A3 It m "' IP I LP I "" ' i4i Arrow and a Song When Basil Hcthcrlngton was young mul addicted to writing of poetry It chanced that ho know n girl her nnme wan Elolaa Groy, if you want to know nnd ho addressed nil of hla pooma to her. Ho wroto about tho dawn nnd told her she was llko that to him, nnd ho wroto about storm and midnight and said thcao things woro llko hl dreary heart Ho colobrated hor oyes and her golden head, and her llttlo fqot and tho mead ow through which sho walked, and her volco singing In church. Ho lookod nnd longed for aomo acknowl edgment of theso verses, which scorned to him qulto tho most olncoro nnd moving of nny that over were writton. Dut nono came. Elolsa wont hor ways with onlv casual notlco of him. And tho first thing cither of thom know, tho days of childhood and poetry had passed; tho meadows across which sho had walked to school woro built up with houses; Basil Hothorlngton had gono to a largor and dirtier city, and Elolsa went nwny to the far East, and Inter to Europo to study music. Now, though no ono hnd thought much about It In tho old town, It was a fact that sho bad an unusual music al talent. It was crcntlvo nnd orig inal. It sometimes scorned to hor as It sho thought only of music, and ev ery sound sho heard resolved itself Into a part of a harmony for her. Sounds woro chords and discords to her-'-tho whistling of an engine, tho hissing of steam, tho beat of hoofs on the pavement, tho roar of tho town, tho purr of a skiff through tho water, all woro a part of nature's symphony. Sho, who had seemed to horsolf so simple and childish a llttlo tlmo ago, became complex. Sho wondorod at her own Impulses; and tho gonlus within her domlnntod her and sot her to work when oho would fain havo been Idle; It compolled her to relin quish pleasures for tho sako of hor task; sho set aside friendships, that sho might not bo tempted into dal liance. All of hor caro-frco lifo was as a thing of tho past. Great thoughts and Impulses had como to abldo in hor and to control her life. Hor oyer, woro oponed to an npprociatlon of the achievements of tho masters. All that wub domestic In hor sho would havo affirmed was dead or dormant. She lived for tho sako of her art To express In lofty terms tho inspiration of her soul sho felt to be hor destiny. So, by working early and lato, It came about that her gonlus was har nessed; set to a paco; it was lawful, obedient, swift and strong. And Elolsa Grey who had a name which you would all know If it wero to bo told you was a famous woman. Good critics pronounced her work original, beautiful and of haunting characteristics. They said few wom en composers had ever got bo at tho root of harmony; they talked about her muslclanly knowledge; they said sho was a humblo student of tho mas ters, that she obsorvod tho traditions, yot triumphed over hor knowlodgo and mado it her own, and sot tho seal of personality upon all Bho did. Having dono all this, sho fell to sighing and wondorod It It was worth while Tho laws of harmony, sho ro' flectod, were exlstont from tho begin ning. Any ono could discover them; any ono could mako peculiar arrange mqnts of musical notes, dovlso now themes, perceive that soma musical Ideas stood for ono set of emotions, othors tor othor emotions. And attar It was all done, whero was the Joy of It? She went to a dreaming, Im memorial llttlo town on tho Mediter ranean and mopod, not caring much for herself, thinking mighty little of ,fame, alienated from tho lite of her girlhood and feeling moat bitterly alone. ' At the same tlmo a young morchant in hardware back In a dirty and bols teroua town was reflecting that lite was absurd. To toll for tho sake of mere toll; to sloop for tho sake of waking, and to wako for tho sako of more Bleeping by and by, appeared to him to bo a dull gamo, Getting along in business had appeared to him to be difficult at tho beginning, though the business had not bcon at all of his liking. Dut, somehow, ho had suc ceeded. His concern was In corre spondence with many hundred towns; lo was an exportor(of no monn cnter--prlao. To help keep hlmsolt amused Tie built him a homo and furnished it and lived in it, and wondered why ho could not got tho courage to ask any of tho women he knew to marry him. Sometimes as ho sat boforo hla flro In tho quiet of nn evening, after he was woary with reading, ho would lean his head back and muBo for a tlmo, and in tho unguarded moments ho contessod, half unconsciously, to himself that tho reason ho did not marry was because no girl bad ever seemed so sweet to him as Eloisa Groy, to whom ho used to wrlto the ballades, thO lyrlCS, thO lays and rounueiays. wnon no ruiucmuuruu her he was tempted to tako to writing again, but ho laughed at tho Idea of a merchant in wholesale hard,wnro do ing anything so inconsistent, and en deavored to recall his thoughts to commonplace themes. It chanced ono night that, having nothing olso to do, he took a cortaln handsome and stately young lady to a concert at which a popular singer - L - J was to omploy hor talont tor charity. It was a fashionable affair. Tho box es of tho great concort hall had bcon bought nt fancy prices; tho magnifi cent hall was flllod. Basil Mothering ton trlod to feel gratified at tho beauty and fascination ot the womnn with him and who was doing hor best to pleaso him. But the conversation between thom dragged, nnd ho wns glad whon tho singing began; though ho found thnt unlntorosting, too. Then tho famous prima donna came betoro tho audi ence. Sho was to sing a sulto of lovo songs, by a womnn composer, whoso nnmo Hothorlngton had often read, but whoso music ho had novor heard. He felt but n languid interest at first, In splto of tho tendor nnd full-throated boauty of tho singer's volco, but sho had hardly completed tho flrBt stanza before ho sat erect, listening eagerly. Tho words, enunciated with delicato clearness, Bcomod to speak to his own soul. They woro as familiar to him aa though ho had writton thom, nnd, as ho listened, nnd tho song sulto continued, swelling in Its crcscondo of passion, ho know ho had writton thoso words that thoso wore tho Bongs ho had Bent yonrs ago to Elolsa Groy. Ho had heard, too. that Bho hod tal ent In composing, but it hnd novor occurred to him that tho namo of tho famous song writer could bo thnt un dor which his old friend masked hor Identity. As tho songs went on, how ovor, ho was convinced thnt this was tho case Ho could not toll why it wns, but tho soul of tho girl who had never seemed to lovo hlro, and who had put him nsldo with girlish timid ity nnd hautour, appeared to bo speak ing to him now, and to bo declaring hor timorous lovo. He forgot tho woman besldo him; forgot tho throng about him. Ho saw tho meadows be yond tho western town; saw tho old schoolhouso; rememborod tho chaste, shy faco of tho girl who would not look his way, and his heart throbbed in his ears. Tho next day saw him taking a train back to tho town of his youth, which wns now grown nlmost boyond his recollection. Ho found a relative of his old friend there, and ho loarncd hor whereabouts. Should ho wrlto? Or should ho seok hor out? Tho probability of his en tertaining a false premise tormented, him in certain moments.. He said it wns a part of hla old folly to rush to tho conclusion that sho loved him be cause sho sot his songs to beautiful music. Undoubtedly sho had morely used tho matorlal at hand, realizing thnt tho verses adapted themselves well to music. So he told hlmsolt scornfully nnd ovon while ho sneered ho packed his trunk, left his business nnd started for n European vacation. Tho long, golden nttornoon dragged ltsolf out llko a song that is too sweet to eud. Basil Hothorlngton, elated with boauty Biich as ho had novor known, nonked in tho old world peace, forgetful of nil tho frot and fumo of tho life to which ho was used, wan dorlng about tho ancient town by tho Mediterranean on his love quest He asked tho townspeople concerning the American lady. They knew hor nnd told him ot the place whero sho lodged. But Bho was not there. m Tho brooding splendor of the day had "tak en her to tho shoro or nmong tho vincclad hills, ho told hlmsolt. So ho searched, half hoping, half doubting; dreading to mcot hor and suffer disso lution of his dream; yot grudging tho hours which ho passod away from her. It was almost sunsot whon ho camo upon her In n quiet place. Sho sat looking off sadly nt the aea changed, Indcodl A woman 'in tho plentltudo of womanhood, with a woman's mel ancholy and aloofness. But ho had too compelling a curiosity in his heart to permit him to accord any consid eration to his own hesitancy. He went up to her and hold out his hands. "Elolsa." he said, "I have come across tho ocean and sought you out to ask a question ot you." "Why, Basil Hethortngtonl" aho gasped. "I thought you had forgotten me a long time ago!" "Forgotten youl I have remembered bo well that I havo traveled all this way to lnqulro why you choso my words aa tho thomo of your wonderful songs. Was It mero casual selec tion?" "No." "Was It merely critical approval?" "No." "Was It becauso you prized my songs?" "I prized thom. Yes." "For their literary merit or, for their porsonal message?" "You nro making It hard for mo." 'Why?" "You aro cheating mo ot tho wom an's part. You aro making mo do claro myself it is I who should llston." "Then you did lovo tho songs? It was a happlnoss to you to Bing them as it wns to mo to wrlto them? You know I lovod you. You rememborod aftor all theso years." "Oh, yes, Basil, I rememborod.' "Then, why, in the old days, did you never let me know you cared for thom? I thought you never read thom." "And I thought you wroto thom to mo merely becauso I chanced to bo at hand. I thought you woro a poet and that I was an Incldont that you ,-,,, hnVft wrtrfin nn tn nnv nnn nr I "" - ' - .....-,- , ww, w. porhaps did wrlto verses llko thoso you sent mo to many othors." Ho laughed a long tlmo beforo ho could answer, nnd there was both amusoment and joy in his laughter. "I novor wrote any vorses at all ex cept to ypu," ho said. "I novor was a ,poet except whon I thought of you. It was only my lovo for you that made mo sing." Sho looked at him smilingly. "My art novor scorned worth whllo to mo except whon I set your words In rauslo," aho said, The sun Ellppod over tho horizon. Tho lqng, golden afternoon was dono. Chicago Tribune. To analyzo lovo too closely. Is to euro ono's aolt of It Psycho lost It by wlsl. ing to know what It was. THE END OF SUMMER. VoAa arc tho poppies, and slim spires of puds Tho hollyhocks; tho balsam's pcerly bredes ' Of loso-Mnlncd sr.ow arc llttlo sacs of floods Collapsing at a touch; tho loto, tint sods Tho pond with grden, has changed Its llowcra to rods That balance cell-pierced disks; and all tho weeds. Around the sleepy water and Its roods, Aro ono whllo smoke of seeded silk thnt nodv. Bummer Is dead, ah met sweet summer's doadl . Tho sunset clouds have built her funer al pyre, Through which, o'en now, runs subter ranean (Ire; While from tho cast, as from a garden hod, Mlst-vlned, tho dusk lifts her broad moon, llko some Grout golden melon, saying, "Fall has comp." Madison Cawcln in Septombcr Century. The New Tailored Skirt Tho Btrcot skirts havo roached tho oxtreme. Thcro will bo tho unusually long, trailing skirt, slondcr, tight-fitting and graceful, that will bring about n rovlval ot tho scientific ml crobo lecturo, nnd thoro will also bo a short skirt of even longth all around that to bo exactly proper will hang Just two inches from tho floor. Cloth buttons, rows and rows of fino stitching, straps, appliquo of the samo matorlal as the skirt, cut in conven tional scroll pattern and heavily stitched, will bo tho only trimming used for theso now skirts, but as all of tho now models aro dono in two or all of theso styles tho effect is ono of par adoxical elegance, elaborato with the sklrt-stttched trimming and simple be causo of tho absence of braid, gilt and laco. Tho very nowest modols nro mado with flvo or Bovcn narrow gores. The center gore Is often Bet In with a panel effect, which 1b mado by tho flounco at tho bottom ending at tho seams of tho front gore, or else it Is produced by n yoko In back and across tho hips that 'Is cut from tho samo plcco as is tho front goro, and ,1s outlined with stitching, which begins in back and runs along tho edgo of tho yoke, and then down to front scams to the end of tho skirt. Tucks and broad plaits will do away ontlroly with darts of nny sort. Nearly all of tho skirts aro set on yokos ot some description or yokes aro outlined by stitched straps, or the cloth np pllqucd in tho scroll design. Tho street skirts, both long and short, fit very tight over tho hips and to the knees, whero they aro finished in eith er a circula Spanish flounce or flaro scams. The straps and applique aro ornamented with large cloth buttons. Tho habit back Is as decidedly gone as is tho polntod waist lino. Small in verted plaits give a scant fullness .to tho back. Ono plait 1b moro popular, but two and threo aro a mark of the season'H newness. A graceful Btylo for a very long skirt shows ten small plaits turned in and held down by stitched straps reaching juBt across tho plaits and finished with buttons, says tho Chicago Evening Post. Tho circular flounco Is the result ot tho ruffled summer skirt It unlshcs the very smartest models. It Is a graduated flounco always, and is often double or oven triple It Is usually very high In back and narrow in front, often narrowing to nothing, where the front goro roaches to tho floor. This flounco gives tho fluffy effect about the feet, tho samo as does tho ruffled skirt. All of tho short skirts aro mado with tight linings, and tho trailing ones aro made with drop skirts. Tho colors and materials are as ex treme as tho styles. Tho zlboltno or canvas weaves, charo popularity with broadcloth and Venetian cloth, which is really a light weight broadcloth. Tho canvass wcavn Is coming from London with colored borders for sleeves, collars, fronts of coats and tho bottom f skirts., Thoro is green with a lavender border, red ondlng fancifully In tan and bluo or brown with tan. But tho vory smartest things for tho fall skirts will bo the light shades in tho canvas wcavo, or tho old-fashioned "basket" cloth. There aro beautiful Prussian blues mixed bo with white ns to bo vory light and show almost a satin gleam; there Is ollvo green that merges almost to yellow In tho samo way; thoro Is a glorious gray that shows up pearl; a modo Bhado that is really cream colored, and then there is white, puro whlto, to bo mado the samo as tho othors, trimmed only In stitches and cloth appliquo. Theso vory light shades aro distinctly Pa risian. Just now women nro buying everything whlto in Paris, from tholr shoes to tholr bolts, and from their belts to tholr hnts, A Illmalftran Dairy. Eight thousand feet above tho sea level, In tho heart of tho Himalaya mountains, within seeing dlstanco of snow covered Mt. Everest, and three miles from any road savo tho beaten toot path of natives and ponies, hill, rock and cloud bound such Is tho lo cation of tho subject ot this lotter, writes J. E. Nlssloy lu Chicago Prod uce Whllo leisurely strolling through tho publte bazaar (market) ono morn ing in Calcutta I noticed tho sign, "Fresh Butter Mado by tho Allgharl Dairy." Of course I was dollghted to soo so familiar a term as "fresh but ter" and immediately learned all I could concerning it, and especially tho placo at which tho butter was mado. To my Burprlso, I was informed that tho dairy was nearly 500 miles distant pnrt of tho way on horseback or afoot only; but as I had a dcslro to see tho mountains, and n most novel rallrmd of two fcot gauge, I at onco concluded to visit tho place. Tho nearest railroad point Is Ghoom. Hero I hired a llttlo moun tain pony on whoso back I complotod tho last threo miles, nnd 1,000 foct as cent of tho trip. Quito n number of tho cowb nro kept here, most of which nro natives being n sort of cross between Jor Bcys nnd our commonest scrub; thoy givo on an nverago nbout flvo pounds of milk per day. I wns unable- to learn, however, how it tested and can thorcforo say nothing as to Its qual ity, nlthough my observation would lead mo to bcllovo that it Is not very rich in butter fat. Tho cows nro fed somo grain, mostly corn, which grows on tho mountains, but tho greater part of their subsistonco is tho grass which grows luxuriously on tho mountain sides. Thero nro no fences, and if tho cows aro picketed, as with us in Kansas, it Is not to keep thom from wandering away, but to protect them from tho possibility of tumbling down tho hill, which Is actually so stoop us to mako it a qulto rcasonnblo pro caution. Milking is all dono by natives who do not exhibit very much develop ment in tho art A DoLaval separa tor Is used for skimming, and so far as tho equipment of tho dairy, as well as of tho stable, is concorncd, It Is up to date, woll arranged and a great credit to Its owners (whom I failed to meet, much to my regret). All tho product from this dairy is carried to tho railway station and nenr-by towns on tho backs of coolies (tho lowest ensto of men), who nro paid tho piti ful sum of 2 annas a day (about 4c). Well, in ono sense, their hlro is not pitiful aftor all, as they live qulto well on that sum, their needs being ex tremely limited. You say, "Why this dairy In bo out-of-the-way place." Possibly whon I toll you that down at Calcutta, on the sea level nnd plain, tho temperature is from 100 to 130 degrees F. in tho sun, with poor water nnd uncertain pasture, tho query will most likely bo answered. I have seen other dairies In India, both goat and buffalo, about which I would llko to wrlto, but sufllco to say I havo had tho product, from theso latter dairies long -enough to do me for mnny years, and I long for something moro American. Oh, for a drink of genuine cow's milk for butter that has an aroma. A Terrier Fight. Rough-houso Is tho expression used by tho boy of today when ho is de scribing a general scufllo, and ho al ways smacks his lips over tho word, says tho American Boy, But rough houso has its disadvantages, as many sprains and bruises can testify, and If the same amount ot fun may bo had from somo less trying amusoment, an amusement, say, which Is qulto as en ergetic and qulto as exciting, tho boy ot today will certainly adopt it In pref erence to rough-house. A terrier fight is exciting, nnd it is funny it is also energetic and victory doponds qulto as much upon tho skill of tho fighter as upon his strongth. Furthermore, a terrier fight Is not bru tal. No boy will hurt hlmsolt while engaged In this sport. As shown In the illustration, two boys are placed facing each other In the center of a room; handa clasped beneath the knees and a stick just under tho elbows, as shown. Each contestant endeavors to push tho other over; but as it requires considerable attention to keep your balance at all when in this position, tho attack Is no easy matter. To suddenly glvo wny is a maneu ver almost suro to upset your adver sary, but unfortunately It Is very apt to upset you at tho samo time, and only after considerable practice will you bo abio to overcomo a man In this way. Tho pivot, a sudden swing to tho right or left, Is safer, though not qulto as effective. Always remember that the best terrier fighter invariably makes his opponent throw himself. Glvo way at somo unexpected point, and unless ho is a skilful man ho Is suro to go over. Novor try n hard push except In the last oxtromlty when everything olso has failed. A terrlor light consists of threo ono mlnuto rounds, with thirty seconds' rest between each round. Tho ono scor ing tho largest number of falls dur ing tho tlmo set Is accounted tho win ner. Confldenoa. Ono morning a big, muscular groom said to his employer: "I can't exor cise that horse any more. Ho will bolt and run at anything ho sees." 'Tho ownor, a small man and HI at tho tlmo, asked that tho horso bo hooked up. Stepping into tho carriage- ho drove a couplo of miles, and then asked the groom to pleaso station along the road such objects ns the horso was afraid of. This was dono, and tho horso was driven by them quickly, back and forth, with loose lines slapping on bis back. Tho wholo secret was In a volco that Inspired confldonco. Tho man hnd boon frightened at everything ho saw that ho supposed tho horso would fear. Tho fear wont to tho horso liko nn elec tric message Then cnmo.a punishing pull ot tho lines, with jerking and tho whip. Talk to your horso as to your sweetheart Exchange. VjiAj.,(w;w.tj,,....1.iiv.,,,.sw'".J' , Wires and Weather, According to Dr. Eydam, a Gorman physician, thoro aro no moro reliable weather prophota than tolegraph wires. This novol discovery was mado by him in tho following manner: As hn was waiting for n train at n country sta tion ho heard a shrill sound, which was mado by tho wind as It passed through a network of nearby wires. At ones tho doctor remomborcd that ho had fre quently henrd a Blmllar Bound either immediately beforo or after a storm or a heavy fall of rain or snow, and it naturally occurred to him to try and nscortain whbther thoro was any con nection between tho sound and such chunges in tho weather. As a heavy ahowcr of rain toll with in 48 hours aftor ho had heard the sound nt tho railroad station, ho con cluded that thero was such a connec tion, and ho then, dotormlncd to inves tigate tho matter thoroughly. As a re sult ho now maintains, first, that any unusual disturbance in tho tolegraph wires is an lnfalllblo indicator of bad weather, and, socond, that tho nature of tho changes in tho atmosphere may bo learned from tho sound which the wind makes whon passing through tho wires. Thus a deep sound, ho says, which Is ot considerable or medium strength, indicatos thnt thcro will bo slight showers of rain with moderato winds within from 30 to 48 hours, and, on tho othor hand, a sharp, shrill sound is tho suro token of a heavy storm, which will bo accompanied by much rain or snow. Mature' ltemllei. Thcro scorns no excuse for tho con tinual uso of drugs it tho samo reme dial effects aro to bo found in tho moro palatable form of vegetables and fruits. Doc3 tho system demand sulphur? Wo And it in turnips, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress and horserad ish. Tho much-maligned potato is rich in salts of potash. French beans nnd lentils glvo iron. Watercress con tains n sulpho-nltrogenous essential oil, Iodine, Iron, phosphato and othor salts, nnd spinach salts of potassium and Iron in such quantities that the French term it "the broom of the stomach," and food specialists rate it as tho most precious ot vegetables, says an exchange. , In cases of anaemia, cabbage, cauli flower and spinach proved distinctly beneficial. "Lovo apples," our modern tomato, stimulated tho healthy action of the liver. Asparagus was beneficial In kidney troubles. Colery was a sure cure for rheumatism and neuralgia. Tho carrot formed blood and added to tho beauty of tho skin. Beets and tur nips kept the blood puro and improved the appetite. Watercress, like asparagus, was good for tho kidnoys and was a stimulant to mind and body. Lettuce was extremely benoilclal for tired nerves and tho lassitude peculiar to spring. Parsloy proved nn excellent tonic and also cleared tho complexion, whllo tho wholo nrray of "greens," mustard, cowslip, horseradish, dock, dandelions, young beet tops, and oven stalks ot tho milk weed, wero religiously added to tho springtime bill ot faro, to clear tho blood, rcgulato tho system and remove that tired fooling, bo closely associated with tho vernal season. Fish Hunter. Sovoral animals that employ projoc tllea in capturing their prey aro known to naturalists. This may not seem bo wonderful in regard to mammals and Insects, but whon it comes to fish one is apt to wondor what they can use for this purpose A fow drops of wa ter seem hardly sufficient for any ef fective service, yet this is tho main re liance ot the toxus jaculator in obtain ing his food. Ho is found in tho rivers of India, and lives chiefly on the in sects that wander over the leaves of aquatic plants. To wait for them to fall Into tho wa ter would result in meager fare; to capture them by leaping would bo dif ficult, ovon if tho noise caused by tho act did not frighten thom away. Tho toxus knows a bottcr trick than that Ho draws in somo drops of water, and then, contracting bis mouth, ejocts them with such forco and certainty that they rarely fall to bring down the insect aimed at. Thero la another fish In Java that acts in this manner and can striko a fly at a distance of several feet. Tho Chincso keep tho curious fish In jars and amuso themselves by making them carry on this llttlo oxcrclse. Virtues of lluttermllk. Tho virtues of that old-fa3hlonod and easily procured drink, buttermilk, have not beon half sung theso days. Physicians say that Us lactic acid Is even moro healthful than tho citric acid ot oranges and lemons. It Is credited, too, by thoso who should know, as being of valuo to a rheu matic patlont It has been found to bo both nourishing and fattening, as woll as remarkably easy of assimila tion. If Ukod nt all it is undoubtedly a 'better drink in summer than many of the carbonated, artificially flavored drinks that aro consumed lu almost unlimited quantities. Buggestloni. It is woll to uso old or cheap tablo linen In tho summor time, so as not to havo the best covorod with fruit stains. It Is said that borax dissolved In a llttlo water and nddod to cold starch will prevent tho starch from adhering mk to tho iron, help3 to stiffen tho Hntni and makes it glossy. - A fow drops of oil nnd a good rub- blng with pumlco stone will holp Irons covered with rust Also heating tho Irons and rubbing with n flaunol cloth dipped In korosone. To keep fish novor put ono on top of nnother, but wring a clean cloth out of cold wator in which somo salt has bcon dissolved. Wrap tho fish sepa rately In this, lay on a dish and keop in tho coolest placo possible. Bodroom candles aro again popular, yj Such pretty artistic candlesticks may be bought for a small sum and the work ot tho housekeeper greatly less ened. In cooking onions nnd cabbage plonty ot wator should bo used, and it is woll to chango it at least onco, be causo of tho strength of tho flavors. ' Thoro nro many pretty ways of serv ing salad. Scoop out a cucumbor and fill with tomnto or nny kind of salnd. Tho top or rather tho Bido of the cucumber may be replaced and tho wholo tied together nnd sorved on let tuce. Tho ribbon is untied nnd tho top slips off, when It is ready to bey eaten. A cabbage salad garnished with parsloy nnd radishes with tho skin cut down makes a pretty dish. Green peppers nnd tomatoes mako pretty cases for salad. Borax 1b uscrul in mnny ways. By adding a fow spoonfuls to tho warm wator In tho wash basin one's hands are cleansed and softonod. Bathing' tho feet nt night with warm water with borax in it removes tho soreness and roughness. When troubled with hives sponge with borax wator. It la also said to bo efficient as a gargle for soro throat Many housekeepers uso it for laundry purposes, putting a pint in each tub of wator. Dry borax Is useful to drive away ants. Coffee. A coffeo man who has spent thirty years in the business says ho cannot tell samples of coffee varying In price one from another. That in tho main a poor grade of coffeo well and carefully, mado will give bettor results than a good grade of coffeo indifferently steeped. With a good many cooks "coffeo boil ed is coffoe spollod," nnd In tho lead lng restaurants tho "drip" pots with the Irish linen bags aro used. To each quart of hard boiling water one nnd one-half ounces of ground cof feo. Pour the water through the coffeo until the infusion Is of tho requisite strength, keeping tho Infusion Just to the verge of boiling, but not boyond. Within seven minutes tako tho cylin der and bag out of tho coffeo and for ' three to Ave minutes keep tho coffee to the verge of boiling. Thon servo at once. There aro thoso who do not llko drip coffeo at home, who like tho whlto ofi egg stirred in th'e coffeo and tho In fusion brought to tho boiling point In all restaurants and hotels, however, tho French coffeo Is served. "Tho person who Is fastidious In his tastes would find bettor results today if ho had his coffeo carefully browned at homo In small quantities, just as he used it Thero aro Just two reasons for tho drinking of coffee. Perhaps tho chief of theso Is tho subtle flavor of tho aro ma. Following this comos tho stimu lating after-effect ot tho caffolne. ft Is said that a person needing a cup of coffee gots n moro pronounced and lasting stimulant from tho coffeo than' would a drlnkor from ono drink oif whisky. Unllko alcohol, caffeine is easily digestible. There Is no appreciable food valuo in a cup of coffeo. Tho cream that goes into It is nil right and Is not af fected in nutrltlvo value by the mix ing. Tannic acid is tho thing to bo avoid ed In coffee making. Boiling extracts it, or too long submersion in hot wat er. Tho tannic acid Is the bitter qual ity and is undesirable in every way. The extent to which the people of tho United States are interested in the general subject of coffeo may bo gath ered from the estimated importations! of 550,000,000 pounds annually, a con sumption of nearly eight pounds to each person In tho country. As com pared to this abroad, however, Holland consumes twonty-ono pounds per capi ta, Denmark 13.89, Belgium 13.48 and Great Britain only ono pound. As an artlclo of commerce, the his tory of tho coffee berry Is protty woll known. Tho berry is tho sood of a small cherry growing upon a tropical plant first found wild on tho plains of AbyBsinla. Tho Dutch East Indies mado tho first experiments outsldo of Arabia in 1690, when tho Island of Java was selected na an experimental floldf1 Slnco that tlmo coffeo culture has spread to tho tropics of nearly every part of thoxlvllizcd world. Tho coffeo cherry Ib flrst deprived of its pulp by a washing procoss, which leaves tho doublo coffeo berry in a husk. Whon this husk is dried it is cracked by machinery and tho grains separated. Theso grains afterward aro Bized by passing through screens and put In bags for marketing. Thero are flvo thousand two hundred nnd olghty-two Smiths employed b tho government Ono thousand five hundred and twenty-threo Joneses. Ono thousand ono hundred and two Browns and ono thousand and four Johnsons. Thoro nro eighteen Goorgo Wnshlngtons, two William McKlnloys, threo William Bryans, and two Grovor Clovelands. Somo ono truly says: Boys do' not hunt rabbits with bull dogs; why thon, hunt for activity and eggs with boefy hens? Shnpo la Important but placo performance besido it ns a complex teat For eggs nlono, the Mediterra nean brocdB excel, For flavor, the Asiatics aro ahead. W wHaMu)iaiatMMwMi mm'