w It t V v :. . r- llAinaii'.? X if UHIIHII -3 Lite ' Is hard enough as it is. It is to her tlint we owe our world, and everything Bhould be made as easy as possible for her at the time of childbirth. This is just what MOTHER'S Friend will do. Itwlll ninlec babv's conilntr casv and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It Snttrates through the skin carry r strength and elasticity with ft. M strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of prejraancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: " I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it Mghly." Get Mother's Friend at the Drug Store, $1 per bottle. The Brndfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our frco Illustrated book, "Before Baby is Horn." BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you lisron't a reeulur, hciillhy increment of th bowe t-re-ry itny, you're. Ill or will lie Keep your bowein open, anil be well. rurce.lii tlio hniiouf Tlo lent phrulo or iilll polion. In ilntiRcroun. Tim smooth, mt.t'ktleit, imuterrectwiiy of kt-f ilni( I lie tiowelf clear and clean In to take CANDY CATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY rieannnt, I'alatnlile, l'otent. Titatn Oooil, Pn flood. Merer Hleken, Weaken, or (lrlie. 10, Vt. nn.l Ml i rente, per lioi. Write for free sample, ami lioolili't on health. Addrraa X btirlimi iiiskdt tomsT, rmcu.o nut ions. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN You pay 10 cents for Cigars not so good as LEWIS' SINGLE CIGAR STRAIBHT r.ntxWis.MAkf'r PCORIA.IU. 444444444444444 EESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR SALE. m m i S One acre of ground, good house and 'barn and other out-build-ings. (iood drove well nnil good wnter. Shnde fruit and ornnaientnl trees. For particulars inquire of J. NUSTEIN, CIGAR MANUFACTURER. Red Cloub, Nebraska. m S : ttt(ttfrtt4P Mfosm. Pop-Fizz! Ram -Sparse! Tl.. XS Nation's temperance Wrcrage RMTtar Mali It at kaaia. Beta Mitnim la Me. Back- ATM. wmea aallMacli. OBABI.KS B. aiKEa C. (Twa. J. ukiwna H Baat IJourt Brup. Taatea Good? TJae H B In lima. Bold by druKRltta. 15 " W mi I ri v wfc T 1Th' "N. iStParata1 BINDER I l Iff a i Iff IA HIRES i ?H MONKEY INTELLECT. Respects In Which They Show Re semblance to Man. Their Method of t.rnritlnar la Rnpe rlor toTknt of Any Oilier of the Biatr Creation Inter esting Parts, A series of careful experiments with monkeys hits recently been con ducted by Prof. Kdward l. 'I'honidlke to ascertain the power mid proi-ess by which these animals nettilre knowledge. He has reached the con elusion, any a scieiitllle paper, that there is no warrant for the popular Idea that monkey mid other uiiliiiiils learn from human example and by the processes followed bt man. Hut. the experimenter says, the fact that monkeys do not possess the human types of Ideas must not be taken an evidence that they are no nearer rela tives to us mentally than are the other lower animals. On the con trary, they occupy an Intermediate position in every mala psychological feature between mammals In general and the human kpecles. The essentials In an inventory of an animal's mental capacities are its sense powers, the kinds of move ments It can make and their deHcacy, complexity and number. Its Instincts or the Mini of those tendencies to feel and act which It has apart from ex perience or learning anil it r method ii f learning or of modlf.ving Its be havior to unit the multitudinous cir cumstances of life. In each of these respects the monkeys show kinship with mini. In thclV motor equipment monkeys possess tlrst of nil the muscular co ordinations necessary to sustain an upright position and coiihcqiicntly the use of the forellmhs. The mote incuts of these forellmhs are mote In number and Miitcd to more complex anil uirlcd tacks 'limn arc tho.se of lower animals. The atlraetlteness of the monkey cage in a zoological gar den is largely due to the similarity of the n ulu'vii' ninvcim nts and our own. The monkey not only has n 1 1 '"' c a man's, but he also upps It I1 a man. Our r the tendencies are so meta morphosed by the education of a el ili.id enxlroumcut that In adult age they M'hlom appear in recognizable form. Hut If we take human beings at from six months to three years of age or later we find plenty of traits that appear ju the intnjhejs. In fact, tin: human instinct which Is perhaps of prime Importance in human men tality, the Instinct, which perhaps Is the veal caiife of many of our most boasted povtcif., has its clear proto type and hnmulogiie in the monkey. I refer to the Instinctive enjoyment of physical and mental activity In general, to the tendencies to net and feel ns much as possible, regardless of any ulterior practical considera tions, which we KomcttineH call tie structivcni'MH or conUructivnucss and curiosity. Even the casual observer, if he bus nny psychological Insight, will be struck by the general, aimless, in trinsically valuable (to the animal's feellugfc) physical activities of a monkey compared with the special ized, definitely nroused, litilitnriiiii activities of a dog or eat. Watch the latter and he does but few things, does them In response to obvious sense presentations, does them with practical consequences of food, sex indulgence, preparation for adult buttles, etc. If nothing that appeals to his special organization comes up he does nothing. Watch a monkey nnd you cannot enumerate 'the thiugn he does, cannot discover the stimuli to which he reacts, cannot conceive the rnlson d'etre of his pursuits. Ktcrythlng appeals to him. He likes to be active for the sake of activity. The observer who has proper oppor tunities nnd takes proper pains will find this Intrinsic interest to hold true of mental activity as well. Finally, In their method of learn ing, although monkeys do not reach the human stage of a rich life of Ideas, yet they carry the animal method of learning, by the selection of impulses and associations of them with the different sense Impressions, to a point beyond that reached by any other of the lower animals. In this, too, they resemble man, for he differs from the lower auiuinls not only In the possession of a new sort of Intelligence, but also In the tre mendous extensions of that sort which ITo hns In common with them. A tlsh learns slowly a few simple hnb iU, Man learns quickly un Infinitude of habits that may be highly com plex. Dogs and cats learn more than the fish, while monkeys learn more than they. In the number of things he learns, the complex habits he can form, the variety of lines along which lie can learn thani and lu their permanence when once formed the monkey Justifies his inclusion with man in a separate mental fenue. Am Katrrprlalac Ja. A Yokohama correspondent sends the following tradesman's card as showing how the modern .lap assimi lates American methods: "Jewelry maker. A finest in town. Whisky-boy. No. 17 Aioleho Itchoma. Show this oard to Jinrlkshainah. Our shop U best and obliging worker that has everybody known and havlag articles genuine Japanese Crystals and all kinds of Curios. Gold or silver plate in elactrnplate or plain mending. Carving in laid, work own name or monograms or any design according to orders we can work how much dif ficult Job with lowest prices Insure, pleace try, once try. Don't forget same Whlskyl"- Chicago Chronicle, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. The coal output In Indian terri tory Inst year was 1,1100,127, and the year before 1,4(10,412, The Krench olive growers have to reckon more nnd more with the com petition of the olive growers lu Tunis, The way lu which American an thropological museums arc growing Is a source of envy In England, where there is a lamentable indifference to the subject. Compressed air is used in atone carving. A mason can hitch his tools into a compressed air power nozzle nod drill Into granite like a dentist cutting into a decayed tooth. Kneh Cell In a mud wasp's nest con tains a single egg, the remainder of the space being tlll'd with spidi rs nnd other insects, enptured by the mother and Imprisoned thero as food for the larva when It Is hatched. Ihiormous quantities of nshes from the southern cotton oil mills, where the hulls are used as fuel arc brought to Connecticut annually and bought by tobecco growers for from 140 to MS a ton, fer use on tobacco lanile. A large department atore in Brook lyn has recently put in a cold storage plant for the protection of furs against moths. Usually the furs are sent to one of the large cold storage warehouses, but it is an innovation for dry goods establishments to hnve such a plant on their own premises. The operation of the sandblast Is well known. The blast of sand di rected against n soft surface etches the surface, so to speak, quickly and to any desired degroe. A s'.mllar proc ess has lately been applied to the en riilug of mctiil plates by an air blast which drives acid before it through an atomizer. A RICH REPUBLIC. Thrra Ilaa llcen mi I'.iiiiriiinti Growth of Anicrlenn Ciuilliil In (ha Laat I'ii ii r Venra, It is to be noted that the interest ac count of Ihiropc against the (.'tilled States is steadily diminishing, because Americans lime been, using their sur plus wealth during recent years to buy littek their own sccuritle .. The process lit which this come u'.aiin is, ,if course, indirect, and not perceived by the average, nun. snys the l!ciew of lletiews. It represents, none the less, one of the strongest currents In the fiiiinicial and buslines World for four years past. The great railroad corporations In particular are observ ing the fact that, whereas their pay ments of interest nn bunds ami of ditlileiiils on shares of stock a few years ago went In large proportion to foreign holders, they now go lu the main to people living lu the 1'i'ltcd States. The absorption of our best American railway nnd other standard securities by American luestor has been quite widely distributed, but It has been particularly noticeable in the case of great financial aud fidu ciary Institiitlfiis like the principal in surance coinp;rnies. Furthermore, the very process and policy of railway amalgamation has of itrclf created a large and dctcrm'ned demand for rail way securities in this country and on the part of interests M-tklng to con trol specified properties for the sake of bringing about- their absirbtion. or eUe their operation in haiMiinr., with other cotup'iu'e.-. Our tr r'e ' . ' tneps for the past four .tear have ag gregated ahum $-'.! (in.otKi.Odd- a Mini aboii: equal to the total .f the l:.i auccs lu our fat or for the prcceiMiiV' 20 years. Nothing could better illus trate the almont revolutionary nature of the change in America's fluiucial and couomic relations to Kurope. TANK SHIPS STANCH AT SEA. TfcaU Ha- Alr-Tla-at Steal Coaa- aawtaaaata Are Alwara Kaatt . For transportation of petroleum over sea ateel tank ships are made for both crude and refined oil, says a writer in the Cosmopolitan. Most of the crude oil exported goes to France nnd Spain, where it is treated in local refineries, the duty imposed on refined oil by those countries being practically prohibitive. For the orien tal trade the oil is shipped in cases two five-gallon cans cratefl togeth er constituting a "case" on sailing vessels, as the voyage around the' Horn takes from 110 to 170 days, far too long a course for steam vessels. Hut the trnns-Atlnntle trade Is chiefly carried on in tank steamers, hiiire steel shells iu which almost the en tire space in the hull Is devoted to carrying oil in bulk. There is a small dry compartment in the bows for ordinary freight and the crew's living quarters are put ut the ex treme 'stern, with the engines Imme diately forward of them. The rest of the hull is divided into from 12 to 20 air-tight compartments, each of which has a capacity of about 140,000 gallons. The largest tank ships car ry nearly 2,300,000 gallons and so powerful are the pumps by which they are controlled that such a cargo can be taken on board or delivered within six hours. As these air-tight compartments are kept hermetically sealed from port to port instead of being closed only in an emergency, as on an ocean liner the oil tank ships are the stanchest vessels afloat, and many a handsome sum in salvage have they enrned for their owners by towing into port a vessel disabled In astorm. Araar ail Navy l.iaaaftoa. A French writer (! that of every 100,000 men of the army or naval pro fession 100 become hupeleiti, lunatics, Among-mechanics the number is only 60 per 100,000. Chicago Chronicle. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunk ardt are Being Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening ol the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure ' for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known nnd under stood that Drunkenness ia a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves completely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxi cating liquers, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, anil destroying the crar ing for intoxicants. Sufferers may now euro themselves at home without publicity or loss of titno from business by this wonderful "Home Gold Cure," which has been perfected nfter many years of closo study nnd treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of thh wonderful discov ery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkarde into sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands!! Child ren cure your fathers!! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a spec ific for this disease "only, and is so skill fully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasnnt to the taste, so that ll can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowiedgo of tho person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards hnve cured themselves with this piicoless remedy, and ns many moro havu been cured nnd mnde tem perate tnnn by having tho "Ctuo" ad ministered by loving frionds nnd rela tives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they ilia continued drinking of their own free will. ,')o not wait. Do not bu deluded by apparent and misleading "improve incut." Drive out the disease at once and for all time. "The Homo (told Cure" is sold nt the extremely low price of One Dollnr, thus placing with in reach of everybody it treatment more ell'ective than otliets coating S2." to $M). Full directions accompany each pack age. Special advice by skilled physi cians when ri quested without extra charge. .Sunt prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. A 102, F.dwin H. (.iles & Company, 2330 nnd 21:12 Market Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confiden tial. Use Allen's Foot-Ease, A powder to' Ixi shaken into the shoes. Your f cut feclswoolnn, ncrvou and hot, and get tired easily. If you hnve smarting feet or tight shoes, 11-3 Allen's Foot Ivise. It cools the fi-et and makes walking "iis-y. Cures swoolei', sweating feet, ingi owing nails, blisters nnd callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gi's rest ami comfort. Try 11 today. Sold by all druguists and shoe stores for'jrie. Trial packnge free. Address, Allen S Olm sted, he Koy, N , Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent tharlt is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often. If the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upen It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This untdeasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold h. .,il.ta In III.,- tTl'' "J ""HB""! - cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mall tree, also pamphlet tell- noma of swaorp-noot. Ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Blnghamton, N. Y., do sure and mention this paper. Articles of Incorporation ol The Cowdcn KaUy Clothing Company. Know alt men bv theia ireenta: That wa. A U.Kalor, II. A. Letaon. and K. W. Cowdtn. 4 hereby auoclata ounelvea logetliar for the pur pose of rganltlDR a corporation, tinaer lbs laws of Ibe state or Nabraaks', for tba purpaae of buylncand telling; at ratatl of clothing-, bat, cap, boots, aboea, and'furnlabtnt odi, and all tnch good, varesfend maiehandlra aa are uiually keptasdlbaddlad by retail dcalar In elnlhlnr. I The name of alien corpenllon ah all be The Cewdan-KaleyClathingUe, ana tba prlaclaal lace of tranaaetlng it busload aall be at Ktd Cloud, Wabater Co.. Mabraaka. Thaaraaunlaf Ita capital alack shall be atz theuaand dollars (Mnoo 00). divided tale ihr r one hundred dollara (1100.(0) ach. all af which ah all be paid In ImmadlsUly upen the er ganlzatlan of the cerperatloa. Tbe corporation abalt comtnrace ea tbe twanty-aecond (92nd) day of July, alnateea huadred and oe (lM)l),andballleralaatJa)y zznd. !. The hlgheat amount ef Indsbtednaaier liabil ity to which aald earporatlan (hall at say tin a aubjtct itself lithe attm of four thouiaad del Ura(W0O0.M. v Ita affair ahtllbt conducted by a board ef three directors to be elected aanually by tbe toskholdet. and Ita oSlcsra aaall cenalst ef a I'rcaldent, Vlce-PreaUent, Saeratary and Trias urar, to be elected by th board of dlracters. A, U. Kai.it. H. A. I.KTsax. V. W.Cowiikk, Witness ;-c. W.Kawt. .aBaaaMCinira!T"?5kk aajBHazrUHa h, sen RIGHT UP TO DATE. (Benson's Plaster is Pain's Master.) Thcso nro days of records nnd of tho bent. Ing of records. Bonson's Porous Plaster, for quickness of action and thoroughness of cure, has no records to boat except its own. llonson's Plaster, always tho host, always tho leader, is to-day bttUr than ever. It sticks to tho skin but never sticks in its trucks. It marches on. The peoplo not only want to be cured but cured quickly and Benson's Plaster does it. Coughs, colds, lumbago, asthma, bronchitis, liver and kidney complaints, and other ills appronchable by an external remedy, yield to Benson's as ice does to heat. Neither Belladonna, Strengthening or Capsicum plasters are to be compared with Benson'. People who have once tested the merits of Benson's Plaster have no use for any other external remedy. Moro than 6,000 phvsiuians and drug gists ind a thousand times as many non profcssional porsons) havo called Bouson's Plasters one of the fow (I) home reraodios thftt can bo trusted. Fifty-fl ve highest awards havo been made to it in competition with the best known plasters of Europe and America. Better proof of its merits is inconceivable. Be sure to get the genuine. For sale by all druggists, or we will pre pay postage on any number ordered ia the United States, oa receipt of 25o. each. Seabary fc Johnson, Mff. OheauaM, NX Soft n Harness m . .. -..r .. ... . . i'-ii-. , . -. 1 11 a in 1 (!l 1 1 1 '..vt 1st 1 x 1 mli.;UI iti:k. U .-. i!m Oil, '.hi 1 Ilf" t:t - 1 ,. . I . jKjSSj t)U..iur yttuulu. SaFMV isi B.-.riMiiLifcw h m lioliilSKUuffiu,. iT-ti .M'l!? ssusess rv stu- li-. I I '!tioorltil:'.i"Lnr- . u, J I ml 0 n I iu. 1.1. vy tioilloil til, . Tl.-i!ly t.i.tuuil lu t.,. Biaiul tho tvcatli-r. Sold rvcryulim In uins 11! I alziM. Made bj STANDARD OIL CO. G. V. ARGAimiGIIT, ARTIST PORTRAIT PAINTER. Kki Ci.oud. Nkiikaska, Landxcnpe-f. Flowers, Fruits and Por traits itindn to order. studio in DAMi:rti;i.i, iii.ock. I. Ii. COLVlk EAL ESTATE FARM LOANS. I.nck lloxin. finlile Hock, Neb. VII kinds of property bought, sold oid exchanged. i'OLI.KCTIONS MADE. TKUM UKASONA1II.K CONSTIPATION tho fn-qucnt causa of Appendicitis and niaur othnr wr. loui Ilia Khould narer bo n wlo?ud. Tho objection to the usual cathartic remedies la tholr coatlre reaction which lncrrnea constipation Inttcait of curing It. I'AltKEU'B (IINOKH TONIU Ii tho proper remedy. It acta on th( liver, and when ned M directed, permanently ranorca tho conitlpaUon. IA cto, & SL00 at all Druggliia. IF YOU ARE OUT OF WORK And want to get stilted earning money at once, fiend us !'." cts. for our book of "40 New Money-Making Ideas." It is worth its weight, in gold to anyone who is unemployed. Send today. Century Publishing Co., Box 73, Heron Lake, Minn. WANTED H7nH.VP JICnwEEKLY ana want mere 1 hnincl traveling salesmen STAR KTMfft Havea 77-YR. RECRD aaiaaiaw or0oMytoell, always nlnun. Outfit iiisoLUTKLY FRKC. STARK BRO'S. Louisiana, Mo. a, a .1 i.W. JtCPRKS all Kidney lZZTm Diseases, Uack- P Kldneycun. n ache, cto. At drug 'I atsts. or by malt. "I. Free dook, ma tee, eta, ol Dr. B. J. Kay, Saratoea, N. Y. TIMETABLE. B. & M. R.T RED CLOUD NEDR. LINCOLN OMAHA CHICAGO 81. JOE KANSAS CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east and south. DENVER HELENA BVT1E SAL1 LAKE C'i PORTLAND 8AJV FSAJfCKCO and all point west. TRAINS LS1VS AS FOLLOWS! No. IS. Passenger dally for Oberlln nnd tit. Francis branches. Ox ford, McCook, Denver and all points wcBt.............. 7:43 a.m No, 14. Passenger dally for St. Jo, Kaunas City, Atchison. St. Louis. Lincoln via Wymote aud ail points east and aoulh 2-32 a.m In. Passenger, dally. Denver, all nolnts In Colorado. Utah and Mo. California ........ 8:40p.av No. IB. Passencer. dally for St. joe. oc, St. v.n..i r-lfw iti-hlmn HI Louis and al "" V.J, --.w.w. w. an point east sad south . 10:00. at Mo. 114. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, nasttng. Grand Is land. Alack Ullis- and all points In the uorthweiu. l:00p.ai Ne. US. Accommodation, dally except Sunday, Oberlln, Kansas, and Intermediate stations, via Re publican . ....... .......i2:30p.s Freight, dally, Wytnore and St. Joe and Intermediate Ho. 04. junction points ig :43 p.aa No, M. 1. rreignt, aaiiy tor nepuDiicaji Orleans, Oxford and all point weit. 10:40a Mo. 60. Freight, dally except Sunday Frelj fori tor wymore ana sit point east No. ITS. Freight daily to Oxford and Intermediate point- HSOp.m Hlaenlnr. dlnlne. and reollnlni chair can. (seat free) on through train. Ticket told anil baggage checked to any point In (he United Bute or Canada. ' For Information, time tables, map or ticket sail on or address A. Conover, Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr. or J. Francla, fleneral Paswngei Agent Omaha, Nebraska. Mm 1 - - I The Gbief , 1$ A Year. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR iJtalstoi The 5 Minute Breakfast Fool PURIAN - HEALTH - FLOUR MAKKS "3JRAIN - JJREAD" PURIAN MILLS, St. Louli, Mo. Don't Be Fooledi Take th gn . erltlnsl ROCKV MOUNTAIN TCA Made only by Madlsoa Mdl cine Co., Madison, Wli, it keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, .,s cents. Nvr sold In bulk. Accept no ubitr tut. Ask your druggist. Dr. Kay's Lung Balm cures every kind of cough, la itrlppe, bronchitis, anrA thrnat. i-rnnn. 'hooping cough, etc Nerer deranges the stomach Aiuruvrnus, 03iiie. 0 FREE IfllOIOAL ADVIOK. 'Vrlteu. " ""."rilyouramptoms. Kenovatingthe 'ste.mi! the only asfe and aure method of cud Ing all Chronic Diseases. Dr. Kay's Renovator U the only perfect system renovator. Free sm ale and book. Dr. a J. Kaf, Saratoga, NY. f WRITERS CORRESPONDENTS OR REPORTERS Wanted everywhere. Stories, news, ideas, poems, illtistrntetl nrticles, ail vnneo hows, drawings, photographs, unlqno nrticles, etc., etc., purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lication. Hooks published. Send for unrticulars and full information before sending articles. The Bullelin Press Association, Xew York. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Oi'inut ttul txautinci tbe tialr. 1 rumotrl a lumr n.l ffrnwfh. Nover Fallo to Itcrluro Ora Curti cilp il -(i $1 i3tr uuio?. fO.n.l tl'IIK U-u.Ti.n MONEY Refunded. jyr! nntce Ur.Kay's Itcnnvutor to euro dysnenslii. constl Datlon. liver nnd klilnnvM. tlrnt tnnln. lnvniivn blood purlller Itnown or nil chronlodtscnsPM: renovates and Invk-oratcs tho wholoHvstcm and cures very worst cases. Get trial box at once. If not sntlsllcd with It notify us, wo will refund money by return mall. Writo your symptoms for Kreo Medical Advice, samplo nnd proo'. '.'5 & 6O0 at UrupBlsts. Dr. II, J. Kay, Soratoga, K.Y. DR. KAY'S ' RENOVATOR Invigorates nnd renovates tlio Hvstera; purifies anil enriches the Wood: cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, llvornnil kidneys. Stenndtl.iitdrugBlsts. l-'n-o R lid vice. Rumplu anil boolt. L)r. Ii. J. Hay, SnrntoKa, N V Ha ENOVATOR m 'CHICHESTER-!? ENQLIBH Pennyroyal pills B-S7W n..r!,n' 0Brt "nlr enlni. Li rn- . ia.li irw.rwt.i U.XT., a- I la It.I bo-1 Uotd mttAlllo boitt &1, IU tie. ribbon. Take no otber. KrAita I laacroa Nuttltailoas ad lintu ttD. Htl of jour flrocf lit, or rol 4p. la il.aS"A'fMM J'"tlnUrilTttlolla tUra MmII. lll.OIIII T.alinnni.t. -a.llk. I tr"":. "'""l". LliletiMtcrCbrailealO. Station till p.p.1. StadUoa i-arl.. 1-111 LA.. f- tfAUVM lATM Kam IU fittr friTs m MaaaaaTiii Genuine stamped C.CC. Never sold In bulk. Beware of the dealer who tries to seli "something just as good." DQNT TOBACCO SPIT and 5 MO KB Your Llf esvwavt easily, be mado well, strong, magnetic, full nlr ew life and vigor by taking MO-TO-BAQ, uu wan uccureaoi any form 01 looacco imn uai mutes veaa men strong Many gam icn cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let and advice I'RKR. Address STHRtlNti KSUBOV CO., Chicago or New York. 437 J. S. EMIGH DENTIST. PAINLESS DENTISTRY IK TOU WANT IT. Crown Bridge Work or Teeth Wittwol Plita PORCELAIN INLAT and all the latest Improvement la dental mecb anlsm W e can surnlsh 70H brick in i. ty at tbe lowest pos sible rnto. Brick on salo at either of tho lumber ynrds. Get Our Prices Before You Buy Brick. LUDLOW BROS., A Red Cloud, Neb. 1PI s.11 irji jgaS vv p SAMPLE ROOMS. JOHN POLNICKY, PROPRIETOR. 4,i DBAT.KR IN .Vines, Liquors, California brandies PABST MILWAUKEE Beer ALWAYS ON TAP, p mmPFr' . '$ K