nervousness vanishes as new rich pure blood once more circulates through all parts of the system. 8. S. S. is the only purely vegetable Mood purifier known. It contains no min erals whatever. Send for our free book n blood and skin diseases and write our physicians for any information or advice iranted. No charge for medical advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, OA. THE CHIEF roiumiD bt w. l. McMillan. Vse year... ........................ ixmontht ...1100 ... SO PUBLISHED KVKHY FUIDAT Entered at tno poitoDlront Hed Cloud, Neb. ai eoood class mall matur. AnVKUTlSINO ItATi'S: Locnl ndvcrtlf Wr f tout icr lino per Issno. Local AdTcrlhliiR for ciitprtnliimentK, con lerta, coclals. r:c, kIvcii by churches, rharltalilo ioclctlt'v, etc., where nil moneys roheil thcru fiom arc used wholly for church or ch.ultnMc soclcllo flrkt ton linos frou nnd nil over ten lines 2!J cents fcr lino per Issue, Local ndverthlni; of uiitertAtnineula, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent In Riven to pio moiers, B cents per line per Issue. IlIhl'I.AY MIYKIlTlHI.Nll. One column pcrmnnth .... -....-...I txi Ouc-hnlf column per month . ................... 3 Ni Oucfoutlli column per mouth - ... 1 75 General display ndrertultig SV cents per Inch pcrlssue. Republican State Ticket yor Supremo JiuIk". SAMUI'.L II. Sl'.IMItflOK, Of York Counly. Kor ItfRcuM to Stiito University, C. J. KKN8T, . SOf LnucftMcr Count. ii. t;. oooi.ii, Of Keith County. Republican County Ticket. For County Judge O. 1C. CIIANKY, Of Red Cloud. 2d Ward. Tot County Sheriff O.I). I1KD0K, Of Red Cloud I'reclnct For County Coroner 1U T. K HALL, Of Pleasant III11 Product. T or County Treasurer CIIAS. V. CATHER, Of Red Cloud, Ut Ward. For Comity Clerk Kl). 8. OAItrJKU, OfOuldoRockVreelncl. Vor County Surveyor At'. K. TUORNK, Of aionwood Precinct. For Cuuiity Superintendent MRS. i: .1. CASK, . . Of Hod Cloud, 2d Ward. For Commissioner 1st Dlst, K. UFirLRK, Pot O jnuiUi-loiicr 3d l)lt- W. V, UI.NKKI. For CtnuiilsslonerMhlUst. VT. RICHARDS. 'The paramount Issue: elded who to vote for? Have you de- The republican oaudidates havo all ben doing tome pretty tall hustling this weak. ' Fr the first time in several years the vols this fall will show Just bow many good democrats there are in Webstar county. The 'Sampson-Schley court of inquiry 'drags wearily on. From presont indi cations Sohley has a little tho host of It As far s tho general public is con corned thoy are getting a whole lot tho worst of it. To a few would-bo politicians: If ryou can't say anythlag good of a man on your ticket, dont say anything, but Mry to think up somothlng that will 3ielp hltu out. You may want his help csoruo day. Senator Beverldgo of Indiana has an nounced that he will tiiko part In the crepubllcan campaign in Nebraska. Ho iliaa agrood to deliver sovernl speeches dn thu stato and it i" to bo hopod that ono of thorn will bo In Red Clmui. two weeks from next Tuesday is tho -... .i thn narties whoso names np oear at tho hoad of this column are tho icople. Tho entire republican ticket Is of equal merit, and there i no possible ltuson why any icpitblicun should for n moment Consider dropping out of the ranks tills full on n slngld drio of tlio candidate, lit piibllcuns as n diss are notqultlots. The Hurcor tlio light tho greater their loyalty nnd the firmer tlinir adherence to the cause. Mr. 0. F, Citllim tli republican can didate fur treasurer on tho republican ticket was in Uttldo Hock Monduy meeting tho voters nnd making friends every where. Mr. Cathor Is a pleasant goutieman to meet, a llfo long republl can, un old resident of tho county nnd is making n cnnvnss for tho place that is n credit to himself nnd to the party. Guide Hock Sigsnl. - . YY. F Kutikoi will undoubtedly ho the next commissioner from tho third com inissionor ilhtrlct, ntul well ho should iii. Hu is cat edit niid saving, has good business ubillty, nnd is just tho kind of n innti thu people want to look after thu county's interests. Tlio voters of tlio thiid disttlct will luivu mi oc casion for regret in electing him, for thoy can rest assured that tin will not only look oftnr the count) 'a interests hut uftur thoir's also. Tho republican cundldnto for county clerk is conducting ii campaiirn of which thu party can bo proud. Noth ing does lie say or do neainsl his op. poncnt. Hu is conducting his cam paign on his own merits unci abilities to lill the ofllco to which ho nspirus. If gentlemanly conduct, pleasant nnd unassuminp disposition nnd nbility count for anything wo havo no doubt but what tho vol rs will cast their bal lots for E. S Garher for county clerk. . About 21 per cent of the total popu lation of thu United States attend pub lio schools and two per cant of tho rest attend privato schools, u;cordiug to tho annual report of tho commissioner of education. The grand total in all schools, elementary, secondary and higher, pnbiio nnd private, for th year 1001 win 17,020,710, nn increase of 282(ill8 over tlio previous year. Of thu iitimhet tho oiirollmun reported in public institutions supported by gon eral and local taxes wni 11,4 11,-102 The republican ticket, whltih awaits Hie (Midoreinnnt of Webster county voters on November C, i, in tho judg niont of many Rood mn, tho best tick et ever presented for tho support of tlio people of this county. It has grown in favor sineo the day tho candidates wore .selected. Seldom does a political con vention meet mid nilj nirii without making mistakes, but in this ence each candidate wus tho almost unanimous choice of lii.s party repicsontiitives. Sumo individuals no doubt had person al prefcri'iii'OH, but. as u wholo tho re publlean ticket uives general fiutisfao tion and its serornl candidates are win ning friends nnd Mipp jrters as thu cam paign iipproaches. It only reinains for republicans to vote to achieve n glori ous victory Ht tho polls this year. Ono of tho mst despicable persons in any pnrty during an election cam paign is the ouo who, pretending to bo n good member of tho party, sets dam aging stories which nro untrue, afloat against a party nomiueo on uccount of personal enmity. Thu republican party is burdened with somo of these good (?) republicacs. There nro not many to bo euro but thoy get in thoir little tingor sometimes to n faro you-wcll and sometimes in such a manner that their part in tho deal U kept in tho dark. Wo would advUe voters who are approaches in this way to seek out '.ho candidate who is maligned and let him know who is doing this work. It is thu honest thing to do toward a caudi dalo and will have a teudeuoy to break up this disreputable prnoticu. 1 1. 1 On friendly populist contemporary up thu 8tteet made a few mistakes in an editorial headed "Republicans in Trouble" ur.d wo deem It due to our re publican central committee, that wo should correct in order to sot them at rights bofore tho party. Tho republi can county central committoo did not meet last Saturday as the article states, aud nover at any of its previous meet ings has anything been said in regard to tho matter referred to in the ar ticle Wbero our contemporary got bis report wo are unable to say, and we are pleased to inform the poaple that it is absolutely falio from beginniag to end. We aro inclined to believe our contemporary has beon the victim of a "cunningly devised political fabrica tion." Tho good (?) republican spoken f in anethor column has beon gotting in his work oa thu one man ou tlio ticket who unfortunately is not ablo to stand tho hardship of n thorough canvass of the county, and who is just beginning to mend after his late lamentable hard ship and sickness paesed through since a stroke of paralysis some months ago. Mr, Chancy, nominee for county Judge is tho candidate alluded to aud in'order to show that ho is capable and is tend ing to tho most pressing of his duties we will cite you to tho fact that ho is nt tho presont timo looking after sev eral cases in tho supremo court. Tho c.iso of Wnll.'iidiuor vs. Fisher et nl, has been settled by G o. R. Chancy, representing thu plaintiff nnd Messrs Overman & Ulaokledgc, ropr-souting tho dofendant. Messrs. Overman & Blacklcdgo are to dismiss their appeal, nhil then when tlio casn reiUiMH this court Mr. Chancy Is to dismiss the case proper and thus end I ho litigation. Another en.se ended in the supreme eotiH and this court. Hu now lias lino catrs in thu sitpiemo cniiit for tho city of lied Cloud nil of which wu believe ho will win. Mrs. Kva J. case, tho republican nominee for county superintendent, is tlia person, who should recoivo tho sup port of every voter who desires to sen our public schools advance. Her past four years Incumbency as mipei Intend tint of our schools proves that. During her time our schools have advanced at a rapid rate 'and parents aro exceed ingly pleased at tho progieg madii by their el ildreu. The public schools of Webster county, tin ler her Hleni'itlu management, have been brought as near the point of peifecllon as eould piiMsiblv bo attained. And why should tluio bo n change under such eon dlllonp. We bellevo tho v Hers of thi county will retain Mrs. Caso right where she is, us she thorongnly under stands the schools nnd school work of this county mid lias shown her cap ability of handling tlio saino. m i STATE CREEK. Mrs. Will Scilvner is on the sicK list this week. Finnk VunDyko has been on tho sick list for the past two weoks. Wm. Rosoncrnns sold two loads of hogs last Wednesday at six cents. TwoKihon men were on otircreok this week looking after their interests in cattle. Samuel Snundors lias n parnter on the Duller farm, his brother, nnd will not batch this winter. Mrs. Mary Green, now liviup in Jew ell county, was visiting hor parents, Win. VanDykes, lust wtiek. Mr. Horndon will have n sale in the near future nnd movu to Lincoln, Ne braska, lio has routed his farm to Mr. Frank Wolf. V. II. Scrivnor's fruit is all gathered. Ho had soveial peach trees which tho fruit would havo hung on until tlio 15th had thoy been left alone. Al Sorivncr Mild llvo head of mules for 8.VJ0 and Hul Stouu sold two head for S5-JC0 to Mr. D.iuahuoof Hiirr O.ik, Kansas. They delivered them to him last Wednesday. Making hay and sowing wheat and ryu lias fur some timo been the order of tho day, though now it is thing of thu past. There has nover been such an amount of small grain sown and there will bo but little land left tor coi ii next year. Almost always Kansas is for extremes even in potatoes. It lias formerly been all corn nnd now it U nil small grain, and whilo I don't like to prophesy for tlio worse, it may be nil chinch liug3 uoxt year. Then they would go back to tho old party line and ruUo corn. All property except farm implements sold well at H. Henry's salt last week- Cows sold us high ns $30, hogs oight to ton cents por pound, and n small pair of two year eld mules sold for 1150 00. Mr. Honry aud family started for tho westTuosday and will make Washing ton their future home. While somo farms in our part rented for two-fifths of a crop or small money rent last spring, lie has ronted his for noxt year for 9230 for one quarter section to a fanner in tho vicinity of Lebanon. Occasional. GUIDE ROCK. Ed Wilson is gotting out ngnin. Charlie Moore is visiting nt home. C. E. Vaiiglmn is improving slowly. Mrs.li.lt Morutivillo is very sick. There is talk of moro brink buildings Minn 11 Cordos has bought a fnrin near Nelson Archiu Campbell and A. J, Hayes are improving. A. II. Jones expoots to movo to Ok lahoma soon. John Ferguson has rolatlvee from tho east visiting him. The meetings are still in progress at the Chrls'.ian church. J.P. Sprlnklo and F. A. Good were over from Cowlos today. Eugene Smith is going to St. Francis, Kansas to take care of Q. Pundt's sheop. A Mr. Shank from eastern Nebraska was hero on a land deal with I. U, Col in Saturday. The campaign will soon bo over and election will settle the question of who tho winners are. Mrs. Jennie Harris started to Idaho the lirstnt the week, her husband hav ing preceded her, O. F. Cather, republican nominee for county treasurer was looking aftor his prospects hero Weduosday. It. A. McEachrnn, representative, of the Occidental Uuildtngnnd Loan Asso ciation of Omaha wns visiting thoir local agent horn Wednesday. A party passed through here today with a hoiso that was stolen noar Con cordia, Kansas Tim hou vus recov- .n d al Alma and tho thief captured nt Citlberison, Educate Yoar DawoU With Owctnti. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. j itfSeT Jf d' ' S3 JX&S$$Si2S$ If! TIIE WINTER, (Benson's Ptotor Is Pain's Master.) For couglm nnd colds Benson's Porous Plasters nro nn incomparably bolter rem edy than any other external or internal. Their madlclnal proportics ontor tho bMo and go ttraight to the teat of the disease. Thoy rollovo nnd euro a "seated" cold without disturbing tho system or upsotting tho stomach. Cough mixtures often nau seate Donnon's Piastora nro modleinal in tho highest degree, and quickest to act. Placed on tho cheat or back or on both at once in serious cases, tho good offoct is f olt immediately. Tlio congestion yields, the oough abates and tho breathing improves. Lung or bronchial affections or kidney dhcftso, aro cured with the least posslblo suffering and loss of timo. Ucnscm's Plasters aro immeasurably on perior to Dolladouua, Strengthening, Gap Bioum or any other combination in plaster form. They nro also preferable to oint ments, liniments and salvca. J'onoon's Plasters havo received fifty-Jlte Mgfast aisards ovor all competitors; and moro thnu 5,000 physicians and druggists havo declared them to bo ono of tho fow trustworthy household romodics. For silo by all druggists, or we will propny postigo on any number ordered in tho United States on receipt of 25c. each. Do sure you got tlio genuine Accept no imitation or nubstitcto. Koubury & Johiuon, Mfg. Chemists, N.Y. JUDSON, KANSAS. Fred Hooper hns been in Kansas City doeloring his eyes. Ho writes homo that his eyes aro much better and that ho will bo homo in n wcok or two. What is the matter with tho church bell? Wo don't hoar it riii? any more. Pete Lnldorbrandt has returned from a trip to Illinois, whore ho has been on business nnd pleasure combined. There has beon quite a largo ncrenge of wheat put in in this neck of tho woods this fall aud there will bo lots of alfalfa sown in the spring to rnako sure of a liny crop. There is lots of new corn going toj market now but before spring thcio will not bo nny to tnke. Onnof Josoph Cox's twins died nnd was buried at Oriole. There was a boy and n gitl and it was thu boy that died. LINE. Sowing wheat and ryt is tlio on'er of' tho day. U-v. Campbell did not Ull his up. polntmont at Penny creek last Sunday on account of tlio rain. ' The prayer mooting at Will Auliush ons was largoly attended labt Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nublu and (imndnm Noblu were the lniest.s of Frank VanDyko hist week. Frank VunDyko" made n business trip to Womer this week. Leu'Wilmotis linishuig his work as road overseer for the year of road dis trict. No l'J this week. Mr. Lie wus the uuest of iMr. Keaglo this week Albert Kahclmati sold live head of mules for six hundred dollar.) to tho urn 0 buyer ut Burr O.ik this week. Lubon Aubushoii is tho owner of a new feed mill. a worthy successor- 'Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors hnvo tried to euro C.i uriii by tlio uje of powders, acid gases, inhalers, and drugs in paste form. Thoir powders dry up the mucous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in tho inhalers have entirely eaten away tho same membranes that thoir makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach tho disease. An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years mnde 11 close study and specialty of the treatment of Catarrh, has at last perfected a treat nii'iit which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but permanently cures Catarrh by removing tho cnuso, stopping tho uncharge?, and curing all iiilliiiiuiatioii. It is tlio only rem edy known to science that actually reaches tho afllictod parts. This won derful remedy is known ns Suuflles tho Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dol lar, each paoktgo containing internal and externa) medicine sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to Its perfect use. "Snuffles" is the only perfect Catarrrb Cure ever made and Is now recognized as tho only safe and positive cure for that annoying aui disgusting disease. It cures all Inflamation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fever or cold in tho head. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption ''Snuffles" will save you if you uso it at onco, It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to uure Catarrh in any form or stage If used according to directions which no company each package Don't delay but send for it at once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advico from the discoverer of this wonderful rem edy regarding your case without, cos to you boyond .the regular pricu of "SnuflU'S" the "Guaranteed Qalurrh 'nro." Sent prepaid to any address in tho tJoited States or Cauidi on receipt of One. Dollar. AddioS D pt. A -103, E I win B Giles & Company, a.W0 nod Q332 Market Street, Philadelphia. 'TKJADI3RS i,umbbr CO. DBALKKS IX LUMBER and COAL l3Lxilcliiaa; material, Bto Red cloud. - - Nebraska W. B. ROBY, DKALKK IK Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. HiVIr - AND - No. i Third Avenue, Red PLATT & Chicago a- Lumber - Yard. RK1)!CL()UD,2NEBUASKA. Lumber. -Lime, Goal and I. Cement. Bware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the .sense of smell and completely derange thu whole system wlion entering it through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should mtver bo ucd except on prescriptions fioni reputablo physic ian", as thn dam igo thuy do is ton fold the good you oin possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by F. .). Cheney & Co , Toledo O.. contains no in iroury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the bin ul and mucous surfaces of the sys tem In buying Hull's Catarrh Cure ho sure and get tho genuine. It is in'--i'ii internally, and m ulo in Toledo, O., by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists, prico 75c bottle. Hall's Family Pills ai o thu but. Campbell Unfversity. Twenty professor i, 400 students. Good accommodations. Carfare refund ed. Free uso of text books. Board 81 50 per week. Courses: Preparatory, normal, classical, commercial, music, shorthand, telegraphy, etc. Library and laboratory facilities. Commercial iqiiipments Domplete. First winter term begins Nov. 12, 1001. Send for catalogue E. N. Johnson, President, 3 Holton, Kansas. The Hawaiian women's club ut Hon olulu debated the question: Is it better to take Ilocky Mountain Tea hot or cold?'' Eithor way it magnifies your pleasure. C. L. Cutting. Farm for Sale. Half section, fivo miles from Red Cloud, lino laud, first-class improve ments. V bargain if sold soon. Ad dress J. W. Wallih, Hod Cloud, Nob. SCOH'S EmmsioD of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails, it re stores it. When food is s. burden, it lifts the burden. When youlose flesh.it brings the plumpness of health. When work is hard and luty is heavy, it makes life aright. It is the thin edge of the edge; the thick end is food, )u,t what is the use of food, lien you hate it, and can't di est it? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Jver Oil is thefood that makes 'ou fortret vour stomach. If you havo" not tried It, Bond for oo sample, Its agrooabio tasto will irpnse you. SCOTt & BOWNE, Chomlste. 39 Pearl Street. . Now Yo GOo, and 3I.OO i all druggists. SOFT - COAI,, Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. FREES CO.. PUBLIC SALS , I'ho undersicned will sell at the Win. iuieliu farm 2 miles muUIi and. 2 J miles west of Bed Cloud on Monday, October 24, commencing nt 10 o'clock a.m. the; following to wit: d3 Head Stock !! .'insisting of 1 gray mare !'-ycars old, weight 11200; ono bav maro ten tears old, weight 1000: onu roan colt S rears old, weight 700; one pony tent it curs old. weight 70U: ono buck cow night tears old heavy with calf, !J 'steer calves 10 months old, 1 heifer Li'alf 10 mouths old, nod four summer' , pigs Also K A 11 M I M P L E M E N T S and a unmoor ono lino of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tehms ok Sale 10 mouths time will be given on nil sums over $51 purchaser giving note with good se curity bearing 10 per cent interest. All sums under $5 cash. On alp : sums of 85 and over a discout of 5 por cent will be given for cash. JOHN WILHELMSON. ICoL. C. L. Winkiiey, Auctioneer. iPUBLIC SALE !' fi'ho undersigned will sell at tho old; wm. untes farm eight miles smithy anil two miles east of lied Cloud. Ill v u ') l) commencing at 10 a.m. tho following! ucscriucu property: 41 Head Stock !i 18 head of thoroughbred short horn" cnttio i mills, a cows, 2 2-vear-oldj 1 heifers. 1 ealf 125" head high grado cattle 10 cows,! i a year oki neiMr,4yearllnghnlfer i 5 yearling steers aud 6 calves. : 18 head horses, ono driving team six' sann seven years oin, l a -year old ItM hoy anu ii yearlings, 'i sucking colts.. lAlso 75 acres fodder cut with bind er, twenty acres rye straw, topi ouggy, spring wagon, low wagon I anu nay irume, agricultural iui-. piemenu and household goods. TEUMS OK Sat.K O month f Imnl will bo given, purchaser giving notej I with BOOd security bnarlncr iton nar Icent Interest. All sums under 15.001 (cash. MRS. Ci. A. SATTI.F.V IJotlK Mrennan, Auctioneer. DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE YourLlfeawavt You can Toe cured of any form of tobacco utlua eatily. be made well, strong, magnetic, fulliof iiew life ana vigor by taking MO-TO.BXB, that make a weak men strong. Many gala ten pounds in ten days. Over MOO.OO0 cared. All .druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book. Si..'!n.'k5lXlca ?,BB' Address STKRM-VU RBMI4PY CO., Chicago or Mew York. 437 CANDY CATHARTICS Genuine tUmptd CCC Never sold In hulk. Beware of (he dealer who tries ie sell '' "semethiflj hut m food." " I'JI'fll'liWroWW''"''"''