The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1901, Image 4

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    I 'A
The liability to disease is greatly
lefBcncd when the blood is in pood con
dition, nnd the circulation healthy and
vigorous. l?or then nil refuse matter
is promptly catricd out of the system ;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted and the consti
tution so weakened Hint a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
As n blood purifier nnd tonic S. S. S.
Las no cciunl. It is the safest and best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains no minerals, but is
made exclusively of roots nnd herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im-
purities. At the
M, B same time it builds
up the weak nnd dc
kSkljfkLX Imitated, and rcno-
- - vatcs the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood and skin troubles.
Mr. B. E. Kelly, of Urban, O.. writes i
" I hsd Eetema on my hands and (u lor
Ave yean. It would break out In little
white pustules, crusts would form and
drop off, tearing the akin red and Inflam
ed. The dootora did me no good. I uaed
ail the aedloated aoapa and salves without
benefit. 0. 0. 0. oured me, and mjr akla
la aa olear and amcoth as any one's."
Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Cape May. If.
J., sera that twenty-one bottlea of B.TL 0.
oured bar of Oaaoerof the breast. .Doo
tora and friends thought her oaae hope
less. JUehord T. Oardner. Tlorenoe, 0. O.,
aunered for years with Bolls. Two bot
tles of 0. 0. 0. put his blood in good con
dition and the Bolls disappeared.
Send for our free book, and write
Our physicians about your case
Medical advice free.
THi vmrx memo civ Atlanta, u.
ruausaiD ar
w.l. McMillan.
Oai yssr 1100
BU months M
Enured at tne post office at Red Cloud, Neb. at
eoond clan mall matter.
Local sdverllsl'ig 5 cent per lino per Ume.
Local Advertising for ciitcrtslnmsiits, con
tens, socials, e'.c. given by churches, charitable
tocletlcs, etc., whero all moneys raised there
from are used wholly for church or charltablo
loclelle first leu lines frco and all over ten
lines 3)i cents per line per Issue.
Local advertising of entertainments, concerts,
recitals, etc., where per cent Is given to pro
moters, A cents per line per Issue.
One column per month.........................IT 00
One-half column per mouth ........................ 3 Hi
One-fourth column per month 1 73
General display advertising i Hli cents per
Inch pertssue.
Republican County Convention
A republican county convention I' hereby call
ed to meet at the court house. In Ited Cloud,
Nebraska, on Wednesday, August 21, 1001, at
eleven o'clock a. m lor the purpote of noml
tiailug a candidate for each of the following
ollices, to wit:
One County Judge.
One County .Sheriff.
One County Corouor.
One County Treasurer.
One County Clerk,
One County Surveyor.
Cue County 8ii crlntttidrnt of Public Instruc
Ou County Commlsslontr from First District
to fill vacancy.
One County Commissioner from Third District.
One County Commissioner from Fifth District,
Also to elect (lf) fifteen delegates to attend
tbt Slate Convention to beheld at Lincoln, Ne
braska, on Augustas. 1901,
The various townships and wards are entitled
to representation as follows, based on the vote
ef John F. Ntsblt. for presidential elector, al.
lowing one delegate for each ten votes and
major fraction thereof so cast, and one at large
for eaoh township or warJtowli:
Ouids Hock.
Ueawr Creek..
Stillwater ...... .
Oak Crsek
Garfield .
Pleasant Still
Blu Creok
I'aisdam -
Ited Cloud....... ...... 10
Ua.llu. ft
Glenwood.... 8
Walnut C'reek. ft
Inava e 7
Catlierton il
Harmony s
Ited Cloud, 1st ward II
Ited Cloud. yd ward. IS
And for tho tramacllon of such other business
a may come ticfore tho convention,
It l recommended that no proxies be diluted
but tlmt tho delegates present cmt thu full ote
of thedeleRiUlous.
L. It. Kout, Chairman.
J G,K(leii. Secretary.
I liorobv annnuncu myself as a can.
didato for tho otllco of Sheriff of Web
ster county, Nebraska, sublet to tho
decisiou of the republican county con
vention which convenes at Hud Cloud
on Wednesday, August 21.
Wm. Wolfi.
The first ward caucus is called for
Friday evening, August 10.
It has been dry so long that it even
bothers a sunflower to spring out a
sickly yollow blossom.
One follow in this town is having a
whole lot ol trouble with n shirt waist .
He never wears ono himsolf, however
Why don't some ono start tho ball to
rolling on that new opera house project ?
Y m'll havo to hurry if you expect to
use it the coming season.
Tomorrow, August 10, is the day set
for tho stool and iron workers of tho
United States to strike, if their dc
'nunds nre not complied with.
Tho rain of Thursday was a blessing
to mankind, other animals and also
crops. For tho latter it came a little
lute but it. will greatly help pasture?.
At a meeting of the democratic, pop
ulist and froo silver state central com
mittees in Lincoln Wednesday tbe date
of the state convention was tixed fi r
September 17.
Now Unit Dr IC'hmi hit tltMhUd tlmt
them la no il:iii!i' to tli" human ssti'iii
in bi-cf , how would it do
to linvi) liim p:it upon thu kUiinp
iiicatloitt 'I'liiTti are sotiiu pi'iipli who
would liko to iiliollsh thu theory that a
k m Inn mlcrobrfl.
V J. ilrvnn in hit npuucli to the pop
ulists of thu Miilecotnmittoi', at Lincoln
last Wcilnrsiluy, spoke (jiieiK!ticnllj In
favor of fusion, and wanted the rcfoim
forces to stand toguthor and work to
Kiitlier. Ho fnrjzot to tell thuiu Just
what patty would ho hi'iiclltted by this
"stand toRothuY and work together"
Idoa of hi.
Seerotnry of Agriculture Wilson Is
atirlbutiiiR th drouth to the dt'iUrtii
lion if tiics forosts. Deforest Iiir pro
(luces ntld plains, and mid plains ntii
thu biucdoiflof hot winds. Willi grow
ing timber Hint is properly distributed
throughout tho country there, will bo
llulu danger of desttt.utive drouths.
Tho frco silver tepublicans of this
county will no doubt bo pleased to
know that at tho meeting of their state
central committee this week it wns re
solved "to disband their organization
to bettor cooperate with therefoim
forces of tho shite." This will give
them a chnnco to Join cither tho demo
cratic or populist parties as best suits
their ideas.
As a result of the falsehoods sent out
by correspondents, tbe Cincinnati
Post publishes a picture sh wing a
Kansas family sitting in a doorway and
looking like Cuban concentradoos,
with tbelr ribs sticking out. They are
gazing in a dejected way at the sky,
while a thin cow looks in vain at the
pump, and buzzards are eating tho re
mains of other cattle which have per
ished for want of water. Clay Center
(Kau.) Times.
James R. Wood, the winner of clnim
number one In the Lawton district land
lottery, already has a contest suit on
hands, Mr. Woods showed a hoggish
disposit'on by tiling on two eighty acre
tracts on tho south side of tho townsite
two of tho most valuable claims in tho
tract, and thus compelling Miss Mnttio
Heals, tho WiehiU telephone gltl who
drew number iwoto.tak the other
two olghlies in the same quartets, but
which were not near so valuable. Ac
cording to tho government plan iwo
claims were made to tho Liwton
lownsiloon tho south. Five hundred
Lawton business men hnvu signed tho
contest paper?, which recite that Wood
violated both the spirit and tho letter
of the homestead law.
Thro' Yellowstone Park Personally Con
A personally conducted excursion
party leaves Nebraska, Kansas nnd
Colorado points Tuesday, August SO,
for a 10 days' trip to nnd through Yel
lowstone Park.
The cost will be less, considerably
loss, than 9100 I Mil amount covers
every expense of the trip railroad
furo, sleeper both ways, meals on route,
hotels nnd stage through tho park.
Booklet giving full information mail
ed on request. J. Fiiancis,
Geuernl Passenger Agent, Omaha,
Low Rates to Louisville
Special train for Knights Templnr
via the Burlington. August 24 to 26
inclusive, only 124 4G to Louisville,
Kentucky, and return, for triennial
conclave, Knights Templar. Kite open
to the public.
Special traiu for the accommodation
of Knights IVmplar, their families ami
friends, will leave the 'Hutlington sta
tion at Omaha at 5 p in-, Saturday,
AugU4l24, nirivnuf in Louisville G:30
p in. August 25, U(iic.sts fur i enerva
tion of berths nu tins train should bo
mndu early. Write for Knight Tern
plar folder just iMiid by tliu Hurling
ton. Detailed information about rates,
routep, Mekuls, etc, on application to
nearest ngeni Huiliiigtou ruuli , or by
addressing J r'runci, (lenerol Passen
ger A guilt Uurlingtou Route, Umahn.
Farm for Sale.
Half section, live miles from Ked
Cloud. One of the best upland farms
in Webster county.
J. W. Wallin.
Ked Cloud, Neb.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
MvMlcCure for rheumatism and ueuralKla
readily cures In from one to three days, lis ac
tion uiKin the system Is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the rue and the
dlheave Immediately diHsiii-fara. The llrst done
Kn-Hiiyueiieius. ,,-, ccilla. s
Sold by II, K Crlie.
Ited t'li'iid. Neb.
Reduced one-half with
pure soft water, applied
frequently with dropper
or eye cup, will remove
congestion and Instantly
relieve pain and Inflam
mation. t
CAUTION I Avoid dangerous, irrl.
tating Witch Haisl preparations, rep
resented to bs "the same as" PONDrS
EXTRACT, which aaaily Hour sod
gsnsraoj coniata "wrooa susbol,"
assdiy pstson.
Incidents ot Every Day Life Which Very
Few People Stop to ThlnklAbout on
Account of Their Littleness
"Something New Under The Sun.
All Doctors hnvu tiled to cute Cii -arrh
by tho uo of powders, acid gates,
inhalers, and drugs in paste form.
Their ponders dry up the mucous mem
In tines causing them to omok open and
bleed. The powerful ru'lils used in tho
Inhalers have entltely eaten away tho
inniii membranes that their lunkeis
have aimed to cure, while pastes and
ointments cannot reach tho dNcHsc.
An old and experienced practitioner
who has for many years madu a dote
study nnd specialty of the ttealmcjit of
Catarih, has at last perfected a Heat
ment which when faithfully used, not
only relieves nt once, but permanently
cures Catarrh by removing th cnu-u,
stopping tho (tiHcharges, nnd ruiiig
all inllammntlon. it is tho only rem
edy known to science that nctually
reaches tho nlllicted parts This won
derful remedy is known ns Snuflles tho
Guaranteed Catarrh Cure" acd Is sold
nt tho extremely low price of One Dol
lar, each pnekago containing internal
and external medicino sufficient for a
full month's treatment and everything
necessary to its perfect uso.
"Snuflles" Is tho only perfect Catarrh
Curo ever mttdo and is now recognized
as the only safe and positive cure for
that annoying anl disgusting diseaso.
It cures all inflamation quickly and
permanently and is also wonderfully
quick to relieve Hay Fever or cold in
the head.
Catarrh when neglected often lends
to Consumption "Snuffles" will save
you if you use it at once. It is no ordi
nary remedy, but a complete treat
ment which is positively guaranteed to
cum Catarrh in any form or stage if
used according to directions which ac
company onch package. Don't delay
but send for it at once, nnd writo full
particulars as to your condition, nnd
you will receive special advice from
tho discoverer of this wonderful rem
edy regarding your case without cost
to you beyond tho regular prico of
"Snuffles" tho "Guaranteed Catarrh
Sent prepaid to any address in tin
United Stntes or Canada on receipt o:
One Dollar. Address Dent. A 403. Kd
win li. Giles & Company, 2330 nnd 233'J
Markot Street, Philadelphia.
10 Day's Trip, Yellowstone Park and Back
Tho Burlington's Yellowstone I'm I
excursion, wnicb leaves Nebraska
Kansas nnd Colorado points Tuesday
August 20, will bo back again on thl
morning of tho 20th. In oiher word
tho trip t) nnd through the park wll
take only about nine days. $100 mnr
t It tin covers tho expense of tho trip-
railroad fare?, sleeping cars both ways
meals onroute, hotels nnd stages in thl
park. Write for booklet giving full
particulars. J. Francis, General Pas
songer agent, Omaha, Neb.
Ladies' Can Wear Shoes,
ono size smaller after using Allen
Foot Ease, a powder to bo shaken lnl
ihesho s. It makes tight or new shoe:
feel easy; gives instant relief to corn:
and bunions. It's the greatest com
fort discovery of the age. Cures and
prevents swoolen feet, blisters, callous
acd sore spots. Allen's foot ease is n
certain cure for sweating, hot, aching
feet. At all druggists and 'shoe stores,
25c. Trial package free by mail. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeKov, N. Y.
Yellowstone Park Clous September 15.
Go now if you would see the Yellow
stone park before the close of tho sea
No better time of year than this.
Everything is at its best weather,
roads anil scetiery. It takes only about
tun days to mnko tho trip, and by go
iug in August you can exchange the
heat of a Nebraska summer for the
cool sweet air of the mountains.
Write to J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent Uuvliugton rlotite, Omaha,
Nebraska, for folder giving full infor
mation about the park as well as a de
scription of the principal points of in
terest. Excursion rates dailyask the
ticket agent about them.
Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In 3 days
Morton L. Hill of Lebanon. Ind. says: "My
wife had Inflammatory rheumatism In every
muscle and Joint; her suffering was terrible and
her body and face were swoolen almost beyond
recognition; had been In bed for six weeks and
had elKht physicians, but received no benellt
until she tried tho Mystic Cure for.Khciimatlsm.
ltKHe Immediate relief nnd sho wns able to
walk about In three days. I am sure It saved
her life." Sold by II. K, (Irlce. DrUBKlst, Ited
Cloud, Neb.
4 In summor can bo prevented s
Y bytaklnc
$ Scott's Emulsion!
ii Itaaa benoflclal In summer as
in winter, if you nro wonk or
run down, It will build you up.
fceiul lor lire s.itnplr.
hCOri' .St lliiWNJ', UicmNts.
409.415 ivm I htiett, (.wVork.
1 i.iiu f i.uij ill, (iniRKIMS.
Dr. Kay'a Utleuro cures all
UilCUlC lemalf (llsottM!s. At drug
HlstS. SI. Illustrated tmnk
Dr. a J. Ksy, Saratoga , N. Y-
M LL if
': VhHnH
E3J stomacn, constipation, also liver and kluncy troubles, and to overcome? c
gg tudc. It is nn excellent Nervo Tonic. Send for free sample and a frco illustrates 116 page
03 etc.. and send voiiPRvmntnmsnnil wn will irlvn vnn fi-pn nilvlro. Tf ilrnrrrrlstB don't hnvo Dr.
&i don't take- any Mtbstftutu they may bov is "just as good," for it has no equal; but send direct to us and wo
W will send It by return mall prepaid. Prico 25nts., and $1.00 or six for $5.00. Also Dr. Kay's Lnng Dalm
fe lOets., and 2fcts., postage prepaid. Dll. R. J. Kay MEDICAL, Co., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
or THR
Incorporrtti-il In the Statu of Nebrmika, at the
clcneof business July I'll, IVUt,
Loans ntnl Dlscouuts. f M.flOO ,fj
Orordrafts, secured and unsecured.. WJ A!
State and couutr warrants 21 1 09
Furniture and fixtures BM 30
Current expenses and taxes paid. 4140
Due from National and State
Uanks cash .M?.u 47
Bills of banks, gold and sil
ver certificates 2,332 00
Nickels and cents.- 29 S
Specie 3.11 44
Legal lender notes 1,000 00
Tot.l cash on hand "1,828 75
Total It3.87j '5
Capital Mock I1.S.000 00
Suiplus fund lo.oao 00
Undivided profits 32 tfl
Individual Deposits subject
to check..- WMW .11
Demand Certificates of de
posit 18,318 8S-107.60! 29
Total llSS.STTffl
Statk or Nehiuska, I ,
County of Webster, f "
I, V. A. Sherwood, cashier of the
above named bank, do Holemnly swear that ths
above statement Is correct and a true copy of
tho report hiade to the State UaukltiK board.
IattkstI W. A. sitsiiwoou, Cnshler.
J. I.. Mimu. Director.
C. II. MiNr.ii. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mc this iMli
lnr of Julr. Itxu.
au, notary riiunc.
Albert Ilurdlck will take notice
that on the
-9th day of .Iiiiio. 1(MI,I. W.
Kdsou County
ImUeof Webster touuly. Nebraska. Issued an
order of nUachmuiiifut the sum of t&O On In an
action pending before mm wherein itoot. T.
l'ttter Is plnlntlir nnd Albert Ilurdlck defendant,
that property of the defendant, consisting of
three cow and ono heifer hu beeu attached
under mid order.
said cnno was continued to the lMlt day of
AiiKUst. W I. "t l'J o'clock a.m.
Hour T. I'oTTKit, r.alntlft.
Ily J. M. CiiAfiiN. Ills Attorney.
Dated July lu 1901.
1 Two Cool
I Things!
j Hammoeks!
I Soda Water! !
Chas. L. Cotting,
They Work While You Sleep.
While your mind and body rest Cas
carets Candy Cathartic repair your
digestion, your liver, your bowel3,
put them in perfect order. Genuine
tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold
in bulk. All druggists, ioc.
in,,. 11, if, iiiiMissstrisMsMTrTJ--BrTs MB M M Mi M M M M smsjb g ,
siysisi- brVki.
REV. L. L. CARPENTER, "Wabash, Intl., ij President of tlto
Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, hid. Ho is perhaps tho most prominent
clorgvinan in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho has dedicated about COO
churches nnd baptised 7000 converts. Ho writes: "It afTords mo great
pleasure to plvo mv testimony as to tho elllelenoyof Dr. Kay's remedies.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm is tho very boat cough, colu nnd throat remedy
that I ever used.
I hnvo also received groat benefit from tho uso of Dr. Kay's Renovator.
My son had for years been greatly afflicted with tho piles; ho commenced
the uso ot Dr. Kay's remedies nnd experienced relief almost from tho
Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benefit wo hnvo
received as tho result of uselng theso remedies. 1 take great pleasure in
commending them to the suffering." L. L. Caupenteh,
Missionary anu . . .uvangciist, vuristian vuurcu.
Dr. Kay's Renovator.
It Is a nerfect renovator of tho whole system. It Is tho very best remedy
known for stomach troubles, indigestion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tho
The Chief
One Year $1.25.
Now is the time to
Furniture !
Little Store Room
Big Dame re 11 Block
is packed to its utmost with all the latest styles of fur
niture and at prices lower than ever before offered.
Call and get our prices before buying. We will save
you money and please you with quality.
Albright Bros., Red Cloud, Neb.
fow. 11 dirts material, Btc.
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to ny part
telephone:no. 52.
How miinj- of you havo lost tho prico of this Engine In ono day on nccount of In
sufficient wind to oiit-ruto your wind mills, leuvltiir jour stock without wiifcir. Got one
HOW MJ (in jfoiir iiiiiiiiiK wiu'ii vnuru la iiu
ullcrt its STork. hot or cold, wet or dry.
Will nlso shqll corn, Krlnd ft-ed, buw wood, churn huttur nnd In handy for a hundred othor
lobs. In tho iKiiiho or tin tho fiirrn. Costs nothing to keep when not worklnir. nnd onlp 1
lo a cunts por hour yrhun worltlnir. (Snipped complotoly 80t up, ready to run. no fouiiUa
lion ntvtMlcu. n Brfit lalmr and money Havor. U'MpjIrea praottonUy no uttontlon. and Is
baolutely safe. Wu rauko all sites of Gasoline Bnglue, from U4 to 75 bone power. Wrlto
r circular and special prices. '
;, iiu
llccts ot ia-ur ii)io and spuing lassi-
i book of receipts
Kav's Renovator
Express Line.
of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
wind or calm. It U nl. lIhi suim t.Ki.ia mhii.
vtiiiu or MJ nil II rf"uiliri". wuutlior uoos not
,?wic '-' i,!S
T V4WCH " V."
, 1, 1 n'nsi