The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 20, 1901, Image 1

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iAttBf IfU I ii ii"WpfrMMeielBHeHBMBHeiyett
lUNm:h:;l1lia!n"!;l'.iLg ltF HI- itiTJaWmneeeMeeMaeeeeKKeeB
K2-;!i;f 1H 7 f jt; -t -7Tg9irY.y HPbeMBT 7JbeJTeeeeFefeeeeeeeeer Bft jkH VfSBeBBBeVIP'BBBBLBHsDr 1 I I I w 1 kK fr J jBSBE-t m.. i'j I v'u '..Mrfcg-JBSEIJj "K3ele5iii. I ItiSiglllf fiiiifeBMSBsT
For "twenty-four years" we have pounded away to attain two objects. One
was to secure and letain the confidence of our customers: the
to our motto:
"Good Honest. Goods at Cheap Goods Prices!
In these days of cheap and trashy merchandising, when glittering promises seem
to take the place of real merit, we have good cause to congratulate our
selves on our forethought. Our customers as a rule do not want
'shoddy goods and have learned that the greatest money
saving is affected by purchasing reliable mer
chandise in every case.
you will no doubt improve some of
your time looking over our
large stock of
We have arranged to make it as conw
venient for you as possible and our
prices will be found the lowest.
Pliiin Mack Goeds, our prices 18o to f 1 25 yd.
Henriettas and nrge". om price 20j to 31.10 yd:
Crcpon rffecis, 50o to $2.00 yd.
14-inch Flannels colors red. tan, blue and gray,
30o yd.
All wool suiting J$0c to 81.10 yd.
Plaids and Novelties, our price 12Ji: to $1.50 yd.
Our New Flannelaines.
We have a handsome layout of these
and our low price during this sale is 8c
yd. Other grades at 12$, 15, 20c.
Regular price on all Calicoes.
Turkey Red, 5c yd.
Black and white, 5c d.
Silver Grnyn and Indigu Blues, On yd.
Percales, 1 yard wide, 8c.
-1,000 yat dn Standard calicoes, n many pat
terns as you want, 10 yurds for 32o.
Regular Price Muslin Sale.
Lower than others special sale prices;
Lonsdale or fc rait of the Loom; our price OJe
Farmer's Choice hleaehtd, Go d.
A cond bleached muslin tit 4o jo.
Andm-Min's 1.. L. unbleached at Cu yd.
Medium weight unbleached at 4c yd.
ThelOuting Flannel Season
is herd fcWe want you to see our large
stock and offer you good inducements.
12 J and lfio outings our low Price, lOoyd.
10o outings, our low price 8c yd.
8c outings our low pi ice 5o yd.
2,000 yutds short lenth outings at 8c yd.
Fancy Waist Flannels.
'.'J and 3 yd short length HOu to H0o yd,
Apron Chock, our price 5o yd.
Dress Ginghams, regular lOu line at Go yd.
Ladies' Wrappers.
, Percalq.wrappers,,75clo$1.50.
Also a large assortment or Ladies' Fleeced
wrappers, ' ' '
Ladies' Belts.
We have a new line of the latest
Belts and Girdles made from the soft
est silks and velvets.
Our price 15o to $1.23.
About Blankets.
Those soft, fleecy, medium weight
blankets will be very useful these cold
Size 10 1 our price 40o dhIi.
C.iiton, heavier weigh tat 05c, 75e to 81-60.
15 dozen regular 50., J0u, 75u and $1.00 Cor
sets, our price 41c each.
Honest wear and honest money is
what every shoe buyer wants and ex
pects. That's what we always give
you. Every shoe in our stock is sefect
ed with a view to obtain the very best
service a shoe can give for the price
LaUinMnValf Sk,1V,,,nMi regular price $1.75 to
$2 00, we will close out the entire line at
$1 50 pair.
Regular $1 50 Uongola, to close ut $1.25
Ladies' hue Vici Kid shoes at $2 00. $2,50 to
$4 00 pair.
Children's school shoes at 90o to $l,fi0
Mon's and boys' plow shoes $1 3fi to $i 75.
Mon's line footwear $2,00 to $!) 00,
When you come here for groceries
you have a wide range for selection.
I he nice things which tempt the appe
tite and sustain the body.
Fresh fruits and vegetables.
Highest market prices paid for pro
duce. Sewing Machines.
We're headquarters (or late im
proved, medium priced sewing ma
chines. Tho "Field" hall hearing, our price, hich
arm, 820.00.
The "Field" hall bearing, our price drop
h-nd $25 00. '
TI10 "New Model" drop head, our price $111 00
Also the "Vindex" 813 00.
There's a reason for most everything
and the reason for the remarkable sue
success in our furniture trade is found
. in the word, "Dependable."
Iled room suit, 3 piei'M. hard wood, $14 80.
Cano seal diners, sepgi.b'O.
TJane sent rockere, $1 25.
Small siatf bed springs, regular $1 50 at $1.25.
Small elze bed springs, regular $2.00 ut $1.50.
Mequcttr caruels, nisde, $1 00 per yard,
Ingrain, 1 II won), who pattern, 45u yd.
Sowing mall grain is the order of
the day, as many are sowing from ton
to 100 Acres o( wheat and rye.
The corn is littler than wo expected.
Chas. Barrett lias the best seen and
my opinion is he has ono twcntvllve
acre piece that will make twemy or
twenty-lire bushels per ucre.
Harvey Merrill near Pleasant Grove
school house is entitled to the wheat
belt and the sack of Hour ( tho Loba
non mills. He had thirty-two bushels
per acre.
Charles Arbuckle has the fourth
crop of tilfullu nearly cut end on one
two acre piece it 1ms made over two
tonpefactc ouch cutting or over six
teen tons of buy for the hub.II piece of
Potatoes are our poorest crop as
many have not raised enough to do
the as on account of the dry weather
and bugs.
Mrs. Wm. Mackey is still on tho sick
liet and no better.
Peaches are ripo and selling from 75
cents to $1.50 per bushel in urcordanco
to quality.
Allen Carpenter has gono northwest
with a wagon toad of peaches for sale.
Spencer Potter returned heme last
weak from his visit to the old homes in
Iowa and New York. Mrs. Potter's
sister of Muscatine, Iowa, came with
him on a visit.
Two big meetings are being carried
tin at present in our townshl, Rev.
Williamson of Coffee county, Kansas,
and formerly of this part is holding a
series of meetings at Oriole and one of
the state evangelists of Iowa, Rev.
Ingruin is also conducting a meeting at
the Union church near Jack Brown's.
It will pay you one and all to hear
each of them as they are a little extra
preachers for this country.
Mrs. Maynard from near tho river
was visiting on our creek this week.
Mr. Hicks from near Rod Cloud was
looking after peaches in our part this
C. C. Cutter of Red Cloud was in
this neighborhood on business last
L. H. Rust and lady visltod on our
crook this week. Ho bought some line
fruit while out here of Mr. Arbuckle.
Jack Frost was a visitor on our creek
last Monday night, though he was not
hungry enough to bite anything and so
he did no harm. Ha may not bother
any more for two or three week and
then the farmers will not care if he
does come.
Ceph Rosoncrans of Walnut Creek
was doing business in this part recently-
with stale eggs, glue
and other things arc
not fit to drink.
Lion Coffee
is pure, uncnatcd
coffee f resit, strong,
well flavored.
Tlii mmiHM iinckftfiptii
1 urm uniform duality
Rim iramntMii.
Womer is still on tho boom, another
house in town. This time It ii a Stack
house. Born to Mr. and Mrs., a
boy. Usual Kansas weight. Mather
and boy doing tino.
Peachss seem to be plenty aid prices
are good at Womer.
Why is it Dr. Morrison goes south
vest of town so often somu ene must
be sick out there.
Al. Garner and (Jee. Hummel were
at Wowtr Suaday.
Tho mill is a grand success.
Miss May Roseacrans was the guest
of Miss Winiie Mooro Sunday.
Mr. Ormsby's houso is to be oro of
the tineit in town.
Andy Poulson preached ut Womer
Sunday morning and evening to large
audiences. Andy is a favorite with
Womer people.
J. Rosoncrans was visiting with
Uncle Dan Sunday.
Homer Bergard was at Womer Sun
day. Every farmer around Womer is either
putting in wheat or cutting corn.
Ans. Pouads lost n vnlurble herso
ono day this wook.
Mr. Sablo has given up the mail
route and is working in a livery barn.
Ed. Malhes shipped a load of hogs
Mathci Dro9. have about four hun
dred head of hegs.
Come to Womer and sco a live tow.
m '
Tho old SHitltti'H of Smith and JewHI
counties Kansas, and Webster oouuty,
Nebraska will hold areuninu in J. M.
Browns grove near the new church at
Judson, October 3d, 1001. Not only
old settlors but everybody come and
bring your wife, if you haven't got a
wife bring your best girl or sitter or
some body elses sister. Come and
have a good time. It has been put off
later than it would hnve been so as to
givo the farmers a chance to get their
wheat sowed and their fodder cut.
Mr. Spencer Potter returned home
last week from a visit to Ms old home
in Yorx state. He report! a geod time
and is some what improved in health.
His wife's sister, Mrs. Thomson and
daughter from Iowa came back with
There has beon a great deal of winter
wheat sowed already.
Homo visitors excursions to Ohio
and Indiana, Sept. 10,23, 80, and Oct.
7. Burlington Route will sell round
trip tickets to different poiats in the
above states at very low rates, limited
to 30 days from date of sale, -A. Con
oven, Agent.
Mother write us that they have
solved the problem of keeping their
children well. Uivo them Rocky
meuntaiu tea each week. A blessing
te mother and child. C. L. Cotting.
SuppkmeaUry Premiums.
The following articles wero left out of
tho premium list of the Red Cloud
Inter-State Fair, Sept., 24-27, and there
will be given a 1st premium of CO cants
and a 2d premium of 25 cents on each:
Battenberg pillow, polnt-laca hand
kerchief, battonberg handkercbitf,
drawnwork handkerchief, battenburg
dresernnd w.tsliHtnud scaif, drawn
work dresser and vashstatid scarf,
point-lace collar, battonberg collar,
point-lace ynki, hnttcnltprg yoke, bat
tenberg centerpiece, nattonhorg bolero,
liattiiulifrtt Imh.r Ihmmiui, lalting hnhv
boiuiet, umhriiidm'cd doily by girl
under 15, pillow by girl under 15, tat
ted centerpiece.
Use Allen's Foot-Es, '
A powder to bo shaken into the
shoes. Your feet feel swoolon, nervous
nnd hot, and get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Font-Ease. It cools tho feet and
makes walkiur asy. Cures swoolen,
sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters
and calloni spots. Relieves corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest and
comfort. Try it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial
package free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Farm for Sale.
Half section, live miles from Red
Cloud, line land, first-elass Improve
ments. 1 bargain if sold soon. Ad.
dress J. W. Walmn.
Rod Cloud, Nob.
An English association regarding
woman's hnfipiness has offered a re
ward of i'500 for a greater blessing to
women than Rooky Mountain Tea.
Seusiblo more C. I. Cottlng,
Mow Are Yoar Kidney t
pie free. Aild.hterlltm IUjinedjCo.,t,llciioorN.T!
Bdaeate Vonr llowele With CaaeareU.
Candy f athnrtte. cure constipation forever,
wo. 860. IfaG.0,fnii,aruggUuretus4eae;
Incidents ol Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to Think About on
Account of Their Littleness.
Now is tho time to subscribe. It is
also a good lime to pay up that delin
quent sub cription. Seme people may
think wo don't havo to pay our bills
but wo do just the same And then
you must remember wo havo to buy
coal. Printers cannot work when their
lingers are cold even if thoy nro tho
most patieat individuals on earth at
other times, Tho ice man has changed ,
to tho coal man, and tho follow who is
running for olllce who will give us the
biggest load of black diamonds will get
our support. No bids reserved. Of
ceurse we will not kick if any candi
date gives us two loads. It is the
same old story this frosty weather as it
was last. The young follow that went
up against ice cream seda and numer
ous summtr drinks with the gill who is
now going with another fellow for
the oyster season, as well as the youth
who saw his fall suit and overcoat go
ing down through thelittlo hole in the
table, U hrry. By the way this samo
fellow can toast his shins in a littlo
more up-to-date Y. M. P. A. room this
winter than ho did last if he has tho
price. Tho Salvation Army from all
appearances aro going to make a pro
longed campaign against sin in this
city. They hold their street meet
ings nllitly nud scorn to have livened
up the city considuiubly. Tuuy have
erected a tHbnrnncIo In which to hold
meetings on the lots on Fourth avenuo
north of tho Fourth Avenue hotel.
These pnople are the source of much
good in the larger cities and thoir bat
tle kero will no doubt bo crowned with
success. Now that the new Potter
Wright building is noarly completed tho
Noah' Ai'k ttewn the street looks shab
bier than ever. Somo effort shouldbe
made ;u have this building torn down
in it detracts from the good appear
unce of the street. New that the aew
buildings are on the road to completion
it is in order to talk up a new opera
home or auditorium for next spring.
And now that winter is coming on
what's the matter with the business
men providing u suitablo room where
their, ladv patrons from the country
can make themsolves comfortable. A
room can be provided cheaply, the fur
niture and other necessaries can be do
i nated. Bo tip-to date and push the
matter along.
Of suffering from kidney dlscase.Iisa
Minnie Ryan, of St. Louis, Mo., found
a complete cure result from the useof
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
It is such cures
as this which cs
tabikh the sound
ness of Dr. Pierce's
theory: "Diseases
which originate in
the stoiiincli must
lie cured through
the stomach."
Kvcry other organ
depends on the
stomach for its
vitality and vigor.
For by the stom
ach and its asso
ciated organs of ,
digestion and nu
trition tho food
which is eaten is,
converted into nu
triment, which, in
wiciorni ot blood,'
is the sustaining
power of the body ,
nnd each organ of
it. When the
stomach is dis
eased the food sup
ply of the body is
cut down, the or
gans are starved, 'and the weakness of
starvation shows itself ki lungs, heart,
kver, kidneys or some other organ,,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diseases of the stomach and other
organs of digestion and nutrition, and
so cures diseuse of other organs which
have originated through deficient nutri
tion or impure blood.
"I hd beeu luflcrinfr with kidney trouble
twenty year,'' writes MIm Minnie hyan. of
I,5.3? IS! i" &''"" . .nf. Ma, "aid t
1 Jo9red wHh number of the but physl
?i?n,'i Tw. ?.ea?."F0 J commenced takinf ysur
Golden Mcdlcnl Illscovery and Farorlt rre
tcriptlpu'and look olio several vials ofDeolor
llVtf c,";u; l ok ef?lt bottle, (foirct
each), and I feel now perfectly cured." ,
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. 1
L7 em
n a mi
tA-i I fa . H
, .1
" .",'
f S'f .Uut
, 41fcw,.i.
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