The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1901, Image 4

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    . . f 4. -l
.,- v
, -, . ,..
accompanied by
mucous patches in
the mouth, erup
tions on the fikln.
sore throat, copper
colored snlotcliM.
swollen glands, aching muscles
and bones, the disease Is making
rapid headway, and fnr wnm
symptoms will follow unless the blood is
promptly and effectually cleansed of this
violent destructive poison.
S. S. S. Is the only safe and infallible
cure for this disease, the only antidote
for this specific poison. It cures the
worst cases thoroughly and permanently.
Mat CABaVitAa timid ,n ",e ' ' ,997
mjj Vfnnin WW I contracted ninod
Uve icci Fto wtrsc. lp"lW
... , . their treatment
did me no eood ; I vn getting wore alt the
iimc; my naircamcom, nicer appeared lit mv
throat anil mouth, my body waa almost covered
with copper colored aplotche and ofTennlve
ore. I Buffered aeverely from rheumatic twins
In my ahoulderaand nrmi. My condition could
nave been no worae s only those nffllcted aa I waa
can underitand my aufierlnga. 1 had aliout
loat all hope of ever being well again whea
I decided to try 8. 8. 8- -
but mutt conleaa I had
little faith left In any
medicine. After taking
tbethlrd bottle t noticed
a change In my comll.
tlon. Thla waa truly en
couraging, and I deter
mined to Rive 8. a 8. a
thorough trial. 1'rotn
ment waa rapid 8, 8. 8.
teemed to huve the dl
eae completely under
control; tne' totes and
ulcera heated and I wat
toon free fmm all tlgn
of the disorder I have
been atrong and healthy ever since.
t,. W. Smith, Ukl Box fin, Nolilejvllle, Ind.
m gW gMm is the only purely vecre
taWc blood purifier
kV fcc kV known. $1,000 is
laViaViB ""ered for proof that
a tW a it contains a particle of
mercury, potash or other mineral poison.
Send for our free book on Mood Poison ;
it contains valuable information about
this disease, with full directions for self
treatment. We charge nothing for medio
cat advice ; cure yourself at home.
rnsutnan mt
w. l. McMillan.
Oil yr 1100
IzMsnthi ', so
atsrad at tat post one at IU4 cloud, Msb.a
MBdelaMBiall niatur.
Local adTertUlog 6 centi per line per tnue.
Local Advertlilng for entarulumtuti, con
Stru, soclali, 'Vs., given by churcbei, cbarltab'.a
seclstlts, etc., where all moneys raised thare
froai ara used wholly for church or charitable
MclaUe (kitten lines freo and all over ten
Unas SH csnts pr tine per issue.
Local advertlilng of ntertalBsseata. concert,, etc., where per crot tt given to pro
otar, 6 cents par lint par Issue.
Oat column per month ..........I7 00
One-half column per month ...... s 60
One-fourth column per months ...... 1 TO
General display advertising i'8jtf cents per
Inch tr Issue.
When the
Hair FaHs
Republican State Ticket
t For Supreme Judge.
' r.7D ZN Of York County.
.. For Itegenli to Btnto University,
i, O. J. KIIN8T,
JOf I.nnciutcr County.
Of Kolth Coultty,
Republican County Ticket.
For County Judge
, (1. It. CUANKV,
, Of Itcd Cloud, 2d Ward.
For County Shcrir
v O. I). UKDOB,
( or Red Cloud rreclnct
i For County Coroner
-' " Of Pleaaant Hill Precinct.
QFor Couuty Treasurer
, Of lied Cloud, lit Ward.
? For County Clerk
; Of Guide nock Precinct.
y For County Hurvejor
.'! Of Olentvood Precinct.
V For Ctiunly Superltiteiulont
'J. MKS. K. J. CASK,
S Of lied Cloud, 2d Ward.
For L'otnmlisloucr l.t Wat,
'f ForCoiiimlsjItnerSil Wat.
1 w. v. iiknkki.,
For CemmlsiloncrMh Wit.
ii m m
NoxtTuesdny is tho day sot for con-
. fusion.
i The steel strko is still on with the
strikers slightly on the down grade.
Nearly every ottiur town in the state
is enjoying a base ball craze. Red
Cloud still enjoys the pleasure of being
the quietest town in the valley.
The fifth annual picnic of the Frank
lin County Log-Kolling Association
will be held In the grove on the fair
grounds at Franklin next Tuesday. An
extensive program of ainusonients and
sports has been nrrungi'd for the occn
g'yn. Notwithstanding tho drouth of tli
past season tho stnto fair hold nt Lin
colu this wook was above the nverngo.
The agricultural exhibits who Hue and
tho attondance largo, It wu.s one of
the most successful statu fairs that has
bjeu htld for somo years.
The Atchison Ulobo says: "An Atch
ison man who recently visited Now
York camo baok thoroughly shocked.
Ho says thoro is a fashion among wom
en there to hold their skirts very high;
that thoy soom to dress their legs for
inspnetion, and thun show tlu'in up to
the kneo. Nice woiiihu do il; it In tho
piovnillng ftl The fnd is oxpuoii'd to
lX'ttcli AtohUon next Hiiring. M'ii mo
invited to gut rundy tulmvo lits."
Tho city should put n foreo of mi-n nt
work cutting tho weeds nlong tho prln
elpal streets. Nothing makei a town
look nioro "oummy" than a growth of
sunflowers and other largo weeds along
Its public streets. They also create an
unfavorablo impression among strung
is who visit tho city.
1 m
Tho republican nutninoes are doing
some good work for themselves oven
though they do not know as vet who
their oppononts nro. Tho candidates
on tho ticket at tho head of this column
tiro persons in vlnm tho general pub
lic can placo trust and conlldonco with
out fear of regretting it In thofuturo.
The action of tint United States in
tendering its good oflluus to Venezuela
and Colombia to avert n war between
thoso counlrios litis not yet advanced
tt a point whore this government tins
begun tno work ef mutilator. It has
sigtilited Its wililngnoss to net, but It
remains for tho two countries to hull
cute when the time hits unlveil for no
tunl mediation.
The State Jnurnnl of Thursday says:
"Interest was aroused yesterday when
it was learned that tho prohibitionists
of Nebraska had managed to hold n
convention without nominating Mr.
Woltonbargor or Mr. or Mrs. Bitten
bondorfor some office It is already
alaimed that a convontlon that departs
so widely from tho traditions of tho
party cannot be 'regular.' "
A numhor of reports havo come to
us recently wherein many former mid
roadcrs ami fusionists have openly ox
pressed themselves as going to vote tho
republican ticket straight this fall. The
republican comity ticket is made up of
good, clean men, nnd thero nppears to
bu nothing for tho pops to squeal about.
There is;iittlo doubt butthattho repub
licans will sweep everything in Web
ster county this fall.
Rod Cloud has mado moro advance
ment during the past eight raon'.hs
than it did in the previous eight years,
nnd why should the improvement stop.
Why not oontinuo with the good work?
Thero is still plontv of room for im
provement. Thero are still a numbor
of old shacks on main street which
should be torn down and new build
ings erected in their placea. Besido
the other buildings -along the street
thoy are very unsightly.
Reports from good authority state
that tho English government has pent
in Missouri nnd Kansas no less than
15,000,000 for horses and mules to
use in the war ir south Africa. This
has, of course, put money into circula
tion In these two states, yet it is sad to
think that jo many of our dumb nni
in ills must be sent to tho battlefield, for
that nutans suffering for bi'iist us well
its man, nnd it is prohablo tha". thous
and of these poor nniniiiLs In serving
thrtr masti'M have been crippled and
suffered mot o than words enn toll, all
because of the greed of man.
From tho tonuro of the stnto press it
is difficult to dotermino tho exact feel
ing of tho pepplo In regnrd to the can
celling of tho Bartloy parole by Gov.
Savage and sending him back to tho
state penitentiary. A large number of
the stnto papers are of tho samo opinion
as the Cuur and think that after forty
live days of tho parole had elapsed he
should have peen allowed tho other
tifteon. We are contident of one thing,
and that is, if the editor of this paper
had two hundred thousand dollars,
(emphasize the if) and snmonno stolo it,
wo would bo porfeotly willing to give
him sixty days to make restitution if ho
could, providing wo had absoluto con
trol of him. And it is the same way
with the stato of Nebraska. Governor
Savngo's notion in giving llaitloy a pa
role merely giivo him it chance to have
a portion of his sentence commuted
and gave tho stato u chance to recover
a portion of tho money which had been
lost through his mismanagement. And
thorn is uo law, divine or human, that
will not permit n man to right a wrong
he has dono wbon it is within his power
so to do.
Senator George W, Vest of Missouri,
in a letter to a friend, in speaking of
Bryan says: "If I could do so I would
put Col. Bryan in the United States
senate, where he would take high rank
and be invaluable to bis party and
country. Ills ability, courage and hon
esty are unquestionable, but I do not
think blm a great lender. Leadership
is a peculiar and a raro talent, A man
may bo a lawyer, orator and stAtesmnn
yot not necessarily ho a gi o I leader,
loffetxm, VunUurcn, Lincin and Mo
Kinlny have been tho crealest political
leaders and managers in thUcountiy,
and Mr. Mcliinley has never had tt mi
perinr in that regaid I have tho kind,
est fueling for Col Bryan, 'ami regard
him as ono of tlm lion campaigiicis
this country has ever produced. Like
all of us, ho has made mistakes, nnd I
think ho is now mistaken in nCvlsiiuj
tho democrats of tho United States to
permit no one to go as a delegate to tho
national convention who is not in favor
of iho Chicago and Kansas City plat
tonus in every clause. This simply
moans thai the free coinage of silver
will lie inatloa leading issue and it will
dtlvo away fimu us thousands of good
ilomocr;M3 vvlio ant anxious to remain
with tho pntiy."
"Something New Under The Sun.
All l "-tors have tried to cure Gal
irrh by the ue of powders, auld g.tses,
inhalers, and drugs iu pastn form.
1'lK'Ir powders dry up tho nn'it mi m.
bra tics caiiilr.jj thorn to crack open and
bleed, i'nu powerful acids -usid in the
inhalers have entirely eaten away the
same tnstnhrano that their makers
havHHliio'd to corn, wliiiu imsi-s himI
ointments cannot reach tliA ilxnise,
.n old and xpericnced prxctitinne"
who has for many years mndo a close
study and specialty of tho trottment f
Catarrh, has ut last perfected it trett
ment which whin faithfully incd, not
only relieves at once, but permanently
cures Catarrh by removing the cause.
stopping ino uncharges, and curn g
all infltmmution. It is thnonlyn-m
edy known to sclonco that actually
reaches tho afflicted part" This won
dorful remedy is known n Suiiffl s thf
Guaranteed Catarrh Chid" nnd is s ld
at the extremely low price of Ono Do I
lar, each pscksge containing internal
and external medicine snftlciont for a
fall month's treatment nnd everything
necessary to Its perfect use.
"Snuffles" is the only perfect Catarrh
Cure ever mndo and is now recognized
as the only safo and posltivo cure for
that annoying anl disgusting disease
It cures all inflamation quickly and
permanently nnd is also wonderfully
quick to reliove Hay Fever or cold in
the head.
fJatnrrh nhnn nixrlpntnil nffn lamia i
to Consumption "Snuffles" will save
you if you uso it atonco. It is no ordi
nary remedy, but a complete treat
ment which is positively guaranteed to
euro Catarrh in any form or stage il
used according to directions which ac
company each package. Don't tleluv
but send for it ut once, and write full
particulars as to your condition, and
you will receive special advice from
the discoverer of this wonderful rem
edy regarding your case without cost
to you beyond tho regular prico of
"Snuffles" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh
Sent prepaid to any address in the
United Slates or Canada on receipt of
One Dollar. Address Dopt. A 402, Ed
win B. Giles & Company, 2380 and 2333
Market Street, Philadelphia.
Sealptor of Great Meat.
Bamo Thornycroft is a sculptor of
heroes. He is at present engaged on
the statue of Mr. Gladstone, which is
one day to adorn London. The Crom
well statue at Westminster, which, in
spite of the controversy over It, is
one of the finest monuments of the
metropolis, Is also his. Gen. Gordon
in Trafalgar square is Mr. Thorny
croft'H work, and the statue of Karl
Granville. In the houses of parliament
wan carved by his hand, .lohn Ui-Ight
nt Koehdnle is another of Mr. Tioniy
croft's Htntucs, and his work Is
known, Indeed, all over the kingdom
and the empire. There arc n Gordon
ut utile from hl studio in Melbourne,
a statue of Sir Stcuart ltayley In Cal
cutta, and others in Mnerlil towns in
the Pnlted King lorn. Chicago Kec-ord-llcrald.
llinton "So your son hns gradu
ated from college. What Is he going
to do?" Holden "Well, for the pies
cut he is going to wit 'round and tell
thereht of us ull lie thinks he knows."
Hoatoii TrnnEcript.
She "I don't believe you're telling
the truth." He "i'ou nre most an
noying tiomctimes. I suppose you
think you can rend me like a book."
She "Oh, nol Like a paragraph, I
should say." Philadelphia I'ress.
"Ma," said a little four-year-old, "I
saw something run ncross the kitch
en floor this morning without nny
legs. What do you think it was?"
The mother guessed various legless
worms find things, and then gate it
up, when the little fellow said:
"Why, inn, It was wnterl" Contem
porary Keview.
AitKtrnllun Apple.
7'nrts of Australia are becoming
lively rivals to Canada anil lh.. ttnitmi
Stales In the European apple trade.
Tnsmnnln, especially, has been found
a llrst-class itiinle-rnUltur .,ni.,t...
There are S.HT.T acres In npple orchards
there and the product In 1H00 w tni.
913 hushels. N. Y. Knn.
- t i i
Cheap Trip to 'Omaha.
Only 9 80 to Omaha and return Via.
tho Burlington Route, Suptcmbur 17 to
20, fnr the Ak Sar-Uen festivities and
street carnival. Goigeous niilitan and
electric pageant. Brilliant illumina
tion of tho city, street fair with un que
Ask nearest Burlington Route agent
about tickets and train service.
Keep Your Bowels Strong.
Constipation or diarrhoea when
your bowels are out of order. Cas
carcts Candy Cathartic will make
them act naturally. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All druggists, ioc.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days.
Miirtun 1, lllll of l.rb.uinii. Ind sura; "My
wlfo liud lntUuiumlur ruuuuiittUui In eety
mutclo and Joint; tier niffurlni; wn urrlblo and
tier body mid face were nwioeii almost beyond
recognition; liud been In bed for lx weeks and
had eight pliyntr-lana. but received no benefit
iintll lie tried the Mystlo Cure for Uhcumatlim.
It cave Immediate roller nnd the waa able to
walk about In three day., I am sure It aavod
t'foud iiob 1'riiggUt, Ited
Rheumatism Cured In a Day,
Mystic (Jure for rheumatism nnd neuralgia
leadllynurCA in ftom onoto thrt-u ilnya, I'kiic-iH-ii
upon the njntem N rumarknulu nnd una
ti-iloiia. It remove ut unco Uio i-mdhk iikI tho
dncn.elniniollittelrdlNappvnra Itio llr,t do-o
tuentlybcuenm. 75'uut-. !I1 l it. u r.tliv
Kid Cloud, Neb.
' ...............t...t.tttttttttttttatatatatataaaBaaBaBFataa
f Kt ''''MWWMiMiammm-umT)vra--v'ia ' i-avat'ia,arTi'-----------tt-mTaVffc!aMbaiaajli
stomach, constipation, ahollvcr and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of La-Grlppo and Spkino lassi
tude. It is nn excellent Nervo Tonic. Send for freo sample and a frco illustrated 116 pago book of receipts
etc.. and send your symptoms nnd wo will give you frco advice. If druggists don't havo Dr. Kay's Renovator
don t tako any substltuto thoy may say is "just as good," for it has no equal: but send direct to us and wo
nuiDuiiu m uy return maw prepaiu.
. vvvu., ....
Ladle' Can Wear Shoes
ono siz smaller niter tiling Allen's
Foot Ease, a powder to bu shaken into
thusho m. It makes tight or new shoes
feel ens) ; gives instant relief to corns
and bunions. It's the greatest com
fort discovery of tho age. Cutes and
pi events s woolen feet, blisters, callous
and sore spots. Allen's foot ease is a
certain euro for swenting, hot, aching
feet. At all druggists and 'shoo stores,
26c. Trial package freo by mail. Ad
dress Allon'S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
To Whom it May Concern.
My wife having left, my bed and
board without cause, I will not pay
any debts made by her from August 23,
11)01. Any ono trusting her doos so at
their own risk.
Alheiit Knutson.
Farm for Sale,
section, live miles from Red
lino land, first-class improve
1 bargain if sold soon. Ad
J. W. Walmn.
Red Cloud, Neb.
An English association regarding
woman's happiness has offered a re
ward of 500 for a greater blossing to
women than Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible move, C. L. Cutting.
How To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a pound a tfay by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound ; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erly, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made..
A certain amount of flesh is
necessary for health; if you have
not got it you can get it by
yoirs rmqision
You will find it fust as useful in summer
as in winter, and if you are thriving upon
it don't stop because the weather is warm.
5tx. and f i.oo, alt JruRglsts.
SCOTT A DOWNE, Chtmlits, Ntw York.
IU,"-,.,... Dr. Kay's Utlcuro cures nil
ULlCUrG (cmalr illMMH. AldriiK
, cists, II. Illustrated book
anil nJvlce troo. Dr. I). J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. ,
Scissors Ground,
Razors Honed,!
Bob Barkley & W. F. Lodge
Barber Shop.
First door south of Star
bakery and restaurant.
All kinds of bnrbrr work executed
promptly and sntibiactiou
m am j A m taaAAaaVAAhAAJ
Notlre Is hereby given tlmt by virtue of an or
derof nltnchtuenttdtucd by I. w. Kdson, conn
ty Judge of Webster counlv, Nebraska, In favor
ofltobcrlT fotttr and agalnot Allien T. llur
dick, and la me directed, 1 will uttwoo'ulock
p.m. on Hiu'.TIh Un uf AiiKin-t. IWU. at tlm vil
lage, of lnavale, Iu the precinct of limvalo In
naii county off -r for ml ai public vciulue ihe
fol.owtng olminNlo wits One roan row ilnt-e
jearnolil. ime red row three eiir old;onn red
mill wliltn (iiiu-. uliltu mm ou ruinn: and one
j led lii'lfer two cnr oM. inkpiiou Mich order of
I Hllucilllieiinih vnu'ru-vn "i .iit'-n i iuiiiu-&.
Dateil thin lUili day of Almost, ttmi.
I, u, ihi i.i, aiirriu.
0' M. CiiarriN, PUIntlir Atioruej.
taCt I I nlDDCUTCO TWnl.nol, Tn.1 tV Pi.Aol.Unt fK.
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, Ind.
clergyman in the Christian Church to
churches and baptised 7000 converts.
pleasure to give my testimony as to tho
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm Is tho very
that I over used.
T hflttn alasi t-AAfttvrtrl rtnnf VmnfiAf. finm ttin Han tit Tit- tTnvti
Mv son had for voars been crcatlv afflicted with tho piles: hi
. m w-w . ..
tho uso of Dr. Kay's remedies and
Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo
rccolvod as tho result of ttselng these- remedies. I tako great pleasure in
commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Carpenter,
Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It is a perfect ronuvator of tho whole system. It is tho very best remedy
btiniltn f. 4Mn.l . hm it..n Im.1 l.n.(.M Jlmnkn1 rt . . .. amta xif .!.
The Chief
One year $1.25.
Now is the time to
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Damerell Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. We will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
l3u.iliir:Lji' n.ate;rioJU Etc.
Red cloud. - - Nebraska
City Dray and
a. ane. KeOSS. prop,
Goods Delivered to any part
telephone:no.' 52.
now inunr of you havo lost tho price of this Enjrlno In nno day on account of .
ufflclont wind 10 operate your wind mllle, luuvlnir jour (.took wltiTimt Vwor. Got oS
now to do your iuiiii1iib when tiioro 1 no wind or to do It r 'itlarl-. Wouthor doo So?
.ii'.Vr i"B I,?' ""'' "r "' wVl or ur wi r tuiiii. H it u klio siuiio to t
Will UlbO Nltull Ofirn. lrltld fl-Otl. RILW Wnnrl. ollltrn Imtln. fit.. I iB I .1.. . .. i
lobs. In tho h i, i nr i ii tiinfitrm O. ti ,m. .'. . b.. " """."?" 7." " ' OthO
to a ecus per hour when vrorklnir. Hliliipo.1 ciimplotoly1 wt i. .. r mdy to iu,. "" V,?, fii
NUt'MIIVII nil It7 1U .Mi. It l." 1111 BlaLUn Ul iril?tl 111 1111 i". IILTin.1. Ilftrn lit. IrtTI Iim ......
tr ana eju'dul prices.
FfiiRanNKs, MOf?sE
Ho is pcrhain tho most prominent
- day. Ho has dedicated about COO
Ho writes: "It affords mo great
efficiency of Dr. Kay's rotnedies.
best cough, colu and throat remedy
.... ..... .. J
s Renovator.
o commenced
experienced rolief almost from tho
- Ocean g
Express Line.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
liU muclilno.
powur. Write
& co.. omAffiq, neb, .,.
. -n ..-w, .w... ,9 t1( in uutau
,t r
yVi " It. t , .J H.tUNL - i' - ..
isivh- i-.Jt--- - .-.i.h .. 'jMta.i. . rJ iMm.V'HgTV.jj!ijWtiwtJ-.
i miirr i t rrrJ-w -" .III. tmj&ZX