The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 30, 1901, Image 1

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g-y, "krrn .;ii'eVsaaM B eaaghggEMgjjgaS5tfcaeMfcg,eaa?eaaaLJ -TJIiWL l.Jc ufiLlJYftnlfiffBaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaVBVeaaaaaaaaaaa
- S5 "5 -sssis
Miner -
Red Cloud,
There's nothing like substantial merit
in what you buy to prove a substan
tial saving in what you pay.
Dress Goods at their Lowest.
For the next two weeks we will make a great
effort to reduce our large stock of Dry Goods.
This af course means a reduction in price.
We offer you good clean, servicable goods and
many patterns to your selections.
The Waist Season Is Not Over
Our low Prices are convincing.
50c to 75c Waists, 65c. 80c tr $1 .50 Waists, 50c.
't . . Wash Skirts.
QOur prices are making them move.
$1.00 to $1.25 Skirts at 65c.
$1.50 to $2.00 Skirts at 80c.
$2.25 to $ Skirts at $1.00.
Fall Weddings Mean
Furniture for the New Home
and "that's where we are strong."
We fit up the house from kitchen to parlor ready
to move into.
Our prices are the lowest. Come and see us. We
will help along your plans.
Fancy rockers 10.00 to a ladies cane seat sewing
rocker at $1.25.
Kitchen Cupboards $13.00 to $3.90.
Bed room suits $40.00 to a three piece oak suit at
A hadr wood bed room suit at $i2!c)o.
Iron Beds, Wood Beds, Kitchen Cabinets,
Book Cases, China Closets, Ward Robes, Etc.
W. B.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Bated Hay and Coal Oil.
No. 1 Third Avenue, -Red Cloud, Ncbr-,Phone No, 51.
Chicago Lumber- Vard.
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
From the Ktmti Mall and Hrctte.
A do that had been patted and pam
pered until ho not to bo over particu
lar about his diet was given a piece of
moat that was just a trillo tainted, and
instead of eating it turned up his nose
in disgust. Just as ho was turning
away to leavo the meat a stray dog
who hadn't boon getting over one quar
ter rations and a mighty poor quality
at that, camo by and seeing tho meat
started to pick it up. Tho potted house
dog, seeing that the stray canine want
ed the inorsol, grabbed it up and swal
lowed it saying with agiowl, "We have
nothing round hero for tramps.''
Tho light sollish individual isn't will-'
ing to give up even what hu doesn't
want himself.
A railroad was built through a new
country that had been occupied since
tho iitst white settlement ns a cattle
range. When the lirst construction
train came along the herds of faitlo ie
garded it with hostility and wonder.
The bull who was tho leader of the
herd bad never seen any crcaturo come
on t'aut 1 tinge that he was not able to
clean out and regarded himself as in
vincible. Th engine WH9 a new one
on him hut he had no doubt he would
bo able to do it up'without any particu
lar trouble and when it came in sight
ha 111 at I a for it. The engineer tooted,
but tire bull thought tiie new thing was
yelling because it was afraid and -kept
right on. Wtaou tha engineer saw that
tho hull would not get off tho track
and that there was no time to stop, ho
put' on steam and knncfceeMhnt bull
some ton "feet into tho atmosphere. It
was a good while after the engine had
.gone by 'that the lea-tier of tho bard got
able to 'look around and take -notice.
Tho other, cattle wore igatbdred about
bim-prcising him for -bis bravery. "Let
up on that praise," feebly remarked
the bud, "that wasn't an example of
brarocy, it was -simply blamed ignor
ance;" The paity wfea taoklos an -kupossibU
proposition is ther ignorant or a fool.
A-iyspcptic ort of men engaged
board at a restaurant which was in
fested with flies. At the cud of three
imys ne caueti nor uw tnll and n-
M0URced that ie ws .going to quit tfae
plaoo. The restaurant uf.n begaa to
apologi.eonaooouat of tbe flies, eay-
iag'bbat it thebowrderwocld stay with
hiaia while longer h woukl make ar
rangements to .have the dipterous (in
sects kept oat.
'T-ou are antata-kec," ud the dysewp-
tic man, "I am not lea!og here be
cause I object to flies. I -eimply don't
propose to aMttoiato anylonget witilt a
lot of Dies tbat'huveu't any more ooaee
thamto board At-this recuiurant."
Dutirig the twient hotweathcra Kan
sat man who wae in the habit of driv
ing Uis horae herd fioiu .daylight (till
daikcund feeding alio tbeast-ou half ira
tions, .took up with tho .common ifad
and git one of the little horse bat to
set up between stiu nag' enis. Aitd
ithat evening us the horse devoured iin
-ocauty feed if eurn it roiunrked ito
itsolf : "If that master or mine tbirUtf
be can inaro his account far the way
he has starved and overworked me
with a diii&y little 45 cent u-aw hat,
beJs badly off. "
A city dude, who iad a pawion for
fiery red ties was visiting in the coun
try and sooinrt a liuo Durham bull
peacefully grazing in atluld, coneluded
lie wotiJU go orer and eeumino tlie anl-
mal at hhoit raiiae, It was luckv for
tho dude that he lit outftUItt the pastuto
f'nco wheu hocMiue dowu, but his cult
of clothes wasBonuissedJup that he was
never able to wear them again. And
after wards tho fmmor on whose
daughter the dhdo was trying to make
hu impression was heard w say: "If
that iinl uv mine uulv tiad us mimh
sense us that bull I would bo the ban-
piest man on earth,"
m ....
Mother) wiito us that thev hum
solved the problum of keeping their
childien well. (Jive them Kockv
mountain ten each week A hlesiii(?
to mother and child. C. L, Cotting.
The farmers in our part are all busy
preparing their land for wheat and
We will havo some corn after all,
and whilo wo have wheat, rye, oats,
corn, millet, Kaffir and cane, and will
cut a lot of fodder and wild grass, our
stock will got through all right and for
our part of it we will put up a lot of
ico, m wo will havo to have something
to eat.
Hovs. Cam, bell and E-istos of North
Itranch havo just closed rather u suc
cessful meeting on I'uuny creek near
Wm. VanUyko's, with a fow additions.
They have organi.ed a class of ton
momboi8. Tho best of order prevailed
during tho meeting.
Harvey Merrill anil boys are foncing
tho half section pastuie for Mr. May
nard on section thirty-three.
John Fox has sown rjc and will sow
wheat on Mr. Hoiencran's farm.
Len Wilmot has been doimr somo
road ork in our part.
Tuo Fruit boyB will soon return with
their steamer and finish up the thresh
ing iu this locality.
V. 1 11. Scrivner says in about two
weeks bo will have ripo peaches.
Tho surprise party at C. Stevens last
Monday evening was a success and
well attended. Xt was the eighteenth
anniversary of tho twin boys, Mert and
Jake Williams is building a new res
idence, principally doing his own woik.
Will ScWvnor is helping him.
Mr. Maynnrd's half section on the
state lino is about fenced. Mr. Men ill
ami eons are doing the work.
It will soon bo square corners on all
ids exoopt at Mr. Shannon's farm.
Miss 4-illio Castell departed for Chi-
cago Monday via. Lebanon. We are
-sorry to lose Miss C. as sho was one of
our brightest young ladies, but our loss
is-Cliioago's gaiu.
Mias Castell and brother visited with
Mr. and Mis. f'rovalt last Sunday.
Ree. Miller 411 cached iu the Pleasant
tirovo school house last Sunday after
Sabbtah school.
Hon Gibson and wife &uudayed with
Mr.5iordoa' family iu Jewel.
Miaa Converse left (or -her home ia
.neorasKa Mono ay after a wt of a
mocth with Ed iUocxIob and wife.
A gentleoaau fcoai etiue Uill and a
couple of Bouoaiians were trying to
purchase the HUley Lewis farm this
weeic, but iiad not teaoked any -definite
agreement t last accounts.
Mr. Lewis' two daughters and their
'huobands are now .vMitiug at Uert
Mr. ISoyee lias returned from the
hawest UeWs in lk south and nas not
decided yet wli&tue will. do.
Mr. Boesciibul ikas been .visiting vrith
bischildreB ia central .Nebraska.
.iMin Witwer i the fcusiost man in
our locality except whondio wind mills
refufie to turn and the -stock needs
Some of our boys wore ilomon faces
owing to melons.
Miss Katie Wagouor awl Charley
Throckmorton make a line couple to
eat ice -cream.
Jiarvoy Morrill and Mr- .Shannon
were out-done eating ico cream- last
week by Hen Gibson and ttranlCbristy.
Theie wero only soventoen gnl-
Ions of ace cream oaten at the Sabbath
ecfcool supper last week and thr.y had
mateiiol enough to iniiko twenty more
If it was needed. We don't do things
by halves. Eighty-six partook of sup.
per and still tho hungry could have
been fad.
We wish our oonospondents would
endeavor to get their items in oach
week and if possible not later than
than Thursday. No department of
the paper is looked after by our read
ors morn than this. If your locality is
not represented send us in tto news.
How Aro 1'nur Kidney f
Dr. Uobbj'Biiarafrni PllUcurealUldnei HU.fUn.
via free. Add.steriiDf HeiudyCo.,caiciiooVv;f!
are Glazed
with a cheap coating.
If glazing helps coffee
why aren't the high
priced Mochas and Javas
glazed also?
Lion Coffee
is not glazed.
is per
has a
fectly pure and
delicious flavor,
T)i. m M 1 .rt. ti In.urra uul'
fotm quIUy anU f rwhnau
It's Billy Staloy the new drayman.
Wash Heed of Kearuoy is spending a
few days with his brother Al.
Klmer McCov loft Tuesday for New
castle, and L. 11. Boyd for Guernsey,
Wyoming, whore ho will start a barber
Tuos. Snyder and -I. Mooro drovo
over to tho now gold Holds on the Bluo
V.S.Hall and family dopai ted Sat
urday on their trip to the Pan-American
Exposition nnd Now York stato.
Samuel Steel nnd wife of Western
spent several days with I). C.Jennings.
Mr. S. is interested in some cattle south
of town.
Foiest Whelan has moved to Uoseland
where ho will start a blacksmith shop.
Mr. and Mrt. Bartlett. Mis. W. U.
Anderson, Mrs. Cowloy and others at
tended the camp meeting at Doweeso
and returned homo Monday eyening.
John Reed left Tuesday fur Chey
enne, Wyoming, whero ho will moot
his brothers and search for wore.
Mrs. Millor Adams of Hastings was
the guest of Mrs. A. Heed tho latter
part of last week.
Wash Heed who has boon visiting bis
brother Al left for Hastings.
Geo. Newhouse of Red Clouu was
looking after business in the city Tues
Gm Horry and family of Rosoland
visited with friends in this village tho
(irst of tho week. '
A. P. Johnson expect to leave (or
his old home in Illinois tho fiist of next
A'lijtle excitement; occurred at the
this depot morning just before the pas
senger puuea into town. It seems a
certain party who was going to leavo
for Wyomleg was owing another man
for labor porformed, which he refused
to pay, and tho party proceeded to get
satisfaction by pounding the party ow
ing him, when tho wife stepped in and
proceeded to do some fighting herself
and protect her husband. Those who
witnessed tho fight say the woman
showed the most science iu tho scrap
of tho three interested. Peeled faces
and the loss of blood was the oily
damage. The debt has not been paid.
Moral Be houest, pay your debts, and
keop out ef lights.
A load of water melons in town this
Weather cool and local showers.
Tho serios of meeting at tho Au
bushon grove closofl Sunday niaht and
Elder Eastes of North Blanch will
preach at Dist. 8 next Sunday at 11
a in. and prayer mooting at 8 30 p.m.
Sohool will convene in District 8 tho
lirst Monday in September with Miss
Hodgo as teacher.
Frank VanDyko is back from a visit
with his wife's folks on tho Solomon in
Smith county.
Mis. Mackoy is on tho sick list and
under the cant of Or. Damerell.
Tho Fruit boys are back again and
aro finishing threshing this wpok.
Educate Your Bowels.
Your bowels can be trained as well
U 1
as your muscies or your brain. Cas
bulk. All
ji?&K"",-n?w'! Wlt.h
I AZaim VrflHIH.C
c; constipation forovor.
'.faU,druggUtruflclBion.y: I
uanoy cathartic train vour1. ni,rM,,u' ecisiotu, for the style
tn dr. .tnh "...!- . 1 . 1 no lens ihan for the mnlt.r u il.
C. C. r. M,..,. "iTi V w"0' "' a'l t0 8aynslmi)le.strRhrht-
-- KMl. VJCI1U1I1I- TUniAto ' . . . '"- "7--.. .411 atliui..
"- - e A1L.VL1 kiiiii in M . . 1 ... - k m -----re
drutre-istR. inn ' ??" ar" '-"?- very time. 'The '
-" nmiiM ado that s wo
Died, Monday last, Joseph Richard
son a brother of Mrs. E. 0. Christie at
tho homo of Mrs. Christie.
Allen Teabatigh was here with
view of locating. Mr. Teabaugh comes
from Ohio to I. B. Colvin in quest of a
western homo.
Do you want to purchase tho bnest
improvod stock and grain farm In the
county? I. B. Colvin has one for sale.
A Mr. Burk of Omaha was looking at
tho country with Colvin this week,
Mr. Leo north of town barn visitor
from Iowa, a brother of Mrs. Lee.
School begins Monday acxt.
Thos. Richardson of Hoxio, Kansas,
attended the funeral of his brother at
this place Wednesday.
A representative of the Occidental
Building and Loan Association of
Omaha was visiting their local agent
I B. Colvin this week.
Tho sohool board have purchased tho
land between tho sohool ground and
H. Oberboido's for a school campus
Mrs. K.'E. Burr's sister died ibis
Wednesday. Funeral occuiod Thurs
day at 2 p.m.
for ErMH Tkat There Ara
Tfcraa litrr Boom-, of WMer -
lr lor the Ureat Uktt.
The Sun on the 30th tilt, contained
an article with the raptlon: "WW
Niagara Run Dry?" In ieply I beg
to say no. Why? wrlten Kiaiieln
Wayland (lien, In the New York Sun.
First Urrauae wlien tne ueorgiuu
bay und Ottawa river canal 11 eon-
atructed with 25 feet of water over
the lock sills the waters of l.uke (
Nlpplsalng, Trout lake and l.uke
Talon will discharge Into tieorgian
bay and therefore raise the water
level of Lake Huron. Trout lake la
UO feet deep, and la feu oy me per
petual snow and lee of the upper
part of the valley of the Ottuwa.
Second A canal can ne an ironj
Lake Nlpegon to Lake Superior.
Nipegon Is a large and deep lake,
and Is also fed from many streams
which rj In the region of perpet
ual snow and Ice. '
Third When a ehlp eanal Ie con
structed through Rainy lake and
Rainy river to Lake of the Wooda,
another large body of water would
discharge Into Lake Superior. 'Ihrse
three Mourcva of aiipply will more
than counterbalance the illwharge of
nter through a ship eunal from
Chicago to deep water upon tha Illi
nois river. ,VH-
The Canadian government is pro-,
testing against our building the Chi
cago drainage canal, although Lake
Michigan is entirely within United'
States territory. If Canada ban" any'
rights in Lake Michigun which we
are bound to respect, then we have
rights iu Georgian bay which Catidda
ia bound to respect. -vi,;"
Wc have the same right to protest
against constructing a ship canal
from the Georgian bar to Montreal
for the admission g(mr vessels into
the upper lakes tiiatsli haa to ob-"
Ject to our constructing if joiimV from
11 k 12 jwicmgan iiirougn tne
fjii 'r orainoge purposes,
Jlon. Andrew H. Green, with hl
usual foresight, has Wen urging the
creation of an international pommls'
slon for the purpose of denlinir with
intemationalwaters, and also for the
purpose of suggesting a continental
system of international deep-sea
There ia no more important ques
tion for the electors of thia republic
than tho creation of that- rnmmi..
Plata I'.iikIUIi In lleclxlona.
Some of the young gentlemen now
busy over their books in the law
schools or law ofllces wjll be deliver
ing the opinion of the court long-"be",
fore the clock strikes 1050, This is-ai'l
additional reason -why all tl-ev
young gentlemen (since the wisest of
ua cannot pick out the future imi.
now) should be incited a,nd required to
study two or three (at least) of the
rth havtner nnrl
it is 11
rarer nmong the eralnentoc.,
f"1"11? ''f tho bench than-it
be. Harford Courunt.
At .1
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