gum&vttrlmmiml!Mntt,&rtiuvM!ifiamMMiMjj 1 ,r i 9maafttmxmmvK SORE AMD 'WvM l ! IT ' I ' f ULCERS. Sores and Ulcers never become chronic tinless the blood Is In poor condition Is luggUh, weak, and unable to throw oft the poisons that accumulate in it. The syteCh must be relieved of the unhealthy matter through the sore, and great danger io life would, follow should it heal before the blood bns been made pure and healthy and all impurities eliminated from the sys tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans ing and invigorating the blood, building up the general health and removing from a 1 1 mwbii" A OONSTANT DRAIN effete matter, UPON THE SYSTEM. When this has been accomplished the dis charge gradually ceases, and the sore or ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old indolent sores to grow worse and worse, and eventually to destroy the bones. Local applications, while soothing and to some extent alleviate pain, cannot reach the scat of the trouble. S. S. S. docs, and no matter how apparently hopeless your condition, even though your constitution has broken down, it will bring relief when nothing else can. It supplies the t ich, pure blood necessary to heal the sore and nourish the debilitated, diseased body. Mr. J. II. Tnllxrt, Lock Don 45,Vlnona. MIm., ! "Sir year ro my lfjr Horn the knee to the foot mi one (olid lore, Several phyilclun treated me nntl I made two trip to Hot Sprlngi, but found notellef. I wa Induced to try S.S.S, and it made a complete cure. I have been a per fectly well matt ever ilnce." Mf B is the only purely veg- L" ctablc blood purifier k known contains no BBP poisonous minerals to WW& ruin the digestion and add to, rather than relieve your suffer ings. If your flesh does not heal readily when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood is in bad condition, nnd nny ordinary sore is apt to become chronic. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charce for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. THE CHIEF runMMiKn nr V.,. MoMILLAN. One jenr , 1 ou llx month 50 What is Anarchy? WW WA'WW''WV. 'W'VW'WAiAf'W'V'Aw'WAtfAii'WAAWA4 our freedom back ngnin in spltn of PUULISUEl) KVEKY PUIUAY Butorcd nt tnc pott oRJco at Hcd Cloud, Neb.nt eceudclaasmall mutter. ADVKIIT18INO ItATKS: t.ocal ndvurtlnl'ig 6 cent per lino per Issue. Local AilvcrtlMiiR for culcrtnlunuiil, con terU,t.oclli, c'.c, given by cliurobes, clinrlmble iocletlci, etc., whero nil money rnUcd there fiom aroused wholly for church or charitable loclctlo Urat ten llitUH frco nud nil over ten llucaStf ccuU per llnu per Ismiu. Local advcnlslns of cuturulnincnta, concerts, recital, etc, wheto per cent In given to pro moters, 6 cents per lino per Issue. DHH.AY AllVEIITItlN(l. Ono column per month . .............I7 oo Ouo half rolumn per mouth .............. 3 Ml One-fourth column per mouth.. ........ ... 1 T5 Goncrul dlHpIny uilvcrtlHliiK , S',l cents per luch perhaue. Republican State Ticket Kor Supreme Judge, SAMUKLII. SKIMWtCK, Of York County, For KeKcnts to Strtto University, .' O. J. UltNST, tot Lancattcr Count It. 1.. OOOI.P, Of lUllh County The question "Wlint is Annrohy" has boon inked so frequently and answered In so many forms during th last few weeks, nnd tin knowledge) of tin; gen oral public on this subject Is so vagun that 1 givo herowlth wlint is probubly tlio most concise and ntithontio state ment of tlio anarchist creed erer form ulated. It is tlio "Slatomont of Princi ples" voiced by tho manifesto Waned nt tlio international conference of anarch. Ists, hold at Uo-ovn, Austria, in 1882 nntl rends ns follow.: "Our ruler Is our enemy. Wo an archists mo men without nny rulers, lighting iigninst nil thosu who littvo usurped nny power or who wish to usurp it. "Our enemy is tho owner of tho land who keeps it for himself and makes the peasant work for hW advantage, "Our ueiny Is tho manufacturer who lllls his factory with wngo slaves; our unemy is tlio slat, whether moo arehial, oligarchial or dcmo;ralic, with its ollleials nntl stalT ollloors, magis trates and police spies. "Our unemy is every thought of an thority, whether men call it God or devil, in whoso nnmo priests have so long ruled tho people. "Our onemy is tho law which always oppresses tho w ak by tho strong to tho justification nud apotheosis of criiuo. "Hut if tho land owners, manufac turers, the heads of state, tho priests, and tho law are our cuo.uies, wo nro also theirs, and wu boldly oppose them. We intend to re-conquer tho land and the factory from tho land owner and the manufacturer; wo mean to anlhili atu tho statu under whatever mimo it may he concealed; and wo inuatrto gt priest or law. "According to our s'reugth we will work for the humiliation of all legal In stitutions, and are in accord with ev orv ono who delloH tho law by a revolu tionary act. We despise all Icaitl means because t'iry aiu the negations of our rights; watlo not want so-called universal siillrngu sincu wo cannot get iiwuv from our own personal sover eignty and cannot make oitrsolvew ac complices in fiimu committed by our so called repitseuiallve.t. "Hotwecn itt Anarchists and all po litical parties, whether coiisetvntiCB or iiioiloiates, whtthcr they light fur freedom or recognize it by their nitidis aion, a deep gulf is llxed. Wu wish to remain our own masterc, ami he who among us strives to become a chief or a lander is n traitor to our canto. Of course wo know that individual free dom cannot exist without a union with other free associates. Wo all livo by the support of one another; Hint Is the social life which has ctcated us, that is iho work of all which givci to each tlio consciousness of his rights and tho power to defend them. Kvery social product la t-o work of tho whole com munity, to which all havo a claim in equal manner. "For wo nro nil communists. It is ours to conquer and defend common properly and to overthrow govern tmiul.s by whatevf r iinmo they may bo allied." Let the reader Study this "Stitemont of l'l iuciplcs," compare it with tho Constitution of tho United States, nud then determine In his own mind wheth er tlio nnarchlst shall no or not. . J M. ClIAl'l'lN. TV t ft ft ft to Very remarkable offers in new fall merchandise. Numberless JJJ bargains in all departments. Nalues that you can't get m elsewhere. Come and see for yourself and save money ft Taraare Bros. Great Bargains. 0 A suggestion emanating from a high toutce, and which is meeting with high favor, is to change the nntno of the Philippine islands to the McKiuley islantls. Tho object Ik, of course, to perpetuate tho iinmo and glory of the inai'iyred president nnd his adminis tration. It. Is intended to bring the proposition before the next congress, and it is not doubted that it will be ac cepted without question if presented in the proper manner. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR- "Something New Under The Sun. Republican County Ticket, For County Judge U. It. CIIANKY, Of Red Cloud. 2d Ward. VarCautitySherir O. D. UKDOK, ' Of Had Cloud Precinct Kor Couuty Coroner VH T. U. HAM., Of Pleasant Hill Precinct. For County Treasurer CUA8. '. CAT1IKR, Of Had Cloud, Ut Ward. for Coauty Clerk , KD. 8. UAKKB, v Of Quid Hock Praaloct. For County Surveyor IV. K. THORN K, , Of Glenwood Precinct. For Cuuuty Stierlnteiideut MltS. K. J. CASE, Of Red Cloud, 2d Ward. ForCommlnloner lit Dim. K, 11E1TLEK, For OommlfManer.ld DUt. W. V. KENKKl.. For CammUilonerbth DUt, W. KlCHAllDS. Tho polillcnl pot hasn't even begun to simmer around here. A j iat caucus of the rapnblicnn vot fc era f Ued Cload city bus been called for next Tuesday evening at 7:30 nt the court house. i m 9 w ' The Columbia won tho second of the international yacht racoa yesterday. It now heirins to look m though Sir Tommie Lipton would havo to go back to England without tho cup. Kmma Goldman asserts that whlh in the Chicago jail alio was assaulted by tho other women nrisonors. It was certainly hard on them to bo locked up with one of tho reptilo asassln tribe. So far the campaign has bean free from slush and mud throwing, and it Is to be hoped it will continue so. Tha tiaudfdates arc all conducting n gen tlemanly campaign and wo are glad to seo it thus. October 28, which has boon name, for tho ulectrocutio'i of tho assassin, C, ilgor., W tho earliest ditto at which the sentence could bu inllicted under tho law. It Is early enough to stilt the de.ihtiiids of jmtlcp.' This dale will be about tix weeks ufter LVosidont Mc Iviolt'j's deuth, while forty wt-efcs passed between tho death of l'tcslilenl Oat Held and tho execution of (Juiteau. The speed shown in tho C. lgo. caio as compared with the 1881 miscreant pleases tho country m m For the thirteenth lime and last time the body of Abraham Lincoln has been removed. Tho casket containing tho remains of the araanoipator now lies Imbedded in an iron cago withla a solid block of coniont beneath the monument in Oak Kidge cemetery at Springfield, Illinois. The enskat was opened and eighteen persons were permitted to look upon the features before the body was lowered to what is bsllevod 4to bo its last resting plara. The identifica tion of the rem alas was positive. Every assassin is a coward, On hear . ing that ho would bo torn limb from limb if tho crown at Auburn got hold . of him. Czolgoz bogged in abject terror for tho protection of tho law ho ' ,'eo despised. And his wtillowlnB on tho t aiinnr ( his nriRon cull when ho loard th'o Kbouts of tho mob outside, ihows thuktmrof stuff of whioii atiaiiuists are mude. PLEASANT GROVE. Lost, Inst week, between the state lino ami Ued Cloud, n lap robo. Finder please roturu same to Mr. Christy nr leave at Ciiikk oflicc. Wo had no church at I'leasant Grovo lastundny ovonlng owlog to tho rain. Mr. Morrill ajul daughter did not get back from Blue Hill with tho proceeds of the peaches in time for bunday school last Sunday, What's the mattei? Mr. Houghtaling and family took dinner with Mr. Shannon's fapilly last Sunday. Mr. Uoyco and sons departed for Ok lahoma on Monday. Perry Ueardslee will build a barn 21x40 on tho farm occupied by his son Elmer. Mr. Hutchison was down at Oscar Provolt's for a load of peaches on Mon day. Chas. Collins hired a Touug man to help him on tho farm, but on Sunday ho went after his clolhss and failed to return, Mr. Uonghtalliig ana unas. frauds were shipping cattle on Tuesday. Jack Divls and family of Esbon spent tho evening with Mr. Untight tiling's family on their way to Iowa, whero they are going to visit or por haps locale. Messrs, Llndsoy removed thsir cnt tie from section thlrtydlvo in Lino whore they havo oeen pasiuriug tins summer. Miss Mary Shannon Is spending this week with Mrs. Lelderbrandt in Paw noo township. All Doctors havo tried to cure C.i arrh by tho iho of powders, acid gases, inhalers, and drugs in paste form Their powders dry up tho mucous mem branes causing them to crack open nnd bleed. The powerful acids used lu tho inhalers havo entirely eaten away the tamo membranes that their makers havo aimed to euro, white pastes and ointments cannot reach tho disease. An old and experienced practitioner who litis for many yeats madu a closo study and specialty of tho treatment of Catarrh, has nt last perfected a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at once, but porniationtly cures Catarrh by removing tlio cause, stopping tho uNcharge?, and curing nil iiillammatiiin. it is tho only rem ody known to .seienco that actually reaches the afllinted parts. This won derful remedy is known as Snuffles tho Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" and Is sold at tho extremely low price of One Dol lar, each packtge containing internal and external medioine sufficient for a full month's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect use. "Snuffles" is the only perfect Catarrh Cure over made and is now recognized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying anl disgusting disease. It cures all inflamatlon quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve Hay Fever or cold in the head. Catarrh when neglected often leads to Consumption "Snuffles" will save you if you use it at once. It is no ordi nary remedy, but a complete treat ment which is positively guaranteed to euro Catarrh in any form or stage if used according to directions which ac company each package. Don't delay but send for it ut once, and write full particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful rem edy regarding your caso without cos to you beyond tho regular prico of "Sun files" the "Guaranteed Catarrh Cure." Sent prepaid to any address in the United Slates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Ed win U. Giles & Company, 2330 and 3333 Market Street, Philadelphia. iiv ft tv ft l vi ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft by purchasing here. Silks. .Wo havo placed on salca largo assort ment of silks worth 05, 70, 8.1c and $100 yd. As long as they last G0d yd, Dress GoodSa Figured black llrilllanlinps, Wool Suit ings, Twillf, lltniiesptins, Surges, Ginnito cloth;, nud numberless others nt I'-'Je to 81 50 per ynrd. Hos5i3X"5r. For Men, Women nnd Children. 15 and UOc hoso nt He per pair. Ladles' and children's si."S. Fleece lined hosu at 10c to 30o per pair. Shoesi Up to ditto styles always kept oa hand. Ladies', Men's and Children's. Ladies' vici kid, extended welt solos, from ?2 50 to 83 75 Ladies' enameled kid, xtnnded soles, latest tip, 83.75 Ladirs' felt lined shoes, felt running full length nud sowed in with outer leather, uicest thing fur winter wear, plain or cirp toe, prico $1.50 lo$l 75. Special lino of ladies $3.50, $3 00 and $2 shoes at 03c per pair. Misses and Hoys school shoos, so lie thing that, gives satisfaction ami makes a satisfied customer, prices 75c to 82.00 Priixtsi Our entire lino of staple caliooe, 0 and 7c grades consisting of black nnd whites, teds, blues, greys and fancies on sale at Of per yard. JSlxirt .Vaists. Mado up in tho latest styles" and hit cM goods, polka dot volvft, llinnels, il.mnelolls, sat teens, silks and satin.", prices to suit, all, $1.00 up to $7 00. Tailoir Xaclo Stits Wo still have seven or eight tailor intitlo suits of latest styles which we ate placing on salo at exactly half price or 50c on tlio dollar. You can save from 81 to $10 00 on each suit by purchasing of us. Our olij-ct of selling it such low piu-cs is ti quit handling suits. Underwe a.r Something now in ladies' seal llecco lined union suits, as soft and warm ns seal skin. Mado to wear and lit. Color gray, silk trimmed neck and front, price per suit $1 25 Ladies' seal lined vests and pants sep arate, C5c per garment. Ladies' superior lletcu vests or pants 25c each. 0;her grades 25, 50, 75o,$l 00 and 81.25 Children's seal lined liecco union '.suits 50o to 75c par stilt. Light weights llccce lined union suits 85c to 00c. Children's separate vests and pants Do, riso of 3o per size to 23c largo size. Children separate vests and pants lleccttl line, haavy, 10c, rise 5c per size to 15c largo size. Children's wool vests and pants 25c to $1.00 per Garment. Men's lleeco lined eiitra heavy Pants or shirts COc per garment. OMtirrg: Flannels. Extra lino puality at fie. Heavy llueced outing", 10, 12J andr15c. Finest thing mado for underskirts, -h &) Other grades outing 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Jc. IMderdown For infant's cloaks, 20, 25, -IOj to $1.00. Blankets. Cottcn blankets, full 10 1 double blankets, 42u per pair. . Mixetl cotton ami wool 10-1 blankets $2.50 to $3.00 per pair. All wool 10-1 blankets $3.00, $3.j0, $4, $1 50, $5 00 to $G 00. Comforts. Extra largo size Silkoliuo comforts, lino cotton, tied with Saxony yarn, 81.G0, $1 75, $2 00, $2 50, $2.75. Q lilted cot comforts 00c to $1.50.' Yarns. Our fall stock of yarns is now on dis play, and you will find it to your interest to call and examine our stock. Cream white Shetland ll iss,also colors at 10v per sknln. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft iii- -' WHCKETSiKNDiCHPES.f Come and examine our line of new fall Jackets and Cages. Jackets in 27 inch, 30 inch and 45 inch lengths. Our stock in this line .is all of the latest styles and prices lower than the lowest. Colors blacks, castors, tans, greys and modes, reds, blues and browns. 1 1 We do not claim to have the only stock of new goods in town, but we doclaim our line of new jackets are the best to be obtained for the money. 1 I 2LV' s m m m m m ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 9J ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft f ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft.. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft & The Hawaiian women's club at Hon olulu debated the question : Is it better to take Rocky Mountain Tea hot or cold?" Either way it magnifies your pleasure. C. L. Cutting. . . m Farm for Sale. Half section, live miles from Red Cloud, lino land, first-class improve ments. bargain if sold soon.. Ad dress J. W. Wallin. Red Cloud, Neb. Educate Tour Dowela With Caacareta. Candy Cathartic, care constipation forever. lQe.38c. It a O. O. (all, druggists refund money. IRADEMeS XvXJMBER OO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL. building, material, Bto. ' We, the jury, llml that tho deceased camo to hs death from heart failure, caused by not taklrg llhcky Mountain Ttta madu by Madison Modlolno Co. DOC. C. I . 'Amlng-. School Report. Report of Dist. 85 in Garfield town ship, Webster couuty, for tho month ending September 27, 1001. Number of pupils enrolled, ito. Average attendance, 27. Number of pupils tardy, it, Tto following pupils wero neither absent or tardy during tho month; Hussell Amack, Wesley Street, Henry Hansen, Louis Kont, Maggie Robinson, haunt Harris, Vernon Harris, Archio Harris, Ircuo Ivent, C:irrieStroet. Ikssk A. A11.KS, Teacher. Campbell University. Twenty professor), 400 students. (Sntid accommodations. Carfaro refund ed. Free use of text books. Hoard $1 50 per week Courses: Preparatory, h irmal, classical, commercial, music, shorthand, telegraphy, oto. Library and laboratory facilities. Commercial upilpmont ; tiiiu begins catalogue K N 4 'omptctii. rii si wuuer Nov', 12, 1001. Sertd for Johnson, President, Holton, Kansas, You Can Lead a Horse to water but you can't nake him drink. You can't make him ca' :ither. You can stuff food ir. .0 a thin man's stomach bu .hat doesn't make him use it. Scott's Emulsion can mak him use it. How? By mak Mig him hungry, of course Scott's Emulsion makes a thin 'jody hungry all over. Thought 1 thin body was naturally hun jry didn't you ? Well it isn't. A thin body is asleep- not working gone oil a strike. It doesn't try to useys food. Scott's Emulsion wakcs it ip puts it .to woj-k again waking new flesh, Vhat'sthe way to got fat. Send for free sample. s 'oWfi HOWNR. Clicmliu. wV-adSt, N.V SJcamlfLco, all lUiggMi, ;5SSS-Sgs?S Red cloud. Nebraska W. B. ROBY, DKAI.KB IN Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn, Baled Hay and Coal Oil. HARD - ANrO - SOFT - COAI. No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-, Phone No, 51. PLATT & FREES CO., Chicago - Lumber - Vard. REDIOLOUDNEHUASKA. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement, & K H M X ji & 1, 4, , ...w, l.