x,T-7r TSWTTTTV-- , T I fi ;1 ft ?, rf f. ! t iVSf W p m. Aw;" lM, Poison oak Poison ivy are among the best known of the many dangerous wild plant and shrub. To touch or handle them .quickly producei swelling and inflammation with in ' tense itching and bunting of the skin. The eruption soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever: but almost as soon as the little blisters and pustules appeared the poison bad reached the blood, and will break out nt regular intervals and each time in a more aggra vated form. Tills poison will loiter in the system for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before you can expect a perfect, permanent cure. SSS Nature's Aitltote FOR Nature's Poisons. is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivv. mid all noxious tilatits. It is com. posed exclusively of roots nnd herbs. Now is the time to get the poison out of your system, as delay makes your condition worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. S. M. Marahall, bookkeeper of the Atlanta mi.; ,(gm k.o., wa pouonca wiin roiton Oak. Me took Sulphur. Antnle and variom other druri, and applied externally numeroui lotion am) aalrca with no benefit. At times the awetlloK and inflammation was ao aerere he wai almott blind. For eight years the potion would break out erery acaaon. Ilia condition was much Improteit after taking one bottle of B. 8. S., and irwDoiuciciearra ma diooo 01 mpoisoa,anq alt erldeacea of the disease diiappeared. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad ice as you require, without charge, and we will aend at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases. TIM tWIFT IPICIFIO CO., ATLANTA. M. THE CHIEF rtTBUSaBD BT w. l. McMillan. 911 y$U ttaft-aaa..tvl 00 SlX MOD till a SO PUBU8H1D MVKRT FRIDAY Bataraa at tas pott oBoe at Had Cloud, Nab. as sesadolatssialt asattat. ADVERTISING RATKS: Local adTtrUaloi I cants per Una par latut. Local Advertising for antartalaaunta, con Hits, socials, .vs., glvan by churchts, charitable societies, ato., where all moneys raised there froas are used wholly for church or charitable ocitue (ratten lines free and all over ten Itaes 3M oenta per line per Issue. t Local advartlslBg of entertalnmenu, concerts, recitals, etc., where per cent ts given to pro moters, t cents per Use per issue. DiarLAT ADTiatisiwe, Ost column per Month--..-...... -.t7 00 Oae-half column per atonth .....-..... a so aa-fMrtti column per month.. ..... 1 7S Oeaeral display advertising i 6 cents per Inch pertMue. RepufcUcan County Ticket. For County Judge U. K, CIIANKY, or Itfil Cloud. 2t Watd. Hor County Sherir O. 1). HKDOK, Of Itfil Uloud Precinct for County Coroner 1K T. It. IIAI.I., Of Pleasant Hill 1'r.clncl. CFor County Treasurer OIIA9, kTcATHKR, Of Hed Cloud, tat Ward. For County Clerk KI. 8. -AMUCK, Of Guide Itock Precinct. For County Surveyor W. K. TIIOKNK, Of Oleawood Precinct. For Cuunty Superintendent MRS. E. J. CASK. Of Red Cloud, 2d Ward. JFot Commissioner 1st Dlat. X. HXITLKK, For CommlMlonerSd Diet. W. F. RErlEKI.. For CemmtulonerMh Ulst. W. KICnAKDS. County politics are as dead as a pickled mackerel. The demoerntlo county convention is called to tneot in Blue Hill on Septem ber 5th, 1001. m Don't ask cnndldntoH for ofllce ftr cigars. Look in their pockot and see if they havo uny. If so help yourselves. The Nebraska and Kansas Former i and Breeder appears tliia month in mi nubroviated form, being just about one hhlt its usual size Tnc nvnrngo iluiiy nii:iior of to day would be in :i qicmdrny if tho could not put n "-"t'Hfo bead" tlutt said "Burned nt the Stake" It appears to ti Uiul the t'eHihlir;tM Slate convetitlon lias u vet fifrulinr way of .sitting down on the uuveuioi's past uusiotig mid tlietntitiK his fattitonu lions. Samuel 11. Sedgwick, thu lepublleuii tioiulnee for supreitio judge, is one of tbo ablest juiiitn in the state, ami as .strojg a mini ns the party could put in the Held, The question wliioh is auitating tin populistH and deinoerats of this eottniy jmt nt present is n. satisfactory tlivlr- ion of tho oliices to insure mo hiippott of the fusion forces. However, In the coming convention, as in past eonven tions, tho" domocrutn will take jnt what thcpopullsts want to givo thi-in 1 1 say it is good. The steel corporations and the pri identof tho inniilRamiitt'd nouinio.. "who leads tho strike, concur in ilen. ing that there nro any pqnoo nt'iT'thi. tions going on. The steel tiien j,.. there U only ono road to ioast. that (9 fur tlio mon to trnrol when thry uonio to tin shops itnii offer to work ngain, whilu ShnlTor clulms that tlio only tonus posslhlu nrothosooffornd by him at tlio Inst mooting of negotiators. Just nt present the outlook for n dis ruption among the powers of Europe sepins probable, nnd nil because rnncu and Turkey cannot ngreo on a trilling pointy Now without a doubt through the mixing of the "enn-enn" with the "hoocho-cooche" nnd allowing spocta tntors to enst "goo-goo oyos," wo nro willing to admit considerable Jealousy would bo crontod nnd the result of such a mix-up wo cannot llguro out, but it in snfo to say tho result would bo a drawing card for n street fair. The republican state convention mot at Lincoln Wednesday and nominated Samuel II. Sodgwiok of York lor supreme judge and C.J. hrnst of Lin coln and II. L. Gould of 0tllnlu for rtffentsof tho state university. Then after n spirited iigh: anil after ii per sonal explanation by Gov. Savago of his part In issuing the Hartley parole, tho convontlon adopted a platform unanimously recommonded by tho committee on resolutions part of which was a flat request for Gov. Savage to roturn Hartley to the penitentiary at once. Tho governor complied with the request with all possible speed and Hartloy was again behind the peniten tiary walls In time for supper. Webstor county cast fifteen votes against the resolution adopted by the reniibllcan state convention demand ing the return of ox-Stato Tcoasuier Hnrtlov to the ponltontlnry before his sixty day parole expired, and we thluk they were Justified tn thoir notion. It might be inferred from their rote thatthov still had confidence in Gov. Savage and that his action giving Bart- ley a chance to make an accounting ol state funds was entirely to the inter ests of the people of tha state of No- braska, aid had ao political inference whatever. While we believe Joe Bart- ley is a criminal, we also believe he should be permitted to make restitu tion for his crime if possible. Further than this we think Gov. Savage showed his wtaknpM when he consented to be erovarned bv the oeoole whom he was supposed to govern. Gov. Savage should have shown the republtoan con vention that he was govbrnor and not the delegates to that convention, and that if he made a more which he be lieved was to the interests of the peo ple they uould not rescind it. Jttst what Bartley accomplished during the first forty-five days of his pnrole is not known nnd probably never will bo known, but it is sfo to say that a m tn with a twenty yuar sentenco hanging over his head would mike all tho resti tution ho could on a sixty day p.irole in order to gut hU suuteuuo comimitod as much as possible A WORTHY SUCCESSOR "Something New Under The Sun. All Doctors have tried to cure Ca' arrh by the use of powders, acid gases, Inhalers, and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mucous mem branes causing them to crack open and bleed. The powerful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have aimed to cure, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the disease. An old- and eiperieaoed practitioner who has for many years madeaolose study and specialty of the treatment of Catarrh, has at last perfeoted a treat ment which when faithfully used, not only relieves at onoe, but permanently cures Catarrh by removing the cause, stopping the discharges, and curing all inflammation. It is the only rem ndy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This won derful remedy is known as Snuffles the Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" and is sold at tho extremely low prion of Ono Dol liir, choIi package containing internal and external modicina Hiifficlunt for a full month's treatment and everything neooosury to its poifect use. "SnuflWls tho only pcrfoet Catarrh Pure ever inutle and is now leeouizod i the odIt safe and positive cure for that nunoriiig ant disgusting disease It euros all lull iinatliin quickly mil iiermnneiitly and is also tvondciful'y quick to relieve Hay Fever or eo'tt in the head. Catarrh when neglected often leuls to Consumptinn,'Sniiillf." will mivh vou if you use it at once, It is no onli nary temeily, but u complete tnmt tnont which is positively gnnranteeil to euro Catarrh in any form ortage i ned nc cm ding to direetions which ae eompany each paeknge. Don't dnliiv lint send for it ut once, and write ful purtieulais as to your condition, and you will tcuulru special advice from the discnvcier ol t his wonderful i fin edy teguidlng yniir ease without cos in you beyond the tegular price o "Snuffles" tho ''Guaranteed Catarr i:nre." Sent prepaid to any address in tho United S'ates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar. Addies Deiit A 402, Hd- iii It Giles & t'omiMtiy, !i.i:)0 ami i'.Vii nUet Sueet, Philadelphia. .Tin: CiitKr' ami tliu Tulmlo B I,- POO CATCHER. fa the Inja. Ter.lt. r Cnwboyi Una the Dog, Tho doa; catoho.' of a town In the In dian Territory can give a :c, York city dog catcher cards .ind opados nnd then beat him as a captnrer of canlse animals, tUya the New Yo.k . i. Au expert cowboy hunts do iut he does cattle. He ropes them the samo way. Clad In a pair of buckskin trou sers, and wearing a big sombrero with rope lu hand or on the saddle horn au I a six shooter In his belt, he Ui ,s down the street on his broncho look ing for dogs. As he epics one whlcli has no legal right to roam at lurpo ho bucks tne spurs to his pony, grabs his rope nnd begins operations, lie usual ly ropes the dog around the neck, draws him to tho pony's side nntl shoots him. He then stuffs the carrniH into a sack attached to the sautile anil gallops off after more "camp," If a itrangor Is watching tho performance -he dog catcher does some fancy rop ing. Ho will ropo the dog around the front or hind toot, or around the body oetween tho foet. Ho hardly ever misses his wirlc. Dog catching In the Indian country Is a more ticklish busi ness than it is In the cities in tho states. The tatchcr not only has to dodge flatlrons, mop sticks and brooms thrown by irate women (for a wild looking cowboy with a six-shooter has no terror to an Indian Territory wo man), but he hat Indians to deal with. An Indian thinks almost as much of his dog as he does of his kids, and If the dog catcher by mlntake kills It there is trouble. Dogs belonging to an Indian are exempi from taxation. But the Indians must brand them. The dogs of noc-cltlsens are the ones dis criminated aga'nBt. If their masters fall to pay tax on them then they must pay the penalty of death. In order to evade the tax occasionally a non-cltl-sen forges a brand and marks his dog as if It belonged to an Indian. In order to prevent frauds c-' this character the dog catcher must be an expert on dog brands. MARQUIS OF LANIDOWNI. M Oaly Ma la Hi striata ObkO Whf M awfc FiMia. Wheal the Marqeta of Uas4owBe was cevtMr-jeral ef Caaatfa he had to saaks a efseeh to the Frsnch-Casui-4ae, says M. A. P. With all Its loy alty to Ue English coaftectloa, this tittle bit of transported Prance adheres very rifMly te asaay thiasjs Prsachad espeetally to the purity of the Freach tetjgme at least as It was spokes In the eighteenth century. Few viceroys have ever vestured accordingly to leave the safe security of the Snellen tosgwe, asd It was with some trepida tion that the French-Canadians heard that Lord Lasedowne was going to de liver a speech to them In their own language. But he had scarcely uttered the word "messieurs" when the whole audience burst Into cheers; they rec ognized at once the accent of the true French tongue, the accent only possi ble to a man of French blood, and one who had spoken French aa his mother tongue.' It Is perhaps this accomplish ment which hod something to do with Lord LanBdowne's latest appointment. When some one remonstrated with Lord Salisbury for' retaining the two offices of prime minister asd foreign, secretary, his reply was that he could, not help himself, there was. but one member of his cabinet who could speak French, and that was Lord lansdowse. And now Lord Lansdowne will receive tha foreign ambassadors every Wednesday .afternoqn.and what ever else may be found fault with, his French will he faultless. Lord Lass dowse's mother. was a daughter of den. Flahalt, oae of Bonaparte's officers. rorontoSUr. (.: t OMHslas BtefaM from Ulaea Works. For several years scientists and chemistB have been conducting experi ments and researches, with a view to discover a means of utilizing Immense heaps of spent sand and glass, dis carded as refuse by the plate glasf manufacturers. Messrs. Pllkingtoo Brothers, who are urobablv the la r rest glass manufacturers in Great Britain I havo ah accumulation of 1,500,000 tons of this residue at their works at St. I Helen, In Lancashire, and over 1,200' tons are added to this huge pile every ' week. The question of tho profitable disposal of this waste has lorn; occu pied their serious attention. Dr. Or- mondy, however, has discovered n moans of convert''' i s tefrn intc .to. vlceablc brick -i lie 1'as iiuldp-rted mo of the brick' :!int ho manufic tired finm this material to very sprc mS. Tho QXperiments have been "i er.tly Bucoesafol. '' 'dta tujnuMi .red lrom this will soon ' .'laced upoa tho !--'. '. The proce .3 bald to be to... .-. .1 und cheap The bricks .u-o said t of Uio high-1 st qimllty, and pattlcul'irly adapted tt' special operations, hesiiles ordinary , oulldlng purposes, for which brick- j havo not hitherto been proved service j .ble. , I.lvur)t roupln llamliiir Vrmt. In vlmv nf thr nviirtiltnnt nrlrn n coal In this country, says the Liver I nnnl Itoll.. !- 1i-nln...l 1. 1I-..1.. .. I ,-U. WUIIJ I HO,, l.(lll ID ftDf i henotlt grently this winter. "Turf black turf," as the old Irish song says lb already n rather common feature In the fuel supply of Liverpool, nnd re cently, for tho llrst time in history, i load of peat was delivered at a load ing placo of business In the Exchangi build lug. The carts roaemblo tho Qal wuy turf carta und tho cupaclty It about tho samo. A Clalway cart ' email load, it Is true costs 5 shilllnKi C pence. The turf Is warm and com-1 fortable. .'hero seems lo be n chftnci ' springing up for Irelard that hc nvv had ,foi,. , "iaaajuix3nn . . ,v,v , ' ,. stomach, constipation, nholiver tude. etc. don't tako will send it by rcturt lOcts., und 2Gots., postngo prepaid. Ladies' Can Wear Shoes, ono size smaller after using Allen's Foot Kase, a powder to be shaken into thesho -s. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns nnd bunions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Cures and prevents swoolon feet, bisters, callous and soro spots. Allen's foot ease is a certain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and 'shoe stores, 25c. Trial package free by mail. Ad dress Allen S, Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y. m To Whom it May Concern. Mv wife having left my bed and board without cause, I will not pay any debts made by her from August 23, 1001. Any one trusting her does so nt their own risk, Albeiit Knutson. Farm for Sale. Half section, five miles from Red Cloud, tine land, first-class improve ments. I bargain if sold soon. Ad dress J. VV. VVallin, Red Cloud, Neb. An English association regarding woman's happiness has offered a it ward of 600 for a greater blessing to women than Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible move. C. L. Cutting. "C" With a Tail. The "C" with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamned C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. m Inflammatory Rheumatism cured in 3 days. Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. oats: "My wire had Inflammatory rlieumallum in every mtuclo and Joint; lier nifTerlng wai tcrrlbioaud her body hiiiI face were wwoolen almost beyond recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and bad elKht pliyMclntm. but received no benefit until ho tried the MyMlcCure for Itheumntlam. Itenve Immedlnte relict nnd the was able i'i walkabout in threo ilnva. lam Mire It unveil nap urn .i,t i... i. i E. (Irlce. DrtiKgltt, Ited Cloud, Neb. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. MvMlcCure for rheumatism and neuralgia readily curca In from one to three daya. Its ac tion upon the system la remarkable andmya terloua. It remorea at once the cause and the dlieaae Immediately disappears. The Drat done ereatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by It. K. Qrice. Ked Cloud. Neb. DOCTORS lay Consumption ean be) aursd." Matorealonawon'tdolt. Itntcdg beds. Doctor say "Scott's Emulsion Is the beit help." But you nuit continue its use even In hot weather. If you have not tried It, aead for free sample. bCOTT & DOWNE, Cbemlats. 409-415 rtarl, Street, New York. 50c ana Ji.oo; all druggist H" Dr. Koy'a Utlcuro curt- all UlICIIs 5 femalr diseases At, drug w w ,gt8 ,( illU8trted xnot and advice free. Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y. , "! i Seissors Ground, Razors Honed, I AND ALL KINDS OF EDGE TOOLS SHARPENED I at tih: Hob Barkley &V. F. Lodge; Barber Sliop. J First door south of Star J bakery and restaurant. J All kinds of barber work executed piomplly nnd satisfaction guatanteed. J GIVE - US - A - CALL. LE. IS t by vlruie ofmi i PUBLIC SALE, notice ! nereoy Riven mat ny virtue ormi nr Ucrot iiltiiciimviitiHkiicii ny i w. i;oon. conn lyjiullteilf Webner ronntv, Neliruskn, In favor nf lloliert T fntttr ami nmlnit Allien T. Ilnr dick, iiinl lo mo itlrci li'il. w nt tiro n'riooli n ui (iiiilioSitlids) f Aiiuiih. VM at 1 1 1 o v 1 1 lHKf n( ltmrt!i In tlii ptuolui't of IiiiivhIu In nin' i-tiiuitr nit rfnr ''iIi'Hi iiiiiilio ii'iuliic tin fnl oiilni: rliiittclii lo wit; Dun nun i-mv tlirct M(iiolili nnc red run turoejturi old ; onn rt'il nmlMlitiu cow ntiitii hmii mi iu'iii nnd nun i.il liPllcrtwtoriiri ulil, tun'n em Mirli nnlcroi nUiiuluiii'llt nilliclrvicrl of AH'crt T llitiillolc Dnttil llili I'i Ii ilai ur An -ici. mil. , D. Vki. hliorllT M.Cii-rrij., P)ahitlf"sAttoriii AAAVbftAA&Avli.Au.- os -itAA.aAJivLAviAviJiJiJiviJioTrjrHipf I - CARPENTER. Wabash. Bethany Assombly nt Brooklyn, Ind. clergyman In tho Christian Church to churches and baptised 7000 converts. nlnauiirn to trlvn mv trat.lmnn im tn Mm Tt.- trt.tfl T Mw tlntm la I, ,. I... that I over used. i I havo also received great benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator. My eon had for years been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced the uso of Dr. Kay's remedies nnd experienced relief almost from tho first. We havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo havo received as tho result of usolng theso remedies. I take groat plcasuro In commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Carpenter, Missionary and S. S. Evungolist, Christian Church. Dr. Kay's Renovator. It is a perfect rohovntor of tho whole svstom. It(athnvnrvtwit.tvimn.i.. known for stomach troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho and kidney troubles, and to ovorcomo effects of La-Grlppo and Spkino lassi mail propaid. Price 25ot9., and $1.00 or six for ffG.OO. Also Dr. Kny'a Lung Balm Dn. H. ,T. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M Hf lip Or tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt The Chief and Inter-Ocean 1 One year $1.25. Now is the time to Subscribe. Furniture and Furniture ! THE Little Store Room IN TIIK Big Dmmerell Block is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur niture and at prices lower than ever before offered. Call and get our prices before buying. We will save you money and please you with quality. Albright Bros., TRADERS LUMBER CO, DEALERS IN LUMBER and COAL I3u.ilclir1.sf material, Etc. Red cloud. City Dray and E. An. ROSS. PROP. Goods Delivered to any part CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS GO, TELEPHONESNO. 52. JACK OF ALL TRADES OUR NEW "LITTLE GIANT" l H. P. GASOLINE ENGINE, WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN COLD TO EVERT STOCKMAN AND FARMER. MfflflcwhSWiiiffi ?f ''l'8 R"K,no ,n i on account of Im uowwtkivo luiivitiir jour stock with Jut wiitor. (Jet on "ct ItsVork I t nr-f.i i ...". l.1? ", w,"(, "r.to ,l0 - riixliirl. Woathor (loos not WIUullo fclu V rn 1 frVl .-'?: Vwi or c',lln'' u u ''' IU Pa"'0 to thin rnnchltifc Ibs. I thi hnuMi n'rBii I.., Sl,..nU,,ri,,0,l clu,m 1,"t,tor ln, ls ',lniy fora hutulrud otlrtr o U ctntH im r iin !ip W1...I. Ite: Cu,sV 0llltt to koop when not woricinir. and onlp I Inn iiwloi t in J r nnrJil"ln.hl!1lHHl cninplotoly sot up. rntuly to run. no foun.Lv Ib-iiliitilvsiifP1, WotniXn.n Jinvolii '"."l"1' prai-tltiiiUy no ttttont on. nnjl U 5? -ll-nlr nmi ,VnTpriSll.,,a" f Utt8ulln K,"'u":Sl f rom lw t0 76 1,orso 'owur' Wr,t FHISflMKS, WOFJSE &. CO., omHHfl, NEB.' II I'fi.alflnnt- nt .IT- ft He is perhaps tho most prominent - duy. Ho has dedicated ubout COO Ho writes: "It nffords mo great nntelimnv nt Dr. Ifav'o iam..ii j.i.I. nl.. . .1 a 1. i .. . I m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m iiriUMi Red Cloud, Neb; Nebraska bxpress Line. of the city. -.' W" Charges as low as the Lowest ' Kf WJ1.' v ?V"- -