v -j - ws-mWK!U r..m V ZiSmam-1 twmiWSsWWWJ :.' a; )t tiihvb tilth lb bb'nWPditlUi ttbilivkU.tliibtt'ilifc. i ft i Proposition I 4 i 9 -S 5 4 9 9 J - 9 -a - 9 9 -9 a -3 -9 9 -9 9 -9 9 -9 - 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -9 9 -9 -9 9 9 -9 9 9 -9 9 -9 - Wo have just. put it a complete linnot tliemiichlv known Parker Lucky Curve Jointless r t fr t fr f- fr Fountain Pen witli f Anti-Break Cap. I To distribute these as rapidly as possible wo mnku the fol lowing proposition. fr fr fr fr it out, fr Come get a pun, take try it, if it don't suit return it ,and try another. If you fail to tiutl one satisfactory your money fr will be cheerfully refunded. fr fr fr fr Pens frm $1.50 up. Kewhoiise Bros. Red Cloud, Neb. fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr sp . ,. ..,. ..... 41 t 41 a, (jx. WEEK'S HAPPENINGS. Stovo repairs at W. W. Wright's. DE. T. Benton of Cowles was in tho city Sunday. H. E. Grlce moved into his new resi dence Tuesday. Oa. the way to Albright Brothers, a carload of furniture. Honry Bird of Guide Uock was in tho ity tho foro part of tho wek. R. S. Proudlit and wife of Guide Itock wero in tho city Wednesday. P. A. Walls of South Omaha was looking after legal business here this week. J. S. Marsh, one of Guide Bock's enterprising merchants, was in the -city Wednesday. G. H. Hollister was called to McCook the fore part of the week. Ho returned homo last evening. Visitors are always made welcome nt Albright Bros, whether you purchase or not. Always glad to seeyou. The Cook Stove Season Has Arrived. You Need a New Stove. In buyinS a new stovo jou want tho ono that gives the best satisfac tion; that consumes tho least fuel and costs a moderate price. fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr I fr fr I are t THE WHITES LINE, is the looking have stove fou for. They fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr fr k- Large Square Ovens, Three Flues, Small Fireboxes, Large Bodies, and are Fuel Savers. Come In and look over the full and complete line. We want your trade and will save you money to get it. MORHART Bros. Hardware Co. Wiwtri,wiwiti,iv'ri'ii,ww MORE OR LESS PERSONAL. Muik t'arkes of McCook was licit; Tuesday. The Fair, does not mean the county fair but The Fair Store. A. .1. Hayes of Guide Hoek "politiekcn" here Wednesday. was Col. J. S. Hoover and wife of Blue Hill were in the city Wednesday. Grain ranch and COO arte pasture for lent. T. J.McKinnv, Hoxie, Kansas. Have you seen nets and dusters? tbo latest styles of Butler's is the place for them. Mrs. II. J. Ciaik left yesterday for a visit with her pat cuts and othtr friends near Arborvillo. Don't lorgcl the date and place of thospeuial sale of nets, duplets and light harness at llutloi'.s. F. G. Turtitiro left Tuesday for the eastern markets to buy the fall and winter stock of goods for the linn. Tho Red Cloud Fair Store is not as large as tho Chicago Fair, still you can lind almost anything you want there. Finest lino of iron beds and fancy rockers in tho valley, at bed-rock prices at J. C. man. Farm loans at good improved Wolfe's, tho furniture 5 per cent interest on land. C. F. Cather, office over Cotting's drug store, Red Cloud, Neb. Finest lino of rocking chairs and the greatest variety of dining chairs ever thrown upon the market found at Al bright Bros. C. E. Yost of Holdrege, tho telephone man, was here this week looking after the interests of the Nebraska Tele phone company. H. J. Clark left today for Lima, Indiana, whero he goos to erect a monument over the grave of Mrs. E. E Ladd, formerly of Inavale. Helps young ladies to withstand the shock of sudden proposals, that's wkat Rocky Mountain Tea has done. 3sc. Mado by Madison Medicine Co. C. L Cotting. Frank Hollz n former resident of this city, and at one time yardmaster In tho B. & M. yards here, arrived in the city Saturday accompanied by his wife and is visiting with his sister Mrs. Anthony Schaefer. A very pleasant party was given to tho young friends of Miss Mattio Abel on Tuesday evening, by her sister Mrs. W. W. Wright at her homo on Elm street. The usual pleasant pastimes were participated in. Ralph and Harry Plants, who have had chargo of the business of tho Ne braska Mercantile company for somo months past, left the foro part of the week for their home at Concordia, Kansas, having closed up tho business of that firm. Announcement: I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho ofllco of pro bate judge in and for Webster county, Nebraska, subject to the will and de cision of the peoples independent party convention to bo held in Red Cloud, September 10, 1001. L. A. Hamcins. Leslio Graves of McCook was here this week visiting with his mother and sister. Ho tooK along with him to Mc Cook a lolic of the Spanish-American war which ho mado when ho was in the Third Nebraska regiment. It is a belt covered with buttons wom by Spanish oillcsrs and soldiers. Somo aro of gold and others of silver and the collection cost considerable money. This week the brick work on the Oatman and Polnicky buildings was completed and the buildings now pre sent a very lino appearance. Tho cor nice, which was maao up ot different shaped pressed brick, is tbo tinest of any in the city. Tho carpenters aro rushing their part of tbo work as fast as possible and from the present out look tho buildings will bo completed sooner than was expected. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postotlico at Red Cloud, Neb raska, for tho week ending August 22, 1001. Barnes, W. T. Burdick, R. Goollin, Wm. Nockett, Mary Johnson, May Thornton, John Taylor, J. V. Carr, Otie Guy, Ella Kelley.M. J. 2 Smitti, Mrs. P. A. Titus, Horace L. Tbeso letters will be sent to tbo dead loiter ofllco Sept. G, if not call ed for before. When calling for above please say "advertised." T. C. Hack er, Postmaster. The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune commenting on the recent sale of the Herring-Hall-Marvin Company of Ham ilton, Ohio, by a representative of the Arm, of 400 double-door safes to be placed in tho twenty-two story office building of H. C. Frick at Pittsburgh, is stated by that paper as being the largest safe sale ever known. A later sale made by Mr. D. F, Parker, former ly of Red Cloud, now representative of the San Francisco olllco of tho Herring-Hall-Marvin Company lays this sale in tho shade, us his deal win for two hun dred moro safes than tho Pittbburgh order. The Sun Fritnuisco Examiner says thutt "Sun Francisco lmds tho world in a gigantio deal." LOCALLY Tluead, 2, 1, and ."c at The Fair A P. Ely of McCook was hero Tues day C. L Cotting left this week for an castetti ttip. Tho Chief and Chicago Inter Ocean no year for 81.2ft. Jas. Morrison of Supct lor was here Thursday on business. Tho largest school tablet on tho mar ket for fte at The Fair. Cat Kenady of Holyoko, Colorado, was visiting heio this week. Mr j. J. N Slboit returned this week from a trip to North Dakota. Men Mt-Farhind of McCook visited in the city the bust of the week. Mr. Jos. Kublcck of MrCook is heio visiting with friends and relatives. .1.1, Miner leturncd this week from a tiip to Excelsior Springs, Missouri. Mrs. W. W. Chinnock of Falls City visited friends in the city Thursday. You can get granite and tinware cheap at Tho Fair. A new lino just re ceived. Special sale on nets, dusters and light harness for the next thirty days at J. U. Butler's. Levi Manning loft Wednesday for a trip to Ogdon, Utah, and other points in tho far west. Calvin Kenady of Holyoko, Colorado, visited relatives and friends in this city tho forepart of tho week. James Cather returned tho last of the week from a visit with his brother Douglas at Cheyenne, Wyoming. Miss Mabel Howard left the first ot the week for a visit with friends and relatives at Omaha and Council Bluffs. Prof. H. L Sams who has been spend ing bis summer vacation at his homo at Elmwood, this state, has returned to this city. H. B. Andrews and wife of Ansolmo, this state, arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with friends and relatives in this locality. Frank Smith living south of the river left the first of the week for a vis it with Albert Wright and wife at Pa noka, Canada. Mrs. Ed. Rasser returned home the latter part of last week after a six weeks' visit with her parents and other old friends at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. C. H. Miner, of tho firm of Miner Bros., left this morning for Chicago and other eastern points to purchase the fall and winter stock for the Big Store. P. A. Hanson left tho last of the week for a visit with friends and relatives at Beloit, Kansas. He will visit at Tope ka and perhaps at Omaha beforo his return. A very pleasant farewell party was extended to Mrs. H. N. Starkoy last Saturday eveiing by the D. of H. bo fore her departure for Sheridan, Wy oming, where she goes to join her husband who is workiog in the B. & M. yards there. At the residence of C. L Cotting last Monday evening occurred a vory pleasant social event given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Reed who will in tho near future leave for their future home in Chicago. A large number of guests were present and the event was ono that will be long remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Reed and the other par ticipants. One of the pleasantest social events of tho season was the "at homo" given by Mr. and Mrs. H W. Sherwood last Wednetday evening in honor of Miss Minnie Andrews of Burr Oak, Kansas. Dancing was tho main featuro of the evening's enjoyment, for which delightful pastime a commodious plat form was provided. Light refresh ments were served during the evening. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by tho large number of guests present and it was with evident regret tbey made their adieus to their charming hostess and her honored guest. Farm Insurance ! German - losarance - Co. n OF FREEPORT, ILL. The largest old line company in the west. fanners Mutual Ids Co.; Of Nebraska, ot Lincoln. Largest mutual in tho state with. over 300 policies in Webster Cou'ity. 0. C. Teel, Agt.,l Rr.n C'r.oun, Niuihasica. C-WW 'WW ' LINE. Weather changeable. Somo local showers this week. Plowing is tho order of tho day. The meetings at tho Aubushon grove will continuo each Sunday. Wesley Throckmorton shipped his hoiwchold goods to Iowa this week. He will drlvo his teams through. Al. Scrlvner has leased tho Sher wood ranch for cash for the noxt year. Tho piimary election nominated tho various township officers and elocted delegates to tho county convention. BAT1N. Clarence Wilson purchased a now buggy last week. Waldo Crovvell mado a Hying trip to Guide Uock last Sunday. Wonder what tho attraction can be? A. Phillips has sold his quarter sec tion of land to Mr Stdlo for $2,500. Tho carpenters and plasterers nio about dono with the now house and barn of J. B. Wisecarver. Sam Soreti8on and J. C. Brooks will each build a new house this fall. Soveral of tho young folks from this vicinity wont down to Amboy fishing last Friday but returned with fisher man's luck (two fish). H. H. Crowoll is confined to his bod with typhoid fevor. Mrs. Grace Hansen was visiting with her mother, Mrs. Boan,Tuosday. GUIDE ROCK. II. B. Moranville's little son was buried Monday of last week. Geo. Reeves has returned from bis visit to England. I. B. Colvin was doing business in Stillwater precinct yesterday. J. L. Phillips formerly of this .place now of Vllllsca, Iowa, is visiting ac quaintances heio this woek. Chas. Guy was out in Norton county, Kansas, the first of the week. C. L. Columbia has bought the Mo ranvilio livery. Guide Rock and Red Cloud wore to havo a game of ball hero Tuesday but Red Cloud din not come. S. A. Rcddon started to Oklahoma Tuesday. A. J. Hayes was sick last woek but is out again. Then and Now. In days long ago (i n tho six ties you . ' know) whoa Grand ma went walking she hold her skirts so. What would she say if she saw girls to-day with ski r t s c 1 u tched s tight ly they a I 1 look this way. N. V. Sun. ' $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to leai 11 that there is at least 0110 ureaucil tliseaso that scionco has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive euro known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, aid giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting naturo in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that bey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Writ for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Chenkt & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. To Whom it May Concern. My wifo having left my bed and board without causo, I will not pay any debts made by hor from August 23, 1001. Any ono trusting her does so at thoirown risk, Ai.uf.kt Knutson. Farm for Sale, section, live miles from Red tine land, first-class improve A bargain if sold soon. Ad J. W. Wallw, Half Cloud, ments. dress lieu uiouu, Ken. We wish our correspondents would endeavor to get their items in each week and if possible lot later than than Thursday. No department of the paper is looked after by our read ers more thau this. If your locality is 'not represented send us in the news. a s The beauty thief has come to stay, Unless you drive tho pimples and blackheads away; Do this; don't look like n fright; Tako Rockv Mountain Tea tonight. C. L. Cotting. , How Am Your Kidneys t , Dr. Hoblu'fiiiaratMii 1'llls ciireallkUluor Ills. Bam. Flofrcu. Add SsiurUii UcnU'dyCo,Chlcai(OorN.V BLADEN. M010 warm weather. There was a meeting at tho Baptist church Sunday evening. F. Schaitk filled tho pulpit at tho M. E. chinch last Sunday ovonlng. Rov. Priestley and family wero enjoy ing the assembly at LinuMti a fow days last week. Miss Zaata Pholpsof Roscland spent several days with hot father, who Is in tho employ of Chas. E, Hicks. Forest Wholan ami family drove ovor to Roseland Saturday ami spent Sun day with frleuds. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. J. Wheeler drove over to Ayr and visited S. Philleo's orchard. They report an abundance of apples, plums, melons and such. Scott was always a good hamlatiaisitig fiult dry yeats. John Hose and the depot ngunl of Koseland diovu into this village rutlior latu Friday evening, looking up John's stieiigth for sherill. D. S. Phelps nnd son spout Stiiday with his family nt Roseland. Chas. E. Hicks left tho tint of tho week for Dawson county to adjust somo insurance losses. James Bunion and his wifo of Red Cloud spont Sunday with his parents at this place A goodly number attended tho repub lican caucus held Saturday evening and tho following wero selected to attend the county convention Wednesday: Thos. Snyder, E. McCoy, John McCal lum, Chas. Sponce, Louis Anderson, John Fish, Thos Burden, W. R. Andor son, Jos. Pashby. At this mooting T. W. Bailoy was nominated for assessor; Jos. Pashby, justico of tho poaco; Elmer McCoy for constable. Clerks and judges of elections were also selocted. Mrs. Tuppor of Rlverton is tho guest of Mrs. Uartlett ot this village. x V. S. Hall and family expect to leave tho last of this week for a fivo weeks' trip to visit his parents who resido in Now York; also take in tho exposition at Buffalo. H. L. Richendefor is f urnisking up O. J. Uartmuu's houso. J. O. Jennings, who lives just wostof town, will have the carponters com menco work on his now houso. Lewis Clark, south of town, is haul ing tuo material for a largo two stcry dwelling. H. L. Richendefor has tho contract for building. W. R. Anderson transacted business at BIuo Hill Saturday. VOMER, KANSAS Womer is on tho boom. A now livery stable, two now residences and melons by the wagon load. The creamery is ready for business once more. The creamery company is also building a mill to grind all kin Is of grain, to bo run by tho creamery en gine. Mrs.Serl of Bladen was calling on the Clark girls one day this week. Mrs. Springer and ICrs. Serl wore the guosts of J. Rosbncrans nnd family Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Armitstoad's daughter is visit ing with relatives and friends at Wo mer. Corn is fine; hay is vory good and is being harvested as fast as tho farmers can put it up. Mi. Pounds is not as well us hiht week. Wm. Ziou and J. Roseucrans are threshing this week. The Fruit boys am doing the, jobs. .Mathes Bros, shipped several cars of stock this week. The Womer butcher kas a good busi ness. He kills four and five beeves a week. Mathes BruB. buy all kinds of grain aud pay the highest market price Parlies wishing tt good business lo cation will do well to take n look at Womer. Alt Kfrsry is getting around after being laid up with a bad font. Harvey Kersey's residence is nearly completed. Harvey must look out or he will got tho big head like Buvak. tftttttl m m OXJTT THIS This coupon entitles each adult nromiums listed bnlow, to bo given m n m m i i ; ; m m m m m Fair, September 24, '.'5, 20 and 27, fair grounds for registration. Not by any ono porson eaen uay. By James Peterson. One Hock Island Sulky LUtar, Worth........ lly overlug Brothers & Co.. One Card Itecelver and Flower Bowl Hy Morhart lirothsrs, Ono Samson Steel Windmill .. By Jamei Feterson, one ten foot Acme Self Dump Hay Kake...... uy Miner isroiners.une urop ueau sewing; aacmne .........................-... l)y Chicago House wrecking Co., One Fanning Mill (By Mrs. E. J. Ducker... Uy Household Publishing Co., by D. I. Myers, 80 yearly subscriptions By W. W. Wright. One Detroit Vapor Oaa Stove . ......... Uy W. Bird it Son, Chicago. 3 rolls Naponset lted Rope roofing Hy D.J. Mjers. 30 yearly subscriptions of Farm News ..... ny riewnouse Drainers, uuq iBiva4 uj lly Mr. E J. Ducker, 6 yearly subscription By Miner uroiners, one wooa Air i igni uesiar uy isewnouse uroiners, uiio pair opcciacica, By w w wrignt, urn w aierviue iiazor ........ By W W Wright, One Set Aibesto Had Irons. uy w w w rigai, une uei pu i ea. neiue pi o. o ht w w wrigui, uiio uniiu uisu riu ....... By W W Wright, One Delpa Water Pail. 17 quart By Newhouse Bros,. On Brownie Kodak... Hy W W Wright One Delpb Boiling Kettle--... By W. W. Wright. One Delph TeaPot Hy w w Wrignt, one ueipn corree rot ..... Ilv WW Wright, One Delph Wash Pan lly W W Wright, Ohe Delph Stew Pan lly W W Wright, One Delph Wash Pan ........ Uy W W v, right, Ono Delph Drinking Cup . Be sure and bring this coupon with you as your number may bo one of the lucky mios. Excursion rales on all railroads. For further information addles, , D.J. MYKRS, tttftfrfftftfrffteftrttftfeffrtttfjtfftftttffrfttfj: WWWwitSP -" 'Slew. V Perfect Health Is within the teach of almost every woman. The weakness, nervousness and Irritability front which so many women suffer is lu general due to dis ease of the delicate womanly organism. When the disease Is cured the general health is re-established. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well It promotes regularity, dries disagreeable and enfeebling drains, heals iiifiaiiimatlon and ulceration and cures female weakness. When these diseases are cured, headache, backache, nervousness and weakness are cured also. -I was very weik nml nervous when I com. meneeil tnUne t)r tlorce' 1'iivorltc l'rr:rlp tlou nnd 'OoUen Mnllcnl DUcovery.' nbont year n(n," writer Mr-. M. It ltveretts, of 8 Oxford Street. WowUlock, Out. "I limt been Hllcrliitf for seven tonjr month:, mid had taken medicine from a phyMcian nil the time, but It seemed to make me feel much worse. My atomach was so bail (so my doctor told rat, and my nerves were In such a state that I would start at the least noise. I felt Irritable at att times ; was not able to do any of my own house work ; had to keep help all the tune. How I suffered Ood and myself alone know. I waj greatly discouraKed when I commenced taking your medicines, but the first bottle seemed to help me. I took five bottle of Favorite Pre scription,' two of-Oolden Medical Discovery, also two vluls or Dr. Itrrce's Pleasant PelleU. I con hlhty recommend these medicines to att who suffer as I did I never had better health than I now enjoy, and it Is all owl u if to Dr. Pierce' medicines.'' Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, Is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. holder thereof to one chance on away at tho Rod Cloud Interstato when presented by holder on to exceed coupons can be usod ).. , to Home and Flower at ll.O) each.. mica sseort'l - iry, Ud Cloud f H-t Cy ) J CO 1 tO M ) s 1 1 S .atmm. LW9M9 .A. m 1 f I M I fcv f fca f ?t tm i i c s w OUT ! S ft ft W 00 ft OT 00 J 85 00 - ....900 to the J !"""""" 17 on M . 10 00 ., .. 10 00 11. ".'.Z 8 00 W .... s oo a nn w ................... . . MM IMIII w -g i as lHIIIIIH lllH.tMIIHIHMIHHI"tMMMl Vt J .. ..., ........ ...., j yjf . HWWW1tMHHItMIMHHHHmHmtWWWW Jj mwin.mns.t.wtsswiMwsMiinMmswisiis afu 7m ft ft , Nebraska. S r u. tP AM i ,: I'll LVH ! K t W' y 51 ft tj- m .' u B?! 1 m fl ft w - I l I . I k I . . - - - i-aasir -.... -. . ., .... . , a... ..,. ' ""imi1 t sTTTin r i rninrTTffaiyriarwrffl gJgfMMMaiMagMiiigM " mn '",'"M"i"w ...vs.. . in ...,., ' - - L w igyiiiViirfiiii g'fiW.ir.rv- NMtlfBMMHIW M4&faj!nmZ4&. 0 V 1 1 s il U I 1 1' li . riT"'r-"irTni-rn rytr -ir tn i IBHHI mmiuwwmimmnimmtoinimtmmnmmmmmmmmmeummvmmiaimmmmmmmmmamamm u,afcgcA.AsTg-?'Ta'tf p