The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1901, Image 8

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    ' "l '
L i
, Mi-t
- ) rf.'V
Every woman in the country
ought to know about
flutter's Friend
Those who do know nbottt it
wonder how they ever got alone
without it. It has robbed child
birth of its terrors for many a
young wife. It has preserved her
girlish figure nnd saved her much
suffering. It is an external lini
ment and cartics with it therefore,
absolutely no danger of upsetting
the system as drugs taken intern
ally are apt to do. It is to bo
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen tho muscles which
are to bear tho strain. This means
much less pain. It also prevents
morning; sickness and all of the
other discomforts of pregnancy.
A druggist of Macon, Ga., says:
" I have sold a large quantity of
Mother's Friend and have never
known an instance where it has
1 failed to produce the good results
claimed for it."
A prominent lady of Lara
berton, Ark., writes: " With my
feat six children 1 was in labor
from a4 to 30 hours. After using
Mother's Friend, my seventh was
born in 4 hours."
Got Mother1 Friend at the drag
Ian, 01.00 per bottle.
Writ fer m free hank, "SiroRl BABY
If you haven't a regular, healthy movement of tha
bowel! every Jy, you're III or will be. Keep your
bowela open, and be well. rorce. In the ahapoof vlo
lent phyale or pjll poleon, la daniterou, Tbe smooth
at,eaaleet, moil perfect way of keeping tbe bowel
tear and dean la to take
Pleaeent, Palatable, Potent, Taete flood. DoUood,
Merer Hlrkrn, Weaken, or Urlpe, 10, ss. and M rente
Ker. boi. Write for free eaniple, and booklet nn
eattb. Addreee tM
trcauia bhxdt coarm, Chicago .r sir? tori.
llohor i.n quality than most
10 Cigars
Umpft taem with other Osars as.
fee) food rtatMM.fsr thsircotthea
the dealer mora thaa ather bra
One acre of ground, good house
and 'barn and other out-build-logs,
Good drove well and
good water. Shade fruit and
ornamental trees.
For particulars inquire of
S Red Cloub, Nebraska.
tver) where
In caul
nil !.
Made by
Standard Oil
Fill R.
Beat Cbiicti tJTrup. TaateaUood. Cm
In tlnia. Hold br druivltta.
f - N eV
i Kiln rind sweat -aa-aA
rwn Oil, It ie- ""'
' i t the L.'-ip, m y '
lo iiii.Iiiur. B llva It:
lace lothf . N MIL I
harnike pot iV, "X V .
only trf lit liSti VN f
lot 4na i;tc MVlRv V V'V-'P
ntv, TjuI .ili(- W, I ,f
weara twice , ffl . 7.5 IflV-"
at lonsli) the LAf! ' a-Ti i
uirofhurrVa j?a sK. Vj. V'l' I
KatiwuUU. y&iXSiSisXX W
VvtmmmT ' ifc&L
iiiiBniaaiiij t . . j j--
Is I l
Jl UP u
Hotel Procedure for Getting If ended
Harvest Haads to Nebraska.
Firnin Relit Trmi frosa tha
Prrlattit Trains and Conepel Thaaa
do Into the WneaflrlU a
War ax (or Oood Waajaa,
Owing to the large crops the farm
era in Ncbrnskn nnd Kansas have to
use all sorts of Ingenious schemes to
get harvest hands. Enterprise In tlilw
resicut lately brought three citizens
of VVaverley within the grasp of the
law, reports the New York Hun,
The three farmers were In the hab
it of lounging about the railroad sta
tion every evening between nine and
ten o'clock. Alniut that time, a
freight train came along mid stopped
for water. In the Lincoln yards bo
fore ntartlng toward Waverley two
accommodating brakemen always
took great pains to leave on cur tin
sealed. Into skis trsvmpa would
When the trala atopped for water
at Wayerlejr the farmers ruieted for
the car and aeitad the hlrklng
tramp. On of the faraaara was a
justice of the peso, first the
tramps were tempted by offer of
good wagea to work. In eas the
tramps refused these overture they
were thrown into tha siutTy jail and
sentenced to a few days' hard labor
for vagrancy. Tbe labor consisted In
shocking wheat for one of the trio.
The tramps were put to work un
der close surveillance, and, when they
finished their stint were nllowed to
depart in peace with full stomachs
oud u small sum of money given to
them by the farmers.
Several of the neighbors were Jeal
ous of the three farmers because of
the success of the tramp scheme and
concluded to compete with the orig
inators for some of the pauper labor.
One e oiling a few days ago the
Justice utitl his two associates found
two iiclghlxirs In pohhokhIoii of a
tramp whom they had discovered In
the freight cur. The vagrant averred
that he wns from the shndy preelnetH
of Chicago and doclnred thnt he would
not degrade himself with farm labor.
The two farmer declared that he
The three late arrival with the
Just lev ut their head demanded the
tramp. Alexander Harwell and -Simon
Huskirk, who held the tramp, re
fused to surrender him. A tight en
sued. Furwell, It is alleged, struck
the justice. Then a free-for-all fight
followed. Harwell and Dunkirk tried
to defend their tramp. The trio of
fanners were bound to get him.
In the melee the tramp delivered a
few well-directed but Impartial
punches at the combatants and made
Ills escape to a lumber yard near
by. The justice and his party dis
comfited the opposition and then cap
tured the tramp. He was sentenced
to ten days for disturbing the peace
anil listed for the wheat fleld the
next morning.
Farwell and Uuakirk were not die
couraged. They made their way to
the county Judge early the next
morning unil swore out warrants for
the three farmers, charging them
with iisHiiult and battery. The trial
will be held ufter. harvest, and in the
meantime the unfortunate tramp is
the property of the man who can
pounce upon him.
oaaetBlaa; About III I-aralaaU Ooadi-
ttaa. a Compared wltfe
of BnroviMii,
Tlte mostjimportant,- because . the
most fundamental, of problems con
cerning the tUitllty of the American
man concerns his physical condition
us eoinpnred with that of his kindred
beyond the sea. A to this point the
vtidencu is so clear that it needs lit
tle disetiSHlon, say the International
Monthly. It la evident that the
American Indian, a race evidently
on the ground for many thouxuiul
years before the coming of the I'uro
peniiH, hue' found the land hospitable.
I'or snMiges they were remarkably
well developed, and, though unfitted
for steady labor, their bodice wenv
we, made and enduring. Taking
their place, the north Kuropcuu.s,
representing a wide range of local
urietl', Knglish, Irish, lllehland
hcoteli, (lertnaus, Rcundinawuns, Nor
mans. I'reneh nnd ninny other groups
of Old world peoples, have, since
their Implantation 100 yours or more
ugo, shown thnt the nrea ol the con
tinent from tbe Itio (irande to the
far north Is as suited to our kind as
is any part of the earth.
This is sufllelently proed by the
statistics of American soldiers gath
ered during the civil war; the Amer
ican white man of families lnngcHt' in
this country is, on the uveruge,
larger than hi European klnsmnu,
the increase being mainly in the size
of head and chest. It is further in
dicated by the endurance of these
men in the trialH of the soldier's life
and by the remarkable percentage
of recoveries from wound.. TIiIh en
durance of wounds wns regarded by
the late Dr. Hrown-Sequurd as a fea
ture common to all tho mammals of
this continent, being, as he claimed,
on the basis of an extensive experi
ence, as characteristic of American
rabbits ns of American men. More
over, the statistics of life-insurance
companies doing business in this
country appear to indicnte that the
expectation of life is greater fiare
than in the old world.
,, ,i
In 1827 ft blow glen with n fan by
the Dey of Algiers to the Trench con
sul lctl to the iMir which elided In mak
ing a French colony of that whole re
gion. ' '
Vvtvets airana-e llldlaa; Flare to
aa the lex Platers xt
Jaek tVroat.
Often on a warm, sunny day in
midwinter in Knglnud, where the cli
mate Ih ho much milder than It is in
our northern latitude, one walking in
the fields will startle a swarm of
grasshoppers that will leap before
him, their hard bodies striking the
dead leaves with a sound like hall.
They are called ''grouse grasshop
pers." And during cold wenthcr In
this country the grasshoppers hide
beneath the loose bark of logs or un
der the bottom rails of fences. The
common field cricket often bids de
fiance to Jnck Frost from within a
little burrow or pit. This burrow
shows as it pile of Hand nt the surface,
but beneath Ih u ninall tunnel lending
to an oblong chamber, and at Its fur
ther end another tunnel running
from three to six Inches down into
the ground, at the bottom of which
the egg arc laid. The nest of the
tree cricket is ery interesting; the
eggs ure laid in the pith of rasp
berry ntulks and grupe shoots, and
ns the mother must bore through the
tough stem, lay the egg nnd then
close the opening with fluids from
her mouth, the amount of work per
formed by her is incredible. She is a
frail looking insect of a pale green
color, with glassy wings, but she
sometimes horex 40 or 50 holes, and
lays us many eggs In a dny. If you
will examine the raspberry stalks
during the winter you may often
find long scurs, showing where the
holes have been bored. These eggs
of the tree urlckct remuin ull winter
and hutch In the early summer.
Hut crickets hiue as muny different
methods of nest making us birds
have, nnd while a few of the adults
stirtlw the winter, most of next Hum
mer's "shriller" must hutch from the
eggs In the various nests. The egga
are laid In autumn nnd hntch the
following spring Into little crickets
that look tike the grown ones, but
him no wings until Inter on. Walking
sticks lay their eggs loosely upon the
ground, when- they are more or less
protected by the fallen leaves. Kneh
egg bus ut the upper end u Hd-llke
coter, and the tiny .walking sticks,
always green at first, push open tills
lid in the spring and crawl out.
Myriads of the eggs of grasshoppers
lie In the ground, in compact musses
of -10 to no each. They begin to
hutch about uild-Aprll, nnd are lively
little insects without wings, but
otherwise like their parents.
Rare Mo I.rnnl Itlulit to tka Untie
Oaaaplrd l' The an la Voatk-
ern California,
In carrying out the provisions of
the mandate lately Issued by order of
the United States supreme court in
the rnsv' of the Warner ranch against
the .Mission Indians of South Caro
lina, the sherllT of that section has
not only a dtsugrceiible duty to per
form, but one that is felt by the resi
dents of the section to be most un
fortunate, says the St. Louis Repub
lic. Letters to this effect have been re
ceived ut the Interior department
from the Indian agent, from the sher
iff and from olllcluls of the depart
ment of justice. While none of these
criticises the supreme court in its
action in the case, they will decry
the necessity for dispossessing these
ludiniis( of their lauds and homes
which they have occupied for gene
ration, nnd turning them out into
the world without the means of sup
port. The wise in question reached the
supreme court on error from the
supreme court of the state of Cali
fornia, the action being brought to
eject the Indians from lands claimed
liv nlial Is If Mown us tli Wnmer runcB
proprietors. The highest trlbuaitl held'
inui t lie Indians nan no legni rigni to
the land they hut occupied, and that
the mission of San Diego having ad
mitted that the lands were not neces
sary to its support the occupants
must remove. The question now be
fore the Indian bureau Is where to
remoTe them nnd when. The people
number about 200.
In the meantime the Warners have
been requested to permit the Indinns
to remain upon their property until
their present crops are harvested.
This will be about th middle of
July. -
The Indian bureau has bo funds
with which to provide them homes,
but they will not ,be permitted to suf
fer for the necessities of life, even
If the regulations governing the dis
tribution of funds have to be
stretched n bit to fit the case.
A prominent official of the Indian
bureau said the other day that this
case would be the means of gotting
congress to make provision for the
Mission Indiana, tor whom no funds
has ever been set aside.
SlMintaneoa Conbnatloa of Papnr.
Most of the paper now used I made
from wood and other vegetable fibers,
which are chemlcnlly not very differ
ent from the materials of which a hay
rick i composed. Consequently if
paper is stacked damp heating is like
ly to take place, just as It does with
prematurely stacked hay, and nt any
tme flames may burst gut as the re
sult of kpontuneous combustion. Sci
ence, Knillih Word Under Latter "A."
In 50 years the words nnd phrases
of the English language
under the letter "A" June incrciir d
from 7,0()i) in number to nearly CO,.
000, Science nnd Inwntlon requ't ng
new term arc largely responsible.
An hf cnJous Treatment by which Drunk
arctt are Being Cured Dally in Spite of
No Noxious Dote No weakening oi the
Nerves A Pleasant and Positive Cure
for the Liquor Habit.
It is now generally known and under
stood that Dtunkennoss is a disease
and not weakness. A body filled with
poison, and nerves completely shattered
by periodical or constant use of intoxi
cating liqtiers, requires an antidote
capable of neutralizing and eradicating
this poison, and destroying the crav
ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may
now cure themselves at home without
publicity or loss of time from business
by this wonderful "Home Gold Cure,"
which has boon perfected after many
years of close study and treatment of
Inebriates. The faithful use according
to directions of thli wonderful discov
ery is positively guaranteed to euro tho
most obstinate case, , no matter how
bard a drinker. Our records show the
marvelous transformation of thousands
qf Drunkardi into sober, industrious
and upright men.
Wives cure your husbands!! Child
ren cure your fathers!! This remedy
is in ao sense a nostrum bat is a spec
ific for this disease only, and is so skill
fully devised and prepared that it is
thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the
taste, so that it can be given in a cup of
tea or coffee without the knowledge of
the person taking it. Thousands of
Drunkards have cured themselves with
this piicoloss remedy, and as many
more have beon cured and mado tem
perate men by having tho "Cure" ad
ministered by loving friends and rela
tives without their knowiedgo in coffee
or tea, and believe today that thoy dis
continued drinking of their own fteo
will. ))o not wnit. Do not bo deluded
by apparent and misleading "improve
ment." Drive out the diseaso at onco
and for all time. "Tho Home Gold
Cure" is sold at the extremely low
prico of One Dollar, thus placing with
in reach of everybody a treatment more
effective than otheis costing $25 to $50.
Full directions accompany each pack
age. Special advice by skilled physi
cians when requested without extra
charge. Sent prepaid to any part of
tho world on receipt of One Dollar.
Address Dept. A 402, Kdwin 13. Giles &
Company, 2830 and 2'W2 Market Street,
All correspondence strictly confiden
tial. Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, I
Lucas County. . f"
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thnt he
is the senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, county and state afore
said, and that said linn will pay the
sum of Ono Hundred Dollars for each
and every case of cntatrh t'mt cannot
bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Ciirnky
Sworn to befoio mo and subscribed
in my presence this Gth day of Decem
ber, A. 1). 1880.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, is taken inter
nally ami acts directly on the blood
mucous surfaces'uf tho system. Send
for testimonial", free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O
Sold by diuggists, 70c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Use Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to bo shaken into the
shoes. Your feet feel swoolou, nervous
and hot, anil get tired easily. If you
have smarting feet or tight shoes, try
Allen's Font-Ease. It cools the feet and
makes walking nasy. Cures swoolen,
sweating feet, ingrowing nails, blisters
nnd callous spots. Relieves corns and
bunions of all pain and gives rest nnd
comfort. Try it today. Sold by all
druggists and shoo stores for 25c. Trial
package free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, LoRoy, N. Y.
Over-Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood In your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
1 ne Kianeys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the waste or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, achesandrheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to neelected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as though
they had heart trouble, because the heart is
over-working In pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases havo their begin
ning in kidney trouble.
Ifyou are sick you can make no mistake
by frst doctoring your kidneys. Tho mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tho great kidney remedy Is
soon realized. It stands the highest for its
wonderful cures of the most distressing cases
and is sold on Its merits
by all druggists in fifty
cent and one-dollar siz
es. You may have a
samnle bottle bv mall
Home of Swamp-Iloot.
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out tf you have Kidney or oiaaaer trouoio.
Mention this paper v.-hen writing Dr. Klhncf
Sl Co,, Blnghamton, N. V.
(Ihimi nulH It hlii Muttr.)
In the days of 'wild cat' money la the
West, the Ame shovels were used aa ear-
ren0T. . Pf wcre tD, M gold t thlr
price did not vary a cent in twenty vests.
The very name of Oliver Ames A Bon, waa
a synonym for honty. It was currenl all
over th world.
On tha aam prineipl Bnson'a Forona
Plaster la the universal standard external
remedy. To say it ia a "good" plaster does
not describe it 5 it it the but pouibU plotter.
For every disease in which an external rem
dy is available, Benson' Plaster b used
almost aa a matter of coarse.
Benson's Plaster quickly relieve and
cures whore other modes of treatment are
either exasporatingly slow or have no good
effect whatever. Coughs, colds, lumkago,
kidney tronble, rheumatism, latno back,
etc., are at once benefited and soon cured.
Capsicum, Strengthening and Belladonna
plasters havo nono of tho curative virtues
of Bonson's. Moro than 6,000 physicians
and druggists have commendod Benson's
Plaster as a romody in which the publio
may have implicit confidence; while, in a
comparative test with other plasters, Ben
son's has received fifty.fite highttt award:
Beware of substitutes and cheap imitations.
Foraale by all druggist or w will pre.
6ay postage on any nnmber ordered in the
'nlUd State on receipt of 85o. oaoh.
Boabury A Johnson, Mfg. Chemists, N. Y.
Rkd Cloud. Nebraska,
Landscapes, Flowers, Fruits and Por
traits made to order.
Lock Box 93. Guide Itock, Neb.
VII kinds of property bought, sold odd
exchanged. ,
ho frequent eatue of Appendlcltle and manr other er
many other err.
loue Ilia ehould nerer bo niqlectcd. Tho objection to too
umal cathartlo remedies la their coetlre reaction which
Inrmwra eonCtpatlon Instead of curing It. I'AHKKK'S
OINOKH TONIO la tha proper remedjr. It acta on the
IjTf r, and when nerd a-i directed, permanently removea
the eooaUpaUon. M eta. X tlOO at ail Uruvglfta.
And want togctstirtcd earning money
at once, send us 25 cts for our book of
"40 New Money-Making Ideas."
It is worth its weight, in gold to anyone
who is unemployed. Send today.
Century Publishing- Co., Box 73,
Heron Lake, Minn.
H7aPAVn!AQnwEEKLY an1 want "r
xjrll VlOll hornet travelliiL'sjiIesmen
K'lUUU l e 77.VR. HECOBD
" aro eaur tnncll, always Outfit aiwolutely frec
STARK BRO'S, Louisiana, Mo.
... la...J.I -W. JtCURES all Kldnej
irTT.","--.,." V Diseases, Hack-
e a . 1 " r Wise
rMUIIOVVUra. I acbe.clu.AtUrus
it i-1-..i-. 11 K gists, or by .mail.
I. Free book, ad
toe, etc., of Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
Articles of Incorporation of The Cowden
Kaley Clothing Company.
Know til men br thue ureivnln Thai
U. Kaley, II. A. I.etnon. and I'. W. Cowdan. d
btrtby anoclala ourrelreH together far tb ur
pose of organizing corporation, under Ilia fawi
of tho itate or N'aUraika. fur tb purine f
buying and telling at retail f clolhinp. bam.
cpa, uuom, moii, ami luniieDing iodi, and
all ucta Koodn. wares and tnatchandln aa art
nitially kept and handled by retail dealer In
Tbe name of Mich corptratlon lmll b The
CwdanKaley CUtlilngCo. and tbe principal
place of transacting Ita buMneis shall be at Red
Cloud, Wtbtter Ho . Nebraska.
Th amount m( Iih capital alack (.ball be alx
thousand dollar (frtMKJixil. divided int ,11..,.
f out hundred dollars tHO(0) each, all f
wmen auau ne pain in immtaiateiy upon Ilia ar
gnnfzatlon of the corporation.
The corporation thall commence n th
twenty i-ecoiid (Uind) day of July, nlnetet
luiadml and oe (IM)1), and shall tornlaattJaly
Sind. I02S. '
The hlcheat amount af Imlahtoilnstaar icv,n.
Ity to which HHld corporation rball at aay Hue
subject Itself l tha Bum of four tboutaad dl-
lara vnuuu.uuj.
Its affair shr II be conducted hy n bonrd cf
thro lrt'turii to be fieri cd ntmunlly by the
H'lrltlioldi'i" nnd Iti-nfllrer thall rnlit af a
I'rpsiiieiii. Vlce.Prci.ldriil. Ptrrelarv and Tr'an
lirer, tu he elated b the board of i(lri tnr-
A.T Kaiet.
U. A. I.tiTacR.
, K. W. Cowdck.
Witness :-C. W.Kalit.
B fc M. B.Y
81. JOE
S2. LOUIS and
all points east and
and all points
Tiuma liatb as roLtowa:
Vo, 13. Passenger dally for Oberlln
and St. Francis branches. Ox
ford, McCook, Dearer and all
points weBt........... 7:4.') a.m
M. Passenger dally for St. Joe,
Kansas City, Atchison. St.
Louis. Lincoln via Wymote
and all points east and south 2-32 a 01
16. Passenger, dally. Denrer, all
points in Colorado, Utah and
California ...... 8:0p.
16, passenger, dally for St. Joe,
Kansas -ny. aiciuiou, oi.
Louis and all point east and
south i .....-10:oo ,.
Mo. 144. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday, UastltiRs. Grand is
land. Black Hills and all
points In the northwest..... 1:00 p. si
No. 143. Accommodation, dally except
Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and
Intermediate staUons, via Ke
publican . .
Mo. 64. Freight, dally, Wymore and
St. Joe aiid Intermediate
Junction points . lS:45p.Bi
Mo, 63. freight, dally for liepubllcan
Orleans, Oxford and all points
west . ..10:40 a.ta
Mo. 66. Freight, dally except Sunday
for Wymore and all point east 6.00 a.m
Mo. ITS. Freight dally to Oxford aud
Intermediate points 1:30 p.m
Sleeping, dining, and reclining chair rare,
(teats free) on through trains. Tickets sold ant
baggage checked to any point In the United
Htate or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps or tickets
call on or address A. Conorer, Agent, Hod
Cloud, Ncbr. or J. Francis, Genoral Pauenger
Ageat Omaha. Nebraska. .
The Gbief, 1$ fl Year.
1 m mat 1 ii ia
The 5 MliH.te Breakfast Fool
M a--. . ) ii.i
PURIAN MILLS, St. Louis, Mo.
Don'tBe Fooledi
Take the gen . orrftiaa!
Mad only by Madlsoa Medi
cine Co., Madison, WU. It
keep you well. Oar trad
mark cut on each package.
Price, .is cents. Nvr olt
In bulk. Accept no ubstr
tut. Ask your druggist.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
cures every hind of muih. la grippe, broiichltli,
miruui, vruup, wnuoping cougn, etc.
nges the stomach. AtDrusTsTtat.
system Is the only safe and auro method of cun
." "tuuiuuHcasea, in. tiny renovator
Is tbe only perfect By stem renovator. Free aam.
pies and book. Dr. D. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
Wanted everywhere. Stories, news,
ideas, poems, illustrated articles, ml
vanco news, drawings, photographs,
unlqno articles, etc., etc., purchased.
Articles rovised and prepared for pub
lication, llooks published. Send for
particulars nnd full information beforo
sending articles.
The Bollelin Press association, New YorL.
Oleaneee and. twaullflee the hair.
ITomotte a luxurilnt ernh
Merer Taila to nestore Qra
Cum ecalp dursirt a hair Hallux.
tUf.inJllwu Dni.-irlrtj
a truiir.
tocure dyspepsia, consti
tution, liver nnd kidneys. Itcat tonic, laxative,
blood purltlor known for ull chronic disease;
renovates and invigorates tho whole system nnd
rurcs VOrV worst CONCH. I!et trial hot nt nnn
If not satlstlod with it notify us, wo will refund
money by return mail. Write your symptoms,
for Free Medical Advice, sample and proo'. 2S &
60c at druggists. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y.
RENOVATOR in Igorntex nnd rcnovutw. tho
system; purities and curlehoH Hie nioml: cures
the worm dyspepsia, constipation, headache,
Ilveronrt kidneys. Scundl,HtdrugggtH. Prto
Riidvlce. Huniple ami book. .mm..
ur. U. J. Ka,.Surutogu.N.V Jam
l5-0TlVV-SArr;. llj. ttli.M. I ..Hie., us Urti(Kiel
- haw . voia ntiauia mim eull
wiikblaeHtboa. TakeaeeUer. Kcriiea
Baatraraaa HaWUtaUaaa tti lailta.
a. Bef r li DratalK, r tnt 4e. ia
laaiae ar l'ar4lMlBB
aaa fUllef far LuIIm," m Hum, -r ra.
faa Maall. IA A.IATuIu.i.i. a '.a a.-
auT .1. -i wrafiiiie lllONUr OkaaalaaJ C.
afcailea tail stew. Ma4la 1'ark.flilLAf Jl
. j:-"-,--- "YW -aaass aauaa ovia syf
Genuine ltampcd CCC Never soW In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"emethln; utt as jtood."
alrnnor r.inv frali
ten pounds in ten days. Over MOO.OOj
cured. All druggists. Cure jruarauteed. Book
let and advice 1'KKB. Address STKRI.IN&
suutHUY co., umcago or New York. 437
IrowD Bridge Work ir Teelb Witkiit Plilet
4nd all tha latest Improvement la dental mech
W o can surnish 70U brick in
ty at the lowest pos
sible rato. Brick on sale at
cither of tho lumber' yards.
Get Our Prices Before You
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Red Cloud, Neb.
ft. V
auu can uc cuiru oi any lorni oi looacco USIOB
easily, be mado well, strong, magnetic, full ol
Xw. "fe and vigor by taking MO-7DaMO
Uat naakea weak men alrnnir M.nnv vain
l'UOPRlETOK. - .
California brandies.
l 4-
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4v .
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1 tatallaWatl lallll 1 - "- ' "ai aiaaaa,aviar sua, --.. -...-- - .
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