p,r"wY.; ..m.1.,wJLitygy; MViW, rgr ? lit 1 fi ll m. I- Pretty Children "We hate three children. Before tbe With of the last one ray wife used four hot ties of MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you ha J the fkturcs of our children, you could see al flaace that the last one Is healthiest, prettiest and flnest-looklngof them all. My wife thinks Mother's Friend Is the greatest and grandest remedy In the world for expect ant mothers." Written by n Ken tucky Attorney-at law. V FRIEND prevents nine-tenths of the suffering Incident to child- hlrtb. The coming mother's disposition and temper remain unruffled throughout the ordeal, because this relax tag, penetrating liniment relieves the atual distress. A good-natured mother la pretty sure to have a good-natured child. the patient is kept in a strong, bealtby condition, which the child also Inherits. Mother's Friend takes a wife through the crisis quickly and alMst painlessly. It assists in her rapid recovery, and wards off the dangers that so often follow de livery. floM by druggists for 1 1 a bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR 'CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send for our free Illustrated book wrlttaa expressly (or expectant mothers. DYSPEPSIA MVor at yean I otm a victim of sirs hmIi In Its worst form. I could est nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomsch would not retain sod digest oven that Last Msrcb I bee an taking OASCAHETS and since then I bare steadily Improved, until I am as well as I ever was In my life." David II. Murfht, Newsrk. O. Plssssnt, Palatable-. Fount. Teste Oood. Do OooorMeTsr Slokao, Weaken, or Orlpe, 10c, Ko, Uo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... MtrHaf Ssawai t-nJ, n)Mf, MMtml, Tart. Ill MTA.HA Bold andraaranteedby all drug. I U'MU gists to CVSSB Tobacco Uablt. a 34444444444. EESIDENCE m a a 5 i PROPERTY FOR SALE. J 5 S a a m a a s ta gs One acre of ground, good houao and 'barn and other outbuild ings. Good drove well nnd good water. Shade fruit and ornamental trees. For particulars inquire of J. BTTJSTEIN, CIGAU MANUFACTURER. Red Cloub, Nebraska. V fttttfttftttttfftt? Soft Utamrcc j You can mr.'.o yc jr liar. , nnw rut sort ii.i ii ru. W J flflt flat m.n. .,. .. 1 . 1 f t hm- in nftii-ii ( iMirn i y i t hsIncIMtltlJUVl.r.l- A non- Oil. Yiu cu WAt n-ngthrn In liro-nu' oi VWA Hut iwlro m 1 it 04 ,. CTAA imm Harness & mnUci a poor looklni tar. jii-m nuo new. Mmlo l." pure, heavy Lotllel oil, c pectallv Drotvinil to ul:h. unit tbo wiallicr. BoM overywhero In cuni all ilzee. Miwt k; STANDARD OIL CO. COHS WHlrK Ail ELSt FAILS. Uongb Syrup. Tastes Oood. IT Cse in time. Bold br drurglsta. iS rt iWS Bm CANOV M m. jew CATHAimC wtgwd SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. Tn now work nn nnf-elopea, "there art'rciorlloti of 13.1 dlMlnct specie, about 10 of which nro African. Exports of cottonsvrd product from New Orleans Inst yt'nr reached a vnluntloti of Hourly $10,000,000. friomH species of African antelopes nre ihcirliitf the fntc of the American bulTnln, niul are kept olive only by pednl protection. The KiifflUh nnd the American arc the chief stijrnr enter In the world, nnd ns they nre nlso the most cner KHic of nil nations Dr. Wllloughby Gardner thinks there Is a casual rvla tlon between these two facts. The nnt hw played a Rrent role In the history of Kffypt. The alluvium of the Nile nlley would not he nearly as valuable n It Is for agricultural pur poses If 'the nnt did not break up the sol) into very minute particles. The Society of Oermnn Engineers In llerlln Inn undertaken the prcpnra tlon of nn international technical dlc tlonnry to be published in English, French nnd German. Its nlm In to Re cure exhaustive completeness in tech nical words and expressions, exact nes in translation and uniformity in usage. Louia Martin, of Yarmouth, Eng land, has a Persian cat which daily takes turn with a cropper pigeon in sitting upon the latter's eggs. He had noticed pussy enter the pigeon cote several times, and kept watch. She hns for nine daya gone each morning between eight and nine through the entrance used by the pigeon Into the locker, and remained upon the nest until one or two p. m Four years ago the United States flsh commission began to plant in Laki Superior the steelhend salmon of th'e- Pacific. It wan believed that this sirlt water flsh would thrive in the cold, fresh waters of the great lnke, and flsh of this kind weighing five pounds have recently been caught. As modified in the lnke they are well shaped, firm, with flesh of a flne red and delicate flavor. The planting will proaaad rapidly. LABRADOR FUR HUNTERS. Am Iala4d IUbIob Waera rsr-Besr- iMT Aalsaatla Are llea7 ttrnt Maws la learca. Reports ar reaching civilization of the operations of the pnst winter in the interior nnd upon the eonM of Labrador. The season nan, generally speaking, n mild one nnd the fntulltles among the Indiuus fewer than usual. A good supply of furs was secured, but none of such peculiar value us some of those taken during the pre ceding winter, says the Chicago Chron icle. The highest price paid for a sincle skin of Inst winter's catch was $300, which was for a black silver fox. the king of all the fur-bearing animals or i.nbrndor. Exactly double that amount was nnid for n skin of the snme vnriety, a very noble specimen, about n year ago. Prices in general are scarcely so good at present as they were this time lost year. Mnrtcn skins, which have broutrht as much ns $25 n skin, sold this spring ror irom i5 to ih. Trntlcrs are espe cially proud of the otters and minks which they obtain from Labrador, which have fur of a peculiar fineness and luster. The hunters from the interior of Labrador hnd nnt heard of the death of Queen Victoria until they emorj'H from the woods n few days niro. No I mail mntter can reneh them during me winter, uven tne reMricnts along the coast hnd only nix malls from au tumn till spring, nnd these had to be comi'jed oer the know by dogs on sleighs for wnnt of proper ronds nnd other means of conveyance. The oldest living settler upon the const In Philip 0. Touel, who went there from Jersey nenrly 50 years nt'o, nnd for more than 20 years was the only settler. He visited civilisation the other dny after a lonr stay In his dreary home. He is n most interest ing character, a qunlnt old-world fig ure. He is the only Proteitnn.t in Sheldrake, where he resides, evrn his own children being Tioman Catholics, but he possesses the confidence of the 18 families of the plnce to such an ex tent that he is their doctor, minister, lawyer nnd postmaster. When nsked what he generally prescribed for those who full ill in the winter time, far nwny from medicnl nld, he replied, meditatively: "I find thnt they generally crave n nine wiii&Kj mat is, ot course, whisky with soma other ingredients mixed In with it. I don't cive it to all who ask for it," he wild, "but I have found It most eflleaclous in a ma jority of cases. During one hard sen son." he continued, "nn epidemic of grip or something of the kind killed a score or more nnd threatened the rest of us, but by n determined effort I mnnaged to gain the victory. It was a tight squeeze, though." Tall Tolrirrnph I'ulea. The highest telegraph poles in the United Stutes have just been put up in Henumont, Tex. So fnr ns known they are tho highest of liny in the world, the top being 150 feet ubovu the ground. They were erected on the opposite bnnks of the Neches river by .1... IV..... tT..r m., ' nit i,i-nii-rii uiiiiiii iriegrnpn com pnny, in order to string Its oable across the stream. The spun is 144 feet in Hrrth. Indianapolis Newa. WUM the rrench Want, Frenchmen do not want to rule they want to live. The pursuit of life, of lnugnter, of charming senhntlans, of Intelligent apprehensions, of Indl vldtml'development of chnrncter It tnny nil be more Important, more ltal to human cxlsteneo than thenreoecu- putlon to rule one's self and others, to niiiko laws nnd to light. Stecvens' "Glimpses of Three Nations." SHOWERS OF MANNA.' JUST WHY AND HOW 8UCH NOMENA ARE POSSIBLE. PHE- Thla Food of the People of larael In (he Wilderness la aa Edible Lichen That la Still Found In Paris of i Aala and Africa. ' "It is rannnal" oxclalcl fbs people of Israel as they gathered t'.io food which Deemed so miraculously to ap pear nt their very feet In answer to their cry for Bustcnancc, but though tbey nto and were satisfied, wo aro told they "wist not what It was." And during the nges thnt have pass ed ninco Its first nppearnucc on that memorablo dewy morning In the wil derness of sin men have declared again and ngaln that they "wist not what it was" thnt thus fed the Israelites In their need, though numberless conjec tures have been made and discussions held on the mntter. Tbe chief opinion which bad Bwny for a long time, was thnt manna wns the sap of the tumnrlBk, but now au thorities, Bcclng In the light of widen ing scientific knowledge, declare that manna was without doubt a certain lichen (Lccnnora csculenta). This Is borne out by tbo fact that well authenticated rains of manna, ab solutely believed by the Inhabitants to be showers from heaven, have been re ported at least six times during tbe past century by rcllablo travelers In the cast, nnd tbe descriptions of the deposit given In prcclso present day language leave no doubt upon tbo point If n piece of manna be examined under the microscope, Its peculiar com pound structuro can be clearly seen. There Is n delicate network of Interlac ing fungnl threads glistening In tho light, whllo Inclosed In their meshes ore n number of round, bright green cells, each n tiny algal plant. Thus fungus and alga live together In most Intimate connection. It may be asked bow fresh manna, lichens arise, seeing that It is difficult to imagine a frequent coincident meet ing of n particular fungus nnd a par ticular green plant. Hut granted tho meeting has once taken place, the rapid reproduction Is easy to understand. At certain times in the year a yellow ish dust appears lu little green cups growing on the surface of tbo plant, and ench of tho grains of dust Is a minute bundle containing n few of the white fllnments and a few of tbe green cells wrapped up together, so that wherever this dust may fall each grain can become a new manna lichen. There is, moreover, a second method of reproduction lu which the fungus alone tnkes part and' sends out tiny off spring to take tbclr chance In the wide world of finding a suitable host, as their parent bus done, but tbe details are complicated and at present Involved lu Borne obscurity. Thus, then, Lccauorn csculenta manna Is lu Its very nature one of the most remarkable phenomena In tbe vegetable world. It Is found over, great tracts of southwest Asia, near Constan tinople, In the Crimea, the deserts of Arabia, in tbo Sahara and the deserts of Algeria. It is easy to pass it by unnoticed, for It Is grayish yellow in color and grows on gray limestone rocks and fragments of rock In the form of a wrinkled crust which seems to me casual ouservur part of tbe very rock Itself, and needs cure to distinguish it. Cut through, it Is white like corn within, dry nnd powdery. It Is, more over, extremely light In weight. It Is obvious that there is not much nourish ment to be obtained from tho bare face of the limestone rock, hence all the sus tenance of tho two plants must be ob tained from the atmosphere aud the rnin by the little green plant, which must thus work doubly bard to be able to pass on sufficient food for Its part ner's living In addition to providing its own. By degrees, as it grows older, it be comes loosened or even detached from the rocks, and then, when the sudden whirlwinds nnd violent storms which affect many of these regions blow, the featherweight pieces of lichen crust are torn up nnd blown into tbe alt at the mercy ot tbe wind aud carried, it may be, for Immense dlstnnccs. iuu uiiiiH, tow, iiiai ucbccuu wjiu such sudden vehemence sweep It nwny into wntcr channels, where It Is borne nlong on tbe stream nnd deposited In rnt. ...., A- ai.-.. .1 .1 1.1. hollows ami left there in uenps wuen tho water subsides. At times, too, a waterspout will gather It up, enrry It ulong aud ulti mately deposit It In a place where hith erto It hnd been practically uuknown. Sunday Magazine. An Enclleh Conntrr Ilank, , Rural customers attach great Im portnnco to the bank's outward ap-' penrance. A thrifty tradesman having ' opened a deposit account with n bank distant some 30 miles from his home, tho cashier hnd tho curiosity to ask why he traveled so fnr when there was n branch of the snme bank almost at his door. Thp depositor smiled know ingly and replied, "I lodged opposlto here nil the tlmo whllo this bank was being built, so I kuow It's safe." Bai- anco sheets to the rustic aro a mean InglcBS and arbitrary arrangement of , tlve. Many sudden deaths aro caused by figures. Iron bars ho understands. It heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure In a northern city there is a bank Sf PPlexy often the result of kidney wi.lnlv known fnr. ihn nrtiuti!, .rfnrif f disease. If kidney trouble Is allowed to ad-m- ?i H n i i ? , l vance ha kidney-poisoned blood will attack Its doors. Designed by nn eminent ,ho vltal organs, or the kidneys themselves sculptor, they are executed In relief break down and waste away cell by cell. In copper or bronze nnd appear to rep-' Then the richness of the blood tho albumen resent tableaux from 'VEsop's Fables" ( leaks out and tho sufferer has Bright's nnd Greek history. About n week nf t- Disease, tho worst form of kidney trouble. cr they wero unveiled nn old mnn who bnd been u depositor for many ycars withdrew his balance nnd too.cYto a rival bank almost opposite. Question ed as to his reason for rlinnrrlnar. Im replied: "I don't hold wl' tlinm ilnora of I theirs. Punched tin ain't businesslike, nml It ain't safe," Longman's. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ioftniot Trtatnwat by which Drunk ard arc Bdng Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Dotes. No lTcakenlng of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and under stood that Urunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constaut usa of intoxi cating llquars, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the crav ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may now euro themselves at homo without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "Homo Gold Cure," which has been perfected after many yenrs of close- study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful uso according to directions of this wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cure tho most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, Industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren cure your fathers 1 1 This remedy is in ao sense a nostrum but is a spec ific for this disease only, and is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble aud pleasant to tbe tnste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this pticeless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made tera perato men by having tbo "Cure" ad ministered by loving friends and rela tives without their knowlcdgo in coffee or ten, and believo today that they dis continued drinking of their own free will. Do not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent and misleading "improve ment." Drive out the diseaso at onco aud for all time. "Tho Homo Gold Curo" is sold at tho extremely low price of Ono Dollar, thus placing with in reach of everybody a treatment more effective than others costing 925 to $50. Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled physi cians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 402, Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2132 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) hums County. J 89 FratiK J. Cheney makes oath that he is tho senior partner of the firm of F J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county nnd state afore said, unci thnt said firm will pay the sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each and every easo of cntnirh that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Chunky. Sworu to beforo mo and subscribed in my presence this Gth day of Decem ber, A. D. 1880. (skal) W. A. Gleason, Notary Public. Hall's Cntarih Cure is taken inter nally and nets ditectly on the blood mucous surfaces of tho system. Sead for testinioninls, free F. J. Cuenkv & Co., Toledo, O Sold by-druggists, 75c. llall'd Fnmily Pills are the best. Use Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to be shaken into the sboog. Your feet fuel swoolen, nervous and hot, and got tired easily. If you hare smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tbe feot and makes wnlkinsr easy. Cures swoolen, sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try. it todny. Sold by all druggists nnd shoe stores for?5c. Trial 1 nnnvumt irpi . AiiuriTMN. a idu a. 01m 1 r -"". ..--" - , - i Bje(j jj0 Hoy, Ci, I, I ' I J The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Specialist -y- Tne DUcoverer of Swamp-Root at Work U Sis laboratory. There l.i a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- Dr Kilmer's swamp-Koot tho new ais- cvery is tno true spcciuo tor Kianoy, umuuo. . fc !SLT!X Wl apJ44 Wllll liWVIIVkM UMM Wliwi - efforts have failed. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar sizes. A sample bottlo sent iree by mall, also a book telling about Swamp Root and Its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y, and mention this paper. G?. -S4- ZZZZZXMmimmxlmfKti II ' III THE WINTER. (iMHn'l PlMttf ll Plla'l Mttllf.) For coughs and colds Benson's Porous Platters are an incomparably hotter rem dy than any other external or internal. Their medicinal properties enter the skin and go ttrotght to the teat of the dhtate. Thoy relieve and cure a "seated" oold, without disturbing tho system or upsetting the stomach. Cough mixtures oftea nau seate. Benson's Plasters are modlchul in tho highest degree, and quickest to act. Placed on the chest or back or on both at once in sorious cases, the good effect is felt immediately. The congestion yields, tho cough abates and the broathing Improves. Lnng or bronchial affections or kidney disease, aro cured with the least possible suffering and loss of tlmo. Benson's Plasters aro immeasurably su perior to Belladonna, Strengthening, Cap sicum or any othor combination in plaster form. They nre also preferablo to olnt monts, liniments and salves. Bonson's Plasters have roceivod fifty-five htghttt awards over all competitors; and moro than 5,000 physicians nnd druggists havo declared them to bo ono of tho fow trustworthy household remedios. For snlo by nil druggists, or we will prepay postago on any number ordered In tho United States on receipt of 25c. each. Be sure yon get the genuine. Accept no imitation or substitute. Seabury A Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N.x. G. V. ARGABRIGHT, ARTISTJ PORTRAIT PAINTER. Red Cxocd. Nebraska, Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits nnd Por traits made to order. STUDIO IN DAMERELL BLOCK. I. B. COLVIN, REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. Lock Box 23. Guide Rock, Neb. ill kinds of property bought, sold and exchanged. COLLECTIONS MADE. TEItM REASONABLE CONSTIPATION be f requtnt mun ot Appndlcltlt and many othr ef lou. Ilia ihould narer bo nwlected. Tbe objection to the tiftsal cathartlo rtmedtee lilhMr coatlre reaction which Increaare conipUon lnatead of curing It, l'AIUCEKU OINUKH TONIO la the preptr remedy. It acta on thi JJicr, and when nnd aa directed, permanently remorea tba ooojUpatioa. 60 eta, ft tlM at all Drugiruta, IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want to get started enrning money nt nnon snml iih 'ri rta fnr nnr limL- i,i ' at once, senu us -o cts lor our book ot , "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It is worth its weiRhtrin gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. WANTED HTADIVra.CHwEF.KLY and want mar hornet travellnKSftlosraen m Bates 77.TR.IIEC01D aro easy to sell, always nlrasie. Outfit ABWLtrrKI.Y rtiEE. STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, Mo. sTaTi" a. a,. 'CURES all Kidney KldneycureJ lay. ilLi. way oche.ctc. Aturuif gists, or by mall. uiocuw:.! uk. i. Free book. ao rloe, etc, ot Dr. a J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. Articles of Incorporation of The Cowden- Kaley Clothing Company. Know all men by tlieie prerenta: That we. A. U.Kalcy.lI. A. t.elton, and r. W. Oowdtn. da hereby anoclaie ourrelves tot ether far the pur pose of organizing a corporation, under tbalawa of tbe state of Nbrak, for the purpote of buying and felling at retail ef clothing-. hU. caps, hooti, hoei, and furnishing eaods, and al) such goods, wsrea aud meichandlie as are usually kept aud handled by retail desiers In clothing. rheustnnof tuch corporation thall be The Cawden-Kaley ClathlngOa, and,'lhe principal piace 01 iraninrung itn Dumntii snail be at Uid Uloud. Webater Co , Nebraska The amount of ll capital .ate thousand dollars (NWO.00).idlvldedinte abarra of one hundred dollsrstllOO.iO) each, all ef wuicu Kiinu ur paia in unmtaiaieiy upon me or ganization of the corporation. hid corporation nau commence an tne twenty recond (32nd) day of July, nlneteea hundred and oae (1901), and shall termlaste July Siiul. 19! The highest amount f Indebtedness r liabil ity to which aald carporatlen tball at aay time ubject Itself Is the sum of four thomaad dol lars (94000.00). Its affairs ens II be condurled hy a board f llirei- 'Irrrlcirs lo he fleeted annually by the MOPkhnldeia. and It oMcera aball uentlit f a I'riflneiit. Vlre-rrcfldenr. 8eeieiarr and Tr as urer. to bo elected b the board of rilrn lorn. A.U. Kaikt II. A. LKTaeX. F. W. Cowdsk. Witness :-C. W. Kalbt. TIMETABLE. B. Ac M. B.Y RED CLOUD NEBR, LINGOLN OMAUA CHIOAOO 81. JOE KANSAS OITT SI. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA DUT1E SAL1 LAKE 0') PORTLAND SAM FRANCISCO and all point west. tiuins LBAva as rotxows: No. 18. Patsenger dally for Oberlln and Ht. Francla branches. Ox- ford, McCook, Ueuverand all points west.. 7:45 a.ra No. 14. Passenger dally for St. Joe, ' KaiiBas City, Atchison. St. Louis, Lincoln via Wymore aud all points east and south 2'32 a.s Mo 16. rassenger. dally. Denver, all polntiln Colorado, Utah and California . 8:40p.a Me. 16. Passenger, dally for St. Joe, Kansas City. Atchison, Bt. Louis and all points east and south 10:00 a. s Mo. 144. Accommodation, dslly except Sunday, Hastings, Grand Is land. Black mils and all points in tne nonn west - itwp.ss Ne. 143. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kaunas, aud Intermediate stations, via Re publican .. 12:30p.Bi No. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and St. Joe aud Intermediate junction points 18:45 p.ss No, 63. Freight, dally for Republican Orleans, Oxford and all points . west ..10 :40 a.ss. No. M. Freight, dally except Sunday for wymore aud all point east 6 .00 a. as No. 173. Freight dally to Oxford aud Intermediate points 1 :30 p.sa Sleeping, dining, and reclining chslr ears. (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the Unite States or Canada. For Information, time tables, maps or ticket call on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Prsncls, General Passenger Ageat Ob aha. Nebraska. The Ghief , 1$ A Year. K IS- I I ASKYOUgCROCgRKHt Bf wlBy M- B IRDIIIIIU The S IWInitc Breakfast tot PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKES "BRAIN - BREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. LouU, Mo. ' DON'T Be Fooledi Take the gen . original ROCHV MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madlton, Wis. it keeps you well. 6ur trade mark cut on each packar. Price, as cents. Never sol In bulk. Accept no aubtth tute. Ask your druggist. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cpuRh, InRrlppo, bronchitis, soro throat, croup, whooping cough, etc. Never deranges tne stomach. AtDrug-Blats, 10&i3c. rirr medical advice, n 'Vrltou UVi iwii?ei0liJrr "a' on1 ur0 method of cgn ng all Chronlo Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator pies and book. Pr. a J. Kaj, Saratoga NY. s. UlTOUrivmnlnrna llanni.ati.-4L. WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS '. , Wanted everywhere Stories, news, ideas, pooins, Illustrated articles, nd vonco news, drawings, photoRrnphs. iinlqne articles, etc, etc,, purchased. Articles revised and prepnred for pub lication. Books published. Send for particulars nnd full information beforo sending nrticles. The Bulletin Press Association, New York, PARKE&'S m HAIR BALSAM uleaDMt and twiutlflci the hair. Promote! a IiKurl.nl rrtwth Merer Falls to Bettor Gray Half. A , Vw.it.h.1 Vi Cum rlp duwiKia too, and 1 loillli -- .-w awh.u,.., ywivr. O.lr llUlof. wy MONEY, Refunded., Wo antce Dr. Kay's Renovator tn r.llrn rivfinATwfn nnnatl. ffunr. potion, liver and kldnoys. llcst tonlo, laxative, blood purifier known for all chronlo diseases; renovates and Invlgoratos tbo whole system and cures very worstcases. Oct trial box at once If not satisfied with It notify us, we will refund forFreo ModlcalAdvlee, sample and proo'. 24 A; 500 at drusglsts. Dr. U.J. Kay, Saratoga, N. llr money dv return man. write your symptoms aympt proo'. ! DR. KAY'S " RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates tho bv 8 torn; purines and enriches tbo blood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constlpotlon, hoodache, liver and kidneys. 25cnndil,utdruggists. Free R advice, sample and book. a... Ur. O. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. V BJalBm ENOVATOR WJ,tTiSSMMFK. Jy" r.ii.M Ladles' urtiirIM ror utiiuaiKSTlui-ri KNUUHII la UKD n1 (told nxMIli. tua -Alt lib N.. ribbon. Takea ether. JUra.e Duiw. MaawtliaUeaa aa latlta-. tleaa. b,m( ;.,r Unnlii, M mt 4. . u umfm. ' Hartlealara, Teeelaaealala , turn Mall. le.MaTailu.i.i. aAik. .. all D.U.I.U. (7klakA.i ClhaHU.1 tfl. laltHPW- Ma4leea Park. I'll 1LA1A- (lenulae stamped CCC Never sefft In bulk. Beware of the dealer who trlu to sell k "something uit s good." " DON'T T0BACC05PIT and SMOKB YourLifeawavt Ton can be cured of any form of tobacco using; eaally. be made well, strong, magnetic, full oif that makes weak men strong. Many gala ten pounds In ten daya. Over 800.009 , cn red d. All drufrsrista. Cure oruaranireir nnnlr. All druggists. Cure advica VKHR. A let and advice FKUB. Address STHRLINa BHH HOV CO., Chicago or New York. 437 J. S. EMIGH DENTIST. PAINLESS' DENTISTRY IV TOU WANT IT. Irown Bridge Work ir Teeth Witta. Flita PORCELAIN INLAT and all the latest Improvement In dental mech anlsm k Wo can surnUb 7ou brick in ly at the lowest pos- , uible rato. Brick on sale at either of the lumber yards. , Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., " . Red Cloud, Neb. SOUTH SIDE SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR.. & DEALER IN Vines, Liquors, California brandies, i bHkEtI BMfca f CANDY CATMArTTIC " Ike. ieaBaVleBlaBlHHBeVS""Bgyiyftj PABST MILWAUKEE ALWAYS ON TAP. - I ' . 1 K IV 'f 'it ' ' I ft,. "ft'tSUAVMiwIiwawau. i JKBWOwnjvvaMimwiWOTTlf3ivM?t' m fuiliiialiiriiiii-r i n ' ,. ... . ',. t i , .'