The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 06, 1901, Image 3

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    3VAiftlt ,UUt j
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'4 City of Cleveland Devastntod by
Rushing Waters.
It evidence Strooln ulckly llecuiiin Tor
rent Mniiy Ilotnn Cudi-nuliied--triplet
Inmate l'eiined hi hiiiI
Vanle-Nlrlekcu- -I.o lleut).
A Cleveland, O,, dispatch says: With
tho breaking or tliiwn Sunday morning
Iho citizens (f Cleveland awoke to
look upon u scene of unparallcle do
vnstaUon nml destruction caused ly n
raging Hood. Whiles this entire 'city
was inure or loss effected, the great
volume of raging water vented its lin
ger over miles of the eastern portion
of tho elty and caused an amount of
damage approximately cstlmntod at
, 1,000,000.
Tho appalling overflow was caused
by a terrific rain that commenced to
fail hhortly after S o'eloek in the night,
turned Into a perfect cloudburst be
tween the hours of .'I and fl, and then
continued with great force. The storm,
according to the weather otllclnls, was
the heaviest that swept over Cleveland
sineo the establishment of the govern
ment weather bureau there over forty
yearn ago.
That uo lives were lost is scarcely
short of a miracle. The surging waters
spread over an area in the est end
.uearly.eight miles long and a mile and
n half wide. This extended from
Woo.lland Hiilsnveuuo to Hast Cleve
land and back to Fust Madison avenue.
Mmiy Unimex Undermined.
Great volumes of water poured over
row I)oaii and Oiddings brooks down
Quluoy street, swamped Vienna street,
ruslied over Cedar avenue, back to
Kast Prospect street, swept like a mill
race down Lincoln avenue to Kuclid
avenue and then on to Glen Park
placo, where houses were undermined
rut though built of straw and almost
incalculable damage ilonu to streets
and "property.
Over a largu share of this exclusive
residence territory the water rushed
with terrific force, varying in depth
fromormto six feet. Culverts, tres
tles and bridges wcro torn down nnd
for hours nothing seemed capable of
stemming the tide of destruction.
Hundreds of residents who were im
prisoned in their beautiful homes like
stranded islanders were almost panic
stricken, expecting to be called upon
to wade out into "the swirling waters
lit almost any minute. D.mgor signals
were flashed about the city as speedily
as tho disabled telephone system would
allow and tho rescue work commenced
How boats plied back and forth assist
ing whole families from perilous po
tations, but these proved pitifully
inadequate, ilnd it was soon found nec
essary to resort to the precaution of
calling on tho life-saving crew from
the river, a distance of seven miles.
The life-boats were quickly loaded
mi wagons and hurried to the scene of
Tlireuti.n to Abduct Nun or Wealthy
Vnnkton Man.
S. S. Groou, a prominent citizen nnd
elothicr of this city, has received a note
v poorly written nnd full of misspelled
wonla, demanding SliOO of him nndend
'ingwtfhn threat to abduct 'his ten-year-old
son if ho does not comply.
The writer of tho note demands him to
place 8300 in n cave one mile west of
town by Sunday ovening. Mr. Groon
says he will pay no attention to the
Constitution Fairly Ilenten.
At Newport, II. I., the Columbia,
splendidly handled, Heat the Constitu
tion four minutes, nineteen seconds,
corrected time, over a course of fifteen
milco'to windward and hack in the
iirst trial races to select the cup de
fender. Tho defeat wiib decisive, and
admirers of tho Constitution are at'
their wit's end to make apologies and
excuses for her had behavior. She was
fresh from the Hcrroshoff ship yard,
where her bottom had been scraped.
Threo Lyncher Convicted.
The judy in the casus of John
Strength and Martin Fuller, at We
tuinpkn, Ala., charged with having
participated in tho lynching of Itobcrt
White, u negro, returned a verdict of
murder in tho second degree, and sen
tenced to ten years in the penitentiary.
k This tnakcts three convictions iu these
eases, Geo. Howard having been sen
tenced to Ufa imprisonment.
Root Il wn AbcPHM.
Secretary of War Uoot is ut his resi
dence iu Now York suffering from an
Ilia physicians say the secretary is in
no danger, and that no operation will
Iks necessary. Mrs. Root sitld that her
husband needed a little rest, and that
they would go to' Southampton, L. I.,
tor a few days.
Iiijurietf Itniult In Dentil.
t' Injuries received by being thrown
from a buggy at Plnttsmouth, Neb,, re
sulted in tho death of Hon. John P.
JJuck, a pioneer Cass county frrmor.
Mr. Hack and wife and their grand
daughter wero on their way to tho old
ncttlerh' reunion when tho team Im
camo frightened and ran away, throw
ing the occupants out of the vehicle.
Mr 1 J uck was rendered unconscious by
tho fall and he died several hours later.
His wife and granddaughter escaped
with only slight bruises. The deceased
was ubhty yell is old.
I. l.Kunfrl, Clmrped Wltli Murder, 1I
I. J. Kunkcl, a German merchant,
who was the principal in a sensntlonnl
murder trial at iLawrcnce, Kan., in
1S8U, died in Lawrence recently. Ho
was tried anil acquitted on the charge
of jH!soning ills second wife.
The case wan fought stubltornly by
both sides, nnd the state endeavored
to show that the prisoner was respon
sible also for the (loath of his llrst
wife, of his second wife's daughter
nnd of his own crippled son, all of
whom hud met deatli at different
times suddenly and iu a mysterious
manner. Kunkcl was apparently in
good health. He was taken suddenly
ill on thu street, and died a soon as
ho reached home.
rurten-Veiir-old Hoy at llencm Mini
low Carbolic Arid.
Hoy Van Cleve. a boy fourteen years
old, tho only son of Mrs Van Cleve,
matron of the girls' industrial school
at Oiitcv.i, Neb., committed sulelde at
the homu of his aunt, Mrs. J. S. Unpen,"
three miles southwest of Uenevu. by
swallowing a quantity of carbolic acid.
Letters written at II o'clock the day
before the commission of tho deed in
dicated his intention to do the deed.
He went into an empty com crib,
wrote n notu telling where tho letters
could bo found,, and then took the
poison. Whed found, shortly after,
ho was in a dying condition and ex
pired before Ids mother aud thu pliys
icinn arrived.
He was a bright, intelligent boy, but
it is not possible thnt be had any con-
ceptlon of tho horror of the act he com-''
mittcd. II in dread of starting to school
iu a strange placo Is about tho only
known cause for the deed.
Store In Wcntcrn Kiiiiksii Tliuii for Many
According to reports received at Sa
Una, Kau., from several points in the
western part of the state more prniriu
chickens will bo found this year than
in any years past. Tills is the almost
universal opinion expressed by corre
spondents throughout the west. '
. Tho reason advanced in the majority
of instances flir the presence of tho
large number of chickens is that tho
extreme dry weather of tho present
summer ha,s In-cn conducive to tho
breeding of the birds. Hunting parties
arj quite frequent in tltat section.
They are (lit on Notice to ()uit Company
Iind In Arlrouu,
Forty-three ranchers and all the resi
dents of tho town of Fairbanks, Ariz.,
in the San Pedro Valley, have been no
tified to leave ther homes, which are
on the liouqulllas Spanish land grnnt.
Tho land recently camo Into thu po
session of a large cattle company aud
will be fenced iu as soon as the settlers
can be ejected. One rancher has built
a ort an I proposoi to stand off the
company' cowboys, who will bo en
gaged in clearing tho land of ranchers
and their improvements. Tho grant
embraces 17,3.15 acres.
Muddcu'a Yankee Cnpturm the Hlg
John E. Madden's Yankee, at. four to
one in the betting, won the classic Fu
turity at Shcopshead Hay, the. richest
fixture of tho American turf. He won
driving by a length mid a half from
what was perhaps the best aud high
est class field which ever ran for tho
stnko. Lux Casto wns second, while
Harry finished third. It was a great
race and nobly won, and a record
breaking crowd of 30,000 people stood
up iu their excitement and wildly
cheered tho victor. Thu track was fast
and all conditions favorable.
Chinese MlnUter at Wnihlugton Uoe
to Loudon.
"Li Cliing Fang, adopted son of Li
Hung Chang, having declined the St.
Petersburg legation," Bays a dispatch
to tho London Times from Pekin,
"China hosappolntcd Sir Chen Lo Feng
Lu (Chinese minister iu London) to St.
Petersburg, transferring Wu Ting
Fang from Washington to London."
Find Man nt tho Wheal.
The navy department lias succeeded
by means of its notice to tho press in
learning tho whereabouts of Hustaf E.
Clacson, who' was tho man at tho wheel
on the Texas in tho battlo of Santiago.
Captain Ixsinley, the judge advocate in
tho Schley court of Inquiry, received a
telephone message from a resident of
Washington, giving him Clneson's ad
dress in tho United States, which, how
ever, was not mado public.
Highest for Hoven Yours
. The highest price paid for hogs dur
ing tho past seven years was recorded
on the Sioux Oity market Friday, tho
figure being 80.35.
rhllllpx IIcrIiih AruIu.
The secretary of statu has issued ar
tides of incorporation to tho George
II. Phillips Urain company of Chicago,
111., with a capital stock of 8500,000.
Tho incorporators nro Ueorge Phillips,
tho late "corn king," .Jacob Hingcr and
William Wlliart, all of Chicago.
Cxnr Hulli for Deniniirk.
A St. Petersburg dispatch says: The
czar, the' czarina uud tho lmpcrinl chil
dren sailed for Copenhagen. Tlioy
will remain a fow days In Denmark
before proceeding to Kiel.
The Socond Rrtce of American
Yachts a Failure
I'oluinlilii Mum t'p I ho )l-l uud Hum
Auity I'roui CoiiNlltutlou When
ever "Wind 1'rfnlicin t'p.
Upton I'rcicnt.
A Newport. H. I., dispatch says the
M'cond official trial race of the Colum
bia and the Constitution practically
had no result. The ynchts, for lack of
wind, were unable to finish within the
time limit of live and one-hiilf hours.
At 0:110 In the evening the contest
came to an inglorious conclusion, two
miles to the east ward of Hrcnton's
reef lightship. At that time the Co
lumbia lead by n good quarter of a tulle.
The course was triangular,-ten nautical
miles to a leg, the first Ix-lng a beat.
windward, cast by south, the second a
reach with the wind nlKiut abeam, and
the third n run before the wind, which
hauled to make it another stretch with
the wind abeam until the racu was de
clared tiff.
Sir Thomas Lipton and his friends
watched the race with eagjr interest
from the bridge of the steam yacht
Krtn. Nothing noteworthy occurred
in tin; race until the second mark was
rounded by the boats, the Columbia
leading by a margin of four and one
halfiininutes. t Almost a -fiat calm pre
vailed for nearly twenty minutes. The
Constitution was showing marvelous
ability ai a drifter. The Columbia set
her spinakcr, but the wind hauling,
took it in again after a few moments.
The Constitution lowered her splnnker
pole, but did not set the sail. Under
her balloon jib top sail she crawled up
very slowly and passed the Columbia.
Thu wind came a little fresher and the
Constitution, increased her lead. It
freshened still more, when Columbia
lulled out and passed the Constitution
with singular rapidity and was a
.quarter of a mile in the lead when Ou
tline limit wns up.
Mr. Nation Arrcnled at New York Hut
A New York dispatch says: Mrs.
Carrie Nation, who arrived lu this city
recently, was arrested at Twcnty
clgthth street and F.ighth u venue,
charged with "raising a crowd anil
creating a riot." She was ideated,
however, upon the. assurance of her
escort that she would go directly to
her hotel. He fore being arrested Mrs.
Nation entered three saloons find two
concert halls, and iu strong language
lectured the bartenders and the s-r-sons
gathered in the illnVreut resort.
A crowd followed her from plnee to
place, constantly growing larger and
inure boisterous, aud finally the police
interfered and arrested Mrs. Nation.
Dliapproie llo)cott.
At Omaha, Neb., the central hilxir
union recently declared a Isiycott up
on tho Ak-Sar Hen festivities because
non-union labor was employed con
structing the booths nnd pavilions that
are to Iw used. Tho local typograph
ical union held a meeting and resolved
that while not liking it Itecnuso non
union men were-employed still it wns
against policy to boycott a public en
terprise of this character. If any boy
eotting is donuMt'shnuld be against tho
persons directly responsible for Un
employment of non-union men.
Iturna to Dentil in Hotel.
The destruction of the Hotel MoKce
at Pittsburg, Pa., a frame strut lire, re
sulted in tho death of Harry McKec, a
boy; injuries to four others, and the
narrow escape of many more. Molten
wan burned to death. The injured
wore: Pella Campbell, John M. Oray
Harry.Mardls, Harry MeUouver, and
Mary Wolosliu. Miss Campbell will
probably die. The fire was caused by
tho explosion of a gasoline stove,
which Miss Campbell attempted to
light. Tho injnred were all employes.
MacArlhur nt WiiHliliiRton,
A Washington dispatch says: Maj.
General MacArtliur, who formerly wus
in command of the American forces in
tho Philippines, lias reached Washing
ton. Ho was accompanied by Cnpt. T.
Q. Ashbnrn, h..j niddc-de-camp. (Jen
eral MauArthur's stay in Washington
will Iks brief, as after formally report
ing to tho war department officials he.
will leave for a call on Secretary Hoot
in New York nnd then will "return
Chnrced With IlnolleKKlni;.
United States Deputy Marshal Moore
orought before Commissioner Hode of
Grand Island, Neb., one, Kll Warm-ion
the charge of bootlegging. At tho
hearing tho prisoner was bound over
to the United States district court at
Omaha and in defnnlt of the S.'.OO lnind
was taken to that city for safe keeping.
Ho was operating at Nelson.
An Kdltor lUdly lleuten,
C. Miller, -editor of the Cumlng
County Democrat at West Point, Neb.,
was badly beaten by a young law stu
dent, Charles Neenry. Miller's teeth
wero knocked out, his nose broken and
both his eyes blackened. Miller was
having a political discussion with ,11m
Conlin in the Green Tree hotel nnd
Nccary took a hand with disastrous
results to Miller. Neenry win; arrest
cd nnd released on bond. The encoun
ter stirred up considerable excitement
and there wns talk of dealing harshly
with tho young man.
IHphxIou In Mni'hlno Slio;i Vnrtliilly
Wreck IIuIIiIIiik.
A dispatch from Hustings, Neb.,
says: A two and one-half horse pow
er boiler iu Hiinclngrcn'
exploded with u tcrtitlu report that
was heard all over town. N'o lives
were lost. Mr. Huuclngrcn hail been
using the Imllcr without, n safety valve
and nt too high a pressure and It ex
pliK.l. A portion of thu boiler went,
through tho west side of the building
cutting the studding and springing
the whole side of thu building. Other
portions went through the west side
and thu plate ghiM front was blown
out and the engine left a wreck. Mr.
Kuncingrcn uud another man who
were staui'lng iu front of the shop
were lifted off their feet, but were un
hurt. The damage Is S.'IOO, w lth no In
Unilllij Woumn of lllncl. HUM Nnrrnu
ly INciiimh Dentil.
.Mrs. Kiln Vcnar, a well known lady
residing near Wlilluwood, S. 1).. re
cently took to ralve a little girl, a
daughter of n waitress iu D.-adwood,
mimed Priest. She promised her
aeoptcd child all her property when
she died. The mother, working linrd
in Dcadwood. it Is i-linrinil. luirctiiim-d
a box of candy and u Imttlu of strych
nine and mixed the two pretty well
and sent the box to her daughter with
instructions not to cat any of It herself
but. to give it to Mrs. Venter which
was done. Some of the candy was
eaten by the woman and she was very
badly poisoned, but will live. Mrs
Priest has been arrested.
niirrol llctwccu Women Terminate!
A I'lkcton. 0., dispatch says: Israel
M. McCallastcr is dead and .lolin It.
Cutllp ami .McClevclauil Nance aru in
jail as the sequel lo a toclal given at
Salt Creek, recently. Miss Stella Mo-t'olla-itcr
an A Salllo Cu'.lip cigngeil in
adispuluan-1 while McA'oll..ster was
endeavoring to separate Ihem ho was
stabln-d from behind and expired al
most Instantly. Nance Is alleged to
have ticalcn the living man with a club
A terrible se-ne followed, during which
kuUcsuiul revolvers were drawn and
women fainted. KxeltJ-ment Is still
high and more blood may fiovv as it is
said a mob will take the matter in
hand when it lias been definitely net
tled who cominlttced the murder.
Child Item liter hy limy.
A little son of Carl Spronse, just old
piioiu'Ii to run out of doors, was run
over by Heiinett's dray at Cullaway,
Neb. The child was playing outside
when tin) dray passed by at a good
speed, and the little one ran in front
aud was knocked down and one of tho
wheels passed over It, Injuring it qulto
severely, if not fatally. The father of
the child committed suicide two yenrp
Fiilrllelil Woiniiu llururd.
Mrs. Henry Hall was probably fatal
ly burned at Fairfield, Neb., by the
explosion of a gasoline lamp which she
was filling iu her husband's store.
Mrs. Preston was also badly burned
nnd a young man named Norris wns
burned about tho back and legs. Tho
store, caught fire, but tho blaze was ex
tinguished. Two Ileml Tiro Humeri.
At Albany, N. Y., a frightful fato
befell tho family of Wilbur Alexander,
a contractor. A naptha launch ex
ploded on tho Hudson river at the
"Abbey," a uiilu anil a half below Al
bany, killing Mrs. Alexander ami her
little daughter and burning Wilbur
Alexander and Ills son, Wilbur Alex
ander, jr., In a horrible manner.
tUprrt Swimmer Drowned.
Georgo Hclchcr of Hrooklyn, Now
York, well known as an expert and
fancy swimmer, wns drowned iu Hroad
Channel, nt Hockaway beach. Ho wus
giving au exhibition in deep water of
how a swimmer could carry a person
on his-back, aud his daughter, Eva
wus tho one. he carried.
llrltiR Cargo of KoiiUklii.
The steamer Homer has arrived at
San Francisco from the Prlbyloff isl
ands with '.'2,01:! sealskins, a largo
numlier of fox skins uud a quantity of
whalebone. The catch of seals is re
ported as small .
Warden Davis, of the Nebraska state
penitentiary is skit wifh typhoid fever
A dispatch from Caracas, Venezuela,
says that wur is Imminent between
that power aud Colombia.
Tho strike of tho brewers at the
t'rttubntrHrow cry, -declared last Fri
day is off, thu men having gonu back to
Articles of incorporation of the Val
entine State bank have been filed. Tho
new bank will huvo a capital stock of
At Munson, Pa., Kmnnuul Hiiius, a
German miner, was blown to atoms by
an explosion of powder which had
ignited from his pipe.
Hev. J. W. Swan and wifu of Wymoro
were tendered a reception by the mem
bers of th M. K, church. Hev. Swun
Jias uceeptcd a call to Omaha.
During a thunder storm ot Altoonn,
Pa., a party of golf players took refuge
in a building. Lightning struck it aud
I). 1). Marks, aged S3, was killed,
Late reports from thu wreck which
occurred on tho Great Northern forty
miles cast of Kalispull, Mont., indicate
that tho wreck was tho worst In tho
history of the road. Thirty-four lives
huvo boon lost aud tun were injured, at
least three of whom will die.
Prosidont McKinloy Tenders Hie
Good Offices.
llre t'ntnmlilii and teueoirlii to Settle
't'hrlr lllrrrreuee-i Doplori-N IUpil-
Hon of qimrrel -Ami'erK are lie-
relwd- Content I'mIuhum),
it has been accvtalucd that on Au
gust si, during Secretary Hay's recent,
visit to Washington, a telegraphic, mes
sage was sent to the ministers lit Car
acas and Itogota, directing them to in
form tin- foreign secretaries of Vene
zuela aud Colombia of thcillstress with
which tin- president had heard of tho
likelihood of a disturbance lietwi-en
those two republics.
Adverting to the responsibility of
the United' Stntcs being 'exerted to
compose tho pending questions, thu
ministers have directed to say that,
while the relations of this government
with both uallous aru equally intimate
ami friendly nnd every opportunity Is
taken to show thu good will wu bear
them, au offer of tin- president's kindly
otllces to arrange any differences which
tuny exist between Colombia and Ven
ezuela would bo Ineffective without the
acqulcsence of both. Nevertheless, In
spired by the sentiments which are
common to all the govern ments of the
American i-epu biles, the United States
would sincerely deplore a breach of the
amicable relations that at this time
happily exist between the sister na
tions of the western world, and would
especially regret any action by either
of them which might menace tho se
curity tif transit, across the isthmus of
the neutrality of its territory anil
thereby constrain the government, of
the United States to consider Its re
sponsibilities and functions under ex
isting treaty engagements with Colom
bia. Thu text of Mr Hay's telegram hns
not been made public. It is under
stood that au acknowledgment ot its
receipt has been mado by thu Venezue
lan government, but its purport, has
not been made known, although it is
said to lie friendly iu tone, and while
charging invasion by Colombian forces
on the Venezuelan border nml refer
ring to tho temporary suspension of
diplomatic Intercourse which lias oc
curred, the way appears to be open for
explanations. Venezuela has not de
clared war against Colombia. No ac
knowledgment lias been received from
Hogota, but this is supposed Io-Im; duo
to tho reported delays in telegraphic
communication bet weed Hogota and
end the coast stations.
Colombia, also, It in said, has made
response to tho notu of Secretary Hay.
While its contents aru not obtainable,
tho statement is made thnt it is concil
iatory in character and expresses an
earnest wish that war with Venezuela
may be avoided. Such a result, it is
stated, would lie a cause of genuine
regret to tin? people of Colombia. Col
ombia, it Is stated, stands ready to ac
cept the friendly Intervention" tif tho
United States to avert war and reposes
full confidence In thu latter country.
No niHiiBreement In I'mueo l.'niirornlnc
Coming VUlt.
The ofllolal statement regarding tho
Paris cabinet council contains thu sig
nificant statement that thu cabinet nt
its meeting in July settled tho meas
ures to be taken for tho safety of Km
peror Nicholas during his visit to
France. This phraso was deliberately
inserted, it is understood, to disprove
thu assertions of the nationalist press
that M. Wahleek-Housscau was Itept in
Iguornnco of thu czar's coming until a
few hours lx-fore tho public, announce
ment. It also demolishes tho stories of
au alleged disagreement between Presi
dent Louhot and tho premier on the
Negro Mnn and Woman Sleep on Hall
Koud Trnrk,
Near Lawrence, Kansas, "Hull"
Sparks and Hoso Moore, negroes, were
run down by a train. The legs of both
were severed by tho wheels of the en
gine. Tho man's legs wcro amputated
Just above the knees, and the woman's
between tho kneus nnd ankles, ltoth
aru living, but their condition is crit
ical. The victims of the accident had Ik-oii
out carousing during the night, and it
is believed they fell nslecpon the track.
,- Ml I I ! ,
Trnnemeo .lllurm yull.
Union coal miners are out of tho
mines nt Oliver Springs, Tenii., and re
fuse to return to work until soms
ugrecinent Is renched with tile opera
tors relative to a now wage schedule.
I Last Saturday night nlsnit S00 of tho
Oliver Springs miners shouldered their
picks and with lighted torches paraded
the streets.
Trill n Load of Ioot.
A Pekin.idispatch says:C (Mr. II. G.
Squires, secretary of the United State's
legation in Pekin, started for home on
leave of absence. He takes with him
a collection of Chinese art, filling sev
eral railway ears which experts pro
nounce one of thu most complete ex
tant. Mr. Squires intends to present
thu collection which conbibts largely
of porcelains, bronxes aud carvings
from thu palaces bought from tho mis
sionaries and at auction of military
loot to tho Motropolitan Museum of
Al.-ilmm Moll "liotrR Sinn- Than tUiinl
Hill Fourncy, alias Hill Hllllard, ol
Troy, Ahu, charged with assaulting
Miss Wilson at Chcstiut Grove, was
shot and his body burned by n limb
ncur the scene tif his crime.
Miss Wilson, who is seventeen years
of age, and the daughter of Dr. Carroll,
twelve years of age, wore on'thcli- way
to school at Cliesnnt Grove when they
were overtaken by the negro, lln
sol zed Miss Wilson and the. younger
girl inn. As she did so tho negro
his pistol, but. initM-tl her, The girl
raised the alarm and soon a poise vits
in pursuit.
When llity renched the scene of Urn
crime. they found Miss Wllfton uncon
scious and terribly bruised lu tho faro
and about tin: bead.
Tho posse tracked tho negro lo bin
home, where he win found iu lied, say
ing he was sick. Thu Carrol girl Iden
tified him and hn wai then taken nit.
and shot, nnd his body burned. Miss
Wilson is in a precarious condition.
Iti-rnrd In Sulcldn Mmln hy m Colored
Moomu In Indluuii.
Suicide nt tho age of I SI years in the
record of a colored woman of Kokomo,
hid. Last spring Mrs. Luey Washing
ton, who was seventy-six years a slave
and part of the. time a servant in tint
family of President Mndlson, was taken
to thu county house. "1 hope lo die
before lly tlmo,' hho said. "I havis had
morn Hum ISO lly times now and that
is more than my share." A month ago
the old woinnti Hung herself down n.
-. a. !........ l.b..t.L. . i !..... AA.t m it jiu
stairway, orc'iuiug mrcu rim mm
left arm. Tho broken bonea knit
speedily and site adopted another meth
od of self-destruction, that of volun
tary starvation. Two weeks ngo nIio
quit eating, and since then hns not
tasted a morsel tif food, oven Vefimlng
to moisten her mouth with wntcr. Tin
end camo Monday.
Ilrother of r-i-lileiit CaNtro Einhark
nr l'niuee.
. A dispatch to tho Now York Herald
from Willeinstnd, Curacao, nayR! Gen
eral Ccclllo Castro, a brother of Presi
dent Castro, has left .Venezuela for
France, to obtain an linmcdlato runuw
ul of diplomatic, relations with France,
to buy arms for Venezueln and also to
attend to tho creation of a French
(icncrnl Castro lefc Venezuela on the
Venezuelan war vessel, tho HesUiura
dor formerly tho Gould yncht Atlanta.
Hu will board the steamship Cana
da aOlartiniq'uo nnd wlllarrivuntlior
dcaux on September 1 1. Ho will trav
el incognito.
ChlcnRO J rent Writern May Ino Ilond
for nulltllng.
It is reported, sayH n Chicago dlu
pHtch,.that President, SHckney of tho
Great Western has succeeded In "form
ing a syndicate to underwrite nn issue
of 0,01)0,000 Chicago Great Western de
benture bonds, to provides for tho
building of the proposed extension to
Omaha and Sioux City.
Work on these cxtenslona in to bo
commenced next spring, but Rome pre
liminary grading may bo donu this
year. Thu surveys have all been com
l-romlnrnt Member of Mormon Church
Hubert Graham, a well-known elli
zc.u of Wohcr county and prominent
official in the Mormon church at
Huntsville, Utah, was shot and al
most instantly killed while on hs way
homo from church nt night. Tho afj
fair is shrouded in mystery, there lie
ing no clue to the perpetrators of tho
Mntorinaii-Hmvcd'tJlKhty Cam.
At Chicago tho Logan square termi
nal of the Metropolitan elovatcd rontl
was practically destroyed by fire. Thu
ticket agent narrowly escaped, death
iu tho fire, which destroyed a lot of
cars, a train shed, repair shops anil
other railway prppcrty.- A motorraan
wait iug with his train at the (station
saw thu flame aud pulled about 80 cars
out of the yards before tho ilamcd
reached them. Kstimated loss, 8100,
000. Denmark to Hell Island.
A London dispatch nays: A dlspateh
to a news agency fron Copenhagen says
thu new Danish ministry has decided
to accept tho United Statca' offer of
JO.000,000 kroner for tho Danish Wcat
'I ndiesr thitH-annoiincldg'ntf7an accom
plished fact what tho dispatches of tho
Associated press bald tho ministry
would do.
I'lutm for Colonial Army.
Count von Jlnclow, tho chancellor at
Ilcrlin, is formulating proposals which,
he will soon submit to tho German
states, for the formation of a colonial
A. M. Segar, aged S!S, whose homo
Is supposed to bo at ChcrryvaK'ijKnii.,
wns stubbed to death by Itlley Swal
low ood, aged 10. Thu affray occurred
in a Tacoma, Wash,, saloon, tho result
a quarrel between tho two men. Swal
lowood tied nnd has not been captured.
1-UnliiK SHU Ilarncd.
The pinning, shlnglo and sash five
tory of N. McGraft& Son nt Lakeside,
Mich., was burned, together with tho
finished stock. Loss, about 130,000;
insurance about half in several com
panies. The lira caught from a pass
ing engine.
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