The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 04, 1901, Image 1

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Never has this great store prosentcd more attractive merchandise; never
have the goods been so well worthy your attention.
"There's a Good Time anead of every
shopper who comes here."
Full measure of quantity and quality in referring to our large stock of
Dress Goods and Suitings. We will give absolutely free with
every dress pattern amounting to 50c yd. or over
From now, to November 1st, "Gratis,"
ii yds Cambric. , 6 yds. best Stiffening. ij yds. Selicia.
1 set Dress Stays. 1. Spool Silk.
Feeling assured you will take advantage of this great sale we ask you to
compare our goods and prices with others. Our goods are marked
in plain figures. No advance of price but use this method of
reducing our large stock.
Plnin Hlnck Goods, our prices 18c to 81 2.'5 yd.
Henriettas nnd serges, out price 20o to SI .10 yd.
Crepon effect, GOo to $2.00 yd.
44 inch Flnnnols colors red, tnn, bluo und gray, 30c yd.
All wool suitings .30c to 81.10 yd.
Pliiids nnd Novelties-, our price 12Jc to $1.00 yd.
Our new Jackets and Coats this season are more than we claim
them. They are mad? of fine all wool Kerseys and all can be suited
style quality and price.
Jackets 27 inches long $4.00 to $12.50.
Coats 42 inches long $13.50 to $20.00.
Ladies' Cloth Jacket, made 27 inches long from fine quality all wool
Kersey.lined throughout with twilled mercerized lining; fastens with
handsome horn buttons, entire edges of garment beautifully tailor stitched
cannot be matched for the price, $6.00. '
No. 3085 Ladies cloth Jacket, made 27 inches long, from extra fine
all wool Kersey, lined throughout with heavy guaranteed satin, extra
fancy pearl buttons; entire garment finished with numerous rows of tailor
stitching, comes in black and castor; a high class garment, price $12.50.
No. 6132 Ladies cloth coat, made 42 inches long from extra fine
qnality of all wool Kersey; lined throughout with rich guaranteed satin
lining, fastens wilh handsome pearl buttons; front and yoke cut in pretty
design and finished with fine cluster rows of stitching, comes in black and
castor, price $20.00.
We Print Sale Bills of I
Any Kind or Size.
From the Kautas Malt and llreeti,
An alocky youth who was visiting
tlio mid-way during a street fair wns
having n vuat denl of fun with 0110
of those rubber return bulls. For n
good while the young mnti continued
to pelt everybody that passed with
that ball. It annoyed a good many of
the people and made some of them n
trillo hot, and onco in a while a party
woul I give tlio youth a few samples of
his opinion in icgnrd to people who
tnndu uuisnneus of themselves in gon
eral and those with rubber bulls in p. r
lie u I ar, hut ns no one stopped to lay
violent hands on the young mnn his
feeling of enjoyment increased. The
fautthatit annoyed tlio ptoplo added
to his stock of j y and ho cackled an
idiotic ciickIo as ho throw the ball with
greater vigor. After a whilo there
came one of those maidens who did tho
lira danco and other feats of grace and
agility. Tho maiden didn't look to be
so very big, but a careful view of her
person showed that she was muscled
like a husky hired man. As sho passed
the ulccky youth, going on her way
from ono booth to nnothor, ho play
fully hit her on tho noso with his littlo
rubber return ball and then started to
give his oheorful and idiotic ohucklo.
Hut somehow tho dancing maid did
not seem to fall in wilh the young
man's idea of a joke. She didn't say a
word but simply turned and swatted
him on tho point of tho jtw with her
right. By tho time the alocky youth
had recovered suflloiently to bo able to
sit up and tako notico tho maiden was
back at her bootli going through tho
firo danco and throwing a costumt
around which tho barker who was talk
ing for the show said had something
over 200 yards of stuff in it. And
when tho akeky youth had sort of
gathered himself together and rocovor
od his knnwlcdpo of directions snfll
cionily to know straight up, ho put tho
littlo rubber return ball in bis pocket
and went out of tho grounds without
saying another word. And it was gen
erally conceded by those who know
tho youth that he really learned mora
wisdom there in two minutes than ho
had learned in nil tho years ho had
been at school.
About tho only way to tench an alcck
wisdom is to jolt hi in good and plenty.
Thero was onco a lawyer who had
somo political suing? that ho under
stood how to manipulate and lie did it
to a furo-you-woll, so that ho llnnlly
landed n good fat position as judge.
After ho got on tho bonch it wns his
habit to get weary every summer time
nnd hio to tho mountains or to somo
cooling lako whero with his family ho
passed tho hot season in right comfort
able shape. It was tho custom when
tho judge and his family took these
summer excursions for tho railroad
companies and the Pullman company
to cough up tho necessary transporta
tion to carry tho whole outlit to their
destination and back ngaiu. If tho
judge had bean questioned as to why
tho railroads and the Pullman company
should do this for him it would havo
bothered him soma to givo asaiisfaa.
tory answer, but just the samo ho ex
pooled the passes and got to thinking
ho had a right to them. Ami as the
judgo and his familv wero seated in the
comfortablo sleeping car a tramp wl.o
wanted to get somewhoro crawled un
der tha coach and located hlmsolf on a
brake rod. It was an hour or two be-
faro the brakemun caught on to tbo
fact tho tramp was under the car, but
when he did tbo way ho yanked him
out from under tho train was indeed a
caution. Tho judge, standing on tho
platform of tho car, saw tho dusty
hobo as ho was hauled out into tho sun
light, nnd wuon tho judge's littlo son
asked his ancestor why they wero pull
ing that tramp out from under the car
he said: "Because, my son, that man
is trying to boat the railroad company
out of a ride," answered tho honored
member of tha judiciary. "And how
much aro wo putting up for our rides?"
naked tho boy. "My son," said tho
judgo severely, "if you don't go in and
sit down and quit asking so many fool
ish quostlons I will turn you across my
urn likely to bo used for gln-Jn-coITooT
ff you know, you wou'U bo
sure to demand
Lion Coffee
which is novnr contnmliintod with
nuy fjlnzlnir of nny sort, cither oimth
or ditto Just puro, fresh, strotiR,
Thsucatoit puckniMtlninrrxiuuL
farm quality anil fmUnwa.
Moral Tho question as to whither a
man is a dcadboat or not dopendn some
times on tho position ho holds.
Unco a family who had a fear of bur
glars, persuaded tho old man to get a
dog The man of tho houso fell in
with tho idea nnd purchased a snuff
colored canine of modium size to watch
the premises. And tho dog who wns
proud of tho fact that ho had been
selected as a guardian, determined
that ho would earn his keep. Tho llrst
night tho dog didn't put in nny time in
slumber at nil, but kept up a barking
at ono thing and another all night.
About every live minutes ho would
mako a grand rush out into tho yard
as if ho saw somothing out tbera that
ought to bo swallowed right away. In
this wny ho managed to keep the wholo
family awake most of the night and
tho lead of tbo familv put on his
clothes four different times to go dawn
and seo what tho dog had treed. Tho
family, and especially the old man,
wero considerably weary the next morn
ing, but they excused tho dog ou tho
ground that ho wasn't familiar with
tho premises nnd that, his actions wero
duo to over zeal. Tho hired girl was
ordered to feed tho dog well and tho
man of tho house even patted him on
tho head. Tho dog concluded that he
huil mado a ten strike iiutl that day ho
put in eleven hours sleeping in order
that ho might bo ready for tho next
night's work. As soon ns tho family
had retired tho dog commenced to re
pent the program of tho previous night
with a few extra frills. That night tho
man of tlio house got up and dressed
ilvo different times, feeling sure each
time that tbo dog must have something.
And whon, along toward morning, the
man becamo convinced that tho dog
was simply disturbing tho atmosphere
with his barks without having any oc
casion for the same, ho wont out and
spoko to him in emphatic acd profane
manner. Sovoral of the neighbor men
nlso cntuo out and gavo their opinion
of a dog that had no mora sense than
to keep the neighbors awake with his
burking and charging around about
nothing. And tho next morning tho
man of tho houso took down a black
snnko whip from whero it had been
banging' in tho stablo and drove the
watch iog from tho premisos. That
afternoon as tlio dog was wandering
around looking for a bone, ho met an
other dog and told him his sorrows.
"My unfortunate friend," remuikcd tho
other dog, "if you had only half as
much dense as you hnvo zeal, you
would havo held that job as long as
you lived."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury
as morcury will surely destroy tho
sonso of smell and completely derange
tho whole system when entering it
through tho mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never bo used oxcopt on
prescriptions from reputable physic
Inn, as tho danngo they do is too fold
tho good you can possibly tlerivo from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Chonoy & Co , Toledo,
O., contains no 'mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
bo suro and get tho genuine. It is tak
en internally, and mado in Toledo, O.,
by b J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by druggists, price 75o bottle.
Hull's Family Pills aro tho ben.
How Are Yoar Kidney I
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Account of Their Littleness.
A Kausas pappr asks thoqtiostion,
"llo.v doos it happen so many reform
ers aro dead beats?" Wo suppose it
is on account of tho fact that they
spend so much tiino tending to other
people's business they havo no time to
engage in holiest toil. Without honest
toil they icceivo no recompense and
have to subsist on tho honest toll of
others. We have somo of those poopla
in lied Cloud. Une, n woman, a mem
ber of tho elm rob, a reformer and fa
natic who holiovoj that thoso who do
not bolievo ns stio docs aro cortainly
agents of the keeper of tho black pit.
Shu has reformed so long that sho has
negloctcd to pay us ovor five dollars on
subscription. Who puts sand in tho
dried currants anyhow? Tho contrac
tors on tho big building aro dumping
all their old rubbish In our back yard.
Brick bats, plaster and old mud are
dumped out and tho dust sifts in oh us
in clouds. Hut we'ro uboiI to it, they
nin't tho only ones in town who delight
to throw mud on us. Tho only thing
that hurts is to pay tho sprinkler man
to keep down tho dust in front and
thou bo ablo to writu our namo in tho
dust that has settled on everything in
the room. A paper which knows when
it speaks aright says thntnn ideal homo
is whero thoro is a match snfo iu every
room. Probnbly ho has come home
at night whon he thought nn ideal
homo should havo illuminated, key
holes in tho doors. Thosa Raglan over
coats for women on n slender, dressed-to-kill
girl look all right, but on a fat
old woman, Oh t Lord I You can now
shoot prairio chickens without fear of
tho gamo warden, but you'll havo to
hurry us tho ope'n season only lasts two
months. It is said that Hies do not
woar thoir "specs" on their noses.
It is coming time whon Ic'o cream
soda will bo supplanted by hot drinks
and tho man who nevor indulges will
bo suonking roHnd tho back door hunt
ing for Tom nnd Jerry. A writer of
sunso says, send the hoy who is old
enough, to school, don't lot him loaf,
thero is no nicho on earth, no placo In
hoaven for a loafer. The time is nbout
hero whon the smart aleck young man
will stand in tho postoillco, with a cig
arette botween his tooth, and seo how
full of smoko bo can till tbo room.
Tho yollowhammor with tho giggle will
also bo thero talking with a lot of gig-
liner girls who ought to bo at homo uo
ng the houso work.
Horse Sense
"Any fool can take a horse towaterr
but it takes a wise mnn to make him.
drink," says the proverb. The horse
eats when hungry and drinks when
thirsty. A man eats and drinks by the
ciocic, wmiout- re
gard to the needs of
nature. Because of
careless eating and
drinking "stomach
trouble" is one of
commonest of dLs
eases. Sour and bit
ter risings, bclch
iugs, unnatural ful
ness after eating,
dizziness, headache,
and many other
symptoms mark the
beginning and pro
gress of disease ot
the stomach.
Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discov
ery cures diseases of
the stomach and
other organs of di
gestion and nutri
tion. It cures
through the stom
ach diseases of other
organs which have
their origin in a dis
eased condition of
the stomach, and
allied organs of digestion and nutrition,
It strengthens the stomach, purifies the
blood, cures obstinate cough and heals
weak lungs.
"I wui taken with Grippe, which remitted In
heart unit utomach trouble," writes Mr. T. R.
Caudlll, Montlaud, AHeirhuney Co., N. C I
was unable to do anything' a good part of the
time. 1 wrote to Dr. Vierce about my condition,
having full confidence In his medicine. He ad
vUcd ine to take his ' Golden Medical Discovery,'
which I did. Before I had finished the second
lipttle I began to feet better. I have used nearly
nix bottles. I fcrl thankful to God for the bene
fit I have received from D Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery. I cau highly recommend it to
all persons as a good and safe medicine."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Pellet keen tha
3 1
I bowels healthy. '
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' ; kne, yousg man."