R.iMipw'iffg!S!m lR4IWn .f - n - r ffvv-rVis. ? '. ii I.. hrV: jm. ? j TOBEBIG STRUGGLE Steel Corporation and Employes Fail to Agree. A DEATH fKHT BETWEEN THE TWO I'resldent Shaffer iif (lit- AitinlRnnintril Association of Irun anil Hlcct Work- r Ohrn Absolute INmir May Clone Kttry Mill. unit "Wllliin ti week every union man nml every union mnu'nt la-art in lln em ploy of the United States Steel corpor ation will lie asked to join in the strike now being waged liy the amalgamated association. We must settle whether unionism Is to stand or full. There will be no more conferences with the United States Steel eorporation unless the meeting is asked for by the ollleials of that corporation The amalgamated association will not request a penec meeting." These and several other significant statements were made Sunday night by Theodore .1. Shaffer, president of the amalgamated assoelatlon of iron, steel and tin workers upon his return to Pittsburg from the fruitless confer encc with .1. Pierpont Morgan and oth ers In New York. It is now a fight to the bitter tlnlsli between the great billion dollar steel trust and organized labor. Mr. Shaff er says that lie is ready to employ ev ery peaceable means within power of man to win a victory. No quarter is to bo given and none will be requested. The entire management of the battle has been placed in the hands of Presi dent Shaffer. He hns absolute power to call out every man who is connected with the organization anil ho intends to do It. He is satisfied with the pro gress of the fight to date. Ire finds that none of his battle lines have been broken. Promise is made by Mr. Shaf fer that the trust w ill find that the amalgamated association has strong joots in many of Its mills. CONVICT IS RUN DOWN. One of Lincoln TrloCuptureil Near Cranil Island IlloodhoniiiiH Play l'arl. Sheriff Pollard and several local offi cers, Sheriff Pollard also being assisted by several men from Hamilton county, captured one of the men who escaped from the penitentiary last Friday night. The men went to Phillips on a train where they changed clothing. They were traced to Grand Island, and Sheriff Pollard with the Lincoln blood hounds was put on the trail. The bloodhounds tracked the men to a point near Lion Grove, a picnicking resort about a mile south of Grand Island in the Wood river valley One Adair, sent from Omaha for four yearn on the charge of forgery, was captured and is now in jail. Tho officers were hot upon tho trail of the other two men near Sand Krog, several miles from where the first man was caught, but later returned to Grand Island, having given up the chase. The trail of the men wns followed for quite tv distance through tho dry channel of Wood river, but the men got into a pasture where- there were many horses, cattle and campers and hero the dogs repeatedly lost the trail and threw up their heads. During the chase Sheriff Taylor's horse fell rolling on his limb, but no injuries resulted. CALLS WILSON TO ACCOUNT Kansas Man Object to Statement of tho Secretary. F. D. Coburti, state secretary of agri culture of Topeka, Kas., has given out an interview severely criticising Secre tary of Agriculture Wilson for the lat ter s recent reference to Kansas as a "semi-arid region." Mr. Coburn said Mr. Wilson had de fined the corn belt as composed of Iowa, Illinolsand Missouri. Mr. Wilson 'is further quoted as saying that Kan sas and Nebraska can never be counted upon. The Kansas secretary presents many facts and figures showing how, in IiIb estimation, Kansas and Nebras ka far overshadow the other states mentioned in the way of corn-growing. TRIES TO END HIS LIFE Insane Prisoner at Fremont Severs Artery of Wrist. Fred Dunkcr, the man who was ex amined for insanity nt Fremont Sat urday and ordered to the asylum at' Norfolk, attempted to commit suicide in tho Dodge county jail Sunday after noon by cutting open the largo artery In his right wrist with a pocket knife. Dunkcr is about 50 years old and re sides at Dodge. Last winter ho was taken to tho Norfolk asylum, from which ko was released about two months ago, as it was thought ho was entirely recovered. It Is Bald that this recurrence of his mental malady was brought about by the fact that of late he has been drink ing rather heavily. Woman Kills Herself. Mrs. A. II. McKinney, supposed to bo from gntluyillo, 111,, committed suicide In a Kansns City hotel by tak ing morphine. On her person was found a diploma from the Shelbyvillo high school to Miss A. II, Parle. Davltt at New York. Michael Davltt, the Irish nationalist who resigned his scat in the British parliament some time ago, as a protest against the Boer war, has arrived at New York on the St, Paul from South ampton. - SECRETARY WILSON. Stop In I.tiii-oln nlut t'.ilU oil Uourd of Agriculture Secretary .Tames Wilson of the de partment of agricultmcwas in Lincoln the latter part of last week Inspecting the university experiment station and state farm east of the elty. He visited with the state board of agriculture which was in session at the lime. The object of the visit was to make a personal inspection of I'tc corn crop In the west. Secretary Wilson said he was able form a very accurate Idea of the condition of t lie crop from report received by him but he wanted to sec for himself the effects of the unprece dented drouth, lie hud heard unusual reports from his own state, Iowa, also the states of Nebraska, Kansns and Missouri, but lie desired to see for him telf. In company with others ho Inspected the state farm and experiment station. The dairy school and everything con nected with theexpcrimentstatlon was highly praised by Mr. Wilson. SHOOTS SON-IN-LAW DEAD Former NrliruiUnnt I'artlrs to u Tragedy In Montiinn. Ira Turner was shot and killed in ft wood-choppers cabin In Dead Man's Gulch, eight miles from Missoula, Mont., by Henry Nudson, his father-in-law. Nudson and his family camo west from their former home In Nor folk, Neb., a year ago. Nudson and his son-in-law had taken up timber claims in Dead Man's llulch. Nudson says that after having returned from town to the claims lie found Turner beating his wife. He went to his own cabin, a short distance away, nnd got Jils shotgun, and through an open win dow lie blazed away, the charge strik ing Turner in the left lung, killing him instantly. Nudson gave himself up. The girl takes her husband's part. RAID OF GAME WARDEN. F.lkhorn Klver Yield Illchly In Unlawful I)o Ire. Chief Game. Warden Slmpklns has re ceived word of ft successful raid of game wardens along the Elkhorn river. Tho raid was made under tho direction of Supcrlntendei.t W. .T. O'Brien of the fish hateherles. From tho town of tt' 1t 4. 4l. ' rt il TJ Ht-FiL I U1IIL LU lilt; UUUbll u viiw horn river the search was kept up two days, and as a result, ft Ir amount of Illegal fishing tackle confiscated. The Implements confis cd include seventeen hoop nets, tl large and one small seine, four i framed fish traps, three wooden fro, traps, three wooden traps and spears. This proves the truth of vious reports that the 4Elkhorn3 other rivers of the state arc full ots lawful dcvlees for catehlng fish, difficult to And tho owners of the 1 erty, and probably will follow. no ' prosccu STATE FAIR TIME COM Hoard of Managers Cleaning Ilonsi Kxpected tiuets. The state fair will be held Augi to September fl. The officers of th aociation are pushing all Iraproven along rapidly, and will have a new home in which to receive thej pie they expect to entertain that i All exhibitors will bo well cared souri, as new live stock barns and Irapltj sheds are going up. The people j state will be proud of both ground, exposition. Quarantine For Anthrax. At Springfield, 111., tho state 1 of llvo stsck commissioners Iibvi tntiiuiioil minrantlnc unon a hen cattle In Lake county which are si- Ing from anthrax. During tno fun lavH twentvono cattle have a the and one Cox, a butcher, contracted cue disease while skinning ndlseascU steer, and also died. A large number of cat tle in Lake county have for some time been afflicted with this disease. Grain Elevators Ilurned. Fire broke out recently one night In tho top of the Grand Trunk railway's grain elevators at Fifty-first street and Central park avenue, Chicago. Dam age estimated at 875,000 was caused before the llaraes wero brought under control. The occupants or a irarao hotel close to the elevator wero driven out and tho building was partly de stroyed. Three Killed by Explosion. Three men were killed and one fa tally Injured by an explosion on the Bock Island .'extension, twenty-Qvo miles east Santa Rosa, at Montgom ery's camp, recently. Tho four men Francisco Lopez, Ceolllo Rcol, Pablo Lucoco and Callxto Gurule wero en gaged In blasting rocks on the railway right of way. Woman Convict Dies. Mrs. KflU Crakall died Friday morn ing last at tho Nebraska penitentiary nt nerltonltlH. She had been 111 for sev eral weeks. She was one of the few women convicts at the penitentiary, and has been In prison since May 1, 1891. . Word comes from Ogalalla, Neb., that Al Owen, representing McCloud fc Love of South Omaha in this territory, was drowned In Stansbury Lake. The body was not recovered until sometime later and reporta are conflicting as to how the uccldent happened. A young herder near Dustin, Neb., named Lovcqulst, went to the pasture to get tho cows, was thrown by his horse and remained unconscious sever al hours before being found. Ho was In a comatose condition forty-eight hours as a result of concussion of the I brain Uls recovery lit doubtfnl. VICTIMS PENNED IN Nearly a Scoro of People Doath in Fire. Meet WAS A DEADLY EXPLOSION OF GASOLINE 61s. niillilliiRH Wrecked hi I'hllaitrlptila anil Full Kxlent of Dlnaslrr It Nut Known the. Implosion Comet nt Mglit Mnnjr nro Injitrrtl. A terrific explosion in a block of six buildings on Locust street, above Tenth at Philadelphia, Pa., completely wreck ed five of the structures and caused the death of from ten to twenty or more persons. Over two scare of others were more or less seriously injured. Some of those taken to the hospital will die. It Is estimated that at least thirty-live persons were In the live buildings when the explosion occurred, and the exact number of the dead will probably no. be known for some time. The explosion occurred about 0:50 p. in. What exploded and how It hap pened is not known but It is believed to have been a barrel of gasoline in one of the grocery stores. With tho explosion of 1008 the front wall of the buildings were .blown outward into tho street, while thu floors and roof were blown upward and fell straight to the. ground. Almost every building in a radius of two blocks about tho scene of the explosion had window panes badly shattered and were otherwise damaged, livery building on the opposite side of Locust street, was more or less wrecked, but none of them fell. A terrible cry went up from the ruins the moment the explosion occurred. Women, children and men, occupants of the wrecked houses, could bo seen crawling from the debris, while the agonizing erics of others were heard lu the wreckage. From all tho sur rounding buildings injured people came running and fell into the street uncon scious. To add to the horyorllrc broke out in the debris the moment it settled to the ground and In less than live minutes the great pile was burning flinlv frnn, iiml In mill. It Is sunpo-goini overland" V(1 Will Limtloy of Burr Oak who has b6en sick for some time has arrived in the city nnd will make this plnco his home. H. B. Simons of Inavnlo was one of tho lucky ones to draw land in the Lawton district having secured num ber 1751. .lie Grandma Boyd Inst Sunday tripped and fell on the sidewalk at J. M. Chaff iu's residence and broke one of her lower limbs between the hip and knee joints. If n dealer asks you to take some thing said to be "just as good as Rocky Mountain Ten made by Madison Med icine Company," ask him if ho makes more money. C. L. Cotting. George Hall of Kansas City, Mis an expert upholsterer is at Al- bright Bros, furniture store for a fow days. Any person wishing upholster ing dooo can see him by calling. All work guaranteed. Hair mattresses renovated. The musical entertainment at the opera house last evening was largely attended and highly appreciated by all. Miss Beatrix Mizer certainly is a vocal ist of whom Red Cloud people can be proud. The other participants of the' program rendered their numbers in i tier- very sausiaciory manner, it was , died most successful home, entertain- lager empress was somewhat sudden. At 4 o'clock her physicians reported no ehango in her condition. Emperer William and her majesty's other chil dren were in the sick room most of the day The dowager empress was the young est child of Queen Victoria, and slowly died of cancer. She has been called the most unhappy woman In all Eu rope. She was heart broken nt the death of her husband, Frederick, the Noble, himself a victim of cancer, and her last days were full of bitterness. Her health had been rapidly failing for some tlineand she was too 111 to go to her dying mother's bedside. She was not yet sixty -one years old. Throw Himself In Furnace. James M. Wilson, a patient at the in sane asylum, at I'rovo, Utah, threw himself headfirst Into the open door of a furnace, no was badly burned before being pulled out. While bandages were being prepared for him, Wilson broke away and again threw him self into the furnace, this time lc lng so frightfully burned that he died within u short time. Street Car Men Htrlke. The conductors and nwiorinon of tho Lexington, Ky., Street Hallway com pany struck for an Increase of 1 cent per hour. Cars arc being run by non union men. Ted After Coyotes. Vico President Theodore Roosevelt with a party of five, left Colorado Springs Monday for a three days' coy ote chase in the vicinity of Foiuitaine, e xhtcen miles south of Colorado Springs. Much llroomcorn Uarned. A warehouse belonging to the broom corn trust, and filled with broomcorn, was destroyed by fire, entailing n loss of 9150,000. Several firemen were over comr by smoke. GOOD IRRIGATED CROPS. Corn Mint (Unlen Truilc an Immense Crop. A Monroe, Neb., dispatch says: far mers who have laud under the Great F.astcrn eanal now appreciate irriga tion. Wlille a considerable area In this valley Is planted to garden truck and seeds, there Is considerable corn limler in Igatlou that will yield from sixty-live to eighty bushels per acre. This Is the first year that irrigation in the east central part of Nebraska has had a fair test hud the results are all that Its f i Sends had hoped for. Ever since its introduction, in ISM, the seasons have lieen favorable, for crops without Its aid, but this year water is worth to farmers anyway from one-half to two-thirds the value of the land. Dry weather makes con verts for Irrigation and as a result It has made many friends this year. NEWS IN BRIEF. lluiieiiliiRS nt Home nml Abrond Shortened up to llrniliilile l.eusjtb. The steel trust and the steel workers could not agree. The wheat crop In the United King dom Is not up to the average. Prank Collier, a well-known politi cian of Chicago died in a hospital there of typhoid fever. Adellna Pattl has arrived- nt Stork holm, and has rented a summer palace nt Saltsjo Bareu, The national miners federation of France proposes ti general strike in France November 1. A terrible fire is raging In the exten sive pine forests near Kahlcn Kircheu, on the Dutch-Prussian frontier. Roust ,t Brodie's dry goods store nt West Newton, Pa., was destroyed by fire, the loss being 8100,000. A heavy rain fell in Kansas on tho .Id Inst., being pretty general. Good showers also visited portions of Iowa and Nebraska. The Fir?t National Bmk of Austin, Tex., is in the hands of Federal Bank Inspector .1. M. Logan. The bank has made bad loans. For July tho Lincoln, Neb., mortality record shows thirty-six deaths, eight of which were violent, and six due to heat prostrations. Thomas Hyland, engineer, nnd Geo. Webb, a trainman, wero killed In ft collision on the New York Central, near Lock port, N. Y. News has been received from Macon, Gn., that ex-Congressman James II. Blount has suffered a stroke of paraly sis and Is in a critical condition. The British torpedo Itoat destroyer Viper struck a rock off the Island of Alderney, In the English channel and wns totally wrecked. No lives were lost. Warren IiCwls of New York, ono of the most widely known sporting men of the country, committed suicide by jumping from a steamer Into the ocean near New York. It Is stated In Washington that this government will not Intervene in tho Veneula-Columblau Imbroglio unless It becomes serious enough tojcapordlzo American interests. Poundmaster James Lcnnon of Crys tal, Mich., was shot dead by Captain Bennett a prominent and wealthy min ing man. Bennett became angry nt Lcnnon for having Impounded his cow The. geological survey has Issued a report on Iron and steel at tho close of the nineteenth century. It shows that the United States leads all other coun tries in the production of these articles. Frank C. Zehrung, manager of tho Oliver and Funke play houses of Lin coln, Neb., was robbed of 8000 at Coney Island, where ho had gone for pleasure after booking attractions for next sea son. The first ore train over the new Stonybrook euloff of the Eastern Min nesota road, went through tho bridge over the St. Louis river near Stony- brook. Jerry O'Reilly, a brakeman, Was killed. Near Blonmlngton, Intl., John J. Moore nud wife'wero aroused' early by whltecaps and unmercifully beaten. No reaton Is given for the assault. Moore recognized the leader and arrest may follow. Mrs. A. II. McKlnncv. sunnosed to be from Shelbyvllle, 111., coinudtted sui cide at Kansas City by taklhg mor phine. On her person wns found a, diploma from the Shelbyvllle high school to Miss A. II. Park. A young man of twenty-three, com commlttcd suicide at the Hamilton ho tel In Wichita, Kan., by taking lauda num He tore his name off all his gar ments and left an unsigned note ask ing that his body be kept three days, when Elmer Scriptures, of West Port, Ind,, would take eharge of It. Tho Humboldt has arrived at Soattlo Wash., from Skaguay with 8300,000 of Klondyke gold. According to tho ad vices brought down by the Humboldt, the Newport reached Juneau July 30, and reported five men killed by Indiana about L'OO miles west of Valdez Island. No particulars could bo learned. At Omaha, Thad Brooklu shot Mra. Millie Lighthawk, probably fatally, and then killed himself at a room in tho housa at 1037 Capitol avenue, Tho deed was the result of a failure to win the affections of the woman over the superior attraction of liurt Adams. At Moscow, Idaho, Dr. W. W. Wat kins was shot und Instantly killed while riding in his buggy, George Crelghton was shot through tho arm, acd Deputy Sheriff Cool through the shoulder, by William Stcfiln, who be- i,.mn enflili.iil v Innann. Stpnln war pursued and killed. t STRIKE IS ORDERED Amalgamated Association Casts tho Die. UNION BURNS BRIDGES BEHIND IE. i'rffthlenl Slinffrr lurn Call anil Men In )nlt Will llnti-rOn Hitter HtniKKl 'Unit Mill Mean l,ns of Mnnry nml I'nsslhlit lltooilsliril. The die Is east. The kittle of the giants Is on In earnest, whether to Ig nominious defeat of one side or the other, or compromise, remains to bo seen. Up to Tuesday night I ins been merely a skirmish, e.ieh side Ing to find the vulnerable spot In t j other's armor. Now It Is difVetent, brought about bv the actual issuance by Pres ident Shaffer of the long-talked of gen eral strike order. This order was pro mulgated August 0 to take effect after the last turn of the mills on August 10. What the result will be no man can foretell, but judging by the expressed determination of both parties to the controversy the brtttV will lie waged fast and furiously. Much money will be lost, thousands upon thousands of men will be Idle, great suffering Is looked for, even bloodshed and death aii' possible and feared. The strike call Includes practically all nmalisamatcd men In thu United States Steel corporation's employ not now on strike. It was Issued from the amalgamated association headquarters and mailed to all nmiilgnumtcd lodge officials who are expected to call their men into the strike. The text of thu call follows: "Brethern: The officials of tho United States steel trust have refused to iccognlxc us union men those who are now strlvlmr for the right to or ganize. The executive board has au thorized me to issue a cnll upon all amalgamated and other union men In name and heart to join in tho move ment to fight for labor's rights. "We must fight or give up forever our personal liberties. "You will bo told that you have signed contracts, but you never agreed to surrender those contracts to the United States Steel corporation. Its officers think you wero sold to them, just as the mills were, contracts un.l all. "Remember. lcforo von ntrreed to any contract you took an obligation to the amalgamated association. It now calls you to help In this hour of need. Unless the trouble Is settled on or be fore Saturday, August Hi, ItiOl, the mills will elo.Hj when tiie last turn Is made on that day. "Brethren, this is n call to preserve our organization. We trust you and need you. Come ami help us and may right come to a just cause. Fraternal ly yours. "T.J.SHAFFER." WOMAN FATALLY BURNED Victim of an i:xploslun of Oasollne -No One Nrur to Help. Mrs. Minnie Kuapp. wife of K. II. Knapp of Nemaha, Neb., wns fatally burned Tuesday afternoon. Mho went into tho cave to refill tho tank of the gasoline stove. In pouring out the gasoline she spilled some on her cloth ing. She took the tank to the house, put it on the stove, changed her dress and went back to the cave and lit a match to see about thu gasoline. The cave was filled with the gas nnd in nn Instant her clothing was afire. She ran out of the cave tearing h-r cloth ing from her body and lighting tho fire Her clothing was burned off her und her body was burned to a crisp. There was no one near by at the time except her six-year-old daughter, and this child ran to a neighbor's for assistance. Mrs. knapp s burns will prove fatal. Nurplu l'rndurt. Labor Commissioner Watson has completed a tabulation of shipments of surplus Nebraska products. Thu ship ments of grain and live stock for last year, together with the. value of the products, can not be compared with the year 1809 for the reason thut no report was Issued by the labor com missioner for 1800. The following are the principal items in the compilation for 1000: Corn, bu 77,tlfl,0:.0 821,'J07,381..7 Wheat, bu .... 30,180,704 lo.OOR.HUO.OJ Oats, bu , 11, 08 1, W!) Uarley, bu . . . 0".1,7i:i Rye, bu 1,100,24.; Flour, lbs....l0n,870,0.n .1,70,424.7r. 2(19,481.20 .132,430 III 1,870,331.75 3.10,870.03 1,003,3.10.03 34,218,803.40 37,0 1. 1,070. 00 3,221,509.00 1,2.10,830.00 Mill feed, lbs.. Hay, tons Cattle, head., Hogs, head... Sheep, head. . . Hoi si's, Mules. n l, 4oo,o hi 221,780 817,0.'i2 S,788,S2I 80.-..3H2 3,'i.73S Arrliltmt May Cause Uralli, Wliile engaged in work on tho sjwer extension at Grand Island, Nek, Bert Ferris slipped, a few days ago, and In falling grabbed a picket, which result ed In the bruising of Ids hand and the dislocation of a finger joint. He wus otherwise uninjured. Tuesday blood poisoning and lockjaw set In, and the attending physicians say there is no hope whatever for recovery. Tramp Killed In Wreck. In clearing awayr tho Bowcn freight wreck that occurred Sunday evening near Arlington, Neb., the remains of a man, presumably n tramp, was found Wednesday. Thu coroner has decided to hold un Inquest. Hlandard Oil Dividend. The directors of the Standurd Oil company of New Jersey have declared a quarterly dividend of 8 per cent. Tills compares with a declaration of 12 percent in J uno and 20 per cent in MurMi. ' Sftii .'Ma" " CONDITIONS OF TREASURY Male Auditor Makes I'ublln Report anil .Shows IIoit Flnanrrs Miami. Auditor Weston hns given out the haluncr sheet for the month of July, showing the condition of the various funds of the Nebraska trensury at the close of business duly :iJ. It is ns fol lows: ?Jr ? ' '- S 1 tf 5J y 2 ? !lliB5iiit"BH3H3B iw n .saags-ffs'ni M z-wtA s3 2 " g a s-d v . srfl p." '1 3 a g.S.gg.S'g': B-.'rsraS-Sgg: Z 3 i! 1 n w " C3 re i fi - EJ l Mfffi M jf.: s 5 5.: :n : . Va a ; 9 , 5'P ' ?! a S B : c w Ufa? MLIIlMIU(fl- M W f I rf - t1 trg ti ,i S -k fl w o o I. o i a t 9 cJ - 2 n jr I ; f. 4- f -i rj -; ! 'J S K 2 P l t w 2 fc M. -W u ;.i i: 4. i jb'w.i! HOBOII, OijSic; S ? g i 8 : :t noli IS l , en l M io -I to !sfsr i i v 3 ' lltW uuia I W 4 t3 u 4 '- r' " i-; n it n -I W -I Cfi ' tifal -I w u. 0 sasS yrp ;l 9 to o o mishO Mciio-oiitla ( at 1-9 i it w -"-;. - w w w " " il, -. b. C c tr ."- itflOIQC It 'jo c . tp i.U.1 ti w o o tt e o, During the month State Treasurer Stuefer has purchased ft totftl of 8H.V two. 10 worth of state warrants nnd has Invested In kinds 880,000. NEBRASKA CROP BULLETIN HIIrIU fniiirotmtont In Cam llrsull of Slionnrs. The United States department of ag riculture, Nebraska section, climate, nnd crop service of the weather bureau send out this general summary of the' weekly crop bulletin dated University, of Nebraska, Lincoln, Aug. 0. Gener al summary: The past week was th coolest since tiie middle of .luue, Dutj was still slightly warmer than normal. The maximum temperatures averaged1 one. degree above tho normal. Tho maximum temperatures for tho week generally exceed 103 degrees on August 1 In southern nud eastern counties. Scattered showers osonrrtng during the week, but the rainfall was general ly less than an Inch, except In tho northeastern part of the stotc, where, on August 2 and 3 a rainfall exceeding an Inch occurred in several counties. Threshing and haying have pro gressed nicely. The condition of corn has not changed materially during the week; tho lower temperature has caused t?he corn to deteriorate less rap Idly and tho showers luivc In some lo calities caused a slight improvement in tiie late corn, especially in northern counties. Somucorn Isbelngcutforfod der and generally there will Iw plenty of fodder and food for stock. Peaches have been Improved by the rain, but tho crop will be short. F.ill plowing has begun, but the ground is generally too dry to plow to advantages. TAKES BEST HE CAN FIND John Wood rail to Act Oallantly In th Land Drawing-, A spcclul froip Fort Sill, O. T., says: John Wood of Wcatherford, Texas, who drew No. 1 in tho Lawton land district, created n lonsatlon at tho land office, when, in filing for his claim, lie chose 10') acrcss running the entire lemrth of the townslto on the south. According to the government plat, the two most valuable sections in tho res ervation were made to adjoin the town site on the south. Mks Mattle Heals, tho Wichita, Kas., telephone girl, who had drawu No. a from the wheel, had counted on select ing one of these, but when Wood made the selection noted, she had to content herself with a tract south of Woods' and two sections away from the town bite. Woods' claim Is valued at about 8.10,000. llowUon Chosen. Admiral Henry L. Uowison hasbcea selected to till the vacancy on tho Schley ej-j.-t ot In qulry caused by tho Inability of Admiral Klmberly toBervc. Admiral Howlson's name Is one of tho several officers whom Admiral Schley notified the department are satisfactory to Cantuin Parker, Admiral Schley's assistant counsel. Ilnve Falling- Out. Trouble is brewing on tho Flathead Indian reservation between Indians and half-breeds. Tuesday near Ildnan station, six Indians nnd three half breeds exehunged a numlier of shots, and onu Indian was shot in tho arm. Tho Indians object to tho half -breeds picking up cattle. Both sides arc re inforcing and more troul o is antici pated. Ap,iaU In V. P. Conrts. There Is no "United State Court ef Appeals" but within a few yoars a United States "Circuit Court ot Ap peals" has been formed in each circuit, to relievo the Supreme Court of tho United States of some of the lees Im portant cases that used to reach It Throw Himself In River. William Lang of Pana, 111., comnlt ted suicide late Monday afternoon j throwing himself in tho Ohio river tA Evansvlllo, Ind. lie was despoado. gs.agsEas.jjaB.BsS& B "1! Spalls Ik S: ih H 11 - Hi 111 mm r HF. !( 11 i I . lyi m a cU I iM I ,;l fl 't h M W tt ii Alt H I I P. hjjaMKJHHHtJJWJBJ IPI ' 1 1' J "iWHi'l WTWIIWI MW'W'i ffft! .' &nmmmmfBmmmmmmmmmm ..JUWHMW,,.! ksV'-sa :! pqiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaia J