The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 23, 1901, Image 1

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.- -iJTT'MfWpwr- , i I, - m i v , jgyi y tri limn,. iHTP I T"r""nM T" M' , m i - -
Miner -
Red Cloud,
f Odds and
We will make it worth your while to look over
these goods. There are still some great bargains
and We will be sure to close them out before the
season's over.
Just Forty
Waists !
This lot includes all waists left. There are souie
extra good numbers.
Price 50c to $1.50.
Price 50c to 75c waists, 25c,
Price Soc to $1.50 waists, 50c.
All Fancy Prints 4c yd.
Challies, Fancy Patterns, 10 yds. 32c.
will be more homelike with a few odd piecesof
new furniture. Our prices are low and quality
the best.
Ladies' Cane Seat Rockers, price was $1.75, this
pale $1.25.
The Large Arm Rockers, regular $2.50, this sale
T "" ..
Kitchen Cupboards, sold at 5.oo, during this sale,
Bed room suit, 3 pieces, oak, a well made suit,
worth regular $20.00, this sale $13.50.
Bed Room Suit, 3 pieces, hard wood, regular
$15.00, this sale, $12.90.
W. B.
Flour, Feed, Oats, Corn,
Baled Hay and Coal Oil.
hard - asi - soirar - coal,
No. 1 Third Avenue, Red Cloud, Nebr-.Phone No, 51.
hicago - Lumber - Vard.
LIAimber, Lime, Goal and Cement.
Republican County Convention.
The rcpublicnn cotimv convention
mot as called nt tho court house on
Wednesday, nt 11 n.m.
'J'hu mcctini! was cnlled to order hv
Chnirmau Fort mid E. I'otors of Guide
Kock wns elected ns tompoi'nrv chair
man and J. E. Kosler as temporary
On motion the chairman appointed a
committeo of three on credentials con.
sistine of A. J. Hayes, Col. Hoover nnd
(J.G. Holt.
On motion chninmtn appointed a
committee of tlireu on permanent or-
gnni.ition eonslstinp of E.J. Overing,
John Urary and J. w. Mclntyre.
Convention then ndjourted to meet
nt 1:30 p.m.
At 1:30 p.m. Hip convention recon
vened. Committeo on permanent organiza
tion reported recommendingvthat tho
tempornry organization bo inado per
manent. Keport accepted and tempo
rnry organization inado permanent.
Committee on credentials reported
thai tin rd being no contests the follow
ing he the delegates from the various
Stillwater J. It. Crozier, O.J. Luin,
James Hrauwcll, F. C. Johnson, It. F.
Hangert, Louis Hangert, Fred Nass.
Walnut Creok-H. E. Chaplin, A. It.
Davis, E. II. Palmer, Chas, Dickcrson,
Ralph McCall.
Halin It. Harrington, Itobt. Harris,
Andrew Krieson, Frank Hean, Frank
Harmony A. G. Wheat, A. C. Smith,
Clarence McCoy, John May, William
McCoy, Cyrus Jennings.
GarHeld W. H. Fisher, Chas Amaek
Frank Amack, A. J. White, J. C. Tay
lor,. J. 11. Robinson, Frank Amack.
Pleasant Hill Win. Good, Dr. Hall,
G. W. Hakor, M. Adamson, G. G.
Chas. Fuller, Silvester Frisbie,
Snoldon, II. W. Fowler.
Lino J. W. Mclntyre. W. A
11. J.
, May-
nard.Joj. Saladen, It. Turner, W. H
Koseuonun, Len Wilmot.
Potsdam Alex. James, W. A. Shot
tenkirk, A. M. Walters, It. A. Simpson,
J. S. Hoover, L. Watcrbury, A. H.
Krieginan, Fied Wehnes, Win. Dela.
hoy, W. C. Frahm.
Heavor Creek W. Itichards, A. J.
Hrngg.J.KScoti, W. It. Itykor, Fred
Cadwoll, L. M. Lee, It. S. Denno3', to. J
lied Cloud, 2d Ward E. J. Overing,
Jr., D. W.Turnure, L. H. Heck, It. T.
Potter, Geo. J. Warren, G. W. Saun
dors, W. E. Rife, Irvin Cummtngs, F.
J. Grice, Frank Siuelser, W. W.
Wright, Isaac Ludlow, C. M. Smith, V.
H. Fulton, Robert Mitchell.
Red Cloud Township C. H. Potter,
E. B. Smith, Chas. Knley, H. Scott, W.
A. Carpenter, A. D. Pierce, Charley
McConkey, J.Drnin, Win. Eugels, Ed.
Guide Rock H. B. Hunter, G. W.
Hngnn, .Tno. Crary, Jhs. F. Watt, J. S.
Marsh, A. J. Hnyes, I.'W. Crnry, E.
Peters, Chas. Hodges, Jos. Hunter,
Jerome Vance, A. Horn, P. E. Fair
field, I. B. Colvin, E. Woodward, E. Q.
Christie, Earnest Jones, W. A Seeley.
Red Cloud Fiist Ward W. B. Roby,
G. H. llollister, T. A. Wilbum, J. H.
Person, D. L. Groat, D. M. Abel, M.
W. Dickereon, Clarence Reed, A. A.
trame, J. H. Baker, I. H.-Holmes,
Win. McKimmy.
Catherton C. W. Lindgreu, E. J.
Peterson, Otto Skjelver, Win. Person,
H. F. Bortelle, Olo Iverson.
Onk Creek T. H. QdIrkIv. P. Stroh.
S. Van Boenlng, E. Sehermerliorn, It.
H.ulggle, 13. J. Brnselmn.
Inavale Geo. Hummel, W,
. Andtr-
R. An-
E. Slmoiw, C. Smelser, II.
Chns. Olmutend, E. II. Jones.
Glonwood T. Snyder, E.
J no. McOnllum, C. Hneueo, I
son, Jno. Fish, T. Burden, W
derson, Jos. Pashby.
Elm Creek-E. Beitlcr. E. II. Foe. E.
K. Conrad, J. Chaplin, J. h. Fuller,
Jno. Beal, Y. L. Thomas.
C Sponce of Glen wood was chosen
for assistant secretary.
Motion prevailed that delegates ores-
ent cast full vote of delegation and
that chairman of each delegation 113.
nounuu vote of delegation
Oa motion convention proceeded to
nominations as per call.
Tho Informal ballot for county judgo
resulted ns follows.
G. It. Chancy ",g
C. U. Crme 51
A.M.Walters :j
T.H.Quiggle 10
J. It. Mercer 1
Clarence Iteid 1
Upon motion the rules wore suspend
ed and tho informal ballot was declared
foimal nnd G. It. Chancy was declared
tho choice of tho convention.
Tho infniiunl ballot for sheriff result
ed as follows:
Hedge 513
Amack .. lfi
ltamey ;m
Wolfe K5
Roso 54
Adamson 1
lirnndthorst 20
Hodge- 08
Amnck 34
ltamey 11
Wolfe 0
Rose 17 ilO
ltamey 01
Amack 25
Hrandthorst 17
Rose 18
Wolfe.... 1
Tlllltl) IIAI.I.OT.
Iledgo "..... 4G
ltamey 52
Amnck : S7
Brandthorst l.l
Rose 14
Hedge 44
ltamey (JO
Amack 2,'l
Brandthorst 4
Roso 21
After the fourth ballot Amack with
drew his name as a candidato.
Hedgo 00
Rnmey 57
Roso 10
Adamson 1G
Hedge 00
ltamey 51
Adamson 32
Hedge S3
ltamey 00
Adamson 41
Hedge received tho majority of votes
in this ballot and was thereupon de
clared the nominee of tho convention.
Next in order wns the nomination of a
coroner. On motion, the rules wore sus
pended and Dr. T. R. Hall of Cowles
was nominated by acclamation.
The contest for treasurer brought out
the following candidates on the informal
Gather 73
Albright 31
Kroigsman 38
Ross 3
Skelton , 4
Alhiight hero withdrew his name from
the race, which loft Gather practically a
clear field and he received the nomina
tion 011 tho next ballot with tho follow
ing vote:
Gather 80
Albright 1
Kreigsiiiau 53
Rob '. , t
Skelton 5
Tho landslide toward E. S. Garber of
Guide Rock for clerk was one of the
surprises of the convention. Tho chair
man started the roll call. Garher re
ceived 00 straight votes without any
opposition, whereupon 11 motion was
made to suspend the rules and make the
nomination unanimous by acclamation.
Wm. Thorne of Bladen was nlbo nom
inated for surveyor by acclamation,
Mrs. E. J. Case had been the conceded
nominee, for superintendent from the
start and that lady was nominated by
acclamation without a dissenting vote.
Motion was next carried, for chairmen
of delegations to select delegates to the
state convention. Tho following are
tlioso chosen:
It. T Potter, D. W.Tmnure,
Jos. Garber, A. J. Hayes,
W. N. Itichnrdsou, E, J. Peterson,
Lion Coffee
is 16 ounces of pure
coffee ito the pound.
Coated Coffees arc
only about 14 ounces
ot coffee and two
ounces of eggs,
glue, etc.. of no ,
value to vou. but.
money in the pocket
of the roaster.
A. Galuslm, J. A. Marsh,
V. D. Robinson, E. J. Overing,
W. A. Maynard, Col. Hoover,
L. II. Fort, W. T. Auld,
G. J. Warren.
On motion, G.J. Warien wan inado
chairman of tho comity central commit
tee and C. D. Robinson secretary.
Tho following are the central commit
teeman for the various precincts:
W. A. Shottenkirk, Potsdam; Itobt.
Harris, Batin; A. B. Pierce, Red Cloud;
It. Turner, Line; W. It. Anderson,
Glonwood; G. G. lloit, Plensaut Hill;
A. J. Hayes, Guide Rock; W. It. Itykor,
Beaver Creek; F.C. Johnson, Stillwater;
T. 11. Quiggle. Oak Creek; Ed. Amack,
Garfield; E. II. Foe, Elm Creek; A. It.
Davis, Walnut Creek, G. P. Gather,
Catherton; T. A. Wilbnrn, Red Cloud
1st ward; Jno. May, Harmony; L. E.
Konyon, Inavale; ,1. E. Kcsler, Red
Cloud 2d ward.
Commissioners for the first, third and
fifth districts were nominated as
Fiist District E. Ueitler
Third District W. F. Ronkel
Fifth District W. Richards
Work Dono by the County Board in
Session Last Week,
Ri:nCu)Ui, Aug. 13, 1001.
Board met, with all members present,
viz.: Vance, Overman, Wells, Irons
and May. Business was transacted in
the following oider:
E. A. Creighton appeared before the
board and said that ho was erroneously
assessed for the year 1901 and asked that
ho bo refunded the amount of $7.00, that
amount having been paid under protest.
Request wns granted nnd warrant or
dered drawn for same.
Contract for a steel bridgo across the
Little Blue wns let to the American
Bridge Co. of New York, for f 725.00.
August 14, 1001.
Bond of J. P. Dully wns approved as
ovorsver highway in Dist. 31.
Committee appointed to examine and
check up the books nnd accounts of the
county oflicer8 report that they bad ex
amined books and verified the footings
and found them to correspond with tho
several quarterly and semi-annual state'
inents on (lie.
On motion, the proposition of Georgo
Clauson to paint the river bridgo was
accepted. Overman, Vance and Irons
were appointed as a committee on paint
ing bridges.
Report of E. W. Coplen, superinten
dent of county poor fuim, for tho quar
ter ending April I, 1001:
Totnl receipts fortlioijuartcr $018 62,
Total cixiibo for the ijuurter fil.'.SO.
Ufilonco ou band
Report of superintendent poor farm
for second quarter, ending Juno 30, 1001:
l'ald RUierlutcia(vut'8 notary , 1100,00.
For hired liolp 00,'M,
Huiillen for farm '224.03.
Total I24.63.
Itccolpts foriuurtor,.$i , 107,25,
Kxi'oneo In t'xeesH of roceljits , 17,68.
Tout StliM.
Tho following is the statement of Jas.
Burden, clerk of tho district court, for
first six'montlw of the year 1001:
Fees for Ami iiarlcr . $J2H (
Keen for kocornl ipitrlcr jiu 30
woa 0.1
Clerk' aliir) for flrtt nix months .. . teoo 00
Report of I. W. hdson, county Judge,
for tirst six months of 1001 :
Collected on fee ll( duo In 1900- 03 20
I'een for month nf Jnmiary 75 j;
FeeH for month of reliriinry . 87 01
Keen for month of Mnrch 37 70
Totsl for itmrter ,
Keen for month of April
Fee for month of .Muy .
AO ai
, CI M
Keen for month of June. . . tit;
Total for quarter ish W
Roport of Eva J. Case, county super
intendent, on institute funds for quar
ter ending April 1, 1001:
January U,iialaiiro on hand I fi 06
January 19, examination fce 4 00
February ". examination fee"............... 2 OU
Mnrch 10, examination fees T 00
Total......... 174 m
Roport of Institute funds for quarter
ending July C, 1001:
llalanre on hand, April 3, 1MI I 74 8
lleeelvcil from examination, cto ISO 00
Appropriation county boarJ f0 to
IiiNiltiuo lecture.... - 12010ft
Halnnce on hand Jnly 7.... II ot
1301 66
Report of J. P. Halo, county clerk,
for tirst quarter ending April 1, 1001:
llatauco on hand January 1. ...... ....... . . 1,190 06
January fcc . ... ........ 190 70
February fees . 171 10
Mnrch fee ......... .... .. 169 BO
1902 1
Clerk' Hilary.... .......... ...... .... 375 Ou
Deputy nlary-............ .............. 175 00
Kxtrn help In otllro M 50
Kxpeuxo In aMcc nj CO
llalanre ou hand April I, 190 1............... !! IS
0iM as
Stntemont for second quarter of tho
year 1001 :
llaluucoon hand .. M ir
April fceH.. mi 7fl '
Mny fie ... 133 30
Juno fee . . 120 10
ItcrordliiK olllclal bond.... 15 to
Acor' and road book.............. 125 (10
Cleric of board lat and 2d iiiartcr ana 00
Part on tax lll......................... soo (0
11210 S3
(Merk't salary .............. M7ft 00
Deputy's ulary .................. lift 00
Extra help In of11ce..... . . .... lot 73
July I, balance en hand.'- . MS 50
mm a.
Stntomont of L. D. Wo Is, sheriff, for
six months ending July 1, 1001:
Total amount of foe earned from Jsu-
uarye to July 1,1901........ .... fcxil IB
Total amount of fee collected from Jan
uary 0 to July 1, 1001 ,. SI38 75
Tho following claims woro allowed
nnd warrants ordorod drawn for same:
Km J Caeo, oxpento in ofllco $ as, CO
A Ilodell.mdao, poor
l)r Heck, Itisano caao 8.00
I, II Illuckledgp, utty lunno rnie ,1,00
Wm W Word, supplied 02,10
Win W Wnrd,auppllea 32, to
(Jeo W Hummel, sinlthtnir 4.U0
Jaa Ilurdeti, clerk Insane case 7.25
J lMInlovxpouse luolllco 1.'J3
E Mcl'arland, mdao poor S.OO
JO Wllas, aupper 1,7c
I'latt i Frees Co, lumber 10, ho
Q A Wclla, com , 23,40
FOTarnure, aoroncr 3.1
8t Journal Co, supplies jh.BO
Auitln & Wcatern Go road Rrader 234.00
8 J Whitten, lomber 46.25
Wm Irons, lomber go, 41
Cbas Murphy, liaollng 3, 30
LKTult, printing 31.55
UK Mixer, radio
J U Meyer, road work 18.00
Jno Foster, Janitor work 20,50
C Wciimau medical service 13.75
OWOrout, witness feo 2,10
O Wegmao, medical gerrlces II, M
KvaJ.Case, help In ortlce IS00
In Wilmot, road work soTftO
Ht Journal Co, supplies.... GO. 26
I'hllllps&Stetron, llrory hire 3.00
Frank Parkoi, constable feca.. '13,4.
I1 Hilton, Juatioo fees t.ISi
II Kdrlce, mdse StO0i
Jell neuuebomp, bridgo work,; 2,00.
(JooOlawsoo, 30,25
Henry Claion, " 13,00
M A E Owens, small pox case o,35.
W O Froham, rndso, poor 84,88
W A Krohuin, smallpox ciibo tS2,00 6S.00
Jerome Vauco, com 21,90 31.15
Wm Irons, com 15,50,
J O Overman, com 28,60.
TJJonea,chalnman g.oOi
FAKnohn, snrveytng iM. 10.5
Itobt Mitchell, llaKman 100
" ,::: z
(I W Hustings, lingwnn i.;, aioo
I) V McCnll,
fni t.VJIInK.i.n a '
Bb.rwcol A Albright, Krocortes , 85
It Dameroll, medical aid w
II Cook, supplies "" o',
Traders Lumber Co, lumber .. 29 V
Jaa liurden, expense in otlico ',, 55J
W J Perry, repairing vault ,'," 'sq
FA Kuehn, surveying 20'w
O Hloks, mdse, pour , ('" 910
O N Lounchcck, bridge work " 300
Chas Hellke, reporter Insane case '. aioo
J O Llmlley, bonrd poor am'
H Wt. feca """ "
AA llurdlck.aherllfreos . '
rz: ;:..:""' w ,0M 10.7a
ri.nii & ' f.0
....1 .Muinuvutu, ,,,,,,,
Mrs Crawford, ' .,.,
Hoy Oration),' " ''
TlioaPnul, " ....,i.',"",", 3'ga
Anna B.ipp, board poor $u!oV )".'.!'.!',".' Too"
Driolghton, medical nld .' .Co
t ,'i
Hi, l
ft im i'i tmitilli
i. Js
.,..I.UI.I ,
WPWM' mm'in immm-
nl..i.iln,.i..lillM ;!) WBii II ) ll!,lt'JIIl)W8
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